Belle II Software development
BKLMGeometryPar Class Reference

The Class for BKLM geometry. More...

#include <BKLMGeometryPar.h>

Inheritance diagram for BKLMGeometryPar:

Public Member Functions

 BKLMGeometryPar ()
 Default constructor.
 BKLMGeometryPar (const GearDir &)
 Constructor using Gearbox.
 ~BKLMGeometryPar ()
void read (const GearDir &)
 Get geometry parameters from Gearbox.
bool doBeamBackgroundStudy (void) const
 Get the beam background study flag.
void doBeamBackgroundStudy (bool flag)
 Set the beam background study flag.
bool hasRPCs (int layer) const
 Determine if the sensitive detectors in a given layer are RPCs (=true) or scintillators (=false)
void hasRPCs (int layer, bool flag)
 Set flag to indicate whether layer contains RPCs (true) or scintillators (false)
double getScintTiO2ThicknessTop (void) const
 Get the thickness of the inactive TiO2-polystyrene coating on top (broad) surface of a scintillator strip.
void setScintTiO2ThicknessTop (double x)
 Set the thickness of the inactive TiO2-polystyrene coating on top (broad) surface of a scintillator strip.
double getScintTiO2ThicknessSide (void) const
 Get the thickness of the inactive TiO2-polystyrene coating on side (short) surface of a scintillator strip.
void setScintTiO2ThicknessSide (double x)
 Set the thickness of the inactive TiO2-polystyrene coating on side (short) surface of a scintillator strip.
double getChimneyLength (void) const
 Get length along z of the chimney hole.
void setChimneyLength (double x)
 Set length along z of the chimney hole.
double getChimneyWidth (void) const
 Get width of the chimney hole.
void setChimneyWidth (double x)
 Set width of the chimney hole.
double getScintHeight (void) const
 Get the height of the entire volume of a scintillator strip (including TiO2 coating)
void setScintHeight (double x)
 Set the height of the entire volume of a scintillator strip (including TiO2 coating)
double getScintWidth (void) const
 Get the width of the entire volume of a scintillator strip (including TiO2 coating)
void setScintWidth (double x)
 Set the width of the entire volume of a scintillator strip (including TiO2 coating)
double getScintBoreRadius (void) const
 Get the radius of the cylindrical central bore in a scintillator strip.
void setScintBoreRadius (double x)
 Set the radius of the cylindrical central bore in a scintillator strip.
double getScintFiberRadius (void) const
 Get the radius of the cylindrical central WLS fiber in a scintillator strip.
void setScintFiberRadius (double x)
 Set the radius of the cylindrical central WLS fiber in a scintillator strip.
double getRotation (void) const
 Get the global rotation angle about z of the entire BKLM.
void setRotation (double x)
 Set the global rotation angle about z of the entire BKLM.
double getSectorRotation (int section, int sector) const
 Get the rotation angle for a sector.
void setSectorRotation (int section, int sector, double x)
 Set the rotation angle for a sector.
double getOffsetZ (void) const
 Get the global shift along a of the entire BKLM.
void setOffsetZ (double x)
 Set the global shift along a of the entire BKLM.
double getPhi (void) const
 Get the starting angle of the BKLM's polygon shape.
void setPhi (double x)
 Set the starting angle of the BKLM's polygon shape.
double getSolenoidOuterRadius (void) const
 Get the outer radius of the solenoid.
void setSolenoidOuterRadius (double x)
 Set the outer radius of the solenoid.
int getNSector (void) const
 Get the number of sectors of the BKLM.
void setNSector (int n)
 Set the number of sectors of the BKLM.
double getHalfLength (void) const
 Get the half-length along z of the BKLM.
void setHalfLength (double x)
 Set the half-length along z of the BKLM.
double getOuterRadius (void) const
 Get the radius of the inscribed circle of the outer polygon.
void setOuterRadius (double x)
 Set the radius of the inscribed circle of the outer polygon.
int getNLayer (void) const
 Get the number of modules in one sector.
void setNLayer (double n)
 Set the number of modules in one sector.
double getIronNominalHeight (void) const
 Get the nominal height of a layer's structural iron.
void setIronNominalHeight (double x)
 Set the nominal height of a layer's structural iron.
double getIronActualHeight (void) const
 Get the actual height of a layer's structural iron.
void setIronActualHeight (double x)
 Set the actual height of a layer's structural iron.
double getGap1InnerRadius (void) const
 Get the radius of the inner tangent circle of gap 0 (innermost)
void setGap1InnerRadius (double x)
 Set the radius of the inner tangent circle of gap 0 (innermost)
double getGap1NominalHeight (void) const
 Get the nominal height of the innermost gap.
void setGap1NominalHeight (double x)
 Set the nominal height of the innermost gap.
double getGap1IronWidth (void) const
 Get the width (at the outer radius) of the adjacent structural iron on either side of innermost gap.
void setGap1IronWidth (double x)
 Set the width (at the outer radius) of the adjacent structural iron on either side of innermost gap.
double getGapLength (void) const
 Get the length along z of the module gap.
void setGapLength (double x)
 Set the length along z of the module gap.
double getGapNominalHeight (void) const
 Get the nominal height of the outer gaps.
void setGapNominalHeight (double x)
 Set the nominal height of the outer gaps.
double getGapIronWidth (void) const
 Get the width (at the outer radius) of the adjacent structural iron on either side of a gap.
void setGapIronWidth (double x)
 Set the width (at the outer radius) of the adjacent structural iron on either side of a gap.
int getNZStrips (void) const
 Get the number of z-measuring cathode strips in an RPC module (no chimney)
void setNZStrips (int n)
 Set the number of z-measuring cathode strips in an RPC module (no chimney)
int getNZStripsChimney (void) const
 Get the number of z-measuring cathode strips in an RPC module (with chimney)
void setNZStripsChimney (int n)
 Set the number of z-measuring cathode strips in an RPC module (with chimney)
int getNPhiStrips (int layer) const
 Get the number of phi-measuring cathode strips in an RPC module.
void setNPhiStrips (int layer, int n)
 Set the number of phi-measuring cathode strips in an RPC module.
int getNZScints (void) const
 Get the number of z-measuring scintillators in a scintillator module (no chimney)
void setNZScints (int n)
 Set the number of z-measuring scintillators in a scintillator module (no chimney)
int getNZScintsChimney (void) const
 Get the number of z-measuring scintillators in a scintillator module (with chimney)
void setNZScintsChimney (int n)
 Set the number of z-measuring scintillators in a scintillator module (with chimney)
int getNPhiScints (int layer) const
 Get the number of phi-measuring scintillators in a scintillator module.
void setNPhiScints (int layer, int n)
 Set the number of phi-measuring scintillators in an scintillator module.
double getScintEnvelopeOffsetSign (int layer) const
 Get the sign of shift of scintillator envelope along local y axis (-1: MPPCs on left, +1: MPPCs on right) for scintillator layers only
void setScintEnvelopeOffsetSign (int layer, int n)
 Set the sign of shift of scintillator envelope along local y axis (-1: MPPCs on left, +1: MPPCs on right) for scintillator layers only
double getPhiStripWidth (int layer) const
 Get width of the phi strips on each layer.
void setPhiStripWidth (int layer, double x)
 Set width of the phi strips on each layer.
double getZStripWidth (int layer) const
 Get width of the z strips on each layer.
void setZStripWidth (int layer, double x)
 Set width of the z strips on each layer.
double getZScintDLength (int layer, int scint) const
 Get shortening of nominal length of the z scintillators for scintillator layers only
void setZScintDLength (int layer, int scint, double x)
 Set shortening of nominal length of the z scintillators for scintillator layers only
double getModuleLength (void) const
 Get the length along z of the module.
void setModuleLength (double x)
 Set the length along z of the module.
double getModuleLengthChimney (void) const
 Get the length along z of the module.
void setModuleLengthChimney (double x)
 Set the length along z of the module.
double getModuleCoverHeight (void) const
 Get the height of the module's aluminum cover (2 per module)
void setModuleCoverHeight (double x)
 Set the height of the module's aluminum cover (2 per module)
double getModuleCopperHeight (void) const
 Get the height of the module's readout or ground copper plane (4 per module)
void setModuleCopperHeight (double x)
 Set the height of the module's readout or ground copper plane (4 per module)
double getModuleFoamHeight (void) const
 Get the height of the module's transmission-line foam (2 per module)
void setModuleFoamHeight (double x)
 Set the height of the module's transmission-line foam (2 per module)
double getModuleMylarHeight (void) const
 Get the height of the module's insulating mylar (2 per module)
void setModuleMylarHeight (double x)
 Set the height of the module's insulating mylar (2 per module)
double getModuleGlassHeight (void) const
 Get the height of the module's glass electrode (4 per module)
void setModuleGlassHeight (double moduleGlassHeight)
 Set the height of the module's glass electrode (4 per module)
double getModuleGasHeight (void) const
 Get the height of the module's gas gap (2 per module)
void setModuleGasHeight (double x)
 Set the height of the module's gas gap (2 per module)
double getModuleFrameWidth (void) const
 Get the width of the module's perimeter aluminum frame.
void setModuleFrameWidth (double x)
 Set the width of the module's perimeter aluminum frame.
double getModuleFrameThickness (void) const
 Get the thickness of the module's perimeter aluminum frame.
void setModuleFrameThickness (double x)
 Set the thickness of the module's perimeter aluminum frame.
double getModuleGasSpacerWidth (void) const
 Get the width of the module's gas-gap's perimeter spacer.
void setModuleGasSpacerWidth (double x)
 Set the width of the module's gas-gap's perimeter spacer.
double getModulePolystyreneInnerHeight (void) const
 Get the height of the inner polystyrene-filler sheet.
void setModulePolystyreneInnerHeight (double x)
 Set the height of the inner polystyrene-filler sheet.
double getModulePolystyreneOuterHeight (void) const
 Get the height of the outer polystyrene-filler sheet.
void setModulePolystyreneOuterHeight (double x)
 Set the height of the outer polystyrene-filler sheet.
double getChimneyCoverThickness (void) const
 Get the thickness of the chimney cover plate.
void setChimneyCoverThickness (double x)
 Set the thickness of the chimney cover plate.
double getChimneyHousingInnerRadius (void) const
 Get the inner radius of the chimney housing.
void setChimneyHousingInnerRadius (double x)
 Set the inner radius of the chimney housing.
double getChimneyHousingOuterRadius (void) const
 Get the outer radius of the chimney housing.
void setChimneyHousingOuterRadius (double x)
 Set the outer radius of the chimney housing.
double getChimneyShieldInnerRadius (void) const
 Get the inner radius of the chimney radiation shield.
void setChimneyShieldInnerRadius (double x)
 Set the inner radius of the chimney radiation shield.
double getChimneyShieldOuterRadius (void) const
 Get the outer radius of the chimney radiation shield.
void setChimneyShieldOuterRadius (double x)
 Set the outer radius of the chimney radiation shield.
double getChimneyPipeInnerRadius (void) const
 Get the inner radius of the chimney pipe.
void setChimneyPipeInnerRadius (double x)
 Set the inner radius of the chimney pipe.
double getChimneyPipeOuterRadius (void) const
 Get the outer radius of the chimney pipe.
void setChimneyPipeOuterRadius (double x)
 Set the outer radius of the chimney pipe.
double getRibThickness (void) const
 Get the thickness of the radial rib that supports the solenoid / inner detectors.
void setRibThickness (double x)
 Set the thickness of the radial rib that supports the solenoid / inner detectors.
double getCablesWidth (void) const
 Get the width of the cable-services channel at each end.
void setCablesWidth (double x)
 Set the width of the cable-services channel at each end.
double getBraceWidth (void) const
 Get the width of the brace in the middle of the cable-services channel.
void setBraceWidth (double x)
 Set the width of the brace in the middle of the cable-services channel.
double getBraceWidthChimney (void) const
 Get the width of the brace in the middle of the cable-services channel in the chimney sector.
void setBraceWidthChimney (double x)
 Set the width of the brace in the middle of the cable-services channel in the chimney sector.
double getSupportPlateWidth (void) const
 Get width of the innermost-module support plate.
void setSupportPlateWidth (double x)
 Set width of the innermost-module support plate.
double getSupportPlateHeight (void) const
 Get height of the innermost-module support plate.
void setSupportPlateHeight (double x)
 Set height of the innermost-module support plate.
double getSupportPlateLength (void) const
 Get length of the innermost-module support plate.
void setSupportPlateLength (double x)
 Set length of the innermost-module support plate.
double getSupportPlateLengthChimney (void) const
 Get length of the innermost-module support plate in the chimney sector.
void setSupportPlateLengthChimney (double x)
 Set length of the innermost-module support plate in the chimney sector.
double getBracketWidth (void) const
 Get the width of the layer-0 support plate's bracket.
void setBracketWidth (double x)
 Set the width of the layer-0 support plate's bracket.
double getBracketThickness (void) const
 Get the thickness of the layer-0 support plate's bracket.
void setBracketThickness (double x)
 Set the thickness of the layer-0 support plate's bracket.
double getBracketLength (void) const
 Get the length of the layer-0 support plate's bracket.
void setBracketLength (double x)
 Set the length of the layer-0 support plate's bracket.
double getBracketRibWidth (void) const
 Get the width of the layer-0 support plate's bracket's rib.
void setBracketRibWidth (double x)
 Set the width of the layer-0 support plate's bracket's rib.
double getBracketRibThickness (void) const
 Get the thickness of the layer-0 support plate's bracket's rib.
void setBracketRibThickness (double x)
 Set the thickness of the layer-0 support plate's bracket's rib.
double getBracketInset (void) const
 Get distance from support plate's end of bracket.
void setBracketInset (double x)
 Set distance from support plate's end of bracket.
double getBracketInnerRadius (void) const
 Get the inner radius of the layer-0 support plate's bracket.
void setBracketInnerRadius (double x)
 Set the inner radius of the layer-0 support plate's bracket.
double getBracketCutoutDphi (void) const
 Get the angular width of the layer-0 support plate's bracket's cutout.
void setBracketCutoutDphi (double x)
 Set the angular width of the layer-0 support plate's bracket's cutout.
int getNReadoutStation (void) const
 Get the number of preamplifier readout stations.
bool getReadoutStationIsPhi (int station) const
 Get the selector for phi (true) or z (false) readout station.
double getReadoutStationPosition (int station) const
 Get the position of each readout station along its relevant axis.
double getReadoutContainerLength (void) const
 Get the length of the readout station's container.
double getReadoutContainerWidth (void) const
 Get the width of the readout station's container.
double getReadoutContainerHeight (void) const
 Get the height of the readout station's container.
double getReadoutCarrierLength (void) const
 Get the length of the readout carrier card.
double getReadoutCarrierWidth (void) const
 Get the width of the readout carrier card.
double getReadoutCarrierHeight (void) const
 Get the height of the readout carrier card.
double getReadoutPreamplifierLength (void) const
 Get the length of the preamplifier card.
double getReadoutPreamplifierWidth (void) const
 Get the width of the preamplifier card.
double getReadoutPreamplifierHeight (void) const
 Get the height of the preamplifier card.
int getNReadoutPreamplifierPosition (void) const
 Get the number of preamplifier positions along the length of the carrier card.
double getReadoutPreamplifierPosition (int preamp) const
 Get the position of a preamplifier along the length of the carrier card.
double getReadoutConnectorsLength (void) const
 Get the length of the readout connectors pair.
double getReadoutConnectorsWidth (void) const
 Get the width of the readout connectors pair.
double getReadoutConnectorsHeight (void) const
 Get the height of the readout connectors pair.
double getReadoutConnectorsPosition (void) const
 Get the position of the readout connectors pair along the length of the carrier card.
double getMPPCHousingRadius (void) const
 Get the MPPC housing radius.
double getMPPCHousingLength (void) const
 Get the MPPC housing length.
double getMPPCLength (void) const
 Get the MPPC length.
double getMPPCWidth (void) const
 Get the MPPC width.
double getMPPCHeight (void) const
 Get the MPPC height.
double getLocalReconstructionShiftX (int section, int sector, int layer) const
 Get reconstruction dx in local system. displacement, not alignment.
void setLocalReconstructionShiftX (int section, int sector, int layer, double x)
 Set reconstruction dx in local system. displacement, not alignment.
double getLocalReconstructionShiftY (int section, int sector, int layer) const
 Get reconstruction dy in local system. displacement, not alignment.
void setLocalReconstructionShiftY (int section, int sector, int layer, double x)
 Set reconstruction dy in local system. displacement, not alignment.
double getLocalReconstructionShiftZ (int section, int sector, int layer) const
 Get reconstruction dz in local system. displacement, not alignment.
void setLocalReconstructionShiftZ (int section, int sector, int layer, double x)
 Set reconstruction dz in local system. displacement, not alignment.
bool isFlipped (int section, int sector, int layer) const
 Get the z-phi planes flip (i.e., rotation by 180 degrees about z axis) True: z plane is inner, close to IP.
void isFlipped (int section, int sector, int layer, bool flag)
 Set the z-phi planes flip (i.e., rotation by 180 degrees about z axis) True: z plane is inner, close to IP.
std::string getBKLMGeometryParComment () const
 Get comment.
void setBKLMGeometryParComment (const std::string &s)
 Set comment.

Private Member Functions

 ClassDef (BKLMGeometryPar, 6)
 Class version.

Private Attributes

bool m_DoBeamBackgroundStudy
 Flag for enabling beam background study (=alternate sensitive-detector function)
double m_Rotation
 Global rotation angle about z of the BKLM.
double m_SectorRotation [2][BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectorNumber()]
 Global rotation angle of a sector.
double m_OffsetZ
 Global offset along z of the BKLM.
double m_Phi
 Starting angle of the polygon shape.
int m_NSector
 Number of sectors (=8 : octagonal)
double m_SolenoidOuterRadius
 Outer radius of the solenoid.
double m_OuterRadius
 Radius of the circle tangent to the sides of the outer polygon.
double m_HalfLength
 Half-length along z of the BKLM.
int m_NLayer
 Number of layers in one sector.
double m_IronNominalHeight
 Nominal height of a layer's structural iron.
double m_IronActualHeight
 Actual height of a layer's structural iron.
double m_Gap1NominalHeight
 Nominal height of the innermost gap.
double m_GapNominalHeight
 Nominal height of outer gaps.
double m_Gap1InnerRadius
 Radius of the inner tangent circle of the innermost gap.
double m_Gap1IronWidth
 Width (at the outer radius) of the adjacent structural iron on either side of innermost gap.
double m_GapIronWidth
 Width (at the outer radius) of the adjacent structural iron on either side of a gap.
double m_GapLength
 Length along z of each gap.
int m_NZStrips
 Number of z-measuring cathode strips in a standard RPC module.
int m_NZStripsChimney
 Number of z-measuring cathode strips in a chimney-sector RPC module.
int m_NZScints
 Number of z-measuring scintillators in a standard scintillator module.
int m_NZScintsChimney
 Number of z-measuring scintillators in a chimney-sector scintillator module.
bool m_HasRPCs [BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]
 Flag to indicate whether layer contains RPCs (true) or scintillators (false)
int m_NPhiStrips [BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]
 Number of phi-readout RPC strips in each layer.
double m_PhiStripWidth [BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]
 Width of the phi strips on each layer.
double m_ZStripWidth [BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]
 Width of the z strips on each layer.
int m_ScintEnvelopeOffsetSign [NSCINTLAYER]
 Sign (+/-1) of scintillator-envelope's shift along y axis within its enclosing module for MPPC placement -1: shift envelope along -y to place MPPCs at +y, +1: shift envelope along +y to place MPPCs at -y for scintillator layers only
int m_NPhiScints [NSCINTLAYER]
 Number of phi-readout scintillators in each layer for scintillator layers only
double m_ZScintDLength [NSCINTLAYER][NZSCINT]
 Shortening of the nominal length of the z scintillators for scintillator layers only
double m_ModuleLength
 Length along z of the module.
double m_ModuleLengthChimney
 Length along z of the module in the chimney sector.
double m_ModuleCoverHeight
 Height of a detector module's aluminum cover.
double m_ModuleCopperHeight
 Height of a detector module's copper readout or ground plane.
double m_ModuleFoamHeight
 Height of a detector module's transmission-line foam.
double m_ModuleMylarHeight
 Height of a detector module's mylar insulation.
double m_ModuleGlassHeight
 Height of a detector module's glass electrode.
double m_ModuleGasHeight
 Height of a detector module's gas gap.
double m_ModuleFrameWidth
 Width of a detector module's frame ("C" shape - width of horizontal leg)
double m_ModuleFrameThickness
 Thickness of a detector module's frame ("C" shape - thickness of vertical leg)
double m_ModuleGasSpacerWidth
 Width of a detector module's spacer.
double m_ModulePolystyreneInnerHeight
 Height of the inner polystyrene-filler sheet.
double m_ModulePolystyreneOuterHeight
 Height of the outer polystyrene-filler sheet.
double m_ScintWidth
 Width of one scintillator strip (cm), including the TiO2 coating.
double m_ScintHeight
 Height of one scintillator strip (cm), including the TiO2 coating.
double m_ScintBoreRadius
 Radius (cm) of the central bore in the scintillator strip.
double m_ScintFiberRadius
 Radius (cm) of the central WLS fiber in the scintillator strip.
double m_ScintTiO2ThicknessTop
 Thickness (cm) of the TiO2 coating on the top (and bottom) of the scintillator strip.
double m_ScintTiO2ThicknessSide
 Thickness (cm) of the TiO2 coating on the left (and right) side of the scintillator strip.
double m_ChimneyLength
 Length along z of the chimney hole.
double m_ChimneyWidth
 Width of the chimney hole.
double m_ChimneyCoverThickness
 Thickness of the chimney's iron cover plate.
double m_ChimneyHousingInnerRadius
 Inner radius of the chimney housing.
double m_ChimneyHousingOuterRadius
 Outer radius of the chimney housing.
double m_ChimneyShieldInnerRadius
 Inner radius of the chimney shield.
double m_ChimneyShieldOuterRadius
 Outer radius of the chimney shield.
double m_ChimneyPipeInnerRadius
 Inner radius of the chimney pipe.
double m_ChimneyPipeOuterRadius
 Outer radius of the chimney pipe.
double m_RibThickness
 Thickness of the radial rib that supports the solenoid / inner detectors.
double m_CablesWidth
 Width of the cable-services channel at each end.
double m_BraceWidth
 Width of the central brace in the middle of the cable-services channel.
double m_BraceWidthChimney
 Width of the central brace in the middle of the cable-services channel in the chimney sector.
double m_SupportPlateWidth
 Width of the innermost-module support plate.
double m_SupportPlateHeight
 Height of the innermost-module support plate.
double m_SupportPlateLength
 Length of the innermost-module support plate.
double m_SupportPlateLengthChimney
 Length of the innermost-module support plate in the chimney sector.
double m_BracketWidth
 Width of the innermost-module support plate's bracket.
double m_BracketThickness
 Thickness of the innermost-module support plate's bracket.
double m_BracketLength
 Length of the innermost-module support plate's bracket.
double m_BracketRibWidth
 Width of the innermost-module support plate's bracket's rib.
double m_BracketRibThickness
 Thickness of the innermost-module support plate's bracket's rib.
double m_BracketInnerRadius
 Inner radius of the innermost-module support plate's bracket.
double m_BracketInset
 Distance from support plate's end of bracket.
double m_BracketCutoutDphi
 Angular width of the innermost-module support plate's bracket's cutout.
int m_NReadoutStation
 Number of preamplifier readout stations.
bool m_ReadoutStationIsPhi [NSTATION]
 Selector for phi (true) or z (false) readout station.
double m_ReadoutStationPosition [NSTATION]
 Position of each readout station along its relevant axis.
double m_ReadoutContainerLength
 Length of the readout station.
double m_ReadoutContainerWidth
 Width of the readout station.
double m_ReadoutContainerHeight
 Height of the readout station.
double m_ReadoutCarrierLength
 Length of the readout carrier card.
double m_ReadoutCarrierWidth
 Width of the readout carrier card.
double m_ReadoutCarrierHeight
 Height of the readout carrier card.
double m_ReadoutPreamplifierLength
 Length of the preamplifier card.
double m_ReadoutPreamplifierWidth
 Width of the preamplifier card.
double m_ReadoutPreamplifierHeight
 Height of the preamplifier card.
std::vector< double > m_ReadoutPreamplifierPosition
 Positions of the preamplifiers along the length of the carrier card.
double m_ReadoutConnectorsLength
 Length of the readout connectors pair.
double m_ReadoutConnectorsWidth
 Width of the readout connectors pair.
double m_ReadoutConnectorsHeight
 Height of the readout connectors pair.
double m_ReadoutConnectorsPosition
 Position of the readout connectors pair along the length of the carrier card.
double m_MPPCHousingRadius
 MPPC housing radius.
double m_MPPCHousingLength
 MPPC housing length.
double m_MPPCLength
 MPPC length.
double m_MPPCWidth
 MPPC width.
double m_MPPCHeight
 MPPC height.
double m_LocalReconstructionShiftX [2][BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectorNumber()][BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]
 Reconstruction dx in local system. displacement, not alignment.
double m_LocalReconstructionShiftY [2][BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectorNumber()][BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]
 Reconstruction dy in local system. displacement, not alignment.
double m_LocalReconstructionShiftZ [2][BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectorNumber()][BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]
 Reconstruction dz in local system. displacement, not alignment.
bool m_IsFlipped [2][BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectorNumber()][NSCINTLAYER]
 Flag of z-phi planes flip for scintillator layers only
std::string m_comment
 Optional comment.

Detailed Description

The Class for BKLM geometry.

Definition at line 40 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ BKLMGeometryPar() [1/2]

BKLMGeometryPar ( )

Default constructor.

Definition at line 45 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

46 {
47 }

◆ BKLMGeometryPar() [2/2]

BKLMGeometryPar ( const GearDir content)

Constructor using Gearbox.

Definition at line 18 of file

20 read(content);
void read(const GearDir &)
Get geometry parameters from Gearbox.

◆ ~BKLMGeometryPar()


Definition at line 23 of file


Member Function Documentation

◆ doBeamBackgroundStudy() [1/2]

void doBeamBackgroundStudy ( bool  flag)

Set the beam background study flag.

Definition at line 65 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

66 {
68 }
bool m_DoBeamBackgroundStudy
Flag for enabling beam background study (=alternate sensitive-detector function)

◆ doBeamBackgroundStudy() [2/2]

bool doBeamBackgroundStudy ( void  ) const

Get the beam background study flag.

Definition at line 59 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

60 {
62 }

◆ getBKLMGeometryParComment()

std::string getBKLMGeometryParComment ( ) const

Get comment.

Definition at line 1129 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

1130 {
1131 return m_comment;
1132 }
std::string m_comment
Optional comment.

◆ getBraceWidth()

double getBraceWidth ( void  ) const

Get the width of the brace in the middle of the cable-services channel.

Definition at line 771 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

772 {
773 return m_BraceWidth;
774 }
double m_BraceWidth
Width of the central brace in the middle of the cable-services channel.

◆ getBraceWidthChimney()

double getBraceWidthChimney ( void  ) const

Get the width of the brace in the middle of the cable-services channel in the chimney sector.

Definition at line 783 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

784 {
785 return m_BraceWidthChimney;
786 }
double m_BraceWidthChimney
Width of the central brace in the middle of the cable-services channel in the chimney sector.

◆ getBracketCutoutDphi()

double getBracketCutoutDphi ( void  ) const

Get the angular width of the layer-0 support plate's bracket's cutout.

Definition at line 927 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

928 {
929 return m_BracketCutoutDphi;
930 }
double m_BracketCutoutDphi
Angular width of the innermost-module support plate's bracket's cutout.

◆ getBracketInnerRadius()

double getBracketInnerRadius ( void  ) const

Get the inner radius of the layer-0 support plate's bracket.

Definition at line 915 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

916 {
918 }
double m_BracketInnerRadius
Inner radius of the innermost-module support plate's bracket.

◆ getBracketInset()

double getBracketInset ( void  ) const

Get distance from support plate's end of bracket.

Definition at line 903 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

904 {
905 return m_BracketInset;
906 }
double m_BracketInset
Distance from support plate's end of bracket.

◆ getBracketLength()

double getBracketLength ( void  ) const

Get the length of the layer-0 support plate's bracket.

Definition at line 867 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

868 {
869 return m_BracketLength;
870 }
double m_BracketLength
Length of the innermost-module support plate's bracket.

◆ getBracketRibThickness()

double getBracketRibThickness ( void  ) const

Get the thickness of the layer-0 support plate's bracket's rib.

Definition at line 891 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

892 {
894 }
double m_BracketRibThickness
Thickness of the innermost-module support plate's bracket's rib.

◆ getBracketRibWidth()

double getBracketRibWidth ( void  ) const

Get the width of the layer-0 support plate's bracket's rib.

Definition at line 879 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

880 {
881 return m_BracketRibWidth;
882 }
double m_BracketRibWidth
Width of the innermost-module support plate's bracket's rib.

◆ getBracketThickness()

double getBracketThickness ( void  ) const

Get the thickness of the layer-0 support plate's bracket.

Definition at line 855 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

856 {
857 return m_BracketThickness;
858 }
double m_BracketThickness
Thickness of the innermost-module support plate's bracket.

◆ getBracketWidth()

double getBracketWidth ( void  ) const

Get the width of the layer-0 support plate's bracket.

Definition at line 843 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

844 {
845 return m_BracketWidth;
846 }
double m_BracketWidth
Width of the innermost-module support plate's bracket.

◆ getCablesWidth()

double getCablesWidth ( void  ) const

Get the width of the cable-services channel at each end.

Definition at line 759 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

760 {
761 return m_CablesWidth;
762 }
double m_CablesWidth
Width of the cable-services channel at each end.

◆ getChimneyCoverThickness()

double getChimneyCoverThickness ( void  ) const

Get the thickness of the chimney cover plate.

Definition at line 663 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

664 {
666 }
double m_ChimneyCoverThickness
Thickness of the chimney's iron cover plate.

◆ getChimneyHousingInnerRadius()

double getChimneyHousingInnerRadius ( void  ) const

Get the inner radius of the chimney housing.

Definition at line 675 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

676 {
678 }
double m_ChimneyHousingInnerRadius
Inner radius of the chimney housing.

◆ getChimneyHousingOuterRadius()

double getChimneyHousingOuterRadius ( void  ) const

Get the outer radius of the chimney housing.

Definition at line 687 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

688 {
690 }
double m_ChimneyHousingOuterRadius
Outer radius of the chimney housing.

◆ getChimneyLength()

double getChimneyLength ( void  ) const

Get length along z of the chimney hole.

Definition at line 107 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

108 {
109 return m_ChimneyLength;
110 }
double m_ChimneyLength
Length along z of the chimney hole.

◆ getChimneyPipeInnerRadius()

double getChimneyPipeInnerRadius ( void  ) const

Get the inner radius of the chimney pipe.

Definition at line 723 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

724 {
726 }
double m_ChimneyPipeInnerRadius
Inner radius of the chimney pipe.

◆ getChimneyPipeOuterRadius()

double getChimneyPipeOuterRadius ( void  ) const

Get the outer radius of the chimney pipe.

Definition at line 735 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

736 {
738 }
double m_ChimneyPipeOuterRadius
Outer radius of the chimney pipe.

◆ getChimneyShieldInnerRadius()

double getChimneyShieldInnerRadius ( void  ) const

Get the inner radius of the chimney radiation shield.

Definition at line 699 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

700 {
702 }
double m_ChimneyShieldInnerRadius
Inner radius of the chimney shield.

◆ getChimneyShieldOuterRadius()

double getChimneyShieldOuterRadius ( void  ) const

Get the outer radius of the chimney radiation shield.

Definition at line 711 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

712 {
714 }
double m_ChimneyShieldOuterRadius
Outer radius of the chimney shield.

◆ getChimneyWidth()

double getChimneyWidth ( void  ) const

Get width of the chimney hole.

Definition at line 119 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

120 {
121 return m_ChimneyWidth;
122 }
double m_ChimneyWidth
Width of the chimney hole.

◆ getGap1InnerRadius()

double getGap1InnerRadius ( void  ) const

Get the radius of the inner tangent circle of gap 0 (innermost)

Definition at line 311 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

312 {
313 return m_Gap1InnerRadius;
314 }
double m_Gap1InnerRadius
Radius of the inner tangent circle of the innermost gap.

◆ getGap1IronWidth()

double getGap1IronWidth ( void  ) const

Get the width (at the outer radius) of the adjacent structural iron on either side of innermost gap.

Definition at line 335 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

336 {
337 return m_Gap1IronWidth;
338 }
double m_Gap1IronWidth
Width (at the outer radius) of the adjacent structural iron on either side of innermost gap.

◆ getGap1NominalHeight()

double getGap1NominalHeight ( void  ) const

Get the nominal height of the innermost gap.

Definition at line 323 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

324 {
325 return m_Gap1NominalHeight;
326 }
double m_Gap1NominalHeight
Nominal height of the innermost gap.

◆ getGapIronWidth()

double getGapIronWidth ( void  ) const

Get the width (at the outer radius) of the adjacent structural iron on either side of a gap.

Definition at line 371 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

372 {
373 return m_GapIronWidth;
374 }
double m_GapIronWidth
Width (at the outer radius) of the adjacent structural iron on either side of a gap.

◆ getGapLength()

double getGapLength ( void  ) const

Get the length along z of the module gap.

Definition at line 347 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

348 {
349 return m_GapLength;
350 }
double m_GapLength
Length along z of each gap.

◆ getGapNominalHeight()

double getGapNominalHeight ( void  ) const

Get the nominal height of the outer gaps.

Definition at line 359 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

360 {
361 return m_GapNominalHeight;
362 }
double m_GapNominalHeight
Nominal height of outer gaps.

◆ getHalfLength()

double getHalfLength ( void  ) const

Get the half-length along z of the BKLM.

Definition at line 251 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

252 {
253 return m_HalfLength;
254 }
double m_HalfLength
Half-length along z of the BKLM.

◆ getIronActualHeight()

double getIronActualHeight ( void  ) const

Get the actual height of a layer's structural iron.

Definition at line 299 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

300 {
301 return m_IronActualHeight;
302 }
double m_IronActualHeight
Actual height of a layer's structural iron.

◆ getIronNominalHeight()

double getIronNominalHeight ( void  ) const

Get the nominal height of a layer's structural iron.

Definition at line 287 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

288 {
289 return m_IronNominalHeight;
290 }
double m_IronNominalHeight
Nominal height of a layer's structural iron.

◆ getLocalReconstructionShiftX()

double getLocalReconstructionShiftX ( int  section,
int  sector,
int  layer 
) const

Get reconstruction dx in local system. displacement, not alignment.

Definition at line 1077 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

1078 {
1079 return m_LocalReconstructionShiftX[section][sector - 1][layer - 1];
1080 }
double m_LocalReconstructionShiftX[2][BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectorNumber()][BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]
Reconstruction dx in local system. displacement, not alignment.

◆ getLocalReconstructionShiftY()

double getLocalReconstructionShiftY ( int  section,
int  sector,
int  layer 
) const

Get reconstruction dy in local system. displacement, not alignment.

Definition at line 1089 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

1090 {
1091 return m_LocalReconstructionShiftY[section][sector - 1][layer - 1];
1092 }
double m_LocalReconstructionShiftY[2][BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectorNumber()][BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]
Reconstruction dy in local system. displacement, not alignment.

◆ getLocalReconstructionShiftZ()

double getLocalReconstructionShiftZ ( int  section,
int  sector,
int  layer 
) const

Get reconstruction dz in local system. displacement, not alignment.

Definition at line 1101 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

1102 {
1103 return m_LocalReconstructionShiftZ[section][sector - 1][layer - 1];
1104 }
double m_LocalReconstructionShiftZ[2][BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectorNumber()][BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]
Reconstruction dz in local system. displacement, not alignment.

◆ getModuleCopperHeight()

double getModuleCopperHeight ( void  ) const

Get the height of the module's readout or ground copper plane (4 per module)

Definition at line 543 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

544 {
546 }
double m_ModuleCopperHeight
Height of a detector module's copper readout or ground plane.

◆ getModuleCoverHeight()

double getModuleCoverHeight ( void  ) const

Get the height of the module's aluminum cover (2 per module)

Definition at line 531 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

532 {
533 return m_ModuleCoverHeight;
534 }
double m_ModuleCoverHeight
Height of a detector module's aluminum cover.

◆ getModuleFoamHeight()

double getModuleFoamHeight ( void  ) const

Get the height of the module's transmission-line foam (2 per module)

Definition at line 555 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

556 {
557 return m_ModuleFoamHeight;
558 }
double m_ModuleFoamHeight
Height of a detector module's transmission-line foam.

◆ getModuleFrameThickness()

double getModuleFrameThickness ( void  ) const

Get the thickness of the module's perimeter aluminum frame.

Definition at line 615 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

616 {
618 }
double m_ModuleFrameThickness
Thickness of a detector module's frame ("C" shape - thickness of vertical leg)

◆ getModuleFrameWidth()

double getModuleFrameWidth ( void  ) const

Get the width of the module's perimeter aluminum frame.

Definition at line 603 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

604 {
605 return m_ModuleFrameWidth;
606 }
double m_ModuleFrameWidth
Width of a detector module's frame ("C" shape - width of horizontal leg)

◆ getModuleGasHeight()

double getModuleGasHeight ( void  ) const

Get the height of the module's gas gap (2 per module)

Definition at line 591 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

592 {
593 return m_ModuleGasHeight;
594 }
double m_ModuleGasHeight
Height of a detector module's gas gap.

◆ getModuleGasSpacerWidth()

double getModuleGasSpacerWidth ( void  ) const

Get the width of the module's gas-gap's perimeter spacer.

Definition at line 627 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

628 {
630 }
double m_ModuleGasSpacerWidth
Width of a detector module's spacer.

◆ getModuleGlassHeight()

double getModuleGlassHeight ( void  ) const

Get the height of the module's glass electrode (4 per module)

Definition at line 579 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

580 {
581 return m_ModuleGlassHeight;
582 }
double m_ModuleGlassHeight
Height of a detector module's glass electrode.

◆ getModuleLength()

double getModuleLength ( void  ) const

Get the length along z of the module.

Definition at line 507 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

508 {
509 return m_ModuleLength;
510 }
double m_ModuleLength
Length along z of the module.

◆ getModuleLengthChimney()

double getModuleLengthChimney ( void  ) const

Get the length along z of the module.

Definition at line 519 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

520 {
522 }
double m_ModuleLengthChimney
Length along z of the module in the chimney sector.

◆ getModuleMylarHeight()

double getModuleMylarHeight ( void  ) const

Get the height of the module's insulating mylar (2 per module)

Definition at line 567 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

568 {
569 return m_ModuleMylarHeight;
570 }
double m_ModuleMylarHeight
Height of a detector module's mylar insulation.

◆ getModulePolystyreneInnerHeight()

double getModulePolystyreneInnerHeight ( void  ) const

Get the height of the inner polystyrene-filler sheet.

Definition at line 639 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

640 {
642 }
double m_ModulePolystyreneInnerHeight
Height of the inner polystyrene-filler sheet.

◆ getModulePolystyreneOuterHeight()

double getModulePolystyreneOuterHeight ( void  ) const

Get the height of the outer polystyrene-filler sheet.

Definition at line 651 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

652 {
654 }
double m_ModulePolystyreneOuterHeight
Height of the outer polystyrene-filler sheet.

◆ getMPPCHeight()

double getMPPCHeight ( void  ) const

Get the MPPC height.

Definition at line 1071 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

1072 {
1073 return m_MPPCHeight;
1074 }
double m_MPPCHeight
MPPC height.

◆ getMPPCHousingLength()

double getMPPCHousingLength ( void  ) const

Get the MPPC housing length.

Definition at line 1053 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

1054 {
1055 return m_MPPCHousingLength;
1056 }
double m_MPPCHousingLength
MPPC housing length.

◆ getMPPCHousingRadius()

double getMPPCHousingRadius ( void  ) const

Get the MPPC housing radius.

Definition at line 1047 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

1048 {
1049 return m_MPPCHousingRadius;
1050 }
double m_MPPCHousingRadius
MPPC housing radius.

◆ getMPPCLength()

double getMPPCLength ( void  ) const

Get the MPPC length.

Definition at line 1059 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

1060 {
1061 return m_MPPCLength;
1062 }
double m_MPPCLength
MPPC length.

◆ getMPPCWidth()

double getMPPCWidth ( void  ) const

Get the MPPC width.

Definition at line 1065 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

1066 {
1067 return m_MPPCWidth;
1068 }
double m_MPPCWidth
MPPC width.

◆ getNLayer()

int getNLayer ( void  ) const

Get the number of modules in one sector.

Definition at line 275 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

276 {
277 return m_NLayer;
278 }
int m_NLayer
Number of layers in one sector.

◆ getNPhiScints()

int getNPhiScints ( int  layer) const

Get the number of phi-measuring scintillators in a scintillator module.

Definition at line 443 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

444 {
445 return m_NPhiScints[layer - 1];
446 }
int m_NPhiScints[NSCINTLAYER]
Number of phi-readout scintillators in each layer for scintillator layers only

◆ getNPhiStrips()

int getNPhiStrips ( int  layer) const

Get the number of phi-measuring cathode strips in an RPC module.

Definition at line 407 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

408 {
409 return m_NPhiStrips[layer - 1];
410 }
int m_NPhiStrips[BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]
Number of phi-readout RPC strips in each layer.

◆ getNReadoutPreamplifierPosition()

int getNReadoutPreamplifierPosition ( void  ) const

Get the number of preamplifier positions along the length of the carrier card.

Definition at line 1011 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

1012 {
1013 return m_ReadoutPreamplifierPosition.size();
1014 }
std::vector< double > m_ReadoutPreamplifierPosition
Positions of the preamplifiers along the length of the carrier card.

◆ getNReadoutStation()

int getNReadoutStation ( void  ) const

Get the number of preamplifier readout stations.

Definition at line 939 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

940 {
941 return m_NReadoutStation;
942 }
int m_NReadoutStation
Number of preamplifier readout stations.

◆ getNSector()

int getNSector ( void  ) const

Get the number of sectors of the BKLM.

Definition at line 239 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

240 {
241 return m_NSector;
242 }
int m_NSector
Number of sectors (=8 : octagonal)

◆ getNZScints()

int getNZScints ( void  ) const

Get the number of z-measuring scintillators in a scintillator module (no chimney)

Definition at line 419 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

420 {
421 return m_NZScints;
422 }
int m_NZScints
Number of z-measuring scintillators in a standard scintillator module.

◆ getNZScintsChimney()

int getNZScintsChimney ( void  ) const

Get the number of z-measuring scintillators in a scintillator module (with chimney)

Definition at line 431 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

432 {
433 return m_NZScintsChimney;
434 }
int m_NZScintsChimney
Number of z-measuring scintillators in a chimney-sector scintillator module.

◆ getNZStrips()

int getNZStrips ( void  ) const

Get the number of z-measuring cathode strips in an RPC module (no chimney)

Definition at line 383 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

384 {
385 return m_NZStrips;
386 }
int m_NZStrips
Number of z-measuring cathode strips in a standard RPC module.

◆ getNZStripsChimney()

int getNZStripsChimney ( void  ) const

Get the number of z-measuring cathode strips in an RPC module (with chimney)

Definition at line 395 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

396 {
397 return m_NZStripsChimney;
398 }
int m_NZStripsChimney
Number of z-measuring cathode strips in a chimney-sector RPC module.

◆ getOffsetZ()

double getOffsetZ ( void  ) const

Get the global shift along a of the entire BKLM.

Definition at line 203 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

204 {
205 return m_OffsetZ;
206 }
double m_OffsetZ
Global offset along z of the BKLM.

◆ getOuterRadius()

double getOuterRadius ( void  ) const

Get the radius of the inscribed circle of the outer polygon.

Definition at line 263 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

264 {
265 return m_OuterRadius;
266 }
double m_OuterRadius
Radius of the circle tangent to the sides of the outer polygon.

◆ getPhi()

double getPhi ( void  ) const

Get the starting angle of the BKLM's polygon shape.

Definition at line 215 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

216 {
217 return m_Phi;
218 }
double m_Phi
Starting angle of the polygon shape.

◆ getPhiStripWidth()

double getPhiStripWidth ( int  layer) const

Get width of the phi strips on each layer.

Definition at line 469 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

470 {
471 return m_PhiStripWidth[layer - 1];
472 }
double m_PhiStripWidth[BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]
Width of the phi strips on each layer.

◆ getReadoutCarrierHeight()

double getReadoutCarrierHeight ( void  ) const

Get the height of the readout carrier card.

Definition at line 987 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

988 {
990 }
double m_ReadoutCarrierHeight
Height of the readout carrier card.

◆ getReadoutCarrierLength()

double getReadoutCarrierLength ( void  ) const

Get the length of the readout carrier card.

Definition at line 975 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

976 {
978 }
double m_ReadoutCarrierLength
Length of the readout carrier card.

◆ getReadoutCarrierWidth()

double getReadoutCarrierWidth ( void  ) const

Get the width of the readout carrier card.

Definition at line 981 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

982 {
984 }
double m_ReadoutCarrierWidth
Width of the readout carrier card.

◆ getReadoutConnectorsHeight()

double getReadoutConnectorsHeight ( void  ) const

Get the height of the readout connectors pair.

Definition at line 1035 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

1036 {
1038 }
double m_ReadoutConnectorsHeight
Height of the readout connectors pair.

◆ getReadoutConnectorsLength()

double getReadoutConnectorsLength ( void  ) const

Get the length of the readout connectors pair.

Definition at line 1023 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

1024 {
1026 }
double m_ReadoutConnectorsLength
Length of the readout connectors pair.

◆ getReadoutConnectorsPosition()

double getReadoutConnectorsPosition ( void  ) const

Get the position of the readout connectors pair along the length of the carrier card.

Definition at line 1041 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

1042 {
1044 }
double m_ReadoutConnectorsPosition
Position of the readout connectors pair along the length of the carrier card.

◆ getReadoutConnectorsWidth()

double getReadoutConnectorsWidth ( void  ) const

Get the width of the readout connectors pair.

Definition at line 1029 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

1030 {
1032 }
double m_ReadoutConnectorsWidth
Width of the readout connectors pair.

◆ getReadoutContainerHeight()

double getReadoutContainerHeight ( void  ) const

Get the height of the readout station's container.

Definition at line 969 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

970 {
972 }
double m_ReadoutContainerHeight
Height of the readout station.

◆ getReadoutContainerLength()

double getReadoutContainerLength ( void  ) const

Get the length of the readout station's container.

Definition at line 957 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

958 {
960 }
double m_ReadoutContainerLength
Length of the readout station.

◆ getReadoutContainerWidth()

double getReadoutContainerWidth ( void  ) const

Get the width of the readout station's container.

Definition at line 963 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

964 {
966 }
double m_ReadoutContainerWidth
Width of the readout station.

◆ getReadoutPreamplifierHeight()

double getReadoutPreamplifierHeight ( void  ) const

Get the height of the preamplifier card.

Definition at line 1005 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

1006 {
1008 }
double m_ReadoutPreamplifierHeight
Height of the preamplifier card.

◆ getReadoutPreamplifierLength()

double getReadoutPreamplifierLength ( void  ) const

Get the length of the preamplifier card.

Definition at line 993 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

994 {
996 }
double m_ReadoutPreamplifierLength
Length of the preamplifier card.

◆ getReadoutPreamplifierPosition()

double getReadoutPreamplifierPosition ( int  preamp) const

Get the position of a preamplifier along the length of the carrier card.

Definition at line 1017 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

1018 {
1019 return m_ReadoutPreamplifierPosition[preamp - 1];
1020 }

◆ getReadoutPreamplifierWidth()

double getReadoutPreamplifierWidth ( void  ) const

Get the width of the preamplifier card.

Definition at line 999 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

1000 {
1002 }
double m_ReadoutPreamplifierWidth
Width of the preamplifier card.

◆ getReadoutStationIsPhi()

bool getReadoutStationIsPhi ( int  station) const

Get the selector for phi (true) or z (false) readout station.

Definition at line 945 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

946 {
947 return m_ReadoutStationIsPhi[station - 1];
948 }
bool m_ReadoutStationIsPhi[NSTATION]
Selector for phi (true) or z (false) readout station.

◆ getReadoutStationPosition()

double getReadoutStationPosition ( int  station) const

Get the position of each readout station along its relevant axis.

Definition at line 951 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

952 {
953 return m_ReadoutStationPosition[station - 1];
954 }
double m_ReadoutStationPosition[NSTATION]
Position of each readout station along its relevant axis.

◆ getRibThickness()

double getRibThickness ( void  ) const

Get the thickness of the radial rib that supports the solenoid / inner detectors.

Definition at line 747 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

748 {
749 return m_RibThickness;
750 }
double m_RibThickness
Thickness of the radial rib that supports the solenoid / inner detectors.

◆ getRotation()

double getRotation ( void  ) const

Get the global rotation angle about z of the entire BKLM.

Definition at line 179 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

180 {
181 return m_Rotation;
182 }
double m_Rotation
Global rotation angle about z of the BKLM.

◆ getScintBoreRadius()

double getScintBoreRadius ( void  ) const

Get the radius of the cylindrical central bore in a scintillator strip.

Definition at line 155 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

156 {
157 return m_ScintBoreRadius;
158 }
double m_ScintBoreRadius
Radius (cm) of the central bore in the scintillator strip.

◆ getScintEnvelopeOffsetSign()

double getScintEnvelopeOffsetSign ( int  layer) const

Get the sign of shift of scintillator envelope along local y axis (-1: MPPCs on left, +1: MPPCs on right) for scintillator layers only

Definition at line 456 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

457 {
458 return m_ScintEnvelopeOffsetSign[layer - 1];
459 }
int m_ScintEnvelopeOffsetSign[NSCINTLAYER]
Sign (+/-1) of scintillator-envelope's shift along y axis within its enclosing module for MPPC placem...

◆ getScintFiberRadius()

double getScintFiberRadius ( void  ) const

Get the radius of the cylindrical central WLS fiber in a scintillator strip.

Definition at line 167 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

168 {
169 return m_ScintFiberRadius;
170 }
double m_ScintFiberRadius
Radius (cm) of the central WLS fiber in the scintillator strip.

◆ getScintHeight()

double getScintHeight ( void  ) const

Get the height of the entire volume of a scintillator strip (including TiO2 coating)

Definition at line 131 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

132 {
133 return m_ScintHeight;
134 }
double m_ScintHeight
Height of one scintillator strip (cm), including the TiO2 coating.

◆ getScintTiO2ThicknessSide()

double getScintTiO2ThicknessSide ( void  ) const

Get the thickness of the inactive TiO2-polystyrene coating on side (short) surface of a scintillator strip.

Definition at line 95 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

96 {
98 }
double m_ScintTiO2ThicknessSide
Thickness (cm) of the TiO2 coating on the left (and right) side of the scintillator strip.

◆ getScintTiO2ThicknessTop()

double getScintTiO2ThicknessTop ( void  ) const

Get the thickness of the inactive TiO2-polystyrene coating on top (broad) surface of a scintillator strip.

Definition at line 83 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

84 {
86 }
double m_ScintTiO2ThicknessTop
Thickness (cm) of the TiO2 coating on the top (and bottom) of the scintillator strip.

◆ getScintWidth()

double getScintWidth ( void  ) const

Get the width of the entire volume of a scintillator strip (including TiO2 coating)

Definition at line 143 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

144 {
145 return m_ScintWidth;
146 }
double m_ScintWidth
Width of one scintillator strip (cm), including the TiO2 coating.

◆ getSectorRotation()

double getSectorRotation ( int  section,
int  sector 
) const

Get the rotation angle for a sector.

Definition at line 191 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

192 {
193 return m_SectorRotation[section][sector - 1];
194 }
double m_SectorRotation[2][BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectorNumber()]
Global rotation angle of a sector.

◆ getSolenoidOuterRadius()

double getSolenoidOuterRadius ( void  ) const

Get the outer radius of the solenoid.

Definition at line 227 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

228 {
230 }
double m_SolenoidOuterRadius
Outer radius of the solenoid.

◆ getSupportPlateHeight()

double getSupportPlateHeight ( void  ) const

Get height of the innermost-module support plate.

Definition at line 807 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

808 {
810 }
double m_SupportPlateHeight
Height of the innermost-module support plate.

◆ getSupportPlateLength()

double getSupportPlateLength ( void  ) const

Get length of the innermost-module support plate.

Definition at line 819 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

820 {
822 }
double m_SupportPlateLength
Length of the innermost-module support plate.

◆ getSupportPlateLengthChimney()

double getSupportPlateLengthChimney ( void  ) const

Get length of the innermost-module support plate in the chimney sector.

Definition at line 831 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

832 {
834 }
double m_SupportPlateLengthChimney
Length of the innermost-module support plate in the chimney sector.

◆ getSupportPlateWidth()

double getSupportPlateWidth ( void  ) const

Get width of the innermost-module support plate.

Definition at line 795 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

796 {
797 return m_SupportPlateWidth;
798 }
double m_SupportPlateWidth
Width of the innermost-module support plate.

◆ getZScintDLength()

double getZScintDLength ( int  layer,
int  scint 
) const

Get shortening of nominal length of the z scintillators for scintillator layers only

Definition at line 494 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

495 {
496 return m_ZScintDLength[layer - 1][scint - 1];
497 }
double m_ZScintDLength[NSCINTLAYER][NZSCINT]
Shortening of the nominal length of the z scintillators for scintillator layers only

◆ getZStripWidth()

double getZStripWidth ( int  layer) const

Get width of the z strips on each layer.

Definition at line 481 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

482 {
483 return m_ZStripWidth[layer - 1];
484 }
double m_ZStripWidth[BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]
Width of the z strips on each layer.

◆ hasRPCs() [1/2]

bool hasRPCs ( int  layer) const

Determine if the sensitive detectors in a given layer are RPCs (=true) or scintillators (=false)

Definition at line 71 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

72 {
73 return m_HasRPCs[layer - 1];
74 }
bool m_HasRPCs[BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]
Flag to indicate whether layer contains RPCs (true) or scintillators (false)

◆ hasRPCs() [2/2]

void hasRPCs ( int  layer,
bool  flag 

Set flag to indicate whether layer contains RPCs (true) or scintillators (false)

Definition at line 77 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

78 {
79 m_HasRPCs[layer] = flag;
80 }

◆ isFlipped() [1/2]

bool isFlipped ( int  section,
int  sector,
int  layer 
) const

Get the z-phi planes flip (i.e., rotation by 180 degrees about z axis) True: z plane is inner, close to IP.

False: phi-plane is inner, close to IP for scintillator layers only

Definition at line 1115 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

1116 {
1117 return m_IsFlipped[section][sector - 1][layer - 1];
1118 }
bool m_IsFlipped[2][BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectorNumber()][NSCINTLAYER]
Flag of z-phi planes flip for scintillator layers only

◆ isFlipped() [2/2]

void isFlipped ( int  section,
int  sector,
int  layer,
bool  flag 

Set the z-phi planes flip (i.e., rotation by 180 degrees about z axis) True: z plane is inner, close to IP.

False: phi-plane is inner, close to IP for scintillator layers only

Definition at line 1123 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

1124 {
1125 m_IsFlipped[section][sector - 1][layer - 1] = flag;
1126 }

◆ read()

void read ( const GearDir content)

Get geometry parameters from Gearbox.

Definition at line 29 of file

31 if (!content) {
32 B2FATAL("The GearDir to look for BKLM geometry parameters is not valid.");
33 return;
34 }
35 char name[80] = "";
36 GearDir data(content);
37 data.append("/BKLM");
38 m_DoBeamBackgroundStudy = data.getBool("BeamBackgroundStudy");
39 m_Rotation = data.getAngle("Rotation");
40 m_OffsetZ = data.getLength("OffsetZ");
41 m_Phi = data.getLength("Phi");
42 m_NSector = data.getNumberNodes("Sectors/Forward/Sector");
43 if (m_NSector > BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectorNumber()) { // array-bounds check
44 B2FATAL("BKLMGeometryPar::read(): sectors array size exceeded:"
45 << LogVar("# of sectors", m_NSector)
47 }
48 m_SolenoidOuterRadius = data.getLength("SolenoidOuterRadius");
49 m_OuterRadius = data.getLength("OuterRadius");
50 m_HalfLength = data.getLength("HalfLength");
51 m_NLayer = data.getNumberNodes("Layers/Layer");
52 if (m_NLayer > BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()) { // array-bounds check
53 B2FATAL("BKLMGeometryPar::read(): layer array size exceeded:"
54 << LogVar("# of layers", m_NLayer)
56 }
58 m_IronNominalHeight = data.getLength("Layers/IronNominalHeight");
59 m_IronActualHeight = data.getLength("Layers/IronActualHeight");
60 m_Gap1NominalHeight = data.getLength("Layers/Layer[@layer=\"1\"]/GapNominalHeight");
61 m_GapNominalHeight = data.getLength("Layers/GapNominalHeight");
62 m_Gap1InnerRadius = data.getLength("Layers/InnerRadius");
63 m_Gap1IronWidth = data.getLength("Layers/Layer[@layer=\"1\"]/GapIronWidth");
64 m_GapIronWidth = data.getLength("Layers/GapIronWidth");
65 m_GapLength = data.getLength("Layers/GapLength");
67 m_NZStrips = data.getInt("Layers/NZStrips");
68 m_NZStripsChimney = data.getInt("Layers/NZStripsChimney");
69 m_NZScints = data.getInt("Layers/NZScintillators");
70 m_NZScintsChimney = data.getInt("Layers/NZScintillatorsChimney");
71 m_NZScintsChimney = data.getInt("Layers/NZScintillatorsChimney");
72 if (m_NZScints > NZSCINT) { // array-bounds check
73 B2FATAL("BKLMGeometryPar::read(): z-scint array size exceeded:"
74 << LogVar("# of z scintillators", m_NZScints)
75 << LogVar("array size", NZSCINT));
76 }
77 if (m_NZScintsChimney > NZSCINT) { // array-bounds check
78 B2FATAL("BKLMGeometryPar::read(): chimney sector z-scint array size exceeded:"
79 << LogVar("# of z scintillators", m_NZScintsChimney)
80 << LogVar("array size", NZSCINT));
81 }
83 m_ModuleLength = data.getLength("Module/Length");
84 m_ModuleLengthChimney = data.getLength("Module/LengthChimney");
85 m_ModuleCoverHeight = data.getLength("Module/CoverHeight");
86 m_ModuleCopperHeight = data.getLength("Module/CopperHeight");
87 m_ModuleFoamHeight = data.getLength("Module/FoamHeight");
88 m_ModuleMylarHeight = data.getLength("Module/MylarHeight");
89 m_ModuleGlassHeight = data.getLength("Module/GlassHeight");
90 m_ModuleGasHeight = data.getLength("Module/GasHeight");
91 m_ModuleFrameWidth = data.getLength("Module/FrameWidth");
92 m_ModuleFrameThickness = data.getLength("Module/FrameThickness");
93 m_ModuleGasSpacerWidth = data.getLength("Module/SpacerWidth");
94 m_ModulePolystyreneInnerHeight = data.getLength("Module/PolystyreneInnerHeight");
95 m_ModulePolystyreneOuterHeight = data.getLength("Module/PolystyreneOuterHeight");
96 m_ScintWidth = data.getLength("Module/Scintillator/Width");
97 m_ScintHeight = data.getLength("Module/Scintillator/Height");
98 m_ScintBoreRadius = data.getLength("Module/Scintillator/BoreRadius");
99 m_ScintFiberRadius = data.getLength("Module/Scintillator/FiberRadius");
100 m_ScintTiO2ThicknessTop = data.getLength("Module/Scintillator/TiO2ThicknessTop");
101 m_ScintTiO2ThicknessSide = data.getLength("Module/Scintillator/TiO2ThicknessSide");
103 m_ChimneyLength = data.getLength("Chimney/Length");
104 m_ChimneyWidth = data.getLength("Chimney/Width");
105 m_ChimneyCoverThickness = data.getLength("Chimney/CoverThickness");
106 m_ChimneyHousingInnerRadius = data.getLength("Chimney/HousingInnerRadius");
107 m_ChimneyHousingOuterRadius = data.getLength("Chimney/HousingOuterRadius");
108 m_ChimneyShieldInnerRadius = data.getLength("Chimney/ShieldInnerRadius");
109 m_ChimneyShieldOuterRadius = data.getLength("Chimney/ShieldOuterRadius");
110 m_ChimneyPipeInnerRadius = data.getLength("Chimney/PipeInnerRadius");
111 m_ChimneyPipeOuterRadius = data.getLength("Chimney/PipeOuterRadius");
113 m_RibThickness = data.getLength("RibThickness");
114 m_CablesWidth = data.getLength("CablesWidth");
115 m_BraceWidth = data.getLength("BraceWidth");
116 m_BraceWidthChimney = data.getLength("BraceWidthChimney");
118 m_SupportPlateWidth = data.getLength("SupportPlateWidth");
119 m_SupportPlateHeight = data.getLength("SupportPlateHeight");
120 m_SupportPlateLength = data.getLength("SupportPlateLength");
121 m_SupportPlateLengthChimney = data.getLength("SupportPlateLengthChimney");
123 m_BracketWidth = data.getLength("BracketWidth");
124 m_BracketThickness = data.getLength("BracketThickness");
125 m_BracketLength = data.getLength("BracketLength");
126 m_BracketRibWidth = data.getLength("BracketRibWidth");
127 m_BracketRibThickness = data.getLength("BracketRibThickness");
128 m_BracketInnerRadius = data.getLength("BracketInnerRadius");
129 m_BracketInset = data.getLength("BracketInset");
130 m_BracketCutoutDphi = data.getAngle("BracketCutoutDphi");
132 m_NReadoutStation = data.getNumberNodes("Readout/Stations/Station");
133 if (m_NReadoutStation > NSTATION) { // array-bounds check
134 B2FATAL("BKLMGeometryPar::read(): readout stations array size exceeded:"
135 << LogVar("# of readout stations", m_NReadoutStation)
136 << LogVar("array size", NSTATION));
137 }
138 for (int station = 1; station <= m_NReadoutStation; ++station) {
139 sprintf(name, "/Readout/Stations/Station[@station=\"%d\"]", station);
140 GearDir stationContent = data;
141 stationContent.append(name);
142 m_ReadoutStationIsPhi[station - 1] = stationContent.getBool("IsPhi");
143 m_ReadoutStationPosition[station - 1] = stationContent.getLength("Position");
144 }
145 m_ReadoutContainerLength = data.getLength("Readout/Container/Length");
146 m_ReadoutContainerWidth = data.getLength("Readout/Container/Width");
147 m_ReadoutContainerHeight = data.getLength("Readout/Container/Height");
148 m_ReadoutCarrierLength = data.getLength("Readout/Carrier/Length");
149 m_ReadoutCarrierWidth = data.getLength("Readout/Carrier/Width");
150 m_ReadoutCarrierHeight = data.getLength("Readout/Carrier/Height");
151 m_ReadoutPreamplifierLength = data.getLength("Readout/Preamplifier/Length");
152 m_ReadoutPreamplifierWidth = data.getLength("Readout/Preamplifier/Width");
153 m_ReadoutPreamplifierHeight = data.getLength("Readout/Preamplifier/Height");
154 m_ReadoutPreamplifierPosition = data.getArray("Readout/Preamplifier/Position");
155 m_ReadoutConnectorsLength = data.getLength("Readout/Connectors/Length");
156 m_ReadoutConnectorsWidth = data.getLength("Readout/Connectors/Width");
157 m_ReadoutConnectorsHeight = data.getLength("Readout/Connectors/Height");
158 m_ReadoutConnectorsPosition = data.getLength("Readout/Connectors/Position");
159 m_MPPCHousingRadius = data.getLength("Readout/MPPC/Housing/Radius");
160 m_MPPCHousingLength = data.getLength("Readout/MPPC/Housing/Length");
161 m_MPPCLength = data.getLength("Readout/MPPC/Sensor/Length");
162 m_MPPCWidth = data.getLength("Readout/MPPC/Sensor/Width");
163 m_MPPCHeight = data.getLength("Readout/MPPC/Sensor/Height");
165 // by-layer values that are common for all sectors and forward/backward
166 for (int layer = 1; layer <= m_NLayer; ++layer) {
167 sprintf(name, "/Layers/Layer[@layer=\"%d\"]", layer);
168 GearDir layerContent = data;
169 layerContent.append(name);
170 m_HasRPCs[layer - 1] = layerContent.getBool("HasRPCs");
171 m_NPhiStrips[layer - 1] = layerContent.getInt("PhiStrips/NStrips");
172 m_PhiStripWidth[layer - 1] = layerContent.getLength("PhiStrips/Width");
173 m_ZStripWidth[layer - 1] = layerContent.getLength("ZStrips/Width");
174 if (layer <= NSCINTLAYER) {
175 m_ScintEnvelopeOffsetSign[layer - 1] = layerContent.getInt("ScintEnvelopeOffsetSign");
176 m_NPhiScints[layer - 1] = layerContent.getInt("PhiScintillators/NScints", 0);
177 if (m_NPhiScints[layer - 1] > NPHISCINT) { // array-bounds check
178 B2FATAL("BKLMGeometryPar::read(): phi-scint array size exceeded:"
179 << LogVar("in zero-based layer", layer - 1)
180 << LogVar("# of phi scintillators", m_NPhiScints[layer - 1])
181 << LogVar("array size", NPHISCINT));
182 }
183 for (int scint = 1; scint <= m_NZScints; ++scint) {
184 sprintf(name, "/ZScintillators/Scint[@scint=\"%d\"]", scint);
185 GearDir scintContent(layerContent);
186 scintContent.append(name);
187 m_ZScintDLength[layer - 1][scint - 1] = scintContent.getLength("DLength", 0.0);
188 }
189 }
190 }
192 // values that depend on fb/sector/layer
193 for (int section = 0; section <= BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectionNumber(); ++section) {
195 for (int sector = 1; sector <= m_NSector; ++sector) {
196 sprintf(name, "/Sectors/%s/Sector[@sector=\"%d\"]", (isForward ? "Forward" : "Backward"), sector);
197 GearDir sectorContent(data);
198 sectorContent.append(name);
199 m_SectorRotation[section][sector - 1] = sectorContent.getAngle("Phi");
200 for (int layer = 1; layer <= m_NLayer; ++layer) {
201 GearDir layerContent(sectorContent);
202 sprintf(name, "/Layer[@layer=\"%d\"]", layer);
203 layerContent.append(name);
204 m_LocalReconstructionShiftX[section][sector - 1][layer - 1] = layerContent.getLength("ReconstructionShift/X");
205 m_LocalReconstructionShiftY[section][sector - 1][layer - 1] = layerContent.getLength("ReconstructionShift/Y");
206 m_LocalReconstructionShiftZ[section][sector - 1][layer - 1] = layerContent.getLength("ReconstructionShift/Z");
207 if (layer <= NSCINTLAYER) {
208 m_IsFlipped[section][sector - 1][layer - 1] = layerContent.getBool("Flip", false);
209 }
210 }
211 }
212 }
static constexpr int getMaximalLayerNumber()
Get maximal layer number (1-based).
static constexpr int getMaximalSectorNumber()
Get maximal sector number (1-based).
static constexpr int getMaximalSectionNumber()
Get maximal section number (0-based).
GearDir is the basic class used for accessing the parameter store.
Definition: GearDir.h:31
void append(const std::string &path)
Append something to the current path, modifying the GearDir in place.
Definition: GearDir.h:52
double getLength(const std::string &path="") const noexcept(false)
Get the parameter path as a double converted to the standard length unit.
Definition: Interface.h:259
bool getBool(const std::string &path="") const noexcept(false)
Get the parameter path as a bool.
int getInt(const std::string &path="") const noexcept(false)
Get the parameter path as a int.
Class to store variables with their name which were sent to the logging service.
bool isForward(int cellId)
Check whether the crystal is in forward ECL.

◆ setBKLMGeometryParComment()

void setBKLMGeometryParComment ( const std::string &  s)

Set comment.

Definition at line 1135 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

1136 {
1137 m_comment = s;
1138 }

◆ setBraceWidth()

void setBraceWidth ( double  x)

Set the width of the brace in the middle of the cable-services channel.

Definition at line 777 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

778 {
779 m_BraceWidth = x;
780 }

◆ setBraceWidthChimney()

void setBraceWidthChimney ( double  x)

Set the width of the brace in the middle of the cable-services channel in the chimney sector.

Definition at line 789 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

790 {
792 }

◆ setBracketCutoutDphi()

void setBracketCutoutDphi ( double  x)

Set the angular width of the layer-0 support plate's bracket's cutout.

Definition at line 933 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

934 {
936 }

◆ setBracketInnerRadius()

void setBracketInnerRadius ( double  x)

Set the inner radius of the layer-0 support plate's bracket.

Definition at line 921 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

922 {
924 }

◆ setBracketInset()

void setBracketInset ( double  x)

Set distance from support plate's end of bracket.

Definition at line 909 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

910 {
911 m_BracketInset = x;
912 }

◆ setBracketLength()

void setBracketLength ( double  x)

Set the length of the layer-0 support plate's bracket.

Definition at line 873 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

874 {
875 m_BracketLength = x;
876 }

◆ setBracketRibThickness()

void setBracketRibThickness ( double  x)

Set the thickness of the layer-0 support plate's bracket's rib.

Definition at line 897 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

898 {
900 }

◆ setBracketRibWidth()

void setBracketRibWidth ( double  x)

Set the width of the layer-0 support plate's bracket's rib.

Definition at line 885 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

886 {
888 }

◆ setBracketThickness()

void setBracketThickness ( double  x)

Set the thickness of the layer-0 support plate's bracket.

Definition at line 861 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

862 {
864 }

◆ setBracketWidth()

void setBracketWidth ( double  x)

Set the width of the layer-0 support plate's bracket.

Definition at line 849 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

850 {
851 m_BracketWidth = x;
852 }

◆ setCablesWidth()

void setCablesWidth ( double  x)

Set the width of the cable-services channel at each end.

Definition at line 765 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

766 {
767 m_CablesWidth = x;
768 }

◆ setChimneyCoverThickness()

void setChimneyCoverThickness ( double  x)

Set the thickness of the chimney cover plate.

Definition at line 669 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

670 {
672 }

◆ setChimneyHousingInnerRadius()

void setChimneyHousingInnerRadius ( double  x)

Set the inner radius of the chimney housing.

Definition at line 681 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

682 {
684 }

◆ setChimneyHousingOuterRadius()

void setChimneyHousingOuterRadius ( double  x)

Set the outer radius of the chimney housing.

Definition at line 693 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

694 {
696 }

◆ setChimneyLength()

void setChimneyLength ( double  x)

Set length along z of the chimney hole.

Definition at line 113 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

114 {
115 m_ChimneyLength = x;
116 }

◆ setChimneyPipeInnerRadius()

void setChimneyPipeInnerRadius ( double  x)

Set the inner radius of the chimney pipe.

Definition at line 729 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

730 {
732 }

◆ setChimneyPipeOuterRadius()

void setChimneyPipeOuterRadius ( double  x)

Set the outer radius of the chimney pipe.

Definition at line 741 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

742 {
744 }

◆ setChimneyShieldInnerRadius()

void setChimneyShieldInnerRadius ( double  x)

Set the inner radius of the chimney radiation shield.

Definition at line 705 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

706 {
708 }

◆ setChimneyShieldOuterRadius()

void setChimneyShieldOuterRadius ( double  x)

Set the outer radius of the chimney radiation shield.

Definition at line 717 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

718 {
720 }

◆ setChimneyWidth()

void setChimneyWidth ( double  x)

Set width of the chimney hole.

Definition at line 125 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

126 {
127 m_ChimneyWidth = x;
128 }

◆ setGap1InnerRadius()

void setGap1InnerRadius ( double  x)

Set the radius of the inner tangent circle of gap 0 (innermost)

Definition at line 317 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

318 {
320 }

◆ setGap1IronWidth()

void setGap1IronWidth ( double  x)

Set the width (at the outer radius) of the adjacent structural iron on either side of innermost gap.

Definition at line 341 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

342 {
343 m_Gap1IronWidth = x;
344 }

◆ setGap1NominalHeight()

void setGap1NominalHeight ( double  x)

Set the nominal height of the innermost gap.

Definition at line 329 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

330 {
332 }

◆ setGapIronWidth()

void setGapIronWidth ( double  x)

Set the width (at the outer radius) of the adjacent structural iron on either side of a gap.

Definition at line 377 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

378 {
379 m_GapIronWidth = x;
380 }

◆ setGapLength()

void setGapLength ( double  x)

Set the length along z of the module gap.

Definition at line 353 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

354 {
355 m_GapLength = x;
356 }

◆ setGapNominalHeight()

void setGapNominalHeight ( double  x)

Set the nominal height of the outer gaps.

Definition at line 365 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

366 {
368 }

◆ setHalfLength()

void setHalfLength ( double  x)

Set the half-length along z of the BKLM.

Definition at line 257 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

258 {
259 m_HalfLength = x;
260 }

◆ setIronActualHeight()

void setIronActualHeight ( double  x)

Set the actual height of a layer's structural iron.

Definition at line 305 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

306 {
308 }

◆ setIronNominalHeight()

void setIronNominalHeight ( double  x)

Set the nominal height of a layer's structural iron.

Definition at line 293 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

294 {
296 }

◆ setLocalReconstructionShiftX()

void setLocalReconstructionShiftX ( int  section,
int  sector,
int  layer,
double  x 

Set reconstruction dx in local system. displacement, not alignment.

Definition at line 1083 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

1084 {
1085 m_LocalReconstructionShiftX[section][sector - 1][layer - 1] = x;
1086 }

◆ setLocalReconstructionShiftY()

void setLocalReconstructionShiftY ( int  section,
int  sector,
int  layer,
double  x 

Set reconstruction dy in local system. displacement, not alignment.

Definition at line 1095 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

1096 {
1097 m_LocalReconstructionShiftY[section][sector - 1][layer - 1] = x;
1098 }

◆ setLocalReconstructionShiftZ()

void setLocalReconstructionShiftZ ( int  section,
int  sector,
int  layer,
double  x 

Set reconstruction dz in local system. displacement, not alignment.

Definition at line 1107 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

1108 {
1109 m_LocalReconstructionShiftZ[section][sector - 1][layer - 1] = x;
1110 }

◆ setModuleCopperHeight()

void setModuleCopperHeight ( double  x)

Set the height of the module's readout or ground copper plane (4 per module)

Definition at line 549 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

550 {
552 }

◆ setModuleCoverHeight()

void setModuleCoverHeight ( double  x)

Set the height of the module's aluminum cover (2 per module)

Definition at line 537 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

538 {
540 }

◆ setModuleFoamHeight()

void setModuleFoamHeight ( double  x)

Set the height of the module's transmission-line foam (2 per module)

Definition at line 561 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

562 {
564 }

◆ setModuleFrameThickness()

void setModuleFrameThickness ( double  x)

Set the thickness of the module's perimeter aluminum frame.

Definition at line 621 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

622 {
624 }

◆ setModuleFrameWidth()

void setModuleFrameWidth ( double  x)

Set the width of the module's perimeter aluminum frame.

Definition at line 609 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

610 {
612 }

◆ setModuleGasHeight()

void setModuleGasHeight ( double  x)

Set the height of the module's gas gap (2 per module)

Definition at line 597 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

598 {
600 }

◆ setModuleGasSpacerWidth()

void setModuleGasSpacerWidth ( double  x)

Set the width of the module's gas-gap's perimeter spacer.

Definition at line 633 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

634 {
636 }

◆ setModuleGlassHeight()

void setModuleGlassHeight ( double  moduleGlassHeight)

Set the height of the module's glass electrode (4 per module)

Definition at line 585 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

586 {
587 m_ModuleGlassHeight = moduleGlassHeight;
588 }

◆ setModuleLength()

void setModuleLength ( double  x)

Set the length along z of the module.

Definition at line 513 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

514 {
515 m_ModuleLength = x;
516 }

◆ setModuleLengthChimney()

void setModuleLengthChimney ( double  x)

Set the length along z of the module.

Definition at line 525 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

526 {
528 }

◆ setModuleMylarHeight()

void setModuleMylarHeight ( double  x)

Set the height of the module's insulating mylar (2 per module)

Definition at line 573 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

574 {
576 }

◆ setModulePolystyreneInnerHeight()

void setModulePolystyreneInnerHeight ( double  x)

Set the height of the inner polystyrene-filler sheet.

Definition at line 645 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

646 {
648 }

◆ setModulePolystyreneOuterHeight()

void setModulePolystyreneOuterHeight ( double  x)

Set the height of the outer polystyrene-filler sheet.

Definition at line 657 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

658 {
660 }

◆ setNLayer()

void setNLayer ( double  n)

Set the number of modules in one sector.

Definition at line 281 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

282 {
283 m_NLayer = n;
284 }

◆ setNPhiScints()

void setNPhiScints ( int  layer,
int  n 

Set the number of phi-measuring scintillators in an scintillator module.

Definition at line 449 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

450 {
451 m_NPhiScints[layer - 1] = n;
452 }

◆ setNPhiStrips()

void setNPhiStrips ( int  layer,
int  n 

Set the number of phi-measuring cathode strips in an RPC module.

Definition at line 413 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

414 {
415 m_NPhiStrips[layer - 1] = n;
416 }

◆ setNSector()

void setNSector ( int  n)

Set the number of sectors of the BKLM.

Definition at line 245 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

246 {
247 m_NSector = n;
248 }

◆ setNZScints()

void setNZScints ( int  n)

Set the number of z-measuring scintillators in a scintillator module (no chimney)

Definition at line 425 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

426 {
427 m_NZScints = n;
428 }

◆ setNZScintsChimney()

void setNZScintsChimney ( int  n)

Set the number of z-measuring scintillators in a scintillator module (with chimney)

Definition at line 437 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

438 {
440 }

◆ setNZStrips()

void setNZStrips ( int  n)

Set the number of z-measuring cathode strips in an RPC module (no chimney)

Definition at line 389 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

390 {
391 m_NZStrips = n;
392 }

◆ setNZStripsChimney()

void setNZStripsChimney ( int  n)

Set the number of z-measuring cathode strips in an RPC module (with chimney)

Definition at line 401 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

402 {
404 }

◆ setOffsetZ()

void setOffsetZ ( double  x)

Set the global shift along a of the entire BKLM.

Definition at line 209 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

210 {
211 m_OffsetZ = x;
212 }

◆ setOuterRadius()

void setOuterRadius ( double  x)

Set the radius of the inscribed circle of the outer polygon.

Definition at line 269 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

270 {
271 m_OuterRadius = x;
272 }

◆ setPhi()

void setPhi ( double  x)

Set the starting angle of the BKLM's polygon shape.

Definition at line 221 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

222 {
223 m_Phi = x;
224 }

◆ setPhiStripWidth()

void setPhiStripWidth ( int  layer,
double  x 

Set width of the phi strips on each layer.

Definition at line 475 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

476 {
477 m_PhiStripWidth[layer - 1] = x;
478 }

◆ setRibThickness()

void setRibThickness ( double  x)

Set the thickness of the radial rib that supports the solenoid / inner detectors.

Definition at line 753 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

754 {
755 m_RibThickness = x;
756 }

◆ setRotation()

void setRotation ( double  x)

Set the global rotation angle about z of the entire BKLM.

Definition at line 185 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

186 {
187 m_Rotation = x;
188 }

◆ setScintBoreRadius()

void setScintBoreRadius ( double  x)

Set the radius of the cylindrical central bore in a scintillator strip.

Definition at line 161 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

162 {
164 }

◆ setScintEnvelopeOffsetSign()

void setScintEnvelopeOffsetSign ( int  layer,
int  n 

Set the sign of shift of scintillator envelope along local y axis (-1: MPPCs on left, +1: MPPCs on right) for scintillator layers only

Definition at line 463 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

464 {
465 m_ScintEnvelopeOffsetSign[layer - 1] = n;
466 }

◆ setScintFiberRadius()

void setScintFiberRadius ( double  x)

Set the radius of the cylindrical central WLS fiber in a scintillator strip.

Definition at line 173 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

174 {
176 }

◆ setScintHeight()

void setScintHeight ( double  x)

Set the height of the entire volume of a scintillator strip (including TiO2 coating)

Definition at line 137 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

138 {
139 m_ScintHeight = x;
140 }

◆ setScintTiO2ThicknessSide()

void setScintTiO2ThicknessSide ( double  x)

Set the thickness of the inactive TiO2-polystyrene coating on side (short) surface of a scintillator strip.

Definition at line 101 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

102 {
104 }

◆ setScintTiO2ThicknessTop()

void setScintTiO2ThicknessTop ( double  x)

Set the thickness of the inactive TiO2-polystyrene coating on top (broad) surface of a scintillator strip.

Definition at line 89 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

90 {
92 }

◆ setScintWidth()

void setScintWidth ( double  x)

Set the width of the entire volume of a scintillator strip (including TiO2 coating)

Definition at line 149 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

150 {
151 m_ScintWidth = x;
152 }

◆ setSectorRotation()

void setSectorRotation ( int  section,
int  sector,
double  x 

Set the rotation angle for a sector.

Definition at line 197 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

198 {
199 m_SectorRotation[section][sector - 1] = x;
200 }

◆ setSolenoidOuterRadius()

void setSolenoidOuterRadius ( double  x)

Set the outer radius of the solenoid.

Definition at line 233 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

234 {
236 }

◆ setSupportPlateHeight()

void setSupportPlateHeight ( double  x)

Set height of the innermost-module support plate.

Definition at line 813 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

814 {
816 }

◆ setSupportPlateLength()

void setSupportPlateLength ( double  x)

Set length of the innermost-module support plate.

Definition at line 825 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

826 {
828 }

◆ setSupportPlateLengthChimney()

void setSupportPlateLengthChimney ( double  x)

Set length of the innermost-module support plate in the chimney sector.

Definition at line 837 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

838 {
840 }

◆ setSupportPlateWidth()

void setSupportPlateWidth ( double  x)

Set width of the innermost-module support plate.

Definition at line 801 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

802 {
804 }

◆ setZScintDLength()

void setZScintDLength ( int  layer,
int  scint,
double  x 

Set shortening of nominal length of the z scintillators for scintillator layers only

Definition at line 501 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

502 {
503 m_ZScintDLength[layer - 1][scint - 1] = x;
504 }

◆ setZStripWidth()

void setZStripWidth ( int  layer,
double  x 

Set width of the z strips on each layer.

Definition at line 487 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

488 {
489 m_ZStripWidth[layer - 1] = x;
490 }

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_BraceWidth

double m_BraceWidth

Width of the central brace in the middle of the cable-services channel.

Definition at line 1324 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_BraceWidthChimney

double m_BraceWidthChimney

Width of the central brace in the middle of the cable-services channel in the chimney sector.

Definition at line 1327 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_BracketCutoutDphi

double m_BracketCutoutDphi

Angular width of the innermost-module support plate's bracket's cutout.

Definition at line 1363 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_BracketInnerRadius

double m_BracketInnerRadius

Inner radius of the innermost-module support plate's bracket.

Definition at line 1357 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_BracketInset

double m_BracketInset

Distance from support plate's end of bracket.

Definition at line 1360 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_BracketLength

double m_BracketLength

Length of the innermost-module support plate's bracket.

Definition at line 1348 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_BracketRibThickness

double m_BracketRibThickness

Thickness of the innermost-module support plate's bracket's rib.

Definition at line 1354 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_BracketRibWidth

double m_BracketRibWidth

Width of the innermost-module support plate's bracket's rib.

Definition at line 1351 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_BracketThickness

double m_BracketThickness

Thickness of the innermost-module support plate's bracket.

Definition at line 1345 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_BracketWidth

double m_BracketWidth

Width of the innermost-module support plate's bracket.

Definition at line 1342 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_CablesWidth

double m_CablesWidth

Width of the cable-services channel at each end.

Definition at line 1321 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ChimneyCoverThickness

double m_ChimneyCoverThickness

Thickness of the chimney's iron cover plate.

Definition at line 1297 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ChimneyHousingInnerRadius

double m_ChimneyHousingInnerRadius

Inner radius of the chimney housing.

Definition at line 1300 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ChimneyHousingOuterRadius

double m_ChimneyHousingOuterRadius

Outer radius of the chimney housing.

Definition at line 1303 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ChimneyLength

double m_ChimneyLength

Length along z of the chimney hole.

Definition at line 1291 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ChimneyPipeInnerRadius

double m_ChimneyPipeInnerRadius

Inner radius of the chimney pipe.

Definition at line 1312 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ChimneyPipeOuterRadius

double m_ChimneyPipeOuterRadius

Outer radius of the chimney pipe.

Definition at line 1315 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ChimneyShieldInnerRadius

double m_ChimneyShieldInnerRadius

Inner radius of the chimney shield.

Definition at line 1306 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ChimneyShieldOuterRadius

double m_ChimneyShieldOuterRadius

Outer radius of the chimney shield.

Definition at line 1309 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ChimneyWidth

double m_ChimneyWidth

Width of the chimney hole.

Definition at line 1294 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_comment

std::string m_comment

Optional comment.

Definition at line 1444 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_DoBeamBackgroundStudy

bool m_DoBeamBackgroundStudy

Flag for enabling beam background study (=alternate sensitive-detector function)

Definition at line 1143 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_Gap1InnerRadius

double m_Gap1InnerRadius

Radius of the inner tangent circle of the innermost gap.

Definition at line 1185 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_Gap1IronWidth

double m_Gap1IronWidth

Width (at the outer radius) of the adjacent structural iron on either side of innermost gap.

Definition at line 1188 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_Gap1NominalHeight

double m_Gap1NominalHeight

Nominal height of the innermost gap.

Definition at line 1179 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_GapIronWidth

double m_GapIronWidth

Width (at the outer radius) of the adjacent structural iron on either side of a gap.

Definition at line 1191 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_GapLength

double m_GapLength

Length along z of each gap.

Definition at line 1194 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_GapNominalHeight

double m_GapNominalHeight

Nominal height of outer gaps.

Definition at line 1182 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_HalfLength

double m_HalfLength

Half-length along z of the BKLM.

Definition at line 1167 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_HasRPCs

bool m_HasRPCs[BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]

Flag to indicate whether layer contains RPCs (true) or scintillators (false)

Definition at line 1209 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_IronActualHeight

double m_IronActualHeight

Actual height of a layer's structural iron.

Definition at line 1176 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_IronNominalHeight

double m_IronNominalHeight

Nominal height of a layer's structural iron.

Definition at line 1173 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_IsFlipped

bool m_IsFlipped[2][BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectorNumber()][NSCINTLAYER]

Flag of z-phi planes flip for scintillator layers only

Definition at line 1441 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_LocalReconstructionShiftX

Reconstruction dx in local system. displacement, not alignment.

Definition at line 1432 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_LocalReconstructionShiftY

Reconstruction dy in local system. displacement, not alignment.

Definition at line 1435 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_LocalReconstructionShiftZ

Reconstruction dz in local system. displacement, not alignment.

Definition at line 1438 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ModuleCopperHeight

double m_ModuleCopperHeight

Height of a detector module's copper readout or ground plane.

Definition at line 1243 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ModuleCoverHeight

double m_ModuleCoverHeight

Height of a detector module's aluminum cover.

Definition at line 1240 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ModuleFoamHeight

double m_ModuleFoamHeight

Height of a detector module's transmission-line foam.

Definition at line 1246 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ModuleFrameThickness

double m_ModuleFrameThickness

Thickness of a detector module's frame ("C" shape - thickness of vertical leg)

Definition at line 1261 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ModuleFrameWidth

double m_ModuleFrameWidth

Width of a detector module's frame ("C" shape - width of horizontal leg)

Definition at line 1258 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ModuleGasHeight

double m_ModuleGasHeight

Height of a detector module's gas gap.

Definition at line 1255 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ModuleGasSpacerWidth

double m_ModuleGasSpacerWidth

Width of a detector module's spacer.

Definition at line 1264 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ModuleGlassHeight

double m_ModuleGlassHeight

Height of a detector module's glass electrode.

Definition at line 1252 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ModuleLength

double m_ModuleLength

Length along z of the module.

Definition at line 1234 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ModuleLengthChimney

double m_ModuleLengthChimney

Length along z of the module in the chimney sector.

Definition at line 1237 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ModuleMylarHeight

double m_ModuleMylarHeight

Height of a detector module's mylar insulation.

Definition at line 1249 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ModulePolystyreneInnerHeight

double m_ModulePolystyreneInnerHeight

Height of the inner polystyrene-filler sheet.

Definition at line 1267 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ModulePolystyreneOuterHeight

double m_ModulePolystyreneOuterHeight

Height of the outer polystyrene-filler sheet.

Definition at line 1270 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_MPPCHeight

double m_MPPCHeight

MPPC height.

Definition at line 1429 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_MPPCHousingLength

double m_MPPCHousingLength

MPPC housing length.

Definition at line 1420 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_MPPCHousingRadius

double m_MPPCHousingRadius

MPPC housing radius.

Definition at line 1417 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_MPPCLength

double m_MPPCLength

MPPC length.

Definition at line 1423 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_MPPCWidth

double m_MPPCWidth

MPPC width.

Definition at line 1426 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_NLayer

int m_NLayer

Number of layers in one sector.

Definition at line 1170 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_NPhiScints

int m_NPhiScints[NSCINTLAYER]

Number of phi-readout scintillators in each layer for scintillator layers only

Definition at line 1227 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_NPhiStrips

int m_NPhiStrips[BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]

Number of phi-readout RPC strips in each layer.

Definition at line 1212 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_NReadoutStation

int m_NReadoutStation

Number of preamplifier readout stations.

Definition at line 1366 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_NSector

int m_NSector

Number of sectors (=8 : octagonal)

Definition at line 1158 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_NZScints

int m_NZScints

Number of z-measuring scintillators in a standard scintillator module.

Definition at line 1203 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_NZScintsChimney

int m_NZScintsChimney

Number of z-measuring scintillators in a chimney-sector scintillator module.

Definition at line 1206 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_NZStrips

int m_NZStrips

Number of z-measuring cathode strips in a standard RPC module.

Definition at line 1197 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_NZStripsChimney

int m_NZStripsChimney

Number of z-measuring cathode strips in a chimney-sector RPC module.

Definition at line 1200 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_OffsetZ

double m_OffsetZ

Global offset along z of the BKLM.

Definition at line 1152 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_OuterRadius

double m_OuterRadius

Radius of the circle tangent to the sides of the outer polygon.

Definition at line 1164 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_Phi

double m_Phi

Starting angle of the polygon shape.

Definition at line 1155 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_PhiStripWidth

double m_PhiStripWidth[BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]

Width of the phi strips on each layer.

Definition at line 1215 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ReadoutCarrierHeight

double m_ReadoutCarrierHeight

Height of the readout carrier card.

Definition at line 1390 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ReadoutCarrierLength

double m_ReadoutCarrierLength

Length of the readout carrier card.

Definition at line 1384 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ReadoutCarrierWidth

double m_ReadoutCarrierWidth

Width of the readout carrier card.

Definition at line 1387 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ReadoutConnectorsHeight

double m_ReadoutConnectorsHeight

Height of the readout connectors pair.

Definition at line 1411 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ReadoutConnectorsLength

double m_ReadoutConnectorsLength

Length of the readout connectors pair.

Definition at line 1405 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ReadoutConnectorsPosition

double m_ReadoutConnectorsPosition

Position of the readout connectors pair along the length of the carrier card.

Definition at line 1414 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ReadoutConnectorsWidth

double m_ReadoutConnectorsWidth

Width of the readout connectors pair.

Definition at line 1408 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ReadoutContainerHeight

double m_ReadoutContainerHeight

Height of the readout station.

Definition at line 1381 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ReadoutContainerLength

double m_ReadoutContainerLength

Length of the readout station.

Definition at line 1375 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ReadoutContainerWidth

double m_ReadoutContainerWidth

Width of the readout station.

Definition at line 1378 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ReadoutPreamplifierHeight

double m_ReadoutPreamplifierHeight

Height of the preamplifier card.

Definition at line 1399 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ReadoutPreamplifierLength

double m_ReadoutPreamplifierLength

Length of the preamplifier card.

Definition at line 1393 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ReadoutPreamplifierPosition

std::vector<double> m_ReadoutPreamplifierPosition

Positions of the preamplifiers along the length of the carrier card.

Definition at line 1402 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ReadoutPreamplifierWidth

double m_ReadoutPreamplifierWidth

Width of the preamplifier card.

Definition at line 1396 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ReadoutStationIsPhi

bool m_ReadoutStationIsPhi[NSTATION]

Selector for phi (true) or z (false) readout station.

Definition at line 1369 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ReadoutStationPosition

double m_ReadoutStationPosition[NSTATION]

Position of each readout station along its relevant axis.

Definition at line 1372 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_RibThickness

double m_RibThickness

Thickness of the radial rib that supports the solenoid / inner detectors.

Definition at line 1318 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_Rotation

double m_Rotation

Global rotation angle about z of the BKLM.

Definition at line 1146 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ScintBoreRadius

double m_ScintBoreRadius

Radius (cm) of the central bore in the scintillator strip.

Definition at line 1279 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ScintEnvelopeOffsetSign

int m_ScintEnvelopeOffsetSign[NSCINTLAYER]

Sign (+/-1) of scintillator-envelope's shift along y axis within its enclosing module for MPPC placement -1: shift envelope along -y to place MPPCs at +y, +1: shift envelope along +y to place MPPCs at -y for scintillator layers only

Definition at line 1223 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ScintFiberRadius

double m_ScintFiberRadius

Radius (cm) of the central WLS fiber in the scintillator strip.

Definition at line 1282 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ScintHeight

double m_ScintHeight

Height of one scintillator strip (cm), including the TiO2 coating.

Definition at line 1276 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ScintTiO2ThicknessSide

double m_ScintTiO2ThicknessSide

Thickness (cm) of the TiO2 coating on the left (and right) side of the scintillator strip.

Definition at line 1288 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ScintTiO2ThicknessTop

double m_ScintTiO2ThicknessTop

Thickness (cm) of the TiO2 coating on the top (and bottom) of the scintillator strip.

Definition at line 1285 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ScintWidth

double m_ScintWidth

Width of one scintillator strip (cm), including the TiO2 coating.

Definition at line 1273 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_SectorRotation

double m_SectorRotation[2][BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectorNumber()]

Global rotation angle of a sector.

Definition at line 1149 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_SolenoidOuterRadius

double m_SolenoidOuterRadius

Outer radius of the solenoid.

Definition at line 1161 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_SupportPlateHeight

double m_SupportPlateHeight

Height of the innermost-module support plate.

Definition at line 1333 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_SupportPlateLength

double m_SupportPlateLength

Length of the innermost-module support plate.

Definition at line 1336 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_SupportPlateLengthChimney

double m_SupportPlateLengthChimney

Length of the innermost-module support plate in the chimney sector.

Definition at line 1339 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_SupportPlateWidth

double m_SupportPlateWidth

Width of the innermost-module support plate.

Definition at line 1330 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ZScintDLength

double m_ZScintDLength[NSCINTLAYER][NZSCINT]

Shortening of the nominal length of the z scintillators for scintillator layers only

Definition at line 1231 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

◆ m_ZStripWidth

double m_ZStripWidth[BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]

Width of the z strips on each layer.

Definition at line 1218 of file BKLMGeometryPar.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: