Belle II Software development
PXDHotPixelMaskCalibrationChecker Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for PXDHotPixelMaskCalibrationChecker:

Public Member Functions

def __init__ (self)
def define_graphs (self)
def fill_graphs (self)
def draw_plots (self)

Public Attributes

 Dictionary to save TGraphs of hot/dead pixel fractions with sensor id as key.
 Dictionary to save TGraph of module occupancy (with mask)
 Dictionary to save TGraph of module occupancy (without mask)
 Dictionary of summary TGraphs and their TLegend.

Detailed Description

Checker for PXDHotPixelMaskCalibration

Definition at line 111 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __init__()

def __init__ (   self)
Initial with related condition db object types

Reimplemented from CalibrationCheckerBase.

Definition at line 116 of file

116 def __init__(self):
117 """
118 Initial with related condition db object types
119 """
120 super().__init__(objType_list=[
124 ])
The payload telling which PXD pixel is dead (=Readout system does not receive signals)
The payload telling which PXD pixel to mask (ignore)
The payload collecting some meta information from running the masking algorithm.

Member Function Documentation

◆ define_graphs()

def define_graphs (   self)
Define TGraphs for filling

Reimplemented from CalibrationCheckerBase.

Definition at line 126 of file

126 def define_graphs(self):
127 """
128 Define TGraphs for filling
129 """
131 self.hotdead_graphs = get_sensor_graphs("Hot/Dead pixels [%]")
133 self.occupancy_masked_graphs = get_sensor_graphs("Occupancy (With Mask) [%]")
135 self.occupancy_no_mask_graphs = get_sensor_graphs("Occupancy (No Mask) [%]")
137 self.sum_graphs = {}
138 # TLegend
139 legsum = ROOT.TLegend(0.75, 0.65, 0.90, 0.85)
140 legsum.SetFillStyle(0)
141 legsum.SetBorderSize(0)
142 legsum.SetTextFont(43)
143 legsum.SetTextSize(18)
144 legocc = deepcopy(legsum)
145 self.sum_graphs["TLegends"] = {"sum": legsum, "occ": legocc}
147 for category, style_dict in plot_type_dict.items():
148 agraph = ROOT.TGraph()
149 agraph.SetLineColor(style_dict["color"])
150 agraph.SetMarkerColor(style_dict["color"])
151 agraph.SetMarkerStyle(20)
152 if category == "hot_dead":
153 agraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Total Hot/Dead pixels [%]')
154 agraph.SetMaximum(style_dict["max"])
155 elif category == "occ_no_mask":
156 agraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Average occupancy [%]')
157 agraph.SetMaximum(style_dict["max"])
158 agraph.GetXaxis().SetTitle('run #')
159 agraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.9)
160 agraph.SetMinimum(0.0)
161 self.sum_graphs[category] = agraph

◆ draw_plots()

def draw_plots (   self)
Generate summary plots from TGraphs of all condition checkers

Reimplemented from CalibrationCheckerBase.

Definition at line 227 of file

227 def draw_plots(self):
228 """
229 Generate summary plots from TGraphs of all condition checkers
230 """
232 # Reuse masker checker and replace its graphs
233 # checker = deepcopy(self.condition_checkers[PXDMaskedPixelPar])
234 # checker.tfile = self.condition_checkers[PXDMaskedPixelPar].tfile
235 checker = self.condition_checkers[PXDMaskedPixelPar]
237 # Create a TCanvas under the file folder
239 canvas = ROOT.TCanvas('c_pxd', 'c_pxd', 1000, 400)
240 # canvas.SetLeftMargin(0.09)
241 # canvas.SetRightMargin(0.05)
243 # Hot/dead pixel masking
244 checker.graphs = self.hotdead_graphs
245 checker.draw_plots(
246 canvas=canvas, cname="PXDHotnDeadPixel", ymin=0., ymax=plot_type_dict["hot_dead"]["max"])
247 checker.draw_plots(canvas=canvas, cname="PXDHotnDeadPixel", ymin=0., ymax=None, logy=True)
248 canvas.Write()
249 # Occupancy with/without Mask
250 checker.graphs = self.occupancy_masked_graphs
251 checker.draw_plots(
252 canvas=canvas, cname="PXDOccupancyWithMask", ymin=0., ymax=plot_type_dict["occ_masked"]["max"])
253 checker.draw_plots(canvas=canvas, cname="PXDOccupancyWithMask", ymin=0., ymax=None, logy=True)
254 canvas.Write()
255 checker.graphs = self.occupancy_no_mask_graphs
256 checker.draw_plots(
257 canvas=canvas, cname="PXDOccupancyNoMask", ymin=0., ymax=plot_type_dict["occ_no_mask"]["max"])
258 checker.draw_plots(canvas=canvas, cname="PXDOccupancyNoMask", ymin=0., ymax=None, logy=True)
259 canvas.Write()
261 # checker.save_canvas(canvas, "PXDHotnDeadPixel")
263 # Summary plots
264 # Total Masking plots
265 canvas.Clear()
266 g1 = self.sum_graphs["hot_dead"]
267 g2 = self.sum_graphs["hot"]
268 g3 = self.sum_graphs["dead"]
269 leg = self.sum_graphs["TLegends"]["sum"]
270 g1.Draw("AP")
271 g2.Draw("P same")
272 g3.Draw("P same")
273 leg.AddEntry(g1, 'Hot+Dead pixels', 'p')
274 leg.AddEntry(g2, 'Hot pixels', 'p')
275 leg.AddEntry(g3, 'Dead pixels', 'p')
276 leg.Draw()
277 checker.save_canvas(canvas, "PXDTotalHotnDeadPixel", logy=True)
278 canvas.Write()
279 checker.save_canvas(canvas, "PXDTotalHotnDeadPixel", logy=False)
280 # Average Occupancy plots
281 canvas.Clear()
282 g1 = self.sum_graphs["occ_no_mask"]
283 g2 = self.sum_graphs["occ_masked"]
284 leg = self.sum_graphs["TLegends"]["occ"]
285 g1.Draw("AP")
286 g2.Draw("P same")
287 leg.AddEntry(g1, 'No Mask', 'p')
288 leg.AddEntry(g2, 'With Mask', 'p')
289 leg.Draw()
290 checker.save_canvas(canvas, "PXDTotalOccupancy", logy=True)
291 canvas.Write()
292 checker.save_canvas(canvas, "PXDTotalOccupancy", logy=False)

◆ fill_graphs()

def fill_graphs (   self)
Fill TGraphs, will be executed for each run

Reimplemented from CalibrationCheckerBase.

Definition at line 163 of file

163 def fill_graphs(self):
164 """
165 Fill TGraphs, will be executed for each run
166 """
167 dead_checker = self.condition_checkers[PXDDeadPixelPar]
168 masked_graphs = self.condition_checkers[PXDMaskedPixelPar].graphs
169 dead_graphs = self.condition_checkers[PXDDeadPixelPar].graphs
170 occ_graphs = self.condition_checkers[PXDOccupancyInfoPar].graphs
172 current_run =
173 saved_run = -1 # to be updated
174 saved_run_occ = -1 # to be updated
175 sum_hotfraction = 0.
176 sum_deadfraction = 0.
177 sum_hotdeadfraction = 0.
178 sum_occupancymasked = 0.
179 sum_occupancynomask = 0.
180 for sensorID in sensorID_list:
181 numID = sensorID.getID()
182 # This function is executed just after filling the condition checker graphs, so we don't need a python loop!
183 g1 = masked_graphs[numID]
184 g2 = dead_graphs[numID]
185 g3 = occ_graphs[numID]
186 # If two runs have the same constants, only results from the 1st run will be saved.
187 hotfraction = g1.GetPointY(g1.GetN() - 1)
188 deadfraction = g2.GetPointY(g2.GetN() - 1)
189 occupancymasked = g3.GetPointY(g3.GetN() - 1)
190 occupancynomask = 0.
191 # Masked hot pixels and dead pixels could be updated for different runs.
192 saved_run = max(g1.GetPointX(g1.GetN() - 1), g2.GetPointX(g2.GetN() - 1))
193 saved_run_occ = max(saved_run, g3.GetPointX(g3.GetN() - 1))
194 if current_run == saved_run:
195 self.hotdead_graphs[numID].append(current_run, hotfraction + deadfraction)
196 sum_hotfraction += hotfraction
197 sum_deadfraction += deadfraction
198 sum_hotdeadfraction += hotfraction + deadfraction
199 if current_run == saved_run_occ:
200 # occupancy correction (it's overestiamting occ_masked?)
201 # By defaut, both occ and fractions are in percentage.
202 if deadfraction != 100.:
203 occupancynomask = (occupancymasked + hotfraction) / (1. - deadfraction / 100)
204 occupancymasked = occupancymasked / (1. - deadfraction / 100)
205 self.occupancy_no_mask_graphs[numID].append(current_run, occupancynomask)
206 self.occupancy_masked_graphs[numID].append(current_run, occupancymasked)
207 sum_occupancymasked += occupancymasked
208 sum_occupancynomask += occupancynomask
209 # print(f"hotfraction:{hotfraction}, deadfraction: {deadfraction}")
210 # print(f"occ:{occupancymasked}, occ_no_mask:{occupancynomask}")
211 # rawOcc = self.condition_checkers[PXDOccupancyInfoPar].dbObj.getOccupancy(numID)
212 # print(f"Raw occ: {rawOcc}")
213 # print(f"sum_hotfraction:{sum_hotfraction}, sum_deadfraction: {sum_deadfraction}")
214 # print(f"sum_occ:{sum_occupancymasked}, sum_occ_no_mask:{sum_occupancynomask}")
216 nSensors = len(sensorID_list)
217 if current_run == saved_run:
218 self.sum_graphs["hot"].append(current_run, sum_hotfraction / nSensors)
219 self.sum_graphs["dead"].append(current_run, sum_deadfraction / nSensors)
220 self.sum_graphs["hot_dead"].append(current_run, sum_hotdeadfraction / nSensors)
222 nSensors = nSensors - len(dead_checker.dbObj.getDeadSensorMap())
223 if current_run == saved_run_occ and nSensors > 0:
224 self.sum_graphs["occ_masked"].append(current_run, sum_occupancymasked / nSensors)
225 self.sum_graphs["occ_no_mask"].append(current_run, sum_occupancynomask / nSensors)

Member Data Documentation

◆ hotdead_graphs


Dictionary to save TGraphs of hot/dead pixel fractions with sensor id as key.

Definition at line 131 of file

◆ occupancy_masked_graphs


Dictionary to save TGraph of module occupancy (with mask)

Definition at line 133 of file

◆ occupancy_no_mask_graphs


Dictionary to save TGraph of module occupancy (without mask)

Definition at line 135 of file

◆ sum_graphs


Dictionary of summary TGraphs and their TLegend.

Definition at line 137 of file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: