Belle II Software development
MVAExpert Class Reference

Class to interact with the MVA package, based on class with same name in CDC package. More...

#include <MVAExpert.h>

Public Member Functions

 MVAExpert (const std::string &identifier, std::vector< Named< float * > > namedVariables)
 Construct the Expert with the specified weight folder and the name of the training that was used in the teacher run.
void initialize ()
 Initialise the mva method.
void beginRun ()
 Update the mva method to the new run.
std::unique_ptr< MVA::WeightfilegetWeightFile ()
 Resolves the source of the weight file and unpacks it.
float predict ()
 Evaluate the MVA method and return the MVAOutput.

Private Attributes

std::vector< Named< float * > > m_allNamedVariables
 References to the named values from the source variable set.
std::vector< Named< float * > > m_selectedNamedVariables
 References to the selected named values from the source variable set.
std::unique_ptr< DBObjPtr< DatabaseRepresentationOfWeightfile > > m_weightfileRepresentation
 Database pointer to the Database representation of the weightfile.
std::unique_ptr< MVA::Expertm_expert
 Pointer to the current MVA Expert.
std::unique_ptr< MVA::Datasetm_dataset
 Pointer to the current dataset.
std::string m_identifier
 DB identifier of the expert or file name.

Detailed Description

Class to interact with the MVA package, based on class with same name in CDC package.

Definition at line 33 of file MVAExpert.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MVAExpert()

MVAExpert ( const std::string &  identifier,
std::vector< Named< float * > >  namedVariables 

Construct the Expert with the specified weight folder and the name of the training that was used in the teacher run.

identifierA database identifier or local file name.
namedVariablesThe names and pointers to the variables to be fed to the mva method

Definition at line 20 of file

22 : m_allNamedVariables(std::move(namedVariables))
23 , m_identifier(identifier)
std::vector< Named< float * > > m_allNamedVariables
References to the named values from the source variable set.
Definition: MVAExpert.h:57
std::string m_identifier
DB identifier of the expert or file name.
Definition: MVAExpert.h:72

Member Function Documentation

◆ beginRun()

void beginRun ( )

Update the mva method to the new run.

Definition at line 38 of file

40 std::unique_ptr<MVA::Weightfile> weightfile = getWeightFile();
41 if (weightfile) {
42 // FastBDT_version refers to the weightfile version, only FastBDT_VERSION_MAJOR >= 5 can handle FastBDT_version==2
43 if (weightfile->getElement<std::string>("method") == "FastBDT" and
44 (weightfile->getElement<int>("FastBDT_version") == 1 or
45 weightfile->getElement<int>("FastBDT_version") == 2)) {
47 int nExpectedVars = weightfile->getElement<int>("number_feature_variables");
50 for (int iVar = 0; iVar < nExpectedVars; ++iVar) {
51 std::string variableElementName = "variable" + std::to_string(iVar);
52 std::string expectedName = weightfile->getElement<std::string>(variableElementName);
54 auto itNamedVariable = std::find_if(m_allNamedVariables.begin(),
56 [expectedName](const Named<Float_t*>& namedVariable) {
57 return namedVariable.getName() == expectedName;
58 });
60 if (itNamedVariable == m_allNamedVariables.end()) {
61 B2ERROR("Variable name " << iVar << " mismatch for FastBDT. " <<
62 "Could not find expected variable '" << expectedName << "'");
63 }
64 m_selectedNamedVariables.push_back(*itNamedVariable);
65 }
66 B2ASSERT("Number of variables mismatch", nExpectedVars == static_cast<int>(m_selectedNamedVariables.size()));
67 } else {
68 B2WARNING("Unpacked new kind of classifier. Consider to extend the feature variable check.");
70 }
72 std::map<std::string, MVA::AbstractInterface*> supportedInterfaces =
74 MVA::GeneralOptions generalOptions;
75 weightfile->getOptions(generalOptions);
76 m_expert = supportedInterfaces[generalOptions.m_method]->getExpert();
77 m_expert->load(*weightfile);
79 std::vector<float> dummy;
80 dummy.resize(m_selectedNamedVariables.size(), 0);
81 m_dataset = std::make_unique<MVA::SingleDataset>(generalOptions, std::move(dummy), 0);
82 } else {
83 B2ERROR("Could not find weight file for identifier " << m_identifier);
84 }
std::unique_ptr< MVA::Weightfile > getWeightFile()
Resolves the source of the weight file and unpacks it.
std::unique_ptr< MVA::Expert > m_expert
Pointer to the current MVA Expert.
Definition: MVAExpert.h:66
std::vector< Named< float * > > m_selectedNamedVariables
References to the selected named values from the source variable set.
Definition: MVAExpert.h:60
std::unique_ptr< MVA::Dataset > m_dataset
Pointer to the current dataset.
Definition: MVAExpert.h:69
static std::map< std::string, AbstractInterface * > getSupportedInterfaces()
Returns interfaces supported by the MVA Interface.
Definition: Interface.h:53
General options which are shared by all MVA trainings.
Definition: Options.h:62
std::string m_method
Name of the MVA method to use.
Definition: Options.h:82
A mixin class to attach a name to an object. Based on class with same name in CDC package.
Definition: Named.h:21

◆ getWeightFile()

std::unique_ptr< MVA::Weightfile > getWeightFile ( )

Resolves the source of the weight file and unpacks it.

Definition at line 87 of file

90 std::stringstream ss((*m_weightfileRepresentation)->m_data);
91 return std::make_unique<MVA::Weightfile>(MVA::Weightfile::loadFromStream(ss));
92 } else {
93 std::string weightFilePath = FileSystem::findFile(m_identifier);
94 return std::make_unique<MVA::Weightfile>(MVA::Weightfile::loadFromFile(weightFilePath));
95 }
static std::string findFile(const std::string &path, bool silent=false)
Search for given file or directory in local or central release directory, and return absolute path if...
std::unique_ptr< DBObjPtr< DatabaseRepresentationOfWeightfile > > m_weightfileRepresentation
Database pointer to the Database representation of the weightfile.
Definition: MVAExpert.h:63
static Weightfile loadFromStream(std::istream &stream)
Static function which deserializes a Weightfile from a stream.
static Weightfile loadFromFile(const std::string &filename)
Static function which loads a Weightfile from a file.

◆ initialize()

void initialize ( )

Initialise the mva method.

Definition at line 27 of file

30 using boost::algorithm::ends_with;
32 not(ends_with(m_identifier, ".root") or ends_with(m_identifier, ".xml"))) {
33 using DBWeightFileRepresentation = DBObjPtr<DatabaseRepresentationOfWeightfile>;
34 m_weightfileRepresentation = std::make_unique<DBWeightFileRepresentation>(m_identifier);
35 }
Class for accessing objects in the database.
Definition: DBObjPtr.h:21
static void initSupportedInterfaces()
Static function which initliazes all supported interfaces, has to be called once before getSupportedI...

◆ predict()

float predict ( )

Evaluate the MVA method and return the MVAOutput.

Definition at line 98 of file

100 if (not m_expert) {
101 B2ERROR("MVA Expert is not loaded! I will return 0");
102 return 0;
103 }
105 // Transfer the extracted values to the data set were the expert can find them
106 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_selectedNamedVariables.size(); ++i) {
107 m_dataset->m_input[i] = *(m_selectedNamedVariables[i].getValue());
108 }
109 return m_expert->apply(*m_dataset)[0];

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_allNamedVariables

std::vector<Named<float*> > m_allNamedVariables

References to the named values from the source variable set.

Definition at line 57 of file MVAExpert.h.

◆ m_dataset

std::unique_ptr<MVA::Dataset> m_dataset

Pointer to the current dataset.

Definition at line 69 of file MVAExpert.h.

◆ m_expert

std::unique_ptr<MVA::Expert> m_expert

Pointer to the current MVA Expert.

Definition at line 66 of file MVAExpert.h.

◆ m_identifier

std::string m_identifier

DB identifier of the expert or file name.

Definition at line 72 of file MVAExpert.h.

◆ m_selectedNamedVariables

std::vector<Named<float*> > m_selectedNamedVariables

References to the selected named values from the source variable set.

Definition at line 60 of file MVAExpert.h.

◆ m_weightfileRepresentation

std::unique_ptr<DBObjPtr<DatabaseRepresentationOfWeightfile> > m_weightfileRepresentation

Database pointer to the Database representation of the weightfile.

Definition at line 63 of file MVAExpert.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: