Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
9/* Own header. */
10#include <ecl/modules/eclNOptimalCollector/eclNOptimalCollectorModule.h>
12/* ECL headers. */
13#include <ecl/dataobjects/ECLCalDigit.h>
14#include <ecl/dataobjects/ECLShower.h>
15#include <ecl/geometry/ECLNeighbours.h>
17/* Basf2 headers. */
18#include <mdst/dataobjects/MCParticle.h>
19#include <mdst/dataobjects/ECLCluster.h>
21/* ROOT headers. */
22#include <TH2F.h>
24/* C++ headers. */
25#include <iostream>
27using namespace std;
28using namespace Belle2;
29using namespace ECL;
32// Register the Module
37// Implementation
44 // Set module properties
45 setDescription("Calibration collector module to find optimal number of crystal for cluster energies");
47 addParam("numberEnergies", m_numberEnergies, "number of generated energies", 8);
48 addParam("energiesForward", m_energiesForward, "generated photon energies, forward", std::vector<double> {0.030, 0.050, 0.100, 0.200, 0.483, 1.166, 2.816, 6.800});
49 addParam("energiesBarrel", m_energiesBarrel, "generated photon energies, barrel", std::vector<double> {0.030, 0.050, 0.100, 0.200, 0.458, 1.049, 2.402, 5.500});
50 addParam("energiesBackward", m_energiesBackward, "generated photon energies, backward", std::vector<double> {0.030, 0.050, 0.100, 0.200, 0.428, 0.917, 1.962, 4.200});
51 addParam("digitArrayName", m_digitArrayName, "name of ECLCalDigit data object", std::string("ECLTrimmedDigits"));
52 addParam("showerArrayName", m_showerArrayName, "name of ECLShower data object", std::string("ECLTrimmedShowers"));
53 addParam("nGroupPerThetaID", m_nGroupPerThetaID, "groups per standard thetaID", 8);
61 //--------------------------------------------------------
62 //..Check that input parameters are consistent
63 const int nForward = m_energiesForward.size();
64 const int nBarrel = m_energiesBarrel.size();
65 const int nBackward = m_energiesBackward.size();
66 if (nForward != m_numberEnergies or nBarrel != m_numberEnergies or nBackward != m_numberEnergies) {
67 B2FATAL("eclNOptimalCollector: length of energy vectors inconsistent with parameter numberEnergies: " << nForward << " " <<
68 nBarrel << " " << nBackward << " " << m_numberEnergies);
69 }
71 //..Store generated energies as integers in MeV
72 iEnergies.resize(nLeakReg, std::vector<int>(m_numberEnergies, 0));
73 for (int ie = 0; ie < m_numberEnergies; ie++) {
74 iEnergies[0][ie] = (int)(1000.*m_energiesForward[ie] + 0.5);
75 iEnergies[1][ie] = (int)(1000.*m_energiesBarrel[ie] + 0.5);
76 iEnergies[2][ie] = (int)(1000.*m_energiesBackward[ie] + 0.5);
77 }
79 //--------------------------------------------------------
80 //..Required data objects
82 m_eclClusterArray.isRequired("ECLClusters");
86 //--------------------------------------------------------
87 //..Sort the crystals into groups of similar performance
89 //..Record the thetaID of each cellID
90 neighbours = new ECLNeighbours("N", 1);
91 std::vector<int> nCrysPerRing;
92 for (int thID = 0; thID < 69; thID++) {
93 const int nCrys = neighbours->getCrystalsPerRing(thID);
94 nCrysPerRing.push_back(nCrys);
95 for (int phID = 0; phID < nCrys; phID++) {
96 thetaIDofCrysID.push_back(thID);
97 }
98 }
100 //..First crystalID of each thetaID
101 std::vector<int> firstCrysIdPerRing;
102 firstCrysIdPerRing.push_back(0);
103 for (int thID = 1; thID < 69; thID++) {
104 const int iCrysID = firstCrysIdPerRing[thID - 1] + nCrysPerRing[thID - 1];
105 firstCrysIdPerRing.push_back(iCrysID);
106 }
108 //..Range of thetaID from first and last cellID
109 const int firstThetaId = thetaIDofCrysID[iFirstCellId - 1];
110 const int lastThetaId = thetaIDofCrysID[iLastCellId - 1];
112 //..Nominal groups per thetaID, but some thetaID have double that
113 const int specialThetaID[4] = {5, 11, 60, 65};
114 int iSp = 0;
115 int firstGroupOfThetaID = -m_nGroupPerThetaID;
116 for (int thID = firstThetaId; thID <= lastThetaId; thID++) {
117 firstGroupOfThetaID += m_nGroupPerThetaID;
118 const int nCrysPerGroup = nCrysPerRing[thID] / m_nGroupPerThetaID;
119 for (int phID = 0; phID < nCrysPerRing[thID]; phID++) {
120 const int iCrysID = firstCrysIdPerRing[thID] + phID;
121 const int iLocalGroup = phID / nCrysPerGroup;
122 iGroupOfCrystal[iCrysID] = firstGroupOfThetaID + iLocalGroup;
123 }
125 //..Special thetaID with double the number of groups
126 if (thID == specialThetaID[iSp]) {
127 iSp++;
128 firstGroupOfThetaID += m_nGroupPerThetaID;
129 for (int phID = 1; phID < nCrysPerRing[thID]; phID += 3) {
130 const int iCrysID = firstCrysIdPerRing[thID] + phID;
131 const int iLocalGroup = phID / nCrysPerGroup;
132 iGroupOfCrystal[iCrysID] = firstGroupOfThetaID + iLocalGroup;
133 }
135 }
136 }
138 //..Assign crystals outside of the useful range to the first or last group
139 for (int ic = 1; ic < iFirstCellId; ic++) {
140 const int iCrysID = ic - 1;
142 }
144 for (int ic = iLastCellId + 1; ic <= ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals; ic++) {
145 const int iCrysID = ic - 1;
147 }
149 //..Number of groups
152 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
153 //..Define histogram to store parameters
154 const int nBinX = 3 + nLeakReg * m_numberEnergies;
155 auto inputParameters = new TH1F("inputParameters", "eclNOptimalCollector job parameters", nBinX, 0, nBinX);
156 registerObject<TH1F>("inputParameters", inputParameters);
158 //..Store group number for each crystal
159 auto groupNumberOfEachCellID = new TH1F("groupNumberOfEachCellID", "group number of each cellID;cellID",
161 registerObject<TH1F>("groupNumberOfEachCellID", groupNumberOfEachCellID);
163 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
164 //..Histograms to check MC sample properties
165 auto entriesPerThetaIdEnergy = new TH2F("entriesPerThetaIdEnergy", "Entries per thetaID/energy point;thetaID;energy point", 69, 0,
167 registerObject<TH2F>("entriesPerThetaIdEnergy", entriesPerThetaIdEnergy);
169 auto mcEnergyDiff = new TH2F("mcEnergyDiff", "mc E minus nominal (MeV) per thetaID/energy point;thetaID;energy point", 69, 0, 69,
171 mcEnergyDiff->Sumw2();
172 registerObject<TH2F>("mcEnergyDiff", mcEnergyDiff);
175 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
176 //..Histograms to store the sum of n crystals. One per group / energy.
177 // Include an extra nCrystal bin at the end to store the current raw energy
178 const int nHist = nCrystalGroups * m_numberEnergies;
179 vector<TH2F*> eSum(nHist);
180 vector<TH2F*> biasSum(nHist);
181 int iHist = -1;
182 for (int ig = 0; ig < nCrystalGroups; ig++) {
183 for (int ie = 0; ie < m_numberEnergies; ie++) {
184 iHist++;
185 std::string name = "eSum_" + std::to_string(ig) + "_" + std::to_string(ie);
186 TString hname = name;
187 TString title = "energy summed over nCrys divided by eMC, group " + std::to_string(ig) + ", E point " + std::to_string(
188 ie) + ";nCrys;energy sum / Etrue";
189 eSum[iHist] = new TH2F(hname, title, nCrysMax + 1, 1., nCrysMax + 2., 2000, 0., 2.);
190 registerObject<TH2F>(name, eSum[iHist]);
192 name = "biasSum_" + std::to_string(ig) + "_" + std::to_string(ie);
193 hname = name;
194 title = "energy minus mc true summing over nCrys, group " + std::to_string(ig) + ", E point " + std::to_string(
195 ie) + ";nCrys;bias = energy minus mc truth (GeV)";
196 biasSum[iHist] = new TH2F(hname, title, nCrysMax + 1, 1., nCrysMax + 2., 1000, -0.1, 0.1);
197 registerObject<TH2F>(name, biasSum[iHist]);
198 }
199 }
207 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
208 //..First time, store the job parameters
209 if (storeParameters) {
210 getObjectPtr<TH1F>("inputParameters")->Fill(0.01, nCrystalGroups);
211 getObjectPtr<TH1F>("inputParameters")->Fill(1.01, m_numberEnergies);
212 double firstBin = 2.01;
213 for (int ie = 0; ie < m_numberEnergies; ie++) {
214 getObjectPtr<TH1F>("inputParameters")->Fill(firstBin + ie, m_energiesForward[ie]);
215 }
216 firstBin += m_numberEnergies;
217 for (int ie = 0; ie < m_numberEnergies; ie++) {
218 getObjectPtr<TH1F>("inputParameters")->Fill(firstBin + ie, m_energiesBarrel[ie]);
219 }
220 firstBin += m_numberEnergies;
221 for (int ie = 0; ie < m_numberEnergies; ie++) {
222 getObjectPtr<TH1F>("inputParameters")->Fill(firstBin + ie, m_energiesBackward[ie]);
223 }
225 //..Keep track of how many times inputParameters was filled
226 int lastBin = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("inputParameters")->GetNbinsX();
227 getObjectPtr<TH1F>("inputParameters")->SetBinContent(lastBin, 1.);
229 //..Store the group number for every cellID
230 for (int ic = 1; ic < 8737; ic++) {
231 getObjectPtr<TH1F>("groupNumberOfEachCellID")->Fill(ic + 0.01, iGroupOfCrystal[ic - 1]);
232 }
234 //..Call each eSum hist once to ensure they exist (with non-real nCrys)
235 for (int ig = 0; ig < nCrystalGroups; ig++) {
236 for (int ie = 0; ie < m_numberEnergies; ie++) {
237 std::string histName = "eSum_" + std::to_string(ig) + "_" + std::to_string(ie);
238 getObjectPtr<TH2F>(histName)->Fill(0.01, 0.96);
240 std::string histNameBias = "biasSum_" + std::to_string(ig) + "_" + std::to_string(ie);
241 getObjectPtr<TH2F>(histNameBias)->Fill(0.01, 0.96);
242 }
243 }
245 storeParameters = false;
246 }
248 //--------------------------------------------------------
249 //..Find the ECLShower (should only be one when using trimmed data object)
250 int iMax = -1;
251 double showerMaxE = 0.; // shower energy before leakage correction
252 const int nShower = m_eclShowerArray.getEntries();
253 for (int i = 0; i < nShower; i++) {
254 if (m_eclShowerArray[i]->getHypothesisId() == ECLShower::c_nPhotons) {
255 const double nominalE = m_eclShowerArray[i]->getEnergyRaw();
256 if (nominalE > showerMaxE) {
257 showerMaxE = nominalE;
258 iMax = i;
259 }
260 }
261 }
263 //..Quit now if no shower
264 if (iMax == -1) {return;}
266 //--------------------------------------------------------
267 //..Get cellID from related cluster
268 int iCellId = -1;
269 const auto showerClusterRelations = m_eclShowerArray[iMax]->getRelationsWith<ECLCluster>();
270 const unsigned int nRelatedClusters = showerClusterRelations.size();
271 if (nRelatedClusters > 0) {
272 const auto cluster = showerClusterRelations.object(0);
273 iCellId = cluster->getMaxECellId();
274 }
276 //..Quit if cellID is not in the range being calibrated
277 if (iCellId<iFirstCellId or iCellId>iLastCellId) {return;}
279 //..ECL region forward/barrel/backward
280 int iRegion = 1;
281 if (ECLElementNumbers::isForward(iCellId)) {
282 iRegion = 0;
283 } else if (ECLElementNumbers::isBackward(iCellId)) {
284 iRegion = 2;
285 }
287 //--------------------------------------------------------
288 //..Get the generated energy from the MCParticles block
290 //..Should only be one entry. Quit if this is not the case.
291 const int nMC = m_mcParticleArray.getEntries();
292 if (nMC != 1) {return;}
294 //..Energy. Convert to MeV to get corresponding bin
295 const double eTrue = m_mcParticleArray[0]->getEnergy();
296 const float genEnergyMeV = 1000.*eTrue;
297 const float tolerance = std::max(0.002 * genEnergyMeV, 1.0);
299 //..Look for generated energy to be close enough to the expected one
300 int iEnergy = -1;
301 double minDiff = 9999.;
302 for (int ie = 0; ie < m_numberEnergies; ie++) {
303 double diff = std::abs(genEnergyMeV - iEnergies[iRegion][ie]);
304 if (diff < std::abs(minDiff)) {
305 minDiff = genEnergyMeV - iEnergies[iRegion][ie];
306 }
307 if (diff < tolerance) {
308 iEnergy = ie;
309 break;
310 }
311 }
313 //..Quit if the true energy is not equal to a generated one.
314 // This happens if the cluster is reconstructed in the wrong region.
315 if (iEnergy == -1) {return;}
317 //..Some statistics for validation
318 getObjectPtr<TH2F>("entriesPerThetaIdEnergy")->Fill(thetaIDofCrysID[iCellId - 1] + 0.001, iEnergy + 0.001);
319 getObjectPtr<TH2F>("mcEnergyDiff")->Fill(thetaIDofCrysID[iCellId - 1] + 0.001, iEnergy + 0.001, minDiff);
321 //--------------------------------------------------------
322 //..Get the ECLCalDigits and weights associated with the cluster,
323 // plus MC true energy
324 std::vector<double> digitEnergies;
325 std::vector < std::pair<double, double> > energies;
327 const auto showerDigitRelations = m_eclShowerArray[iMax]->getRelationsWith<ECLCalDigit>(m_digitArrayName);
328 unsigned int nRelatedDigits = showerDigitRelations.size();
329 for (unsigned int ir = 0; ir < nRelatedDigits; ir++) {
330 const auto calDigit = showerDigitRelations.object(ir);
331 const auto weight = showerDigitRelations.weight(ir);
332 digitEnergies.push_back(calDigit->getEnergy() * weight);
333 const double eCalDigit = weight * calDigit->getEnergy();
335 //..MC energy via relation to ECLCalDigit
336 auto digitMCRelations = calDigit->getRelationsTo<MCParticle>();
337 double eMC = 0.;
338 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < digitMCRelations.size(); i++) {
339 eMC += digitMCRelations.weight(i);
340 }
341 std::pair<double, double> pTemp = std::make_pair(eCalDigit, eMC);
342 energies.push_back(pTemp);
343 }
345 //..Sort digit and mc energies from lowest to highest
346 std::sort(energies.begin(), energies.end());
348 //--------------------------------------------------------
349 //..Store the energy sum of 1, 2, ..., n crystals (max 21), and corresponding bias
350 std::string histName = "eSum_" + std::to_string(iGroupOfCrystal[iCellId - 1]) + "_" + std::to_string(iEnergy);
351 std::string histNameBias = "biasSum_" + std::to_string(iGroupOfCrystal[iCellId - 1]) + "_" + std::to_string(iEnergy);
353 double eSumOfN = 0.;
354 double biasSumOfN = 0.;
355 for (int isum = 0; isum < nCrysMax; isum++) {
356 int i = (int)nRelatedDigits - 1 - isum;
357 if (i >= 0) {
358 eSumOfN += energies[i].first;
359 biasSumOfN += (energies[i].first - energies[i].second);
360 }
361 getObjectPtr<TH2F>(histName)->Fill(isum + 1.01, eSumOfN / eTrue);
362 getObjectPtr<TH2F>(histNameBias)->Fill(isum + 1.01, biasSumOfN);
363 }
365 //..Also store the current raw energy for monitoring purposes
366 getObjectPtr<TH2F>(histName)->Fill(nCrysMax + 1.01, showerMaxE / eTrue);
Calibration collector module base class.
Class to store calibrated ECLDigits: ECLCalDigits.
Definition: ECLCalDigit.h:23
ECL cluster data.
Definition: ECLCluster.h:27
@ c_nPhotons
CR is split into n photons (N1)
Definition: ECLShower.h:42
Class to get the neighbours for a given cell id.
Definition: ECLNeighbours.h:25
short int getCrystalsPerRing(const short int thetaid) const
return number of crystals in a given theta ring
Definition: ECLNeighbours.h:39
A Class to store the Monte Carlo particle information.
Definition: MCParticle.h:32
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
void setPropertyFlags(unsigned int propertyFlags)
Sets the flags for the module properties.
@ c_ParallelProcessingCertified
This module can be run in parallel processing mode safely (All I/O must be done through the data stor...
Definition: Module.h:80
bool isRequired(const std::string &name="")
Ensure this array/object has been registered previously.
int getEntries() const
Get the number of objects in the array.
Definition: StoreArray.h:216
StoreArray< MCParticle > m_mcParticleArray
Array of MCParticles.
StoreArray< ECLShower > m_eclShowerArray
Required arrays.
const int iFirstCellId
first useful cellID (first of thetaID 3)
int m_nGroupPerThetaID
number of groups per standard thetaID
std::vector< std::vector< int > > iEnergies
Some other useful quantities.
std::vector< double > m_energiesBarrel
generated photon energies, barrel
const int iLastCellId
first useful cellID (last of thetaID 66)
const int nCrysMax
max number of crystals used to calculate energy
int nCrystalGroups
sort the crystals into this many groups
const int nLeakReg
0 = forward, 1 = barrel, 2 = backward
StoreArray< ECLCluster > m_eclClusterArray
Array of ECLClusters.
int iGroupOfCrystal[ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals]
group number of each crystal
ECL::ECLNeighbours * neighbours
neighbours to crystal
std::vector< int > thetaIDofCrysID
thetaID of each crystal
void collect() override
Select events and crystals and accumulate histograms.
Constructor: Sets the description, the properties and the parameters of the module.
std::string m_showerArrayName
Name of ECLShower StoreArray.
std::string m_digitArrayName
Name of ECLCalDigit StoreArray.
StoreArray< ECLCalDigit > m_eclCalDigitArray
Array of ECLCalDigits.
void prepare() override
Define histograms.
std::vector< double > m_energiesForward
generated photon energies, forward
bool storeParameters
store parameters first event
std::vector< double > m_energiesBackward
generated photon energies, backward
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:560
#define REG_MODULE(moduleName)
Register the given module (without 'Module' suffix) with the framework.
Definition: Module.h:650
bool isForward(int cellId)
Check whether the crystal is in forward ECL.
const int c_NCrystals
Number of crystals.
bool isBackward(int cellId)
Check whether the crystal is in backward ECL.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
STL namespace.