Belle II Software development
HitInfoExtractor Class Reference

class to extract info from individual clusters and combine for SPTC More...

#include <HitInfoExtractor.h>

Inheritance diagram for HitInfoExtractor:

Public Member Functions

 HitInfoExtractor (std::vector< Named< float * > > &variableSet)
 Constructor fills variableSet with variables to be extracted.
void extractVariables (const RecoTrack &recoTrack)
 extract variables from SpacePoints

Protected Member Functions

void initializeStats (const std::string &identifier, std::vector< Named< float * > > &variables)
 initialize statistics subsets of variables from clusters that get combined for SPTC
void setStats (const std::string &identifier, std::vector< float > &values)
 calculated statistics and saves them in variable set
void addVariable (const std::string &identifier, std::vector< Named< float * > > &variables)
 add a variable to the variable set

Protected Attributes

std::unordered_map< std::string, float > m_variables
 unordered_map to associate float value with a string name

Private Member Functions

genfit::KalmanFitterInfo * getKalmanFitterInfo (const RecoTrack &recoTrack, const RecoHitInformation *recoHitInformation)
 Helper function to get Kalman fitter info from RecoHitInformation if available.
std::optional< float > getSmoothedChi2 (const genfit::KalmanFitterInfo *kalmanFitterInfo)
 Helper function to safely get Chi2 from a KalmanFitterInfo object if available, and if not return nullopt.

Private Attributes

const float m_valueIfNAN = -1.0
 Define a default value to use if a variable cannot be calculated.

Detailed Description

class to extract info from individual clusters and combine for SPTC

Definition at line 26 of file HitInfoExtractor.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HitInfoExtractor()

HitInfoExtractor ( std::vector< Named< float * > > &  variableSet)

Constructor fills variableSet with variables to be extracted.

variableSetset of variable to be filled

Definition at line 31 of file HitInfoExtractor.h.

31 :
32 VariableExtractor()
33 {
34 addVariable("N_TrackPoints_without_KalmanFitterInfo", variableSet);
35 addVariable("N_Hits_without_TrackPoint", variableSet);
37 initializeStats("weight", variableSet);
38 initializeStats("smoothedChi2", variableSet);
39 }
void initializeStats(const std::string &identifier, std::vector< Named< float * > > &variables)
initialize statistics subsets of variables from clusters that get combined for SPTC
void addVariable(const std::string &identifier, std::vector< Named< float * > > &variables)
add a variable to the variable set

Member Function Documentation

◆ addVariable()

void addVariable ( const std::string &  identifier,
std::vector< Named< float * > > &  variables 

add a variable to the variable set

Definition at line 27 of file VariableExtractor.h.

28 {
29 //todo: verify if it is faster to check explicitly or not
30 auto value = m_variables.emplace(identifier, NAN).first;
31 variables.emplace_back(identifier, &(value->second));
32 }
std::unordered_map< std::string, float > m_variables
unordered_map to associate float value with a string name

◆ extractVariables()

void extractVariables ( const RecoTrack recoTrack)

extract variables from SpacePoints

Definition at line 42 of file HitInfoExtractor.h.

43 {
44 // get fitting parameters
45 const std::vector<RecoHitInformation*>& recoHitInformations = recoTrack.getRecoHitInformations(true);
46 std::vector<const genfit::KalmanFitterInfo*> kalmanFitterInfos;
47 kalmanFitterInfos.reserve(recoHitInformations.size());
49 int n_no_trackPoint = 0; // number of recoHitInformations without related track points
50 int n_no_KalmanFitterInfo = 0; // number of track points without related KalmanFitterInfo
51 for (const RecoHitInformation* recoHitInformation : recoHitInformations) {
52 const genfit::TrackPoint* trackPoint = recoTrack.getCreatedTrackPoint(recoHitInformation);
53 if (trackPoint) {
54 const genfit::KalmanFitterInfo* kalmanFitterInfo = trackPoint->getKalmanFitterInfo();
55 if (kalmanFitterInfo) {
56 kalmanFitterInfos.push_back(kalmanFitterInfo);
57 } else {
58 n_no_KalmanFitterInfo++;
59 }
60 } else {
61 n_no_trackPoint++;
62 }
63 }
64"N_Hits_without_TrackPoint") = n_no_trackPoint;
65"N_TrackPoints_without_KalmanFitterInfo") = n_no_KalmanFitterInfo;
67 // define lambda to which checks if hitinfo has kalman info and is from a specific detector
68 // use that via std::find_if to find first/last fitted hits from that detector
69 const auto hitHasKalmanInfoAndIsFromDetector =
70 [&recoTrack, this](const auto & recoHitInformation,
71 RecoHitInformation::RecoHitDetector trackingDetector) {
72 return (this->getKalmanFitterInfo(recoTrack, recoHitInformation)
73 and (recoHitInformation->getTrackingDetector() == trackingDetector));
74 };
75 const auto hitHasKalmanInfoAndIsFromCDC = std::bind(hitHasKalmanInfoAndIsFromDetector,
76 std::placeholders::_1,
77 RecoHitInformation::c_CDC);
78 const auto hitHasKalmanInfoAndIsFromSVD = std::bind(hitHasKalmanInfoAndIsFromDetector,
79 std::placeholders::_1,
80 RecoHitInformation::c_SVD);
82 // find first CDC hit with Kalman info and extract weight and Chi2
83 const auto firstHitWithCDCKalmanInfoIter = std::find_if(recoHitInformations.begin(),
84 recoHitInformations.end(),
85 hitHasKalmanInfoAndIsFromCDC);
86 std::optional<float> weight_firstCDCHit;
87 std::optional<float> smoothedChi2_firstCDCHit;
88 if (firstHitWithCDCKalmanInfoIter != recoHitInformations.end()) {
89 const genfit::KalmanFitterInfo* kalmanFitterInfo = this->getKalmanFitterInfo(recoTrack, *firstHitWithCDCKalmanInfoIter);
90 weight_firstCDCHit = kalmanFitterInfo->getWeights().front();
91 smoothedChi2_firstCDCHit = this->getSmoothedChi2(kalmanFitterInfo);
92 }
93"weight_firstCDCHit") = weight_firstCDCHit.value_or(m_valueIfNAN);
94"smoothedChi2_firstCDCHit") = smoothedChi2_firstCDCHit.value_or(m_valueIfNAN);
96 // find last SVD hit with Kalman info and extract weight and Chi2
97 const auto lastHitWithSVDKalmanInfoIter = std::find_if(recoHitInformations.rbegin(),
98 recoHitInformations.rend(),
99 hitHasKalmanInfoAndIsFromSVD);
100 std::optional<float> weight_lastSVDHit;
101 std::optional<float> smoothedChi2_lastSVDHit;
102 if (lastHitWithSVDKalmanInfoIter != recoHitInformations.rend()) {
103 const genfit::KalmanFitterInfo* kalmanFitterInfo = this->getKalmanFitterInfo(recoTrack, *lastHitWithSVDKalmanInfoIter);
104 weight_lastSVDHit = kalmanFitterInfo->getWeights().front();
105 smoothedChi2_lastSVDHit = this->getSmoothedChi2(kalmanFitterInfo);
106 }
107"weight_lastSVDHit") = weight_lastSVDHit.value_or(m_valueIfNAN);
108"smoothedChi2_lastSVDHit") = smoothedChi2_lastSVDHit.value_or(m_valueIfNAN);
110 std::vector<float> fitWeights;
111 std::vector<float> chi2Values;
112 fitWeights.reserve(kalmanFitterInfos.size());
113 chi2Values.reserve(kalmanFitterInfos.size());
114 for (const auto& kalmanFitterInfo : kalmanFitterInfos) {
115 fitWeights.push_back(kalmanFitterInfo->getWeights().front());
116 chi2Values.push_back(this->getSmoothedChi2(kalmanFitterInfo).value_or(m_valueIfNAN));
117 }
118 setStats("weight", fitWeights);
119 setStats("smoothedChi2", chi2Values);
120 }
const float m_valueIfNAN
Define a default value to use if a variable cannot be calculated.
genfit::KalmanFitterInfo * getKalmanFitterInfo(const RecoTrack &recoTrack, const RecoHitInformation *recoHitInformation)
Helper function to get Kalman fitter info from RecoHitInformation if available.
std::optional< float > getSmoothedChi2(const genfit::KalmanFitterInfo *kalmanFitterInfo)
Helper function to safely get Chi2 from a KalmanFitterInfo object if available, and if not return nul...
void setStats(const std::string &identifier, std::vector< float > &values)
calculated statistics and saves them in variable set
The detector this hit comes from (which is of course also visible in the hit type)

◆ getKalmanFitterInfo()

genfit::KalmanFitterInfo * getKalmanFitterInfo ( const RecoTrack recoTrack,
const RecoHitInformation recoHitInformation 

Helper function to get Kalman fitter info from RecoHitInformation if available.

Definition at line 179 of file HitInfoExtractor.h.

181 {
182 const genfit::TrackPoint* trackPointPtr = recoTrack.getCreatedTrackPoint(recoHitInformation);
183 if (trackPointPtr) {
184 return trackPointPtr->getKalmanFitterInfo();
185 } else {
186 return nullptr;
187 }
188 }

◆ getSmoothedChi2()

std::optional< float > getSmoothedChi2 ( const genfit::KalmanFitterInfo *  kalmanFitterInfo)

Helper function to safely get Chi2 from a KalmanFitterInfo object if available, and if not return nullopt.

Definition at line 191 of file HitInfoExtractor.h.

192 {
193 try {
194 return kalmanFitterInfo->getSmoothedChi2();
195 } catch (const std::exception& e) {
196 B2WARNING("HitInfoExtractor: Caught exception in kalmanFitterInfos[i]->getSmoothedChi2() \n"
197 << "-->" << e.what());
198 return std::nullopt;
199 }
200 }

◆ initializeStats()

void initializeStats ( const std::string &  identifier,
std::vector< Named< float * > > &  variables 

initialize statistics subsets of variables from clusters that get combined for SPTC

Definition at line 124 of file HitInfoExtractor.h.

125 {
126 addVariable(identifier + "_max", variables);
127 addVariable(identifier + "_min", variables);
128 addVariable(identifier + "_mean", variables);
129 addVariable(identifier + "_std", variables);
130 addVariable(identifier + "_median", variables);
131 addVariable(identifier + "_n_zeros", variables);
132 addVariable(identifier + "_firstCDCHit", variables);
133 addVariable(identifier + "_lastSVDHit", variables);
134 }

◆ setStats()

void setStats ( const std::string &  identifier,
std::vector< float > &  values 

calculated statistics and saves them in variable set

Definition at line 137 of file HitInfoExtractor.h.

139 {
140 int size = values.size();
141 if (values.size() == 0) {
142 + "_max") = m_valueIfNAN;
143 + "_min") = m_valueIfNAN;
144 + "_mean") = m_valueIfNAN;
145 + "_std") = m_valueIfNAN;
146 + "_median") = m_valueIfNAN;
147 + "_n_zeros") = m_valueIfNAN;
148 + "_firstCDCHit") = m_valueIfNAN;
149 + "_lastSVDHit") = m_valueIfNAN;
150 return;
151 }
153 std::sort(values.begin(), values.end());
155 float sum = std::accumulate(values.begin(), values.end(), 0.0);
156 float mean = sum / size;
157 + "_mean") = mean;
158 float variance = 0.;
159 int n_zeros = 0;
160 for (float value : values) {
161 variance += (value - mean) * (value - mean);
162 if (value == 0)
163 n_zeros++;
164 }
165 + "_n_zeros") = n_zeros;
166 variance /= size - 1;
167 float stddev = std::sqrt(variance);
168 + "_std") = stddev;
169 + "_min") = values.front();
170 + "_max") = values.back();
171 // only in the case size==0 there would be a negative container index, but that case is handled above. So the suppress for cppcheck:
172 // cppcheck-suppress negativeContainerIndex
173 float median = (size % 2) ? values[size / 2] : 0.5 * (values[size / 2] + values[size / 2 - 1]);
174 + "_median") = median;
175 }

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_valueIfNAN

const float m_valueIfNAN = -1.0

Define a default value to use if a variable cannot be calculated.

A value different from NAN, but which is not obtainable otherwise, can be useful if one wants the MVA classifier to train on the variable not being available instead of ignoring it.

Definition at line 206 of file HitInfoExtractor.h.

◆ m_variables

std::unordered_map<std::string, float> m_variables

unordered_map to associate float value with a string name

Definition at line 35 of file VariableExtractor.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: