Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
8#pragma once
10#include <framework/pcore/zmq/connections/ZMQConnection.h>
11#include <daq/hbasf2/utils/HistogramMapping.h>
13#include <framework/pcore/zmq/connections/ZMQNullConnection.h>
14#include <framework/pcore/zmq/connections/ZMQConfirmedConnection.h>
15#include <framework/pcore/zmq/connections/ZMQRawConnection.h>
17#include <framework/pcore/zmq/messages/ZMQIdMessage.h>
19#include <framework/pcore/EvtMessage.h>
20#include <daq/dqm/DqmSharedMem.h>
22#include <string>
23#include <memory>
24#include <map>
25#include <optional>
27namespace Belle2 {
52 public:
54 ZMQHistoServerToFileOutput(unsigned int maximalUncompressedBufferSize,
55 const std::string& dqmFileName,
56 const std::string& rootFileName);
59 void mergeAndSend(const std::map<std::string, HistogramMapping>& storedMessages, const std::optional<unsigned int>& experiment,
60 const std::optional<unsigned int>& run,
61 EMessageTypes messageType);
63 void clear();
66 std::vector<zmq::socket_t*> getSockets() const final;
68 void handleIncomingData();
70 std::string getEndPoint() const { return "file://" + m_rootFileName; }
71 private:
75 std::string m_dqmMemFileName;
77 std::string m_rootFileName;
78 };
89 public:
91 ZMQHistoServerToZMQOutput(const std::string& outputAddress, const std::shared_ptr<ZMQParent>& parent);
94 void mergeAndSend(const std::map<std::string, HistogramMapping>& storedMessages, const std::optional<unsigned int>& experiment,
95 const std::optional<unsigned int>& run,
96 EMessageTypes messageType);
98 void clear() {}
101 std::string getMonitoringJSON() const final { return m_output.getMonitoringJSON(); }
105 bool isReady() const override { return m_output.isReady(); }
107 std::vector<zmq::socket_t*> getSockets() const final { return m_output.getSockets(); }
109 std::string getEndPoint() const { return m_output.getEndPoint(); }
110 private:
115 std::vector<char> m_outputBuffer;
117 unsigned int m_maximalCompressedSize = 100'000'000;
118 };
128 public:
130 ZMQHistoServerToRawOutput(const std::string& outputAddress, const std::shared_ptr<ZMQParent>& parent);
133 void mergeAndSend(const std::map<std::string, HistogramMapping>& storedMessages, const std::optional<unsigned int>& experiment,
134 const std::optional<unsigned int>& run,
135 EMessageTypes messageType);
137 void clear() {}
140 std::string getMonitoringJSON() const final { return m_output.getMonitoringJSON(); }
144 bool isReady() const override { return m_output.isReady(); }
146 std::vector<zmq::socket_t*> getSockets() const final { return m_output.getSockets(); }
148 std::string getEndPoint() const { return m_output.getEndPoint(); }
149 private:
152 };
Output part of a confirmed connection.
void handleIncomingData()
Blocks until it can receive the (hopefully confirmation) message from the output.
std::string getEndPoint() const
Return the connection string for this socket.
std::vector< zmq::socket_t * > getSockets() const final
The socket used for polling is just the stored socket.
Base class for every connection with virtual functions to be implemented:
Definition: ZMQConnection.h:31
virtual bool isReady() const
Return true of this connection is able to send messages right now. Can be overloaded in derived class...
Output histograms into a ROOT file and shared memory after merging.
std::string m_rootFileName
Output file name (possible with placeholders)
DqmSharedMem * m_sharedMemory
The SHM file. Please note that we do not call its destructor on purpose.
std::string getEndPoint() const
Return the connection string.
void handleIncomingData()
There should be never incoming data, so raise an exception if called anyways.
std::string m_dqmMemFileName
Name of the shared memory.
void mergeAndSend(const std::map< std::string, HistogramMapping > &storedMessages, const std::optional< unsigned int > &experiment, const std::optional< unsigned int > &run, EMessageTypes messageType)
Merge the given histograms into a single set of histograms and store them to file/shm.
void clear()
Clear the shared memory.
std::vector< zmq::socket_t * > getSockets() const final
No sockets to poll on, so return an empty list.
Same as ZMQHistoServerToZMQOutput just send uncompressed to a raw output.
std::string getEndPoint() const
Return the connection string.
void handleIncomingData()
The input data handling is passed from the ZMQRawOutput.
ZMQRawOutput m_output
The output connection used for sending the histograms.
void mergeAndSend(const std::map< std::string, HistogramMapping > &storedMessages, const std::optional< unsigned int > &experiment, const std::optional< unsigned int > &run, EMessageTypes messageType)
Merge the histograms and send them via the connection. Stop/Terminate messages are not sent.
bool isReady() const override
The is ready is passed from the ZMQRawOutput.
std::string getMonitoringJSON() const final
The monitoring JSON is just passed from the ZMQRawOutput.
void clear()
Nothing to do on clear.
std::vector< zmq::socket_t * > getSockets() const final
The sockets are passed from ZMQRawOutput.
Send the histograms as compressed byte stream via a ZMQConfirmedOutput connection after merging with ...
ZMQConfirmedOutput m_output
The output connection used for sending the histograms.
std::string getEndPoint() const
Return the connection string.
std::vector< char > m_outputBuffer
Buffer used for compression.
void handleIncomingData()
The input data handling is passed from the ZMQConfirmedOutput.
void mergeAndSend(const std::map< std::string, HistogramMapping > &storedMessages, const std::optional< unsigned int > &experiment, const std::optional< unsigned int > &run, EMessageTypes messageType)
Merge the histograms and send them via the connection. Stop/Terminate messages are sent after that.
unsigned int m_maximalCompressedSize
Maximal size of the compression buffer.
bool isReady() const override
The is ready is passed from the ZMQConfirmedOutput.
std::string getMonitoringJSON() const final
The monitoring JSON is just passed from the ZMQConfirmedOutput.
void clear()
Nothing to do on clear.
std::vector< zmq::socket_t * > getSockets() const final
The sockets are passed from ZMQConfirmedOutput.
virtual std::string getMonitoringJSON() const
Convert the stored monitoring values to a JSON string ready for sending out via a message.
Output connection to speak to non-zmq sockets via a ZMQ_STREAM socket.
void handleIncomingData()
Handle incoming data: a socket (dis)connect.
bool isReady() const final
If no socket is connected, this connection is not ready.
Type the messages can have.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.