Belle II Software development
Saving2ndMVAData Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Saving2ndMVAData:

Public Member Functions

def __init__ (self, name, contact=None, checkObj='RecoTracks', output_file_name='flip-refit-MVA2.root')
def initialize (self)
def prepare (self)
def pick (self, recoTrack)
def peel (self, recoTrack)

Public Attributes

 Name of the Obj to be picked.
 Name of the StoreArray of the mc tracks.
 Reference to the track match lookup object reading the relation information.
 Name of the output file.

Static Public Attributes

refiners save_tree = refiners.save_tree(name="data")
 save a tree of all the collected variables

Detailed Description

 A dedicated module to save the variables using in flipping steps

Definition at line 18 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __init__()

def __init__ (   self,
  contact = None,
  checkObj = 'RecoTracks',
  output_file_name = 'flip-refit-MVA2.root' 

Definition at line 21 of file

21 def __init__(self, name, contact=None, checkObj='RecoTracks', output_file_name='flip-refit-MVA2.root'):
22 """Constructor"""
23 super().__init__(foreach=checkObj, name=name, contact=contact, output_file_name=output_file_name)
26 self.checkObj = checkObj
29 self.mcRecoTracks = "MCRecoTracks"
32 self.track_match_look_up = None
35 self.outputname = output_file_name

Member Function Documentation

◆ initialize()

def initialize (   self)
Initialization at the start of the event processing

Definition at line 37 of file

37 def initialize(self):
38 """Initialization at the start of the event processing"""
39 super().initialize()
40 self.track_match_look_up = Belle2.TrackMatchLookUp(self.mcRecoTracks, self.checkObj)
41 output_tfile = ROOT.TFile(self.outputname, "RECREATE")
42 self.outputname = output_tfile
Class to provide convenient methods to look up matching information between pattern recognition and M...

◆ peel()

def peel (   self,
store the information for each recoTrack

Definition at line 57 of file

57 def peel(self, recoTrack):
58 """store the information for each recoTrack"""
59 track_match_look_up = self.track_match_look_up
60 nan = float('nan')
61 flipped_pz_estimate = nan
62 y_variance = nan
63 tan_lambda_estimate = nan
64 d0_variance = nan
65 x_variance = nan
66 z_estimate = nan
67 phi0_variance = nan
68 px_variance = nan
69 pz_estimate = nan
70 p_value = nan
71 pt_estimate = nan
72 y_estimate = nan
73 d0_estimate = nan
74 x_estimate = nan
75 py_variance = nan
76 pz_variance = nan
77 omega_variance = nan
78 tan_lambda_variance = nan
79 z_variance = nan
80 omega_estimate = nan
81 pt_resolution = nan
82 px_estimate = nan
83 pt_variance = nan
84 phi0_estimate = nan
85 flipped_z_estimate = nan
86 py_estimate = nan
87 flipped_z_variance = nan
88 flipped_pz_variance = nan
89 flipped_pt_variance = nan
90 flipped_py_estimate = nan
91 z0_variance = nan
92 flipped_p_value = nan
93 flipped_px_variance = nan
94 flipped_py_variance = nan
95 flipped_x_estimate = nan
96 quality_flip_indicator = nan
97 quality_2ndflip_indicator = nan
98 isPrimary_misID = False
99 ismatched = False
100 ismatched_CC = False
101 ismatched_WC = False
102 isclone_CC = False
103 isclone_WC = False
104 isclone = False
105 isbackground = False
106 isghost = False
107 isprimary = False
108 charge_truth = nan
109 track_charge = nan
110 inGoingArmTime = nan
111 inGoingArmTimeError = nan
112 outGoingArmTime = nan
113 outGoingArmTimeError = nan
114 InOutArmTimeDifference = nan
115 InOutArmTimeDifferenceError = nan
117 if (recoTrack):
118 mc_particle = track_match_look_up.getRelatedMCParticle(recoTrack)
119 fit_result = track_match_look_up.getRelatedTrackFitResult(recoTrack)
121 inGoingArmTime = recoTrack.getIngoingArmTime()
122 inGoingArmTimeError = recoTrack.getIngoingArmTimeError()
123 outGoingArmTime = recoTrack.getOutgoingArmTime()
124 outGoingArmTimeError = recoTrack.getOutgoingArmTimeError()
125 InOutArmTimeDifference = recoTrack.getInOutArmTimeDifference()
126 InOutArmTimeDifferenceError = recoTrack.getInOutArmTimeDifferenceError()
128 quality_flip_indicator = recoTrack.getFlipQualityIndicator()
129 quality_2ndflip_indicator = recoTrack.get2ndFlipQualityIndicator()
131 ismatched = track_match_look_up.isAnyChargeMatchedPRRecoTrack(recoTrack)
132 ismatched_CC = track_match_look_up.isCorrectChargeMatchedPRRecoTrack(recoTrack)
133 ismatched_WC = track_match_look_up.isWrongChargeMatchedPRRecoTrack(recoTrack)
135 isclone = track_match_look_up.isAnyChargeClonePRRecoTrack(recoTrack)
136 isclone_CC = track_match_look_up.isCorrectChargeClonePRRecoTrack(recoTrack)
137 isclone_WC = track_match_look_up.isWrongChargeClonePRRecoTrack(recoTrack)
139 isbackground = track_match_look_up.isBackgroundPRRecoTrack(recoTrack)
140 isghost = track_match_look_up.isGhostPRRecoTrack(recoTrack)
142 if mc_particle and fit_result:
143 isprimary = bool(mc_particle.hasStatus(Belle2.MCParticle.c_PrimaryParticle))
144 charge_truth = mc_particle.getCharge()
145 track_charge = fit_result.getChargeSign()
146 if isprimary:
147 if charge_truth != track_charge:
148 isPrimary_misID = True
150 recoTrack_flipped = recoTrack.getRelated("RecoTracks_flipped")
151 if recoTrack_flipped:
152 track_flipped = recoTrack_flipped.getRelated("Tracks_flipped")
153 if track_flipped:
154 fit_result_flipped = track_flipped.getTrackFitResultWithClosestMassByName(
155 Belle2.Const.pion, "TrackFitResults_flipped")
156 if (fit_result and fit_result_flipped):
157 cov6 = fit_result.getCovariance6()
158 mom = fit_result.getMomentum()
159 pos = fit_result.getPosition()
161 pt_estimate = mom.Rho()
162 pt_variance = np.divide(mom.X() ** 2 * cov6(3, 3) + mom.Y() ** 2 * cov6(4, 4) -
163 2 * mom.X() * mom.Y() * cov6(3, 4), mom.Perp2())
164 pt_resolution = np.divide(pt_variance, pt_estimate)
166 tan_lambda_estimate = fit_result.getCotTheta()
167 omega_estimate = fit_result.getOmega()
168 phi0_estimate = fit_result.getPhi() % (2.0 * math.pi)
169 d0_estimate = fit_result.getD0()
170 d0_variance = fit_result.getCov()[0]
171 z0_variance = fit_result.getCov()[12]
172 phi0_variance = fit_result.getCov()[5]
173 omega_variance = fit_result.getCov()[9]
174 tan_lambda_variance = fit_result.getCov()[14]
175 x_estimate = pos.X()
176 y_estimate = pos.Y()
177 z_estimate = pos.Z()
178 x_variance = cov6(0, 0)
179 y_variance = cov6(1, 1)
180 z_variance = cov6(2, 2)
181 px_estimate = mom.X()
182 py_estimate = mom.Y()
183 pz_estimate = cov6(5, 5)
184 px_variance = cov6(3, 3)
185 py_variance = cov6(4, 4)
186 pz_variance = cov6(5, 5)
187 p_value = fit_result.getPValue()
189 cov6_flipped = fit_result_flipped.getCovariance6()
190 mom_flipped = fit_result_flipped.getMomentum()
191 pos_flipped = fit_result_flipped.getPosition()
193 flipped_pt_variance = np.divide(
194 mom_flipped.X() ** 2 * cov6_flipped(3, 3) +
195 mom_flipped.Y() ** 2 * cov6_flipped(4, 4) -
196 2 * mom_flipped.X() * mom_flipped.Y() * cov6_flipped(3, 4),
197 mom_flipped.Perp2())
199 flipped_z_estimate = pos_flipped.Z()
200 flipped_pz_estimate = mom_flipped.Z()
201 flipped_py_estimate = mom_flipped.Y()
203 flipped_x_estimate = pos_flipped.X()
204 flipped_z_variance = cov6_flipped(2, 2)
205 flipped_pz_variance = cov6_flipped(5, 5)
206 flipped_px_variance = cov6_flipped(3, 3)
207 flipped_py_variance = cov6_flipped(4, 4)
208 flipped_p_value = fit_result_flipped.getPValue()
210 crops = dict(
211 flipped_pz_estimate=flipped_pz_estimate,
212 y_variance=y_variance,
213 tan_lambda_estimate=tan_lambda_estimate,
214 d0_variance=d0_variance,
215 x_variance=x_variance,
216 z_estimate=z_estimate,
217 phi0_variance=phi0_variance,
218 px_variance=px_variance,
219 pz_estimate=pz_estimate,
220 p_value=p_value,
221 pt_estimate=pt_estimate,
222 y_estimate=y_estimate,
223 d0_estimate=d0_estimate,
224 x_estimate=x_estimate,
225 py_variance=py_variance,
226 pz_variance=pz_variance,
227 omega_variance=omega_variance,
228 tan_lambda_variance=tan_lambda_variance,
229 z_variance=z_variance,
230 omega_estimate=omega_estimate,
231 pt_resolution=pt_resolution,
232 px_estimate=px_estimate,
233 pt_variance=pt_variance,
234 phi0_estimate=phi0_estimate,
235 flipped_z_estimate=flipped_z_estimate,
236 py_estimate=py_estimate,
237 flipped_z_variance=flipped_z_variance,
238 flipped_pz_variance=flipped_pz_variance,
239 flipped_pt_variance=flipped_pt_variance,
240 flipped_py_estimate=flipped_py_estimate,
241 z0_variance=z0_variance,
242 flipped_p_value=flipped_p_value,
243 flipped_px_variance=flipped_px_variance,
244 flipped_py_variance=flipped_py_variance,
245 flipped_x_estimate=flipped_x_estimate,
246 quality_flip_indicator=quality_flip_indicator,
247 quality_2ndflip_indicator=quality_2ndflip_indicator,
248 isPrimary_misID=isPrimary_misID,
249 ismatched=ismatched,
250 ismatched_CC=ismatched_CC,
251 ismatched_WC=ismatched_WC,
252 isclone_CC=isclone_CC,
253 isclone_WC=isclone_WC,
254 isclone=isclone,
255 isbackground=isbackground,
256 isghost=isghost,
257 isprimary=isprimary,
258 charge_truth=charge_truth,
259 track_charge=track_charge,
260 inGoingArmTime=inGoingArmTime,
261 inGoingArmTimeError=inGoingArmTimeError,
262 outGoingArmTime=outGoingArmTime,
263 outGoingArmTimeError=outGoingArmTimeError,
264 InOutArmTimeDifference=InOutArmTimeDifference,
265 InOutArmTimeDifferenceError=InOutArmTimeDifferenceError,
266 )
267 return crops

◆ pick()

def pick (   self,
pick every recoTrack

Definition at line 53 of file

53 def pick(self, recoTrack):
54 """pick every recoTrack"""
55 return True

◆ prepare()

def prepare (   self)
preparation at the start of each event.
   make sure the checkObj exist

Definition at line 44 of file

44 def prepare(self):
45 """preparation at the start of each event.
46 make sure the checkObj exist
47 """
48 super().prepare()
49 checkDatas = Belle2.PyStoreArray(self.checkObj)
50 if (not checkDatas):
51 return False
A (simplified) python wrapper for StoreArray.
Definition: PyStoreArray.h:72

Member Data Documentation

◆ checkObj


Name of the Obj to be picked.

Definition at line 26 of file

◆ mcRecoTracks


Name of the StoreArray of the mc tracks.

Definition at line 29 of file

◆ outputname


Name of the output file.

Definition at line 35 of file

◆ save_tree

refiners save_tree = refiners.save_tree(name="data")

save a tree of all the collected variables

Definition at line 270 of file

◆ track_match_look_up


Reference to the track match lookup object reading the relation information.

Definition at line 32 of file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: