Belle II Software development
Belle2::RootIOUtilities Namespace Reference

Some constants and helpers common to the RootInput and RootOutput modules. More...


class  RootFileInfo
 Helper class to factorize some necessary tasks when working with Belle2 output files. More...


std::set< std::string > filterBranches (const std::set< std::string > &branchesToFilter, const std::vector< std::string > &branches, const std::vector< std::string > &excludeBranches, int durability, bool quiet=false)
 Given a list of input branches and lists of branches to include/exclude, returns a list of branches that are accepted.
size_t setBranchStatus (TBranch *branch, bool process)
 Set Branch to be read or not.
std::vector< std::string > expandWordExpansions (const std::vector< std::string > &filenames)
 Performs wildcard expansion using wordexp(), returns matches.
long getEntryNumberWithEvtRunExp (TTree *tree, long event, long run, long experiment)
 return entry number with given (event, run, experiment) from tree.
void buildIndex (TTree *tree)
 Build TTreeIndex on tree (assumes EventMetaData branch exists there).
bool hasStreamer (const TClass *cl)
 Returns true if and only if 'cl' or one of its bases has I/O streamers.
bool hasCustomStreamer (const TClass *cl)
 Returns true if and only if 'cl' has a user-defined streamer.
void setCreationData (FileMetaData &metadata)
 Fill the creation info of a file meta data: site, user, data.
std::string getCommitID ()
 Return git SHA1 hashes taking into account local & central release.


const std::string c_treeNames [] = { "tree", "persistent" }
 Names of trees.
const std::string c_SteerBranchNames [] = { "branchNames", "branchNamesPersistent" }
 Steering parameter names for m_branchNames.
const std::string c_SteerExcludeBranchNames [] = { "excludeBranchNames", "excludeBranchNamesPersistent" }
 Steering parameter names for m_excludeBranchNames.
const std::string c_SteerAdditionalBranchNames [] = { "additionalBranchNames", "additionalBranchNamesPersistent" }
 Steering parameter names for m_additionalBranchNames.

Detailed Description

Some constants and helpers common to the RootInput and RootOutput modules.

Function Documentation

◆ buildIndex()

void buildIndex ( TTree *  tree)

Build TTreeIndex on tree (assumes EventMetaData branch exists there).

Definition at line 152 of file

154 tree->BuildIndex("1000000*EventMetaData.m_experiment+EventMetaData.m_run", "EventMetaData.m_event");

◆ expandWordExpansions()

std::vector< std::string > expandWordExpansions ( const std::vector< std::string > &  filenames)

Performs wildcard expansion using wordexp(), returns matches.

Definition at line 114 of file

116 std::vector<std::string> out;
117 wordexp_t expansions;
118 wordexp("", &expansions, 0);
119 for (const std::string& pattern : filenames) {
120 if (wordexp(pattern.c_str(), &expansions, WRDE_APPEND | WRDE_NOCMD | WRDE_UNDEF) != 0) {
121 B2ERROR("Failed to expand pattern '" << pattern << "'!");
122 }
123 }
124 out.resize(expansions.we_wordc);
125 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < expansions.we_wordc; i++) {
126 out[i] = expansions.we_wordv[i];
127 }
128 wordfree(&expansions);
129 return out;

◆ filterBranches()

std::set< std::string > filterBranches ( const std::set< std::string > &  branchesToFilter,
const std::vector< std::string > &  branches,
const std::vector< std::string > &  excludeBranches,
int  durability,
bool  quiet = false 

Given a list of input branches and lists of branches to include/exclude, returns a list of branches that are accepted.

More precisely, an item b from 'branchesToFilter' will be in the returned set if b not in excludeBranches and (b in branches or empty(branches) or b in relationsBetweenAcceptedBranches) and b not in relationsInvolvingExcludedBranches

branchesif not empty, the list of branches to be accepted
excludeBranchesbranches that should never end up in output (takes precedence over everything else)
durabilityDurability being filtered (used for messages only)
quietIf true don't warn about branches which are missing/extra/duplicate in the lists

Definition at line 32 of file

36 std::set<std::string> branchSet, excludeBranchSet;
37 for (const std::string& b : branches) {
38 if (branchesToFilter.count(b) == 0 and not quiet)
39 B2WARNING("The branch " << b << " given in " << c_SteerBranchNames[durability] << " does not exist.");
40 if (!branchSet.insert(b).second and not quiet)
41 B2WARNING(c_SteerBranchNames[durability] << " has duplicate entry " << b);
42 }
43 for (const std::string& b : excludeBranches) {
44 // FIXME: ProcessStatistics is excluded by default but not always present. We should switch that to not write it out
45 // in the first place but the info message is meaningless for almost everyone
46 if (branchesToFilter.count(b) == 0 and not quiet and b != "ProcessStatistics")
47 B2INFO("The branch " << b << " given in " << c_SteerExcludeBranchNames[durability] << " does not exist.");
48 if (!excludeBranchSet.insert(b).second and not quiet)
49 B2WARNING(c_SteerExcludeBranchNames[durability] << " has duplicate entry " << b);
50 }
52 std::set<std::string> out, relations, excluderelations;
53 for (const std::string& branch : branchesToFilter) {
54 if (excludeBranchSet.count(branch))
55 continue;
56 if (branchSet.empty() or branchSet.count(branch))
57 out.insert(branch);
58 }
59 if (!excludeBranchSet.empty()) {
60 //remove relations for excluded things
61 for (const std::string& from : branchesToFilter) {
62 for (const std::string& to : branchesToFilter) {
63 std::string branch = DataStore::relationName(from, to);
64 if (out.count(branch) == 0)
65 continue; //not selected
66 if (excludeBranchSet.count(from) == 0 and excludeBranchSet.count(to) == 0)
67 continue; //at least one side should be excluded
68 if (branchSet.count(branch) != 0)
69 continue; //specifically included
70 excluderelations.insert(branch);
71 }
72 }
73 for (const std::string& rel : excluderelations) {
74 out.erase(rel);
75 }
76 }
77 //add relations between accepted branches
78 for (const std::string& from : out) {
79 for (const std::string& to : out) {
80 std::string branch = DataStore::relationName(from, to);
81 if (branchesToFilter.count(branch) == 0)
82 continue; //not in input
83 if (excludeBranchSet.count(branch))
84 continue;
85 relations.insert(branch);
86 }
87 }
88 out.insert(relations.begin(), relations.end());
89 return out;
static std::string relationName(const std::string &fromName, const std::string &toName, std::string const &namedRelation="")
Return storage name for a relation between two arrays of the given names.
Definition: DataStore.h:180

◆ getCommitID()

std::string getCommitID ( )

Return git SHA1 hashes taking into account local & central release.

ID is a combined hash $CENTRAL_SHA1[+$LOCAL_SHA1][-modified], or just SHA1[-modified] if only one release or they are on the same revision. Empty string denotes at least one untracked release directory.

Definition at line 207 of file

209 return GIT_COMMITID;

◆ getEntryNumberWithEvtRunExp()

long getEntryNumberWithEvtRunExp ( TTree *  tree,
long  event,
long  run,
long  experiment 

return entry number with given (event, run, experiment) from tree.

Returns -1 if not found.

Definition at line 133 of file

135 const long major = 1000000 * experiment + run;
136 const long minor = event;
138 if (!tree->GetTreeIndex()) {
139 B2DEBUG(100, "No TTreeIndex found, rebuild it...");
140 buildIndex(tree);
141 }
142 long entry = tree->GetEntryNumberWithIndex(major, minor);
144 if (entry == -1) {
145 //should be handled by caller
146 B2DEBUG(100, "Couldn't find entry (" << event << ", " << run << ", " << experiment << ") in file! (major index: " << major <<
147 ", minor index: " << minor << ")");
148 }
149 return entry;
void buildIndex(TTree *tree)
Build TTreeIndex on tree (assumes EventMetaData branch exists there).

◆ hasCustomStreamer()

bool hasCustomStreamer ( const TClass *  cl)

Returns true if and only if 'cl' has a user-defined streamer.

In that case, TClonesArrays of this type should be written with BypassStreamer(false) and split-level -1 (no splitting).

Definition at line 178 of file

180 //does this class have a custom streamer? (magic from from TTree.cxx)
181 return cl->TestBit(TClass::kHasCustomStreamerMember);

◆ hasStreamer()

bool hasStreamer ( const TClass *  cl)

Returns true if and only if 'cl' or one of its bases has I/O streamers.

TObject is not considered to have any.

Definition at line 157 of file

159 if (cl == TObject::Class())
160 return false;
162 if (cl->GetClassVersion() <= 0) {
163 // version number == 0 means no streamers for this class, check base classes
164 TList* baseClasses = const_cast<TClass*>(cl)->GetListOfBases(); //method might update an internal cache, but is const otherwise
165 TIter it(baseClasses);
166 while (auto* base = static_cast<TBaseClass*>(it())) {
167 if (hasStreamer(base->GetClassPointer()))
168 return true;
169 }
170 //nothing found
171 return false;
172 } else {
173 return true;
174 }
bool hasStreamer(const TClass *cl)
Returns true if and only if 'cl' or one of its bases has I/O streamers.

◆ setBranchStatus()

size_t setBranchStatus ( TBranch *  branch,
bool  process 

Set Branch to be read or not.

TTree::SetBranchAddress doesn't do what we want it to do because our branch names seem to not be conform to their expectations. But we don't need to use name matching, we know our structure and it's simple enough so we just recursively go through the branch and all children and set processing on or off.

branchThe branch to change the status for
processWhether or not to read/process this branch
the number of branches enabled/disabled

Definition at line 92 of file

94 size_t found{0};
95 std::queue<TBranch*> branches;
96 branches.emplace(branch);
97 while (!branches.empty()) {
98 ++found;
99 auto* current = branches.front();
100 branches.pop();
101 // set the flag we need
102 if (process) current->ResetBit(kDoNotProcess);
103 else current->SetBit(kDoNotProcess);
104 // add all children to the queue
105 auto* children = current->GetListOfBranches();
106 const auto nchildren = children->GetEntriesFast();
107 for (int i = 0; i < nchildren; ++i) {
108 branches.emplace(dynamic_cast<TBranch*>(children->UncheckedAt(i)));
109 }
110 }
111 return found;

◆ setCreationData()

void setCreationData ( FileMetaData metadata)

Fill the creation info of a file meta data: site, user, data.

Definition at line 184 of file

186 std::string site;
187 char date[100];
188 auto now = time(nullptr);
189 strftime(date, 100, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime(&now));
190 const char* belle2_site = getenv("BELLE2_SITE");
191 if (belle2_site) {
192 site = belle2_site;
193 } else {
194 char hostname[1024];
195 gethostname(hostname, 1023); //will not work well for ipv6
196 hostname[1023] = '\0'; //if result is truncated, terminating null byte may be missing
197 site = hostname;
198 }
199 const char* user = getenv("BELLE2_USER");
200 if (!user) user = getenv("USER");
201 if (!user) user = getlogin();
202 if (!user) user = "unknown";
203 auto commitid = RootIOUtilities::getCommitID();
204 metadata.setCreationData(date, site, user, commitid);
std::string getCommitID()
Return git SHA1 hashes taking into account local & central release.

Variable Documentation

◆ c_SteerAdditionalBranchNames

const std::string c_SteerAdditionalBranchNames = { "additionalBranchNames", "additionalBranchNamesPersistent" }

Steering parameter names for m_additionalBranchNames.

Definition at line 30 of file

◆ c_SteerBranchNames

const std::string c_SteerBranchNames = { "branchNames", "branchNamesPersistent" }

Steering parameter names for m_branchNames.

Definition at line 28 of file

◆ c_SteerExcludeBranchNames

const std::string c_SteerExcludeBranchNames = { "excludeBranchNames", "excludeBranchNamesPersistent" }

Steering parameter names for m_excludeBranchNames.

Definition at line 29 of file

◆ c_treeNames

const std::string c_treeNames = { "tree", "persistent" }

Names of trees.

Definition at line 27 of file