Belle II Software development
FilterID Class Reference

Class to identify a filter type used by sectorFriends. More...

#include <FilterID.h>

Public Types

enum  filterTypes {
  distance3D ,
  distanceXY ,
  distanceZ ,
  slopeRZ ,
  normedDistance3D ,
  anglesHighOccupancy3D ,
  anglesHighOccupancyXY ,
  anglesHighOccupancyRZ ,
  distanceHighOccupancy2IP ,
  deltaSlopeHighOccupancyRZ ,
  pTHighOccupancy ,
  helixParameterHighOccupancyFit ,
  angles3D ,
  anglesRZ ,
  anglesXY ,
  deltaSlopeRZ ,
  pT ,
  distance2IP ,
  helixParameterFit ,
  deltaSOverZ ,
  deltaSlopeZOverS ,
  deltapTHighOccupancy ,
  deltaDistanceHighOccupancy2IP ,
  deltapT ,
  deltaDistance2IP ,
  nbFinderLost ,
  cellularAutomaton ,
  ziggZaggXY ,
  ziggZaggXYWithSigma ,
  ziggZaggRZ ,
  circlefit ,
  helixfit ,
  simpleLineFit3D ,
  hopfield ,
  greedy ,
  tcDuel ,
  tcFinderCurr ,
  calcQIbyKalman ,
  overlapping ,
  silentTcc ,
  silentHitFinder ,
  silentSegFinder ,
  alwaysTrue2Hit ,
  alwaysFalse2Hit ,
  alwaysTrue3Hit ,
  alwaysFalse3Hit ,
  alwaysTrue4Hit ,
  alwaysFalse4Hit ,
  random2Hit ,
  random3Hit ,
  random4Hit ,
  overHighestAllowedLayer ,
  outOfSectorRange ,
 filterTyoes contains enums assigning unique values for each filter type allowing fast filter type recognition More...

Public Member Functions

 FilterID ()
 ~FilterID ()

Static Public Member Functions

static filterTypes getFilterType (const std::string &filterString)
 converts existing string with name of filter type into suitable enum value.
static filterTypes getFilterType (int filterInt)
 converts existing int with filter type-compativble value into suitable enum value.
static std::string getFilterString (filterTypes filterType)
 converts existing enum value into suitable string with name of filter type.
static std::string getFilterString (int filterType)
 converts int value into suitable string with name of filter type (if int value is equal to values of enum).
static std::string getTypeName (filterTypes filterType)
 returns name of given type, needed for compatibility with other modules
static filterTypes getTypeEnum (const std::string &filterString)
 returns type of given name, needed for compatibility with other modules.

