Belle II Software development
TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore Class Reference

Example Detector. More...

#include <TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h>

Inheritance diagram for TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore:

Public Member Functions

void setEventId (int eventId)
 The method to set event id.
void setETM (int etm)
 The method to set the ETM version.
void setL1Revo (int l1_revo)
 The method to set the L1 revoclk.
void setEvtTime (int evt_time)
 The method to set event Timing.
void setEvtRevo (int evt_revo)
 The method to set event revoclk.
void setEvtWin (int evt_win)
 The method to set event window.
void setNTC (int ntc)
 The method to set event ntc.
void setCLTheta (int cl_theta[6])
 The method to set Cluster Theta.
void setCLPhi (int cl_phi[6])
 The mothod to set Cluster Phi.
void setCLTime (int cl_time[6])
 The mothod to set Cluster time.
void setCLEnergy (int cl_energy[6])
 The mothod to set Cluster energy.
void setCLF1GeV (int cl_1gev[6])
 The mothod to set 1GeV Flag.
void setCLF2GeV (int cl_2gev[6])
 The mothod to set 2GeV Flag.
void setCLFBha (int cl_bha[6])
 The mothod to set Bha Flag.
void setNCL (int ncl)
 The mothod to set Number of Cluster.
void setLowMulti (int low_multi)
 The mothod to set Lowmilti bit.
void set3DBhabhaV (int b2bhabhav)
 The method to set 3D Bhabha veto bit.
void set3DBhabhaS (int b2bhabhas)
 The method to set 3D Bhabha selection bit.
void setMumu (int mumu)
 The method to set mumu bit.
void setPrescale (int prescale)
 The method to set prescale bit.
void setICN (int icn)
 The mothod to set ICN.
void setICNOver (int icn_over)
 The mothod to set ICN overflow bit.
void setEtotType (int etot_type)
 The mothod to set Total Energy Type.
void setEtot (int etot)
 The method to set Total Energy.
void setECLBST (int eclbst)
 The mothod to set Total Energy more than 20 gev.
void set2DBhabha (int b1bhabha)
 The method to set 2D Bhabha bit.
void setBhabhaType (int b1_type)
 The mothod to set 2D Bhabha Type.
void setPhysics (int physics)
 The method to set Physics bit.
void setTimeType (int time_type)
 The mothod to set Timing Type.
void setCheckSum (int checksum)
 The method to set checksum flag.
void setEvtExist (int evtexist)
 The method to set Evt Exist.
void setTRGTYPE (int trgtype)
 The method to set TRG Type.
void setEtotAll (int etotall)
 The method to set ETOT all.
void setEvtTimeMin (int timemin)
 The method to set Evt Timing Min.
void setEvtTimeMax (int timemax)
 The method to set Evt Timing Max.
void setEvtTimeWin (int timewin)
 The method to set Evt Timing Win.
int getEventId () const
 The method to get event id.
int getETM () const
 The method to get the ETM version.
int getL1Revo () const
 The method to get the L1 revoclk.
int getEvtTime () const
 The method to get event Timing.
int getEvtRevo () const
 The method to get event revoclk.
int getEvtWin () const
 The method to get event window.
int getNTC () const
 The method to get event ntc.
const int * getCLTheta () const
 The method to get Cluster Theta.
const int * getCLPhi () const
 The mothod to get Cluster Phi.
const int * getCLTime () const
 The mothod to get Cluster time.
const int * getCLEnergy () const
 The mothod to get Cluster energy.
const int * getCL1GeV () const
 The mothod to get 1GeV Flag.
const int * getCL2GeV () const
 The mothod to get 2GeV Flag.
const int * getCLBha () const
 The mothod to get Bhabha Flag.
int getNCL () const
 The mothod to get Number of Cluster.
int getLowMulti () const
 The mothod to get Lowmilti bit.
int get3DBhabhaV () const
 The method to get 3D Bhabha veto bit.
int get3DBhabhaS () const
 The method to get 3D Bhabha selection bit.
int getMumu () const
 The method to get mumu bit.
int getPrescale () const
 The method to get prescale bit.
int getICN () const
 The mothod to get ICN.
int getICNOver () const
 The mothod to get ICN overflow bit.
int getEtotType () const
 The mothod to get Total Energy Type.
int getEtot () const
 The method to get Total Energy.
int getECLBST () const
 The mothod to get Total Energy more than 20GeV.
int get2DBhabha () const
 The method to get 2D Bhabha bit.
int getBhabhaType () const
 The mothod to get 2D Bhabha Type.
int getPhysics () const
 The method to get Physics bit.
int getCheckSum () const
 The method to get checksum flag.
int getEvtExist () const
 The method to get Evt Check.
int getTRGTYPE () const
 The method to get TRG Type.
int getTimeType () const
 The mothod to get Timing Type.
int getEtotAll () const
 The mothod to get ETOT all.
int getEvtTimeMin () const
 The mothod to get Evt Timing Min.
int getEvtTimeMax () const
 The mothod to get Evt Timing Max.
int getEvtTimeWin () const
 The mothod to get Evt Timing Win.
 TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore (int eventId, int etm, int l1_revo, int evt_time, int evt_revo, int evt_win, int ntc, int cl_theta[6], int cl_phi[6], int cl_time[6], int cl_energy[6], int cl_1gev[6], int cl_2gev[6], int cl_bha[6], int ncl, int low_multi, int b2bhabhav, int b2bhabhas, int mumu, int prescale, int icn, int icn_over, int etot_type, int etot, int eclbst, int b1bhabha, int b1_type, int physics, int time_type, int checksum, int evtexist, int trgtype, int etotall, int timemin, int timemax, int timewin)
 Useful Constructor.
 ClassDef (TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore, 4)
 the class title

Public Attributes

int e_eventId
 The evt id of this event.
int e_etm
 The ETM version of this event.
int e_l1_revo
 The L1 revoclk of this event.
int e_evt_time
 Event Timing of this event.
int e_evt_revo
 Event revoclk of this event.
int e_evt_win
 Event window of this event.
int e_ntc
 Number of TC of this event.
int e_cl_theta [6]
 Cluster Theta of this hit.
int e_cl_phi [6]
 Cluster Phi of this hit.
int e_cl_time [6]
 Cluster time of this hit.
int e_cl_energy [6]
 Cluster energy of this hit.
int e_cl_1gev [6]
 Cluster CM 1GeV Flag of this hit.
int e_cl_2gev [6]
 Cluster CM 2GeV Flag of this hit.
int e_cl_bha [6]
 Cluster Bhabha Flag of this hit.
int e_ncl
 Number of Cluster of this hit.
int e_low_multi
 Lowmilti bit of this hit.
int e_b2bhabhav
 3D Bhabha for veto bit of this hit.
int e_b2bhabhas
 3D Bhabha for selection bit of this hit.
int e_mumu
 mumu bit of this hit.
int e_prescale
 prescale bit of this hit.
int e_icn
 ICN of this hit.
int e_icn_over
 ICN overflow bit of this hit.
int e_etot_type
 Total Energy Type of this hit.
int e_etot
 Total Energy of this event (Physics region).
int e_ecl_bst
 The case of Total Energy > 20GeV of this hit.
int e_b1bhabha
 2D Bhabha bit of this event.
int e_b1_type
 2D Bhabha Type of this hit.
int e_physics
 Physics bit of this event.
int e_time_type
 Timing Type of this hit.
int e_checksum
 checksum flag of this event.
int e_checkevt
 event check of this event.
int e_trgtype
 trigger type
int e_etot_all
 Total Energy of this event (All region).
int e_evt_time_min
 Event Timing Range min of this event.
int e_evt_time_max
 Event Timing Range max of this event.
int e_evt_time_win
 Event Timing win of this event. -1 or 1.

Detailed Description

Example Detector.

Definition at line 21 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore() [1/2]

Definition at line 383 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

384 {
385 e_eventId = 0;
386 e_etm = 0;
387 e_l1_revo = 0;
388 e_evt_time = 0;
389 e_evt_revo = 0;
390 e_evt_win = 0;
391 e_ntc = 0;
392 memset(e_cl_theta, 0, sizeof(e_cl_theta));
393 memset(e_cl_phi, 0, sizeof(e_cl_phi));
394 memset(e_cl_time, 0, sizeof(e_cl_time));
395 memset(e_cl_energy, 0, sizeof(e_cl_energy));
396 memset(e_cl_1gev, 0, sizeof(e_cl_1gev));
397 memset(e_cl_2gev, 0, sizeof(e_cl_2gev));
398 memset(e_cl_bha, 0, sizeof(e_cl_bha));
399 e_ncl = 0;
400 e_low_multi = 0;
401 e_b2bhabhav = 0;
402 e_b2bhabhas = 0;
403 e_mumu = 0;
404 e_prescale = 0;
405 e_icn = 0;
406 e_icn_over = 0;
407 e_etot_type = 0;
408 e_etot = 0;
409 e_ecl_bst = 0;
410 e_b1bhabha = 0;
411 e_b1_type = 0;
412 e_physics = 0;
413 e_time_type = 0;
414 e_checksum = 0;
415 e_checkevt = 0;
416 e_trgtype = 0;
417 e_etot_all = 0;
418 e_evt_time_min = 0;
419 e_evt_time_max = 0;
420 e_evt_time_win = 0;
421 }
int e_b2bhabhav
3D Bhabha for veto bit of this hit.
int e_ncl
Number of Cluster of this hit.
int e_eventId
The evt id of this event.
int e_b2bhabhas
3D Bhabha for selection bit of this hit.
int e_evt_time
Event Timing of this event.
int e_cl_1gev[6]
Cluster CM 1GeV Flag of this hit.
int e_cl_bha[6]
Cluster Bhabha Flag of this hit.
int e_evt_revo
Event revoclk of this event.
int e_evt_time_min
Event Timing Range min of this event.
int e_ntc
Number of TC of this event.
int e_evt_time_win
Event Timing win of this event. -1 or 1.
int e_etm
The ETM version of this event.
int e_b1bhabha
2D Bhabha bit of this event.
int e_etot
Total Energy of this event (Physics region).
int e_checkevt
event check of this event.
int e_b1_type
2D Bhabha Type of this hit.
int e_evt_win
Event window of this event.
int e_ecl_bst
The case of Total Energy > 20GeV of this hit.
int e_etot_all
Total Energy of this event (All region).
int e_cl_energy[6]
Cluster energy of this hit.
int e_evt_time_max
Event Timing Range max of this event.
int e_time_type
Timing Type of this hit.
int e_prescale
prescale bit of this hit.
int e_etot_type
Total Energy Type of this hit.
int e_l1_revo
The L1 revoclk of this event.
int e_checksum
checksum flag of this event.
int e_cl_2gev[6]
Cluster CM 2GeV Flag of this hit.
int e_cl_theta[6]
Cluster Theta of this hit.
int e_icn_over
ICN overflow bit of this hit.
int e_cl_time[6]
Cluster time of this hit.
int e_cl_phi[6]
Cluster Phi of this hit.
int e_low_multi
Lowmilti bit of this hit.
int e_physics
Physics bit of this event.

◆ TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore() [2/2]

TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore ( int  eventId,
int  etm,
int  l1_revo,
int  evt_time,
int  evt_revo,
int  evt_win,
int  ntc,
int  cl_theta[6],
int  cl_phi[6],
int  cl_time[6],
int  cl_energy[6],
int  cl_1gev[6],
int  cl_2gev[6],
int  cl_bha[6],
int  ncl,
int  low_multi,
int  b2bhabhav,
int  b2bhabhas,
int  mumu,
int  prescale,
int  icn,
int  icn_over,
int  etot_type,
int  etot,
int  eclbst,
int  b1bhabha,
int  b1_type,
int  physics,
int  time_type,
int  checksum,
int  evtexist,
int  trgtype,
int  etotall,
int  timemin,
int  timemax,
int  timewin 

Useful Constructor.

Definition at line 424 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

462 {
463 e_eventId = eventId;
464 e_etm = etm;
465 e_l1_revo = l1_revo;
466 e_evt_time = evt_time;
467 e_evt_revo = evt_revo;
468 e_evt_win = evt_win;
469 e_ntc = ntc;
470 for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
471 e_cl_theta[i] = cl_theta[i];
472 e_cl_phi[i] = cl_phi[i];
473 e_cl_time[i] = cl_time[i];
474 e_cl_energy[i] = cl_energy[i];
475 e_cl_1gev[i] = cl_1gev[i];
476 e_cl_2gev[i] = cl_2gev[i];
477 e_cl_bha[i] = cl_bha[i];
478 }
479 e_ncl = ncl;
480 e_low_multi = low_multi;
481 e_b2bhabhav = b2bhabhav;
482 e_b2bhabhas = b2bhabhas;
483 e_mumu = mumu;
484 e_prescale = prescale;
485 e_icn = icn;
486 e_icn_over = icn_over;
487 e_etot_type = etot_type;
488 e_etot = etot;
489 e_ecl_bst = eclbst;
490 e_b1bhabha = b1bhabha;
491 e_b1_type = b1_type;
492 e_physics = physics;
493 e_time_type = time_type;
494 e_checksum = checksum;
495 e_checkevt = evtexist;
496 e_trgtype = trgtype;
497 e_etot_all = etotall;
498 e_evt_time_min = timemin;
499 e_evt_time_max = timemax;
500 e_evt_time_win = timewin;
501 }

Member Function Documentation

◆ get2DBhabha()

int get2DBhabha ( ) const

The method to get 2D Bhabha bit.

Definition at line 351 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

351{return e_b1bhabha;}

◆ get3DBhabhaS()

int get3DBhabhaS ( ) const

The method to get 3D Bhabha selection bit.

Definition at line 327 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

327{return e_b2bhabhas;}

◆ get3DBhabhaV()

int get3DBhabhaV ( ) const

The method to get 3D Bhabha veto bit.

Definition at line 324 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

324{return e_b2bhabhav;}

◆ getBhabhaType()

int getBhabhaType ( ) const

The mothod to get 2D Bhabha Type.

Definition at line 354 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

354{return e_b1_type;}

◆ getCheckSum()

int getCheckSum ( ) const

The method to get checksum flag.

Definition at line 360 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

360{return e_checksum;}

◆ getCL1GeV()

const int * getCL1GeV ( ) const

The mothod to get 1GeV Flag.

Definition at line 309 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

309{return e_cl_1gev;}

◆ getCL2GeV()

const int * getCL2GeV ( ) const

The mothod to get 2GeV Flag.

Definition at line 312 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

312{return e_cl_2gev;}

◆ getCLBha()

const int * getCLBha ( ) const

The mothod to get Bhabha Flag.

Definition at line 315 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

315{return e_cl_bha;}

◆ getCLEnergy()

const int * getCLEnergy ( ) const

The mothod to get Cluster energy.

Definition at line 306 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

306{return e_cl_energy;}

◆ getCLPhi()

const int * getCLPhi ( ) const

The mothod to get Cluster Phi.

Definition at line 300 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

300{return e_cl_phi;}

◆ getCLTheta()

const int * getCLTheta ( ) const

The method to get Cluster Theta.

Definition at line 297 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

297{return e_cl_theta;}

◆ getCLTime()

const int * getCLTime ( ) const

The mothod to get Cluster time.

Definition at line 303 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

303{return e_cl_time;}

◆ getECLBST()

int getECLBST ( ) const

The mothod to get Total Energy more than 20GeV.

Definition at line 348 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

348{return e_ecl_bst;}

◆ getETM()

int getETM ( ) const

The method to get the ETM version.

Definition at line 279 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

279{return e_etm;}

◆ getEtot()

int getEtot ( ) const

The method to get Total Energy.

Definition at line 345 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

345{return e_etot;}

◆ getEtotAll()

int getEtotAll ( ) const

The mothod to get ETOT all.

Definition at line 372 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

372{return e_etot_all;}

◆ getEtotType()

int getEtotType ( ) const

The mothod to get Total Energy Type.

Definition at line 342 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

342{return e_etot_type;}

◆ getEventId()

int getEventId ( ) const

The method to get event id.

Definition at line 276 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

276{return e_eventId;}

◆ getEvtExist()

int getEvtExist ( ) const

The method to get Evt Check.

Definition at line 363 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

363{return e_checkevt;}

◆ getEvtRevo()

int getEvtRevo ( ) const

The method to get event revoclk.

Definition at line 288 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

288{return e_evt_revo;}

◆ getEvtTime()

int getEvtTime ( ) const

The method to get event Timing.

Definition at line 285 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

285{return e_evt_time;}

◆ getEvtTimeMax()

int getEvtTimeMax ( ) const

The mothod to get Evt Timing Max.

Definition at line 378 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

378{return e_evt_time_max;}

◆ getEvtTimeMin()

int getEvtTimeMin ( ) const

The mothod to get Evt Timing Min.

Definition at line 375 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

375{return e_evt_time_min;}

◆ getEvtTimeWin()

int getEvtTimeWin ( ) const

The mothod to get Evt Timing Win.

Definition at line 381 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

381{return e_evt_time_win;}

◆ getEvtWin()

int getEvtWin ( ) const

The method to get event window.

Definition at line 291 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

291{return e_evt_win;}

◆ getICN()

int getICN ( ) const

The mothod to get ICN.

Definition at line 336 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

336{return e_icn;}

◆ getICNOver()

int getICNOver ( ) const

The mothod to get ICN overflow bit.

Definition at line 339 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

339{return e_icn_over;}

◆ getL1Revo()

int getL1Revo ( ) const

The method to get the L1 revoclk.

Definition at line 282 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

282{return e_l1_revo;}

◆ getLowMulti()

int getLowMulti ( ) const

The mothod to get Lowmilti bit.

Definition at line 321 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

321{return e_low_multi;}

◆ getMumu()

int getMumu ( ) const

The method to get mumu bit.

Definition at line 330 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

330{return e_mumu;}

◆ getNCL()

int getNCL ( ) const

The mothod to get Number of Cluster.

Definition at line 318 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

318{return e_ncl;}

◆ getNTC()

int getNTC ( ) const

The method to get event ntc.

Definition at line 294 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

294{return e_ntc;}

◆ getPhysics()

int getPhysics ( ) const

The method to get Physics bit.

Definition at line 357 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

357{return e_physics;}

◆ getPrescale()

int getPrescale ( ) const

The method to get prescale bit.

Definition at line 333 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

333{return e_prescale;}

◆ getTimeType()

int getTimeType ( ) const

The mothod to get Timing Type.

Definition at line 369 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

369{return e_time_type;}

◆ getTRGTYPE()

int getTRGTYPE ( ) const

The method to get TRG Type.

Definition at line 366 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

366{return e_trgtype;}

◆ set2DBhabha()

void set2DBhabha ( int  b1bhabha)

The method to set 2D Bhabha bit.

Definition at line 243 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

243{e_b1bhabha = b1bhabha;}

◆ set3DBhabhaS()

void set3DBhabhaS ( int  b2bhabhas)

The method to set 3D Bhabha selection bit.

Definition at line 219 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

219{e_b2bhabhas = b2bhabhas;}

◆ set3DBhabhaV()

void set3DBhabhaV ( int  b2bhabhav)

The method to set 3D Bhabha veto bit.

Definition at line 216 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

216{e_b2bhabhav = b2bhabhav;}

◆ setBhabhaType()

void setBhabhaType ( int  b1_type)

The mothod to set 2D Bhabha Type.

Definition at line 246 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

246{e_b1_type = b1_type;}

◆ setCheckSum()

void setCheckSum ( int  checksum)

The method to set checksum flag.

Definition at line 255 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

255{e_checksum = checksum;}

◆ setCLEnergy()

void setCLEnergy ( int  cl_energy[6])

The mothod to set Cluster energy.

Definition at line 178 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

179 {
180 for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
181 e_cl_energy[i] = cl_energy[i];
182 }
183 }

◆ setCLF1GeV()

void setCLF1GeV ( int  cl_1gev[6])

The mothod to set 1GeV Flag.

Definition at line 186 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

187 {
188 for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
189 e_cl_1gev[i] = cl_1gev[i];
190 }
191 }

◆ setCLF2GeV()

void setCLF2GeV ( int  cl_2gev[6])

The mothod to set 2GeV Flag.

Definition at line 194 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

195 {
196 for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
197 e_cl_2gev[i] = cl_2gev[i];
198 }
199 }

◆ setCLFBha()

void setCLFBha ( int  cl_bha[6])

The mothod to set Bha Flag.

Definition at line 202 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

203 {
204 for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
205 e_cl_bha[i] = cl_bha[i];
206 }
207 }

◆ setCLPhi()

void setCLPhi ( int  cl_phi[6])

The mothod to set Cluster Phi.

Definition at line 162 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

163 {
164 for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
165 e_cl_phi[i] = cl_phi[i];
166 }
167 }

◆ setCLTheta()

void setCLTheta ( int  cl_theta[6])

The method to set Cluster Theta.

Definition at line 154 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

155 {
156 for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
157 e_cl_theta[i] = cl_theta[i];
158 }
159 }

◆ setCLTime()

void setCLTime ( int  cl_time[6])

The mothod to set Cluster time.

Definition at line 170 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

171 {
172 for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
173 e_cl_time[i] = cl_time[i];
174 }
175 }

◆ setECLBST()

void setECLBST ( int  eclbst)

The mothod to set Total Energy more than 20 gev.

Definition at line 240 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

240{e_ecl_bst = eclbst;}

◆ setETM()

void setETM ( int  etm)

The method to set the ETM version.

Definition at line 136 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

136{e_etm = etm;}

◆ setEtot()

void setEtot ( int  etot)

The method to set Total Energy.

Definition at line 237 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

237{e_etot = etot;}

◆ setEtotAll()

void setEtotAll ( int  etotall)

The method to set ETOT all.

Definition at line 264 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

264{e_etot_all = etotall;}

◆ setEtotType()

void setEtotType ( int  etot_type)

The mothod to set Total Energy Type.

Definition at line 234 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

234{e_etot_type = etot_type;}

◆ setEventId()

void setEventId ( int  eventId)

The method to set event id.

Definition at line 133 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

133{e_eventId = eventId;}

◆ setEvtExist()

void setEvtExist ( int  evtexist)

The method to set Evt Exist.

Definition at line 258 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

258{e_checkevt = evtexist;}

◆ setEvtRevo()

void setEvtRevo ( int  evt_revo)

The method to set event revoclk.

Definition at line 145 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

145{e_evt_revo = evt_revo;}

◆ setEvtTime()

void setEvtTime ( int  evt_time)

The method to set event Timing.

Definition at line 142 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

142{e_evt_time = evt_time;}

◆ setEvtTimeMax()

void setEvtTimeMax ( int  timemax)

The method to set Evt Timing Max.

Definition at line 270 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

270{e_evt_time_max = timemax;}

◆ setEvtTimeMin()

void setEvtTimeMin ( int  timemin)

The method to set Evt Timing Min.

Definition at line 267 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

267{e_evt_time_min = timemin;}

◆ setEvtTimeWin()

void setEvtTimeWin ( int  timewin)

The method to set Evt Timing Win.

Definition at line 273 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

273{e_evt_time_win = timewin;}

◆ setEvtWin()

void setEvtWin ( int  evt_win)

The method to set event window.

Definition at line 148 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

148{e_evt_win = evt_win;}

◆ setICN()

void setICN ( int  icn)

The mothod to set ICN.

Definition at line 228 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

228{e_icn = icn;}

◆ setICNOver()

void setICNOver ( int  icn_over)

The mothod to set ICN overflow bit.

Definition at line 231 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

231{e_icn_over = icn_over;}

◆ setL1Revo()

void setL1Revo ( int  l1_revo)

The method to set the L1 revoclk.

Definition at line 139 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

139{e_l1_revo = l1_revo;}

◆ setLowMulti()

void setLowMulti ( int  low_multi)

The mothod to set Lowmilti bit.

Definition at line 213 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

213{e_low_multi = low_multi;}

◆ setMumu()

void setMumu ( int  mumu)

The method to set mumu bit.

Definition at line 222 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

222{e_mumu = mumu;}

◆ setNCL()

void setNCL ( int  ncl)

The mothod to set Number of Cluster.

Definition at line 210 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

210{e_ncl = ncl;}

◆ setNTC()

void setNTC ( int  ntc)

The method to set event ntc.

Definition at line 151 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

151{e_ntc = ntc;}

◆ setPhysics()

void setPhysics ( int  physics)

The method to set Physics bit.

Definition at line 249 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

249{e_physics = physics;}

◆ setPrescale()

void setPrescale ( int  prescale)

The method to set prescale bit.

Definition at line 225 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

225{e_prescale = prescale;}

◆ setTimeType()

void setTimeType ( int  time_type)

The mothod to set Timing Type.

Definition at line 252 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

252{e_time_type = time_type;}

◆ setTRGTYPE()

void setTRGTYPE ( int  trgtype)

The method to set TRG Type.

Definition at line 261 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

261{e_trgtype = trgtype;}

Member Data Documentation

◆ e_b1_type

int e_b1_type

2D Bhabha Type of this hit.

Definition at line 103 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_b1bhabha

int e_b1bhabha

2D Bhabha bit of this event.

Definition at line 100 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_b2bhabhas

int e_b2bhabhas

3D Bhabha for selection bit of this hit.

Definition at line 76 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_b2bhabhav

int e_b2bhabhav

3D Bhabha for veto bit of this hit.

Definition at line 73 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_checkevt

int e_checkevt

event check of this event.

Definition at line 115 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_checksum

int e_checksum

checksum flag of this event.

Definition at line 112 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_cl_1gev

int e_cl_1gev[6]

Cluster CM 1GeV Flag of this hit.

Definition at line 58 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_cl_2gev

int e_cl_2gev[6]

Cluster CM 2GeV Flag of this hit.

Definition at line 61 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_cl_bha

int e_cl_bha[6]

Cluster Bhabha Flag of this hit.

Definition at line 64 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_cl_energy

int e_cl_energy[6]

Cluster energy of this hit.

Definition at line 55 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_cl_phi

int e_cl_phi[6]

Cluster Phi of this hit.

Definition at line 49 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_cl_theta

int e_cl_theta[6]

Cluster Theta of this hit.

Definition at line 46 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_cl_time

int e_cl_time[6]

Cluster time of this hit.

Definition at line 52 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_ecl_bst

int e_ecl_bst

The case of Total Energy > 20GeV of this hit.

Definition at line 97 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_etm

int e_etm

The ETM version of this event.

Definition at line 28 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_etot

int e_etot

Total Energy of this event (Physics region).

Definition at line 94 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_etot_all

int e_etot_all

Total Energy of this event (All region).

Definition at line 121 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_etot_type

int e_etot_type

Total Energy Type of this hit.

Definition at line 91 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_eventId

int e_eventId

The evt id of this event.

Definition at line 25 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_evt_revo

int e_evt_revo

Event revoclk of this event.

Definition at line 37 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_evt_time

int e_evt_time

Event Timing of this event.

Definition at line 34 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_evt_time_max

int e_evt_time_max

Event Timing Range max of this event.

Definition at line 127 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_evt_time_min

int e_evt_time_min

Event Timing Range min of this event.

Definition at line 124 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_evt_time_win

int e_evt_time_win

Event Timing win of this event. -1 or 1.

Definition at line 130 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_evt_win

int e_evt_win

Event window of this event.

Definition at line 40 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_icn

int e_icn

ICN of this hit.

Definition at line 85 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_icn_over

int e_icn_over

ICN overflow bit of this hit.

Definition at line 88 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_l1_revo

int e_l1_revo

The L1 revoclk of this event.

Definition at line 31 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_low_multi

int e_low_multi

Lowmilti bit of this hit.

Definition at line 70 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_mumu

int e_mumu

mumu bit of this hit.

Definition at line 79 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_ncl

int e_ncl

Number of Cluster of this hit.

Definition at line 67 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_ntc

int e_ntc

Number of TC of this event.

Definition at line 43 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_physics

int e_physics

Physics bit of this event.

Definition at line 106 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_prescale

int e_prescale

prescale bit of this hit.

Definition at line 82 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_time_type

int e_time_type

Timing Type of this hit.

Definition at line 109 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

◆ e_trgtype

int e_trgtype

trigger type

Definition at line 118 of file TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: