The module creates a ParticleList and fills it with one of the daughter Particles.
bool m_isSelfConjugatedParticle
flag that indicates whether an anti-particle does not exist and therefore the output anti-ParticleLis...
Constructor: Sets the description, the properties and the parameters of the module.
std::string m_particleListName
Name of the ParticleList to be created and filled with signal side daughter Particle.
std::string m_antiParticleListName
Name of the anti-ParticleList to be created and filled with signal side daughter Particle.
virtual void initialize() override
initialize method
DecayDescriptor m_pListDDescriptor
Decay descriptor of the particle list being selected.
virtual void event() override
event method
std::string m_decayString
DecayString specifying the daughter Particle to be included in the ParticleList.
DecayDescriptor m_pDDescriptor
Decay descriptor of the particle being selected.
int m_pdgCode
PDG code of the selected particle.