Static Public Attributes

static const std::string nameDistance3D = "distance3D"
 string name of filter d3D
static const std::string nameDistanceXY = "distanceXY"
 string name of filter dXY
static const std::string nameDistanceZ = "distanceZ"
 string name of filter dZ
static const std::string nameSlopeRZ = "slopeRZ"
 string name of filter slopeRZ
static const std::string nameNormedDistance3D = "normedDistance3D"
 string name of filter nd3D
static const std::string nameAnglesHighOccupancy3D = "HioCangles3D"
 string name of filter a3D high occupancy
static const std::string nameAnglesHighOccupancyXY = "HioCanglesXY"
 string name of filter aXY high occupancy
static const std::string nameAnglesHighOccupancyRZ = "HioCanglesRZ"
 string name of filter aRZ high occupancy
static const std::string nameDistanceHighOccupancy2IP = "HioCdistance2IP"
 string name of filter d2IP high occupancy
static const std::string nameDeltaSlopeHighOccupancyRZ = "HioCdeltaSlopeRZ"
 string name of filter dslopeRZ high occupancy
static const std::string namePTHighOccupancy = "HioCpT"
 string name of filter pT high occupancy
static const std::string nameHelixParameterHighOccupancyFit = "HioChelixFit"
 string name of filter hFit high occupancy
static const std::string nameAngles3D = "angles3D"
 string name of filter a3D
static const std::string nameAnglesRZ = "anglesRZ"
 string name of filter aRZ
static const std::string nameAnglesXY = "anglesXY"
 string name of filter aXY
static const std::string nameDeltaSlopeRZ = "deltaSlopeRZ"
 string name of filter dslopeRZ
static const std::string namePT = "pT"
 string name of filter pT
static const std::string nameDistance2IP = "distance2IP"
 string name of filter d2IP
static const std::string nameHelixParameterFit = "helixParameterFit"
 string name of filter helix Parameter Fit
static const std::string nameDeltaSOverZ = "deltaSOverZ"
 string name deltaSOverZ Filter
static const std::string nameDeltaSlopeZOverS = "deltaSlopeZOverS"
 string name deltaSlopeZOverS Filter
static const std::string nameDeltapTHighOccupancy = "HioCdeltaPt"
 string name of filter dPt high occupancy
static const std::string nameDeltaDistanceHighOccupancy2IP = "HioCdeltaDistance2IP"
 string name of filter dd2IP high occupancy
static const std::string nameDeltapT = "deltaPt"
 string name of filter dPt
static const std::string nameDeltaDistance2IP = "deltaDistance2IP"
 string name of filter dd2IP
static const std::string nameNbFinderLost = "NbFinderLost"
 string name Nb Finder filter
static const std::string nameCellularAutomaton = "CellularAutomaton"
 string name CA filter
static const std::string nameZiggZaggXY = "ZiggZaggXY"
 string name ZiggZaggXY filter
static const std::string nameZiggZaggXYWithSigma = "ZiggZaggXYWithSigma"
 string name ZiggZaggXYWithSigma filter
static const std::string nameZiggZaggRZ = "ZiggZaggRZ"
 string name ZiggZaggRZ filter
static const std::string nameCirclefit = "Circlefit"
 string name Circlefit filter
static const std::string nameHelixfit = "Helixfit"
 string name Helix Fit filter
static const std::string nameSimpleLineFit3D = "SimpleLineFit3D"
 string name SimpleLineFit3D filter
static const std::string nameHopfield = "Hopfield"
 string name Hopfield filter
static const std::string nameGreedy = "Greedy"
 string name Greedy filter
static const std::string nameTcDuel = "TcDuel"
 string name TC Duel filter
static const std::string nameTcFinderCurr = "TcFinderCurr"
 string name TC Finder Curr filter
static const std::string nameCalcQIbyKalman = "CalcQIbyKalman"
 string name CalcQIbyKalman filter
static const std::string nameOverlapping = "Overlapping"
 string name Overlapping filter
static const std::string nameSilentTcc = "SilentTcc"
 WARNING FIXME TODO some things are missing here (calcQIbyLineFit) and similar stuff.
static const std::string nameSilentHitFinder = "SilentHitFinder"
 string name Silent Kill Hit Finder filter
static const std::string nameSilentSegFinder = "SilentSegFinder"
 string name Silent Kill Seg Finder filter
static const std::string nameAlwaysTrue2Hit = "alwaysTrue2Hit"
 string name of a filter which will always say yes
static const std::string nameAlwaysFalse2Hit = "alwaysFalse2Hit"
 string name of a filter which will always say no
static const std::string nameAlwaysTrue3Hit = "alwaysTrue3Hit"
 string name of a filter which will always say yes
static const std::string nameAlwaysFalse3Hit = "alwaysFalse3Hit"
 string name of a filter which will always say no
static const std::string nameAlwaysTrue4Hit = "alwaysTrue4Hit"
 string name of a filter which will always say yes
static const std::string nameAlwaysFalse4Hit = "alwaysFalse4Hit"
 string name of a filter which will always say no
static const std::string nameRandom2Hit = "random2Hit"
 string name of a filter which will say yes or no by random choice
static const std::string nameRandom3Hit = "random3Hit"
 string name of a filter which will say yes or no by random choice
static const std::string nameRandom4Hit = "random4Hit"
 string name of a filter which will say yes or no by random choice
static const std::string nameOverHighestAllowedLayer = "overHighestAllowedLayer"
 string name of OverHighestAllowedLayer Filter
static const std::string nameOutOfSectorRange = "outOfSectorRange"
 string name out of sector range filter
static const boost::array< std::string, numFiltersnameVector
 array storing all the strings where the enums can be used to access their position
static const boost::array< FilterID::filterTypes, FilterID::numFiltersenumVector
 array storing all the enums where ints can be used to access their position (this is needed since enums can be converted to int but not otherwise)

Detailed Description

Class to identify a filter type used by sectorFriends.

is a simple converter to convert the enum used to access the filter-values (cutoffs) into readable values it contains enum values for speed optimized access of filter-data and strings for human-readable output

Definition at line 28 of file FilterID.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ filterTypes

filterTyoes contains enums assigning unique values for each filter type allowing fast filter type recognition


string name of filter d3D


string name of filter dXY


string name of filter dZ


string name of filter slopeRZ


string name of filter nd3D


string name of filter a3D high occupancy


string name of filter aXY high occupancy


string name of filter aRZ high occupancy


string name of filter d2IP high occupancy


string name of filter dslopeRZ high occupancy


string name of filter pT high occupancy


string name of filter hFit high occupancy


string name of filter a3D


string name of filter aRZ


string name of filter aXY


string name of filter dslopeRZ


string name of filter pT


string name of filter d2IP


string name of filter helix Paramater Fit


deltaSOverZ Filter


deltaSlopeZOverS Filter


string name of filter dPt high occupancy


string name of filter dd2IP high occupancy


string name of filter dPt


string name of filter dd2IP


Nb Finder filter.


CA filter.


ziggZaggXY filter


ziggZaggXYWithSigma filter


ziggZaggRZ filter


circlefit filter


Helix Fit filter.


simpleLineFit3D filter


Hopfield filter.


Greedy filter.


TC Duel filter.


TC Finder Curr filter.


calcQIbyKalman filter


overlapping filter


Silent Kill TCC filter.


Silent Kill HitFinder filter.


Silent Kill SefFinder filter.


a filter with this ID will always say True


a filter with this ID will always say False


a filter with this ID will always say True


a filter with this ID will always say False


a filter with this ID will always say True


a filter with this ID will always say False


a filter with this ID will say yes or no by random choice


a filter with this ID will say yes or no by random choice


a filter with this ID will say yes or no by random choice


OverHighestAllowedLayer Filter.


out of sector range filter


knows number of filters existing.

If a member returns this value, the input-value was wrong

Definition at line 31 of file FilterID.h.

31 {
32 // 2hit:
35 distanceZ,
36 slopeRZ,
40 //2+1hit:
50 //3hit:
51 angles3D,
52 anglesRZ,
53 anglesXY,
55 pT,
62 //3+1hit:
67 //4hit:
68 deltapT,
72 //Collector FilterIDs
77 // trackletFilters:
81 circlefit,
82 helixfit,
86 //TF-steps:
87 hopfield,
88 greedy,
89 tcDuel,
95 // for display: silent kills
96 silentTcc,
101 // tests which are only for debugging and validation processes
108 random2Hit,
109 random3Hit,
110 random4Hit,
113 // other stuff
120 };
@ random3Hit
a filter with this ID will say yes or no by random choice
Definition: FilterID.h:109
@ hopfield
Hopfield filter.
Definition: FilterID.h:87
@ silentTcc
Silent Kill TCC filter.
Definition: FilterID.h:96
@ nbFinderLost
Nb Finder filter.
Definition: FilterID.h:73
@ alwaysTrue2Hit
a filter with this ID will always say True
Definition: FilterID.h:102
@ numFilters
knows number of filters existing.
Definition: FilterID.h:118
@ distanceHighOccupancy2IP
string name of filter d2IP high occupancy
Definition: FilterID.h:44
@ alwaysFalse3Hit
a filter with this ID will always say False
Definition: FilterID.h:105
@ deltaDistance2IP
string name of filter dd2IP
Definition: FilterID.h:69
@ distance2IP
string name of filter d2IP
Definition: FilterID.h:56
@ deltaSlopeHighOccupancyRZ
string name of filter dslopeRZ high occupancy
Definition: FilterID.h:45
@ helixfit
Helix Fit filter.
Definition: FilterID.h:82
@ tcDuel
TC Duel filter.
Definition: FilterID.h:89
@ overlapping
overlapping filter
Definition: FilterID.h:92
@ anglesHighOccupancy3D
string name of filter a3D high occupancy
Definition: FilterID.h:41
@ random4Hit
a filter with this ID will say yes or no by random choice
Definition: FilterID.h:110
@ simpleLineFit3D
simpleLineFit3D filter
Definition: FilterID.h:83
@ deltapT
string name of filter dPt
Definition: FilterID.h:68
@ overHighestAllowedLayer
OverHighestAllowedLayer Filter.
Definition: FilterID.h:114
@ cellularAutomaton
CA filter.
Definition: FilterID.h:74
@ distanceXY
string name of filter dXY
Definition: FilterID.h:34
@ anglesXY
string name of filter aXY
Definition: FilterID.h:53
@ tcFinderCurr
TC Finder Curr filter.
Definition: FilterID.h:90
@ silentSegFinder
Silent Kill SefFinder filter.
Definition: FilterID.h:98
@ normedDistance3D
string name of filter nd3D
Definition: FilterID.h:37
@ slopeRZ
string name of filter slopeRZ
Definition: FilterID.h:36
@ circlefit
circlefit filter
Definition: FilterID.h:81
@ silentHitFinder
Silent Kill HitFinder filter.
Definition: FilterID.h:97
@ outOfSectorRange
out of sector range filter
Definition: FilterID.h:115
@ distance3D
string name of filter d3D
Definition: FilterID.h:33
@ ziggZaggRZ
ziggZaggRZ filter
Definition: FilterID.h:80
@ anglesHighOccupancyXY
string name of filter aXY high occupancy
Definition: FilterID.h:42
@ helixParameterFit
string name of filter helix Paramater Fit
Definition: FilterID.h:57
@ alwaysTrue3Hit
a filter with this ID will always say True
Definition: FilterID.h:104
@ alwaysFalse2Hit
a filter with this ID will always say False
Definition: FilterID.h:103
@ deltaSlopeRZ
string name of filter dslopeRZ
Definition: FilterID.h:54
@ ziggZaggXY
ziggZaggXY filter
Definition: FilterID.h:78
@ alwaysFalse4Hit
a filter with this ID will always say False
Definition: FilterID.h:107
@ deltaDistanceHighOccupancy2IP
string name of filter dd2IP high occupancy
Definition: FilterID.h:64
@ helixParameterHighOccupancyFit
string name of filter hFit high occupancy
Definition: FilterID.h:47
@ ziggZaggXYWithSigma
ziggZaggXYWithSigma filter
Definition: FilterID.h:79
@ deltapTHighOccupancy
string name of filter dPt high occupancy
Definition: FilterID.h:63
@ alwaysTrue4Hit
a filter with this ID will always say True
Definition: FilterID.h:106
@ greedy
Greedy filter.
Definition: FilterID.h:88
@ pTHighOccupancy
string name of filter pT high occupancy
Definition: FilterID.h:46
@ random2Hit
a filter with this ID will say yes or no by random choice
Definition: FilterID.h:108
@ angles3D
string name of filter a3D
Definition: FilterID.h:51
@ anglesRZ
string name of filter aRZ
Definition: FilterID.h:52
@ deltaSlopeZOverS
deltaSlopeZOverS Filter
Definition: FilterID.h:59
@ distanceZ
string name of filter dZ
Definition: FilterID.h:35
@ deltaSOverZ
deltaSOverZ Filter
Definition: FilterID.h:58
@ pT
string name of filter pT
Definition: FilterID.h:55
@ calcQIbyKalman
calcQIbyKalman filter
Definition: FilterID.h:91
@ anglesHighOccupancyRZ
string name of filter aRZ high occupancy
Definition: FilterID.h:43

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ FilterID()

FilterID ( )


Definition at line 219 of file FilterID.h.


◆ ~FilterID()

~FilterID ( )


Definition at line 222 of file FilterID.h.


Member Function Documentation

◆ getFilterString() [1/2]

static std::string getFilterString ( filterTypes  filterType)

converts existing enum value into suitable string with name of filter type.

Definition at line 231 of file FilterID.h.

231{ return getTypeName(filterType); }
static std::string getTypeName(filterTypes filterType)
returns name of given type, needed for compatibility with other modules

◆ getFilterString() [2/2]

std::string getFilterString ( int  filterType)

converts int value into suitable string with name of filter type (if int value is equal to values of enum).

Definition at line 423 of file

425 if (filterType >= distance3D && filterType < numFilters) {
426 return nameVector[filterType];
427 }
428 B2WARNING(" FilterID::getFilterString. Input int is out of range, please check that...");
429 return "";
static const boost::array< std::string, numFilters > nameVector
array storing all the strings where the enums can be used to access their position
Definition: FilterID.h:213

◆ getFilterType() [1/2]

FilterID::filterTypes getFilterType ( const std::string &  filterString)

converts existing string with name of filter type into suitable enum value.

Definition at line 287 of file

289 // WARNING TODO FIXME: improve that function (by the way, it is not sorted like the entries from above)
290 if (filterString == nameAngles3D)
291 { return angles3D; }
292 else if (filterString == nameAnglesRZ)
293 {return anglesRZ;}
294 else if (filterString == nameAnglesXY)
295 {return anglesXY;}
296 else if (filterString == nameDistance3D)
297 {return distance3D;}
298 else if (filterString == nameDistanceXY)
299 {return distanceXY;}
300 else if (filterString == nameDistanceZ)
301 {return distanceZ;}
302 else if (filterString == nameHelixParameterFit)
303 {return helixParameterFit;}
304 else if (filterString == nameDeltaSOverZ)
305 {return deltaSOverZ;}
306 else if (filterString == nameDeltaSlopeZOverS)
307 {return deltaSlopeZOverS;}
308 else if (filterString == nameSlopeRZ)
309 {return slopeRZ;}
310 else if (filterString == nameDeltaSlopeRZ)
311 {return deltaSlopeRZ;}
312 else if (filterString == namePT)
313 {return pT;}
314 else if (filterString == nameDeltapT)
315 {return deltapT;}
316 else if (filterString == nameNormedDistance3D)
317 {return normedDistance3D;}
318 else if (filterString == nameDistance2IP)
319 {return distance2IP;}
320 else if (filterString == nameDeltaDistance2IP)
321 {return deltaDistance2IP;}
322 else if (filterString == nameAnglesHighOccupancy3D)
323 {return anglesHighOccupancy3D;}
324 else if (filterString == nameAnglesHighOccupancyXY)
325 {return anglesHighOccupancyXY;}
326 else if (filterString == nameAnglesHighOccupancyRZ)
327 {return anglesHighOccupancyRZ;}
328 else if (filterString == nameDistanceHighOccupancy2IP)
330 else if (filterString == nameDeltaSlopeHighOccupancyRZ)
332 else if (filterString == namePTHighOccupancy)
333 {return pTHighOccupancy;}
334 else if (filterString == nameHelixParameterHighOccupancyFit)
336 else if (filterString == nameDeltapTHighOccupancy)
337 {return deltapTHighOccupancy;}
338 else if (filterString == nameDeltaDistanceHighOccupancy2IP)
340 else if (filterString == nameNbFinderLost)
341 {return nbFinderLost;}
342 else if (filterString == nameCellularAutomaton)
343 {return cellularAutomaton;}
345 else if (filterString == nameHopfield)
346 {return hopfield;}
347 else if (filterString == nameGreedy)
348 {return greedy;}
350 else if (filterString == nameTcDuel)
351 {return tcDuel;}
352 else if (filterString == nameTcFinderCurr)
353 {return tcFinderCurr;}
355 else if (filterString == nameZiggZaggXY)
356 {return ziggZaggXY;}
357 else if (filterString == nameZiggZaggXYWithSigma)
358 {return ziggZaggXYWithSigma;}
359 else if (filterString == nameZiggZaggRZ)
360 {return ziggZaggRZ;}
362 else if (filterString == nameCalcQIbyKalman)
363 {return calcQIbyKalman;}
364 else if (filterString == nameOverlapping)
365 {return overlapping;}
366 else if (filterString == nameCirclefit)
367 {return circlefit;}
368 else if (filterString == nameHelixfit)
369 {return helixfit;}
370 else if (filterString == nameSimpleLineFit3D)
371 {return simpleLineFit3D;}
373 else if (filterString == nameSilentTcc)
374 {return silentTcc;}
375 else if (filterString == nameSilentHitFinder)
376 {return silentHitFinder;}
377 else if (filterString == nameSilentSegFinder)
378 {return silentSegFinder;}
380 else if (filterString == nameAlwaysTrue2Hit)
381 {return alwaysTrue2Hit;}
382 else if (filterString == nameAlwaysFalse2Hit)
383 {return alwaysFalse2Hit;}
384 else if (filterString == nameAlwaysTrue3Hit)
385 {return alwaysTrue3Hit;}
386 else if (filterString == nameAlwaysFalse3Hit)
387 {return alwaysFalse3Hit;}
388 else if (filterString == nameAlwaysTrue4Hit)
389 {return alwaysTrue4Hit;}
390 else if (filterString == nameAlwaysFalse4Hit)
391 {return alwaysFalse4Hit;}
392 else if (filterString == nameRandom2Hit)
393 {return random2Hit;}
394 else if (filterString == nameRandom3Hit)
395 {return random3Hit;}
396 else if (filterString == nameRandom4Hit)
397 {return random4Hit;}
399 else if (filterString == nameOverHighestAllowedLayer)
401 else if (filterString == nameOutOfSectorRange)
402 {return outOfSectorRange;}
404 else {
405 B2WARNING(" FilterID::getFilterType. Input std::string is out of range, please check that...");
406 return numFilters;
407 }
static const std::string nameOverHighestAllowedLayer
string name of OverHighestAllowedLayer Filter
Definition: FilterID.h:207
static const std::string nameZiggZaggXY
string name ZiggZaggXY filter
Definition: FilterID.h:170
static const std::string nameDeltaSOverZ
string name deltaSOverZ Filter
Definition: FilterID.h:150
static const std::string namePT
string name of filter pT
Definition: FilterID.h:147
static const std::string nameDeltaDistanceHighOccupancy2IP
string name of filter dd2IP high occupancy
Definition: FilterID.h:156
static const std::string nameNormedDistance3D
string name of filter nd3D
Definition: FilterID.h:129
static const std::string nameDeltaSlopeHighOccupancyRZ
string name of filter dslopeRZ high occupancy
Definition: FilterID.h:137
static const std::string nameAlwaysTrue4Hit
string name of a filter which will always say yes
Definition: FilterID.h:199
static const std::string nameHopfield
string name Hopfield filter
Definition: FilterID.h:179
static const std::string nameDistance3D
string name of filter d3D
Definition: FilterID.h:125
static const std::string nameAlwaysFalse2Hit
string name of a filter which will always say no
Definition: FilterID.h:196
static const std::string nameNbFinderLost
string name Nb Finder filter
Definition: FilterID.h:165
static const std::string nameAnglesRZ
string name of filter aRZ
Definition: FilterID.h:144
static const std::string nameSilentTcc
WARNING FIXME TODO some things are missing here (calcQIbyLineFit) and similar stuff.
Definition: FilterID.h:189
static const std::string nameCirclefit
string name Circlefit filter
Definition: FilterID.h:173
static const std::string nameOverlapping
string name Overlapping filter
Definition: FilterID.h:184
static const std::string nameDeltaSlopeZOverS
string name deltaSlopeZOverS Filter
Definition: FilterID.h:151
static const std::string nameTcFinderCurr
string name TC Finder Curr filter
Definition: FilterID.h:182
static const std::string nameCalcQIbyKalman
string name CalcQIbyKalman filter
Definition: FilterID.h:183
static const std::string nameSimpleLineFit3D
string name SimpleLineFit3D filter
Definition: FilterID.h:175
static const std::string nameAnglesXY
string name of filter aXY
Definition: FilterID.h:145
static const std::string nameDeltapTHighOccupancy
string name of filter dPt high occupancy
Definition: FilterID.h:155
static const std::string nameDistanceHighOccupancy2IP
string name of filter d2IP high occupancy
Definition: FilterID.h:136
static const std::string nameDeltapT
string name of filter dPt
Definition: FilterID.h:160
static const std::string nameRandom2Hit
string name of a filter which will say yes or no by random choice
Definition: FilterID.h:201
static const std::string nameDistance2IP
string name of filter d2IP
Definition: FilterID.h:148
static const std::string nameHelixfit
string name Helix Fit filter
Definition: FilterID.h:174
static const std::string nameAnglesHighOccupancyXY
string name of filter aXY high occupancy
Definition: FilterID.h:134
static const std::string nameAnglesHighOccupancyRZ
string name of filter aRZ high occupancy
Definition: FilterID.h:135
static const std::string nameRandom4Hit
string name of a filter which will say yes or no by random choice
Definition: FilterID.h:203
static const std::string nameAngles3D
string name of filter a3D
Definition: FilterID.h:143
static const std::string nameZiggZaggXYWithSigma
string name ZiggZaggXYWithSigma filter
Definition: FilterID.h:171
static const std::string nameDeltaDistance2IP
string name of filter dd2IP
Definition: FilterID.h:161
static const std::string nameHelixParameterHighOccupancyFit
string name of filter hFit high occupancy
Definition: FilterID.h:139
static const std::string nameZiggZaggRZ
string name ZiggZaggRZ filter
Definition: FilterID.h:172
static const std::string nameAlwaysTrue2Hit
string name of a filter which will always say yes
Definition: FilterID.h:195
static const std::string nameOutOfSectorRange
string name out of sector range filter
Definition: FilterID.h:208
static const std::string nameAnglesHighOccupancy3D
string name of filter a3D high occupancy
Definition: FilterID.h:133
static const std::string nameSlopeRZ
string name of filter slopeRZ
Definition: FilterID.h:128
static const std::string nameDeltaSlopeRZ
string name of filter dslopeRZ
Definition: FilterID.h:146
static const std::string nameDistanceZ
string name of filter dZ
Definition: FilterID.h:127
static const std::string nameSilentHitFinder
string name Silent Kill Hit Finder filter
Definition: FilterID.h:190
static const std::string nameCellularAutomaton
string name CA filter
Definition: FilterID.h:166
static const std::string nameSilentSegFinder
string name Silent Kill Seg Finder filter
Definition: FilterID.h:191
static const std::string nameGreedy
string name Greedy filter
Definition: FilterID.h:180
static const std::string nameAlwaysFalse3Hit
string name of a filter which will always say no
Definition: FilterID.h:198
static const std::string nameDistanceXY
string name of filter dXY
Definition: FilterID.h:126
static const std::string nameHelixParameterFit
string name of filter helix Parameter Fit
Definition: FilterID.h:149
static const std::string nameAlwaysTrue3Hit
string name of a filter which will always say yes
Definition: FilterID.h:197
static const std::string nameRandom3Hit
string name of a filter which will say yes or no by random choice
Definition: FilterID.h:202
static const std::string nameAlwaysFalse4Hit
string name of a filter which will always say no
Definition: FilterID.h:200
static const std::string namePTHighOccupancy
string name of filter pT high occupancy
Definition: FilterID.h:138
static const std::string nameTcDuel
string name TC Duel filter
Definition: FilterID.h:181

◆ getFilterType() [2/2]

FilterID::filterTypes getFilterType ( int  filterInt)

converts existing int with filter type-compativble value into suitable enum value.

Definition at line 412 of file

414 if (filterInt >= distance3D && filterInt < numFilters) {
415 return enumVector[filterInt];
416 }
417 B2WARNING(" FilterID::getFilterType. Input int is out of range, please check that...");
418 return numFilters;
static const boost::array< FilterID::filterTypes, FilterID::numFilters > enumVector
array storing all the enums where ints can be used to access their position (this is needed since enu...
Definition: FilterID.h:216

◆ getTypeEnum()

static filterTypes getTypeEnum ( const std::string &  filterString)

returns type of given name, needed for compatibility with other modules.

Definition at line 240 of file FilterID.h.

240{return getFilterType(filterString); }
static filterTypes getFilterType(const std::string &filterString)
converts existing string with name of filter type into suitable enum value.

◆ getTypeName()

std::string getTypeName ( FilterID::filterTypes  type)

returns name of given type, needed for compatibility with other modules

for given FilterID the corresponding std::string-name will be returned.

For invalid types, UnknownType will be passed


Definition at line 434 of file

437 auto pos = std::find(enumVector.begin(), enumVector.end(), type);
438 if (pos == enumVector.end()) {
439 B2WARNING("FilterID::getTypeName(): given iD " << type <<
440 " is not a valid FilterID, return UnknownType!");
441 return std::string("UnknownType");
442 }
443 return FilterID::nameVector[type];

Member Data Documentation

◆ enumVector

const boost::array< FilterID::filterTypes, FilterID::numFilters > enumVector

array storing all the enums where ints can be used to access their position (this is needed since enums can be converted to int but not otherwise)

Definition at line 216 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameAlwaysFalse2Hit

const std::string nameAlwaysFalse2Hit = "alwaysFalse2Hit"

string name of a filter which will always say no

Definition at line 196 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameAlwaysFalse3Hit

const std::string nameAlwaysFalse3Hit = "alwaysFalse3Hit"

string name of a filter which will always say no

Definition at line 198 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameAlwaysFalse4Hit

const std::string nameAlwaysFalse4Hit = "alwaysFalse4Hit"

string name of a filter which will always say no

Definition at line 200 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameAlwaysTrue2Hit

const std::string nameAlwaysTrue2Hit = "alwaysTrue2Hit"

string name of a filter which will always say yes

Definition at line 195 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameAlwaysTrue3Hit

const std::string nameAlwaysTrue3Hit = "alwaysTrue3Hit"

string name of a filter which will always say yes

Definition at line 197 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameAlwaysTrue4Hit

const std::string nameAlwaysTrue4Hit = "alwaysTrue4Hit"

string name of a filter which will always say yes

Definition at line 199 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameAngles3D

const std::string nameAngles3D = "angles3D"

string name of filter a3D

Definition at line 143 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameAnglesHighOccupancy3D

const std::string nameAnglesHighOccupancy3D = "HioCangles3D"

string name of filter a3D high occupancy

Definition at line 133 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameAnglesHighOccupancyRZ

const std::string nameAnglesHighOccupancyRZ = "HioCanglesRZ"

string name of filter aRZ high occupancy

Definition at line 135 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameAnglesHighOccupancyXY

const std::string nameAnglesHighOccupancyXY = "HioCanglesXY"

string name of filter aXY high occupancy

Definition at line 134 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameAnglesRZ

const std::string nameAnglesRZ = "anglesRZ"

string name of filter aRZ

Definition at line 144 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameAnglesXY

const std::string nameAnglesXY = "anglesXY"

string name of filter aXY

Definition at line 145 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameCalcQIbyKalman

const std::string nameCalcQIbyKalman = "CalcQIbyKalman"

string name CalcQIbyKalman filter

Definition at line 183 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameCellularAutomaton

const std::string nameCellularAutomaton = "CellularAutomaton"

string name CA filter

Definition at line 166 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameCirclefit

const std::string nameCirclefit = "Circlefit"

string name Circlefit filter

Definition at line 173 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameDeltaDistance2IP

const std::string nameDeltaDistance2IP = "deltaDistance2IP"

string name of filter dd2IP

Definition at line 161 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameDeltaDistanceHighOccupancy2IP

const std::string nameDeltaDistanceHighOccupancy2IP = "HioCdeltaDistance2IP"

string name of filter dd2IP high occupancy

Definition at line 156 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameDeltapT

const std::string nameDeltapT = "deltaPt"

string name of filter dPt

Definition at line 160 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameDeltapTHighOccupancy

const std::string nameDeltapTHighOccupancy = "HioCdeltaPt"

string name of filter dPt high occupancy

Definition at line 155 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameDeltaSlopeHighOccupancyRZ

const std::string nameDeltaSlopeHighOccupancyRZ = "HioCdeltaSlopeRZ"

string name of filter dslopeRZ high occupancy

Definition at line 137 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameDeltaSlopeRZ

const std::string nameDeltaSlopeRZ = "deltaSlopeRZ"

string name of filter dslopeRZ

Definition at line 146 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameDeltaSlopeZOverS

const std::string nameDeltaSlopeZOverS = "deltaSlopeZOverS"

string name deltaSlopeZOverS Filter

Definition at line 151 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameDeltaSOverZ

const std::string nameDeltaSOverZ = "deltaSOverZ"

string name deltaSOverZ Filter

Definition at line 150 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameDistance2IP

const std::string nameDistance2IP = "distance2IP"

string name of filter d2IP

Definition at line 148 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameDistance3D

const std::string nameDistance3D = "distance3D"

string name of filter d3D

Definition at line 125 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameDistanceHighOccupancy2IP

const std::string nameDistanceHighOccupancy2IP = "HioCdistance2IP"

string name of filter d2IP high occupancy

Definition at line 136 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameDistanceXY

const std::string nameDistanceXY = "distanceXY"

string name of filter dXY

Definition at line 126 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameDistanceZ

const std::string nameDistanceZ = "distanceZ"

string name of filter dZ

Definition at line 127 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameGreedy

const std::string nameGreedy = "Greedy"

string name Greedy filter

Definition at line 180 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameHelixfit

const std::string nameHelixfit = "Helixfit"

string name Helix Fit filter

Definition at line 174 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameHelixParameterFit

const std::string nameHelixParameterFit = "helixParameterFit"

string name of filter helix Parameter Fit

Definition at line 149 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameHelixParameterHighOccupancyFit

const std::string nameHelixParameterHighOccupancyFit = "HioChelixFit"

string name of filter hFit high occupancy

Definition at line 139 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameHopfield

const std::string nameHopfield = "Hopfield"

string name Hopfield filter

Definition at line 179 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameNbFinderLost

const std::string nameNbFinderLost = "NbFinderLost"

string name Nb Finder filter

Definition at line 165 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameNormedDistance3D

const std::string nameNormedDistance3D = "normedDistance3D"

string name of filter nd3D

Definition at line 129 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameOutOfSectorRange

const std::string nameOutOfSectorRange = "outOfSectorRange"

string name out of sector range filter

Definition at line 208 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameOverHighestAllowedLayer

const std::string nameOverHighestAllowedLayer = "overHighestAllowedLayer"

string name of OverHighestAllowedLayer Filter

Definition at line 207 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameOverlapping

const std::string nameOverlapping = "Overlapping"

string name Overlapping filter

Definition at line 184 of file FilterID.h.

◆ namePT

const std::string namePT = "pT"

string name of filter pT

Definition at line 147 of file FilterID.h.

◆ namePTHighOccupancy

const std::string namePTHighOccupancy = "HioCpT"

string name of filter pT high occupancy

Definition at line 138 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameRandom2Hit

const std::string nameRandom2Hit = "random2Hit"

string name of a filter which will say yes or no by random choice

Definition at line 201 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameRandom3Hit

const std::string nameRandom3Hit = "random3Hit"

string name of a filter which will say yes or no by random choice

Definition at line 202 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameRandom4Hit

const std::string nameRandom4Hit = "random4Hit"

string name of a filter which will say yes or no by random choice

Definition at line 203 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameSilentHitFinder

const std::string nameSilentHitFinder = "SilentHitFinder"

string name Silent Kill Hit Finder filter

Definition at line 190 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameSilentSegFinder

const std::string nameSilentSegFinder = "SilentSegFinder"

string name Silent Kill Seg Finder filter

Definition at line 191 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameSilentTcc

const std::string nameSilentTcc = "SilentTcc"

WARNING FIXME TODO some things are missing here (calcQIbyLineFit) and similar stuff.

string name Silent Kill TCC filter

Definition at line 189 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameSimpleLineFit3D

const std::string nameSimpleLineFit3D = "SimpleLineFit3D"

string name SimpleLineFit3D filter

Definition at line 175 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameSlopeRZ

const std::string nameSlopeRZ = "slopeRZ"

string name of filter slopeRZ

Definition at line 128 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameTcDuel

const std::string nameTcDuel = "TcDuel"

string name TC Duel filter

Definition at line 181 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameTcFinderCurr

const std::string nameTcFinderCurr = "TcFinderCurr"

string name TC Finder Curr filter

Definition at line 182 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameVector

const boost::array< std::string, FilterID::numFilters > nameVector

array storing all the strings where the enums can be used to access their position

Definition at line 213 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameZiggZaggRZ

const std::string nameZiggZaggRZ = "ZiggZaggRZ"

string name ZiggZaggRZ filter

Definition at line 172 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameZiggZaggXY

const std::string nameZiggZaggXY = "ZiggZaggXY"

string name ZiggZaggXY filter

Definition at line 170 of file FilterID.h.

◆ nameZiggZaggXYWithSigma

const std::string nameZiggZaggXYWithSigma = "ZiggZaggXYWithSigma"

string name ZiggZaggXYWithSigma filter

Definition at line 171 of file FilterID.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: