Belle II Software development
KLMK0LPlotModule Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for KLMK0LPlotModule:

Public Member Functions

def __init__ (self, output_file, evtgen, check_eklm)
def event (self)
def terminate (self)

Public Attributes

 True for evtgen events, false for particle gun.
 Whether to check if cluster is in EKLM.
 Output file.
 Number of K0L histogram.
 X resolution histogram.
 Y resolution histogram.
 Z resolution histogram.
 Time resolution histogram.
 Momentum resolution histogram.
 Momentum theta resolution histogram.
 Momentum phi resolution histogram.
 Covariance matrix histogram.
 Correlation matrix histogram.
 Average vertex.
 Vertex list.
 Average momentum.
 Energy list.

Detailed Description

 Class for creation of KLM K0L validation plots. 

Definition at line 27 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __init__()

def __init__ (   self,

Definition at line 30 of file

30 def __init__(self, output_file, evtgen, check_eklm):
31 """Initialization."""
32 super().__init__()
34 self.evtgen = evtgen
36 self.check_eklm = check_eklm
38 self.output_file = ROOT.TFile(output_file, 'recreate')
39 contact = 'Leo Piilonen ('
41 self.hist_nkl = ROOT.TH1F('k0l_number',
42 'Number of KLM clusters per 1 MC particle',
43 5, -0.5, 4.5)
44 self.hist_nkl.SetXTitle('KLM clusters')
45 self.hist_nkl.SetYTitle('Events')
46 functions = self.hist_nkl.GetListOfFunctions()
47 functions.Add(TNamed('Description', 'Number of KLM clusters per 1 MC particle'))
48 functions.Add(TNamed('Check', 'No efficiency decrease or multiple candidates \
49 increase'))
50 functions.Add(TNamed('Contact', contact))
51 functions.Add(TNamed('MetaOptions', 'shifter'))
53 self.hist_xres = ROOT.TH1F('k0l_xres',
54 'KLM K0L decay vertex X resolution',
55 100, -50, 50)
56 self.hist_xres.SetXTitle('cm')
57 self.hist_xres.SetYTitle('Events')
58 functions = self.hist_xres.GetListOfFunctions()
59 functions.Add(TNamed('Description', 'X resolution'))
60 functions.Add(TNamed('Check', 'No bias, resolution ~ 16 cm.'))
61 functions.Add(TNamed('Contact', contact))
62 functions.Add(TNamed('MetaOptions', 'shifter'))
64 self.hist_yres = ROOT.TH1F('k0l_yres',
65 'KLM K0L decay vertex Y resolution',
66 100, -50, 50)
67 self.hist_yres.SetXTitle('cm')
68 self.hist_yres.SetYTitle('Events')
69 functions = self.hist_yres.GetListOfFunctions()
70 functions.Add(TNamed('Description', 'Y resolution'))
71 functions.Add(TNamed('Check', 'No bias, resolution ~ 16 cm.'))
72 functions.Add(TNamed('Contact', contact))
73 functions.Add(TNamed('MetaOptions', 'shifter'))
75 self.hist_zres = ROOT.TH1F('k0l_zres',
76 'KLM K0L decay vertex Z resolution',
77 100, -50, 50)
78 self.hist_zres.SetXTitle('cm')
79 self.hist_zres.SetYTitle('Events')
80 functions = self.hist_zres.GetListOfFunctions()
81 functions.Add(TNamed('Description', 'Z resolution'))
82 functions.Add(TNamed('Check', 'No bias, resolution ~ 16 cm.'))
83 functions.Add(TNamed('Contact', contact))
84 functions.Add(TNamed('MetaOptions', 'shifter'))
86 self.hist_tres = ROOT.TH1F('k0l_tres',
87 'KLM K0L decay time resolution',
88 100, -15., 15.)
89 self.hist_tres.SetXTitle('ns')
90 self.hist_tres.SetYTitle('Events')
91 functions = self.hist_tres.GetListOfFunctions()
92 functions.Add(TNamed('Description', 'Time resolution'))
93 functions.Add(TNamed('Check', 'No bias.'))
94 functions.Add(TNamed('Contact', contact))
95 functions.Add(TNamed('MetaOptions', 'shifter'))
97 self.hist_pres = ROOT.TH1F('k0l_pres',
98 'KLM K0L momentum resolution',
99 100, -3., 3.)
100 self.hist_pres.SetXTitle('GeV')
101 self.hist_pres.SetYTitle('Events')
102 functions = self.hist_pres.GetListOfFunctions()
103 functions.Add(TNamed('Description', 'Momentum resolution'))
104 functions.Add(TNamed('Check', 'No bias.'))
105 functions.Add(TNamed('Contact', contact))
106 functions.Add(TNamed('MetaOptions', 'shifter'))
108 self.hist_ptres = ROOT.TH1F('k0l_ptres',
109 'KLM K0L momentum theta resolution',
110 100, -0.2, 0.2)
111 self.hist_ptres.SetXTitle('rad')
112 self.hist_ptres.SetYTitle('Events')
113 functions = self.hist_ptres.GetListOfFunctions()
114 functions.Add(TNamed('Description', 'Momentum theta resolution'))
115 functions.Add(TNamed('Check', 'No bias, resolution ~ 0.06'))
116 functions.Add(TNamed('Contact', contact))
117 functions.Add(TNamed('MetaOptions', 'shifter'))
119 self.hist_ppres = ROOT.TH1F('k0l_ppres',
120 'KLM K0L momentum phi resolution',
121 100, -0.2, 0.2)
122 self.hist_ppres.SetXTitle('rad')
123 self.hist_ppres.SetYTitle('Events')
124 functions = self.hist_ppres.GetListOfFunctions()
125 functions.Add(TNamed('Description', 'Momentum phi resolution'))
126 functions.Add(TNamed('Check', 'No bias, resolution ~ 0.07'))
127 functions.Add(TNamed('Contact', contact))
128 functions.Add(TNamed('MetaOptions', 'shifter'))
130 self.hist_covmat = ROOT.TH1F('k0l_covmat',
131 'KLM K0L coordinates covariance matrix',
132 6, 0, 1)
133 self.hist_covmat.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(1, 'xx')
134 self.hist_covmat.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(2, 'xy')
135 self.hist_covmat.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(3, 'xz')
136 self.hist_covmat.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(4, 'yy')
137 self.hist_covmat.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(5, 'yz')
138 self.hist_covmat.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(6, 'zz')
139 self.hist_covmat.SetYTitle('Covariance, cm^{2}')
140 functions = self.hist_covmat.GetListOfFunctions()
141 functions.Add(TNamed('Description', 'Momentum phi resolution'))
142 functions.Add(TNamed('Check', 'No large off-diagonal elements.'))
143 functions.Add(TNamed('Contact', contact))
144 functions.Add(TNamed('MetaOptions', 'shifter'))
146 self.hist_corrmat = ROOT.TH1F('k0l_corrmat',
147 'KLM K0L correlation matrix',
148 10, 0, 1)
149 self.hist_corrmat.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(1, 'xx')
150 self.hist_corrmat.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(2, 'xy')
151 self.hist_corrmat.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(3, 'xz')
152 self.hist_corrmat.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(4, 'xp')
153 self.hist_corrmat.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(5, 'yy')
154 self.hist_corrmat.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(6, 'yz')
155 self.hist_corrmat.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(7, 'yp')
156 self.hist_corrmat.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(8, 'zz')
157 self.hist_corrmat.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(9, 'zp')
158 self.hist_corrmat.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(10, 'pp')
159 self.hist_corrmat.SetYTitle('Correlation coefficient')
160 functions = self.hist_corrmat.GetListOfFunctions()
161 functions.Add(TNamed('Description', 'Momentum phi resolution'))
162 functions.Add(TNamed('Check', 'No large off-diagonal elements.'))
163 functions.Add(TNamed('Contact', contact))
164 functions.Add(TNamed('MetaOptions', 'shifter'))
166 self.vertex_k_av = XYZVector(0, 0, 0)
168 self.vertex = []
170 self.momentum_av = 0
172 self.momentum = []

Member Function Documentation

◆ event()

def event (   self)
 Event function. 

Definition at line 174 of file

174 def event(self):
175 """ Event function. """
176 mc_particles = Belle2.PyStoreArray('MCParticles')
177 for mc_particle in mc_particles:
178 # Select K_L0.
179 if (mc_particle.getPDG() != 130):
180 continue
181 # Select primary K_L0.
182 if (self.evtgen):
183 b_pdg = abs(mc_particle.getMother().getPDG())
184 if (not(b_pdg == 511)):
185 continue
186 else:
187 if (mc_particle.getProductionTime() > 0):
188 continue
189 vertex = mc_particle.getDecayVertex()
190 time = mc_particle.getDecayTime()
191 momentum = mc_particle.getMomentum()
192 if (self.check_eklm):
193 x = vertex.X()
194 y = vertex.Y()
195 z = vertex.Z()
196 r = math.sqrt(x * x + y * y)
197 if (r < 132.5 or r > 329.0):
198 continue
199 if (abs(x) < 8.2 or abs(y) < 8.2):
200 continue
201 if (not((z > -315.1 and z < -183.0) or
202 (z > 277.0 and z < 409.1))):
203 continue
204 klm_clusters = mc_particle.getRelationsFrom('KLMClusters')
205 self.hist_nkl.Fill(len(klm_clusters))
206 for klm_cluster in klm_clusters:
207 vertex_k = XYZVector(klm_cluster.getClusterPosition()) - vertex
208 self.vertex.append(vertex_k)
209 self.vertex_k_av = self.vertex_k_av + vertex_k
210 self.momentum.append(klm_cluster.getMomentumMag())
211 self.momentum_av = self.momentum_av + \
212 klm_cluster.getMomentumMag()
213 time_k = klm_cluster.getTime()
214 four_momentum_k = klm_cluster.getMomentum()
215 self.hist_xres.Fill(vertex_k.X())
216 self.hist_yres.Fill(vertex_k.Y())
217 self.hist_zres.Fill(vertex_k.Z())
218 self.hist_tres.Fill(time_k - time)
219 self.hist_pres.Fill(four_momentum_k.P() - momentum.R())
220 self.hist_ptres.Fill(four_momentum_k.Theta() - momentum.Theta())
221 self.hist_ppres.Fill(four_momentum_k.Phi() - momentum.Phi())
A (simplified) python wrapper for StoreArray.
Definition: PyStoreArray.h:72

◆ terminate()

def terminate (   self)
 Termination function. 

Definition at line 223 of file

223 def terminate(self):
224 """ Termination function. """
225 self.vertex_k_av = self.vertex_k_av * (1.0 / len(self.vertex))
226 self.momentum_av = self.momentum_av * (1.0 / len(self.vertex))
227 # x, y, z, e
228 cov_mat = numpy.zeros((4, 4))
229 cov_mat_err = numpy.zeros((4, 4))
230 corr_mat = numpy.zeros((4, 4))
231 corr_mat_err = numpy.zeros((4, 4))
232 for i in range(len(self.vertex)):
233 cov_mat[0][0] = cov_mat[0][0] + \
234 (self.vertex[i].X() - self.vertex_k_av.X()) * \
235 (self.vertex[i].X() - self.vertex_k_av.X())
236 cov_mat[0][1] = cov_mat[0][1] + \
237 (self.vertex[i].X() - self.vertex_k_av.X()) * \
238 (self.vertex[i].Y() - self.vertex_k_av.Y())
239 cov_mat[0][2] = cov_mat[0][2] + \
240 (self.vertex[i].X() - self.vertex_k_av.X()) * \
241 (self.vertex[i].Z() - self.vertex_k_av.Z())
242 cov_mat[0][3] = cov_mat[0][3] + \
243 (self.vertex[i].X() - self.vertex_k_av.X()) * \
244 (self.momentum[i] - self.momentum_av)
245 cov_mat[1][1] = cov_mat[1][1] + \
246 (self.vertex[i].Y() - self.vertex_k_av.Y()) * \
247 (self.vertex[i].Y() - self.vertex_k_av.Y())
248 cov_mat[1][2] = cov_mat[1][2] + \
249 (self.vertex[i].Y() - self.vertex_k_av.Y()) * \
250 (self.vertex[i].Z() - self.vertex_k_av.Z())
251 cov_mat[1][3] = cov_mat[1][3] + \
252 (self.vertex[i].Y() - self.vertex_k_av.Y()) * \
253 (self.momentum[i] - self.momentum_av)
254 cov_mat[2][2] = cov_mat[2][2] + \
255 (self.vertex[i].Z() - self.vertex_k_av.Z()) * \
256 (self.vertex[i].Z() - self.vertex_k_av.Z())
257 cov_mat[2][3] = cov_mat[2][3] + \
258 (self.vertex[i].Z() - self.vertex_k_av.Z()) * \
259 (self.momentum[i] - self.momentum_av)
260 cov_mat[3][3] = cov_mat[3][3] + \
261 (self.momentum[i] - self.momentum_av) * \
262 (self.momentum[i] - self.momentum_av)
263 for i in range(0, 4):
264 for j in range(i, 4):
265 cov_mat[i][j] = cov_mat[i][j] / (len(self.vertex) - 1)
266 for i in range(len(self.vertex)):
267 cov_mat_err[0][0] = cov_mat_err[0][0] + \
268 pow((self.vertex[i].X() - self.vertex_k_av.X()) *
269 (self.vertex[i].X() - self.vertex_k_av.X()) - cov_mat[0][0], 2)
270 cov_mat_err[0][1] = cov_mat_err[0][1] + \
271 pow((self.vertex[i].X() - self.vertex_k_av.X()) *
272 (self.vertex[i].Y() - self.vertex_k_av.Y()) - cov_mat[0][1], 2)
273 cov_mat_err[0][2] = cov_mat_err[0][2] + \
274 pow((self.vertex[i].X() - self.vertex_k_av.X()) *
275 (self.vertex[i].Z() - self.vertex_k_av.Z()) - cov_mat[0][2], 2)
276 cov_mat_err[0][3] = cov_mat_err[0][3] + \
277 pow((self.vertex[i].X() - self.vertex_k_av.X()) *
278 (self.momentum[i] - self.momentum_av) - cov_mat[0][3], 2)
279 cov_mat_err[1][1] = cov_mat_err[1][1] + \
280 pow((self.vertex[i].Y() - self.vertex_k_av.Y()) *
281 (self.vertex[i].Y() - self.vertex_k_av.Y()) - cov_mat[1][1], 2)
282 cov_mat_err[1][2] = cov_mat_err[1][2] + \
283 pow((self.vertex[i].Y() - self.vertex_k_av.Y()) *
284 (self.vertex[i].Z() - self.vertex_k_av.Z()) - cov_mat[1][2], 2)
285 cov_mat_err[1][3] = cov_mat_err[1][3] + \
286 pow((self.vertex[i].Y() - self.vertex_k_av.Y()) *
287 (self.momentum[i] - self.momentum_av) - cov_mat[1][3], 2)
288 cov_mat_err[2][2] = cov_mat_err[2][2] + \
289 pow((self.vertex[i].Z() - self.vertex_k_av.Z()) *
290 (self.vertex[i].Z() - self.vertex_k_av.Z()) - cov_mat[2][2], 2)
291 cov_mat_err[2][3] = cov_mat_err[2][3] + \
292 pow((self.vertex[i].Z() - self.vertex_k_av.Z()) *
293 (self.momentum[i] - self.momentum_av) - cov_mat[2][3], 2)
294 cov_mat_err[3][3] = cov_mat_err[3][3] + \
295 pow((self.momentum[i] - self.momentum_av) *
296 (self.momentum[i] - self.momentum_av) - cov_mat[3][3], 2)
297 for i in range(0, 4):
298 for j in range(i, 4):
299 cov_mat_err[i][j] = \
300 math.sqrt(cov_mat_err[i][j] /
301 ((len(self.vertex) - 2) * len(self.vertex)))
302 self.hist_covmat.SetBinContent(1, cov_mat[0][0])
303 self.hist_covmat.SetBinContent(2, cov_mat[0][1])
304 self.hist_covmat.SetBinContent(3, cov_mat[0][2])
305 self.hist_covmat.SetBinContent(4, cov_mat[1][1])
306 self.hist_covmat.SetBinContent(5, cov_mat[1][2])
307 self.hist_covmat.SetBinContent(6, cov_mat[2][2])
308 self.hist_covmat.SetBinError(1, cov_mat_err[0][0])
309 self.hist_covmat.SetBinError(2, cov_mat_err[0][1])
310 self.hist_covmat.SetBinError(3, cov_mat_err[0][2])
311 self.hist_covmat.SetBinError(4, cov_mat_err[1][1])
312 self.hist_covmat.SetBinError(5, cov_mat_err[1][2])
313 self.hist_covmat.SetBinError(6, cov_mat_err[2][2])
314 for i in range(0, 4):
315 for j in range(i, 4):
316 corr_mat[i][j] = cov_mat[i][j] / \
317 math.sqrt(cov_mat[i][i]) / math.sqrt(cov_mat[j][j])
318 # Normalization error is not taken into account.
319 corr_mat_err[i][j] = cov_mat_err[i][j] / cov_mat[i][j] * \
320 corr_mat[i][j]
321 self.hist_corrmat.SetBinContent(1, corr_mat[0][0])
322 self.hist_corrmat.SetBinContent(2, corr_mat[0][1])
323 self.hist_corrmat.SetBinContent(3, corr_mat[0][2])
324 self.hist_corrmat.SetBinContent(4, corr_mat[0][3])
325 self.hist_corrmat.SetBinContent(5, corr_mat[1][1])
326 self.hist_corrmat.SetBinContent(6, corr_mat[1][2])
327 self.hist_corrmat.SetBinContent(7, corr_mat[1][3])
328 self.hist_corrmat.SetBinContent(8, corr_mat[2][2])
329 self.hist_corrmat.SetBinContent(9, corr_mat[2][3])
330 self.hist_corrmat.SetBinContent(10, corr_mat[3][3])
331 self.hist_corrmat.SetBinError(1, corr_mat_err[0][0])
332 self.hist_corrmat.SetBinError(2, corr_mat_err[0][1])
333 self.hist_corrmat.SetBinError(3, corr_mat_err[0][2])
334 self.hist_corrmat.SetBinError(4, corr_mat_err[0][3])
335 self.hist_corrmat.SetBinError(5, corr_mat_err[1][1])
336 self.hist_corrmat.SetBinError(6, corr_mat_err[1][2])
337 self.hist_corrmat.SetBinError(7, corr_mat_err[1][3])
338 self.hist_corrmat.SetBinError(8, corr_mat_err[2][2])
339 self.hist_corrmat.SetBinError(9, corr_mat_err[2][3])
340 self.hist_corrmat.SetBinError(10, corr_mat_err[3][3])
342 self.hist_nkl.Write()
343 self.hist_xres.Write()
344 self.hist_yres.Write()
345 self.hist_zres.Write()
346 self.hist_tres.Write()
347 self.hist_pres.Write()
348 self.hist_ptres.Write()
349 self.hist_ppres.Write()
350 self.hist_covmat.Write()
351 self.hist_corrmat.Write()
352 self.output_file.Close()

Member Data Documentation

◆ check_eklm


Whether to check if cluster is in EKLM.

Definition at line 36 of file

◆ evtgen


True for evtgen events, false for particle gun.

Definition at line 34 of file

◆ hist_corrmat


Correlation matrix histogram.

Definition at line 146 of file

◆ hist_covmat


Covariance matrix histogram.

Definition at line 130 of file

◆ hist_nkl


Number of K0L histogram.

Definition at line 41 of file

◆ hist_ppres


Momentum phi resolution histogram.

Definition at line 119 of file

◆ hist_pres


Momentum resolution histogram.

Definition at line 97 of file

◆ hist_ptres


Momentum theta resolution histogram.

Definition at line 108 of file

◆ hist_tres


Time resolution histogram.

Definition at line 86 of file

◆ hist_xres


X resolution histogram.

Definition at line 53 of file

◆ hist_yres


Y resolution histogram.

Definition at line 64 of file

◆ hist_zres


Z resolution histogram.

Definition at line 75 of file

◆ momentum


Energy list.

Definition at line 172 of file

◆ momentum_av


Average momentum.

Definition at line 170 of file

◆ output_file


Output file.

Definition at line 38 of file

◆ vertex


Vertex list.

Definition at line 168 of file

◆ vertex_k_av


Average vertex.

Definition at line 166 of file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: