Belle II Software development
TrackingAction Class Reference

The Tracking Action class. More...

#include <TrackingAction.h>

Inheritance diagram for TrackingAction:

Public Member Functions

 TrackingAction (MCParticleGraph &mcParticleGraph)
virtual ~TrackingAction ()
void PreUserTrackingAction (const G4Track *track)
 Checks if the particle associated to the track is already in the MCParticle list.
void PostUserTrackingAction (const G4Track *track)
 Updates the data of the MCParticle associated with the Geant4 track.
void setIgnoreOpticalPhotons (bool ignore=true)
 Set ignore flag for optical photons if set to true, optical photons will not be stored in MCParticles collection.
void setIgnoreSecondaries (bool ignore=true)
 Set ignore flag for low energy Geant-produced secondary particles if set to true, secondaries with kinetic energy above SecondariesEnergyCut will be stored in the MCParticles collection.
void setSecondariesEnergyCut (double cut_MeV)
 Set kinetic energy cut for secondaries.
void setIgnoreBremsstrahlungPhotons (bool ignore=true)
 Set ignore flag for low energy breamsstrahlung photons if set to true, breamsstrahlung photons with kinetic energy above BremsStrahlungPhotonsEnergyCut will be stored in the MCParticles collection, even if IgnoreSecondaries flag is true.
void setBremsstrahlungPhotonsEnergyCut (double cut_MeV)
 Set kinetic energy cut for bremsstrahlung photons.
void setIgnorePairConversions (bool ignore=true)
 Set ignore flag for e+ or e- coming from gamma conversions into a pair if set to true, e+ or e- from pair conversions with kinetic energy above PairConversionsEnergyCut will be stored in the MCParticles collection, even if IgnoreSecondaries flag is true.
void setPairConversionsEnergyCut (double cut_MeV)
 Set kinetic energy cut for e+ e- pair conversions.
void setStoreTrajectories (int store, double distanceTolerance)
 Sets the trajectory option to enable storing of the simulated particle trajectories.

Protected Attributes

 Reference to the MCParticle graph which is updated by the tracking action.
bool m_ignoreOpticalPhotons
 do not store optical photons in MCParticles
bool m_ignoreSecondaries
 do not store secondaries in MCParticles
double m_secondariesEnergyCut
 kinetic energy cut for stored secondaries [MeV]
bool m_ignoreBremsstrahlungPhotons
 do not store bremsstrahlung photons in MCParticles
double m_bremsstrahlungPhotonsEnergyCut
 kinetic energy cut for stored bremsstrahlung photons [MeV]
bool m_ignorePairConversions
 do not store e+ or e- from pair conversions in MCparticles
double m_pairConversionsEnergyCut
 kinetic energy cut for stored e+ or e- from pair conversions [MeV]
int m_storeTrajectories
 Store trajectories for 0=none, 1=primary or 2=all particles.
double m_distanceTolerance
 distance tolerance to merge trajectory points
StoreArray< MCParticleTrajectorym_storeMCTrajectories
 Store array for the Trajectories.
RelationArray m_relMCTrajectories
 RelationArry for the relation between MCParticles and Trajectories.

Detailed Description

The Tracking Action class.

Definition at line 30 of file TrackingAction.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TrackingAction()

TrackingAction ( MCParticleGraph mcParticleGraph)


mcParticleGraphReference to the MCParticle graph which is used to add secondary particles.

Definition at line 27 of file

27 :
28 G4UserTrackingAction(), m_mcParticleGraph(mcParticleGraph),
bool m_ignoreSecondaries
do not store secondaries in MCParticles
MCParticleGraph & m_mcParticleGraph
Reference to the MCParticle graph which is updated by the tracking action.
double m_pairConversionsEnergyCut
kinetic energy cut for stored e+ or e- from pair conversions [MeV]
RelationArray m_relMCTrajectories
RelationArry for the relation between MCParticles and Trajectories.
StoreArray< MCParticleTrajectory > m_storeMCTrajectories
Store array for the Trajectories.
double m_distanceTolerance
distance tolerance to merge trajectory points
double m_secondariesEnergyCut
kinetic energy cut for stored secondaries [MeV]
bool m_ignorePairConversions
do not store e+ or e- from pair conversions in MCparticles
bool m_ignoreBremsstrahlungPhotons
do not store bremsstrahlung photons in MCParticles
bool m_ignoreOpticalPhotons
do not store optical photons in MCParticles
double m_bremsstrahlungPhotonsEnergyCut
kinetic energy cut for stored bremsstrahlung photons [MeV]
int m_storeTrajectories
Store trajectories for 0=none, 1=primary or 2=all particles.
Accessor to arrays stored in the data store.
Definition: StoreArray.h:113

◆ ~TrackingAction()

~TrackingAction ( )


Definition at line 38 of file


Member Function Documentation

◆ PostUserTrackingAction()

void PostUserTrackingAction ( const G4Track *  track)

Updates the data of the MCParticle associated with the Geant4 track.

trackPointer to the Geant4 track which was transported through the geometry.

Definition at line 143 of file

145 G4StepPoint* postStep = track->GetStep()->GetPostStepPoint();
147 // Get particle of the current track
148 try {
151 // Add particle and decay Information to all the secondaries
152 for (G4Track* daughterTrack : *fpTrackingManager->GimmeSecondaries()) {
154 // Add the particle to the particle graph and as UserInfo to the track
155 // if it is a secondary particle created by Geant4.
156 if (daughterTrack->GetDynamicParticle()->GetPrimaryParticle() == NULL &&
157 daughterTrack->GetUserInformation() == NULL) {
159 const_cast<G4Track*>(daughterTrack)->SetUserInformation(new TrackInfo(daughterParticle));
161 currParticle.decaysInto(daughterParticle); //Add the decay history
163 // Optical photons and secondaries: steering of output to MCParticles
164 if (daughterTrack->GetDefinition() == G4OpticalPhoton::OpticalPhotonDefinition()) {
166 // Optical photons
167 if (m_ignoreOpticalPhotons) daughterParticle.setIgnore();
168 // to apply quantum efficiency only once, if optical photon is a daugher of optical photon
169 if (track->GetDefinition() == G4OpticalPhoton::OpticalPhotonDefinition()) {
170 TrackInfo* currInfo = dynamic_cast<TrackInfo*>(track->GetUserInformation());
171 TrackInfo* daughterInfo = dynamic_cast<TrackInfo*>(daughterTrack->GetUserInformation());
172 daughterInfo->setStatus(currInfo->getStatus());
173 daughterInfo->setFraction(currInfo->getFraction());
174 }
176 } else if (daughterTrack->GetCreatorProcess()->GetProcessSubType() == fBremsstrahlung) {
178 // Bremsstrahlung photons
179 // Do not store the generator info in the final MCParticles block
180 // if the ignore flag is set or its energy is too low in [MeV].
181 if (m_ignoreBremsstrahlungPhotons || daughterTrack->GetKineticEnergy() < m_bremsstrahlungPhotonsEnergyCut)
182 daughterParticle.setIgnore();
184 } else if (daughterTrack->GetCreatorProcess()->GetProcessSubType() == fGammaConversion) {
186 // e+ or e- created by gamma conversion to pairs
187 // Do not store the generator info in the final MCParticles block
188 // if the ignore flag is set or kinetic energy is too low in [MeV].
189 if (m_ignorePairConversions || daughterTrack->GetKineticEnergy() < m_pairConversionsEnergyCut)
190 daughterParticle.setIgnore();
192 } else {
194 // Do not store the generator info in the final MCParticles block
195 // if the ignore flag is set or its kinetic energy is too low in [MeV].
196 if (m_ignoreSecondaries || daughterTrack->GetKineticEnergy() < m_secondariesEnergyCut)
197 daughterParticle.setIgnore();
199 //B2INFO("Secondary Physics Process: " << daughterTrack->GetCreatorProcess()->GetProcessSubType());
200 }
202 }
203 }
204 //If the track is just suspended we can return here: the rest should be filled once the track is done
205 if (track->GetTrackStatus() == fSuspend) return;
207 //Check if particle left the detector/simulation volume.
208 if (postStep->GetStepStatus() == fWorldBoundary) {
210 }
212 //Check if particle was stopped in the detector/simulation volume
213 if (track->GetKineticEnergy() <= 0.0) {
215 }
217 //Set the values for the particle
218 G4ThreeVector decVtx = postStep->GetPosition() / CLHEP::mm * Unit::mm;
219 currParticle.setDecayVertex(decVtx.x(), decVtx.y(), decVtx.z());
220 currParticle.setDecayTime(postStep->GetGlobalTime()); // Time does not need a conversion factor
221 currParticle.setValidVertex(true);
223 //Check if we can remove some points from the trajectory
225 MCParticleTrajectory* tr = dynamic_cast<TrackInfo*>(track->GetUserInformation())->getTrajectory();
226 if (tr) {
228 }
229 }
230 } catch (CouldNotFindUserInfo& exc) {
231 B2FATAL(exc.what());
232 }
Class to represent Particle data in graph.
void decaysInto(GraphParticle &daughter)
Tells the graph that this particle decays into daughter.
void setIgnore(bool ignore=true)
Set or remove the ignore flag.
Class to save the full simulated trajectory of a particle.
void simplify(float distanceTolerance)
Simplify the trajectory using the Ramer-Douglas-Peuker algorithm.
@ c_LeftDetector
bit 2: Particle left the detector (the simulation volume).
Definition: MCParticle.h:51
@ c_StoppedInDetector
bit 3: Particle was stopped in the detector (the simulation volume).
Definition: MCParticle.h:53
void setDecayTime(float time)
Set decay time.
Definition: MCParticle.h:390
void setDecayVertex(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &vertex)
Set decay vertex.
Definition: MCParticle.h:447
void addStatus(unsigned short int bitmask)
Add bitmask to current status.
Definition: MCParticle.h:353
void setValidVertex(bool valid)
Set indication wether vertex and time information is valid or just default.
Definition: MCParticle.h:378
UserInfo class which is used to attach additional information to Geant4 particles and tracks.
Definition: UserInfo.h:36
void setFraction(double fraction)
Store optical photon propagation fraction (used for performance speed-ups)
Definition: UserInfo.h:83
void setStatus(int status)
Set status of optical photon (used for performance speed-ups)
Definition: UserInfo.h:77
double getFraction()
Get optical photon propagation fraction (used for performance speed-ups) status=0: fraction=1 status=...
Definition: UserInfo.h:68
static Payload getInfo(Carrier &obj)
Static function to just return UserInformation attached to the obj of type Carrier.
Definition: UserInfo.h:100
int getStatus()
Get status of optical photon (used for performance speed-ups) 0 initial 1 prescaled in StackingAction...
Definition: UserInfo.h:59
static const double mm
Definition: Unit.h:70
GraphParticle & addParticle()
Add new particle to the graph.

◆ PreUserTrackingAction()

void PreUserTrackingAction ( const G4Track *  track)

Checks if the particle associated to the track is already in the MCParticle list.

If not, the particle is added and as UserInformation attached to the track.

trackPointer to the Geant4 track which will be transported through the geometry.

Definition at line 58 of file

60 //We only want to do the following for new tracks, not for suspended and reactivated ones"
61 if (track->GetCurrentStepNumber() > 0) return;
63 const G4DynamicParticle* dynamicParticle = track->GetDynamicParticle();
65 try {
66 //Check if the dynamic particle has a primary particle attached.
67 //If the answer is yes, the UserInfo of the primary particle is recycled as the UserInfo of the track.
68 const bool isPrimary = dynamicParticle->GetPrimaryParticle() != nullptr;
69 bool neutral_llp = false;
70 if (isPrimary) {
71 const G4PrimaryParticle* primaryParticle = dynamicParticle->GetPrimaryParticle();
72 if (primaryParticle->GetUserInformation() != nullptr) {
73 const_cast<G4Track*>(track)->SetUserInformation(new TrackInfo(ParticleInfo::getInfo(*primaryParticle)));
74 //check for neutral long-lived primary particle
75 if (primaryParticle->GetParticleDefinition() == G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle("LongLivedNeutralParticle")) {
76 neutral_llp = true;
77 }
78 } else {
79 B2WARNING(track->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding() << " has no MCParticle user information !");
80 }
81 }
83 //Get particle of current track
86 G4ThreeVector dpMom = dynamicParticle->GetMomentum() / CLHEP::MeV * Unit::MeV;
87 currParticle.setTrackID(track->GetTrackID());
88 // If the particle is a primary particle with simulated parents update the
89 // production vertex and time to the real values from Geant4. As convention
90 // we set NaN as production time in the MCParticleGenerator if the particle
91 // wasn't directly placed with a primary vertex in Geant4.
92 if (!isPrimary or std::isnan(currParticle.getProductionTime())) {
93 G4ThreeVector trVtxPos = track->GetVertexPosition() / CLHEP::mm * Unit::mm;
94 currParticle.setProductionTime(track->GetGlobalTime()); // Time does not need a conversion factor
95 currParticle.setProductionVertex(trVtxPos.x(), trVtxPos.y(), trVtxPos.z());
96 }
98 //Set the Values of the particle which are already known
99 if (!neutral_llp) {
100 currParticle.setPDG(dynamicParticle->GetPDGcode());
101 currParticle.setMass(dynamicParticle->GetMass() / CLHEP::MeV * Unit::MeV);
102 currParticle.setEnergy(dynamicParticle->GetTotalEnergy() / CLHEP::MeV * Unit::MeV);
103 currParticle.setMomentum(dpMom.x(), dpMom.y(), dpMom.z());
104 }
106 //Primary or secondary particle?
107 if (isPrimary) {
108 //Primary particle
109 currParticle.setSecondaryPhysicsProcess(0);
110 currParticle.setIgnore(false); //Store the generator info in the MCParticles block.
112 } else if (track->GetCreatorProcess() != nullptr) {
113 //Secondary particle
114 const int& processSubType = track->GetCreatorProcess()->GetProcessSubType();
115 currParticle.setSecondaryPhysicsProcess(processSubType); //Store the physics process type.
117 //Decay-in-flight
118 if (processSubType >= static_cast<int>(DECAY) && processSubType <= static_cast<int>(DECAY_External))
119 currParticle.setIgnore(false); //Store the generator info in the MCParticles block.
121 } else {
122 //Unknown origin. This could be a bug originated from Geant4.
123 currParticle.setSecondaryPhysicsProcess(-1);
124 }
126 //Either we store all the trajectories
127 if (m_storeTrajectories > 2 ||
128 //Or only the primary ones
129 (m_storeTrajectories == 1 && isPrimary) ||
130 //Or all except optical photons
131 (m_storeTrajectories == 2 && track->GetDefinition() != G4OpticalPhoton::OpticalPhotonDefinition())) {
132 TrackInfo& info = dynamic_cast<TrackInfo&>(*track->GetUserInformation());
133 m_relMCTrajectories.add(track->GetTrackID(), m_storeMCTrajectories.getEntries());
134 info.setTrajectory(m_storeMCTrajectories.appendNew());
135 }
137 } catch (CouldNotFindUserInfo& exc) {
138 B2FATAL(exc.what());
139 }
void setTrackID(int trackID)
Set the track ID for the particle.
void setMass(float mass)
Set particle mass.
Definition: MCParticle.h:366
void setEnergy(float energy)
Set energy.
Definition: MCParticle.h:372
void setProductionVertex(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &vertex)
Set production vertex position.
Definition: MCParticle.h:396
void setSecondaryPhysicsProcess(int physicsProcess)
Sets the physics process type of a secondary particle.
Definition: MCParticle.h:468
void setPDG(int pdg)
Set PDG code of the particle.
Definition: MCParticle.h:335
float getProductionTime() const
Return production time in ns.
Definition: MCParticle.h:159
void setMomentum(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &momentum)
Set particle momentum.
Definition: MCParticle.h:417
void setProductionTime(float time)
Set production time.
Definition: MCParticle.h:384
void add(index_type from, index_type to, weight_type weight=1.0)
Add a new element to the relation.
static const double MeV
Definition: Unit.h:114

◆ setBremsstrahlungPhotonsEnergyCut()

void setBremsstrahlungPhotonsEnergyCut ( double  cut_MeV)

Set kinetic energy cut for bremsstrahlung photons.

cut_MeVkinetic energy in MeV

Definition at line 92 of file TrackingAction.h.

◆ setIgnoreBremsstrahlungPhotons()

void setIgnoreBremsstrahlungPhotons ( bool  ignore = true)

Set ignore flag for low energy breamsstrahlung photons if set to true, breamsstrahlung photons with kinetic energy above BremsStrahlungPhotonsEnergyCut will be stored in the MCParticles collection, even if IgnoreSecondaries flag is true.


Definition at line 86 of file TrackingAction.h.

◆ setIgnoreOpticalPhotons()

void setIgnoreOpticalPhotons ( bool  ignore = true)

Set ignore flag for optical photons if set to true, optical photons will not be stored in MCParticles collection.


Definition at line 65 of file TrackingAction.h.

65{m_ignoreOpticalPhotons = ignore;}

◆ setIgnorePairConversions()

void setIgnorePairConversions ( bool  ignore = true)

Set ignore flag for e+ or e- coming from gamma conversions into a pair if set to true, e+ or e- from pair conversions with kinetic energy above PairConversionsEnergyCut will be stored in the MCParticles collection, even if IgnoreSecondaries flag is true.


Definition at line 100 of file TrackingAction.h.

100{m_ignorePairConversions = ignore;}

◆ setIgnoreSecondaries()

void setIgnoreSecondaries ( bool  ignore = true)

Set ignore flag for low energy Geant-produced secondary particles if set to true, secondaries with kinetic energy above SecondariesEnergyCut will be stored in the MCParticles collection.


Definition at line 72 of file TrackingAction.h.

72{m_ignoreSecondaries = ignore;}

◆ setPairConversionsEnergyCut()

void setPairConversionsEnergyCut ( double  cut_MeV)

Set kinetic energy cut for e+ e- pair conversions.

cut_MeVkinetic energy in MeV

Definition at line 106 of file TrackingAction.h.

◆ setSecondariesEnergyCut()

void setSecondariesEnergyCut ( double  cut_MeV)

Set kinetic energy cut for secondaries.

cut_MeVkinetic energy in MeV

Definition at line 78 of file TrackingAction.h.

78{m_secondariesEnergyCut = cut_MeV;}

◆ setStoreTrajectories()

void setStoreTrajectories ( int  store,
double  distanceTolerance 

Sets the trajectory option to enable storing of the simulated particle trajectories.

Definition at line 42 of file

44 m_storeTrajectories = store;
45 m_distanceTolerance = distanceTolerance;
46 if (store) {
47 // registration of store arrays and relations
48 m_storeMCTrajectories.registerInDataStore();
49 StoreArray<MCParticle> mcParticles;
52 // additional registration of MCParticle relation
53 // (note: m_relMCTrajectories is already defined by TrackingAction::TrackingAction)
55 }
@ c_negativeWeight
Flip the sign of the weight to become negative if the original element got re-attributed.
Definition: RelationArray.h:79
static void registerMCParticleRelation(const std::string &name, RelationArray::EConsolidationAction ignoreAction=RelationArray::c_negativeWeight)
Register an relation involving MCParticles.
bool registerRelationTo(const StoreArray< TO > &toArray, DataStore::EDurability durability=DataStore::c_Event, DataStore::EStoreFlags storeFlags=DataStore::c_WriteOut, const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Register a relation to the given StoreArray.
Definition: StoreArray.h:140

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_bremsstrahlungPhotonsEnergyCut

double m_bremsstrahlungPhotonsEnergyCut

kinetic energy cut for stored bremsstrahlung photons [MeV]

Definition at line 120 of file TrackingAction.h.

◆ m_distanceTolerance

double m_distanceTolerance

distance tolerance to merge trajectory points

Definition at line 126 of file TrackingAction.h.

◆ m_ignoreBremsstrahlungPhotons

bool m_ignoreBremsstrahlungPhotons

do not store bremsstrahlung photons in MCParticles

Definition at line 119 of file TrackingAction.h.

◆ m_ignoreOpticalPhotons

bool m_ignoreOpticalPhotons

do not store optical photons in MCParticles

Definition at line 116 of file TrackingAction.h.

◆ m_ignorePairConversions

bool m_ignorePairConversions

do not store e+ or e- from pair conversions in MCparticles

Definition at line 121 of file TrackingAction.h.

◆ m_ignoreSecondaries

bool m_ignoreSecondaries

do not store secondaries in MCParticles

Definition at line 117 of file TrackingAction.h.

◆ m_mcParticleGraph

MCParticleGraph& m_mcParticleGraph

Reference to the MCParticle graph which is updated by the tracking action.

Definition at line 114 of file TrackingAction.h.

◆ m_pairConversionsEnergyCut

double m_pairConversionsEnergyCut

kinetic energy cut for stored e+ or e- from pair conversions [MeV]

Definition at line 122 of file TrackingAction.h.

◆ m_relMCTrajectories

RelationArray m_relMCTrajectories

RelationArry for the relation between MCParticles and Trajectories.

Definition at line 131 of file TrackingAction.h.

◆ m_secondariesEnergyCut

double m_secondariesEnergyCut

kinetic energy cut for stored secondaries [MeV]

Definition at line 118 of file TrackingAction.h.

◆ m_storeMCTrajectories

StoreArray<MCParticleTrajectory> m_storeMCTrajectories

Store array for the Trajectories.

Definition at line 129 of file TrackingAction.h.

◆ m_storeTrajectories

int m_storeTrajectories

Store trajectories for 0=none, 1=primary or 2=all particles.

Definition at line 125 of file TrackingAction.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: