Belle II Software development
MinModule Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for MinModule:

Public Member Functions

def __init__ (self)
def event (self)
def terminate (self)

Detailed Description

Get LL differences from PIDLikelihood and fill them into histograms

Definition at line 48 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __init__()

def __init__ (   self)
call constructor of base class, required.

Definition at line 54 of file

54 def __init__(self):
55 """
56 call constructor of base class, required.
57 """
59 super().__init__()

Member Function Documentation

◆ event()

def event (   self)
reimplement Module::event()

Definition at line 61 of file

61 def event(self):
62 """
63 reimplement Module::event()
64 """
66 pids = Belle2.PyStoreArray('PIDLikelihoods')
67 for pid in pids:
68 track = pid.getRelatedFrom('Tracks')
69 if track:
70 mcpart = track.getRelatedTo('MCParticles')
71 if not track or not mcpart:
72 # some tracks don't have an mcparticle
73 b2.B2WARNING('problems with track <-> mcparticle relations')
74 event = Belle2.PyStoreObj('EventMetaData').obj().getEvent()
75 print(f'event: {int(event)}, track: {int(track.getArrayIndex())}')
76 else:
77 pdg = abs(mcpart.getPDG())
78 momentumVec = mcpart.getMomentum()
79 momentum = momentumVec.Mag()
80 if momentum > 3.5: # cut off
81 continue
82 # theta = momentumVec.CosTheta()
84 # particle to compare with pions
85 selectedpart = Belle2.Const.kaon
86 pid_dedx = Belle2.Const.PIDDetectorSet(Belle2.Const.CDC)
87 pid_top = Belle2.Const.PIDDetectorSet(Belle2.Const.TOP)
88 logl_sel = pid.getLogL(selectedpart, pid_dedx)
89 logl_pi = pid.getLogL(Belle2.Const.pion, pid_dedx)
90 dedx_DLL = logl_pi - logl_sel
92 logl_sel = pid.getLogL(selectedpart, pid_top)
93 logl_pi = pid.getLogL(Belle2.Const.pion, pid_top)
94 top_DLL = logl_pi - logl_sel
96 if pdg == selectedpart.getPDGCode():
97 hist[0].Fill(momentum, dedx_DLL)
98 hist[2].Fill(momentum, top_DLL)
99 elif pdg == 211:
100 hist[1].Fill(momentum, dedx_DLL)
101 hist[3].Fill(momentum, top_DLL)
A class for sets of detector IDs whose content is limited to restricted set of valid detector IDs.
Definition: Const.h:296
A (simplified) python wrapper for StoreArray.
Definition: PyStoreArray.h:72
a (simplified) python wrapper for StoreObjPtr.
Definition: PyStoreObj.h:67

◆ terminate()

def terminate (   self)
Draw histograms on canvas and save image.

Definition at line 103 of file

103 def terminate(self):
104 """
105 Draw histograms on canvas and save image.
106 """
108 c1 = TCanvas('c', 'c', 800, 600)
109 c1.Divide(2, 2)
110 c1.Show()
111 for i in range(4):
112 + 1)
113 hist[i].Draw('colz')
114 # c1.Draw()
116 c1.SaveAs('ll_diff.png')
117 print('Output plots saved in ll_diff.png')
120# create path

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