Belle II Software development
Cluster Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Cluster:

Public Member Functions

def __init__ (self)
 The default constructor.
def adjust_path (self, str path)
 This method can be used if path names are different on submission and execution hosts.
def available (self)
 The cluster should always be available to accept new jobs.
def execute (self, Script job, options="", dry=False, tag="current")
 Takes a Script object and a string with options and runs it on the cluster, either with ROOT or with basf2, depending on the file type.
def is_job_finished (self, Script job)
 Checks whether the '.done'-file has been created for a job.

Static Public Member Functions

def is_supported ()
def name ()
def description ()

Public Attributes

 The command to submit a job.
 required vmem by the job in GB, required on DESY NAF, otherwise jobs get killed due to memory consumption
 the storage IO in GB which can be performed by each job.
 Queue best suitable for execution at DESY NAF.

Detailed Description

A class that provides the controls for running jobs on a (remote)
Sun Grid Engine cluster. It provides two methods:
- is_job_finished(job): Returns True or False, depending on whether the job
    has finished execution
- execute(job): Takes a job and executes it by sending it to the cluster

Definition at line 19 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __init__()

def __init__ (   self)

The default constructor.

  • Holds the current working directory, which is also the location of the shellscripts that are being sent to the cluster.
  • Initializes a logger which writes to's log.
  • Finds the revision of basf2 that will be set up on the cluster.

Reimplemented from ClusterBase.

Definition at line 62 of file

62 def __init__(self):
63 """!
64 The default constructor.
65 - Holds the current working directory, which is also the location of
66 the shellscripts that are being sent to the cluster.
67 - Initializes a logger which writes to's log.
68 - Finds the revision of basf2 that will be set up on the cluster.
69 """
73 self.native_spec = (
74 "-l h_vmem={requirement_vmem}G,h_fsize={"
75 "requirement_storage}G "
76 "-q {queuename} -V"
77 )
81 self.requirement_vmem = 4
86 self.requirement_storage = 50
89 self.queuename = "short.q"
91 # call the base constructor, which will setup the batch cluster
92 # common stuff
93 super().__init__()

Member Function Documentation

◆ adjust_path()

def adjust_path (   self,
str  path 

This method can be used if path names are different on submission and execution hosts.

pathThe past that needs to be adjusted
: The adjusted path

Reimplemented from ClusterBase.

Definition at line 96 of file

96 def adjust_path(self, path: str):
97 """!
98 This method can be used if path names are different on submission
99 and execution hosts.
100 @param path: The past that needs to be adjusted
101 @return: The adjusted path
102 """
104 return path

◆ available()

def available (   self)

The cluster should always be available to accept new jobs.

: Will always return True if the function can be called

Definition at line 107 of file

107 def available(self):
108 """!
109 The cluster should always be available to accept new jobs.
110 @return: Will always return True if the function can be called
111 """
113 return True

◆ description()

def description ( )
Returns description of this job control

Definition at line 56 of file

56 def description():
57 """
58 Returns description of this job control
59 """
60 return "Batch submission via the drmaa interface to Grid Engine"

◆ execute()

def execute (   self,
Script  job,
  options = "",
  dry = False,
  tag = "current" 

Takes a Script object and a string with options and runs it on the cluster, either with ROOT or with basf2, depending on the file type.

jobThe steering file object that should be executed
optionsOptions that will be given to the basf2 command
dryWhether to perform a dry run or not
tagThe folder within the results directory
: None

Definition at line 115 of file

115 def execute(self, job: Script, options="", dry=False, tag="current"):
116 """!
117 Takes a Script object and a string with options and runs it on the
118 cluster, either with ROOT or with basf2, depending on the file type.
120 @param job: The steering file object that should be executed
121 @param options: Options that will be given to the basf2 command
122 @param dry: Whether to perform a dry run or not
123 @param tag: The folder within the results directory
124 @return: None
125 """
127 # import here first so the whole module can also be imported on python
128 # installations which have no drmaa at all
129 import drmaa
131 print(str(drmaa.Session()))
133 with drmaa.Session() as session:
134 print("got session ")
135 print(str(session))
137 shell_script_name = self.prepareSubmission(job, options, tag)
139 # native specification with all the good settings for the batch
140 # server
141 native_spec_string = self.native_spec.format(
142 requirement_storage=self.requirement_storage,
143 requirement_vmem=self.requirement_vmem,
144 queuename=self.queuename,
145 )
146 print(
147 f"Creating job template for wrapper script {shell_script_name}"
148 )
149 jt = session.createJobTemplate()
150 jt.remoteCommand = shell_script_name
151 jt.joinFiles = True
152 jt.nativeSpecification = native_spec_string
154 if not dry:
155 jobid = session.runJob(jt)
156 self.logger.debug(
157 f"Script {} started with job id {jobid}"
158 )
159 job.job_id = jobid
161 session.deleteJobTemplate(jt)
162 return

◆ is_job_finished()

def is_job_finished (   self,
Script  job 

Checks whether the '.done'-file has been created for a job.

If so, it returns True, else it returns False. Also deletes the .done-File once it has returned True.

jobThe job of which we want to know if it finished
: (True if the job has finished, exit code). If we can't find the exit code in the '.done'-file, the returncode will be -654. If the job is not finished, the exit code is returned as 0.

Definition at line 164 of file

164 def is_job_finished(self, job: Script):
165 """!
166 Checks whether the '.done'-file has been created for a job. If so, it
167 returns True, else it returns False.
168 Also deletes the .done-File once it has returned True.
170 @param job: The job of which we want to know if it finished
171 @return: (True if the job has finished, exit code). If we can't find the
172 exit code in the '.done'-file, the returncode will be -654.
173 If the job is not finished, the exit code is returned as 0.
174 """
176 # import here first so the whole module can also be imported on python
177 # installations which have no drmaa at all
178 import drmaa
180 if job.job_id is None:
181 print(
182 "Job has not been started with cluster drmaaa because "
183 "job id is missing"
184 )
185 sys.exit(0)
187 with drmaa.Session() as session:
189 # some batch server will forget completed jobs right away
190 try:
191 status = session.jobStatus(job.job_id)
192 except drmaa.errors.InvalidJobException:
193 print(
194 f"Job info for jobid {job.job_id} cannot be retrieved, assuming job has terminated"
195 )
197 (donefile_exists, donefile_returncode) = self.checkDoneFile(job)
199 # always return the job es complete even if there is no done
200 # file at this point tho job is also not longer
201 # running/queued on the cluster
202 return [True, donefile_returncode]
204 # Return that the job is finished + the return code for it
205 # depending when we look for the job this might never be used,
206 # because the jobs disappear from qstat before we can query them
207 # ..
208 if status == drmaa.JobState.DONE:
209 # todo: return code
210 return [True, 0]
211 if status == drmaa.JobState.FAILED:
212 return [True, 1]
214 return [False, 0]

◆ is_supported()

def is_supported ( )
Check if qsub is available

Definition at line 29 of file

29 def is_supported():
30 """
31 Check if qsub is available
32 """
33 try:
34 import drmaa # noqa
36 return True
37 except ImportError:
38 print(
39 "drmaa library is not installed, please ues 'pip3 install "
40 "drmaa'"
41 )
42 return False
43 except RuntimeError as re:
44 print("drmaa library not properly configured")
45 print(str(re))
46 return False

◆ name()

def name ( )
Returns name of this job control

Definition at line 49 of file

49 def name():
50 """
51 Returns name of this job control
52 """
53 return "cluster-drmaa"

Member Data Documentation

◆ native_spec


The command to submit a job.

'LOGFILE' will be replaced by the actual log file name

Definition at line 73 of file

◆ queuename


Queue best suitable for execution at DESY NAF.

Definition at line 89 of file

◆ requirement_storage


the storage IO in GB which can be performed by each job.

By default, this is 3GB at DESY which is to small for some validation scripts

Definition at line 86 of file

◆ requirement_vmem


required vmem by the job in GB, required on DESY NAF, otherwise jobs get killed due to memory consumption

Definition at line 81 of file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: