Belle II Software development
DATCONSVDClusterLoaderAndPreparer Class Referenceabstract

Findlet for loading SVDClusters that were created by the DATCONSVDClusterizer findlet and prepare them for usage in the FastInterceptFinder2D by calculating the conformal transformed x,y coordinates and the creating pairs of coordinates for finding track candidates in r-phi and r-z. More...

#include <DATCONSVDClusterLoaderAndPreparer.h>

Inheritance diagram for DATCONSVDClusterLoaderAndPreparer:
Findlet< const SVDCluster, const SVDCluster, std::pair< VxdID, std::pair< long, long > >, std::pair< VxdID, std::pair< long, long > > > CompositeProcessingSignalListener ProcessingSignalListener

Public Types

using IOTypes = std::tuple< AIOTypes... >
 Types that should be served to apply on invokation.
using IOVectors = std::tuple< std::vector< AIOTypes >... >
 Vector types that should be served to apply on invokation.

Public Member Functions

 DATCONSVDClusterLoaderAndPreparer ()
 Load clusters and prepare them for intercept finding.
void exposeParameters (ModuleParamList *moduleParamList, const std::string &prefix) override
 Expose the parameters of the sub findlets.
void initialize () override
 Create the store arrays.
void apply (const std::vector< SVDCluster > &uClusters, const std::vector< SVDCluster > &vClusters, std::vector< std::pair< VxdID, std::pair< long, long > > > &uHits, std::vector< std::pair< VxdID, std::pair< long, long > > > &vHits) override
 Load the SVDClusters and create two vectors containing the hits prepared for intercept finding This function takes uClusters and vClusters as distinct vectors which where created by the DATCONSVDClusterizer findlet.
virtual std::string getDescription ()
 Brief description of the purpose of the concret findlet.
virtual void apply (ToVector< AIOTypes > &... ioVectors)=0
 Main function executing the algorithm.
void beginRun () override
 Receive and dispatch signal for the beginning of a new run.
void beginEvent () override
 Receive and dispatch signal for the start of a new event.
void endRun () override
 Receive and dispatch signal for the end of the run.
void terminate () override
 Receive and dispatch Signal for termination of the event processing.

Protected Types

using ToVector = typename ToVectorImpl< T >::Type
 Short hand for ToRangeImpl.

Protected Member Functions

void addProcessingSignalListener (ProcessingSignalListener *psl)
 Register a processing signal listener to be notified.
int getNProcessingSignalListener ()
 Get the number of currently registered listeners.

Private Types

using Super = TrackFindingCDC::Findlet< const SVDCluster, const SVDCluster, std::pair< VxdID, std::pair< long, long > >, std::pair< VxdID, std::pair< long, long > > >
 Parent class.

Private Attributes

uint m_param_maxClustersPerLayer = 200
 Cut value for aborting tracking if more than this number of clusters is found on one layer.
std::array< uint, 8 > m_nClusterPerLayer = {0}
 array containing the number of clusters per layer. If this exceeds a cut value, tracking is aborted
const std::array< int, 4 > m_const_SVDRadii = {38990, 80000, 104000, 135150}
 Radii of the SVD layers, in µm.
const std::array< int, 4 > m_const_RPhiShiftsOfLayers = { -4680, -10780, -11036, -19076}
 shift in r-phi to create windmill structure, in µm
const std::array< double, 4 > m_const_InitialAngle = {(342.195 - 360.) / 180. * M_PI, 8. / 180. * M_PI, -8. / 180. * M_PI, -4. / 180. * M_PI}
 phi-value of the first ladder in each layer, i.e. sensors X.1.Y, in rad
const std::array< double, 4 > m_const_AngleStep = {2. * M_PI / 7., M_PI / 5., M_PI / 6., M_PI / 8.}
 angle difference between two consecutive ladders, in rad
const std::array< double, 4 > m_const_CosSlantedAngles = {1, cos(0.207694180987), cos(0.279252680319), cos(0.368264472171)}
 cosine values of the slanted sensors
const std::array< int, 2 > m_const_ZShiftL3 = {92350, -32650}
 shift along z of the L3 senosrs, in µn
const std::array< int, 3 > m_const_ZShiftL4 = {149042, 24760, -100240}
 shift along z of the L4 senosrs, in µn
const std::array< int, 4 > m_const_ZShiftL5 = {233754, 110560, -14440, -139440}
 shift along z of the L5 senosrs, in µn
const std::array< int, 5 > m_const_ZShiftL6 = {303471, 182060, 57060, -67940, -192940}
 shift along z of the L6 senosrs, in µn
std::vector< ProcessingSignalListener * > m_subordinaryProcessingSignalListeners
 References to subordinary signal processing listener contained in this findlet.
bool m_initialized = false
 Flag to keep track whether initialization happend before.
bool m_terminated = false
 Flag to keep track whether termination happend before.
std::string m_initializedAs
 Name of the type during initialisation.

Detailed Description

Findlet for loading SVDClusters that were created by the DATCONSVDClusterizer findlet and prepare them for usage in the FastInterceptFinder2D by calculating the conformal transformed x,y coordinates and the creating pairs of coordinates for finding track candidates in r-phi and r-z.

Definition at line 30 of file DATCONSVDClusterLoaderAndPreparer.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ IOTypes

using IOTypes = std::tuple<AIOTypes...>

Types that should be served to apply on invokation.

Definition at line 30 of file Findlet.h.

◆ IOVectors

using IOVectors = std::tuple< std::vector<AIOTypes>... >

Vector types that should be served to apply on invokation.

Definition at line 53 of file Findlet.h.

◆ Super

using Super = TrackFindingCDC::Findlet<const SVDCluster, const SVDCluster, std::pair<VxdID, std::pair<long, long> >, std::pair<VxdID, std::pair<long, long> >>

Parent class.

Definition at line 34 of file DATCONSVDClusterLoaderAndPreparer.h.

◆ ToVector

using ToVector = typename ToVectorImpl<T>::Type

Short hand for ToRangeImpl.

Definition at line 49 of file Findlet.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DATCONSVDClusterLoaderAndPreparer()

Load clusters and prepare them for intercept finding.

Definition at line 18 of file

18 : Super()
TrackFindingCDC::Findlet< const SVDCluster, const SVDCluster, std::pair< VxdID, std::pair< long, long > >, std::pair< VxdID, std::pair< long, long > > > Super
Parent class.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addProcessingSignalListener()

void addProcessingSignalListener ( ProcessingSignalListener psl)

Register a processing signal listener to be notified.

Definition at line 55 of file

std::vector< ProcessingSignalListener * > m_subordinaryProcessingSignalListeners
References to subordinary signal processing listener contained in this findlet.

◆ apply()

void apply ( const std::vector< SVDCluster > &  uClusters,
const std::vector< SVDCluster > &  vClusters,
std::vector< std::pair< VxdID, std::pair< long, long > > > &  uHits,
std::vector< std::pair< VxdID, std::pair< long, long > > > &  vHits 

Load the SVDClusters and create two vectors containing the hits prepared for intercept finding This function takes uClusters and vClusters as distinct vectors which where created by the DATCONSVDClusterizer findlet.

Definition at line 35 of file

39 if (uClusters.size() == 0 or vClusters.size() == 0) {
40 return;
41 }
43 m_nClusterPerLayer.fill(0);
45 for (auto& cluster : uClusters) {
46 const VxdID& sensorID = cluster.getSensorID();
47 const uint& layerNumber = sensorID.getLayerNumber();
48 const uint& ladderNumber = sensorID.getLadderNumber();
49 const long localPosition = convertFloatToInt(cluster.getPosition(), 4); // convert the cluster position from cm to µm
51 - 3)++;
52 const double rotangle = m_const_InitialAngle[layerNumber - 3] + (ladderNumber - 1) * m_const_AngleStep[layerNumber - 3];
53 const double cosRotAngle = cos(rotangle);
54 const double sinRotAngle = sin(rotangle);
55 const int sensorRadius = m_const_SVDRadii[layerNumber - 3];
56 const int ytmp = localPosition + m_const_RPhiShiftsOfLayers[layerNumber - 3];
58 // perform 2D rotation
59 const long x = round(sensorRadius * cosRotAngle - ytmp * sinRotAngle); // x is in µm
60 const long y = round(sensorRadius * sinRotAngle + ytmp * cosRotAngle); // y is in µm
61 const long radiusSquared = x * x + y * y; // therefore radius is in µm as well, like all other length values
62 // x or y divided by r^2 can create values very close to 0. To cope for this and still
63 // have non-zero numbers after conversion and rounding, the conversion to int is made with 10^10
64 std::pair<long, long> pos2D = std::make_pair(convertFloatToInt(2. * (double)x / (double)radiusSquared, 10),
65 convertFloatToInt(2. * (double)y / (double)radiusSquared, 10));
66 B2DEBUG(29, "x, y: " << x << " " << y << " Hough-values: " << pos2D.first << " " << pos2D.second);
67 uHits.emplace_back(std::make_pair(sensorID, pos2D));
68 }
70 /* First convert to absolute hits and save into a map */
71 for (auto& cluster : vClusters) {
72 const VxdID& sensorID = cluster.getSensorID();
73 const uint& layerNumber = sensorID.getLayerNumber();
74 const uint& sensorNumber = sensorID.getSensorNumber();
75 const long localPosition = convertFloatToInt(cluster.getPosition(), 4); // convert the cluster position from cm to µm
77 + layerNumber - 3)++;
78 const int radius = m_const_SVDRadii[layerNumber - 3];
79 int z = 0;
80 if (layerNumber == 3) {
81 z = localPosition + m_const_ZShiftL3[sensorNumber - 1];
82 } else {
83 switch (layerNumber) {
84 case 4:
85 if (sensorNumber == 1) {
86 z = localPosition * m_const_CosSlantedAngles[layerNumber - 3] + m_const_ZShiftL4[sensorNumber - 1];
87 } else {
88 z = localPosition + m_const_ZShiftL4[sensorNumber - 1];
89 }
90 break;
91 case 5:
92 if (sensorNumber == 1) {
93 z = localPosition * m_const_CosSlantedAngles[layerNumber - 3] + m_const_ZShiftL5[sensorNumber - 1];
94 } else {
95 z = localPosition + m_const_ZShiftL5[sensorNumber - 1];
96 }
97 break;
98 case 6:
99 if (sensorNumber == 1) {
100 z = localPosition * m_const_CosSlantedAngles[layerNumber - 3] + m_const_ZShiftL6[sensorNumber - 1];
101 } else {
102 z = localPosition + m_const_ZShiftL6[sensorNumber - 1];
103 }
104 break;
105 }
106 }
107 vHits.emplace_back(std::make_pair(sensorID, std::make_pair(z, radius)));
108 }
110 const uint* maxOfClustersPerLayer = std::max_element(m_nClusterPerLayer.begin(), m_nClusterPerLayer.end());
111 if (*maxOfClustersPerLayer > m_param_maxClustersPerLayer) {
112 B2WARNING("High occupancy in SVD, aborting FPGA-DATCON...");
113 uHits.clear();
114 vHits.clear();
115 }
const std::array< int, 3 > m_const_ZShiftL4
shift along z of the L4 senosrs, in µn
uint m_param_maxClustersPerLayer
Cut value for aborting tracking if more than this number of clusters is found on one layer.
std::array< uint, 8 > m_nClusterPerLayer
array containing the number of clusters per layer. If this exceeds a cut value, tracking is aborted
const std::array< int, 2 > m_const_ZShiftL3
shift along z of the L3 senosrs, in µn
const std::array< double, 4 > m_const_AngleStep
angle difference between two consecutive ladders, in rad
const std::array< int, 4 > m_const_RPhiShiftsOfLayers
shift in r-phi to create windmill structure, in µm
const std::array< double, 4 > m_const_InitialAngle
phi-value of the first ladder in each layer, i.e. sensors X.1.Y, in rad
const std::array< double, 4 > m_const_CosSlantedAngles
cosine values of the slanted sensors
const std::array< int, 4 > m_const_ZShiftL5
shift along z of the L5 senosrs, in µn
const std::array< int, 5 > m_const_ZShiftL6
shift along z of the L6 senosrs, in µn
const std::array< int, 4 > m_const_SVDRadii
Radii of the SVD layers, in µm.
Class to uniquely identify a any structure of the PXD and SVD.
Definition: VxdID.h:33
baseType getSensorNumber() const
Get the sensor id.
Definition: VxdID.h:100
baseType getLadderNumber() const
Get the ladder id.
Definition: VxdID.h:98
baseType getLayerNumber() const
Get the layer id.
Definition: VxdID.h:96
long convertFloatToInt(double value, int power)
Convert float or double to long int for more similarity to the FPGA implementation.
Definition: DATCONHelpers.h:21

◆ beginEvent()

void beginEvent ( )

Receive and dispatch signal for the start of a new event.

Reimplemented from ProcessingSignalListener.

Reimplemented in SpacePointTagger< Belle2::CKFToPXDResult, Belle2::PXDCluster >, SpacePointTagger< Belle2::CKFToSVDResult, Belle2::SVDCluster >, BaseEventTimeExtractor< RecoTrack * >, BaseEventTimeExtractor< TrackFindingCDC::CDCWireHit & >, SharingHitsMatcher< Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::CDCTrack, Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::CDCSegment2D >, MCSymmetric< BaseAxialSegmentPairFilter >, MCSymmetric< BaseFacetFilter >, MCSymmetric< BaseFacetRelationFilter >, MCSymmetric< BaseSegmentPairFilter >, MCSymmetric< BaseSegmentPairRelationFilter >, MCSymmetric< BaseSegmentRelationFilter >, MCSymmetric< BaseSegmentTripleFilter >, MCSymmetric< BaseSegmentTripleRelationFilter >, MCSymmetric< BaseTrackRelationFilter >, StoreVectorSwapper< Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::CDCFacet >, StoreVectorSwapper< Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::CDCWireHit, true >, StoreVectorSwapper< Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::CDCSegment2D >, StoreVectorSwapper< Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::CDCTrack >, StoreVectorSwapper< Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::CDCSegmentPair >, StoreVectorSwapper< Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::CDCSegmentTriple >, RecoTrackStorer, ROIFinder, and SVDHoughTracking.

Definition at line 31 of file

35 psl->beginEvent();
36 }
Interface for an algorithm part that needs to receive the module processing signals.
virtual void beginEvent()
Receive signal for the start of a new event.

◆ beginRun()

void beginRun ( )

Receive and dispatch signal for the beginning of a new run.

Reimplemented from ProcessingSignalListener.

Reimplemented in LayerRelationFilter< AFilter >, FourHitFilter, QualityIndicatorFilter, ThreeHitFilter, TwoHitVirtualIPFilter, TwoHitVirtualIPQIFilter, RecoTrackStorer, ROIFinder, SpacePointLoaderAndPreparer, and TrackCandidateResultRefiner.

Definition at line 23 of file

27 psl->beginRun();
28 }
virtual void beginRun()
Receive signal for the beginning of a new run.

◆ endRun()

void endRun ( )

Receive and dispatch signal for the end of the run.

Reimplemented from ProcessingSignalListener.

Definition at line 39 of file

42 psl->endRun();
43 }
virtual void endRun()
Receive signal for the end of the run.

◆ exposeParameters()

void exposeParameters ( ModuleParamList moduleParamList,
const std::string &  prefix 

Expose the parameters of the sub findlets.

Reimplemented from Findlet< const SVDCluster, const SVDCluster, std::pair< VxdID, std::pair< long, long > >, std::pair< VxdID, std::pair< long, long > > >.

Definition at line 22 of file

24 Super::exposeParameters(moduleParamList, prefix);
26 moduleParamList->addParameter(TrackFindingCDC::prefixed(prefix, "maxClustersPerLayer"), m_param_maxClustersPerLayer,
27 "Maximum number of clusters on one layer before aborting tracking.", m_param_maxClustersPerLayer);
virtual void exposeParameters(ModuleParamList *moduleParamList, const std::string &prefix)
Forward prefixed parameters of this findlet to the module parameter list.
Definition: Findlet.h:69
void addParameter(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module list.

◆ getDescription()

virtual std::string getDescription ( )

Brief description of the purpose of the concret findlet.

Definition at line 60 of file Findlet.h.

61 {
62 return "(no description)";
63 }

◆ getNProcessingSignalListener()

int getNProcessingSignalListener ( )

Get the number of currently registered listeners.

Definition at line 60 of file


◆ initialize()

void initialize ( )

Create the store arrays.

Reimplemented from ProcessingSignalListener.

Definition at line 30 of file

void initialize() override
Receive and dispatch signal before the start of the event processing.

◆ terminate()

void terminate ( )

Receive and dispatch Signal for termination of the event processing.

Reimplemented from ProcessingSignalListener.

Reimplemented in StereoHitTrackQuadTreeMatcher< Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::HyperHough >, StereoHitTrackQuadTreeMatcher< Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::QuadraticLegendre >, and StereoHitTrackQuadTreeMatcher< Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::Z0TanLambdaLegendre >.

Definition at line 47 of file

50 psl->terminate();
51 }
virtual void terminate()
Receive Signal for termination of the event processing.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_const_AngleStep

const std::array<double, 4> m_const_AngleStep = {2. * M_PI / 7., M_PI / 5., M_PI / 6., M_PI / 8.}

angle difference between two consecutive ladders, in rad

Definition at line 69 of file DATCONSVDClusterLoaderAndPreparer.h.

◆ m_const_CosSlantedAngles

const std::array<double, 4> m_const_CosSlantedAngles = {1, cos(0.207694180987), cos(0.279252680319), cos(0.368264472171)}

cosine values of the slanted sensors

Definition at line 71 of file DATCONSVDClusterLoaderAndPreparer.h.

◆ m_const_InitialAngle

const std::array<double, 4> m_const_InitialAngle = {(342.195 - 360.) / 180. * M_PI, 8. / 180. * M_PI, -8. / 180. * M_PI, -4. / 180. * M_PI}

phi-value of the first ladder in each layer, i.e. sensors X.1.Y, in rad

Definition at line 67 of file DATCONSVDClusterLoaderAndPreparer.h.

◆ m_const_RPhiShiftsOfLayers

const std::array<int, 4> m_const_RPhiShiftsOfLayers = { -4680, -10780, -11036, -19076}

shift in r-phi to create windmill structure, in µm

Definition at line 65 of file DATCONSVDClusterLoaderAndPreparer.h.

◆ m_const_SVDRadii

const std::array<int, 4> m_const_SVDRadii = {38990, 80000, 104000, 135150}

Radii of the SVD layers, in µm.

Definition at line 63 of file DATCONSVDClusterLoaderAndPreparer.h.

◆ m_const_ZShiftL3

const std::array<int, 2> m_const_ZShiftL3 = {92350, -32650}

shift along z of the L3 senosrs, in µn

Definition at line 74 of file DATCONSVDClusterLoaderAndPreparer.h.

◆ m_const_ZShiftL4

const std::array<int, 3> m_const_ZShiftL4 = {149042, 24760, -100240}

shift along z of the L4 senosrs, in µn

Definition at line 76 of file DATCONSVDClusterLoaderAndPreparer.h.

◆ m_const_ZShiftL5

const std::array<int, 4> m_const_ZShiftL5 = {233754, 110560, -14440, -139440}

shift along z of the L5 senosrs, in µn

Definition at line 78 of file DATCONSVDClusterLoaderAndPreparer.h.

◆ m_const_ZShiftL6

const std::array<int, 5> m_const_ZShiftL6 = {303471, 182060, 57060, -67940, -192940}

shift along z of the L6 senosrs, in µn

Definition at line 80 of file DATCONSVDClusterLoaderAndPreparer.h.

◆ m_initialized

bool m_initialized = false

Flag to keep track whether initialization happend before.

Definition at line 52 of file ProcessingSignalListener.h.

◆ m_initializedAs

std::string m_initializedAs

Name of the type during initialisation.

Definition at line 58 of file ProcessingSignalListener.h.

◆ m_nClusterPerLayer

std::array<uint, 8> m_nClusterPerLayer = {0}

array containing the number of clusters per layer. If this exceeds a cut value, tracking is aborted

Definition at line 59 of file DATCONSVDClusterLoaderAndPreparer.h.

◆ m_param_maxClustersPerLayer

uint m_param_maxClustersPerLayer = 200

Cut value for aborting tracking if more than this number of clusters is found on one layer.

Definition at line 56 of file DATCONSVDClusterLoaderAndPreparer.h.

◆ m_subordinaryProcessingSignalListeners

std::vector<ProcessingSignalListener*> m_subordinaryProcessingSignalListeners

References to subordinary signal processing listener contained in this findlet.

Definition at line 52 of file CompositeProcessingSignalListener.h.

◆ m_terminated

bool m_terminated = false

Flag to keep track whether termination happend before.

Definition at line 55 of file ProcessingSignalListener.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: