Belle II Software development
BFieldComponentQuad Class Reference

The BFieldComponentQuad class. More...

#include <BFieldComponentQuad.h>

Inheritance diagram for BFieldComponentQuad:


struct  ApertPoint
 Aperture data structure. More...
struct  irange_t
 start and stop indicies to narrow search in array More...
struct  ParamPoint3
 Quadrupole lense data structure. More...
struct  range_t
 Range data structure. More...

Public Types

typedef std::vector< range_tranges_t
 vector of Range data structure.

Public Member Functions

 BFieldComponentQuad ()=default
 The BFieldComponentQuad constructor.
virtual ~BFieldComponentQuad ()=default
 The BFieldComponentQuad destructor.
virtual void initialize () override
 Initializes the magnetic field component.
virtual ROOT::Math::XYZVector calculate (const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &point) const override
 Calculates the magnetic field vector at the specified space point.
double getApertureHER (double s) const
 Returns the HER beam pipe aperture at given position.
double getApertureLER (double s) const
 Returns the LER beam pipe aperture at given position.
void setMapFilename (const std::string &filenameHER, const std::string &filenameLER, const std::string &filenameHERleak)
 Sets the filename of the magnetic field map.
void setApertFilename (const std::string &filenameHER, const std::string &filenameLER)
 Sets the filename of aperture definition file.
void setMapSize (int sizeHER, int sizeLER, int sizeHERleak)
 Sets the size of the magnetic field map.
void setApertSize (int sizeHER, int sizeLER)
 Sets the size of the aperture map.
virtual void terminate ()
 Terminates the magnetic field component.

Private Member Functions

int getRange (double a, const ranges_t &b) const
 Search for range occupied by optics since now only for ranges are present use linear search.
double getAperture (double s, std::vector< ApertPoint >::const_iterator hint) const
 Returns the beam pipe aperture at given position.

Private Attributes

std::string m_mapFilenameHER {""}
 Magnetic field map of HER

std::string m_mapFilenameLER {""}
 Magnetic field map of LER

std::string m_mapFilenameHERleak {""}
 The filename of the magnetic field map.
std::string m_apertFilenameHER {""}
 Filename of the aperture for HER.
std::string m_apertFilenameLER {""}
 The filename of the aperture for LER.
int m_mapSizeHER {0}
 The size of the map for HER.
int m_mapSizeLER {0}
 The size of the map for LER.
int m_mapSizeHERleak {0}
 The size of the map.
int m_apertSizeHER {0}
 The size of the aperture for HER.
int m_apertSizeLER {0}
 The size of the aperture for LER.
double m_maxr2 {0}
 The square of maximal aperture for fast rejection.
ranges_t m_ranges_her
 ranges vector for HER
ranges_t m_ranges_ler
 ranges vector for LER
std::vector< ApertPointm_ah
 The the aperture parameters for HER.
std::vector< ApertPointm_al
 The the aperture parameters for LER.
std::vector< ParamPoint3m_h3
 The map for HER.
std::vector< ParamPoint3m_l3
 The map for LER.
std::vector< std::vector< ParamPoint3 >::const_iterator > m_offset_pp_her
 The vector of pointer to accelerate search in maps for her.
std::vector< std::vector< ParamPoint3 >::const_iterator > m_offset_pp_ler
 The vector of pointer to accelerate search in maps for ler.
std::vector< std::vector< ApertPoint >::const_iterator > m_offset_ap_her
 The vector of pointer to accelerate search in aperture for her.
std::vector< std::vector< ApertPoint >::const_iterator > m_offset_ap_ler
 The vector of pointer to accelerate search in aperture for ler.

Detailed Description

The BFieldComponentQuad class.

This class represents a magnetic field map from quadrupole magnets QC[1/2]*. Only the field from QC[1/2]* inside beam pipes is described. Leak field inside the beam pipe from the quadruple magnet on the other beam line is also included, however, leak field outside both beam pipe are not described. Therefore, we should turn on this field component only when we use TouschekTURTLEReader and Synchrotron radiation study, which needs accurate propagation of beam particles. Field strength are calculated from the magnet parameters (K0,K1,SK0,SK1) used in accelerator simulation. These parameters are provided for each 4cm slice in the beam direction.

Definition at line 35 of file BFieldComponentQuad.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ranges_t

typedef std::vector<range_t> ranges_t

vector of Range data structure.

Definition at line 44 of file BFieldComponentQuad.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ calculate()

ROOT::Math::XYZVector calculate ( const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &  point) const

Calculates the magnetic field vector at the specified space point.

pointThe space point in Cartesian coordinates (x,y,z) in [cm] at which the magnetic field vector should be calculated.
The magnetic field vector at the given space point in [T]. Returns a zero vector XYZVector(0,0,0) if the space point lies outside the region described by the component.

Implements BFieldComponentAbs.

Definition at line 347 of file

349 const double sa = sin(0.0415), ca = cos(0.0415);
350 //assume point is given in [cm]
351 ROOT::Math::XYZVector B(0, 0, 0);
353 const ROOT::Math::XYZVector& v{point};
354 double xc = v.X() * ca, zs = v.Z() * sa, zc = v.Z() * ca, xs = v.X() * sa;
355 ROOT::Math::XYZVector vh{(xc - zs), -v.Y(), -(zc + xs)}; // to the HER beamline frame
356 ROOT::Math::XYZVector vl{(xc + zs), -v.Y(), -(zc - xs)}; // to the LER beamline frame
358 double r2h = vh.Perp2(), r2l = vl.Perp2();
360 if (r2h < r2l) { /* the point is closer to HER*/
361 if (r2h < m_maxr2) { /* within max radius */
362 double s = vh.Z();
363 int i = getRange(s, m_ranges_her);
364 if (i < 0) return B;
365 double r = getAperture(s, m_offset_ap_her[i]);
366 if (r2h < r * r) {
367 auto kt = m_offset_pp_her[i] + static_cast<unsigned int>(s - m_ranges_her[i + 1].r0);
368 double Bx = kt->getBx(vh.X(), vh.Y());
369 double By = kt->getBy(vh.X(), vh.Y());
370 B.SetXYZ(Bx * ca, -By, -Bx * sa); // to the detector frame
371 }
372 }
373 } else { /* the point is closer to LER*/
374 if (r2l < m_maxr2) { /* within max radius */
375 double s = vl.Z();
376 int i = getRange(s, m_ranges_ler);
377 if (i < 0) return B;
378 double r = getAperture(s, m_offset_ap_ler[i]);
379 if (r2l < r * r) {
380 auto kt = m_offset_pp_ler[i] + static_cast<unsigned int>(s - m_ranges_ler[i + 1].r0);
381 double Bx = kt->getBx(vl.X(), vl.Y());
382 double By = kt->getBy(vl.X(), vl.Y());
383 B.SetXYZ(Bx * ca, -By, Bx * sa); // to the detector frame
384 }
385 }
386 }
387 return B;
int getRange(double a, const ranges_t &b) const
Search for range occupied by optics since now only for ranges are present use linear search.
double m_maxr2
The square of maximal aperture for fast rejection.
std::vector< std::vector< ApertPoint >::const_iterator > m_offset_ap_ler
The vector of pointer to accelerate search in aperture for ler.
std::vector< std::vector< ParamPoint3 >::const_iterator > m_offset_pp_her
The vector of pointer to accelerate search in maps for her.
ranges_t m_ranges_her
ranges vector for HER
double getAperture(double s, std::vector< ApertPoint >::const_iterator hint) const
Returns the beam pipe aperture at given position.
std::vector< std::vector< ApertPoint >::const_iterator > m_offset_ap_her
The vector of pointer to accelerate search in aperture for her.
std::vector< std::vector< ParamPoint3 >::const_iterator > m_offset_pp_ler
The vector of pointer to accelerate search in maps for ler.
ranges_t m_ranges_ler
ranges vector for LER

◆ getAperture()

double getAperture ( double  s,
std::vector< ApertPoint >::const_iterator  hint 
) const

Returns the beam pipe aperture at given position.

Small number of points again linear search.

sThe position in beam-axis coordinate.
hintStart search from this position
The beam pipe aperture at given position.

Definition at line 340 of file

342 auto jt = linear_sentinel(jt0, s, [](double s_, const ApertPoint & r) {return s_ <= r.s;});
343 const ApertPoint& p1 = *(jt - 1), &p2 = *jt;
344 return p1.r + (p2.r - p1.r) / (p2.s - p1.s) * (s - p1.s);

◆ getApertureHER()

double getApertureHER ( double  s) const

Returns the HER beam pipe aperture at given position.

sThe position in HER beam-axis coordinate.
The beam pipe aperture at given position.

Definition at line 318 of file

320 int i = getRange(s, m_ranges_her);
321 if (i < 0) return 0;
322 return getAperture(s, m_offset_ap_her[i]);

◆ getApertureLER()

double getApertureLER ( double  s) const

Returns the LER beam pipe aperture at given position.

sThe position in LER beam-axis coordinate.
The beam pipe aperture at given position.

Definition at line 325 of file

327 int i = getRange(s, m_ranges_ler);
328 if (i < 0) return 0;
329 return getAperture(s, m_offset_ap_ler[i]);

◆ getRange()

int getRange ( double  a,
const ranges_t b 
) const

Search for range occupied by optics since now only for ranges are present use linear search.

acoordinate along beamline
bvector with ranges with sentinel at the beginning and the end
the range number if out of ranges return -1

Definition at line 332 of file

334 auto it0 = r.begin() + 1;
335 auto it = linear_sentinel(it0, s, [](double s_, const range_t& r_) {return s_ <= r_.r0;});
336 if (s > (--it)->r1) return -1;
337 return it - it0;

◆ initialize()

void initialize ( )

Initializes the magnetic field component.

This method opens the magnetic field map file.

Magnetic field data structure.

< s in [m]

< element length in [m]

< dipole component in [dimensionless]

< quadrupole component in [1/m]

< skew dipole component in [dimensionless]

< skew quadrupole component in [1/m]

< rotation in [radian]

< horizontal displacement in [m]

< vertical displacement in [m]

fold rotation to/from lense frame to a single matrix multiplicaton and vector addition

inmap with angle inside
p0normalization constant
structure where rotations are in the matrix form

In case several maps in the same position we can simply sum up all matricies since magnetic field has superposition properties as well as keep only one vector of parameters for each beamline

vfirst map
amap to add to the first map
merged field map

calculate ranges where quadrupole lenses continously fill the beamline

vlense vector
vector of ranges

associate ranges with the vector of aperture points

apthe vector of aperture points
vthe vector of ranges
the vector of iterators for more effective search

associate ranges with the vector of lenses

apthe vector of lenses
vthe vector of ranges
the vector of iterators which points to the begining of the continous area of lenses

Reimplemented from BFieldComponentAbs.

Definition at line 43 of file

45 // check if input name is not empty
46 if (m_mapFilenameHER.empty()) {
47 B2FATAL("The filename for the HER quadrupole magnetic field component is empty !");
48 return;
49 }
50 if (m_mapFilenameLER.empty()) {
51 B2FATAL("The filename for the LER quadrupole magnetic field component is empty !");
52 return;
53 }
54 if (m_apertFilenameHER.empty()) {
55 B2FATAL("The filename for the HER beam pipe aperture is empty !");
56 return;
57 }
58 if (m_apertFilenameLER.empty()) {
59 B2FATAL("The filename for the LER beam pipe aperture is empty !");
60 return;
61 }
63 // check if input files exsits
64 string fullPathMapHER = FileSystem::findFile("/data/" + m_mapFilenameHER);
65 if (!FileSystem::fileExists(fullPathMapHER)) {
66 B2FATAL("The HER quadrupole magnetic field map file '" << m_mapFilenameHER << "' could not be found !");
67 return;
68 }
69 string fullPathMapLER = FileSystem::findFile("/data/" + m_mapFilenameLER);
70 if (!FileSystem::fileExists(fullPathMapLER)) {
71 B2FATAL("The LER quadrupole magnetic field map file '" << m_mapFilenameLER << "' could not be found !");
72 return;
73 }
74 string fullPathMapHERleak = FileSystem::findFile("/data/" + m_mapFilenameHERleak);
75 if (!FileSystem::fileExists(fullPathMapHERleak)) {
76 B2FATAL("The HERleak quadrupole magnetic field map file '" << m_mapFilenameHERleak << "' could not be found !");
77 return;
78 }
79 string fullPathApertHER = FileSystem::findFile("/data/" + m_apertFilenameHER);
80 if (!FileSystem::fileExists(fullPathApertHER)) {
81 B2FATAL("The HER aperture file '" << m_apertFilenameHER << "' could not be found !");
82 return;
83 }
84 string fullPathApertLER = FileSystem::findFile("/data/" + m_apertFilenameLER);
85 if (!FileSystem::fileExists(fullPathApertLER)) {
86 B2FATAL("The LER aperture file '" << m_apertFilenameLER << "' could not be found !");
87 return;
88 }
90 //--------------------------------------------------------------
91 // Load the field map files
92 //--------------------------------------------------------------
95 struct ParamPoint {
96 double s{0};
97 double L{0};
98 double K0{0};
99 double K1{0};
100 double SK0{0};
101 double SK1{0};
102 double ROTATE{0};
103 double DX{0};
104 double DY{0};
105 /* Note that K parameters used in SAD is multiplied by the element length.
106 * Popular definitions are: K0,SK0[1/m] and K1,SK1[1/m^2]
107 */
108 };
110 io::filtering_istream fieldMapFileHER, fieldMapFileLER, fieldMapFileHERleak;
111 fieldMapFileHER.push(io::file_source(fullPathMapHER));
112 fieldMapFileLER.push(io::file_source(fullPathMapLER));
113 fieldMapFileHERleak.push(io::file_source(fullPathMapHERleak));
115 //Create the parameter map and read the data from the file
116 auto readLenseParameters = [](istream & IN) -> vector<ParamPoint> {
117 vector<ParamPoint> r;
118 string name;
119 ParamPoint t;
120 while (IN >> name >> t.s >> t.L >> t.K0 >> t.K1 >> t.SK0 >> t.SK1 >> t.ROTATE >> t.DX >> t.DY)
121 {
122 /* Convert parameters in basf2 default unit [cm].*/
123 t.s *= 100;
124 t.L *= 100;
125 t.DX *= 100;
126 t.DY *= 100;
127 t.K1 /= 100;
128 t.SK1 /= 100;
129 r.push_back(t);
130 }
131 return r;
132 };
134 std::vector<ParamPoint> params_her, params_ler, params_herl;
135 params_her = readLenseParameters(fieldMapFileHER);
136 params_ler = readLenseParameters(fieldMapFileLER);
137 params_herl = readLenseParameters(fieldMapFileHERleak);
139 //--------------------------------------------------------------
140 // Load the aperture map files
141 //--------------------------------------------------------------
142 auto readAperturePoints = [this](istream & IN) -> vector<ApertPoint> {
143 vector<ApertPoint> r;
144 ApertPoint t;
145 while (IN >> t.s >> t.r)
146 {
147 /* s and r are in [mm] in Apert?ER.dat. */
148 /* Transform parameters in basf2 default unit [cm].*/
149 t.s /= 10; t.r /= 10;
150 r.push_back(t);
151 m_maxr2 = max(m_maxr2, t.r);
152 }
153 r.push_back({numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), m_maxr2});
154 return r;
155 };
157 io::filtering_istream apertFileHER, apertFileLER;
158 apertFileHER.push(io::file_source(fullPathApertHER));
159 apertFileLER.push(io::file_source(fullPathApertLER));
161 m_ah = readAperturePoints(apertFileHER);
162 m_al = readAperturePoints(apertFileLER);
164 m_maxr2 *= m_maxr2;
172 auto proc3 = [](const vector<ParamPoint>& in, double p0) -> vector<ParamPoint3> {
173 vector<ParamPoint3> out;
174 out.resize(in.size());
175 auto it = out.begin();
176 for (auto b = in.begin(); b != in.end(); ++b, ++it)
177 {
178 ParamPoint3& t = *it;
179 t.s = b->s;
180 t.L = b->L;
182 double K0 = b->K0;
183 double K1 = b->K1;
184 double SK0 = b->SK0;
185 double SK1 = b->SK1;
186 double DX = b->DX;
187 double DY = b->DY;
188 double k = p0 / t.L;
189 K0 *= k;
190 K1 *= k;
191 SK0 *= k;
192 SK1 *= k;
194#define ROTATE_DIRECTION 1 // 1: default, 0: rotate-off, -1: inversely rotate
196 double sphi = 0, cphi = 1;
198 double sphi, cphi;
199 sincos(-b->ROTATE * (M_PI / 180), &sphi, &cphi);
201 sphi = -sphi;
204 double s2phi = 2 * cphi * sphi;
205 double c2phi = cphi * cphi - sphi * sphi;
206 double tp = DX * SK1 + DY * K1;
207 double tm = DY * SK1 - DX * K1;
209 t.mxx = K1 * s2phi + SK1 * c2phi;
210 t.mxy = -SK1 * s2phi + K1 * c2phi;
211 t.mx0 = tm * s2phi - tp * c2phi + SK0 * cphi + K0 * sphi;
213 t.myx = -SK1 * s2phi + K1 * c2phi;
214 t.myy = -K1 * s2phi - SK1 * c2phi;
215 t.my0 = tp * s2phi + tm * c2phi + K0 * cphi - SK0 * sphi;
216 }
217 return out;
218 };
220 const double c = Const::speedOfLight / (Unit::m / Unit::s) / 100;
221 const double p0_HER = 7.0e+9 / c, p0_LER = 4.0e+9 / c;
223 m_h3 = proc3(params_her, p0_HER);
224 vector<ParamPoint3> hleak3 = proc3(params_herl, p0_HER);
225 m_l3 = proc3(params_ler, p0_LER);
236 auto merge = [](vector<ParamPoint3>& v, const vector<ParamPoint3>& a) {
237 for (const auto& t : a) {
238 auto i = upper_bound(v.begin(), v.end(), t.s, [](double s, const ParamPoint3 & b) {return s < b.s;});
239 if (i == v.end()) continue;
240 ParamPoint3& p = *(i - 1);
241 if (p.s == t.s && p.L == t.L)
242 p += t;
243 else
244 v.insert(i, t);
245 }
246 };
247 merge(m_h3, hleak3);
255 auto getranges = [](const vector<ParamPoint3>& v) {
256 ranges_t r;
257 double s0 = v[0].s, smax = v.back().s + v.back().L;
258 for (int i = 0, N = v.size(); i < N - 1; i++) {
259 const ParamPoint3& t0 = v[i], t1 = v[i + 1];
260 double sn = t0.s + t0.L;
261 if (abs(sn - t1.s) > 1e-10) {
262 r.push_back({s0, sn});
263 s0 = t1.s;
264 }
265 }
266 r.push_back({s0, smax});
267 return r;
268 };
270 m_ranges_her = getranges(m_h3);
271 m_ranges_ler = getranges(m_l3);
273 const double inf = numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
274 // add sentinels
275 m_ranges_her.insert(m_ranges_her.begin(), { -inf, -inf});
276 m_ranges_her.insert(m_ranges_her.end(), {inf, inf});
277 m_ranges_ler.insert(m_ranges_ler.begin(), { -inf, -inf});
278 m_ranges_ler.insert(m_ranges_ler.end(), {inf, inf});
286 auto associate_aperture = [](const vector<ApertPoint>& ap, const ranges_t& v) {
287 auto less = [](double s, const ApertPoint & b) {return s < b.s;};
288 vector<std::vector<ApertPoint>::const_iterator> res;
289 for (auto r : v) {
290 auto i0 = upper_bound(ap.begin(), ap.end(), r.r0, less);
291 if (i0 == ap.begin() || i0 == ap.end()) continue;
292 res.push_back(i0 - 1);
293 }
294 return res;
295 };
296 m_offset_ap_her = associate_aperture(m_ah, m_ranges_her);
297 m_offset_ap_ler = associate_aperture(m_al, m_ranges_ler);
305 auto associate_lenses = [](const vector<ParamPoint3>& ap, const ranges_t& v) {
306 vector<std::vector<ParamPoint3>::const_iterator> res;
307 for (auto r : v) {
308 auto i0 = find_if(ap.begin(), ap.end(), [r](const ParamPoint3 & b) {return abs(b.s - r.r0) < 1e-10;});
309 if (i0 == ap.end()) continue;
310 res.push_back(i0);
311 }
312 return res;
313 };
314 m_offset_pp_her = associate_lenses(m_h3, m_ranges_her);
315 m_offset_pp_ler = associate_lenses(m_l3, m_ranges_ler);
std::vector< ApertPoint > m_al
The the aperture parameters for LER.
std::vector< ApertPoint > m_ah
The the aperture parameters for HER.
std::string m_mapFilenameLER
Magnetic field map of LER
std::string m_mapFilenameHERleak
The filename of the magnetic field map.
std::vector< ParamPoint3 > m_h3
The map for HER.
std::vector< ParamPoint3 > m_l3
The map for LER.
std::string m_mapFilenameHER
Magnetic field map of HER
std::vector< range_t > ranges_t
vector of Range data structure.
std::string m_apertFilenameHER
Filename of the aperture for HER.
std::string m_apertFilenameLER
The filename of the aperture for LER.
static const double speedOfLight
Definition: Const.h:695
static std::string findFile(const std::string &path, bool silent=false)
Search for given file or directory in local or central release directory, and return absolute path if...
static bool fileExists(const std::string &filename)
Check if the file with given filename exists.
static const double m
Definition: Unit.h:69
static const double s
Definition: Unit.h:95
std::vector< std::vector< double > > merge(std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > toMerge)
merge { vector<double> a, vector<double> b} into {a, b}
Definition: tools.h:41

◆ setApertFilename()

void setApertFilename ( const std::string &  filenameHER,
const std::string &  filenameLER 

Sets the filename of aperture definition file.

filenameHERThe filename of the aperture definition for HER.
filenameLERThe filename of the aperture definition for LER.

Definition at line 153 of file BFieldComponentQuad.h.

153{ m_apertFilenameHER = filenameHER; m_apertFilenameLER = filenameLER; }

◆ setApertSize()

void setApertSize ( int  sizeHER,
int  sizeLER 

Sets the size of the aperture map.

sizeHERThe number of points in the HER aperture file.
sizeLERThe number of points in the LER aperture file.

Definition at line 168 of file BFieldComponentQuad.h.

168{ m_apertSizeHER = sizeHER; m_apertSizeLER = sizeLER; }
int m_apertSizeHER
The size of the aperture for HER.
int m_apertSizeLER
The size of the aperture for LER.

◆ setMapFilename()

void setMapFilename ( const std::string &  filenameHER,
const std::string &  filenameLER,
const std::string &  filenameHERleak 

Sets the filename of the magnetic field map.

filenameHERThe filename of the magnetic field map for HER.
filenameLERThe filename of the magnetic field map for LER.
filenameHERleakThe filename of the magnetic field map for HER (leak field from LER).

Definition at line 146 of file BFieldComponentQuad.h.

146{ m_mapFilenameHER = filenameHER; m_mapFilenameLER = filenameLER; m_mapFilenameHERleak = filenameHERleak; }

◆ setMapSize()

void setMapSize ( int  sizeHER,
int  sizeLER,
int  sizeHERleak 

Sets the size of the magnetic field map.

sizeHERThe number of points in the HER field parameters.
sizeLERThe number of points in the LER field parameters.
sizeHERleakThe number of points in the HER field parameters (leak field from LER).

Definition at line 161 of file BFieldComponentQuad.h.

161{ m_mapSizeHER = sizeHER; m_mapSizeLER = sizeLER; m_mapSizeHERleak = sizeHERleak;}
int m_mapSizeHER
The size of the map for HER.
int m_mapSizeHERleak
The size of the map.
int m_mapSizeLER
The size of the map for LER.

◆ terminate()

virtual void terminate ( )

Terminates the magnetic field component.

This method should be used to close files that have been opened in the initialize() method.

Reimplemented in BFieldComponent3d, BFieldComponentBeamline, BFieldComponentKlm1, and BFieldComponentRadial.

Definition at line 66 of file BFieldComponentAbs.h.


Member Data Documentation

◆ m_ah

std::vector<ApertPoint> m_ah

The the aperture parameters for HER.

Definition at line 214 of file BFieldComponentQuad.h.

◆ m_al

std::vector<ApertPoint> m_al

The the aperture parameters for LER.

Definition at line 216 of file BFieldComponentQuad.h.

◆ m_apertFilenameHER

std::string m_apertFilenameHER {""}

Filename of the aperture for HER.

Definition at line 194 of file BFieldComponentQuad.h.

◆ m_apertFilenameLER

std::string m_apertFilenameLER {""}

The filename of the aperture for LER.

Definition at line 196 of file BFieldComponentQuad.h.

◆ m_apertSizeHER

int m_apertSizeHER {0}

The size of the aperture for HER.

Definition at line 204 of file BFieldComponentQuad.h.

◆ m_apertSizeLER

int m_apertSizeLER {0}

The size of the aperture for LER.

Definition at line 206 of file BFieldComponentQuad.h.

◆ m_h3

std::vector<ParamPoint3> m_h3

The map for HER.

Definition at line 219 of file BFieldComponentQuad.h.

◆ m_l3

std::vector<ParamPoint3 > m_l3

The map for LER.

Definition at line 221 of file BFieldComponentQuad.h.

◆ m_mapFilenameHER

std::string m_mapFilenameHER {""}

Magnetic field map of HER

Definition at line 188 of file BFieldComponentQuad.h.

◆ m_mapFilenameHERleak

std::string m_mapFilenameHERleak {""}

The filename of the magnetic field map.

Definition at line 192 of file BFieldComponentQuad.h.

◆ m_mapFilenameLER

std::string m_mapFilenameLER {""}

Magnetic field map of LER

Definition at line 190 of file BFieldComponentQuad.h.

◆ m_mapSizeHER

int m_mapSizeHER {0}

The size of the map for HER.

Definition at line 198 of file BFieldComponentQuad.h.

◆ m_mapSizeHERleak

int m_mapSizeHERleak {0}

The size of the map.

Definition at line 202 of file BFieldComponentQuad.h.

◆ m_mapSizeLER

int m_mapSizeLER {0}

The size of the map for LER.

Definition at line 200 of file BFieldComponentQuad.h.

◆ m_maxr2

double m_maxr2 {0}

The square of maximal aperture for fast rejection.

Definition at line 208 of file BFieldComponentQuad.h.

◆ m_offset_ap_her

std::vector<std::vector<ApertPoint>::const_iterator> m_offset_ap_her

The vector of pointer to accelerate search in aperture for her.

Definition at line 228 of file BFieldComponentQuad.h.

◆ m_offset_ap_ler

std::vector<std::vector<ApertPoint>::const_iterator> m_offset_ap_ler

The vector of pointer to accelerate search in aperture for ler.

Definition at line 230 of file BFieldComponentQuad.h.

◆ m_offset_pp_her

std::vector<std::vector<ParamPoint3>::const_iterator> m_offset_pp_her

The vector of pointer to accelerate search in maps for her.

Definition at line 224 of file BFieldComponentQuad.h.

◆ m_offset_pp_ler

std::vector<std::vector<ParamPoint3>::const_iterator> m_offset_pp_ler

The vector of pointer to accelerate search in maps for ler.

Definition at line 226 of file BFieldComponentQuad.h.

◆ m_ranges_her

ranges_t m_ranges_her

ranges vector for HER

Definition at line 210 of file BFieldComponentQuad.h.

◆ m_ranges_ler

ranges_t m_ranges_ler

ranges vector for LER

Definition at line 211 of file BFieldComponentQuad.h.

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