Belle II Software development
PlotsFromHarvestingValidationBaseTask Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for PlotsFromHarvestingValidationBaseTask:
CDCQEValidationPlotsTask RecoTrackQEValidationPlotsTask VXDQEValidationPlotsTask

Public Member Functions

HarvestingValidationBaseTask harvesting_validation_task_instance (self)
def output_pdf_file_basename (self)
def requires (self)
def output (self)
def process (self)

Static Public Attributes

b2luigi n_events_testing = b2luigi.IntParameter()
 Number of events to generate for the test data set.
b2luigi n_events_training = b2luigi.IntParameter()
 Number of events to generate for the training data set.
b2luigi experiment_number = b2luigi.IntParameter()
 Experiment number of the conditions database, e.g.
b2luigi process_type
 Define which kind of process shall be used.
b2luigi exclude_variables
 List of collected variables to not use in the training of the QE MVA classifier.
b2luigi fast_bdt_option
 Hyperparameter option of the FastBDT algorithm.
b2luigi primaries_only
 Whether to normalize the track finding efficiencies to primary particles only.

Detailed Description

Create a PDF file with validation plots for a quality estimator produced
from the ROOT ntuples produced by a harvesting validation task

Definition at line 2016 of file

Member Function Documentation

◆ harvesting_validation_task_instance()

HarvestingValidationBaseTask harvesting_validation_task_instance (   self)
Specifies related harvesting validation task which produces the ROOT
files with the data that is plotted by this task.

Reimplemented in VXDQEValidationPlotsTask, CDCQEValidationPlotsTask, and RecoTrackQEValidationPlotsTask.

Definition at line 2056 of file

2056 def harvesting_validation_task_instance(self) -> HarvestingValidationBaseTask:
2057 """
2058 Specifies related harvesting validation task which produces the ROOT
2059 files with the data that is plotted by this task.
2060 """
2061 raise NotImplementedError("Must define a QI harvesting validation task for which to do the plots")

◆ output()

def output (   self)
Generate list of output files that the task should produce.
The task is considered finished if and only if the outputs all exist.

Definition at line 2077 of file

2077 def output(self):
2078 """
2079 Generate list of output files that the task should produce.
2080 The task is considered finished if and only if the outputs all exist.
2081 """
2082 yield self.add_to_output(self.output_pdf_file_basename)

◆ output_pdf_file_basename()

def output_pdf_file_basename (   self)
Name of the output PDF file containing the validation plots

Definition at line 2064 of file

2064 def output_pdf_file_basename(self):
2065 """
2066 Name of the output PDF file containing the validation plots
2067 """
2068 validation_harvest_basename = self.harvesting_validation_task_instance.validation_output_file_name
2069 return validation_harvest_basename.replace(".root", "_plots.pdf")

◆ process()

def process (   self)
Use basf2_mva teacher to create MVA weightfile from collected training
data variables.

Main process that is dispatched by the ``run`` method that is inherited
from ``Basf2Task``.

Definition at line 2085 of file

2085 def process(self):
2086 """
2087 Use basf2_mva teacher to create MVA weightfile from collected training
2088 data variables.
2090 Main process that is dispatched by the ``run`` method that is inherited
2091 from ``Basf2Task``.
2092 """
2093 # get the validation "harvest", which is the ROOT file with ntuples for validation
2094 validation_harvest_basename = self.harvesting_validation_task_instance.validation_output_file_name
2095 validation_harvest_path = self.get_input_file_names(validation_harvest_basename)[0]
2097 # Load "harvested" validation data from root files into dataframes (requires enough memory to hold data)
2098 pr_columns = [ # Restrict memory usage by only reading in columns that are used in the steering file
2099 'is_fake', 'is_clone', 'is_matched', 'quality_indicator',
2100 'experiment_number', 'run_number', 'event_number', 'pr_store_array_number',
2101 'pt_estimate', 'z0_estimate', 'd0_estimate', 'tan_lambda_estimate',
2102 'phi0_estimate', 'pt_truth', 'z0_truth', 'd0_truth', 'tan_lambda_truth',
2103 'phi0_truth',
2104 ]
2105 # In ``pr_df`` each row corresponds to a track from Pattern Recognition
2106 pr_df =['pr_tree/pr_tree'].arrays(pr_columns, library='pd')
2107 mc_columns = [ # restrict mc_df to these columns
2108 'experiment_number',
2109 'run_number',
2110 'event_number',
2111 'pr_store_array_number',
2112 'is_missing',
2113 'is_primary',
2114 ]
2115 # In ``mc_df`` each row corresponds to an MC track
2116 mc_df =['mc_tree/mc_tree'].arrays(mc_columns, library='pd')
2117 if self.primaries_only:
2118 mc_df = mc_df[mc_df.is_primary.eq(True)]
2120 # Define QI thresholds for the FOM plots and the ROC curves
2121 qi_cuts = np.linspace(0., 1, 20, endpoint=False)
2122 # # Add more points at the very end between the previous maximum and 1
2123 # qi_cuts = np.append(qi_cuts, np.linspace(np.max(qi_cuts), 1, 20, endpoint=False))
2125 # Create plots and append them to single output pdf
2127 output_pdf_file_path = self.get_output_file_name(self.output_pdf_file_basename)
2128 with PdfPages(output_pdf_file_path, keep_empty=False) as pdf:
2130 # Add a title page to validation plot PDF with some metadata
2131 # Remember that most metadata is in the xml file of the weightfile
2132 # and in the b2luigi directory structure
2133 titlepage_fig, titlepage_ax = plt.subplots()
2134 titlepage_ax.axis("off")
2135 title = f"Quality Estimator validation plots from {self.__class__.__name__}"
2136 titlepage_ax.set_title(title)
2137 teacher_task = self.harvesting_validation_task_instance.teacher_task
2138 weightfile_identifier = teacher_task.get_weightfile_xml_identifier(teacher_task, fast_bdt_option=self.fast_bdt_option)
2139 meta_data = {
2140 "Date":"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"),
2141 "Created by steering file": os.path.realpath(__file__),
2142 "Created from data in": validation_harvest_path,
2143 "Background directory": MasterTask.bkgfiles_by_exp[self.experiment_number],
2144 "weight file": weightfile_identifier,
2145 }
2146 if hasattr(self, 'exclude_variables'):
2147 meta_data["Excluded variables"] = ", ".join(self.exclude_variables)
2148 meta_data_string = (format_dictionary(meta_data) +
2149 "\n\n(For all MVA training parameters look into the produced weight file)")
2150 luigi_params = get_serialized_parameters(self)
2151 luigi_param_string = (f"\n\nb2luigi parameters for {self.__class__.__name__}\n" +
2152 format_dictionary(luigi_params))
2153 title_page_text = meta_data_string + luigi_param_string
2154 titlepage_ax.text(0, 1, title_page_text, ha="left", va="top", wrap=True, fontsize=8)
2155 pdf.savefig(titlepage_fig)
2156 plt.close(titlepage_fig)
2158 fake_rates = get_uncertain_means_for_qi_cuts(pr_df, "is_fake", qi_cuts)
2159 fake_fig, fake_ax = plt.subplots()
2160 fake_ax.set_title("Fake rate")
2161 plot_with_errobands(fake_rates, ax=fake_ax)
2162 fake_ax.set_ylabel("fake rate")
2163 fake_ax.set_xlabel("quality indicator requirement")
2164 pdf.savefig(fake_fig, bbox_inches="tight")
2165 plt.close(fake_fig)
2167 # Plot clone rates
2168 clone_rates = get_uncertain_means_for_qi_cuts(pr_df, "is_clone", qi_cuts)
2169 clone_fig, clone_ax = plt.subplots()
2170 clone_ax.set_title("Clone rate")
2171 plot_with_errobands(clone_rates, ax=clone_ax)
2172 clone_ax.set_ylabel("clone rate")
2173 clone_ax.set_xlabel("quality indicator requirement")
2174 pdf.savefig(clone_fig, bbox_inches="tight")
2175 plt.close(clone_fig)
2177 # Plot finding efficiency
2179 # The Quality Indicator is only available in pr_tree and thus the
2180 # PR-track dataframe. To get the QI of the related PR track for an MC
2181 # track, merge the PR dataframe into the MC dataframe
2182 pr_track_identifiers = ['experiment_number', 'run_number', 'event_number', 'pr_store_array_number']
2183 mc_df = upd.merge(
2184 left=mc_df, right=pr_df[pr_track_identifiers + ['quality_indicator']],
2185 how='left',
2186 on=pr_track_identifiers
2187 )
2189 missing_fractions = (
2190 _my_uncertain_mean(mc_df[
2191 mc_df.quality_indicator.isnull() | (mc_df.quality_indicator > qi_cut)]['is_missing'])
2192 for qi_cut in qi_cuts
2193 )
2195 findeff_fig, findeff_ax = plt.subplots()
2196 findeff_ax.set_title("Finding efficiency")
2197 finding_efficiencies = 1.0 - upd.Series(data=missing_fractions, index=qi_cuts)
2198 plot_with_errobands(finding_efficiencies, ax=findeff_ax)
2199 findeff_ax.set_ylabel("finding efficiency")
2200 findeff_ax.set_xlabel("quality indicator requirement")
2201 pdf.savefig(findeff_fig, bbox_inches="tight")
2202 plt.close(findeff_fig)
2204 # Plot ROC curves
2206 # Fake rate vs. finding efficiency ROC curve
2207 fake_roc_fig, fake_roc_ax = plt.subplots()
2208 fake_roc_ax.set_title("Fake rate vs. finding efficiency ROC curve")
2209 fake_roc_ax.errorbar(x=finding_efficiencies.nominal_value, y=fake_rates.nominal_value,
2210 xerr=finding_efficiencies.std_dev, yerr=fake_rates.std_dev, elinewidth=0.8)
2211 fake_roc_ax.set_xlabel('finding efficiency')
2212 fake_roc_ax.set_ylabel('fake rate')
2213 pdf.savefig(fake_roc_fig, bbox_inches="tight")
2214 plt.close(fake_roc_fig)
2216 # Clone rate vs. finding efficiency ROC curve
2217 clone_roc_fig, clone_roc_ax = plt.subplots()
2218 clone_roc_ax.set_title("Clone rate vs. finding efficiency ROC curve")
2219 clone_roc_ax.errorbar(x=finding_efficiencies.nominal_value, y=clone_rates.nominal_value,
2220 xerr=finding_efficiencies.std_dev, yerr=clone_rates.std_dev, elinewidth=0.8)
2221 clone_roc_ax.set_xlabel('finding efficiency')
2222 clone_roc_ax.set_ylabel('clone rate')
2223 pdf.savefig(clone_roc_fig, bbox_inches="tight")
2224 plt.close(clone_roc_fig)
2226 # Plot kinematic distributions
2228 # use fewer qi cuts as each cut will be it's own subplot now and not a point
2229 kinematic_qi_cuts = [0, 0.5, 0.9]
2231 # Define kinematic parameters which we want to histogram and define
2232 # dictionaries relating them to latex labels, units and binnings
2233 params = ['d0', 'z0', 'pt', 'tan_lambda', 'phi0']
2234 label_by_param = {
2235 "pt": "$p_T$",
2236 "z0": "$z_0$",
2237 "d0": "$d_0$",
2238 "tan_lambda": r"$\tan{\lambda}$",
2239 "phi0": r"$\phi_0$"
2240 }
2241 unit_by_param = {
2242 "pt": "GeV",
2243 "z0": "cm",
2244 "d0": "cm",
2245 "tan_lambda": "rad",
2246 "phi0": "rad"
2247 }
2248 n_kinematic_bins = 75 # number of bins per kinematic variable
2249 bins_by_param = {
2250 "pt": np.linspace(0, np.percentile(pr_df['pt_truth'].dropna(), 95), n_kinematic_bins),
2251 "z0": np.linspace(-0.1, 0.1, n_kinematic_bins),
2252 "d0": np.linspace(0, 0.01, n_kinematic_bins),
2253 "tan_lambda": np.linspace(-2, 3, n_kinematic_bins),
2254 "phi0": np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, n_kinematic_bins)
2255 }
2257 # Iterate over each parameter and for each make stacked histograms for different QI cuts
2258 kinematic_qi_cuts = [0, 0.5, 0.8]
2259 blue, yellow, green = plt.get_cmap("tab10").colors[0:3]
2260 for param in params:
2261 fig, axarr = plt.subplots(ncols=len(kinematic_qi_cuts), sharey=True, sharex=True, figsize=(14, 6))
2262 fig.suptitle(f"{label_by_param[param]} distributions")
2263 for i, qi in enumerate(kinematic_qi_cuts):
2264 ax = axarr[i]
2265 ax.set_title(f"QI > {qi}")
2266 incut = pr_df[(pr_df['quality_indicator'] > qi)]
2267 incut_matched = incut[incut.is_matched.eq(True)]
2268 incut_clones = incut[incut.is_clone.eq(True)]
2269 incut_fake = incut[incut.is_fake.eq(True)]
2271 # if any series is empty, break out of loop and don't draw try to draw a stacked histogram
2272 if any(series.empty for series in (incut, incut_matched, incut_clones, incut_fake)):
2273 ax.text(0.5, 0.5, "Not enough data in bin", ha="center", va="center", transform=ax.transAxes)
2274 continue
2276 bins = bins_by_param[param]
2277 stacked_histogram_series_tuple = (
2278 incut_matched[f'{param}_estimate'],
2279 incut_clones[f'{param}_estimate'],
2280 incut_fake[f'{param}_estimate'],
2281 )
2282 histvals, _, _ = ax.hist(stacked_histogram_series_tuple,
2283 stacked=True,
2284 bins=bins, range=(bins.min(), bins.max()),
2285 color=(blue, green, yellow),
2286 label=("matched", "clones", "fakes"))
2287 ax.set_xlabel(f'{label_by_param[param]} estimate / ({unit_by_param[param]})')
2288 ax.set_ylabel('# tracks')
2289 axarr[0].legend(loc="upper center", bbox_to_anchor=(0, -0.15))
2290 pdf.savefig(fig, bbox_inches="tight")
2291 plt.close(fig)

◆ requires()

def requires (   self)
Generate list of luigi Tasks that this Task depends on.

Definition at line 2071 of file

2071 def requires(self):
2072 """
2073 Generate list of luigi Tasks that this Task depends on.
2074 """
2075 yield self.harvesting_validation_task_instance

Member Data Documentation

◆ exclude_variables

b2luigi exclude_variables
Initial value:
= b2luigi.ListParameter(

List of collected variables to not use in the training of the QE MVA classifier.

In addition to variables containing the "truth" substring, which are excluded by default.

Definition at line 2037 of file

◆ experiment_number

b2luigi experiment_number = b2luigi.IntParameter()

Experiment number of the conditions database, e.g.

defines simulation geometry

Definition at line 2026 of file

◆ fast_bdt_option

b2luigi fast_bdt_option
Initial value:
= b2luigi.ListParameter(

Hyperparameter option of the FastBDT algorithm.

default are the FastBDT default values.

Definition at line 2043 of file

◆ n_events_testing

b2luigi n_events_testing = b2luigi.IntParameter()

Number of events to generate for the test data set.

Definition at line 2022 of file

◆ n_events_training

b2luigi n_events_training = b2luigi.IntParameter()

Number of events to generate for the training data set.

Definition at line 2024 of file

◆ primaries_only

b2luigi primaries_only
Initial value:
= b2luigi.BoolParameter(

Whether to normalize the track finding efficiencies to primary particles only.

Definition at line 2049 of file

◆ process_type

b2luigi process_type
Initial value:
= b2luigi.Parameter(

Define which kind of process shall be used.

Decide between simulating BBBAR or BHABHA, MUMU, YY, DDBAR, UUBAR, SSBAR, CCBAR, reconstructing DATA or already simulated files (USESIMBB/EE) or running on existing reconstructed files (USERECBB/EE)

Definition at line 2030 of file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: