Belle II Software development
PayloadProvider Class Reference

Class to find payload files in a list of locations. More...

#include <PayloadProvider.h>


struct  PayloadLocation
 Simple struct to represent a lookup location. More...

Public Types

enum class  EDirectoryLayout {
  c_flat ,
 Enumeration of different directory layouts. More...

Public Member Functions

 PayloadProvider (const std::vector< std::string > &locations, const std::string &cachedir="", int timeout=60)
 Constructor for a given list of locations and optionally the location where downloaded payloads should be cached Each location can either be a path to a directory or a http/https url of a server where the payloads can be downloaded (starting with http(s)://).
bool find (PayloadMetadata &meta)
 Try to find a payload, return true on success, false if it cannot be found.

Private Member Functions

bool getLocalFile (const PayloadLocation &loc, PayloadMetadata &meta) const
 Look for a payload in the local directory location, set the filename member of the metadata instance and return true on succes.
bool getRemoteFile (const PayloadLocation &loc, PayloadMetadata &meta)
 Look for a payload on a remote server and download if possible, set the filename member of the metadata instance and return true on succes.
bool getTemporaryFile (const std::string &url, PayloadMetadata &meta, bool silentOnMissing)
 Try to download url into a temporary file, if successful set the filename member of the metadata and return true.
std::string getFilename (EDirectoryLayout structure, const PayloadMetadata &payload) const
 Return the filename of a payload to look for given a directory structure and some metadata.

Private Attributes

std::vector< PayloadLocationm_locations
 List of configured lookup locations: The first one will always be the cache directory and the last one will always be fallback url included in the payload metadata.
PayloadLocation m_cacheDir
 Location of the cache directory where/how we want to store downloaded payloads.
Downloaderm_downloader {Downloader::getDefaultInstance()}
 Instance to the database file downloading instance.
std::unordered_map< std::string, std::unique_ptr< FileSystem::TemporaryFile > > m_temporaryFiles
 Map of all active temporary files we downloaded and keep around until they can be closed.
int m_timeout
 Timeout to wait for a write look when trying to download payloads.

Detailed Description

Class to find payload files in a list of locations.

Definition at line 20 of file PayloadProvider.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ EDirectoryLayout

enum class EDirectoryLayout

Enumeration of different directory layouts.


Flat directory containing the payloads in the form dbstore_{NAME}_rev_{REVISION}.root


Hashed directory structure containing the payloads in the form AB/{NAME}_r{REVISION}.root where A and B are the first to characters of the md5 checksum of the payload file.

Definition at line 32 of file PayloadProvider.h.

32 {
35 c_flat,
40 };
@ c_flat
Flat directory containing the payloads in the form dbstore_{NAME}_rev_{REVISION}.root
@ c_hashed
Hashed directory structure containing the payloads in the form AB/{NAME}_r{REVISION}....

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PayloadProvider()

PayloadProvider ( const std::vector< std::string > &  locations,
const std::string &  cachedir = "",
int  timeout = 60 

Constructor for a given list of locations and optionally the location where downloaded payloads should be cached Each location can either be a path to a directory or a http/https url of a server where the payloads can be downloaded (starting with http(s)://).

For remote locations starting with http(s) we require that the payloads follow the same layout as on the central server. That is the location plus the value returned by the metadata for payloadUrl should point to the correct file.

For local locations we support two different layouts which will be auto detected and can be mixed:

  • "flat": All payloads in one directory named dbstore_{NAME}_rev_{REVISION}.root
  • "hashed": Payloads in subdirectories named /AB/{NAME}_r{REVISION}.root where A and B are the first two characters of the md5 checksum of the payload file.

If cachedir is empty a default value of $TMPDIR/basf2-conditions is assumed. Downloaded payloads will be placed in the cachedir using the hashed directory structure.

Definition at line 21 of file

21 : m_timeout{timeout}
22 {
23 // check whether we have a cache directory ... otherwise use default
24 if (!cacheDir.empty()) {
25 m_cacheDir = {fs::absolute(cacheDir).string(), false};
26 } else {
27 m_cacheDir = {fs::absolute(fs::temp_directory_path() / "basf2-conditions").string(), false};
28 }
29 m_locations.reserve(locations.size() + 2); //cache location + all configured + central server
30 // always look in cache directory first
31 m_locations.emplace_back(m_cacheDir);
32 B2DEBUG(33, "Added payload cache location" << LogVar("path", m_cacheDir.base));
33 // and then in the other directories as specified
34 for (auto path : locations) {
35 boost::algorithm::trim(path);
36 if (path.empty()) {
37 B2FATAL("Found empty payload location in configuration. "
38 "Please make sure that the conditions database settings are correct");
39 }
40 bool remote = false;
41 if (auto pos = path.find("://"); pos != std::string::npos) {
42 //found a protocol: if file remove, otherwise keep as is and set as remote ...
43 auto protocol = path.substr(0, pos);
44 boost::algorithm::to_lower(protocol);
45 if (protocol == "file") {
46 path = path.substr(pos + 3);
47 } else if (protocol == "http" or protocol == "https") {
48 remote = true;
49 } else {
50 B2ERROR("Unknown protocol, only supported protocols for payload download are file, http, https" << LogVar("protocol", protocol));
51 continue;
52 }
53 }
54 // Also make sure files are absolute
55 if (!remote) path = fs::absolute(path).string();
56 // And then add it to the list
57 B2DEBUG(33, "Added payload search location" << LogVar(remote ? "url" : "path", path));
58 m_locations.emplace_back(PayloadLocation{path, remote});
59 }
60 // and as as last resort always go to the central server
61 m_locations.emplace_back(PayloadLocation{"", true});
62 }
PayloadLocation m_cacheDir
Location of the cache directory where/how we want to store downloaded payloads.
std::vector< PayloadLocation > m_locations
List of configured lookup locations: The first one will always be the cache directory and the last on...
int m_timeout
Timeout to wait for a write look when trying to download payloads.
Class to store variables with their name which were sent to the logging service.

Member Function Documentation

◆ find()

bool find ( PayloadMetadata meta)

Try to find a payload, return true on success, false if it cannot be found.

This will go through all configured payloads locations and if it can find the payload will set the filename member of the metadata instance and return true.

Definition at line 64 of file

65 {
66 // Check all locations for the file ... but dispatch to the correct member function
67 return std::any_of(m_locations.begin(), m_locations.end(), [this, &metadata](const auto & loc) {
68 return loc.isRemote ? getRemoteFile(loc, metadata) : getLocalFile(loc, metadata);
69 });
70 }

◆ getFilename()

std::string getFilename ( EDirectoryLayout  structure,
const PayloadMetadata payload 
) const

Return the filename of a payload to look for given a directory structure and some metadata.

Definition at line 168 of file

170 {
171 fs::path path("");
172 switch (structure) {
174 path /= payload.checksum.substr(0, 2);
175 path /= + "_r" + std::to_string(payload.revision) + ".root";
176 break;
178 path /= "dbstore_" + + "_rev_" + std::to_string(payload.revision) + ".root";
179 break;
180 };
181 return path.string();
182 }

◆ getLocalFile()

bool getLocalFile ( const PayloadLocation loc,
PayloadMetadata meta 
) const

Look for a payload in the local directory location, set the filename member of the metadata instance and return true on succes.

Definition at line 72 of file

73 {
74 // look in both flat and hashed directory structures.
76 auto fullPath = fs::path(loc.base) / getFilename(structure, metadata);
77 // No such file? nothing to do
78 if (!fs::exists(fullPath)) continue;
79 // Otherwise check the md5
80 B2DEBUG(36, "Checking checksum for payload file" << LogVar("name", << LogVar("local dir", loc.base)
81 << LogVar("revision", metadata.revision) << LogVar("filename", fullPath) << LogVar("checksum", metadata.checksum));
82 const auto actual = FileSystem::calculateMD5(fullPath.string());
83 if (actual == metadata.checksum) {
84 metadata.filename = fullPath.string();
85 B2DEBUG(37, "Found matching payload file");
86 return true;
87 }
88 B2DEBUG(37, "Checksum doesn't match, continue with next");
89 }
90 return false;
91 }
Enumeration of different directory layouts.
std::string getFilename(EDirectoryLayout structure, const PayloadMetadata &payload) const
Return the filename of a payload to look for given a directory structure and some metadata.
static std::string calculateMD5(const std::string &filename)
Calculate the MD5 checksum of a given file.

◆ getRemoteFile()

bool getRemoteFile ( const PayloadLocation loc,
PayloadMetadata meta 

Look for a payload on a remote server and download if possible, set the filename member of the metadata instance and return true on succes.

Definition at line 93 of file

94 {
95 // we want to download payloads in a hashed directory structure to keep amount of payloads per directory to a managable level
96 const auto local = fs::path(m_cacheDir.base) / getFilename(EDirectoryLayout::c_hashed, metadata);
97 // empty location: use the central server supplied baseUrl from payload metadata
98 const bool fallback = loc.base.empty();
99 const auto base = fallback ? metadata.baseUrl : loc.base;
100 // but we assume that on servers we have logical directory structure: value of payloadUrl is taken without modification
101 const auto url = m_downloader.joinWithSlash(base, metadata.payloadUrl);
102 // If anything fails we might want to go to temporary file and this happens at multiple places so lets use exception for that
103 try {
104 // now we need to make the directories to the file
105 try {
106 // Make sure that we create directories writable for all users
107 auto oldUmask = umask(0);
108 ScopeGuard umaskGuard([oldUmask] {umask(oldUmask);});
109 fs::create_directories(local.parent_path());
110 } catch (fs::filesystem_error& e) {
111 B2WARNING("Cannot create local payload directory" << LogVar("directory", local.parent_path())
112 << LogVar("error", e.code().message()));
113 throw; //rethrow existing exception
114 }
115 // ok, directory exists, now we need a write lock on the file to avoid race conditions
116 Belle2::FileSystem::Lock writelock(local.string());
117 B2DEBUG(37, "Attempting to lock payload file for writing ..." << LogVar("filename", local));
118 // if we cannot get one the folder/file might be write protected or
119 // download by another process takes to long. So let's download into
120 // temporary file.
121 if (!writelock.lock(m_timeout, true)) {
122 throw std::runtime_error("write lock failed");
123 }
124 // Ok we have the write lock, check if we can open the file for writing which should be a guaranteed success but who knows
125 // so bail if that fails.
126 std::fstream localStream(local.string().c_str(), std::ios::binary | std::ios::in | std::ios::out);
127 B2DEBUG(37, "Got write lock, check for file access ...");
128 if (!localStream.good()) {
129 B2ERROR("Cannot open file for writing" << LogVar("filename", local) << LogVar("error", strerror(errno)));
130 throw std::runtime_error("cannot open file for writing????");
131 }
132 // and make sure it's readable for all
133 fs::permissions(local, fs::perms::all &
134 ~(fs::perms::owner_exec | fs::perms::group_exec | fs::perms::others_exec));
135 // File is open. Someone might have downloaded the file
136 // while we waited, check md5sum again.
137 B2DEBUG(37, "Ok, check digest in case another process downloaded already...");
138 if (not m_downloader.verifyChecksum(localStream, metadata.checksum)) {
139 // we have lock and it's broken so download the file
140 B2DEBUG(37, "Still not good, download now ...");
141 try {
142 if (not, localStream, not fallback)) {
143 // if this returns false we have a 404: no need to try again
144 B2DEBUG(37, "Payload not found ... trying next source");
145 return false;
146 }
147 // ok, download was fine, check checksum again
148 if (not m_downloader.verifyChecksum(localStream, metadata.checksum)) {
149 B2WARNING("Conditions Database: checksum mismatch after download. Trying once more in a temporary file"
150 << LogVar("name", << LogVar("revision", metadata.revision) << LogVar("filename", local.string()));
151 throw std::runtime_error("checksum mismatch");
152 }
153 } catch (std::exception& e) {
154 B2ERROR("Conditions Database: failure downloading url" << LogVar("url", url) << LogVar("error", e.what()));
155 throw; // rethrow existing exception
156 }
157 B2DEBUG(37, "Download of payload successful");
158 }
159 // found in cache or downloaded, fine
160 metadata.filename = local.string();
161 return true;
162 } catch (std::exception&) {
163 // errors are already shown, just try again
164 return getTemporaryFile(url, metadata, not fallback);
165 }
166 }
bool download(const std::string &url, std::ostream &stream, bool silentOnMissing=false)
get an url and save the content to stream This function raises exceptions when there are any problems
std::string joinWithSlash(const std::string &base, const std::string &second)
Join two strings and make sure that there is exactly one '/' between them.
bool verifyChecksum(std::istream &input, const std::string &checksum)
check the digest of a stream
Definition: Downloader.h:81
bool getTemporaryFile(const std::string &url, PayloadMetadata &meta, bool silentOnMissing)
Try to download url into a temporary file, if successful set the filename member of the metadata and ...
Downloader & m_downloader
Instance to the database file downloading instance.
Helper class for locking a file.
Definition: FileSystem.h:97

◆ getTemporaryFile()

bool getTemporaryFile ( const std::string &  url,
PayloadMetadata meta,
bool  silentOnMissing 

Try to download url into a temporary file, if successful set the filename member of the metadata and return true.

Otherwise return false. If silentOnMissing is true a 404 error will not be treated as worthy of a message

Definition at line 184 of file

185 {
186 if (auto&& it = m_temporaryFiles.find(metadata.checksum); it != m_temporaryFiles.end()) {
187 metadata.filename = it->second->getName();
188 return true;
189 }
190 const auto openmode = std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc;
191 std::unique_ptr<FileSystem::TemporaryFile> tmpfile(new FileSystem::TemporaryFile(openmode));
192 B2DEBUG(37, "Trying to download into temporary file " << tmpfile->getName());
193 try {
194 if (not, *tmpfile, silentOnMissing)) return false;
195 if (not m_downloader.verifyChecksum(*tmpfile, metadata.checksum)) return false;
196 } catch (std::exception& e) {
197 B2ERROR("Conditions Database: failure downloading url" << LogVar("url", url) << LogVar("error", e.what()));
198 return false;
199 }
200 metadata.filename = tmpfile->getName();
201 m_temporaryFiles[metadata.checksum] = std::move(tmpfile);
202 return true;
203 }
std::unordered_map< std::string, std::unique_ptr< FileSystem::TemporaryFile > > m_temporaryFiles
Map of all active temporary files we downloaded and keep around until they can be closed.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_cacheDir

PayloadLocation m_cacheDir

Location of the cache directory where/how we want to store downloaded payloads.

Definition at line 93 of file PayloadProvider.h.

◆ m_downloader

Downloader& m_downloader {Downloader::getDefaultInstance()}

Instance to the database file downloading instance.

Definition at line 95 of file PayloadProvider.h.

◆ m_locations

std::vector<PayloadLocation> m_locations

List of configured lookup locations: The first one will always be the cache directory and the last one will always be fallback url included in the payload metadata.

Definition at line 91 of file PayloadProvider.h.

◆ m_temporaryFiles

std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<FileSystem::TemporaryFile> > m_temporaryFiles

Map of all active temporary files we downloaded and keep around until they can be closed.

Definition at line 97 of file PayloadProvider.h.

◆ m_timeout

int m_timeout

Timeout to wait for a write look when trying to download payloads.

Definition at line 99 of file PayloadProvider.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: