Belle II Software development
TrgEclMaster Class Reference

ETM class. More...

#include <TrgEclMaster.h>

Public Member Functions

 TrgEclMaster (void)
 TrgEclMaster Constructor.
virtual ~TrgEclMaster ()
 TrgEclMaster Destructor.
 TrgEclMaster (TrgEclMaster &)=delete
 Copy constructor, deleted.
TrgEclMasteroperator= (TrgEclMaster &)=delete
 Assignment operator, deleted.
void initialize (int)
void simulate01 (int)
 simulates ECL trigger for Global Cosmic data

void simulate02 (int)
 simulates ECL trigger for Data Analysis
std::string name (void) const
 returns name.
std::string version (void) const
 returns version.
void setRS (std::vector< int >, std::vector< double >, std::vector< double > &, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &)
 ECL bit information for GDL.
void setClusterMethod (int cluster)
 Get Event timing.
void setClusterLimit (int limit)
 Set the limit # of Cluster.
void setBhabhaMethod (int bhabha)
 Set Bhabha.
void setEventTimingMethod (int EventTiming)
 Set Cluster.
void setTimeWindow (int timewindow)
 Set Trigger Decision window size.
void setOverlapWindow (int overlapwindow)
 Set Trigger Decision overlap window size.
void setNofTopTC (int noftoptc)
 set # of considered TC in energy weighted Timing method
void makeLowMultiTriggerBit (std::vector< int >, std::vector< double >)
 make LowMultiTriggerBit
void makeTriggerBit (int, int, int, int, double, int, int, std::vector< int >, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
 make Trigger bit except for Low Multiplicity related bit
double setTotalEnergy (std::vector< double >)
 Set Total Energy.
int getTriggerbit (int i)
 Get ECL Trigger bit.
int getLowmultibit ()
 Get Low Multiplicity Trigger Bit.
void set2DBhabhaThreshold (const std::vector< double > &i2DBhabhaThresholdFWD, const std::vector< double > &i2DBhabhaThresholdBWD)
 set 2D Bhabha Energy Threshold
void set3DBhabhaSelectionThreshold (const std::vector< double > &i3DBhabhaSelectionThreshold)
 set 3D selection Bhabha Energy Threshold
void set3DBhabhaVetoThreshold (const std::vector< double > &i3DBhabhaVetoThreshold)
 set 3D veto Bhabha Energy Threshold
void set3DBhabhaSelectionAngle (const std::vector< double > &i3DBhabhaSelectionAngle)
 set 3D selection Bhabha Energy Angle
void set3DBhabhaVetoAngle (const std::vector< double > &i3DBhabhaVetoAngle)
 set 3D veto Bhabha Energy Angle
void setmumuThreshold (int mumuThreshold)
 set mumu bit Threshold
void setmumuAngle (const std::vector< double > &imumuAngle)
 set mumu bit Angle selection
void set3DBhabhaAddAngleCut (const std::vector< double > &i3DBhabhaAddAngleCut)
 set 3D Bhabha addtion Angle selection
void setTaub2bAngleCut (const std::vector< int > &itaub2bAngleCut)
 set tau b2b 2 cluster angle cut
void setTaub2bEtotCut (double itaub2bEtotCut)
 set tau b2b total energy cut
void setTaub2bClusterECut (double itaub2bClusterECut1, double itaub2bClusterECut2)
 set tau b2b 1Cluster energy cut
void setTaub2b2Cut (const std::vector< int > &iTaub2b2AngleCut, const double iTaub2b2EtotCut, const double iTaub2b2CLEEndcapCut, const double iTaub2b2CLECut)
 set taub2b2 cut
void setTaub2b3Cut (const std::vector< int > &iTaub2b3AngleCut, const double iTaub2b3EtotCut, const double iTaub2b3CLEb2bCut, const double iTaub2b3CLELowCut, const double iTaub2b3CLEHighCut)
 set taub2b3 cut
void setn300MeVClusterThreshold (int n300MeVCluster)
 set the number of cluster exceeding 300 MeV
void setECLBurstThreshold (int ECLBurstThreshold)
 set mumu bit Threshold
void setTotalEnergyThreshold (const std::vector< double > &iTotalEnergy)
 set Total Energy Theshold (low, high, lum)
void setLowMultiplicityThreshold (const std::vector< double > &iLowMultiThreshold)
 set Low Multiplicity Threshold
void set3DBhabhaVetoInTrackThetaRegion (const std::vector< int > &i3DBhabhaVetoInTrackThetaRegion)
 set theta ID region (low and high) of 3DBhabhaVeto InTrack for gg selection
void setEventTimingQualityThresholds (const std::vector< double > &iEventTimingQualityThresholds)
 set energy threshold(low and high) of event timing quality flag (GeV)

Static Public Member Functions

static TrgEclMastergetTrgEclMaster (void)
 get pointer of TrgEclMaster object

Private Attributes

std::vector< std::vector< double > > m_TCEnergy
 Hit TC Energy.
std::vector< std::vector< double > > m_TCTiming
 Hit TC Timing.
std::vector< std::vector< int > > m_TCBeamBkgTag
 Hit TC Beam Background tag.
std::vector< int > m_HitTCId
 Hit TC Energy in time window.
std::vector< double > m_TCHitEnergy
 Hit TC Energy in time window.
std::vector< double > m_TCHitTiming
 Hit TC Timing in time window.
std::vector< int > m_TCHitBeamBkgTag
 Hit TC Beam Background tag in time window.
std::vector< std::vector< double > > m_PhiRingSum
 Phi ring sum.
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > m_ThetaRingSum
 Theta ring sum.
double m_TimeWindow
 Hit TC Energy in time window.
double m_OverlapWindow
 TRG Decision overlap window.
int m_Clustering
 clutering option
int m_Bhabha
 Bhabha option.
int m_EventTiming
 EventTiming option.
int m_NofTopTC
int m_ClusterLimit
 The limit number of Cluster.
int m_Triggerbit [4]
 ECL Trigger bit.
int m_Lowmultibit
 Low Multiplicity bit.
int m_PrescaleFactor
 Bhabha Prescale Factor.
int m_PrescaleCounter
 Bhabha Prescale Countor.
std::vector< double > m_2DBhabhaThresholdFWD
 2D Bhabha Energy Threshold
std::vector< double > m_2DBhabhaThresholdBWD
 2D Bhabha Energy Threshold
std::vector< double > m_3DBhabhaSelectionThreshold
 3D Selection Bhabha Energy Threshold
std::vector< double > m_3DBhabhaVetoThreshold
 3D Veto Bhabha Energy Threshold
std::vector< double > m_3DBhabhaSelectionAngle
 3D Selection Bhabha Energy Angle
std::vector< double > m_3DBhabhaVetoAngle
 3D Veto Bhabha Energy Angle
double m_mumuThreshold
 mumu bit Energy Threshold
std::vector< double > m_mumuAngle
 mumu bit Angle
std::vector< double > m_3DBhabhaAddAngleCut
 Angle selection of additional Bhabha addition in CM frame.
std::vector< int > m_taub2bAngleCut
 tau b2b 2 cluster angle cut (degree) (dphi low, dphi high, theta_sum low, theta_sum high)
double m_taub2bEtotCut
 tau b2b total energy (TC theta ID =1-17) (GeV)
double m_taub2bClusterECut1
 taub2b one Cluster energy selection (GeV)
double m_taub2bClusterECut2
 taub2b one Cluster energy selection (GeV)
std::vector< int > m_taub2b2AngleCut
 taub2b2 angle selection(degree) (3,2,1,0) = (dphi low, dphi high, theta_sum low, theta_sum high)
double m_taub2b2EtotCut
 taub2b2 total energy (TC theta ID =1-17) (GeV)
double m_taub2b2CLEEndcapCut
 taub2b2 cluster energy cut for endcap cluster (GeV)
double m_taub2b2CLECut
 taub2b2 cluseter energy cut (GeV)
std::vector< int > m_taub2b3AngleCut
 taub2b3 selection cuts (3,2,1,0) = (dphi low, dphi high, theta_sum low, theta_sum high)
double m_taub2b3EtotCut
 taub2b3 total energy (TC theta ID =1-17) (GeV)
double m_taub2b3CLEb2bCut
 taub2b3 cluster energy cut in lab for one of b2b clusters (GeV)
double m_taub2b3CLELowCut
 taub2b3 cluster energy low cut in lab for all clusters (GeV)
double m_taub2b3CLEHighCut
 taub2b3 cluster energy high cut in lab for all clusters (GeV)
int m_n300MeVCluster
 The number of Cluster exceeding 300 MeV.
double m_ECLBurstThreshold
 ECL Burst Bit Threshold.
std::vector< double > m_TotalEnergy
 Total Energy Theshold (low, high, lum)
std::vector< double > m_LowMultiThreshold
 Low Multiplicity Threshold.
std::vector< int > m_3DBhabhaVetoInTrackThetaRegion
 Theta region (low, high) of 3D Bhabha Veto InTrack.
std::vector< double > m_EventTimingQualityThresholds
 energy threshold(low, high) for quality flag (GeV)
 Mapping object.
 Cluster object.
 EventTiming object.
 Bhabha object.
 Beam Backgroud veto object.
 Beam Backgroud veto object.

Detailed Description

ETM class.

Definition at line 33 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TrgEclMaster()

TrgEclMaster ( void  )

TrgEclMaster Constructor.

Definition at line 83 of file

83 :
87 m_taub2bEtotCut(7.0),
92 m_taub2b2CLECut(0.162),
105 m_obj_map = new TrgEclMapping();
A Class of ECL Trigger clustering
Definition: TrgEclBeamBKG.h:29
A Class of ECL Trigger clustering
Definition: TrgEclBhabha.h:32
A Class of ECL Trigger clustering
Definition: TrgEclCluster.h:30
class TrgEclDataBase;
A class of TC Mapping.
Definition: TrgEclMapping.h:26
double m_taub2b3CLELowCut
taub2b3 cluster energy low cut in lab for all clusters (GeV)
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:320
double m_taub2bEtotCut
tau b2b total energy (TC theta ID =1-17) (GeV)
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:298
double m_taub2b3CLEHighCut
taub2b3 cluster energy high cut in lab for all clusters (GeV)
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:322
TrgEclDataBase * m_obj_database
Beam Backgroud veto object.
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:347
double m_ECLBurstThreshold
ECL Burst Bit Threshold.
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:326
int m_Clustering
clutering option
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:258
int m_ClusterLimit
The limit number of Cluster.
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:266
int m_PrescaleCounter
Bhabha Prescale Countor.
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:274
int m_EventTiming
EventTiming option.
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:262
double m_OverlapWindow
TRG Decision overlap window.
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:255
int m_n300MeVCluster
The number of Cluster exceeding 300 MeV.
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:324
int m_Triggerbit[4]
ECL Trigger bit.
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:268
double m_taub2b2EtotCut
taub2b2 total energy (TC theta ID =1-17) (GeV)
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:307
TrgEclMapping * m_obj_map
Mapping object.
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:337
int m_Lowmultibit
Low Multiplicity bit.
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:270
int m_Bhabha
Bhabha option.
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:260
TrgEclBhabha * m_obj_bhabha
Bhabha object.
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:343
double m_mumuThreshold
mumu bit Energy Threshold
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:289
int m_PrescaleFactor
Bhabha Prescale Factor.
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:272
double m_taub2bClusterECut2
taub2b one Cluster energy selection (GeV)
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:302
double m_taub2b3EtotCut
taub2b3 total energy (TC theta ID =1-17) (GeV)
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:316
double m_taub2b3CLEb2bCut
taub2b3 cluster energy cut in lab for one of b2b clusters (GeV)
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:318
TrgEclBeamBKG * m_obj_beambkg
Beam Backgroud veto object.
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:345
double m_taub2bClusterECut1
taub2b one Cluster energy selection (GeV)
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:300
TrgEclCluster * m_obj_cluster
Cluster object.
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:339
TrgEclTiming * m_obj_timing
EventTiming object.
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:341
double m_taub2b2CLECut
taub2b2 cluseter energy cut (GeV)
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:311
double m_taub2b2CLEEndcapCut
taub2b2 cluster energy cut for endcap cluster (GeV)
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:309
double m_TimeWindow
Hit TC Energy in time window.
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:253
A Class of ECL Trigger clustering
Definition: TrgEclTiming.h:29

◆ ~TrgEclMaster()

~TrgEclMaster ( )

TrgEclMaster Destructor.

Definition at line 111 of file

113 delete m_obj_cluster;
114 delete m_obj_beambkg;
115 delete m_obj_bhabha;
116 delete m_obj_timing;
117 delete m_obj_map;
118 delete m_obj_database;

Member Function Documentation

◆ getLowmultibit()

int getLowmultibit ( )

Get Low Multiplicity Trigger Bit.

Definition at line 111 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

111{return m_Lowmultibit;}

◆ getTriggerbit()

int getTriggerbit ( int  i)

Get ECL Trigger bit.

Definition at line 109 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

109{return m_Triggerbit[i];}

◆ initialize()

void initialize ( int  )


Definition at line 140 of file

142 m_TCEnergy.clear();
143 m_TCTiming.clear();
144 m_TCBeamBkgTag.clear();
145 m_HitTCId.clear();
146 m_TCHitEnergy.clear();
147 m_TCHitTiming.clear();
148 m_TCHitBeamBkgTag.clear();
150 m_TCEnergy.resize(576);
151 m_TCTiming.resize(576);
152 m_TCBeamBkgTag.resize(576);
154 m_TotalEnergy = {5, 10, 30}; // /100 MeV
156 {40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 30, 35}; // /100 MeV
158 {25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 30, 30}; // /100 MeV
159 m_3DBhabhaVetoThreshold = {30, 45}; // /100 MeV
160 m_3DBhabhaSelectionThreshold = {20, 40}; // /100 MeV
161 m_3DBhabhaVetoAngle = {160, 200, 165, 190}; // /100 MeV
162 m_3DBhabhaSelectionAngle = {140, 220, 160, 200}; // /100 MeV
163 m_mumuAngle = {160, 200, 165, 190}; // degree
164 m_3DBhabhaAddAngleCut = {150, 210, 160, 200}; // degree
165 m_LowMultiThreshold = {10, 20, 25, 30}; // degree
168 m_EventTimingQualityThresholds = {5, 6}; // GeV
169 m_ECLBurstThreshold = 200; // 10 ADC
171 // taub2b cut
172 m_taub2bAngleCut = {110, 250, 130, 230}; // degree
173 m_taub2bEtotCut = 7.0; // GeV
174 m_taub2bClusterECut1 = 1.9; // GeV
175 m_taub2bClusterECut2 = 999; // GeV
177 // taub2b2 cut
178 m_taub2b2AngleCut = {120, 240, 140, 220}; // degree
179 m_taub2b2EtotCut = 7.0; // GeV
180 m_taub2b2CLEEndcapCut = 3.0; // GeV
181 m_taub2b2CLECut = 0.162; // GeV
183 //taub2b3 cut
184 m_taub2b3AngleCut = {120, 240, 140, 220}; // degree
185 m_taub2b3EtotCut = 7.0; // GeV
186 m_taub2b3CLEb2bCut = 0.14; // GeV
187 m_taub2b3CLELowCut = 0.12; // GeV
188 m_taub2b3CLEHighCut = 4.5; // GeV
std::vector< double > m_LowMultiThreshold
Low Multiplicity Threshold.
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:330
std::vector< double > m_2DBhabhaThresholdBWD
2D Bhabha Energy Threshold
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:279
std::vector< double > m_mumuAngle
mumu bit Angle
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:291
std::vector< int > m_HitTCId
Hit TC Energy in time window.
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:234
std::vector< double > m_EventTimingQualityThresholds
energy threshold(low, high) for quality flag (GeV)
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:334
std::vector< double > m_TotalEnergy
Total Energy Theshold (low, high, lum)
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:328
std::vector< int > m_taub2bAngleCut
tau b2b 2 cluster angle cut (degree) (dphi low, dphi high, theta_sum low, theta_sum high)
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:296
std::vector< double > m_TCHitTiming
Hit TC Timing in time window.
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:238
std::vector< std::vector< double > > m_TCTiming
Hit TC Timing.
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:229
std::vector< int > m_3DBhabhaVetoInTrackThetaRegion
Theta region (low, high) of 3D Bhabha Veto InTrack.
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:332
std::vector< std::vector< int > > m_TCBeamBkgTag
Hit TC Beam Background tag.
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:231
std::vector< double > m_3DBhabhaSelectionAngle
3D Selection Bhabha Energy Angle
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:285
std::vector< double > m_3DBhabhaVetoThreshold
3D Veto Bhabha Energy Threshold
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:283
std::vector< double > m_3DBhabhaAddAngleCut
Angle selection of additional Bhabha addition in CM frame.
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:293
std::vector< double > m_TCHitEnergy
Hit TC Energy in time window.
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:236
std::vector< double > m_3DBhabhaVetoAngle
3D Veto Bhabha Energy Angle
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:287
std::vector< double > m_3DBhabhaSelectionThreshold
3D Selection Bhabha Energy Threshold
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:281
std::vector< int > m_taub2b2AngleCut
taub2b2 angle selection(degree) (3,2,1,0) = (dphi low, dphi high, theta_sum low, theta_sum high)
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:305
std::vector< int > m_TCHitBeamBkgTag
Hit TC Beam Background tag in time window.
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:240
std::vector< double > m_2DBhabhaThresholdFWD
2D Bhabha Energy Threshold
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:277
std::vector< std::vector< double > > m_TCEnergy
Hit TC Energy.
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:227
std::vector< int > m_taub2b3AngleCut
taub2b3 selection cuts (3,2,1,0) = (dphi low, dphi high, theta_sum low, theta_sum high)
Definition: TrgEclMaster.h:314

◆ makeLowMultiTriggerBit()

void makeLowMultiTriggerBit ( std::vector< int >  CenterTCId,
std::vector< double >  clusterenergy 

make LowMultiTriggerBit

Definition at line 1275 of file

1279 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1280 // ECL trigger
1281 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1282 //Variable(in Tsim) | N(bit) | Address | Parameter
1283 //-------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------
1284 // | 1 | 62 | N Cluster >= 3, at least one Cluster >300 MeV (LAB), not 3D ECL Bhabha
1285 // | 1 | 63 | one Cluster >= 2GeV(CM) with Theta Id = 4~14
1286 // m_Lowmultibit | 1 | 64 | one Cluster >= 2GeV(CM) with Theta Id = 2,3,15 or 16 and not a 3D ECL Bhabha
1287 // | 1 | 65 | one Cluster >= 2GeV(CM) with Theta Id = 2, 3, 15 or 16 and not a 3D ECL Bhabha
1288 // | 1 | 66 | one Cluster >= 2GeV(CM) with Theta Id = 1 or 17 and not a 3D ECL Bhabha
1289 // | 1 | 67 | one Cluster >= 2GeV(CM) with Theta Id = 1 or 17 and a 3D ECL Bhabha
1290 // | 1 | 68 | exactly one Cluster >= 1GeV(CM) and one Cluster > 300 MeV (LAB ), in Theta Id 4~15(Barrel)
1291 // | 1 | 69 | exactly one Cluster >= 1GeV(CM) and one Cluster > 300 MeV (LAB), in Theta Id 2, 3 or 16
1292 // | 1 | 70 | 170 < delta phi(CM) < 190 degree, both Clusters > 250 MeV (LAB), and no 2GeV (CM) Cluster
1293 // | 1 | 71 | 170 < delta phi(CM) < 190 degree, one Cluster < 250 MeV (LAB), the other Cluster > 250 MeV(LAB), and no 2GeV (CM) Cluster
1294 // | 1 | 72 | 160 < delta phi(CM) < 200 degree, 160 < Sum Theta (CM)< 200 degree, no 2 GeV(CM) cluster
1295 // | 1 | 73 | No 2GeV (CM) Cluster
1296 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1297 m_Lowmultibit = 0;
1298 int _nClust = CenterTCId.size();
1299 int _n300MeV = 0;
1300 int _n2GeV = 0;
1301 int _n2GeV414 = 0;
1302 int _n2GeV231516 = 0;
1303 int _n2GeV117 = 0;
1304 int _n1GeV415 = 0;
1305 int _n1GeV2316 = 0;
1306 int _nClust216 = 0;
1307 int _n500MeV216 = 0;
1308 int _n500MeV611 = 0;
1309 for (int ic = 0; ic < _nClust; ic++) {
1310 if (clusterenergy[ic] > 0.3) {_n300MeV++;}
1311 int thetaid = m_obj_map->getTCThetaIdFromTCId(CenterTCId[ic]);
1312 int lut = m_obj_database->Get3DBhabhaLUT(CenterTCId[ic]);
1313 int thresh = 15 & lut;
1314 if (thetaid >= 2 && thetaid <= 16) {_nClust216++;}
1315 if (thetaid >= 6 && thetaid <= 11) {
1316 if (clusterenergy[ic] * 100 > 5 * thresh) {
1317 _n500MeV611++;
1318 }
1319 }
1321 if (clusterenergy[ic] > 0.5 && thetaid >= 2 && thetaid <= 16) {_n500MeV216++;}
1322 if (clusterenergy[ic] * 100 > (thresh * m_LowMultiThreshold[1])) { //200 <MeV
1323 _n2GeV++;
1324 if (thetaid >= 4 && thetaid <= 14) {_n2GeV414++;}
1325 if (thetaid == 2 || thetaid == 3 || thetaid == 15 || thetaid == 16) {_n2GeV231516++;}
1326 if (thetaid == 1 || thetaid == 17) {_n2GeV117++;}
1327 }
1328 if (clusterenergy[ic] * 100 > thresh * m_LowMultiThreshold[0]) { // 100 MeV
1329 if (thetaid >= 4 && thetaid <= 15) {_n1GeV415++;}
1330 if (thetaid == 2 || thetaid == 3 || thetaid == 16) {_n1GeV2316++;}
1331 }
1332 }
1333 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
1334 //..Trigger objects using back-to-back ECL clusters, plus Bhabha vetoes
1335 // nPhiPairHigh nPhiPairLow n3DPair nECLBhabha nTrkBhabha
1337 int _nPhiPairHigh = 0;
1338 int _nPhiPairLow = 0;
1339 int _n3DPair = 0;
1340 int _nECLBhabha = 0;
1341 for (int i0 = 0; i0 < _nClust - 1; i0++) {
1342 for (int i1 = i0 + 1; i1 < _nClust; i1++) {
1343 int lut1 = m_obj_database->Get3DBhabhaLUT(CenterTCId[i0]);
1344 int lut2 = m_obj_database->Get3DBhabhaLUT(CenterTCId[i1]);
1346 int energy1 = 15 & lut1;
1347 int energy2 = 15 & lut2;
1348 lut1 >>= 4;
1349 lut2 >>= 4;
1350 int phi1 = 511 & lut1;
1351 int phi2 = 511 & lut2;
1352 lut1 >>= 9;
1353 lut2 >>= 9;
1354 int theta1 = lut1;
1355 int theta2 = lut2;
1357 //..back to back in phi
1358 int dphi = abs(phi1 - phi2);
1359 if (dphi > 180) {dphi = 360 - dphi;}
1360 int thetaSum = theta1 + theta2;
1362 // cout << dphi << " " << thetaSum << endl;
1363 // cout << clusterenergy[i0] << " " << clusterenergy[i1] << endl;
1364 // if (dphi > 180.) {dphi = 360 - dphi;}
1365 if (dphi > 170. && clusterenergy[i0] > m_LowMultiThreshold[2] / 100
1366 && clusterenergy[i1] > m_LowMultiThreshold[2] / 100) {_nPhiPairHigh++;}
1367 if (dphi > 170. &&
1368 ((clusterenergy[i0] < m_LowMultiThreshold[2] / 100 &&
1369 clusterenergy[i1] > m_LowMultiThreshold[2] / 100) ||
1370 (clusterenergy[i0] > m_LowMultiThreshold[2] / 100 &&
1371 clusterenergy[i1] < m_LowMultiThreshold[2] / 100))) {_nPhiPairLow++;}
1372 //..3D
1373 if (dphi > 160. && thetaSum > 160. && thetaSum < 200) {_n3DPair++;}
1374 //..ecl Bhabha
1375 if (dphi > 160 &&
1376 thetaSum > 165 &&
1377 thetaSum < 190 &&
1378 clusterenergy[i0] * 100 > m_3DBhabhaVetoThreshold[0] * energy1 &&
1379 clusterenergy[i1] * 100 > m_3DBhabhaVetoThreshold[0] * energy2 &&
1380 (clusterenergy[i0] * 100 > m_3DBhabhaVetoThreshold[1] * energy1 ||
1381 clusterenergy[i1] * 100 > m_3DBhabhaVetoThreshold[1] * energy2)) {
1382 _nECLBhabha++;
1384 }
1385 }
1386 }
1387 int bit1 = 0;
1388 int bit2 = 0;
1389 int bit3 = 0;
1390 int bit4 = 0;
1391 int bit5 = 0;
1392 int bit6 = 0;
1393 int bit7 = 0;
1394 int bit8 = 0;
1395 int bit9 = 0;
1396 int bit10 = 0;
1397 int bit11 = 0;
1398 int bit12 = 0;
1399 int bit13 = 0;
1400 int bit14 = 0;
1403 if (_nClust >= 3 && _n300MeV >= m_n300MeVCluster && _nECLBhabha == 0) {
1404 bit1 = 0x01; //6
1405 }
1406 if (_n2GeV414 > 0) {
1407 bit2 = 0x01; //7
1408 }
1409 if (_n2GeV231516 && _nECLBhabha == 0) {
1410 bit3 = 0x01; //9
1411 }
1412 if (_n2GeV231516 && _nECLBhabha != 0) {
1413 bit4 = 0x01; //10
1414 }
1415 if (_n2GeV117 && _nECLBhabha == 0) {
1416 bit5 = 0x01; //11
1417 }
1418 if (_n2GeV117 && _nECLBhabha != 0) {
1419 bit6 = 0x01; //12
1420 }
1421 if (_n1GeV415 == 1 && _n300MeV == 1) {
1422 bit7 = 0x01; //13
1423 }
1424 if (_n1GeV2316 == 1 && _n300MeV == 1) {
1425 bit8 = 0x01; //14
1426 }
1427 if (_nPhiPairHigh > 0 && _n2GeV == 0) {
1428 bit9 = 0x01; //15
1429 }
1430 if (_nPhiPairLow > 0 && _n2GeV == 0) {
1431 bit10 = 0x01; //16
1432 }
1433 if (_n3DPair > 0 && _n2GeV == 0) {
1434 bit11 = 0x01; //17;
1435 }
1436 if (_n2GeV == 0) {
1437 bit12 = 0x01; //4
1438 }
1439 if (_nClust216 >= 3 && _n500MeV216 > 0 && _nECLBhabha == 0) {
1440 bit13 = 0x01; //6
1441 }
1442 if (_n500MeV611 == 1 && _n300MeV == 1) {
1443 bit14 = 0x01; //6
1444 }
1446 int total_bit = 0;
1447 total_bit |= bit14;
1448 total_bit <<= 1;
1449 total_bit |= bit13;
1450 total_bit <<= 1;
1451 total_bit |= bit12;
1452 total_bit <<= 1;
1453 total_bit |= bit11;
1454 total_bit <<= 1;
1455 total_bit |= bit10;
1456 total_bit <<= 1;
1457 total_bit |= bit9;
1458 total_bit <<= 1;
1459 total_bit |= bit8;
1460 total_bit <<= 1;
1461 total_bit |= bit7;
1462 total_bit <<= 1;
1463 total_bit |= bit6;
1464 total_bit <<= 1;
1465 total_bit |= bit5;
1466 total_bit <<= 1;
1467 total_bit |= bit4;
1468 total_bit <<= 1;
1469 total_bit |= bit3;
1470 total_bit <<= 1;
1471 total_bit |= bit2;
1472 total_bit <<= 1;
1473 total_bit |= bit1;
1475 m_Lowmultibit = total_bit ;
int Get3DBhabhaLUT(int)
int getTCThetaIdFromTCId(int)
get [TC Theta ID] from [TC ID]

◆ makeTriggerBit()

void makeTriggerBit ( int  hit,
int  Timing,
int  RevoFAM,
int  TimingSource,
double  etot,
int  bhabha2D,
int  physics,
std::vector< int >  bhabhatype,
int  ICN,
int  BGVeto,
int  ClusterOverflow,
int  bhabha3D,
int  lowmultibit,
int  bhabha3D_sel,
int  mumubit,
int  prescale,
int  burst,
int  EventTimingQualityFlag,
int  bhabha3DVetoInTrackFlag,
int  bhabha3DSelectionThetaFlag,
int  taub2bFlag,
int  bit_hie_bhav,
int  taub2b2Flag,
int  taub2b3Flag 

make Trigger bit except for Low Multiplicity related bit

Definition at line 1119 of file

1132 m_Triggerbit[0] = 0;
1133 m_Triggerbit[1] = 0;
1134 m_Triggerbit[2] = 0;
1135 m_Triggerbit[3] = 0;
1137 // int physics = 0;
1138 int elow = 0;
1139 int ehigh = 0;
1140 int elum = 0;
1141 int bhabhaveto = 0;
1142 int Bhabhatype = bhabha2D;
1144 if (etot > 0.5) {
1145 elow = 0x01;
1146 }
1147 if (etot > 1.0) {
1148 ehigh = 0x01;
1149 }
1150 if (etot > 3.0) {
1151 elum = 0x01;
1152 }
1154 if (bhabhatype.size() > 14) {
1155 for (int ibhabha = 0; ibhabha < 13; ibhabha++) {
1156 int type = 0x00;
1157 if (bhabhatype[ibhabha] == 1) {type = 0x01;}
1159 Bhabhatype |= type;
1160 Bhabhatype <<= 1;
1162 }
1163 }
1165 int bit_hit = hit & 0x01;
1166 int bit_Timing = (Timing & 0x7F) ;
1167 int bit_RevoFAM = (RevoFAM & 0x7F) ;
1168 int bit_TimingSource = (TimingSource & 0x07) ;
1169 int bit_physics = (physics & 0x01) ;
1170 int bit_2Dbhabha = (bhabhaveto & 0x01) ;
1171 int bit_bhabhatype = (Bhabhatype & 0x3FFF);
1172 int bit_etot = (((int)etot) & 0x1FFF) ;
1173 int bit_elow = (elow & 0x01);
1174 int bit_ehigh = (ehigh & 0x01) ;
1175 int bit_elum = (elum & 0x01) ;
1176 int bit_ICN = (ICN & 0x7F) ;
1177 int bit_BGVeto = (BGVeto & 0x07) ;
1178 int bit_ClusterOverflow = (ClusterOverflow & 0x01);
1179 int bit_3Dbhabha = (bhabha3D & 0x01);
1181 int bit_lowmulti1 = lowmultibit & 0x0FFF;
1182 int bit_lowmulti2 = (lowmultibit >>= 12) & 0x3;
1183 int bit_3DBhabha_sel = bhabha3D_sel & 0x01;
1184 int bit_mumu = mumubit & 0x01;
1185 int bit_prescale = prescale & 0x01;
1186 int bit_burst = burst & 0x01;
1187 int bit_clkcc = 0; // 4 bits for revo counter (set to be 0 in tsim)
1188 int bit_eventtimingqualityflag = EventTimingQualityFlag & 0x03;
1189 int bit_bhabha3dvetointrackflag = 0;
1190 if (bhabha3D == 1) {
1191 bit_bhabha3dvetointrackflag = bhabha3DVetoInTrackFlag & 0x01;
1192 }
1193 int bit_bhabha3dselectionthetaflag = 0;
1194 if (bhabha3D_sel == 1) {
1195 bit_bhabha3dselectionthetaflag = bhabha3DSelectionThetaFlag & 0x03;
1196 }
1197 int bit_taub2bflag = taub2bFlag & 0x01;
1198 int bit_taub2b2flag = taub2b2Flag & 0x01;
1199 int bit_taub2b3flag = taub2b3Flag & 0x01;
1201 int bit_hie_bhav_hie123 = bit_hie_bhav & 0x7; // for hie1, hie2, hie3
1202 int bit_hie_bhav_hie4 = (bit_hie_bhav >> 3) & 0x1; // for hie4
1204 m_Triggerbit[2] |= bit_hie_bhav_hie4;
1205 m_Triggerbit[2] <<= 1;
1206 m_Triggerbit[2] |= bit_taub2b3flag;
1207 m_Triggerbit[2] <<= 1;
1208 m_Triggerbit[2] |= bit_taub2b2flag;
1209 m_Triggerbit[2] <<= 3;
1210 m_Triggerbit[2] |= bit_hie_bhav_hie123;
1211 m_Triggerbit[2] <<= 1;
1212 m_Triggerbit[2] |= bit_taub2bflag;
1213 m_Triggerbit[2] <<= 2;
1214 m_Triggerbit[2] |= bit_bhabha3dselectionthetaflag;
1215 m_Triggerbit[2] <<= 1;
1216 m_Triggerbit[2] |= bit_bhabha3dvetointrackflag;
1217 m_Triggerbit[2] <<= 2;
1218 m_Triggerbit[2] |= bit_eventtimingqualityflag;
1219 m_Triggerbit[2] <<= 4;
1220 m_Triggerbit[2] |= bit_clkcc;
1221 m_Triggerbit[2] <<= 2;
1222 m_Triggerbit[2] |= bit_lowmulti2;
1223 m_Triggerbit[2] <<= 1;
1224 m_Triggerbit[2] |= bit_burst;
1225 m_Triggerbit[2] <<= 1;
1226 m_Triggerbit[2] |= bit_prescale;
1227 m_Triggerbit[2] <<= 1;
1228 m_Triggerbit[2] |= bit_mumu;
1229 m_Triggerbit[2] <<= 1;
1230 m_Triggerbit[2] |= bit_3DBhabha_sel;
1231 m_Triggerbit[2] <<= 10;
1232 m_Triggerbit[2] |= ((bit_lowmulti1) >> 2) & 0x3FF;
1234 m_Triggerbit[1] |= (bit_lowmulti1 & 0x03);
1235 m_Triggerbit[1] <<= 1;
1236 m_Triggerbit[1] |= bit_3Dbhabha;
1237 m_Triggerbit[1] <<= 1;
1238 m_Triggerbit[1] |= bit_ClusterOverflow;
1239 m_Triggerbit[1] <<= 3;
1240 m_Triggerbit[1] |= bit_BGVeto;
1241 m_Triggerbit[1] <<= 7;
1242 m_Triggerbit[1] |= bit_ICN;
1243 m_Triggerbit[1] <<= 1;
1244 m_Triggerbit[1] |= bit_elum;
1245 m_Triggerbit[1] <<= 1;
1246 m_Triggerbit[1] |= bit_ehigh;
1247 m_Triggerbit[1] <<= 1;
1248 m_Triggerbit[1] |= bit_elow;
1249 m_Triggerbit[1] <<= 13;
1250 m_Triggerbit[1] |= bit_etot;
1251 m_Triggerbit[1] <<= 2;
1252 m_Triggerbit[1] |= ((bit_bhabhatype >> 12) & 0x03);
1254 m_Triggerbit[0] |= (bit_bhabhatype & 0x0FFF);
1255 m_Triggerbit[0] <<= 1;
1256 m_Triggerbit[0] |= bit_2Dbhabha;
1257 m_Triggerbit[0] <<= 1;
1258 m_Triggerbit[0] |= bit_physics;
1259 m_Triggerbit[0] <<= 3;
1260 m_Triggerbit[0] |= bit_TimingSource;
1261 m_Triggerbit[0] <<= 7;
1262 m_Triggerbit[0] |= bit_RevoFAM;
1263 m_Triggerbit[0] <<= 7;
1264 m_Triggerbit[0] |= bit_Timing;
1265 m_Triggerbit[0] <<= 1;
1266 m_Triggerbit[0] |= bit_hit;
1268 // int tmp = (m_Triggerbit[2] >> 24) & 0x03;
1269 // printf("%5i %5i %i\n", bit_bhabha3dselectionthetaflag, tmp, m_Triggerbit[2]);

◆ name()

std::string name ( void  ) const

returns name.

Definition at line 124 of file

126 return "TrgEclMaster";

◆ set2DBhabhaThreshold()

void set2DBhabhaThreshold ( const std::vector< double > &  i2DBhabhaThresholdFWD,
const std::vector< double > &  i2DBhabhaThresholdBWD 

set 2D Bhabha Energy Threshold

Definition at line 113 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

115 {
116 m_2DBhabhaThresholdFWD = i2DBhabhaThresholdFWD;
117 m_2DBhabhaThresholdBWD = i2DBhabhaThresholdBWD;
118 }

◆ set3DBhabhaAddAngleCut()

void set3DBhabhaAddAngleCut ( const std::vector< double > &  i3DBhabhaAddAngleCut)

set 3D Bhabha addtion Angle selection

Definition at line 148 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

149 {
150 m_3DBhabhaAddAngleCut = i3DBhabhaAddAngleCut;
151 }

◆ set3DBhabhaSelectionAngle()

void set3DBhabhaSelectionAngle ( const std::vector< double > &  i3DBhabhaSelectionAngle)

set 3D selection Bhabha Energy Angle

Definition at line 131 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

132 {
133 m_3DBhabhaSelectionAngle = i3DBhabhaSelectionAngle;
134 };

◆ set3DBhabhaSelectionThreshold()

void set3DBhabhaSelectionThreshold ( const std::vector< double > &  i3DBhabhaSelectionThreshold)

set 3D selection Bhabha Energy Threshold

Definition at line 120 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

121 {
122 m_3DBhabhaSelectionThreshold = i3DBhabhaSelectionThreshold;
123 };

◆ set3DBhabhaVetoAngle()

void set3DBhabhaVetoAngle ( const std::vector< double > &  i3DBhabhaVetoAngle)

set 3D veto Bhabha Energy Angle

Definition at line 136 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

137 {
138 m_3DBhabhaVetoAngle = i3DBhabhaVetoAngle;
139 };

◆ set3DBhabhaVetoInTrackThetaRegion()

void set3DBhabhaVetoInTrackThetaRegion ( const std::vector< int > &  i3DBhabhaVetoInTrackThetaRegion)

set theta ID region (low and high) of 3DBhabhaVeto InTrack for gg selection

Definition at line 214 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

215 {
216 m_3DBhabhaVetoInTrackThetaRegion = i3DBhabhaVetoInTrackThetaRegion;
217 }

◆ set3DBhabhaVetoThreshold()

void set3DBhabhaVetoThreshold ( const std::vector< double > &  i3DBhabhaVetoThreshold)

set 3D veto Bhabha Energy Threshold

Definition at line 125 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

126 {
127 m_3DBhabhaVetoThreshold = i3DBhabhaVetoThreshold;
128 };

◆ setBhabhaMethod()

void setBhabhaMethod ( int  bhabha)

Set Bhabha.

Definition at line 82 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

82{m_Bhabha = bhabha;}

◆ setClusterLimit()

void setClusterLimit ( int  limit)

Set the limit # of Cluster.

Definition at line 80 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

80{m_ClusterLimit = limit;}

◆ setClusterMethod()

void setClusterMethod ( int  cluster)

Get Event timing.

Set Cluster

Definition at line 78 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

78{m_Clustering = cluster;}

◆ setECLBurstThreshold()

void setECLBurstThreshold ( int  ECLBurstThreshold)

set mumu bit Threshold

Definition at line 199 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

200 {
201 m_ECLBurstThreshold = (double) ECLBurstThreshold;
202 }

◆ setEventTimingMethod()

void setEventTimingMethod ( int  EventTiming)

Set Cluster.

Definition at line 84 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

84{m_EventTiming = EventTiming;}

◆ setEventTimingQualityThresholds()

void setEventTimingQualityThresholds ( const std::vector< double > &  iEventTimingQualityThresholds)

set energy threshold(low and high) of event timing quality flag (GeV)

Definition at line 219 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

220 {
221 m_EventTimingQualityThresholds = iEventTimingQualityThresholds;
222 }

◆ setLowMultiplicityThreshold()

void setLowMultiplicityThreshold ( const std::vector< double > &  iLowMultiThreshold)

set Low Multiplicity Threshold

Definition at line 209 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

210 {
211 m_LowMultiThreshold = iLowMultiThreshold;
212 }

◆ setmumuAngle()

void setmumuAngle ( const std::vector< double > &  imumuAngle)

set mumu bit Angle selection

Definition at line 143 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

144 {
145 m_mumuAngle = imumuAngle;
146 }

◆ setmumuThreshold()

void setmumuThreshold ( int  mumuThreshold)

set mumu bit Threshold

Definition at line 141 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

141{m_mumuThreshold = mumuThreshold; }

◆ setn300MeVClusterThreshold()

void setn300MeVClusterThreshold ( int  n300MeVCluster)

set the number of cluster exceeding 300 MeV

Definition at line 194 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

195 {
196 m_n300MeVCluster = n300MeVCluster;
197 }

◆ setNofTopTC()

void setNofTopTC ( int  noftoptc)

set # of considered TC in energy weighted Timing method

Definition at line 90 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

90{m_NofTopTC = noftoptc;}

◆ setOverlapWindow()

void setOverlapWindow ( int  overlapwindow)

Set Trigger Decision overlap window size.

Definition at line 88 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

88{m_OverlapWindow = overlapwindow;}

◆ setRS()

void setRS ( std::vector< int >  TCId,
std::vector< double >  TCHit,
std::vector< double > &  phiringsum,
std::vector< std::vector< double > > &  thetaringsum 

ECL bit information for GDL.

ECL bit information for GDL Set Phi Ring Sum

Definition at line 1069 of file

1074 //
1075 //
1076 // TC Phi & Theta ring sum
1077 //
1078 //----------------------------------------
1079 // FW BR BW total
1080 //----------------------------------------
1081 //TC phi ring 3 12 2 17
1082 //ID 1-3 4-15 16-17
1083 //TC Theta ring 32 36 32
1084 //ID 1-32 1-36 1-32
1086 //----------------------------------------
1087 //
1088 thetaringsum.resize(3, std::vector<double>(36, 0.));
1089 phiringsum.resize(17);
1090 const int size_hit = TCHit.size();
1091 for (int iHit = 0; iHit < size_hit; iHit++) {
1092 int iTCId = TCId[iHit] - 1;
1093 if (TCHit[iHit] > 0) {
1094 int iTCThetaId = m_obj_map->getTCThetaIdFromTCId(iTCId + 1) - 1 ;
1095 int iTCPhiId = m_obj_map->getTCPhiIdFromTCId(iTCId + 1) - 1 ;
1096 phiringsum[iTCThetaId] += TCHit[iHit];
1097 if (iTCThetaId < 3) {
1098 //fwd
1099 if (iTCThetaId != 0) {
1100 thetaringsum[0][iTCPhiId] += TCHit[iHit];
1101 }
1102 } else if (iTCThetaId < 15) {
1103 //barrel
1104 thetaringsum[1][iTCPhiId] += TCHit[iHit];
1105 } else {
1106 //bwd
1107 thetaringsum[2][iTCPhiId] += TCHit[iHit];
1108 }
1110 }
1112 }
int getTCPhiIdFromTCId(int)
get [TC Phi ID] from [TC ID]

◆ setTaub2b2Cut()

void setTaub2b2Cut ( const std::vector< int > &  iTaub2b2AngleCut,
const double  iTaub2b2EtotCut,
const double  iTaub2b2CLEEndcapCut,
const double  iTaub2b2CLECut 

set taub2b2 cut

Definition at line 170 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

174 {
175 m_taub2b2AngleCut = iTaub2b2AngleCut;
176 m_taub2b2EtotCut = iTaub2b2EtotCut;
177 m_taub2b2CLEEndcapCut = iTaub2b2CLEEndcapCut;
178 m_taub2b2CLECut = iTaub2b2CLECut;
179 }

◆ setTaub2b3Cut()

void setTaub2b3Cut ( const std::vector< int > &  iTaub2b3AngleCut,
const double  iTaub2b3EtotCut,
const double  iTaub2b3CLEb2bCut,
const double  iTaub2b3CLELowCut,
const double  iTaub2b3CLEHighCut 

set taub2b3 cut

Definition at line 181 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

186 {
187 m_taub2b3AngleCut = iTaub2b3AngleCut;
188 m_taub2b3EtotCut = iTaub2b3EtotCut;
189 m_taub2b3CLEb2bCut = iTaub2b3CLEb2bCut;
190 m_taub2b3CLELowCut = iTaub2b3CLELowCut;
191 m_taub2b3CLEHighCut = iTaub2b3CLEHighCut;
192 }

◆ setTaub2bAngleCut()

void setTaub2bAngleCut ( const std::vector< int > &  itaub2bAngleCut)

set tau b2b 2 cluster angle cut

Definition at line 153 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

154 {
155 m_taub2bAngleCut = itaub2bAngleCut;
156 }

◆ setTaub2bClusterECut()

void setTaub2bClusterECut ( double  itaub2bClusterECut1,
double  itaub2bClusterECut2 

set tau b2b 1Cluster energy cut

Definition at line 163 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

165 {
166 m_taub2bClusterECut1 = itaub2bClusterECut1;
167 m_taub2bClusterECut2 = itaub2bClusterECut2;
168 }

◆ setTaub2bEtotCut()

void setTaub2bEtotCut ( double  itaub2bEtotCut)

set tau b2b total energy cut

Definition at line 158 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

159 {
160 m_taub2bEtotCut = itaub2bEtotCut;
161 }

◆ setTimeWindow()

void setTimeWindow ( int  timewindow)

Set Trigger Decision window size.

Definition at line 86 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

86{m_TimeWindow = timewindow;}

◆ setTotalEnergy()

double setTotalEnergy ( std::vector< double >  phisum)

Set Total Energy.

Definition at line 1480 of file

1483 double E_phys = 0;
1484 for (int iii = 0; iii <= 16; iii++) {
1485 if (iii > 0 && iii < 15) {E_phys += phisum[iii];}
1486 }
1487 return E_phys;

◆ setTotalEnergyThreshold()

void setTotalEnergyThreshold ( const std::vector< double > &  iTotalEnergy)

set Total Energy Theshold (low, high, lum)

Definition at line 204 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

205 {
206 m_TotalEnergy = iTotalEnergy;
207 }

◆ simulate01()

void simulate01 ( int  m_nEvent)

simulates ECL trigger for Global Cosmic data

Definition at line 195 of file

197 // TrgEclFAM* obj_trgeclfam = new TrgEclFAM();
198 // obj_trgeclfam->setup(m_nEvent, 1);
199 // setPRS(obj_trgeclfam);
200 //
201 //----------
202 // TC Etot
203 //----------
204 //
205 // Energy sum of forward and barrel except for extreme forward
206 // so Etot is sum of "phi ring ID" = 1-14
207 // Etot threshold are
208 // 1.0 GeV for Etot01
209 // 0.5 GeV for Etot02nt
210 // 3.0 GeV for Etot03
211 //
212 // Read FAM Output
213 m_TCTiming.clear();
214 m_TCEnergy.clear();
215 m_TCBeamBkgTag.clear();
216 m_TCEnergy.resize(576);
217 m_TCTiming.resize(576);
218 m_TCBeamBkgTag.resize(576);
220 StoreArray<TRGECLHit> trgeclHitArray;
221 for (int ii = 0; ii < trgeclHitArray.getEntries(); ii++) {
223 TRGECLHit* aTRGECLHit = trgeclHitArray[ii];
224 int iTCID = (aTRGECLHit->getTCId() - 1);
225 double HitTiming = aTRGECLHit->getTimeAve();
226 double HitEnergy = aTRGECLHit->getEnergyDep();
227 double HitBeamBkg = aTRGECLHit->getBeamBkgTag();
229 m_TCTiming[iTCID].push_back(HitTiming);
230 m_TCEnergy[iTCID].push_back(HitEnergy);
231 m_TCBeamBkgTag[iTCID].push_back(HitBeamBkg);
232 }
233 //
234 //
235 int nBin = 8000 / (m_TimeWindow / 2) ; //8000/125
236 /* cppcheck-suppress variableScope */
237 double WindowStart;
238 /* cppcheck-suppress variableScope */
239 double WindowEnd;
240 double fluctuation = ((gRandom->Uniform(-1, 0))) * 125;
241 /* cppcheck-suppress variableScope */
242 double check_window_start;
243 /* cppcheck-suppress variableScope */
244 double check_window_end;
246 for (int iBin = 0 ; iBin < nBin; iBin ++) {
248 check_window_start = iBin * (m_TimeWindow / 3) + fluctuation - 4000;
249 WindowStart = check_window_start;
250 check_window_end = check_window_start + m_TimeWindow / 3;
251 WindowEnd = WindowStart + m_TimeWindow;
252 m_HitTCId.clear();
253 m_TCHitTiming.clear();
254 m_TCHitEnergy.clear();
255 m_TCHitBeamBkgTag.clear();
257 // prepare TC Hit in time window --
258 for (int iTCId = 0; iTCId < 576; iTCId++) {
259 const int hitsize = m_TCTiming[iTCId].size();
260 for (int ihit = 0; ihit < hitsize; ihit++) {
261 if (m_TCTiming[iTCId][ihit] > check_window_start &&
262 m_TCTiming[iTCId][ihit] < check_window_end) {
263 m_HitTCId.push_back(iTCId + 1);
265 }
266 }
267 }
268 if (m_HitTCId.size() == 0) {continue;}
269 else {
270 m_HitTCId.clear();
271 for (int iTCId = 0; iTCId < 576; iTCId++) {
272 const int hitsize = m_TCTiming[iTCId].size();
273 for (int ihit = 0; ihit < hitsize; ihit++) {
274 if (m_TCTiming[iTCId][ihit] > WindowStart &&
275 m_TCTiming[iTCId][ihit] < WindowEnd) {
276 m_HitTCId.push_back(iTCId + 1);
277 m_TCHitTiming.push_back(m_TCTiming[iTCId][ihit]);
278 m_TCHitEnergy.push_back(m_TCEnergy[iTCId][ihit]);
279 }
280 }
281 }
282 iBin = iBin + 2;
283 }
284 int noftchit = m_HitTCId.size();
285 if (noftchit == 0) {continue;}
287 double eventtiming = 0;
288 // Get EventTiming
291 // m_obj_timing->setEventTimingQualityThresholds(m_EventTimingQualityThresholds);
294 int timingsource = m_obj_timing->GetTimingSource();
295 int EventTimingQualityFlag = m_obj_timing->getEventTimingQualityFlag();
296 //--------------------------------------------------
297 // Ring sum and Total Energy Sum
298 //-------------------------------------------------
299 std::vector<std::vector<double>> thetaringsum;
300 std::vector<double> phiringsum;
302 thetaringsum.clear();
303 phiringsum.clear();
304 thetaringsum.resize(3, std::vector<double>(36, 0));
305 phiringsum.resize(17, 0);
306 setRS(m_HitTCId, m_TCHitEnergy, phiringsum, thetaringsum);
308 double E_phys = 0;
309 double E_total = 0;
310 int E_burst = 0;
311 for (int iii = 0; iii <= 16; iii++) {
312 if (iii > 0 && iii < 15) {E_phys += phiringsum[iii];}
313 E_total += phiringsum[iii];
314 }
315 if (E_total == 0) {continue;}
316 int ELow = 0, EHigh = 0, ELum = 0;
318 if (E_total > m_ECLBurstThreshold / 10) {
319 E_burst = 0x01;
320 }
321 if (E_phys > m_TotalEnergy[0] / 10) { // GeV
322 ELow = 0x01;
323 }
324 if (E_phys > m_TotalEnergy[1] / 10) { // GeV
325 EHigh = 0x01;
326 }
327 if (E_phys > m_TotalEnergy[2] / 10) { // GeV
328 ELum = 0x01;
329 }
330 //--------------
331 // Clustering
332 //--------------
333 //
334 // TrgEclCluster m_obj_cluster;
337 m_obj_cluster->setEventId(m_nEvent);
339 m_obj_cluster->setICN(m_HitTCId); // Belle Cluster Counting
341 int icn = m_obj_cluster->getICNFwBr();
342 int icnfwd = m_obj_cluster->getICNSub(0);
343 int icnbr = m_obj_cluster->getICNSub(1);
344 int icnbwd = m_obj_cluster->getICNSub(2);
345 //--------------
346 // Low Multiplicity bit
347 //--------------
348 std::vector<double> ClusterTiming;
349 std::vector<double> ClusterEnergy;
350 std::vector<int> MaxTCId;
351 ClusterTiming.clear();
352 ClusterEnergy.clear();
353 MaxTCId.clear();
354 StoreArray<TRGECLCluster> trgeclClusterArray;
355 for (int ii = 0; ii < trgeclClusterArray.getEntries(); ii++) {
356 TRGECLCluster* aTRGECLCluster = trgeclClusterArray[ii];
357 int maxTCId = aTRGECLCluster->getMaxTCId();
358 double clusterenergy = aTRGECLCluster->getEnergyDep();
359 double clustertiming = aTRGECLCluster->getTimeAve();
360 ClusterTiming.push_back(clustertiming);
361 ClusterEnergy.push_back(clusterenergy);
362 MaxTCId.push_back(maxTCId);
363 }
364 // const int ncluster = ClusterEnergy.size();
366 makeLowMultiTriggerBit(MaxTCId, ClusterEnergy);
367 //--------------
368 // Bhabha veto
369 //--------------
386 // for taub2b3
393 std::vector<double> vct_bhabha;
394 vct_bhabha.clear();
395 int bhabha2D = 0 ;
396 int bhabha3D_veto = 0 ;
397 int bhabha3D_sel = 0;
398 int mumu = 0;
399 int bhabha3DVetoInTrackFlag = 0;
400 int bhabha3DSelectionThetaFlag = 0;
401 int taub2bFlag = 0;
402 int taub2b2Flag = 0;
403 int taub2b3Flag = 0;
405 bool b_2Dbhabha = m_obj_bhabha->GetBhabha00(phiringsum);
406 vct_bhabha = m_obj_bhabha->GetBhabhaComb();
407 if (b_2Dbhabha && (icn < 4)) {bhabha2D = 1;}
408 bool b_3Dbhabha = m_obj_bhabha->GetBhabha01();
409 if (b_3Dbhabha) {bhabha3D_veto = 1;}
410 bool b_3Dbhabha_sel = m_obj_bhabha->GetBhabha02();
411 if (b_3Dbhabha_sel) {bhabha3D_sel = 1;}
412 bool b_mumu = m_obj_bhabha->Getmumu();
413 if (b_mumu) {mumu = 1;}
414 bhabha3DVetoInTrackFlag = m_obj_bhabha->get3DBhabhaVetoInTrackFlag();
415 bhabha3DSelectionThetaFlag = m_obj_bhabha->get3DBhabhaSelectionThetaFlag();
416 taub2bFlag = (m_obj_bhabha->GetTaub2b(E_total)) ? 1 : 0;
417 taub2b2Flag = (m_obj_bhabha->GetTaub2b2(E_total)) ? 1 : 0;
418 taub2b3Flag = (m_obj_bhabha->GetTaub2b3(E_total)) ? 1 : 0;
420 //------------------------
421 // Beam Background veto (Old cosmic veto)
422 //------------------------
423 int beambkgtag = 0;
424 beambkgtag = m_obj_beambkg->GetBeamBkg(thetaringsum);
426 int bhabhaprescale = 0;
428 bhabhaprescale = 1;
430 } else if (m_PrescaleFactor > m_PrescaleCounter) {
432 }
433 //-------------
434 // Make ECL Trigger Bit
435 //-------------
436 int hit = 1; // hit or not
437 int Timing = (int)(eventtiming + 0.5);
438 int RevoFAM = 0;
439 int TimingSource = m_obj_timing->GetTimingSource(); // FWD(0), Barrel(0), Backward(0);
440 int etot = (int)(E_phys * 1000 + 0.5); // total Energy in theta ID [2~15]
441 int physics = 0;
442 if ((etot > 1000 || icn > 3) && !(bhabha2D == 1)) {physics = 1;}
443 std::vector<int> bhabhabit;
444 bhabhabit.clear();
445 int bhabhabitsize = vct_bhabha.size();
446 for (int ibhabha = 0; ibhabha < bhabhabitsize; ibhabha++) {
447 bhabhabit.push_back((int)vct_bhabha[ibhabha]);
448 }
449 int ClusterOverflow = m_obj_cluster->getNofExceedCluster();
450 int flagoverflow = 0;
451 if (ClusterOverflow > 0) {
452 flagoverflow = 1;
453 }
455 makeTriggerBit(hit, Timing, 0, timingsource, E_phys,
456 bhabha2D, physics, bhabhabit, icn, beambkgtag,
457 flagoverflow, bhabha3D_veto, m_Lowmultibit,
458 bhabha3D_sel, mumu, bhabhaprescale, E_burst,
459 EventTimingQualityFlag,
460 bhabha3DVetoInTrackFlag,
461 bhabha3DSelectionThetaFlag,
462 taub2bFlag, 0, taub2b2Flag, taub2b3Flag);
464 int m_hitEneNum = 0;
465 StoreArray<TRGECLTrg> trgEcltrgArray;
466 trgEcltrgArray.appendNew();
467 m_hitEneNum = trgEcltrgArray.getEntries() - 1;
468 //-------------
469 // Store
470 //-------------
471 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setEventId(m_nEvent);
472 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS01(phiringsum[0]);
473 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS02(phiringsum[1]);
474 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS03(phiringsum[2]);
475 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS04(phiringsum[3]);
476 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS05(phiringsum[4]);
477 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS06(phiringsum[5]);
478 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS07(phiringsum[6]);
479 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS08(phiringsum[7]);
480 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS09(phiringsum[8]);
481 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS10(phiringsum[9]);
482 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS11(phiringsum[10]);
483 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS12(phiringsum[11]);
484 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS13(phiringsum[12]);
485 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS14(phiringsum[13]);
486 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS15(phiringsum[14]);
487 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS16(phiringsum[15]);
488 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS17(phiringsum[16]);
489 //
490 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setEtot(E_phys);
491 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setNofTCHit(noftchit);
492 //
493 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha01(vct_bhabha[0]);
494 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha02(vct_bhabha[1]);
495 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha03(vct_bhabha[2]);
496 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha04(vct_bhabha[3]);
497 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha05(vct_bhabha[4]);
498 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha06(vct_bhabha[5]);
499 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha07(vct_bhabha[6]);
500 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha08(vct_bhabha[7]);
501 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha09(vct_bhabha[8]);
502 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha10(vct_bhabha[9]);
503 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha11(vct_bhabha[10]);
504 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha12(vct_bhabha[11]);
505 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha13(vct_bhabha[12]);
506 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha14(vct_bhabha[13]);
507 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha15(vct_bhabha[14]);
508 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha16(vct_bhabha[15]);
509 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha17(vct_bhabha[16]);
510 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha18(vct_bhabha[17]);
511 //
512 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setICN(icn);
513 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setICNFw(icnfwd);
514 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setICNBr(icnbr);
515 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setICNBw(icnbwd);
516 //
517 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setECLtoGDL(m_Triggerbit[0], 0);
518 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setECLtoGDL(m_Triggerbit[1], 1);
519 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setECLtoGDL(m_Triggerbit[2], 2);
520 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setECLtoGDL(m_Triggerbit[3], 3);
522 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabhaVeto(bhabha2D);
523 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBeamBkgVeto(beambkgtag);
524 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setEventTiming(eventtiming);
526 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setHit(hit);
527 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setRevoclk(RevoFAM);
528 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setTimingSource(TimingSource);
529 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPhysics(physics) ;
530 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->set2DBhabha(bhabha2D);
531 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->set3DBhabha(bhabha3D_veto);
532 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->set3DBhabhaSel(bhabha3D_sel);
533 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setmumuBit(mumu);
534 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabhaPrescaleBit(bhabhaprescale);
536 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setELow(ELow) ;
537 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setEHihg(EHigh);
538 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setELum(ELum) ;
539 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setClusterOverflow(ClusterOverflow) ;
540 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setLowMultiBit(m_Lowmultibit);
541 }
543 return;
Accessor to arrays stored in the data store.
Definition: StoreArray.h:113
T * appendNew()
Construct a new T object at the end of the array.
Definition: StoreArray.h:246
int getEntries() const
Get the number of objects in the array.
Definition: StoreArray.h:216
Example Detector.
Definition: TRGECLCluster.h:24
double getTimeAve() const
The method to get hit average time.
double getEnergyDep() const
The method to get deposited energy.
int getMaxTCId() const
The method to get the Maximum(center) TC id.
Example Detector.
Definition: TRGECLHit.h:22
double getTimeAve() const
The method to get hit average time.
Definition: TRGECLHit.h:64
double getEnergyDep() const
The method to get deposited energy.
Definition: TRGECLHit.h:61
int getBeamBkgTag() const
The method to get Beam Background tag.
Definition: TRGECLHit.h:66
int getTCId() const
The method to get TC id.
Definition: TRGECLHit.h:58
bool GetBhabha00(std::vector< double >)
Belle 2D Bhabha veto method.
bool Getmumu()
MuMu selection for calibration.
std::vector< double > GetBhabhaComb()
Output 2D Bhabha combination.
Definition: TrgEclBhabha.h:65
void set3DBhabhaAddAngleCut(const std::vector< double > &i3DBhabhaAddAngleCut)
set 3D Bhabha addtion Angle selection
Definition: TrgEclBhabha.h:100
int get3DBhabhaSelectionThetaFlag(void)
get trigger bit(2bits) of flag which shows theta position of clusters of 3DBhabha Selection.
Definition: TrgEclBhabha.h:198
void setTaub2bAngleCut(const std::vector< int > &iTaub2bAngleCut)
set 2 Cluster angle selection for tau 1x1 decay [0], [1] for low and high of dphi,...
Definition: TrgEclBhabha.h:111
void setTaub2bClusterECut(const double iTaub2bClusterECut1, const double iTaub2bClusterECut2)
set cluster energy cut for taub2b
Definition: TrgEclBhabha.h:121
void setmumuThreshold(int mumuThreshold)
set mumu bit Threshold
Definition: TrgEclBhabha.h:96
void set2DBhabhaThreshold(const std::vector< double > &i2DBhabhaThresholdFWD, const std::vector< double > &i2DBhabhaThresholdBWD)
set 2D Bhabha Energy Threshold
Definition: TrgEclBhabha.h:69
void set3DBhabhaVetoAngle(const std::vector< double > &i3DBhabhaVetoAngle)
set 3D veto Bhabha Energy Angle
Definition: TrgEclBhabha.h:91
void setTaub2b2Cut(const std::vector< int > &iTaub2b2AngleCut, const double iTaub2b2EtotCut, const double iTaub2b2CLEEndcapCut, const double iTaub2b2CLECut)
set taub2b2 cut
Definition: TrgEclBhabha.h:128
bool GetBhabha02()
Belle II 3D Bhabha method for selection.
void set3DBhabhaSelectionAngle(const std::vector< double > &i3DBhabhaSelectionAngle)
set 3D selection Bhabha Energy Angle
Definition: TrgEclBhabha.h:86
void set3DBhabhaSelectionThreshold(const std::vector< double > &i3DBhabhaSelectionThreshold)
set 3D selection Bhabha Energy Threshold
Definition: TrgEclBhabha.h:76
void setTaub2bEtotCut(const double iTaub2bEtotCut)
set total energy cut for taub2b
Definition: TrgEclBhabha.h:116
int get3DBhabhaVetoInTrackFlag(void)
get trigger bit of flag(1bit) whether two clusters statisfy 3D Bhabha veto are in CDCTRG region in th...
Definition: TrgEclBhabha.h:153
bool GetTaub2b3(double)
bool GetTaub2b(double)
Taub2b selection.
bool GetBhabha01()
Belle II 3D Bhabha method for veto.
void set3DBhabhaVetoThreshold(const std::vector< double > &i3DBhabhaVetoThreshold)
set 3D veto Bhabha Energy Threshold
Definition: TrgEclBhabha.h:81
void setmumuAngle(const std::vector< double > &imumuAngle)
set mumu bit Angle selection
Definition: TrgEclBhabha.h:98
void setTaub2b3Cut(const std::vector< int > &iTaub2b3AngleCut, const double iTaub2b3EtotCut, const double iTaub2b3CLEb2bCut, const double iTaub2b3CLELowCut, const double iTaub2b3CLEHighCut)
set taub2b3 cut
Definition: TrgEclBhabha.h:139
bool GetTaub2b2(double)
Taub2b selection (tighter selection than Taub2b)
void setICN(const std::vector< int > &)
set ICN for each part(Fw,Br,Bw)
int getICNSub(int)
get ICN in each region(Fw(0), Br(1), Bw(2))
int getICNFwBr(void)
get ICN in Barrel and Forward
int getNofExceedCluster()
get # Cluster in case of exceeding limit
void setClusterLimit(int limit)
Set Limit of Cluster.
Definition: TrgEclCluster.h:73
void setClusteringMethod(int method)
Definition: TrgEclCluster.h:71
void setEventId(int eventId)
Set EventId.
Definition: TrgEclCluster.h:69
void makeLowMultiTriggerBit(std::vector< int >, std::vector< double >)
make LowMultiTriggerBit
void setRS(std::vector< int >, std::vector< double >, std::vector< double > &, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &)
ECL bit information for GDL.
void makeTriggerBit(int, int, int, int, double, int, int, std::vector< int >, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
make Trigger bit except for Low Multiplicity related bit
void Setup(const std::vector< int > &, const std::vector< double > &, const std::vector< double > &)
void SetNofTopTC(int NtopTC)
Set # of considered TC in Energy weighted timing method.
Definition: TrgEclTiming.h:56
double GetEventTiming(int)
Get Evnet-timing.
int GetTimingSource()
Get Timing Source.
Definition: TrgEclTiming.h:58

◆ simulate02()

void simulate02 ( int  m_nEvent)

simulates ECL trigger for Data Analysis

Definition at line 549 of file

552 // TrgEclFAM* obj_trgeclfam = new TrgEclFAM();
553 // obj_trgeclfam->setup(m_nEvent, 1);
554 // setPRS(obj_trgeclfam);
555 //
556 //----------
557 // TC Etot
558 //----------
559 //
560 // Energy sum of forward and barrel except for extreme forward
561 // so Etot is sum of "phi ring ID" = 1-14
562 // Etot threshold are
563 // 1.0 GeV for Etot01
564 // 0.5 GeV for Etot02nt
565 // 3.0 GeV for Etot03
566 //
567 // Read FAM Output
568 m_TCTiming.clear();
569 m_TCEnergy.clear();
570 m_TCBeamBkgTag.clear();
571 m_TCEnergy.resize(576);
572 m_TCTiming.resize(576);
573 m_TCBeamBkgTag.resize(576);
575 StoreArray<TRGECLHit> trgeclHitArray;
576 for (int ii = 0; ii < trgeclHitArray.getEntries(); ii++) {
578 TRGECLHit* aTRGECLHit = trgeclHitArray[ii];
579 int iTCID = (aTRGECLHit->getTCId() - 1);
580 double HitTiming = aTRGECLHit->getTimeAve();
581 double HitEnergy = aTRGECLHit->getEnergyDep();
582 double HitBeamBkg = aTRGECLHit->getBeamBkgTag();
584 m_TCTiming[iTCID].push_back(HitTiming);
585 m_TCEnergy[iTCID].push_back(HitEnergy);
586 m_TCBeamBkgTag[iTCID].push_back(HitBeamBkg);
587 }
588 //
589 //
590 int nBin = 2 * 8000 / m_TimeWindow ;
591 double WindowStart = 0;
592 double WindowEnd = 0;
593 double fluctuation = ((gRandom->Uniform(-1, 0))) * 125;
595 int startBin = nBin / 2 - 1; //start previous bin near 0s
597 int endBin = nBin / 2 + 1; //start next bin near 0s
599 if (m_EventTiming == 0) {
600 m_TimeWindow = 500;
601 m_OverlapWindow = 0;
602 }
604 double maxE = 0;
605 int max_bin = 0;
607 for (int iBin = startBin ; iBin <= endBin; iBin ++) {
608 WindowStart = iBin * (m_TimeWindow - m_OverlapWindow) + fluctuation - 4000;
610 if (iBin == 0) {WindowStart = - 4000 + fluctuation;}
611 WindowEnd = WindowStart + m_TimeWindow;
613 double totalE = 0;
614 // prepare TC Hit in time window --
615 for (int iTCId = 0; iTCId < 576; iTCId++) {
616 const int hitsize = m_TCTiming[iTCId].size();
617 for (int ihit = 0; ihit < hitsize; ihit++) {
618 if (m_TCTiming[iTCId][ihit] > WindowStart &&
619 m_TCTiming[iTCId][ihit] < WindowEnd) {
620 totalE += m_TCEnergy[iTCId][ihit] ;
621 }
622 }
623 }
624 if (totalE == 0) {continue;}
625 if (maxE < totalE) { //select the bin having the highest total energy
626 maxE = totalE;
627 max_bin = iBin;
628 }
629 }
631 WindowStart = max_bin * (m_TimeWindow - m_OverlapWindow) + fluctuation - 4000;
632 if (max_bin == 0) {WindowStart = - 4000 + fluctuation;}
633 WindowEnd = WindowStart + m_TimeWindow;
635 m_HitTCId.clear();
636 m_TCHitTiming.clear();
637 m_TCHitEnergy.clear();
638 m_TCHitBeamBkgTag.clear();
640 // prepare TC Hit in time window --
641 for (int iTCId = 0; iTCId < 576; iTCId++) {
642 const int hitsize = m_TCTiming[iTCId].size();
643 for (int ihit = 0; ihit < hitsize; ihit++) {
644 if (m_TCTiming[iTCId][ihit] > WindowStart &&
645 m_TCTiming[iTCId][ihit] < WindowEnd) {
646 m_HitTCId.push_back(iTCId + 1);
647 m_TCHitTiming.push_back(m_TCTiming[iTCId][ihit]);
648 m_TCHitEnergy.push_back(m_TCEnergy[iTCId][ihit]);
649 m_TCHitBeamBkgTag.push_back(m_TCBeamBkgTag[iTCId][ihit]);
650 }
651 }
652 }
654 int noftchit = m_HitTCId.size();
655 if (noftchit == 0) { return;}
657 double eventtiming = 0;
658 // Get EventTiming
661 m_obj_timing->setEventTimingQualityThresholds(m_EventTimingQualityThresholds);
664 int timingsource = m_obj_timing->GetTimingSource();
666 int EventTimingQualityFlag = m_obj_timing->getEventTimingQualityFlag();
667 //--------------------------------------------------
668 // Ring sum and Total Energy Sum
669 //-------------------------------------------------
670 std::vector<std::vector<double>> thetaringsum;
671 std::vector<double> phiringsum;
673 thetaringsum.clear();
674 phiringsum.clear();
675 thetaringsum.resize(3, std::vector<double>(36, 0));
676 phiringsum.resize(17, 0);
677 setRS(m_HitTCId, m_TCHitEnergy, phiringsum, thetaringsum);
679 //double E_br; //variable not used
680 //double E_fwd; //variable not used
681 //double E_bwd; //variable not used
682 double E_phys = 0;
683 double E_total = 0;
684 int E_burst = 0;
686 for (int iii = 0; iii <= 16; iii++) {
687 if (iii > 0 && iii < 15) {E_phys += phiringsum[iii];}
688 //if (iii < 3) {E_fwd += phiringsum[iii];} //TODO variable not used, should be?
689 //if (iii > 2 && iii < 15) {E_br += phiringsum[iii];} //TODO not used, should be?
690 //if (iii > 14) {E_bwd += phiringsum[iii];} //TODO not used, should be?
691 E_total += phiringsum[iii];
692 }
694 if (E_total == 0) {return;}
695 int ELow = 0, EHigh = 0, ELum = 0;
696 if (E_total > m_ECLBurstThreshold) {
697 E_burst = 0x01;
698 }
700 if (E_phys > m_TotalEnergy[0] / 10) { // GeV
701 ELow = 0x01;
702 }
703 if (E_phys > m_TotalEnergy[1] / 10) { // GeV
704 EHigh = 0x01;
705 }
706 if (E_phys > m_TotalEnergy[2] / 10) { // GeV
707 ELum = 0x01;
708 }
709 //--------------
710 // Clustering
711 //--------------
712 //
713 // TrgEclCluster m_obj_cluster;
716 m_obj_cluster->setEventId(m_nEvent);
718 m_obj_cluster->setICN(m_HitTCId); // Belle Cluster Counting
720 int icn = m_obj_cluster->getICNFwBr();
721 int icnfwd = m_obj_cluster->getICNSub(0);
722 int icnbr = m_obj_cluster->getICNSub(1);
723 int icnbwd = m_obj_cluster->getICNSub(2);
725 int NofCluster1to17 = m_obj_cluster->getNofCluster();
726 //--------------
727 // Low Multiplicity bit
728 //--------------
729 std::vector<double> ClusterTiming;
730 std::vector<double> ClusterEnergy;
731 std::vector<int> MaxTCId;
732 std::vector<int> MaxThetaId;
733 ClusterTiming.clear();
734 ClusterEnergy.clear();
735 MaxTCId.clear();
736 MaxThetaId.clear();
737 StoreArray<TRGECLCluster> trgeclClusterArray;
738 for (int ii = 0; ii < trgeclClusterArray.getEntries(); ii++) {
739 TRGECLCluster* aTRGECLCluster = trgeclClusterArray[ii];
740 int maxTCId = aTRGECLCluster->getMaxTCId();
741 int maxThetaId = aTRGECLCluster->getMaxThetaId();
742 double clusterenergy = aTRGECLCluster->getEnergyDep();
743 double clustertiming = aTRGECLCluster->getTimeAve();
744 ClusterTiming.push_back(clustertiming);
745 ClusterEnergy.push_back(clusterenergy);
746 MaxTCId.push_back(maxTCId);
747 MaxThetaId.push_back(maxThetaId);
748 }
749 // int NofCluster = m_obj_cluster->getNofCluster();
750 makeLowMultiTriggerBit(MaxTCId, ClusterEnergy);
751 //--------------
752 // Bhabha veto (and mumu and tau b2b trigger)
753 //--------------
772 //
780 std::vector<double> vct_bhabha;
781 vct_bhabha.clear();
782 int bhabha2D = 0 ;
783 int bhabha3D_veto = 0 ;
784 int bhabha3D_sel = 0;
785 int mumu = 0;
786 int bhabha3DVetoInTrackFlag = -1;
787 int bhabha3DSelectionThetaFlag = -1;
788 int taub2bFlag = 0;
789 int taub2b2Flag = 0;
790 int taub2b3Flag = 0;
792 bool b_2Dbhabha = m_obj_bhabha->GetBhabha00(phiringsum);
793 vct_bhabha = m_obj_bhabha->GetBhabhaComb();
794 if (b_2Dbhabha && (icn < 4)) {bhabha2D = 1;}
795 bool b_3Dbhabha = m_obj_bhabha->GetBhabha01();
796 if (b_3Dbhabha) {bhabha3D_veto = 1;}
797 bool b_3Dbhabha_sel = m_obj_bhabha->GetBhabha02();
798 if (b_3Dbhabha_sel) {bhabha3D_sel = 1;}
799 bool b_mumu = m_obj_bhabha->Getmumu();
800 if (b_mumu) {mumu = 1;}
801 int bhabhaprescale = 0;
803 bhabhaprescale = 1;
805 } else if (m_PrescaleFactor > m_PrescaleCounter) {
807 }
808 bhabha3DVetoInTrackFlag = m_obj_bhabha->get3DBhabhaVetoInTrackFlag();
809 bhabha3DSelectionThetaFlag = m_obj_bhabha->get3DBhabhaSelectionThetaFlag();
810 taub2bFlag = (m_obj_bhabha->GetTaub2b(E_total)) ? 1 : 0;
811 taub2b2Flag = (m_obj_bhabha->GetTaub2b2(E_total)) ? 1 : 0;
812 taub2b3Flag = (m_obj_bhabha->GetTaub2b3(E_total)) ? 1 : 0;
814 //------------------------
815 // additional Bhabha veto
816 //------------------------
817 int bhabha_addition = m_obj_bhabha->GetBhabhaAddition();
818 //------------------------
819 // hie with additional Bhabha veto
820 //------------------------
821 int beambkgtag = 0;
822 beambkgtag = m_obj_beambkg->GetBeamBkg(thetaringsum);
824 int bit_hie_bhav = 0;
825 if (E_phys > 1.0) {
826 bit_hie_bhav |= (~bhabha_addition & 0x01) & (~bhabha_addition >> 4 & 0x01); // hie4
827 bit_hie_bhav <<= 1;
828 bit_hie_bhav |= (~bhabha_addition & 0x01) & (~bhabha_addition >> 3 & 0x01); // hie3
829 bit_hie_bhav <<= 1;
830 bit_hie_bhav |= (~bhabha_addition & 0x01) & (~bhabha_addition >> 2 & 0x01); // hie2
831 bit_hie_bhav <<= 1;
832 bit_hie_bhav |= (~bhabha_addition & 0x01) & (~bhabha_addition >> 1 & 0x01); // hie1
833 }
834 //-------------
835 // Make ECL Trigger Bit
836 //-------------
837 int hit = 1; // hit or not
838 int Timing = (int)(eventtiming + 0.5);
839 int RevoFAM = 0;
840 int TimingSource = m_obj_timing->GetTimingSource(); // FWD(0), Barrel(0), Backward(0);
841 int etot = (int)(E_phys * 1000 + 0.5); // total Energy in theta ID [2~15]
843 //int bhabha2D = BtoBTag ;
844 int physics = 0;
845 if ((etot > 1000 || icn > 3) && !(bhabha2D == 1)) {physics = 1;}
846 std::vector<int> bhabhabit;
847 bhabhabit.clear();
848 int bhabhabitsize = vct_bhabha.size();
849 for (int ibhabha = 0; ibhabha < bhabhabitsize; ibhabha++) {
850 bhabhabit.push_back((int)vct_bhabha[ibhabha]);
851 }
852 int ClusterOverflow = m_obj_cluster->getNofExceedCluster();
853 int flagoverflow = 0;
854 if (ClusterOverflow > 0) {
855 flagoverflow = 1;
856 }
858 makeTriggerBit(hit, Timing, 0, timingsource, E_phys, bhabha2D,
859 physics, bhabhabit, icn, beambkgtag, flagoverflow,
860 bhabha3D_veto, m_Lowmultibit, bhabha3D_sel, mumu,
861 bhabhaprescale, E_burst,
862 EventTimingQualityFlag,
863 bhabha3DVetoInTrackFlag,
864 bhabha3DSelectionThetaFlag,
865 taub2bFlag,
866 bit_hie_bhav,
867 taub2b2Flag,
868 taub2b3Flag);
870 //----------------------------------------------------
871 // ECL trigger
872 //----------------------------------------------------
873 // Integer GDL "Output word to GDL:"
874 // "bit0-2 = Etot1,2,3"
875 // "bit3 = Bhabha,"
876 // "bit4 = prescaled Bhabha,"
877 // "bit5-8 = ICN(3bits)+FORWARD(1bit) OR ICN(3+1 carry),"
878 // "bit9 = cosmic,"
879 // "bit10 = neutral timing trigger"
880 //
881 //------------------------------
882 // 2 10 16
883 //------------------------------
884 // 1 0000000000001 1 1 Etot1
885 // 2 0000000000010 2 2 Etot2
886 // 3 0000000000100 4 4 Etot3
887 // 4 0000000001000 8 8 Bhabha
888 // 5 0000000010000 16 10 preBhabha
889 // 6 0000000100000 32 20 ICN
890 // 7 0000001000000 64 40 ICN
891 // 8 0000010000000 128 80 ICN
892 // 9 0000100000000 256 100 ForwardICN
893 // 10 0001000000000 512 200 BeamBkgVeto
894 // 11 0010000000000 1024 400 Timing
895 //------------------------------
896 // int bitEtot1 = 0x0001;
897 // int bitEtot2 = 0x0002;
898 // int bitEtot3 = 0x0004;
899 // int bitBhabha = 0x0008;
900 // int bitPreBhabha = 0x0010;
901 // int bitForwardICN = 0x0100;
902 // int bitBeamBkgVeto = 0x0200;
903 // int bitTiming = 0x0400;
905 // bool boolEtot[3] = {false};
906 // if (E_phys > 1.0) boolEtot[1] = true;
907 // bool boolBhabha = (boolBtoBTag && icn > 4);
908 // bool boolPreBhabha = false;
909 // bool boolForwardICN = icnfwd;
910 // bool boolBeamBkgVeto = boolBeamBkgTag;
911 // int bit = 0;
912 // //
913 // // bit 5-7
914 // bit = (icn >= 7) ? 0x0007 : icn;
915 // bit <<= 5;
916 // // bit 0
917 // bit |= boolEtot[0] ? bitEtot1 : 0;
918 // // bit 1
919 // bit |= boolEtot[1] ? bitEtot2 : 0;
920 // // bit 2
921 // bit |= boolEtot[2] ? bitEtot3 : 0;
922 // // bit 3
923 // bit |= boolBhabha ? bitBhabha : 0;
924 // // bit 4
925 // bit |= boolPreBhabha ? bitPreBhabha : 0;
926 // // bit 8
927 // bit |= boolForwardICN ? bitForwardICN : 0;
928 // // bit 9
929 // bit |= boolBeamBkgVeto ? bitBeamBkgVeto : 0;
930 // // bit 10
931 // bit |= bitTiming;
932 //
933 // printf("bit = %i \n", bit);
934 //----------------------
935 // if (0){ // check bit by "binary" output
936 // int xxx = bit;
937 // int yyy = 0;
938 // int iii = 0;
939 // int ans = 0;
940 // while (xxx > 0) {
941 // yyy = xxx % 2;
942 // ans = ans + yyy * pow(10,iii);
943 // xxx = xxx / 2;
944 // iii = iii++;
945 // }
946 // printf("xxx = %i \n", ans);
947 // }
950 int m_hitEneNum = 0;
951 StoreArray<TRGECLTrg> trgEcltrgArray;
952 trgEcltrgArray.appendNew();
953 m_hitEneNum = trgEcltrgArray.getEntries() - 1;
954 //----------------------------------------------------
955 // Store
956 //----------------------------------------------------
957 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setEventId(m_nEvent);
958 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS01(phiringsum[0]);
959 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS02(phiringsum[1]);
960 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS03(phiringsum[2]);
961 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS04(phiringsum[3]);
962 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS05(phiringsum[4]);
963 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS06(phiringsum[5]);
964 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS07(phiringsum[6]);
965 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS08(phiringsum[7]);
966 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS09(phiringsum[8]);
967 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS10(phiringsum[9]);
968 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS11(phiringsum[10]);
969 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS12(phiringsum[11]);
970 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS13(phiringsum[12]);
971 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS14(phiringsum[13]);
972 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS15(phiringsum[14]);
973 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS16(phiringsum[15]);
974 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPRS17(phiringsum[16]);
975 //
976 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setEtot(E_phys);
977 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setNofTCHit(noftchit);
978 //
979 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha01(vct_bhabha[0]);
980 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha02(vct_bhabha[1]);
981 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha03(vct_bhabha[2]);
982 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha04(vct_bhabha[3]);
983 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha05(vct_bhabha[4]);
984 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha06(vct_bhabha[5]);
985 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha07(vct_bhabha[6]);
986 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha08(vct_bhabha[7]);
987 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha09(vct_bhabha[8]);
988 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha10(vct_bhabha[9]);
989 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha11(vct_bhabha[10]);
990 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha12(vct_bhabha[11]);
991 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha13(vct_bhabha[12]);
992 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha14(vct_bhabha[13]);
993 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha15(vct_bhabha[14]);
994 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha16(vct_bhabha[15]);
995 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha17(vct_bhabha[16]);
996 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabha18(vct_bhabha[17]);
997 //
998 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setICN(icn);
999 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setICNFw(icnfwd);
1000 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setICNBr(icnbr);
1001 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setICNBw(icnbwd);
1002 //
1003 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setECLtoGDL(m_Triggerbit[0], 0);
1004 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setECLtoGDL(m_Triggerbit[1], 1);
1005 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setECLtoGDL(m_Triggerbit[2], 2);
1006 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setECLtoGDL(m_Triggerbit[3], 3);
1008 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabhaVeto(bhabha2D);
1009 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBeamBkgVeto(beambkgtag);
1010 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setEventTiming(eventtiming);
1012 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setHit(hit);
1013 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setRevoclk(RevoFAM);
1014 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setTimingSource(TimingSource);
1015 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setPhysics(physics) ;
1016 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->set2DBhabha(bhabha2D);
1017 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->set3DBhabha(bhabha3D_veto);
1018 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->set3DBhabhaSel(bhabha3D_sel);
1019 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setmumuBit(mumu);
1020 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setBhabhaPrescaleBit(bhabhaprescale);
1022 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setELow(ELow) ;
1023 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setEHihg(EHigh);
1024 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setELum(ELum) ;
1025 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setClusterOverflow(ClusterOverflow) ;
1026 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setLowMultiBit(m_Lowmultibit);
1028 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->set3DBhabhaVetoInTrackFlag(m_obj_bhabha->get3DBhabhaVetoInTrackFlag());
1029 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->set3DBhabhaVetoClusterTCId(m_obj_bhabha->get3DBhabhaVetoClusterTCId(0), 0);
1030 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->set3DBhabhaVetoClusterTCId(m_obj_bhabha->get3DBhabhaVetoClusterTCId(1), 1);
1031 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->set3DBhabhaVetoClusterEnergy(m_obj_bhabha->get3DBhabhaVetoClusterEnergy(0), 0);
1032 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->set3DBhabhaVetoClusterEnergy(m_obj_bhabha->get3DBhabhaVetoClusterEnergy(1), 1);
1033 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->set3DBhabhaVetoClusterTiming(m_obj_bhabha->get3DBhabhaVetoClusterTiming(0), 0);
1034 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->set3DBhabhaVetoClusterTiming(m_obj_bhabha->get3DBhabhaVetoClusterTiming(1), 1);
1035 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->set3DBhabhaVetoClusterThetaId(m_obj_bhabha->get3DBhabhaVetoClusterThetaId(0), 0);
1036 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->set3DBhabhaVetoClusterThetaId(m_obj_bhabha->get3DBhabhaVetoClusterThetaId(1), 1);
1038 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->set3DBhabhaSelectionThetaFlag(m_obj_bhabha->get3DBhabhaSelectionThetaFlag());
1039 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->set3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTCId(m_obj_bhabha->get3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTCId(0), 0);
1040 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->set3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTCId(m_obj_bhabha->get3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTCId(1), 1);
1041 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->set3DBhabhaSelectionClusterEnergy(m_obj_bhabha->get3DBhabhaSelectionClusterEnergy(0), 0);
1042 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->set3DBhabhaSelectionClusterEnergy(m_obj_bhabha->get3DBhabhaSelectionClusterEnergy(1), 1);
1043 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->set3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTiming(m_obj_bhabha->get3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTiming(0), 0);
1044 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->set3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTiming(m_obj_bhabha->get3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTiming(1), 1);
1045 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->set3DBhabhaSelectionClusterThetaId(m_obj_bhabha->get3DBhabhaSelectionClusterThetaId(0), 0);
1046 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->set3DBhabhaSelectionClusterThetaId(m_obj_bhabha->get3DBhabhaSelectionClusterThetaId(1), 1);
1048 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setEventTimingQualityFlag(m_obj_timing->getEventTimingQualityFlag());
1049 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setEventTimingTCId(m_obj_timing->getEventTimingTCId());
1050 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setEventTimingTCThetaId(m_obj_timing->getEventTimingTCThetaId());
1051 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setEventTimingTCEnergy(m_obj_timing->getEventTimingTCEnergy());
1053 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setEtot1to17(E_total);
1054 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setTaub2bFlag(taub2bFlag);
1055 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setTaub2bAngleFlag(m_obj_bhabha->getTaub2bAngleFlag());
1056 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setTaub2bEtotFlag(m_obj_bhabha->getTaub2bEtotFlag());
1057 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setTaub2bClusterEFlag(m_obj_bhabha->getTaub2bClusterEFlag());
1059 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setNofCluster1to17(NofCluster1to17);
1061 trgEcltrgArray[m_hitEneNum]->setDataClockWindowStartTime(WindowStart);
1063 return;
int getMaxThetaId()
The method to set Theta Id of maximum TC in Cluster.
int getTaub2bAngleFlag(void)
get taub2b 2 cluster angle cut flag
Definition: TrgEclBhabha.h:236
int getTaub2bEtotFlag(void)
get total energy(TC theta id=1-17) flag for taub2b
Definition: TrgEclBhabha.h:238
double get3DBhabhaVetoClusterTiming(int cl_idx)
get each cluster timing of two clusters of 3D Bhabha veto (ns)
Definition: TrgEclBhabha.h:183
int GetBhabhaAddition(void)
Additional Bhabha veto.
double get3DBhabhaSelectionClusterEnergy(int cl_idx)
get each cluster energy of two clusters of 3D Bhabha selection (GeV)
Definition: TrgEclBhabha.h:220
double get3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTiming(int cl_idx)
get each cluster timing of two clusters of 3D Bhabha selection (ns)
Definition: TrgEclBhabha.h:228
int get3DBhabhaSelectionClusterThetaId(int cl_idx)
get each TC theta ID(most energetic TC in a cluster) of two clusters of 3D Bhabha selection
Definition: TrgEclBhabha.h:212
int get3DBhabhaVetoClusterThetaId(int cl_idx)
get each TC theta ID(most energetic TC in a cluster) of two clusters of 3D Bhabha veto
Definition: TrgEclBhabha.h:167
int getTaub2bClusterEFlag(void)
taub2b Cluster energy flag
Definition: TrgEclBhabha.h:240
double get3DBhabhaVetoClusterEnergy(int cl_idx)
get each cluster energy of two clusters of 3D Bhabha veto (GeV)
Definition: TrgEclBhabha.h:175
int get3DBhabhaVetoClusterTCId(int cl_idx)
get each TCID(most energetic TC in a cluster) of two clusters of 3D Bhabha veto
Definition: TrgEclBhabha.h:158
void set3DBhabhaVetoInTrackThetaRegion(const std::vector< int > &i3DBhabhaVetoInTrackThetaRegion)
set ThetaID (low and high) for 3DBhabhaVetoInTrack
Definition: TrgEclBhabha.h:105
int get3DBhabhaSelectionClusterTCId(int cl_idx)
get each TCID(most energetic TC in a cluster) of two clusters of 3D Bhabha selection
Definition: TrgEclBhabha.h:203
int getNofCluster()
0 : center , 1; upper , 2: right , 3: lower , 4: lower right
Definition: TrgEclCluster.h:95

◆ version()

std::string version ( void  ) const

returns version.

Definition at line 132 of file

134 return std::string("TrgEclMaster 2.1");

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_2DBhabhaThresholdBWD

std::vector<double> m_2DBhabhaThresholdBWD

2D Bhabha Energy Threshold

Definition at line 279 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_2DBhabhaThresholdFWD

std::vector<double> m_2DBhabhaThresholdFWD

2D Bhabha Energy Threshold

Definition at line 277 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_3DBhabhaAddAngleCut

std::vector<double> m_3DBhabhaAddAngleCut

Angle selection of additional Bhabha addition in CM frame.

Definition at line 293 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_3DBhabhaSelectionAngle

std::vector<double> m_3DBhabhaSelectionAngle

3D Selection Bhabha Energy Angle

Definition at line 285 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_3DBhabhaSelectionThreshold

std::vector<double> m_3DBhabhaSelectionThreshold

3D Selection Bhabha Energy Threshold

Definition at line 281 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_3DBhabhaVetoAngle

std::vector<double> m_3DBhabhaVetoAngle

3D Veto Bhabha Energy Angle

Definition at line 287 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_3DBhabhaVetoInTrackThetaRegion

std::vector<int> m_3DBhabhaVetoInTrackThetaRegion

Theta region (low, high) of 3D Bhabha Veto InTrack.

Definition at line 332 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_3DBhabhaVetoThreshold

std::vector<double> m_3DBhabhaVetoThreshold

3D Veto Bhabha Energy Threshold

Definition at line 283 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_Bhabha

int m_Bhabha

Bhabha option.

Definition at line 260 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_Clustering

int m_Clustering

clutering option

Definition at line 258 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_ClusterLimit

int m_ClusterLimit

The limit number of Cluster.

Definition at line 266 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_ECLBurstThreshold

double m_ECLBurstThreshold

ECL Burst Bit Threshold.

Definition at line 326 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_EventTiming

int m_EventTiming

EventTiming option.

Definition at line 262 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_EventTimingQualityThresholds

std::vector<double> m_EventTimingQualityThresholds

energy threshold(low, high) for quality flag (GeV)

Definition at line 334 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_HitTCId

std::vector<int> m_HitTCId

Hit TC Energy in time window.

Definition at line 234 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_Lowmultibit

int m_Lowmultibit

Low Multiplicity bit.

Definition at line 270 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_LowMultiThreshold

std::vector<double> m_LowMultiThreshold

Low Multiplicity Threshold.

Definition at line 330 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_mumuAngle

std::vector<double> m_mumuAngle

mumu bit Angle

Definition at line 291 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_mumuThreshold

double m_mumuThreshold

mumu bit Energy Threshold

Definition at line 289 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_n300MeVCluster

int m_n300MeVCluster

The number of Cluster exceeding 300 MeV.

Definition at line 324 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_NofTopTC

int m_NofTopTC

of considered TC in energy weighted Timing method

Definition at line 264 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_obj_beambkg

TrgEclBeamBKG* m_obj_beambkg

Beam Backgroud veto object.

Definition at line 345 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_obj_bhabha

TrgEclBhabha* m_obj_bhabha

Bhabha object.

Definition at line 343 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_obj_cluster

TrgEclCluster* m_obj_cluster

Cluster object.

Definition at line 339 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_obj_database

TrgEclDataBase* m_obj_database

Beam Backgroud veto object.

Definition at line 347 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_obj_map

TrgEclMapping* m_obj_map

Mapping object.

Definition at line 337 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_obj_timing

TrgEclTiming* m_obj_timing

EventTiming object.

Definition at line 341 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_OverlapWindow

double m_OverlapWindow

TRG Decision overlap window.

Definition at line 255 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_PhiRingSum

std::vector< std::vector<double> > m_PhiRingSum

Phi ring sum.

Definition at line 243 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_PrescaleCounter

int m_PrescaleCounter

Bhabha Prescale Countor.

Definition at line 274 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_PrescaleFactor

int m_PrescaleFactor

Bhabha Prescale Factor.

Definition at line 272 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_taub2b2AngleCut

std::vector<int> m_taub2b2AngleCut

taub2b2 angle selection(degree) (3,2,1,0) = (dphi low, dphi high, theta_sum low, theta_sum high)

Definition at line 305 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_taub2b2CLECut

double m_taub2b2CLECut

taub2b2 cluseter energy cut (GeV)

Definition at line 311 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_taub2b2CLEEndcapCut

double m_taub2b2CLEEndcapCut

taub2b2 cluster energy cut for endcap cluster (GeV)

Definition at line 309 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_taub2b2EtotCut

double m_taub2b2EtotCut

taub2b2 total energy (TC theta ID =1-17) (GeV)

Definition at line 307 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_taub2b3AngleCut

std::vector<int> m_taub2b3AngleCut

taub2b3 selection cuts (3,2,1,0) = (dphi low, dphi high, theta_sum low, theta_sum high)

Definition at line 314 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_taub2b3CLEb2bCut

double m_taub2b3CLEb2bCut

taub2b3 cluster energy cut in lab for one of b2b clusters (GeV)

Definition at line 318 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_taub2b3CLEHighCut

double m_taub2b3CLEHighCut

taub2b3 cluster energy high cut in lab for all clusters (GeV)

Definition at line 322 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_taub2b3CLELowCut

double m_taub2b3CLELowCut

taub2b3 cluster energy low cut in lab for all clusters (GeV)

Definition at line 320 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_taub2b3EtotCut

double m_taub2b3EtotCut

taub2b3 total energy (TC theta ID =1-17) (GeV)

Definition at line 316 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_taub2bAngleCut

std::vector<int> m_taub2bAngleCut

tau b2b 2 cluster angle cut (degree) (dphi low, dphi high, theta_sum low, theta_sum high)

Definition at line 296 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_taub2bClusterECut1

double m_taub2bClusterECut1

taub2b one Cluster energy selection (GeV)

Definition at line 300 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_taub2bClusterECut2

double m_taub2bClusterECut2

taub2b one Cluster energy selection (GeV)

Definition at line 302 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_taub2bEtotCut

double m_taub2bEtotCut

tau b2b total energy (TC theta ID =1-17) (GeV)

Definition at line 298 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_TCBeamBkgTag

std::vector<std::vector<int> > m_TCBeamBkgTag

Hit TC Beam Background tag.

Definition at line 231 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_TCEnergy

std::vector<std::vector<double> > m_TCEnergy

Hit TC Energy.

Definition at line 227 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_TCHitBeamBkgTag

std::vector<int> m_TCHitBeamBkgTag

Hit TC Beam Background tag in time window.

Definition at line 240 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_TCHitEnergy

std::vector<double> m_TCHitEnergy

Hit TC Energy in time window.

Definition at line 236 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_TCHitTiming

std::vector<double> m_TCHitTiming

Hit TC Timing in time window.

Definition at line 238 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_TCTiming

std::vector<std::vector<double> > m_TCTiming

Hit TC Timing.

Definition at line 229 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_ThetaRingSum

std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<double> > > m_ThetaRingSum

Theta ring sum.

Definition at line 245 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_TimeWindow

double m_TimeWindow

Hit TC Energy in time window.

Hit TC Timing in time window TRG Decision Time window

Definition at line 253 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_TotalEnergy

std::vector<double> m_TotalEnergy

Total Energy Theshold (low, high, lum)

Definition at line 328 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

◆ m_Triggerbit

int m_Triggerbit[4]

ECL Trigger bit.

Definition at line 268 of file TrgEclMaster.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: