13In the tools collection all plotting tools are gathered.
20import matplotlib.pyplot
as plt
23from scipy.stats
import chisqprob
27def set_axis_label_range(ax, new_start, new_end, n_labels=5, axis=1, to_flat=None):
29 Set the labels to a different range
30 :param ax: axis object
31 :param new_start: New start value
32 :param new_end: New end value
33 :param n_labels: N labels
34 :param axis: default is x axis 1
35 :param to_flat: Flat transformation object
for getting non linear values on the axis
38 start, end = ax.get_xlim()
40 label_position = np.append(np.arange(start, end, (end - start) / float(n_labels - 1)), end)
43 new_labels = np.append(np.arange(new_start, new_end, (new_end - new_start) / float(n_labels - 1)), new_end)
46 if to_flat
is not None:
47 assert isinstance(to_flat, transform.ToFlat)
48 x_on_flat = np.linspace(0, 1, n_labels)
51 for x, i
in zip(x_on_flat, list(range(0, n_labels))):
52 new_labels.append(to_flat.get_x(x))
53 new_labels[-1] = to_flat.max
54 new_labels[0] = to_flat.min
57 ax.set_xticks(label_position)
58 ax.set_xticklabels([
"%.2f" % i
for i
in new_labels])
60 ax.set_yticks(label_position)
61 ax.set_yticklabels([
"%.2f" % i
for i
in new_labels])
64def draw_flat_correlation(x, y, ax=None, draw_label=True, width=5):
66 This function draws a flat correlation distribution.
67 Both x an y have to be equally sized and are transformed to a flat distribution.
69 :param x: dist x, pandas Series
70 :param y: dist y, pandas Series
71 :param ax: axis object
if drawn
in a subplot
72 :param draw_label: draw the labels of the distribution (only works
with pandas Series)
73 :param width: width of the plot, default 5
76 not_on_axes = True if ax
is None else False
79 fig, ax = create_figure(width=width, ratio=7 / 6.)
81 assert isinstance(x, pd.Series
or np.array),
'Argument of wrong type!'
82 assert isinstance(y, pd.Series
or np.array),
'Argument of wrong type!'
87 tx = transform.ToFlat()
88 ty = transform.ToFlat()
93 n_bins = transform.get_optimal_bin_size(min(len(x), len(y)))
94 n_bins = int(math.sqrt(n_bins) * 2)
95 nexp = len(x) / n_bins ** 2
96 nerr = math.sqrt(nexp)
97 a = np.histogram2d(tx.transform(x_val), ty.transform(y_val), bins=(n_bins, n_bins))
101 a = (a - nexp) / nerr
104 im = ax.imshow(a.T, interpolation=
'nearest', vmin=-5, vmax=5)
106 print(
"Printing colorbar")
107 plt.colorbar(im, fraction=0.046, pad=0.04)
108 set_axis_label_range(ax, x.min(), x.max(), to_flat=tx)
109 set_axis_label_range(ax, y.min(), y.max(), axis=0, to_flat=ty)
111 ax.set_xticklabels([])
112 ax.set_yticklabels([])
115 ax.set_xlabel(x.name)
116 ax.set_ylabel(y.name)
120 for i
in range(0, n_bins):
121 for j
in range(0, n_bins):
123 chi2 += a[i][j] * a[i][j]
125 proba = chisqprob(chi2, n_bins * n_bins - ((n_bins - 1) + (n_bins - 1) + 1))
127 ax.set_title(
"Probability of flat hypothesis %.2f%%" % (proba * 100))
133 """ Basic Profile plot
135 Creates the profile Histogram from x
and y distrinbutions
136 It plots
in bins of x
139 x_axis (array) : Binning
in x
140 mean (array) : Mean of y
in bin x
141 err (array) : Std of Mean y
in bin x
142 label (string) : Matplotlib label
for the plot
145 def __init__(self, x, y, x_axis=None, n_bins=None, label=None):
147 :param x: Distribution in x
148 :param y: Distribution
in y
149 :param n_bins: (optional) n bins
in x,
is set automatically
if not provided
150 :param x_axis: binning
for the x-axis
151 :param label: Matplotlib label
for the plot
154 x_axis = transform.get_optimal_bin_size(len(x))
155 if n_bins
is not None:
171 for last_x, next_x
in zip(self.
x_axis[:-1], self.
172 bin_range = (x > last_x) & (x < next_x)
173 n_y_in_bin = len(y[bin_range])
178 self.
179 self.
err.append(np.sqrt(np.var(y[bin_range]) / n_y_in_bin))
183 :param color: matplotlib color
185 bin_centers = (self.x_axis[1:] + self.x_axis[:-1]) / 2.0
186 plt.errorbar(bin_centers, self.mean, color=color, yerr=self.err,
187 linewidth=2, ecolor=color, label=self.label, fmt='.')
190def draw_flat_corr_matrix(df, pdf=None, tight=False, col_numbers=False, labels=None, fontsize=18, size=12):
192 :param df: DataFrame of the input data
193 :param pdf: optional, file to save
194 :param tight: tight layout, be careful
195 :param col_numbers: switch between numbers or names
for the columns
196 :param labels: optional, list of latex labels
197 :param fontsize: size of the labels
199 assert isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame),
'Argument of wrong type!'
201 n_vars = np.shape(df)[1]
206 fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=n_vars, ncols=n_vars, figsize=(size, size))
207 for i, row
in zip(list(range(n_vars)), axes):
208 for j, ax
in zip(list(range(n_vars)), row):
211 plt.hist(df.ix[:, i].values, transform.get_optimal_bin_size(len(df)), color=
"gray", histtype=
212 ax.set_yticklabels([])
213 set_axis_label_range(ax, df.ix[:, i].min(), df.ix[:, i].max(), n_labels=3)
215 draw_flat_correlation(df.ix[:, i], df.ix[:, j], ax=ax, draw_label=
217 if i
is n_vars - 1
and j
is not n_vars - 1:
218 plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=
221 ax.xaxis.set_label_coords(0.5, -0.15)
227 for i, row
in zip(list(range(n_vars)), axes):
228 for j, ax
in zip(list(range(n_vars)), row):
231 ax.set_xlabel(
"%d" % j)
233 ax.set_xlabel(labels[j], fontsize=fontsize)
236 ax.set_ylabel(
"%d" % i)
238 ax.set_ylabel(labels[i], fontsize=fontsize)
248def draw_fancy_correlation_matrix(df, pdf=None, tight=False, col_numbers=False, labels=None, fontsize=18, size=12):
250 Draws a colored correlation matrix with a profile plot overlay.
252 :param df: DataFrame of the input data
253 :param pdf: optional, file to save
254 :param tight: tight layout, be careful
255 :param col_numbers: switch between numbers
or names
for the columns
256 :param labels: optional, list of latex labels
257 :param fontsize: size of the labels
262 assert isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame),
'Argument of wrong type!'
264 n_vars = np.shape(df)[1]
269 corr = df.corr().values
270 norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=-1, vmax=1)
272 cma = plt.cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=color)
274 fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=n_vars, ncols=n_vars, figsize=(size, size))
275 for i, row
in zip(list(range(n_vars)), axes):
276 for j, ax
in zip(list(range(n_vars)), row):
279 plt.hist(df.ix[:, i].values, transform.get_optimal_bin_size(len(df)), color=
"gray", histtype=
281 ax.set_yticklabels([])
282 set_axis_label_range(ax, df.ix[:, i].min(), df.ix[:, i].max(), n_labels=3)
286 h =
ProfilePlot(df.ix[:, i].values, df.ix[:, j].values, label=
'data', n_bins=10)
287 h.draw(color=
289 x_middle = (plt.xlim()[1] + plt.xlim()[0]) / 2.
290 y_middle = (plt.ylim()[1] + plt.ylim()[0]) / 2.
292 ax.text(x_middle, y_middle,
"$%.3f$" % corr[i][j], fontsize=24, va=
'center', ha=
294 ax.patch.set_facecolor(cma.to_rgba(corr[i][j]))
296 ax.set_yticklabels([])
297 ax.set_xticklabels([])
299 if i
is n_vars - 1
and j
is not n_vars - 1:
300 plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=
303 ax.xaxis.set_label_coords(0.5, -0.15)
309 for i, row
in zip(list(range(n_vars)), axes):
310 for j, ax
in zip(list(range(n_vars)), row):
313 ax.set_xlabel(
"%d" % j)
315 ax.set_xlabel(labels[j], fontsize=fontsize)
318 ax.set_ylabel(
"%d" % i)
320 ax.set_ylabel(labels[i], fontsize=fontsize)