Belle II Software development
TestingPayloadStorage Class Reference

Class to store and retrieve temporary payloads. More...

#include <TestingPayloadStorage.h>

Public Member Functions

 TestingPayloadStorage (const std::string &filename)
 Create a new instance to work on a given filename.
bool get (const EventMetaData &event, PayloadMetadata &info)
 Try to fill the PayloadMetaData for the given EventMetaData, return true on success, false if no machting payload could be found.
bool storeData (const std::string &name, TObject *object, const IntervalOfValidity &iov)
 Store a TObject instance as a payload with given name and interval of validity.
bool storePayload (const std::string &name, const std::string &fileName, const IntervalOfValidity &iov)
 Store an existing file as payload with given name and interval of validity.
void reset ()
 Reset the list of known payloads.

Private Member Functions

void read ()
 Read the given storage file, done lazily on first access to get() after construction or call to reset()
bool writePayload (const std::string &fileName, const std::string &name, const TObject *object)
 Write a payload file from the given object and name.
bool store (const std::string &name, const IntervalOfValidity &iov, const std::string &source, const std::function< bool(const std::string &)> &writer)
 Try to store a new payload with the given name and interval of validity.

Static Private Member Functions

static std::string payloadFilename (const std::string &path, const std::string &name, const std::string &revision)
 Build the filename for a new payload with a given name and revision in a directory.

Private Attributes

std::unordered_map< std::string, std::vector< std::tuple< std::string, IntervalOfValidity > > > m_payloads
 Map of known payloads to a list of known revisions and their interval of validity.
std::string m_filename
 Storage file where to look for payloads.
std::string m_absoluteFilename
 Storage file where to look for payloads converted to an absolute path to be robust against directory changes.
std::string m_payloadDir
 Directory containing the storage file as absolute file name.
bool m_initialized {false}
 Remember whether we read the file already.

Detailed Description

Class to store and retrieve temporary payloads.

Temporary payloads are stored in a directory where we create a root files and a plain text file with name, revision and iov for each of these files. This is not very safe but ideal for testing and manual adjustments before final validation and upload to the cental server.

The interface is very basic: We create an instance with a filename and then we either get() payload information for a given event and payload metadata struct or we store a given payload either from an object (storeData()) or from an existing file (storePayload()).

Both call the underlying store() which tries to be robust against multiple processes trying to create payloads at the same time.

Definition at line 39 of file TestingPayloadStorage.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TestingPayloadStorage()

TestingPayloadStorage ( const std::string &  filename)

Create a new instance to work on a given filename.

Definition at line 26 of file

26 :
27 m_filename{filename}, m_absoluteFilename{fs::absolute(m_filename).string()},
28 m_payloadDir{fs::path(m_absoluteFilename).parent_path().string()}
29 {}
std::string m_payloadDir
Directory containing the storage file as absolute file name.
std::string m_filename
Storage file where to look for payloads.
std::string m_absoluteFilename
Storage file where to look for payloads converted to an absolute path to be robust against directory ...

Member Function Documentation

◆ get()

bool get ( const EventMetaData event,
PayloadMetadata info 

Try to fill the PayloadMetaData for the given EventMetaData, return true on success, false if no machting payload could be found.

Definition at line 31 of file

32 {
33 // Read database file on first access
34 if (!m_initialized) read();
35 m_initialized = true;
36 // And then let's look for a payload with the name
37 auto it = m_payloads.find(;
38 if (it == m_payloads.end()) return false;
39 bool found{false};
40 // and check all of them for what is the highest revision containing the event
41 for (const auto& [revision, iov] : it->second) {
42 if (iov.contains(event)) {
43 info.revision = 0;
44 info.globaltag = "temp://" + m_absoluteFilename;
45 info.baseUrl = "";
46 info.payloadUrl = "";
47 info.filename = payloadFilename(m_payloadDir,, revision);
48 info.iov = iov;
49 if (!FileSystem::fileExists(info.filename)) {
50 B2FATAL("Could not find payload file specified in testing payload storage" << LogVar("storage filen", m_filename)
51 << LogVar("name", << LogVar("local revision", info.revision)
52 << LogVar("payload filename", info.filename));
53 }
54 info.checksum = FileSystem::calculateMD5(info.filename);
55 found = true;
56 break;
57 }
58 }
59 if (found) {
60 B2WARNING("Conditions: Temporary testing payload used for processing" << LogVar("storage file", m_filename)
61 << LogVar("name", << LogVar("revision", info.revision) << LogVar("iov", info.iov));
62 }
63 // Did we find something? did we?
64 return found;
65 }
bool m_initialized
Remember whether we read the file already.
static std::string payloadFilename(const std::string &path, const std::string &name, const std::string &revision)
Build the filename for a new payload with a given name and revision in a directory.
std::unordered_map< std::string, std::vector< std::tuple< std::string, IntervalOfValidity > > > m_payloads
Map of known payloads to a list of known revisions and their interval of validity.
void read()
Read the given storage file, done lazily on first access to get() after construction or call to reset...
static std::string calculateMD5(const std::string &filename)
Calculate the MD5 checksum of a given file.
static bool fileExists(const std::string &filename)
Check if the file with given filename exists.
Class to store variables with their name which were sent to the logging service.

◆ payloadFilename()

std::string payloadFilename ( const std::string &  path,
const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  revision 

Build the filename for a new payload with a given name and revision in a directory.

Definition at line 125 of file

127 {
128 std::stringstream result;
129 if (!path.empty()) result << path << '/';
130 result << "dbstore_" << name << "_rev_" << revision << ".root";
131 return result.str();
132 }

◆ read()

void read ( )

Read the given storage file, done lazily on first access to get() after construction or call to reset()

Definition at line 67 of file

68 {
69 m_payloads.clear();
70 if (!fs::is_regular_file(m_absoluteFilename)) {
71 B2WARNING("Given testing payload storage file doesn't exist or is not a regular file" << LogVar("storage file", m_filename));
72 return;
73 }
74 // read and parse the database content
75 std::ifstream file(m_absoluteFilename.c_str());
76 if (!file.is_open()) {
77 B2FATAL("Opening of testing payload storage file failed" << LogVar("storage file", m_filename) << LogVar("error", strerror(errno)));
78 }
79 int lineno{0};
80 try {
81 while (!file.eof()) {
82 // read the file line by line
83 std::string line;
84 std::getline(file, line);
85 ++lineno;
86 // and remove comments from the line
87 size_t commentChar = line.find('#');
88 if (commentChar != std::string::npos) {
89 line = line.substr(0, commentChar);
90 }
91 // trim whitespace on each side
92 boost::algorithm::trim(line);
93 // if nothing is left skip the line
94 if (line.empty()) continue;
95 // otherwise read name, revision and iov from the line
96 std::string name;
97 std::string revision;
98 IntervalOfValidity iov;
99 try {
100 std::stringstream(line) >> name >> revision >> iov;
101 } catch (std::runtime_error& e) {
102 throw std::runtime_error("line must be of the form 'dbstore/<payloadname> <revision> <firstExp>,<firstRun>,<finalExp>,<finalRun>'");
103 }
104 // parse name
105 size_t pos = name.find('/');
106 if (pos == std::string::npos) {
107 throw std::runtime_error("payload name must be of the form dbstore/<payloadname>");
108 }
109 std::string module = name.substr(pos + 1, name.length());
110 // and add to map of payloads
111 B2DEBUG(39, "Found testing payload" << LogVar("storage file", m_filename) << LogVar("name", module)
112 << LogVar("revision/md5", revision) << LogVar("iov", iov));
113 m_payloads[module].emplace_back(revision, iov);
114 }
115 } catch (std::exception& e) {
116 B2FATAL("Problem reading testing payloads storage" << LogVar("storage file", m_filename)
117 << LogVar("line", lineno) << LogVar("error", e.what()));
118 }
119 // and reverse all the payloads so the last ones in the file have highest priority
120 for (auto& payload : m_payloads) {
121 std::reverse(payload.second.begin(), payload.second.end());
122 }
123 }

◆ reset()

void reset ( )

Reset the list of known payloads.

Will trigger re-reading the file on next access to get()

Definition at line 55 of file TestingPayloadStorage.h.

55{ m_initialized = false; }

◆ store()

bool store ( const std::string &  name,
const IntervalOfValidity iov,
const std::string &  source,
const std::function< bool(const std::string &)> &  writer 

Try to store a new payload with the given name and interval of validity.

This function first tries to find the next free revision and then call the writer function to write the payload to the given filename. If the writer function returns success the payload is added to the storage file

namepayload name
ioviov for the payload
sourcesource filename to use. If this is empty there is no file yet and it has to be created first
writercallback function to create a file. Will be called with a destination filename if the source parameter was emty

Definition at line 156 of file

158 {
159 if (iov.empty()) {
160 B2ERROR("IoV is empty, refusing to store object in testing payload storage"
161 "Please provide a valid experiment/run range for the data, for example "
162 "using IntervalOfValidity::always() to store data which is always valid"
163 << LogVar("name", name));
164 return false;
165 }
167 if (!fs::exists(m_payloadDir)) {
168 fs::create_directories(m_payloadDir);
169 }
171 // create a temporary file if we don't have a source file yet
172 fs::path sourcefile{source};
173 int length = m_payloadDir.length();
174 char* temporaryFileName = new char[length + 16];
175 std::strcpy(temporaryFileName, m_payloadDir.c_str());
176 std::strcpy(temporaryFileName + length, "/payload_XXXXXX");
177 if (source.empty()) {
178 while (true) {
179 int fileDescriptor = mkstemp(temporaryFileName);
180 if ((fileDescriptor == -1) && (errno != EINTR)) {
181 B2ERROR("Cannot create payload file:" << strerror(errno));
182 delete[] temporaryFileName;
183 return false;
184 }
185 if (fileDescriptor > 0) {
186 sourcefile = temporaryFileName;
187 close(fileDescriptor);
188 break;
189 }
190 B2DEBUG(35, "first try to create tempfile failed, trying again");
191 }
192 if (!writer(sourcefile.string())) return false;
193 }
194 delete[] temporaryFileName;
195 // If we created a temporary file we want to delete it again so we'd like to
196 // use a scope guard to do so. However we need it in this scope so we need
197 // to create one in any case and release it if we didn't create a temporary
198 // file
199 ScopeGuard delete_srcfile([&sourcefile] {fs::remove(sourcefile);});
200 if (!source.empty()) delete_srcfile.release();
202 std::string md5 = FileSystem::calculateMD5(sourcefile.string());
204 // Ok, now we have the file and it's md5 sum so let's get a write lock to the database file
205 // to avoid race conditions when creating files and writing the info in the text file.
206 FileSystem::Lock lock(m_absoluteFilename);
207 if (!lock.lock()) {
208 B2ERROR("Locking of testing payload storage file failed, cannot create payload"
209 << LogVar("storage file", m_filename));
210 return false;
211 }
212 std::ofstream file(m_absoluteFilename.c_str(), std::ios::app);
213 if (!file.is_open()) {
214 B2ERROR("Could not open testing payload storage file for writing" << LogVar("storage file", m_filename));
215 }
217 // So let's try renaming our temporary payload file to final destination
218 // We start with a 5 digit hash and expand if there's a collision
219 std::string revision;
220 bool found = false;
221 for (int i = 6; i <= 32; ++i) {
222 revision = md5.substr(0, i);
223 auto filename = payloadFilename(m_payloadDir, name, revision);
224 if (FileSystem::fileExists(filename)) {
225 if (md5 != FileSystem::calculateMD5(filename)) continue;
226 } else {
227 if (source.empty()) {
228 fs::rename(sourcefile, filename);
229 delete_srcfile.release();
230 } else {
231 fs::copy_file(source, filename, fs::copy_options::overwrite_existing);
232 }
233 }
234 found = true;
235 break;
236 }
237 if (!found) {
238 B2ERROR("Cannot create payload file: checksum mismatch for existing files");
239 return false;
240 }
241 // Ok, add to the text file
242 file << "dbstore/" << name << " " << revision << " " << iov << std::endl;
243 B2DEBUG(32, "Storing testing payload" << LogVar("storage file", m_filename) << LogVar("name", name)
244 << LogVar("local revision", revision) << LogVar("iov", iov));
245 // And make sure we reread the file on next request to payloads
246 m_initialized = false;
247 return true;
248 }

◆ storeData()

bool storeData ( const std::string &  name,
TObject *  object,
const IntervalOfValidity iov 

Store a TObject instance as a payload with given name and interval of validity.

This will create a new ROOT file containing the object in the directory of the storage file

Definition at line 134 of file

135 {
136 return store(name, iov, "", [this, &object, &name](const std::string & filename) {
137 return writePayload(filename, name, object);
138 });
139 }
bool writePayload(const std::string &fileName, const std::string &name, const TObject *object)
Write a payload file from the given object and name.
bool store(const std::string &name, const IntervalOfValidity &iov, const std::string &source, const std::function< bool(const std::string &)> &writer)
Try to store a new payload with the given name and interval of validity.

◆ storePayload()

bool storePayload ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  fileName,
const IntervalOfValidity iov 

Store an existing file as payload with given name and interval of validity.

This will create a copy of the file with a different name in the directory of the storage file

Definition at line 141 of file

142 {
143 // resolve all symbolic links to make sure we point to the real file
144 fs::path resolved = fs::canonical(fileName);
145 if (not fs::is_regular_file(resolved)) {
146 B2ERROR("Problem creating testing payload: Given payload storage file doesn't exist" << LogVar("storage file", fileName));
147 return false;
148 }
149 return store(name, iov, resolved.string(), [&resolved](const std::string & destination) {
150 // copy payload file to payload directory and rename it to follow the file name convention
151 fs::copy_file(resolved, destination, fs::copy_options::overwrite_existing);
152 return true;
153 });
154 }

◆ writePayload()

bool writePayload ( const std::string &  fileName,
const std::string &  name,
const TObject *  object 

Write a payload file from the given object and name.

Will create new root file containing object under the Key name with the name fileName

Definition at line 250 of file

251 {
252 // Save the current gDirectory
253 TDirectory::TContext saveDir;
254 // And create a reproducible TFile: one that has the same checksum every time it's created as long as the content is the same
255 std::unique_ptr<TFile> file{TFile::Open((fileName + "?reproducible=PayloadFile").c_str(), "RECREATE")};
256 if (!file || !file->IsOpen()) {
257 B2ERROR("Could not open payload file for writing." << LogVar("filename", m_filename));
258 return false;
259 }
260 // Write the payload
261 object->Write(name.c_str(), TObject::kSingleKey);
262 // Done, let's go
263 file->Close();
264 return true;
265 }

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_absoluteFilename

std::string m_absoluteFilename

Storage file where to look for payloads converted to an absolute path to be robust against directory changes.

Definition at line 64 of file TestingPayloadStorage.h.

◆ m_filename

std::string m_filename

Storage file where to look for payloads.

This is the logical file name as given by the user

Definition at line 62 of file TestingPayloadStorage.h.

◆ m_initialized

bool m_initialized {false}

Remember whether we read the file already.

Definition at line 70 of file TestingPayloadStorage.h.

◆ m_payloadDir

std::string m_payloadDir

Directory containing the storage file as absolute file name.

Will try to create it if it doesn't exist and storeData() or storePayload() is called

Definition at line 68 of file TestingPayloadStorage.h.

◆ m_payloads

std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, IntervalOfValidity> > > m_payloads

Map of known payloads to a list of known revisions and their interval of validity.

Definition at line 60 of file TestingPayloadStorage.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: