Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
9#pragma once
11/* Basf2 headers. */
12#include <calibration/CalibrationCollectorModule.h>
13#include <framework/database/DBObjPtr.h>
14#include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
16namespace Belle2 {
21 class ECLCrystalCalib;
22 class TRGSummary;
23 class EventMetaData;
24 class Track;
25 class ECLCluster;
26 class ECLDigit;
31 public:
37 void prepare() override;
40 void collect() override;
42 private:
44 double m_thetaLabMinDeg{0.};
45 double m_thetaLabMaxDeg{180.};
47 double m_mindPhi;
48 double m_maxTime;
61 double thetaLabMin{ -1.0};
62 double thetaLabMax{ -1.0};
63 bool storeCalib = true;
64 std::vector<float> EperCrys;
66 double minTrkpt = 0.3;
67 double maxZ0 = 4.;
68 double maxD0 = 2.;
69 double minpValue = 0.001;
70 int minCDChits = 5;
75 std::vector<float> ExpGammaGammaE;
79 std::vector<float> ElectronicsCalib;
83 std::vector<float> GammaGammaECalib;
85 };
Calibration collector module base class.
Class for accessing objects in the database.
Definition: DBObjPtr.h:21
Accessor to arrays stored in the data store.
Definition: StoreArray.h:113
Type-safe access to single objects in the data store.
Definition: StoreObjPtr.h:96
Calibration collector module that uses e+e- --> gamma gamma to do ECL single crystal energy calibrati...
DBObjPtr< ECLCrystalCalib > m_ECLExpGammaGammaE
Expected energies from database.
double maxD0
(cm) maximum abs(D0) of a good track
double minTrkpt
(GeV/c) minimum pt of a good track
StoreArray< ECLDigit > m_eclDigitArray
Required input array of ECLDigits.
DBObjPtr< ECLCrystalCalib > m_GammaGammaECalib
Existing single crystal calibration from DB; will be updated by CAF.
bool m_requireL1
require events to satisfy a level 1 trigger (true)
double m_maxTime
maximum photon (time - <t>)/dt99 (1)
double m_mindPhi
minimum delta phi between clusters (179 deg)
StoreArray< ECLCluster > m_eclClusterArray
Required input array of ECLClusters.
StoreObjPtr< TRGSummary > m_TRGResults
dataStore TRGSummary
std::vector< float > ExpGammaGammaE
vector obtained from DB object
double thetaLabMin
Some other useful quantities.
bool storeCalib
force the input calibration constants to be saved first event
std::vector< float > EperCrys
ECL digit energy for each crystal.
void collect() override
Select events and crystals and accumulate histograms.
double m_minPairMass
minimum invariant mass of the pair of photons (9 GeV/c^2)
StoreObjPtr< EventMetaData > m_evtMetaData
dataStore EventMetaData
std::vector< float > ElectronicsCalib
vector obtained from DB object
Constructor: Sets the description, the properties and the parameters of the module.
int minCDChits
minimum CDC hits for a good track
double minpValue
minimum p value of a good track
void prepare() override
Define histograms and read payloads from DB.
double maxZ0
(cm) maximum abs(Z0) of a good track
double thetaLabMax
m_thetaLabMaxDeg converted to radians (coneversion in Module::init)
double m_thetaLabMaxDeg
maximum photon theta in lab (180 degrees)
double m_thetaLabMinDeg
Parameters to control the job.
DBObjPtr< ECLCrystalCalib > m_ElectronicsCalib
Electronics calibration from database.
bool m_measureTrueEnergy
use eclCalDigit to determine MC deposited energy (false)
std::vector< float > GammaGammaECalib
vector obtained from DB object
StoreArray< Track > m_trackArray
Required arrays.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.