Belle II Software development
TRGECLTrg Class Reference

Example Detector. More...

#include <TRGECLTrg.h>

Inheritance diagram for TRGECLTrg:

Public Member Functions

void setEventId (int eventId)
 Set event id.
void setPRS01 (double prs01)
 Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 01.
void setPRS02 (double prs02)
 Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 02.
void setPRS03 (double prs03)
 Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 03.
void setPRS04 (double prs04)
 Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 04.
void setPRS05 (double prs05)
 Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 05.
void setPRS06 (double prs06)
 Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 06.
void setPRS07 (double prs07)
 Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 07.
void setPRS08 (double prs08)
 Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 08.
void setPRS09 (double prs09)
 Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 09.
void setPRS10 (double prs10)
 Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 10.
void setPRS11 (double prs11)
 Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 11.
void setPRS12 (double prs12)
 Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 12.
void setPRS13 (double prs13)
 Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 13.
void setPRS14 (double prs14)
 Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 14.
void setPRS15 (double prs15)
 Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 15.
void setPRS16 (double prs16)
 Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 16.
void setPRS17 (double prs17)
 Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 17.
void setEtot (double etot)
 Set Etot (total energy in ThetaID 2-15)
void setBhabha01 (double bhabha01)
 Set Bhabha combination 01.
void setBhabha02 (double bhabha02)
 Set Bhabha combination 02.
void setBhabha03 (double bhabha03)
 Set Bhabha combination 03.
void setBhabha04 (double bhabha04)
 Set Bhabha combination 04.
void setBhabha05 (double bhabha05)
 Set Bhabha combination 05.
void setBhabha06 (double bhabha06)
 Set Bhabha combination 06.
void setBhabha07 (double bhabha07)
 Set Bhabha combination 07.
void setBhabha08 (double bhabha08)
 Set Bhabha combination 08.
void setBhabha09 (double bhabha09)
 Set Bhabha combination 09.
void setBhabha10 (double bhabha10)
 Set Bhabha combination 10.
void setBhabha11 (double bhabha11)
 Set Bhabha combination 11.
void setBhabha12 (double bhabha12)
 Set Bhabha combination 12.
void setBhabha13 (double bhabha13)
 Set Bhabha combination 13.
void setBhabha14 (double bhabha14)
 Set Bhabha combination 14.
void setBhabha15 (double bhabha15)
 Set Bhabha combination 15.
void setBhabha16 (double bhabha16)
 Set Bhabha combination 16.
void setBhabha17 (double bhabha17)
 Set Bhabha combination 17.
void setBhabha18 (double bhabha18)
 Set Bhabha combination 18.
void setICN (int icn)
 Set ICN.
void setICNFw (int icn_fw)
 Set ICN in forward Endcap.
void setICNBr (int icn_br)
 Set ICN in barrel.
void setICNBw (int icn_bw)
 Set ICN in backward Endcap.
void setECLtoGDL (int bitECLtoGDL, int i)
 Set bit for GDL.
void setitimebin (int itimebin)
 set bin #
void setBeamBkgVeto (int BeamBkgVeto)
 Set beam background veto.
void setBhabhaVeto (int bhabhaveto)
 Set Bhabha veto.
void setBhabhaPrescaleBit (int prebit)
 Set Bhabha veto.
void setEventTiming (double eventtiming)
 Set Event Timing.
void setNofTCHit (double NofTCHit)
 Set No of TC Hit.
void setBrNofTCHit (double BrNofTCHit)
 Set No of TC Hit.
void setFwdNofTCHit (double FwdNofTCHit)
 Set No of TC Hit.
void setBwdNofTCHit (double BwdNofTCHit)
 Set No of TC Hit.
void setHit (int hit)
 Set hit.
void setRevoclk (int Revoclk)
 Set Revoclk.
void setTimingSource (int TimingSource)
 Set TimingSource.
void setPhysics (int physics)
 Set physics.
void set2DBhabha (int v2DBhabha)
 Set 2DBhabha.
void set3DBhabha (int v3DBhabha)
 Set 3DBhabha veto.
void set3DBhabhaSel (int v3DBhabha_sel)
 Set 3DBhabha selection.
void setELow (int ELow)
 Set ELow.
void setEHihg (int EHigh)
 Set EHihg.
void setELum (int ELum)
 Set ELum.
void setClusterOverflow (int ClusterOverflow)
 Set ClusterOverflow.
void setLowMultiBit (int LowMultiBit)
 Set LowMultiBit.
void setmumuBit (int mumuBit)
 Set LowMultiBit.
void set3DBhabhaVetoInTrackFlag (int v3DBhabhaVetoInTrackFlag)
void set3DBhabhaVetoClusterTCId (int v3DBhabhaVetoClusterTCId, int idx)
void set3DBhabhaVetoClusterEnergy (double v3DBhabhaVetoClusterEnergy, int idx)
void set3DBhabhaVetoClusterTiming (double v3DBhabhaVetoClusterTiming, int idx)
void set3DBhabhaVetoClusterThetaId (int v3DBhabhaVetoClusterThetaId, int idx)
void set3DBhabhaSelectionThetaFlag (int v3DBhabhaSelectionThetaFlag)
void set3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTCId (int v3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTCId, int idx)
void set3DBhabhaSelectionClusterThetaId (int v3DBhabhaSelectionClusterThetaId, int idx)
void set3DBhabhaSelectionClusterEnergy (double v3DBhabhaSelectionClusterEnergy, int idx)
void set3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTiming (double v3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTiming, int idx)
void setEventTimingQualityFlag (int vEventTimingQualityFlag)
void setEventTimingTCId (int vEventTimingTCId)
void setEventTimingTCThetaId (int vEventTimingTCThetaId)
void setEventTimingTCEnergy (double vEventTimingTCEnergy)
void setEtot1to17 (double etot1to17)
 Set Etot1to17 (total energy in ThetaID 1-17)
void setTaub2bFlag (int taub2bFlag)
 Set taub2b bit flag.
void setTaub2bAngleFlag (int taub2bAngleFlag)
 Set taub2b angle flag.
void setTaub2bEtotFlag (int taub2bEtotFlag)
 Set taub2b total energy flag (total energy sum cut for taub2b bit)
void setTaub2bClusterEFlag (int taub2bClusterEFlag)
 Set taub2b cluster energy cut flag.
void setNofCluster1to17 (int NofCluster1to17)
 set the number of cluster in all theta region (thetaID=1-17)
void setDataClockWindowStartTime (double vDataClockWindowStartTime)
double getNofTCHit ()
 Get No of TC Hit.
double getEtot ()
 Get Etot (total energy in ThetaID 2-15)
double getEventTiming ()
 Get Event Timing.
int getECLtoGDL (int iii)
 Get bits for GDL.
int get3DBhabha ()
 Get 3D Bhabha bit.
 Empty constructor Recommended for ROOT IO.
 ClassDef (TRGECLTrg, 4)
 the class title

Private Attributes

int m_eventId
 The cell id of this hit.
double m_prs01
 Phi Ring Sum (17 rings in total) theta id 0.
double m_prs02
 theta id 1
double m_prs03
 theta id 2
double m_prs04
 theta id 3
double m_prs05
 theta id 4
double m_prs06
 theta id 5
double m_prs07
 theta id 6
double m_prs08
 theta id 7
double m_prs09
 theta id 8
double m_prs10
 theta id 9
double m_prs11
 theta id 10
double m_prs12
 theta id 11
double m_prs13
 theta id 12
double m_prs14
 theta id 13
double m_prs15
 theta id 14
double m_prs16
 theta id 15
double m_prs17
 theta id 16
double m_etot
 Etot (total energy in ThetaID 2-15)
double m_bhabha01
 Bhabha* (11 phi ring combination in total) Bhabha cobibation 1.
double m_bhabha02
 Bhabha cobibation 2.
double m_bhabha03
 Bhabha cobibation 3.
double m_bhabha04
 Bhabha cobibation 4.
double m_bhabha05
 Bhabha cobibation 5.
double m_bhabha06
 Bhabha cobibation 6.
double m_bhabha07
 Bhabha cobibation 7.
double m_bhabha08
 Bhabha cobibation 8.
double m_bhabha09
 Bhabha cobibation 9.
double m_bhabha10
 Bhabha cobibation 10.
double m_bhabha11
 Bhabha cobibation 11.
double m_bhabha12
 Bhabha cobibation 12.
double m_bhabha13
 Bhabha cobibation 13.
double m_bhabha14
 Bhabha cobibation 14.
double m_bhabha15
 Bhabha cobibation 15.
double m_bhabha16
 Bhabha cobibation 16.
double m_bhabha17
 Bhabha cobibation 17.
double m_bhabha18
 Bhabha cobibation 18.
int m_icn
 ICN Total ICN.
int m_icn_br
 Barrel ICN.
int m_icn_fw
 Forward endcap ICN.
int m_icn_bw
 Backward endcap ICN.
int m_bitECLtoGDL [4]
 bit output to GDL
int m_itimebin
 time bin
int m_BeamBkgVeto
 beambkf veto
int m_BhabhaVeto
 bhabha veto
double m_eventtiming
 Event Timing.
int m_NofTCHit
 The number of TC Hit.
int m_BrNofTCHit
 The number of TC Hit in Barrel.
int m_FwdNofTCHit
 The number of TC Hit in Forward.
int m_BwdNofTCHit
 The number of TC Hit in Backward.
int m_hit
 TC Hit or not.
int m_Revoclk
 Revo clk.
int m_TimingSource
 Timing source.
int m_physics
 Physics trigger.
int m_2DBhabha
 2D Bhabha
int m_3DBhabha
 3D Bhabha for veto
int m_3DBhabha_sel
 3D Bhabha for selection
int m_BhabhaPrescaleBit
 Prescale bit for selection Bhabha.
int m_ELow
 E low.
int m_EHigh
 E high.
int m_ELum
 E lom.
int m_ClusterOverflow
 Cluster overflow.
int m_LowMultiBit
 Low multi bit.
int m_mumuBit
 mumu bit
int m_3DBhabhaVetoInTrackFlag
int m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterTCId1
int m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterTCId2
int m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterThetaId1
int m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterThetaId2
double m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterEnergy1
double m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterEnergy2
double m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterTiming1
double m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterTiming2
int m_3DBhabhaSelectionThetaFlag
int m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTCId1
int m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTCId2
int m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterThetaId1
int m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterThetaId2
double m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterEnergy1
double m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterEnergy2
double m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTiming1
double m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTiming2
int m_EventTimingQualityFlag
int m_EventTimingTCId
int m_EventTimingTCThetaId
double m_EventTimingTCEnergy
double m_etot1to17
int m_taub2bFlag = 0
int m_taub2bAngleFlag = 0
int m_taub2bEtotFlag = 0
int m_taub2bClusterEFlag = 0
int m_NofCluster1to17 = 0
double m_DataClockWindowStartTime

Detailed Description

Example Detector.

Definition at line 20 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Empty constructor Recommended for ROOT IO.

Definition at line 500 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

501 {
502 m_eventId = 0;
504 m_prs01 = 0;
505 m_prs02 = 0;
506 m_prs03 = 0;
507 m_prs04 = 0;
508 m_prs05 = 0;
509 m_prs06 = 0;
510 m_prs07 = 0;
511 m_prs08 = 0;
512 m_prs09 = 0;
513 m_prs10 = 0;
514 m_prs11 = 0;
515 m_prs12 = 0;
516 m_prs13 = 0;
517 m_prs14 = 0;
518 m_prs15 = 0;
519 m_prs16 = 0;
520 m_prs17 = 0;
522 m_etot = 0;
524 m_bhabha01 = 0;
525 m_bhabha02 = 0;
526 m_bhabha03 = 0;
527 m_bhabha04 = 0;
528 m_bhabha05 = 0;
529 m_bhabha06 = 0;
530 m_bhabha07 = 0;
531 m_bhabha08 = 0;
532 m_bhabha09 = 0;
533 m_bhabha10 = 0;
534 m_bhabha11 = 0;
535 m_bhabha12 = 0;
536 m_bhabha13 = 0;
537 m_bhabha14 = 0;
538 m_bhabha15 = 0;
539 m_bhabha16 = 0;
540 m_bhabha17 = 0;
541 m_bhabha18 = 0;
543 m_icn = 0;
544 m_icn_br = 0;
545 m_icn_fw = 0;
546 m_icn_bw = 0;
548 m_bitECLtoGDL[0] = 0;
549 m_bitECLtoGDL[1] = 0;
550 m_bitECLtoGDL[2] = 0;
551 m_bitECLtoGDL[3] = 0;
552 m_hit = 0;
553 m_Revoclk = 0;
554 m_TimingSource = 0;
555 m_physics = 0;
556 m_2DBhabha = 0;
557 m_3DBhabha = 0;
558 m_3DBhabha_sel = 0;
560 m_ELow = 0;
561 m_EHigh = 0;
562 m_ELum = 0;
564 m_LowMultiBit = 0;
565 m_mumuBit = 0;
566 m_BeamBkgVeto = 0;
567 m_BhabhaVeto = 0;
568 m_eventtiming = 0;
569 m_itimebin = 0;
570 m_NofTCHit = 0;
571 m_BrNofTCHit = 0;
572 m_FwdNofTCHit = 0;
573 m_BwdNofTCHit = 0;
574 m_3DBhabhaVetoInTrackFlag = 0;
575 m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterTCId1 = 0;
576 m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterTCId2 = 0;
577 m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterThetaId1 = 0;
578 m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterThetaId2 = 0;
579 m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterEnergy1 = 0;
580 m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterEnergy2 = 0;
581 m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterTiming1 = 0;
582 m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterTiming2 = 0;
583 m_3DBhabhaSelectionThetaFlag = 0;
584 m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTCId1 = 0;
585 m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTCId2 = 0;
586 m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterThetaId1 = 0;
587 m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterThetaId2 = 0;
588 m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterEnergy1 = 0;
589 m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterEnergy2 = 0;
590 m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTiming1 = 0;
591 m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTiming2 = 0;
592 m_EventTimingQualityFlag = 0;
593 m_EventTimingTCId = 0;
594 m_EventTimingTCThetaId = 0;
595 m_EventTimingTCEnergy = 0;
596 m_etot1to17 = 0;
597 m_taub2bFlag = 0;
598 m_taub2bAngleFlag = 0;
599 m_taub2bEtotFlag = 0;
600 m_taub2bClusterEFlag = 0;
601 m_NofCluster1to17 = 0;
602 m_DataClockWindowStartTime = 0;
603 }
double m_bhabha05
Bhabha cobibation 5.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:362
int m_mumuBit
mumu bit
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:443
double m_prs06
theta id 5
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:327
double m_bhabha10
Bhabha cobibation 10.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:372
int m_TimingSource
Timing source.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:421
int m_icn_bw
Backward endcap ICN.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:397
int m_hit
TC Hit or not.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:417
double m_prs05
theta id 4
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:325
double m_prs17
theta id 16
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:349
double m_bhabha09
Bhabha cobibation 9.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:370
double m_prs03
theta id 2
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:321
int m_BhabhaPrescaleBit
Prescale bit for selection Bhabha.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:431
int m_FwdNofTCHit
The number of TC Hit in Forward.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:413
double m_bhabha16
Bhabha cobibation 16.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:384
double m_etot
Etot (total energy in ThetaID 2-15)
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:351
double m_bhabha04
Bhabha cobibation 4.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:360
double m_prs09
theta id 8
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:333
int m_ELum
E lom.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:437
int m_icn
ICN Total ICN.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:391
int m_BhabhaVeto
bhabha veto
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:405
double m_bhabha17
Bhabha cobibation 17.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:386
int m_BwdNofTCHit
The number of TC Hit in Backward.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:415
int m_3DBhabha_sel
3D Bhabha for selection
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:429
double m_prs08
theta id 7
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:331
double m_bhabha15
Bhabha cobibation 15.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:382
int m_BeamBkgVeto
beambkf veto
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:403
double m_prs13
theta id 12
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:341
int m_NofTCHit
The number of TC Hit.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:409
int m_LowMultiBit
Low multi bit.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:441
double m_prs04
theta id 3
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:323
int m_eventId
The cell id of this hit.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:313
int m_itimebin
time bin
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:401
double m_bhabha07
Bhabha cobibation 7.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:366
double m_prs10
theta id 9
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:335
double m_bhabha11
Bhabha cobibation 11.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:374
int m_ELow
E low.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:433
double m_bhabha03
Bhabha cobibation 3.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:358
double m_bhabha14
Bhabha cobibation 14.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:380
double m_bhabha18
Bhabha cobibation 18.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:388
double m_bhabha13
Bhabha cobibation 13.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:378
double m_bhabha08
Bhabha cobibation 8.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:368
int m_bitECLtoGDL[4]
bit output to GDL
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:399
int m_2DBhabha
2D Bhabha
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:425
double m_prs02
theta id 1
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:319
int m_icn_br
Barrel ICN.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:393
double m_prs16
theta id 15
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:347
double m_bhabha12
Bhabha cobibation 12.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:376
double m_bhabha06
Bhabha cobibation 6.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:364
int m_ClusterOverflow
Cluster overflow.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:439
double m_bhabha01
Bhabha* (11 phi ring combination in total) Bhabha cobibation 1.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:354
double m_prs15
theta id 14
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:345
double m_eventtiming
Event Timing.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:407
int m_EHigh
E high.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:435
int m_3DBhabha
3D Bhabha for veto
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:427
int m_icn_fw
Forward endcap ICN.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:395
double m_bhabha02
Bhabha cobibation 2.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:356
double m_prs14
theta id 13
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:343
double m_prs07
theta id 6
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:329
int m_Revoclk
Revo clk.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:419
double m_prs01
Phi Ring Sum (17 rings in total) theta id 0.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:317
double m_prs12
theta id 11
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:339
int m_BrNofTCHit
The number of TC Hit in Barrel.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:411
double m_prs11
theta id 10
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:337
int m_physics
Physics trigger.
Definition: TRGECLTrg.h:423

Member Function Documentation

◆ get3DBhabha()

int get3DBhabha ( )

Get 3D Bhabha bit.

Definition at line 307 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

307{ return m_3DBhabha; }

◆ getECLtoGDL()

int getECLtoGDL ( int  iii)

Get bits for GDL.

Definition at line 301 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

302 {
303 if (iii < 4) { return m_bitECLtoGDL[iii]; }
304 else { return 0; }
305 }

◆ getEtot()

double getEtot ( )

Get Etot (total energy in ThetaID 2-15)

Definition at line 297 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

297{ return m_etot; }

◆ getEventTiming()

double getEventTiming ( )

Get Event Timing.

Definition at line 299 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

299{ return m_eventtiming; }

◆ getNofTCHit()

double getNofTCHit ( )

Get No of TC Hit.

Definition at line 295 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

295{ return m_NofTCHit; }

◆ set2DBhabha()

void set2DBhabha ( int  v2DBhabha)

Set 2DBhabha.

Definition at line 139 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

139{ m_2DBhabha = v2DBhabha; }

◆ set3DBhabha()

void set3DBhabha ( int  v3DBhabha)

Set 3DBhabha veto.

Definition at line 141 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

141{ m_3DBhabha = v3DBhabha; }

◆ set3DBhabhaSel()

void set3DBhabhaSel ( int  v3DBhabha_sel)

Set 3DBhabha selection.

Definition at line 145 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

145{ m_3DBhabha_sel = v3DBhabha_sel; }

◆ set3DBhabhaSelectionClusterEnergy()

void set3DBhabhaSelectionClusterEnergy ( double  v3DBhabhaSelectionClusterEnergy,
int  idx 

Definition at line 234 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

235 {
236 if (idx == 0) {
237 m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterEnergy1 = v3DBhabhaSelectionClusterEnergy;
238 } else {
239 m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterEnergy2 = v3DBhabhaSelectionClusterEnergy;
240 }
241 }

◆ set3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTCId()

void set3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTCId ( int  v3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTCId,
int  idx 

Definition at line 215 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

216 {
217 if (idx == 0) {
218 m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTCId1 = v3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTCId;
219 } else {
220 m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTCId2 = v3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTCId;
221 }
222 }

◆ set3DBhabhaSelectionClusterThetaId()

void set3DBhabhaSelectionClusterThetaId ( int  v3DBhabhaSelectionClusterThetaId,
int  idx 

Definition at line 225 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

226 {
227 if (idx == 0) {
228 m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterThetaId1 = v3DBhabhaSelectionClusterThetaId;
229 } else {
230 m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterThetaId2 = v3DBhabhaSelectionClusterThetaId;
231 }
232 }

◆ set3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTiming()

void set3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTiming ( double  v3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTiming,
int  idx 

Definition at line 243 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

244 {
245 if (idx == 0) {
246 m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTiming1 = v3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTiming;
247 } else {
248 m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTiming2 = v3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTiming;
249 }
250 }

◆ set3DBhabhaSelectionThetaFlag()

void set3DBhabhaSelectionThetaFlag ( int  v3DBhabhaSelectionThetaFlag)

Definition at line 210 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

211 {
212 m_3DBhabhaSelectionThetaFlag = v3DBhabhaSelectionThetaFlag;
213 }

◆ set3DBhabhaVetoClusterEnergy()

void set3DBhabhaVetoClusterEnergy ( double  v3DBhabhaVetoClusterEnergy,
int  idx 

Definition at line 175 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

176 {
177 if (idx == 0) {
178 m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterEnergy1 = v3DBhabhaVetoClusterEnergy;
179 } else {
180 m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterEnergy2 = v3DBhabhaVetoClusterEnergy;
181 }
182 }

◆ set3DBhabhaVetoClusterTCId()

void set3DBhabhaVetoClusterTCId ( int  v3DBhabhaVetoClusterTCId,
int  idx 

Definition at line 166 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

167 {
168 if (idx == 0) {
169 m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterTCId1 = v3DBhabhaVetoClusterTCId;
170 } else {
171 m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterTCId2 = v3DBhabhaVetoClusterTCId;
172 }
173 }

◆ set3DBhabhaVetoClusterThetaId()

void set3DBhabhaVetoClusterThetaId ( int  v3DBhabhaVetoClusterThetaId,
int  idx 

Definition at line 194 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

195 {
196 if (idx == 0) {
197 m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterThetaId1 = v3DBhabhaVetoClusterThetaId;
198 } else {
199 m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterThetaId2 = v3DBhabhaVetoClusterThetaId;
200 }
201 }

◆ set3DBhabhaVetoClusterTiming()

void set3DBhabhaVetoClusterTiming ( double  v3DBhabhaVetoClusterTiming,
int  idx 

Definition at line 184 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

185 {
186 if (idx == 0) {
187 m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterTiming1 = v3DBhabhaVetoClusterTiming;
188 } else {
189 m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterTiming2 = v3DBhabhaVetoClusterTiming;
190 }
191 }

◆ set3DBhabhaVetoInTrackFlag()

void set3DBhabhaVetoInTrackFlag ( int  v3DBhabhaVetoInTrackFlag)

Definition at line 161 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

162 {
163 m_3DBhabhaVetoInTrackFlag = v3DBhabhaVetoInTrackFlag;
164 }

◆ setBeamBkgVeto()

void setBeamBkgVeto ( int  BeamBkgVeto)

Set beam background veto.

Definition at line 115 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

115{ m_BeamBkgVeto = BeamBkgVeto; }

◆ setBhabha01()

void setBhabha01 ( double  bhabha01)

Set Bhabha combination 01.

Definition at line 63 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

63{ m_bhabha01 = bhabha01; }

◆ setBhabha02()

void setBhabha02 ( double  bhabha02)

Set Bhabha combination 02.

Definition at line 65 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

65{ m_bhabha02 = bhabha02; }

◆ setBhabha03()

void setBhabha03 ( double  bhabha03)

Set Bhabha combination 03.

Definition at line 67 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

67{ m_bhabha03 = bhabha03; }

◆ setBhabha04()

void setBhabha04 ( double  bhabha04)

Set Bhabha combination 04.

Definition at line 69 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

69{ m_bhabha04 = bhabha04; }

◆ setBhabha05()

void setBhabha05 ( double  bhabha05)

Set Bhabha combination 05.

Definition at line 71 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

71{ m_bhabha05 = bhabha05; }

◆ setBhabha06()

void setBhabha06 ( double  bhabha06)

Set Bhabha combination 06.

Definition at line 73 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

73{ m_bhabha06 = bhabha06; }

◆ setBhabha07()

void setBhabha07 ( double  bhabha07)

Set Bhabha combination 07.

Definition at line 75 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

75{ m_bhabha07 = bhabha07; }

◆ setBhabha08()

void setBhabha08 ( double  bhabha08)

Set Bhabha combination 08.

Definition at line 77 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

77{ m_bhabha08 = bhabha08; }

◆ setBhabha09()

void setBhabha09 ( double  bhabha09)

Set Bhabha combination 09.

Definition at line 79 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

79{ m_bhabha09 = bhabha09; }

◆ setBhabha10()

void setBhabha10 ( double  bhabha10)

Set Bhabha combination 10.

Definition at line 81 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

81{ m_bhabha10 = bhabha10; }

◆ setBhabha11()

void setBhabha11 ( double  bhabha11)

Set Bhabha combination 11.

Definition at line 83 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

83{ m_bhabha11 = bhabha11; }

◆ setBhabha12()

void setBhabha12 ( double  bhabha12)

Set Bhabha combination 12.

Definition at line 85 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

85{ m_bhabha12 = bhabha12; }

◆ setBhabha13()

void setBhabha13 ( double  bhabha13)

Set Bhabha combination 13.

Definition at line 87 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

87{ m_bhabha13 = bhabha13; }

◆ setBhabha14()

void setBhabha14 ( double  bhabha14)

Set Bhabha combination 14.

Definition at line 89 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

89{ m_bhabha14 = bhabha14; }

◆ setBhabha15()

void setBhabha15 ( double  bhabha15)

Set Bhabha combination 15.

Definition at line 91 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

91{ m_bhabha15 = bhabha15; }

◆ setBhabha16()

void setBhabha16 ( double  bhabha16)

Set Bhabha combination 16.

Definition at line 93 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

93{ m_bhabha16 = bhabha16; }

◆ setBhabha17()

void setBhabha17 ( double  bhabha17)

Set Bhabha combination 17.

Definition at line 95 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

95{ m_bhabha17 = bhabha17; }

◆ setBhabha18()

void setBhabha18 ( double  bhabha18)

Set Bhabha combination 18.

Definition at line 97 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

97{ m_bhabha18 = bhabha18; }

◆ setBhabhaPrescaleBit()

void setBhabhaPrescaleBit ( int  prebit)

Set Bhabha veto.

Definition at line 119 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

119{ m_BhabhaPrescaleBit = prebit; }

◆ setBhabhaVeto()

void setBhabhaVeto ( int  bhabhaveto)

Set Bhabha veto.

Definition at line 117 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

117{ m_BhabhaVeto = bhabhaveto; }

◆ setBrNofTCHit()

void setBrNofTCHit ( double  BrNofTCHit)

Set No of TC Hit.

Definition at line 125 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

125{ m_BrNofTCHit = BrNofTCHit; }

◆ setBwdNofTCHit()

void setBwdNofTCHit ( double  BwdNofTCHit)

Set No of TC Hit.

Definition at line 129 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

129{ m_BwdNofTCHit = BwdNofTCHit; }

◆ setClusterOverflow()

void setClusterOverflow ( int  ClusterOverflow)

Set ClusterOverflow.

Definition at line 153 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

153{ m_ClusterOverflow = ClusterOverflow; }

◆ setDataClockWindowStartTime()

void setDataClockWindowStartTime ( double  vDataClockWindowStartTime)

Definition at line 290 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

291 {
292 m_DataClockWindowStartTime = vDataClockWindowStartTime;
293 }

◆ setECLtoGDL()

void setECLtoGDL ( int  bitECLtoGDL,
int  i 

Set bit for GDL.

Definition at line 108 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

109 {
110 m_bitECLtoGDL[i] = bitECLtoGDL;
111 }

◆ setEHihg()

void setEHihg ( int  EHigh)

Set EHihg.

Definition at line 149 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

149{ m_EHigh = EHigh; }

◆ setELow()

void setELow ( int  ELow)

Set ELow.

Definition at line 147 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

147{ m_ELow = ELow; }

◆ setELum()

void setELum ( int  ELum)

Set ELum.

Definition at line 151 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

151{ m_ELum = ELum; }

◆ setEtot()

void setEtot ( double  etot)

Set Etot (total energy in ThetaID 2-15)

Definition at line 61 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

61{ m_etot = etot; }

◆ setEtot1to17()

void setEtot1to17 ( double  etot1to17)

Set Etot1to17 (total energy in ThetaID 1-17)

Definition at line 278 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

278{ m_etot1to17 = etot1to17; }

◆ setEventId()

void setEventId ( int  eventId)

Set event id.

Definition at line 25 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

25{ m_eventId = eventId; }

◆ setEventTiming()

void setEventTiming ( double  eventtiming)

Set Event Timing.

Definition at line 121 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

121{ m_eventtiming = eventtiming; }

◆ setEventTimingQualityFlag()

void setEventTimingQualityFlag ( int  vEventTimingQualityFlag)

Definition at line 258 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

259 {
260 m_EventTimingQualityFlag = vEventTimingQualityFlag;
261 }

◆ setEventTimingTCEnergy()

void setEventTimingTCEnergy ( double  vEventTimingTCEnergy)

Definition at line 273 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

274 {
275 m_EventTimingTCEnergy = vEventTimingTCEnergy;
276 }

◆ setEventTimingTCId()

void setEventTimingTCId ( int  vEventTimingTCId)

Definition at line 263 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

264 {
265 m_EventTimingTCId = vEventTimingTCId;
266 }

◆ setEventTimingTCThetaId()

void setEventTimingTCThetaId ( int  vEventTimingTCThetaId)

Definition at line 268 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

269 {
270 m_EventTimingTCThetaId = vEventTimingTCThetaId;
271 }

◆ setFwdNofTCHit()

void setFwdNofTCHit ( double  FwdNofTCHit)

Set No of TC Hit.

Definition at line 127 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

127{ m_FwdNofTCHit = FwdNofTCHit; }

◆ setHit()

void setHit ( int  hit)

Set hit.

Definition at line 131 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

131{ m_hit = hit; }

◆ setICN()

void setICN ( int  icn)

Set ICN.

Definition at line 99 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

99{ m_icn = icn; }

◆ setICNBr()

void setICNBr ( int  icn_br)

Set ICN in barrel.

Definition at line 103 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

103{ m_icn_br = icn_br; }

◆ setICNBw()

void setICNBw ( int  icn_bw)

Set ICN in backward Endcap.

Definition at line 105 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

105{ m_icn_bw = icn_bw; }

◆ setICNFw()

void setICNFw ( int  icn_fw)

Set ICN in forward Endcap.

Definition at line 101 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

101{ m_icn_fw = icn_fw; }

◆ setitimebin()

void setitimebin ( int  itimebin)

set bin #

Definition at line 113 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

113{ m_itimebin = itimebin; }

◆ setLowMultiBit()

void setLowMultiBit ( int  LowMultiBit)

Set LowMultiBit.

Definition at line 155 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

155{ m_LowMultiBit = LowMultiBit; }

◆ setmumuBit()

void setmumuBit ( int  mumuBit)

Set LowMultiBit.

Definition at line 157 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

157{ m_mumuBit = mumuBit; }

◆ setNofCluster1to17()

void setNofCluster1to17 ( int  NofCluster1to17)

set the number of cluster in all theta region (thetaID=1-17)

Definition at line 288 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

288{ m_NofCluster1to17 = NofCluster1to17; }

◆ setNofTCHit()

void setNofTCHit ( double  NofTCHit)

Set No of TC Hit.

Definition at line 123 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

123{ m_NofTCHit = NofTCHit; }

◆ setPhysics()

void setPhysics ( int  physics)

Set physics.

Definition at line 137 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

137{ m_physics = physics; }

◆ setPRS01()

void setPRS01 ( double  prs01)

Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 01.

Definition at line 27 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

27{ m_prs01 = prs01; }

◆ setPRS02()

void setPRS02 ( double  prs02)

Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 02.

Definition at line 29 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

29{ m_prs02 = prs02; }

◆ setPRS03()

void setPRS03 ( double  prs03)

Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 03.

Definition at line 31 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

31{ m_prs03 = prs03; }

◆ setPRS04()

void setPRS04 ( double  prs04)

Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 04.

Definition at line 33 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

33{ m_prs04 = prs04; }

◆ setPRS05()

void setPRS05 ( double  prs05)

Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 05.

Definition at line 35 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

35{ m_prs05 = prs05; }

◆ setPRS06()

void setPRS06 ( double  prs06)

Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 06.

Definition at line 37 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

37{ m_prs06 = prs06; }

◆ setPRS07()

void setPRS07 ( double  prs07)

Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 07.

Definition at line 39 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

39{ m_prs07 = prs07; }

◆ setPRS08()

void setPRS08 ( double  prs08)

Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 08.

Definition at line 41 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

41{ m_prs08 = prs08; }

◆ setPRS09()

void setPRS09 ( double  prs09)

Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 09.

Definition at line 43 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

43{ m_prs09 = prs09; }

◆ setPRS10()

void setPRS10 ( double  prs10)

Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 10.

Definition at line 45 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

45{ m_prs10 = prs10; }

◆ setPRS11()

void setPRS11 ( double  prs11)

Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 11.

Definition at line 47 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

47{ m_prs11 = prs11; }

◆ setPRS12()

void setPRS12 ( double  prs12)

Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 12.

Definition at line 49 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

49{ m_prs12 = prs12; }

◆ setPRS13()

void setPRS13 ( double  prs13)

Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 13.

Definition at line 51 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

51{ m_prs13 = prs13; }

◆ setPRS14()

void setPRS14 ( double  prs14)

Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 14.

Definition at line 53 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

53{ m_prs14 = prs14; }

◆ setPRS15()

void setPRS15 ( double  prs15)

Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 15.

Definition at line 55 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

55{ m_prs15 = prs15; }

◆ setPRS16()

void setPRS16 ( double  prs16)

Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 16.

Definition at line 57 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

57{ m_prs16 = prs16; }

◆ setPRS17()

void setPRS17 ( double  prs17)

Set Phi ring sum thetaid == 17.

Definition at line 59 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

59{ m_prs17 = prs17; }

◆ setRevoclk()

void setRevoclk ( int  Revoclk)

Set Revoclk.

Definition at line 133 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

133{ m_Revoclk = Revoclk; }

◆ setTaub2bAngleFlag()

void setTaub2bAngleFlag ( int  taub2bAngleFlag)

Set taub2b angle flag.

Definition at line 282 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

282{ m_taub2bAngleFlag = taub2bAngleFlag; }

◆ setTaub2bClusterEFlag()

void setTaub2bClusterEFlag ( int  taub2bClusterEFlag)

Set taub2b cluster energy cut flag.

Definition at line 286 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

286{ m_taub2bClusterEFlag = taub2bClusterEFlag; }

◆ setTaub2bEtotFlag()

void setTaub2bEtotFlag ( int  taub2bEtotFlag)

Set taub2b total energy flag (total energy sum cut for taub2b bit)

Definition at line 284 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

284{ m_taub2bEtotFlag = taub2bEtotFlag; }

◆ setTaub2bFlag()

void setTaub2bFlag ( int  taub2bFlag)

Set taub2b bit flag.

Definition at line 280 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

280{ m_taub2bFlag = taub2bFlag; }

◆ setTimingSource()

void setTimingSource ( int  TimingSource)

Set TimingSource.

Definition at line 135 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

135{ m_TimingSource = TimingSource; }

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_2DBhabha

int m_2DBhabha

2D Bhabha

Definition at line 425 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_3DBhabha

int m_3DBhabha

3D Bhabha for veto

Definition at line 427 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_3DBhabha_sel

int m_3DBhabha_sel

3D Bhabha for selection

Definition at line 429 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterEnergy1

double m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterEnergy1

Definition at line 468 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterEnergy2

double m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterEnergy2

Definition at line 469 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTCId1

int m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTCId1

Definition at line 462 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTCId2

int m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTCId2

Definition at line 463 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterThetaId1

int m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterThetaId1

Definition at line 465 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterThetaId2

int m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterThetaId2

Definition at line 466 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTiming1

double m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTiming1

Definition at line 471 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTiming2

double m_3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTiming2

Definition at line 472 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_3DBhabhaSelectionThetaFlag

int m_3DBhabhaSelectionThetaFlag

Definition at line 460 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterEnergy1

double m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterEnergy1

Definition at line 454 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterEnergy2

double m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterEnergy2

Definition at line 455 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterTCId1

int m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterTCId1

Definition at line 448 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterTCId2

int m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterTCId2

Definition at line 449 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterThetaId1

int m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterThetaId1

Definition at line 451 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterThetaId2

int m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterThetaId2

Definition at line 452 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterTiming1

double m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterTiming1

Definition at line 457 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterTiming2

double m_3DBhabhaVetoClusterTiming2

Definition at line 458 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_3DBhabhaVetoInTrackFlag

int m_3DBhabhaVetoInTrackFlag

Definition at line 446 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_BeamBkgVeto

int m_BeamBkgVeto

beambkf veto

Definition at line 403 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_bhabha01

double m_bhabha01

Bhabha* (11 phi ring combination in total) Bhabha cobibation 1.

Definition at line 354 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_bhabha02

double m_bhabha02

Bhabha cobibation 2.

Definition at line 356 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_bhabha03

double m_bhabha03

Bhabha cobibation 3.

Definition at line 358 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_bhabha04

double m_bhabha04

Bhabha cobibation 4.

Definition at line 360 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_bhabha05

double m_bhabha05

Bhabha cobibation 5.

Definition at line 362 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_bhabha06

double m_bhabha06

Bhabha cobibation 6.

Definition at line 364 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_bhabha07

double m_bhabha07

Bhabha cobibation 7.

Definition at line 366 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_bhabha08

double m_bhabha08

Bhabha cobibation 8.

Definition at line 368 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_bhabha09

double m_bhabha09

Bhabha cobibation 9.

Definition at line 370 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_bhabha10

double m_bhabha10

Bhabha cobibation 10.

Definition at line 372 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_bhabha11

double m_bhabha11

Bhabha cobibation 11.

Definition at line 374 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_bhabha12

double m_bhabha12

Bhabha cobibation 12.

Definition at line 376 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_bhabha13

double m_bhabha13

Bhabha cobibation 13.

Definition at line 378 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_bhabha14

double m_bhabha14

Bhabha cobibation 14.

Definition at line 380 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_bhabha15

double m_bhabha15

Bhabha cobibation 15.

Definition at line 382 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_bhabha16

double m_bhabha16

Bhabha cobibation 16.

Definition at line 384 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_bhabha17

double m_bhabha17

Bhabha cobibation 17.

Definition at line 386 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_bhabha18

double m_bhabha18

Bhabha cobibation 18.

Definition at line 388 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_BhabhaPrescaleBit

int m_BhabhaPrescaleBit

Prescale bit for selection Bhabha.

Definition at line 431 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_BhabhaVeto

int m_BhabhaVeto

bhabha veto

Definition at line 405 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_bitECLtoGDL

int m_bitECLtoGDL[4]

bit output to GDL

Definition at line 399 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_BrNofTCHit

int m_BrNofTCHit

The number of TC Hit in Barrel.

Definition at line 411 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_BwdNofTCHit

int m_BwdNofTCHit

The number of TC Hit in Backward.

Definition at line 415 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_ClusterOverflow

int m_ClusterOverflow

Cluster overflow.

Definition at line 439 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_DataClockWindowStartTime

double m_DataClockWindowStartTime

Definition at line 494 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_EHigh

int m_EHigh

E high.

Definition at line 435 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_ELow

int m_ELow

E low.

Definition at line 433 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_ELum

int m_ELum

E lom.

Definition at line 437 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_etot

double m_etot

Etot (total energy in ThetaID 2-15)

Definition at line 351 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_etot1to17

double m_etot1to17

Definition at line 482 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_eventId

int m_eventId

The cell id of this hit.

Definition at line 313 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_eventtiming

double m_eventtiming

Event Timing.

Definition at line 407 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_EventTimingQualityFlag

int m_EventTimingQualityFlag

Definition at line 474 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_EventTimingTCEnergy

double m_EventTimingTCEnergy

Definition at line 480 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_EventTimingTCId

int m_EventTimingTCId

Definition at line 476 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_EventTimingTCThetaId

int m_EventTimingTCThetaId

Definition at line 478 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_FwdNofTCHit

int m_FwdNofTCHit

The number of TC Hit in Forward.

Definition at line 413 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_hit

int m_hit

TC Hit or not.

Definition at line 417 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_icn

int m_icn

ICN Total ICN.

Definition at line 391 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_icn_br

int m_icn_br

Barrel ICN.

Definition at line 393 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_icn_bw

int m_icn_bw

Backward endcap ICN.

Definition at line 397 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_icn_fw

int m_icn_fw

Forward endcap ICN.

Definition at line 395 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_itimebin

int m_itimebin

time bin

Definition at line 401 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_LowMultiBit

int m_LowMultiBit

Low multi bit.

Definition at line 441 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_mumuBit

int m_mumuBit

mumu bit

Definition at line 443 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_NofCluster1to17

int m_NofCluster1to17 = 0

Definition at line 492 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_NofTCHit

int m_NofTCHit

The number of TC Hit.

Definition at line 409 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_physics

int m_physics

Physics trigger.

Definition at line 423 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_prs01

double m_prs01

Phi Ring Sum (17 rings in total) theta id 0.

Definition at line 317 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_prs02

double m_prs02

theta id 1

Definition at line 319 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_prs03

double m_prs03

theta id 2

Definition at line 321 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_prs04

double m_prs04

theta id 3

Definition at line 323 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_prs05

double m_prs05

theta id 4

Definition at line 325 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_prs06

double m_prs06

theta id 5

Definition at line 327 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_prs07

double m_prs07

theta id 6

Definition at line 329 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_prs08

double m_prs08

theta id 7

Definition at line 331 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_prs09

double m_prs09

theta id 8

Definition at line 333 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_prs10

double m_prs10

theta id 9

Definition at line 335 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_prs11

double m_prs11

theta id 10

Definition at line 337 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_prs12

double m_prs12

theta id 11

Definition at line 339 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_prs13

double m_prs13

theta id 12

Definition at line 341 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_prs14

double m_prs14

theta id 13

Definition at line 343 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_prs15

double m_prs15

theta id 14

Definition at line 345 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_prs16

double m_prs16

theta id 15

Definition at line 347 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_prs17

double m_prs17

theta id 16

Definition at line 349 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_Revoclk

int m_Revoclk

Revo clk.

Definition at line 419 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_taub2bAngleFlag

int m_taub2bAngleFlag = 0

Definition at line 486 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_taub2bClusterEFlag

int m_taub2bClusterEFlag = 0

Definition at line 490 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_taub2bEtotFlag

int m_taub2bEtotFlag = 0

Definition at line 488 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_taub2bFlag

int m_taub2bFlag = 0

Definition at line 484 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

◆ m_TimingSource

int m_TimingSource

Timing source.

Definition at line 421 of file TRGECLTrg.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: