Belle II Software development
PXDRecoHit Class Reference

PXDRecoHit - an extended form of PXDCluster containing geometry information. More...

#include <PXDRecoHit.h>

Inheritance diagram for PXDRecoHit:

Public Member Functions

 PXDRecoHit ()
 Default constructor for ROOT IO.
 PXDRecoHit (const PXDTrueHit *hit, const genfit::TrackCandHit *trackCandHit=NULL, float sigmaU=-1, float sigmaV=-1)
 Construct PXDRecoHit from a PXDTrueHit for Monte Carlo based tracking.
 PXDRecoHit (const PXDCluster *hit, float sigmaU, float sigmaV, float covUV)
 Construct PXDRecoHit from a PXD cluster.
 PXDRecoHit (const PXDCluster *hit, const genfit::TrackCandHit *trackCandHit=NULL)
 Construct PXDRecoHit from a PXD cluster This constructor is intended as a temporary solution for people who want to test the impact of realistic clusters right now using the current tracking stack and before the final error handling is implemented.
genfit::AbsMeasurement * clone () const override
 Creating a deep copy of this hit.
virtual std::vector< genfit::MeasurementOnPlane * > constructMeasurementsOnPlane (const genfit::StateOnPlane &state) const override
 Methods that actually interface to Genfit.
VxdID getSensorID () const
 Get the compact ID.
const PXDTrueHitgetTrueHit () const
 Get pointer to the TrueHit used when creating this RecoHit, can be NULL if created from something else.
const PXDClustergetCluster () const
 Get pointer to the Cluster used when creating this RecoHit, can be NULL if created from something else.
float getU () const
 Get u coordinate.
float getV () const
 Get v coordinate.
float getUVariance () const
 Get u coordinate variance.
float getVVariance () const
 Get v coordinate variance.
float getUVCov () const
 Get u-v error covariance.
float getEnergyDep () const
 Get deposited energy.
float getShapeLikelyhood (const genfit::StateOnPlane &state) const
 Get deposited energy error.
virtual const genfit::AbsHMatrix * constructHMatrix (const genfit::AbsTrackRep *) const override
 Construct the hessian matrix.

Private Types

enum  { HIT_DIMENSIONS = 2 }

Private Member Functions

void setDetectorPlane ()
 Set up Detector plane information.
TVectorD applyPlanarDeformation (TVectorD hitCoords, std::vector< double > planarParameters, const genfit::StateOnPlane &state) const
 Apply planar deformation of sensors.

Private Attributes

unsigned short m_sensorID
 Unique sensor identifier.
const PXDTrueHitm_trueHit
 Pointer to the TrueHit used when creating this object.
const PXDClusterm_cluster
 transient member (not written out during streaming)
float m_energyDep
 transient member (not written out during streaming)

Detailed Description

PXDRecoHit - an extended form of PXDCluster containing geometry information.

To create a list of PXDRecoHits for all PXDTrueHits belonging to one MCParticle do something like:

//Get the MCParticle in question
MCParticle* mcParticle = ...
//Assume some error on the position
float sigmaU = 10 * Unit::um;
float sigmaV = 15 * Unit::um;
//Iterate over the relation and create a list of hits
vector<PXDRecoHit*> hits;
for(; it.first!=it.second; ++it.first){
hits.push_back(new PXDRecoHit(it.first->to, sigmaU, sigmaV));
A Class to store the Monte Carlo particle information.
Definition: MCParticle.h:32
Default constructor for ROOT IO.
Provides access to fast ( O(log n) ) bi-directional lookups on a specified relation.
Definition: RelationIndex.h:76
range_from getElementsFrom(const FROM *from) const
Return a range of all elements pointing from the given object.
boost::iterator_range< iterator_from > range_from
Iterator range [first,second) of the from side.
static const double um
Definition: Unit.h:71

Definition at line 49 of file PXDRecoHit.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

sensitive Dimensions of the Hit

Definition at line 134 of file PXDRecoHit.h.

134{ HIT_DIMENSIONS = 2 };
sensitive Dimensions of the Hit
Definition: PXDRecoHit.h:134

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PXDRecoHit() [1/4]

Default constructor for ROOT IO.

Definition at line 26 of file

26 :
27 genfit::PlanarMeasurement(HIT_DIMENSIONS), m_sensorID(0), m_trueHit(0), m_cluster(0),
28 m_energyDep(0)//, m_energyDepError(0)
float m_energyDep
transient member (not written out during streaming)
Definition: PXDRecoHit.h:141
unsigned short m_sensorID
Unique sensor identifier.
Definition: PXDRecoHit.h:136
const PXDTrueHit * m_trueHit
Pointer to the TrueHit used when creating this object.
Definition: PXDRecoHit.h:138
const PXDCluster * m_cluster
transient member (not written out during streaming)
Definition: PXDRecoHit.h:140

◆ PXDRecoHit() [2/4]

PXDRecoHit ( const PXDTrueHit hit,
const genfit::TrackCandHit *  trackCandHit = NULL,
float  sigmaU = -1,
float  sigmaV = -1 

Construct PXDRecoHit from a PXDTrueHit for Monte Carlo based tracking.

This requires a valid random number generator to be initialized at gRandom. The Hit position will be smeared using a gaussian smearing with sigmaU and sigmaV along u and v respectively

If one of the errors is set <0, a default resolution will be assumed for both values by dividing the pixel size by sqrt(12).

hitPXDTrueHit to use as base
trackCandHitactually not used, should be removed?
sigmaUError of the Hit along u
sigmaVError of the Hit along v

Definition at line 31 of file

31 :
32 genfit::PlanarMeasurement(HIT_DIMENSIONS), m_sensorID(0), m_trueHit(hit), m_cluster(0),
33 m_energyDep(0)//, m_energyDepError(0)
35 if (!gRandom) B2FATAL("gRandom not initialized, please set up gRandom first");
37 // Set the sensor UID
38 m_sensorID = hit->getSensorID();
40 //If no error is given, estimate the error by dividing the pixel size by sqrt(12)
41 if (sigmaU < 0 || sigmaV < 0) {
43 sigmaU = geometry.getUPitch(hit->getV()) / sqrt(12);
44 sigmaV = geometry.getVPitch(hit->getV()) / sqrt(12);
45 }
47 // Set positions
48 rawHitCoords_(0) = gRandom->Gaus(hit->getU(), sigmaU);
49 rawHitCoords_(1) = gRandom->Gaus(hit->getV(), sigmaV);
50 // Set the error covariance matrix
51 rawHitCov_(0, 0) = sigmaU * sigmaU;
52 rawHitCov_(0, 1) = 0;
53 rawHitCov_(1, 0) = 0;
54 rawHitCov_(1, 1) = sigmaV * sigmaV;
55 // Set physical parameters
56 m_energyDep = hit->getEnergyDep();
57 // Setup geometry information
void setDetectorPlane()
Set up Detector plane information.
Specific implementation of SensorInfo for PXD Sensors which provides additional pixel specific inform...
Definition: SensorInfo.h:23
const SensorInfoBase & getSensorInfo(Belle2::VxdID id) const
Return a referecne to the SensorInfo of a given SensorID.
static GeoCache & getInstance()
Return a reference to the singleton instance.
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28

◆ PXDRecoHit() [3/4]

PXDRecoHit ( const PXDCluster hit,
float  sigmaU,
float  sigmaV,
float  covUV 

Construct PXDRecoHit from a PXD cluster.

For users that want to supply their own errors on construction

hitPXDCluster to use as base
sigmaUError of the Hit along u
sigmaVError of the Hit along v
covUVCovariance between u and v

Definition at line 61 of file

61 :
62 genfit::PlanarMeasurement(HIT_DIMENSIONS), m_sensorID(0), m_trueHit(0), m_cluster(hit),
63 m_energyDep(0)//, m_energyDepError(0)
65 // Set the sensor UID
66 m_sensorID = hit->getSensorID();
67 // Set positions
68 rawHitCoords_(0) = hit->getU();
69 rawHitCoords_(1) = hit->getV();
70 // Set the error covariance matrix
71 rawHitCov_(0, 0) = sigmaU * sigmaU;
72 rawHitCov_(0, 1) = covUV;
73 rawHitCov_(1, 0) = covUV;
74 rawHitCov_(1, 1) = sigmaV * sigmaV;
75 // Set physical parameters
76 const PXD::SensorInfo& SensorInfo = dynamic_cast<const PXD::SensorInfo&>(VXD::GeoCache::getInstance().getSensorInfo(m_sensorID));
77 auto ADUToEnergy = PXD::PXDGainCalibrator::getInstance().getADUToEnergy(m_sensorID, SensorInfo.getUCellID(hit->getU()),
78 SensorInfo.getVCellID(hit->getV()));
79 m_energyDep = hit->getCharge() * ADUToEnergy;
80 //m_energyDepError = 0;
81 // Setup geometry information
float getADUToEnergy(VxdID id, unsigned int uid, unsigned int vid) const
Get conversion factor from ADU to energy.
static PXDGainCalibrator & getInstance()
Main (and only) way to access the PXDGainCalibrator.
int getVCellID(double v, bool clamp=false) const
Return the corresponding pixel/strip ID of a given v coordinate.
int getUCellID(double u, double v=0, bool clamp=false) const
Return the corresponding pixel/strip ID of a given u coordinate.

◆ PXDRecoHit() [4/4]

PXDRecoHit ( const PXDCluster hit,
const genfit::TrackCandHit *  trackCandHit = NULL 

Construct PXDRecoHit from a PXD cluster This constructor is intended as a temporary solution for people who want to test the impact of realistic clusters right now using the current tracking stack and before the final error handling is implemented.

The pitch / sqrt(12) will be added as measurement error estimation. This is of course not the exact error of the cluster and one cannot expect perfect tracking results when using this constructor

hitPXDCluster to use as base
trackCandHitactually not used, should be removed?

Definition at line 86 of file

86 :
87 genfit::PlanarMeasurement(HIT_DIMENSIONS), m_sensorID(0), m_trueHit(0), m_cluster(hit),
88 m_energyDep(0)//, m_energyDepError(0)
90 // Set the sensor UID
91 m_sensorID = hit->getSensorID();
92 // Set positions
93 rawHitCoords_(0) = hit->getU();
94 rawHitCoords_(1) = hit->getV();
95 // Set the error covariance matrix
96 rawHitCov_(0, 0) = hit->getUSigma() * hit->getUSigma();
97 rawHitCov_(0, 1) = hit->getRho() * hit->getUSigma() * hit->getVSigma();
98 rawHitCov_(1, 0) = hit->getRho() * hit->getUSigma() * hit->getVSigma();
99 rawHitCov_(1, 1) = hit->getVSigma() * hit->getVSigma();
100 // Set physical parameters
101 const PXD::SensorInfo& SensorInfo = dynamic_cast<const PXD::SensorInfo&>(VXD::GeoCache::getInstance().getSensorInfo(m_sensorID));
102 auto ADUToEnergy = PXD::PXDGainCalibrator::getInstance().getADUToEnergy(m_sensorID, SensorInfo.getUCellID(hit->getU()),
103 SensorInfo.getVCellID(hit->getV()));
104 m_energyDep = hit->getCharge() * ADUToEnergy;
105 //m_energyDepError = 0;
106 // Setup geometry information

Member Function Documentation

◆ applyPlanarDeformation()

TVectorD applyPlanarDeformation ( TVectorD  hitCoords,
std::vector< double >  planarParameters,
const genfit::StateOnPlane &  state 
) const

Apply planar deformation of sensors.

Definition at line 148 of file

151 // Legendre parametrization of deformation
152 auto L1 = [](double x) {return x;};
153 auto L2 = [](double x) {return (3 * x * x - 1) / 2;};
154 auto L3 = [](double x) {return (5 * x * x * x - 3 * x) / 2;};
155 auto L4 = [](double x) {return (35 * x * x * x * x - 30 * x * x + 3) / 8;};
157 const PXD::SensorInfo& geometry = dynamic_cast<const PXD::SensorInfo&>(VXD::GeoCache::getInstance().getSensorInfo(m_sensorID));
159 double u = hitCoords[0];
160 double v = hitCoords[1];
161 double width = geometry.getWidth(v); // Width of sensor (U side)
162 double length = geometry.getLength(); // Length of sensor (V side)
163 u = u * 2 / width; // Legendre parametrization required U in (-1, 1)
164 v = v * 2 / length; // Legendre parametrization required V in (-1, 1)
166 /* Planar deformation using Legendre parametrization
167 w(u, v) = L_{31} * L2(u) + L_{32} * L1(u) * L1(v) + L_{33} * L2(v) +
168 L_{41} * L3(u) + L_{42} * L2(u) * L1(v) + L_{43} * L1(u) * L2(v) + L_{44} * L3(v) +
169 L_{51} * L4(u) + L_{52} * L3(u) * L1(v) + L_{53} * L2(u) * L2(v) + L_{54} * L1(u) * L3(v) + L_{55} * L4(v); */
170 double dw =
171 planarParameters[0] * L2(u) + planarParameters[1] * L1(u) * L1(v) + planarParameters[2] * L2(v) +
172 planarParameters[3] * L3(u) + planarParameters[4] * L2(u) * L1(v) + planarParameters[5] * L1(u) * L2(v) + planarParameters[6] * L3(
173 v) +
174 planarParameters[7] * L4(u) + planarParameters[8] * L3(u) * L1(v) + planarParameters[9] * L2(u) * L2(v) + planarParameters[10] * L1(
175 u) * L3(v) + planarParameters[11] * L4(v);
177 double du_dw = state.getState()[1]; // slope in U direction
178 double dv_dw = state.getState()[2]; // slope in V direction
180 u = u * width / 2; // from Legendre to Local parametrization
181 v = v * length / 2; // from Legendre to Local parametrization
183 TVectorD pos(2);
185 pos[0] = u + dw * du_dw;
186 pos[1] = v + dw * dv_dw;
188 return pos;

◆ clone()

genfit::AbsMeasurement * clone ( ) const

Creating a deep copy of this hit.

Definition at line 110 of file

112 return new PXDRecoHit(*this);

◆ constructHMatrix()

virtual const genfit::AbsHMatrix * constructHMatrix ( const genfit::AbsTrackRep *  ) const

Construct the hessian matrix.

Definition at line 130 of file PXDRecoHit.h.

130{ return new genfit::HMatrixUV(); };

◆ constructMeasurementsOnPlane()

std::vector< genfit::MeasurementOnPlane * > constructMeasurementsOnPlane ( const genfit::StateOnPlane &  state) const

Methods that actually interface to Genfit.

Definition at line 191 of file

193 // Track-based update only takes place when the RecoHit has an associated cluster
194 if (this->getCluster()) {
195 // Check if we can correct position coordinates based on track info
196 const TVectorD& state5 = state.getState();
197 auto offset = PXD::PXDClusterPositionEstimator::getInstance().getClusterOffset(*this->getCluster(), state5[1], state5[2]);
199 if (offset != nullptr) {
200 // Found a valid offset, lets apply it
201 const Belle2::VxdID& sensorID = (*this->getCluster()).getSensorID();
203 sensorID));
204 double posU = Info.getUCellPosition((*this->getCluster()).getUStart());
205 double posV = Info.getVCellPosition((*this->getCluster()).getVStart());
207 TVectorD hitCoords(2);
208 hitCoords(0) = posU + offset->getU();
209 hitCoords(1) = posV + offset->getV();
210 TMatrixDSym hitCov(2);
211 hitCov(0, 0) = offset->getUSigma2();
212 hitCov(0, 1) = offset->getUVCovariance();
213 hitCov(1, 0) = offset->getUVCovariance();
214 hitCov(1, 1) = offset->getVSigma2();
216 // Apply planar deformation
217 TVectorD pos = applyPlanarDeformation(hitCoords, VXD::GeoCache::getInstance().getSensorInfo(m_sensorID).getSurfaceParameters(),
218 state);
220 return std::vector<genfit::MeasurementOnPlane*>(1, new genfit::MeasurementOnPlane(
221 pos, hitCov, state.getPlane(), state.getRep(), this->constructHMatrix(state.getRep())
222 ));
223 }
224 }
226 // Apply planar deformation
227 TVectorD pos = applyPlanarDeformation(rawHitCoords_, VXD::GeoCache::getInstance().getSensorInfo(m_sensorID).getSurfaceParameters(),
228 state);
230 // If we reach here, we can do no better than what we have
231 return std::vector<genfit::MeasurementOnPlane*>(1, new genfit::MeasurementOnPlane(
232 pos, rawHitCov_, state.getPlane(), state.getRep(), this->constructHMatrix(state.getRep())
233 ));
TVectorD applyPlanarDeformation(TVectorD hitCoords, std::vector< double > planarParameters, const genfit::StateOnPlane &state) const
Apply planar deformation of sensors.
const PXDCluster * getCluster() const
Get pointer to the Cluster used when creating this RecoHit, can be NULL if created from something els...
Definition: PXDRecoHit.h:106
VxdID getSensorID() const
Get the compact ID.
Definition: PXDRecoHit.h:101
static PXDClusterPositionEstimator & getInstance()
Main (and only) way to access the PXDClusterPositionEstimator.
const PXDClusterOffsetPar * getClusterOffset(const PXDCluster &cluster, double tu, double tv) const
Return pointer to cluster offsets, can be nullptr.
double getVCellPosition(int vID) const
Return the position of a specific strip/pixel in v direction.
double getUCellPosition(int uID, int vID=-1) const
Return the position of a specific strip/pixel in u direction.
Class to uniquely identify a any structure of the PXD and SVD.
Definition: VxdID.h:33

◆ getCluster()

const PXDCluster * getCluster ( ) const

Get pointer to the Cluster used when creating this RecoHit, can be NULL if created from something else.

Definition at line 106 of file PXDRecoHit.h.

106{ return m_cluster; }

◆ getEnergyDep()

float getEnergyDep ( ) const

Get deposited energy.

Definition at line 121 of file PXDRecoHit.h.

121{ return m_energyDep; }

◆ getSensorID()

VxdID getSensorID ( ) const

Get the compact ID.

Definition at line 101 of file PXDRecoHit.h.

101{ return m_sensorID; }

◆ getShapeLikelyhood()

float getShapeLikelyhood ( const genfit::StateOnPlane &  state) const

Get deposited energy error.

Get the likelyhood that cluster shape is likely to be created from track state.

Definition at line 136 of file

138 // We need an associated cluster
139 if (this->getCluster()) {
140 // Likelyhood depends on the fitted incidence angles into the sensor
141 const TVectorD& state5 = state.getState();
142 return PXD::PXDClusterPositionEstimator::getInstance().getShapeLikelyhood(*this->getCluster(), state5[1], state5[2]);
143 }
144 // If we reach here, we can do no better than return zero
145 return 0;
float getShapeLikelyhood(const PXDCluster &cluster, double tu, double tv) const
Return cluster shape likelyhood.

◆ getTrueHit()

const PXDTrueHit * getTrueHit ( ) const

Get pointer to the TrueHit used when creating this RecoHit, can be NULL if created from something else.

Definition at line 104 of file PXDRecoHit.h.

104{ return m_trueHit; }

◆ getU()

float getU ( ) const

Get u coordinate.

Definition at line 109 of file PXDRecoHit.h.

109{ return rawHitCoords_(0); }

◆ getUVariance()

float getUVariance ( ) const

Get u coordinate variance.

Definition at line 114 of file PXDRecoHit.h.

114{ return rawHitCov_(0, 0); }

◆ getUVCov()

float getUVCov ( ) const

Get u-v error covariance.

Definition at line 118 of file PXDRecoHit.h.

118{ return rawHitCov_(0, 1); }

◆ getV()

float getV ( ) const

Get v coordinate.

Definition at line 111 of file PXDRecoHit.h.

111{ return rawHitCoords_(1); }

◆ getVVariance()

float getVVariance ( ) const

Get v coordinate variance.

Definition at line 116 of file PXDRecoHit.h.

116{ return rawHitCov_(1, 1); }

◆ setDetectorPlane()

void setDetectorPlane ( )

Set up Detector plane information.

Definition at line 116 of file

118 // Construct a finite detector plane and set it.
119 const PXD::SensorInfo& geometry = dynamic_cast<const PXD::SensorInfo&>(VXD::GeoCache::getInstance().getSensorInfo(m_sensorID));
121 // Construct vectors o, u, v
122 ROOT::Math::XYZVector uLocal(1, 0, 0);
123 ROOT::Math::XYZVector vLocal(0, 1, 0);
124 ROOT::Math::XYZVector origin = geometry.pointToGlobal(ROOT::Math::XYZVector(0, 0, 0), true);
125 ROOT::Math::XYZVector uGlobal = geometry.vectorToGlobal(uLocal, true);
126 ROOT::Math::XYZVector vGlobal = geometry.vectorToGlobal(vLocal, true);
128 //Construct the detector plane
129 VXD::SensorPlane* finitePlane = new VXD::SensorPlane(m_sensorID, 20.0, 20.0);
130 genfit::SharedPlanePtr detPlane(new genfit::DetPlane(XYZToTVector(origin), XYZToTVector(uGlobal), XYZToTVector(vGlobal),
131 finitePlane));
132 setPlane(detPlane, m_sensorID);
A Finite plane of one VXD Sensor.
Definition: SensorPlane.h:34
static constexpr auto XYZToTVector
Helper function to convert XYZVector to TVector3.
Definition: VectorUtil.h:24

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_cluster

const PXDCluster* m_cluster

transient member (not written out during streaming)

Pointer to the Cluster used when creating this object

Definition at line 140 of file PXDRecoHit.h.

◆ m_energyDep

float m_energyDep

transient member (not written out during streaming)

deposited energy.

Definition at line 141 of file PXDRecoHit.h.

◆ m_sensorID

unsigned short m_sensorID

Unique sensor identifier.

Definition at line 136 of file PXDRecoHit.h.

◆ m_trueHit

const PXDTrueHit* m_trueHit

Pointer to the TrueHit used when creating this object.

Definition at line 138 of file PXDRecoHit.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: