11#include <framework/geometry/B2Vector3.h>
void SetXYZ(DataType x, DataType y, DataType z)
set all coordinates using data type
The class 'TwoHitFilters' bundles filter methods using 2 hits which are stored in B2Vector3Ds.
double calcNormedDist3D() const
calculates the normed distance between the hits (3D), return unit: none
void initializeMe(const B2Vector3D &outerHit, const B2Vector3D &innerHit)
initializer function, sets values
double calcDist3D() const
calculates the distance between the hits (3D), returning unit: cm^2 for speed optimization
double m_x2
internal intermediate value storing x^2, no enduser-relevance
double calcDistXY() const
calculates the distance between the hits (XY), returning unit: cm^2 for speed optimization
double fullDistXY() const
calculates the real distance between the hits (XY), returning unit: cm
double m_dz
internal intermediate value storing distance in z, no enduser-relevance
Empty constructor.
B2Vector3D m_hitB
inner hit (position relevant for useful filter calculation, e.g.
double filterNan(double value) const
nice little nanChecker returns 0 if value was nan or inf, else returns value itself
double calcSlopeRZ() const
calculates the angle of the slope of the hits in RZ, returnValue = theta = atan(r/z)
double m_y2
internal intermediate value storing y^2, no enduser-relevance
TwoHitFilters(const B2Vector3D &outerHit, const B2Vector3D &innerHit)
double fullDist3D() const
calculates the real distance between the hits (3D), returning unit: cm
double fullSlopeRZ() const
calculates the angle of the slope of the hits in RZ, returnValue = theta = atan(r/z)
double m_z2
internal intermediate value storing z^2, no enduser-relevance
double calcDistZ() const
calculates the distance between the hits (Z only), returning unit: cm
void resetValues(const B2Vector3D &outerHit, const B2Vector3D &innerHit)
Overrides Constructor-Setup.
B2Vector3D m_hitA
outer hit (position relevant for useful filter calculation, e.g.
double atan(double a)
atan for double
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
B2Vector3D outerHit(0, 0, 0)
testing out of range behavior
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.