Belle II Software development
NullMetadataProvider Class Reference

Fallback provider if no providers are given: Will raise an error if used but allows processing if no payloads are requested or all are taken locally from testing payload storage. More...

#include <MetadataProvider.h>

Inheritance diagram for NullMetadataProvider:

Public Types

using PayloadMap = std::unordered_map< std::string, PayloadMetadata >
 Type for the internal list of payloads.

Public Member Functions

bool setTags (const std::vector< std::string > &tags)
 Set the list of globaltag names to be considered for payloads.
bool getPayloads (int exp, int run, std::vector< PayloadMetadata > &info)
 Update the information in the vector of metadata instances with the actual values.
std::set< std::string > getUsableTagStates ()
 Get the valid tag states when checking globaltag status.
void setUsableTagStates (const std::set< std::string > &states)
 Set the valid tag states for this provider when checking globaltag status.

Protected Member Functions

void addPayload (PayloadMetadata &&payload, const std::string &messagePrefix="")
 Add a payload information to the internal list.
void printInfoMessage (const std::string &provider)
 Print an INFO message about the used metadata provider.

Protected Attributes

std::vector< std::string > m_tags
 List of globaltags to consider.
std::unordered_map< std::string, PayloadMetadataCachem_cache
 Map of globaltag->known metadata.
PayloadMapm_payloads {nullptr}
 Map of known payloads for current conditions.
std::set< std::string > m_usableTagStates {"TESTING", "VALIDATED", "RUNNING", "PUBLISHED"}
 Set of global tag states to consider valid (except for 'INVALID' which is always considered invalid)

Private Member Functions

bool updatePayloads (const std::string &globaltag, int exp, int run) override
 Nope, no update.
std::string getGlobaltagStatus (const std::string &name) override
 When we get asked to check a global tag we raise an error ... but only once.

Private Attributes

bool m_errorShown {false}
 Have we already shown the error?

Detailed Description

Fallback provider if no providers are given: Will raise an error if used but allows processing if no payloads are requested or all are taken locally from testing payload storage.

Definition at line 182 of file MetadataProvider.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ PayloadMap

using PayloadMap = std::unordered_map<std::string, PayloadMetadata>

Type for the internal list of payloads.

Definition at line 30 of file MetadataProvider.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addPayload()

void addPayload ( PayloadMetadata &&  payload,
const std::string &  messagePrefix = "" 

Add a payload information to the internal list.

This should be called by implementations during updatePayloads() for each payload found.

payloadpayload information filled from the globaltag
messagePrefixa message prefix to be shown for possible log messages to indicate the correct metadata provider

Definition at line 91 of file

92 {
93 const auto [it, inserted] = m_payloads->emplace(, payload);
94 if (!inserted) {
95 auto& existing = it->second;
96 if (existing.revision < payload.revision) {
97 std::swap(existing, payload);
98 }
99 B2DEBUG(36, messagePrefix << (messagePrefix.empty() ? "" : ": ") << "Found duplicate payload. Discarding one of them"
100 << LogVar("globaltag", existing.globaltag)
101 << LogVar("name",
102 << LogVar("revision", existing.revision)
103 << LogVar("checksum", existing.checksum)
104 << LogVar("discarded revision", payload.revision));
105 } else {
106 B2DEBUG(37, messagePrefix << (messagePrefix.empty() ? "" : ": ") << "Found payload"
107 << LogVar("globaltag", payload.globaltag)
108 << LogVar("name",
109 << LogVar("revision", payload.revision)
110 << LogVar("checksum", payload.checksum));
111 }
112 }
PayloadMap * m_payloads
Map of known payloads for current conditions.
Class to store variables with their name which were sent to the logging service.

◆ getGlobaltagStatus()

std::string getGlobaltagStatus ( const std::string &  name)

When we get asked to check a global tag we raise an error ... but only once.

Implements MetadataProvider.

Definition at line 120 of file

121 {
122 if (!m_errorShown) B2ERROR("No Metadata provider configured, globaltags cannot be used");
123 m_errorShown = true;
124 return "";
125 }
bool m_errorShown
Have we already shown the error?

◆ getPayloads()

bool getPayloads ( int  exp,
int  run,
std::vector< PayloadMetadata > &  info 

Update the information in the vector of metadata instances with the actual values.

The input is a list of metadata instances and the metadata provider will try to modify them in place and add all the missing information it can find.

  • It will try to find iov, revision, checksum, url for each entry which doesn't have a valid revision number (revision=0)
  • It will ignore any entries with a valid revision number (revision>0)
  • any payload which cannot be found in any globaltag will raise an error as long as required=true
  • the modified list can still contain payloads without a valid revision some payloads could not be found.

This function will call updatePayloads() if necessary to update the list of known payloads for a given run but it will try to cache these results so incrementally asking for new payloads as they get requested is perfectly fine.

updatePayloads() will only called for globaltags if we still need to find payload information. If all payloads are found no further queries will be made so adding additional globaltags that are not used at the end is not expensive.

expthe experiment number
runthe run number
[in,out]infoa list of metadata instances which we try to find the missing metadata for.
true if all required payloads could be found, false if at least one payload which still didn't have a valid revision number and is required could not be found.

Definition at line 36 of file

37 {
38 if (info.empty()) return true;
39 for (const auto& tag : m_tags) {
40 // Check whether we already know the payloads for this exp,run ...
41 bool present{false};
42 std::tie(present, m_payloads) = m_cache[tag].get(exp, run);
43 // Apparently not, try to get them
44 if (!present && !updatePayloads(tag, exp, run)) {
45 // Error obtaining payloads means something is wrong (server/network/file problem).
46 // In this case we want to fall back to next metadata provider ...
47 throw std::runtime_error("Problem updating metadata");
48 }
49 // And once we got them let's update the info for all requested payloads
50 const auto& existing = *m_payloads;
51 // and check if we found all payloads we're looking for.
52 // Warning: **DO NOT** use `std::all_of` here which looks better but stops
53 // iteration on the first missing payload instead of going through all the
54 // remaining as well.
55 const size_t found = std::count_if(info.begin(), info.end(), [&existing](auto & payload) {
56 // already filled by previous gt or has a filename from testing payloads ... so don't do anything
57 if (payload.revision > 0 or !payload.filename.empty()) return true;
58 // otherwise look for the payload in the list of existing payloads for this run
59 if (auto&& it = existing.find(; it != existing.end()) {
60 payload.update(it->second);
61 B2DEBUG(35, "Found requested payload metadata"
62 << LogVar("globaltag", payload.globaltag)
63 << LogVar("name",
64 << LogVar("revision", payload.revision)
65 << LogVar("checksum", payload.checksum));
66 return true;
67 }
68 // Not found, fine, not a big problem yet, there can be multiple global tags
69 return false;
70 });
71 // If we found all we don't need to check the next global tag at all ...
72 if (found == info.size()) break;
73 }
74 // Check that all payloads could be found (unless they're optional)
75 // Again, we don't use std::all_of here because then it stops early and we
76 // don't get errors for all missing payloads. But at least it would still be correct.
77 const int missing = std::count_if(info.begin(), info.end(), [this, exp, run](const auto & p) {
78 if (p.revision == 0 and p.filename.empty() and p.required) {
79 B2ERROR("Cannot find payload in any of the configured global tags"
80 << LogVar("name",
81 << LogVar("globaltags", boost::algorithm::join(m_tags, ", "))
82 << LogVar("experiment", exp) << LogVar("run", run));
83 return true;
84 }
85 return false;
86 });
87 // Only happy without missing payloads
88 return missing == 0;
89 }
std::unordered_map< std::string, PayloadMetadataCache > m_cache
Map of globaltag->known metadata.
std::vector< std::string > m_tags
List of globaltags to consider.
virtual bool updatePayloads(const std::string &globaltag, int exp, int run)=0
Update the list of existing payloads from a given globaltag, exp and run combination.

◆ getUsableTagStates()

std::set< std::string > getUsableTagStates ( )

Get the valid tag states when checking globaltag status.

Definition at line 122 of file MetadataProvider.h.

122{ return m_usableTagStates; }
std::set< std::string > m_usableTagStates
Set of global tag states to consider valid (except for 'INVALID' which is always considered invalid)

◆ printInfoMessage()

void printInfoMessage ( const std::string &  provider = "")

Print an INFO message about the used metadata provider.

providerthe actual metadata provider used for the job

Definition at line 114 of file

115 {
116 B2INFO("Conditions Database: found working metadata provider"
117 << LogVar("provider", provider));
118 }

◆ setTags()

bool setTags ( const std::vector< std::string > &  tags)

Set the list of globaltag names to be considered for payloads.

This should be called before requesting any payloads but after calling setValidTagStates().

true if all globaltags can be found and are in a valid state

Definition at line 15 of file

16 {
17 m_tags = tags;
18 const size_t validTags = std::count_if(m_tags.begin(), m_tags.end(), [this](const auto & name) {
19 // dispatch obtaining the state to the implementation
20 auto status = getGlobaltagStatus(name);
21 // empty status: Unspecified error already dealt with
22 if (status.empty()) return false;
23 // otherwise check for valid states
24 if (m_usableTagStates.count(status) == 0) {
25 B2ERROR("The globaltag has a status which is not permitted for use. This is for your own protection"
26 << LogVar("globaltag", name)
27 << LogVar("status", status)
28 << LogVar("allowed states", boost::algorithm::join(m_usableTagStates, ", ")));
29 return false;
30 }
31 return true;
32 });
33 return validTags == tags.size();
34 }

◆ setUsableTagStates()

void setUsableTagStates ( const std::set< std::string > &  states)

Set the valid tag states for this provider when checking globaltag status.

Should be called before setTags() if necessary.

The state "INVALID" will never be accepted and removed from the given set if present

Definition at line 128 of file MetadataProvider.h.

129 {
130 m_usableTagStates = states;
131 m_usableTagStates.erase("INVALID");
132 }

◆ updatePayloads()

bool updatePayloads ( const std::string &  globaltag,
int  exp,
int  run 

Nope, no update.

Implements MetadataProvider.

Definition at line 184 of file MetadataProvider.h.

186 {
187 return false;
188 }

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_cache

std::unordered_map<std::string, PayloadMetadataCache> m_cache

Map of globaltag->known metadata.

Definition at line 172 of file MetadataProvider.h.

◆ m_errorShown

bool m_errorShown {false}

Have we already shown the error?

Definition at line 192 of file MetadataProvider.h.

◆ m_payloads

PayloadMap* m_payloads {nullptr}

Map of known payloads for current conditions.

Definition at line 174 of file MetadataProvider.h.

◆ m_tags

std::vector<std::string> m_tags

List of globaltags to consider.

Definition at line 170 of file MetadataProvider.h.

◆ m_usableTagStates

std::set<std::string> m_usableTagStates {"TESTING", "VALIDATED", "RUNNING", "PUBLISHED"}

Set of global tag states to consider valid (except for 'INVALID' which is always considered invalid)

Definition at line 176 of file MetadataProvider.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: