Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
9#include <hlt/softwaretrigger/modules/dqm/StatisticsTimingHLTDQMModule.h>
11#include <framework/datastore/StoreObjPtr.h>
12#include <framework/core/ProcessStatistics.h>
13#include <framework/core/ModuleStatistics.h>
14#include <framework/gearbox/Unit.h>
15#include <hlt/utilities/Units.h>
17#include <TDirectory.h>
19#include <TH1F.h>
20#include <TH2F.h>
22#include <fstream>
24using namespace Belle2;
25using namespace SoftwareTrigger;
31 setDescription("Monitor reconstruction runtime on HLT");
34 addParam("histogramDirectoryName", m_param_histogramDirectoryName,
35 "Runtime DQM histograms on HLT will be put into this directory", m_param_histogramDirectoryName);
37 addParam("m_param_overviewModuleList", m_param_overviewModuleList,
38 "Which modules should be shown in the overview mean list", m_param_overviewModuleList);
40 addParam("createHLTUnitHistograms", m_param_create_hlt_unit_histograms,
41 "Create HLT unit histograms?",
42 false);
47 // Create a separate histogram directory and cd into it.
48 TDirectory* oldDirectory = nullptr;
50 if (!m_param_histogramDirectoryName.empty()) {
51 oldDirectory = gDirectory;
52 TDirectory* histDir = oldDirectory->mkdir(m_param_histogramDirectoryName.c_str());
53 histDir->cd();
54 }
56 m_meanTimeHistogram = new TH1F("meanTimeHistogram", "Mean Processing Time [ms]", m_param_overviewModuleList.size(), 0,
58 m_meanTimeHistogram->SetStats(false);
59 m_meanMemoryHistogram = new TH1F("meanMemoryHistogram", "Mean Memory Change [MB]", m_param_overviewModuleList.size(), 0,
61 m_meanMemoryHistogram->SetStats(false);
62 m_fullTimeHistogram = new TH1F("fullTimeHistogram", "Budget Time [ms]", m_fullTimeNBins, 0, m_fullTimeMax);
63 m_fullTimeHistogram->StatOverflows(true);
64 m_processingTimeHistogram = new TH1F("processingTimeHistogram", "Processing Time [ms]", m_processingTimeNBins, 0,
66 m_processingTimeHistogram->StatOverflows(true);
67 m_fullMemoryHistogram = new TH1F("fullMemoryHistogram", "Total memory used [MB]", m_fullMemoryNBins, 0,
69 m_fullMemoryHistogram->StatOverflows(true);
71 for (unsigned int index = 0; index < m_param_overviewModuleList.size(); index++) {
72 const std::string& moduleName = m_param_overviewModuleList[index];
73 m_meanTimeHistogram->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(index + 1, moduleName.c_str());
74 m_meanMemoryHistogram->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(index + 1, moduleName.c_str());
75 m_moduleTimeHistograms.emplace(moduleName, new TH1F((moduleName + "_time").c_str(),
76 ("Time spent in: " + moduleName + " [ms]").c_str(), m_processingTimeNBins, 0, m_processingTimeMax));
77 m_moduleTimeHistograms[moduleName]->StatOverflows(true);
78 m_lastModuleTimeSum.emplace(moduleName, 0);
79 m_moduleMemoryHistograms.emplace(moduleName, new TH1F((moduleName + "_memory").c_str(),
80 ("Memory used in: " + moduleName + " [MB]").c_str(), m_fullMemoryNBins, 0, m_fullMemoryMax));
81 m_moduleMemoryHistograms[moduleName]->StatOverflows(true);
82 }
85 m_fullTimeMeanPerUnitHistogram = new TH1F("fullTimeMeanPerUnitHistogram", "Mean Budget Time Per Unit [ms]",
86 HLTUnits::max_hlt_units + 1, 0,
87 HLTUnits::max_hlt_units + 1);
88 m_fullTimeMeanPerUnitHistogram->SetStats(false);
89 m_fullTimeMeanPerUnitHistogram->SetXTitle("HLT unit number");
90 m_processingTimeMeanPerUnitHistogram = new TH1F("processingTimeMeanPerUnitHistogram", "Mean Processing Time Per Unit [ms]",
91 HLTUnits::max_hlt_units + 1, 0,
92 HLTUnits::max_hlt_units + 1);
94 m_processingTimeMeanPerUnitHistogram->SetXTitle("HLT unit number");
96 for (unsigned int index = 1; index <= HLTUnits::max_hlt_units; index++) {
97 m_fullTimePerUnitHistograms.emplace(index, new TH1F(("fullTimePerUnitHistogram_HLT" + std::to_string(index)).c_str(),
98 ("Budget Time Per Unit: HLT" + std::to_string(index) + " [ms]").c_str(), m_fullTimeNBins, 0, m_fullTimeMax));
99 m_fullTimePerUnitHistograms[index]->StatOverflows(true);
100 m_lastFullTimeSumPerUnit.emplace(index, 0);
101 m_processingTimePerUnitHistograms.emplace(index, new TH1F(("processingTimePerUnitHistogram_HLT" + std::to_string(index)).c_str(),
102 ("Processing Time Per Unit: HLT" + std::to_string(index) + " [ms]").c_str(), m_processingTimeNBins, 0, m_processingTimeMax));
103 m_processingTimePerUnitHistograms[index]->StatOverflows(true);
104 m_lastProcessingTimeSumPerUnit.emplace(index, 0);
105 m_fullMemoryPerUnitHistograms.emplace(index, new TH1F(("fullMemoryPerUnitHistogram_HLT" + std::to_string(index)).c_str(),
106 ("Total Memory Used Per Unit: HLT" + std::to_string(index) + " [MB]").c_str(), m_fullMemoryNBins, 0, m_fullMemoryMax));
107 m_fullMemoryPerUnitHistograms[index]->StatOverflows(true);
108 }
110 m_processesPerUnitHistogram = new TH1F("processesPerUnitHistogram", "Number of Processes Per Unit",
111 HLTUnits::max_hlt_units + 1, 0,
112 HLTUnits::max_hlt_units + 1);
113 m_processesPerUnitHistogram->SetXTitle("HLT unit number");
114 }
115 m_processingTimePassiveVeto = new TH1F("processingTimePassiveVeto", "Processing Time of events passing passive veto [ms]",
118 m_processingTimePassiveVeto->StatOverflows(true);
119 m_processingTimeNotPassiveVeto = new TH1F("processingTimeNotPassiveVeto", "Processing Time of events not passing passive veto [ms]",
122 m_processingTimeNotPassiveVeto->StatOverflows(true);
124 m_procTimeVsnSVDShaperDigitsPassiveVeto = new TH2F("procTimeVsnSVDShaperDigitsPassiveVeto",
125 "Processing time [ms] vs nSVDShaperDigits of events passing passive veto",
128 m_procTimeVsnSVDShaperDigitsPassiveVeto->StatOverflows(true);
129 m_procTimeVsnSVDShaperDigitsPassiveVeto->SetXTitle("nSVDShaperDigits");
130 m_procTimeVsnSVDShaperDigitsPassiveVeto->SetYTitle("Processing time [ms]");
131 m_procTimeVsnSVDShaperDigitsNotPassiveVeto = new TH2F("procTimeVsnSVDShaperDigitsNotPassiveVeto",
132 "Processing time [ms] vs nSVDShaperDigits of events not passing passive veto",
136 m_procTimeVsnSVDShaperDigitsNotPassiveVeto->SetXTitle("nSVDShaperDigits");
137 m_procTimeVsnSVDShaperDigitsNotPassiveVeto->SetYTitle("Processing time [ms]");
138 m_procTimeVsnCDCHitsPassiveVeto = new TH2F("procTimeVsnCDCHitsPassiveVeto",
139 "Processing time [ms] vs nCDCHits of events passing passive veto",
142 m_procTimeVsnCDCHitsPassiveVeto->StatOverflows(true);
143 m_procTimeVsnCDCHitsPassiveVeto->SetXTitle("nCDCHits");
144 m_procTimeVsnCDCHitsPassiveVeto->SetYTitle("Processing time [ms]");
145 m_procTimeVsnCDCHitsNotPassiveVeto = new TH2F("procTimeVsnCDCHitsNotPassiveVeto",
146 "Processing time [ms] vs nCDCHits of events not passing passive veto",
149 m_procTimeVsnCDCHitsNotPassiveVeto->StatOverflows(true);
150 m_procTimeVsnCDCHitsNotPassiveVeto->SetXTitle("nCDCHits");
151 m_procTimeVsnCDCHitsNotPassiveVeto->SetYTitle("Processing time [ms]");
152 m_procTimeVsnECLDigitsPassiveVeto = new TH2F("procTimeVsnECLDigitsPassiveVeto",
153 "Processing time [ms] vs nECLDigits of events passing passive veto",
156 m_procTimeVsnECLDigitsPassiveVeto->StatOverflows(true);
157 m_procTimeVsnECLDigitsPassiveVeto->SetXTitle("nECLDigits");
158 m_procTimeVsnECLDigitsPassiveVeto->SetYTitle("Processing time [ms]");
159 m_procTimeVsnECLDigitsNotPassiveVeto = new TH2F("procTimeVsnECLDigitsNotPassiveVeto",
160 "Processing time [ms] vs nECLDigits of events not passing passive veto",
163 m_procTimeVsnECLDigitsNotPassiveVeto->StatOverflows(true);
164 m_procTimeVsnECLDigitsNotPassiveVeto->SetXTitle("nECLDigits");
165 m_procTimeVsnECLDigitsNotPassiveVeto->SetYTitle("Processing time [ms]");
167 if (oldDirectory) {
168 oldDirectory->cd();
169 }
175 m_trgSummary.isOptional();
176 m_svdShaperDigits.isOptional();
177 m_cdcHits.isOptional();
178 m_eclDigits.isOptional();
180 // Register histograms (calls back defineHisto)
184 // Read the HLT unit's hostname straight from the HLT worker
185 FILE* pipe = popen("hostname -d", "r");
186 if (pipe) {
187 char buffer[128];
188 std::string host = "";
190 while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), pipe) != nullptr) {
191 host += buffer;
192 }
194 pclose(pipe);
196 if (host.length() == 5) {
197 m_hlt_unit = atoi(host.substr(3, 2).c_str());
198 } else {
199 B2WARNING("HLT unit number not found");
200 }
201 } else {
202 B2WARNING("HLT unit number not found");
203 }
204 }
211 if (not stats.isValid()) {
212 return;
213 }
215 const std::vector<ModuleStatistics>& moduleStatisticsList = stats->getAll();
217 std::vector<double> meanTimes(m_param_overviewModuleList.size(), 0);
218 std::vector<double> meanMemories(m_param_overviewModuleList.size(), 0);
220 for (const ModuleStatistics& moduleStatistics : moduleStatisticsList) {
221 const std::string& statisticsName = moduleStatistics.getName();
222 const auto m_param_overviewModuleListIterator = std::find(m_param_overviewModuleList.begin(), m_param_overviewModuleList.end(),
223 statisticsName);
224 if (m_param_overviewModuleListIterator == m_param_overviewModuleList.end()) {
225 continue;
226 }
228 const double statisticsTime = moduleStatistics.getTimeMean(ModuleStatistics::EStatisticCounters::c_Event) / Unit::ms;
229 const double statisticsMemory = moduleStatistics.getMemoryMean(ModuleStatistics::EStatisticCounters::c_Total) / 1024;
230 const double statisticsTime_sum = moduleStatistics.getTimeSum(ModuleStatistics::EStatisticCounters::c_Event) / Unit::ms;
231 const double statisticsMemory_sum = moduleStatistics.getMemorySum(ModuleStatistics::EStatisticCounters::c_Total) / 1024;
233 const int m_param_overviewModuleListIndex = std::distance(m_param_overviewModuleList.begin(), m_param_overviewModuleListIterator);
234 meanTimes[m_param_overviewModuleListIndex] += statisticsTime;
235 meanMemories[m_param_overviewModuleListIndex] += statisticsMemory;
237 m_moduleTimeHistograms[statisticsName]->Fill(statisticsTime_sum - m_lastModuleTimeSum[statisticsName]);
238 m_lastModuleTimeSum[statisticsName] = statisticsTime_sum;
239 m_moduleMemoryHistograms[statisticsName]->Fill(statisticsMemory_sum);
240 }
242 for (unsigned int index = 0; index < m_param_overviewModuleList.size(); index++) {
243 m_meanTimeHistogram->SetBinContent(index + 1, meanTimes[index]);
244 m_meanMemoryHistogram->SetBinContent(index + 1, meanMemories[index]);
245 }
247 double processingTimeSum = 0.0;
248 double processingTimeMean = 0.0;
250 for (const ModuleStatistics& moduleStatistics : moduleStatisticsList) {
251 const std::string& statisticsName = moduleStatistics.getName();
252 const auto m_summaryModuleListIterator = std::find(m_summaryModuleList.begin(), m_summaryModuleList.end(),
253 statisticsName);
254 if (m_summaryModuleListIterator == m_summaryModuleList.end()) {
255 continue;
256 }
257 processingTimeSum += moduleStatistics.getTimeSum(ModuleStatistics::EStatisticCounters::c_Event) / Unit::ms;
258 processingTimeMean += moduleStatistics.getTimeMean(ModuleStatistics::EStatisticCounters::c_Event) / Unit::ms;
259 }
260 m_processingTimeHistogram->Fill(processingTimeSum - m_lastProcessingTimeSum);
262 const ModuleStatistics& fullStatistics = stats->getGlobal();
263 const double fullTimeSum = fullStatistics.getTimeSum(ModuleStatistics::EStatisticCounters::c_Event) / Unit::ms;
264 m_fullTimeHistogram->Fill(fullTimeSum - m_lastFullTimeSum);
265 m_lastFullTimeSum = fullTimeSum;
266 const double fullMemorySum = fullStatistics.getMemorySum(ModuleStatistics::EStatisticCounters::c_Total) / 1024;
267 m_fullMemoryHistogram->Fill(fullMemorySum);
270 if (0 < m_hlt_unit) {
271 m_processingTimeMeanPerUnitHistogram->SetBinContent(m_hlt_unit + 1, processingTimeMean);
274 m_lastProcessingTimeSumPerUnit[m_hlt_unit] = processingTimeSum;
276 const double fullTimeMean = fullStatistics.getTimeMean(ModuleStatistics::EStatisticCounters::c_Event) / Unit::ms;
277 m_fullTimeMeanPerUnitHistogram->SetBinContent(m_hlt_unit + 1, fullTimeMean);
282 m_fullMemoryPerUnitHistograms[m_hlt_unit]->Fill(fullMemorySum);
283 }
284 }
286 const uint32_t nCDCHits = m_cdcHits.isOptional() ? m_cdcHits.getEntries() : 0;
287 const uint32_t nSVDShaperDigits = m_svdShaperDigits.isOptional() ? m_svdShaperDigits.getEntries() : 0;
288 const uint32_t nECLDigits = m_eclDigits.isOptional() ? m_eclDigits.getEntries() : 0;
289 if (!m_trgSummary.isValid()) {
290 return;
291 }
292 try {
293 if (m_trgSummary->testInput("passive_veto") == 0) { // These events would stay even with just passive veto
294 m_processingTimePassiveVeto->Fill(processingTimeSum - m_lastProcessingTimeSum);
296 m_procTimeVsnSVDShaperDigitsPassiveVeto->Fill(nSVDShaperDigits, processingTimeSum - m_lastProcessingTimeSum);
297 m_procTimeVsnCDCHitsPassiveVeto->Fill(nCDCHits, processingTimeSum - m_lastProcessingTimeSum);
298 m_procTimeVsnECLDigitsPassiveVeto->Fill(nECLDigits, processingTimeSum - m_lastProcessingTimeSum);
299 } else {
302 m_procTimeVsnSVDShaperDigitsNotPassiveVeto->Fill(nSVDShaperDigits, processingTimeSum - m_lastProcessingTimeSum);
303 m_procTimeVsnCDCHitsNotPassiveVeto->Fill(nCDCHits, processingTimeSum - m_lastProcessingTimeSum);
304 m_procTimeVsnECLDigitsNotPassiveVeto->Fill(nECLDigits, processingTimeSum - m_lastProcessingTimeSum);
305 }
306 } catch (const std::exception&) {
307 return;
308 }
310 m_lastProcessingTimeSum = processingTimeSum;
316 B2FATAL("Histograms were not created. Did you setup a HistoManager?");
317 }
319 m_meanTimeHistogram->Reset();
320 m_meanMemoryHistogram->Reset();
321 std::for_each(m_moduleTimeHistograms.begin(), m_moduleTimeHistograms.end(),
322 [](auto & it) { it.second->Reset(); });
323 std::for_each(m_moduleMemoryHistograms.begin(), m_moduleMemoryHistograms.end(),
324 [](auto & it) { it.second->Reset(); });
325 m_fullTimeHistogram->Reset();
327 m_fullMemoryHistogram->Reset();
331 std::for_each(m_fullTimePerUnitHistograms.begin(), m_fullTimePerUnitHistograms.end(),
332 [](auto & it) { it.second->Reset(); });
334 [](auto & it) { it.second->Reset(); });
336 [](auto & it) { it.second->Reset(); });
340 }
@ c_Persistent
Object is available during entire execution time.
Definition: DataStore.h:60
HistoModule.h is supposed to be used instead of Module.h for the modules with histogram definitions t...
Definition: HistoModule.h:29
Keep track of time and memory consumption during processing.
@ c_Event
Counting time/calls in event()
@ c_Total
Sum of the above.
value_type getMemorySum(EStatisticCounters type=c_Total) const
return the total used memory for a given counter
value_type getTimeSum(EStatisticCounters type=c_Total) const
return the sum of all execution times for a given counter
value_type getTimeMean(EStatisticCounters type=c_Total) const
return the mean execution time for a given counter
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
void setPropertyFlags(unsigned int propertyFlags)
Sets the flags for the module properties.
@ c_ParallelProcessingCertified
This module can be run in parallel processing mode safely (All I/O must be done through the data stor...
Definition: Module.h:80
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > m_moduleTimeHistograms
Time distribution of certain modules.
const double m_nSVDShaperDigitsNBins
Number of bins for the histograms of nSVDShaperDigits.
TH1F * m_fullMemoryHistogram
Total memory usage distribution of all events.
const double m_processingTimeNBins
Number of bins for the histograms of processingTime.
std::map< unsigned int, double > m_lastProcessingTimeSumPerUnit
Storage for the last processing time sum per unit.
int m_hlt_unit
Store HLT unit number on initialization.
const double m_processingTimeMax
Maximum for the histograms of processingTime.
std::map< unsigned int, TH1F * > m_processingTimePerUnitHistograms
Processing time distribution of events per unit.
double m_lastProcessingTimeSum
Storage for the last processing time sum.
const double m_nECLDigitsMax
Maximum for the histograms of nECLDigits.
TH2F * m_procTimeVsnCDCHitsNotPassiveVeto
Processing time vs nCDCHits distribution of events not passing passive injection veto.
TH2F * m_procTimeVsnSVDShaperDigitsPassiveVeto
Processing time vs nSVDShaperDigits distribution of events passing passive injection veto.
TH1F * m_processingTimeNotPassiveVeto
Processing time distribution of events not passing passive injection veto.
TH2F * m_procTimeVsnCDCHitsPassiveVeto
Processing time vs nCDCHits distribution of events passing passive injection veto.
const double m_fullMemoryMax
Maximum for the histograms of fullMemory.
std::vector< std::string > m_param_overviewModuleList
Parameter: which modules should be shown in the overview list.
TH1F * m_fullTimeMeanPerUnitHistogram
Mean budget time of events per unit.
TH2F * m_procTimeVsnECLDigitsNotPassiveVeto
Processing time vs nECLDigits distribution of events not passing passive injection veto.
const double m_fullTimeNBins
Number of bins for the histograms of fullTime.
TH2F * m_procTimeVsnSVDShaperDigitsNotPassiveVeto
Processing time vs nSVDShaperDigits distribution of events not passing passive injection veto.
TH1F * m_processingTimeHistogram
Processing time distribution of all events.
std::map< std::string, double > m_lastModuleTimeSum
Storage for the last time sum of certain modules.
TH1F * m_processingTimeMeanPerUnitHistogram
Mean processing time of events per unit.
bool m_param_create_hlt_unit_histograms
Parameter: Create HLT unit number histograms?
std::map< unsigned int, double > m_lastFullTimeSumPerUnit
Storage for the last full time sum per unit.
const double m_nSVDShaperDigitsMax
Maximum for the histograms of nSVDShaperDigits.
double m_lastFullTimeSum
Storage for the last full time sum.
const double m_nCDCHitsNBins
Number of bins for the histograms of nCDCHits.
std::map< unsigned int, TH1F * > m_fullTimePerUnitHistograms
Budget time distribution of events per unit.
TH1F * m_processingTimePassiveVeto
Processing time distribution of events passing passive injection veto.
const double m_fullTimeMax
Maximum for the histograms of fullTime.
std::string m_param_histogramDirectoryName
Parameter: Directory to put the generated histograms.
std::vector< std::string > m_summaryModuleList
Summary modules of the actual processing.
const double m_nCDCHitsMax
Maximum for the histograms of nCDCHits.
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > m_moduleMemoryHistograms
Memory distribution of certain modules.
const double m_fullMemoryNBins
Number of bins for the histograms of fullMemory.
const double m_nECLDigitsNBins
Number of bins for the histograms of nECLDigits.
TH2F * m_procTimeVsnECLDigitsPassiveVeto
Processing time vs nECLDigits distribution of events passing passive injection veto.
TH1F * m_fullTimeHistogram
Budget time distribution of all events.
std::map< unsigned int, TH1F * > m_fullMemoryPerUnitHistograms
Total memory distribution of events per unit.
Type-safe access to single objects in the data store.
Definition: StoreObjPtr.h:96
static const double ms
Definition: Unit.h:96
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:560
#define REG_MODULE(moduleName)
Register the given module (without 'Module' suffix) with the framework.
Definition: Module.h:650
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.