Belle II Software development
CleanBasf2Execution Class Reference

Public Member Functions

def __init__ (self, timeout=10)
def start (self, command)
def wait (self)
def signal_handler (self, signal_number, signal_frame)
def kill (self)
def wait_for_process (self, process_list=None, timeout=None, minimum_delay=1)
def install_signal_handler (self)

Static Public Member Functions

def has_process_ended (process)

Public Attributes

 Maximum time the process is allowed to stay alive after SIGTERM has been sent.

Protected Attributes

 The processes handled by this class.
 The commands related to the processes.

Detailed Description

Helper class to call a given (basf2) command via subprocess
and make sure the process is killed properly once a SIGINT or SIGTERM signal is
send to the main process.
To do this, the basf2 command is started in a new session group, so all child processes
of the basf2 command will also be killed.

When the main process receives a termination request via an SIGINT or SIGTERM,
a SIGINT is sent to the started basf2 process.
If the process is still alive after a given timeout (10 s by default),
it is killed via SIGKILL and all its started child forks with it.
After a normal or abnormal termination, the run() function returns the exit code
and cleanup can happen afterwards.

ATTENTION: In some rare cases, e.g. when the terminate request happens during a syscall,
the process can not be stopped (see uninterruptable sleep process state, e.g. in
In those cases, even a KILL signal does not help!

The class can be used in a typical main method, e.g.

    from hlt.clean_execution import CleanBasf2Execution

    if __name__ == "__main__":
        execution = CleanBasf2Execution()
            execution.start(["basf2", ""])
            # Make sure to always do the cleanup, also in case of errors
            print("Do cleanup")

Definition at line 16 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __init__()

def __init__ (   self,
  timeout = 10 
Create a new execution with the given parameters (list of arguments)

Definition at line 51 of file

51 def __init__(self, timeout=10):
52 """
53 Create a new execution with the given parameters (list of arguments)
54 """
56 self._handled_processes = []
58 self._handled_commands = []
60 self.timeout = timeout

Member Function Documentation

◆ has_process_ended()

def has_process_ended (   process)
Check if the handled process has ended already.
This functions does not wait.

I would rather use self._handled_process.wait() or poll()
which does exactly the same.
However: the main process is also waiting for the return code
so the threading.lock in the .wait() function will never aquire a lock :-(

Definition at line 179 of file

179 def has_process_ended(process):
180 """
181 Check if the handled process has ended already.
182 This functions does not wait.
184 I would rather use self._handled_process.wait() or poll()
185 which does exactly the same.
186 However: the main process is also waiting for the return code
187 so the threading.lock in the .wait() function will never aquire a lock :-(
188 """
189 pid, sts = process._try_wait(os.WNOHANG)
190 assert pid == or pid == 0
192 process._handle_exitstatus(sts)
194 if pid ==
195 return True
197 return False

◆ install_signal_handler()

def install_signal_handler (   self)
Set the signal handlers for SIGINT and SIGTERM to out own one.

Definition at line 168 of file

168 def install_signal_handler(self):
169 """
170 Set the signal handlers for SIGINT and SIGTERM to out own one.
171 """
172 signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.signal_handler)
173 signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.signal_handler)
174 # Just for safety, also register an exit handler
175 atexit.unregister(self.signal_handler)
176 atexit.register(self.signal_handler, signal.SIGTERM, None)

◆ kill()

def kill (   self)
Clean or hard shutdown of all processes.
It tries to kill the process gracefully but if it does not react after a certain time,
it kills it with a SIGKILL.

Definition at line 96 of file

96 def kill(self):
97 """
98 Clean or hard shutdown of all processes.
99 It tries to kill the process gracefully but if it does not react after a certain time,
100 it kills it with a SIGKILL.
101 """
102 if not self._handled_processes:
103 basf2.B2WARNING("Signal handler called without started process. This normally means, something is wrong!")
104 return
106 basf2.B2INFO("Termination requested...")
108 # Make sure this signal handle is not called more than once
109 signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
110 signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN)
112 try:
113 # Send a graceful stop signal to the process and give it some time to react
114 for process in self._handled_processes:
115 try:
116 os.killpg(, signal.SIGINT)
117 process.poll()
118 except ProcessLookupError:
119 # The process is already gone! Nice
120 pass
122 # Give the process some time to react
123 if not self.wait_for_process(timeout=self.timeout):
124 basf2.B2WARNING("Process did not react in time. Sending a SIGKILL.")
125 finally:
126 # In any case: kill the process
127 for process in self._handled_processes:
128 try:
129 os.killpg(, signal.SIGKILL)
130 if not self.wait_for_process(timeout=10, process_list=[process]):
131 backtrace = subprocess.check_output(["gdb", "-q", "-batch", "-ex", "backtrace", "basf2",
132 str(]).decode()
133 basf2.B2ERROR("Could not end the process event with a KILL signal. "
134 "This can happen because it is in the uninterruptable sleep state. "
135 "I can not do anything about this!",
136 backtrace=backtrace)
137 except ProcessLookupError:
138 # The process is already gone! Nice
139 pass
140 basf2.B2INFO("...Process stopped")
142 # And reinstall the signal handlers
143 self.install_signal_handler()

◆ signal_handler()

def signal_handler (   self,
The signal handler called on SIGINT and SIGTERM.

Definition at line 90 of file

90 def signal_handler(self, signal_number, signal_frame):
91 """
92 The signal handler called on SIGINT and SIGTERM.
93 """
94 self.kill()

◆ start()

def start (   self,
Add the execution and terminate gracefully/hard if requested via signal.

Definition at line 62 of file

62 def start(self, command):
63 """
64 Add the execution and terminate gracefully/hard if requested via signal.
65 """
66 basf2.B2INFO("Starting ", command)
67 process = subprocess.Popen(command, start_new_session=True)
68 pgid = os.getpgid(
69 if pgid !=
70 basf2.B2WARNING("Subprocess is not session leader. Weird")
72 self.install_signal_handler()
73 self._handled_processes.append(process)
74 self._handled_commands.append(command)

◆ wait()

def wait (   self)
Wait until all handled calculations have finished.

Definition at line 76 of file

76 def wait(self):
77 """
78 Wait until all handled calculations have finished.
79 """
80 while True:
81 for command, process in zip(self._handled_commands, self._handled_processes):
82 if self.has_process_ended(process):
83 returncode = process.returncode
84 basf2.B2INFO("The process ", command, " died with ", returncode,
85 ". Killing the remaining ones.")
86 self.kill()
87 return returncode
88 sleep(1)

◆ wait_for_process()

def wait_for_process (   self,
  process_list = None,
  timeout = None,
  minimum_delay = 1 
Wait maximum "timeout" for the process to stop.
If it did not end in this period, returns False.

Definition at line 145 of file

145 def wait_for_process(self, process_list=None, timeout=None, minimum_delay=1):
146 """
147 Wait maximum "timeout" for the process to stop.
148 If it did not end in this period, returns False.
149 """
150 if process_list is None:
151 process_list = self._handled_processes
153 if timeout is None:
154 timeout = self.timeout
156 endtime = time() + timeout
157 while True:
158 all_finished = all(self.has_process_ended(process) for process in process_list)
159 if all_finished:
160 return True
162 remaining = endtime - time()
163 if remaining <= 0:
164 return False
166 sleep(minimum_delay)

Member Data Documentation

◆ _handled_commands


The commands related to the processes.

Definition at line 58 of file

◆ _handled_processes


The processes handled by this class.

Definition at line 56 of file

◆ timeout


Maximum time the process is allowed to stay alive after SIGTERM has been sent.

Definition at line 60 of file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: