Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
9#include <geometry/Materials.h>
10#include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
11#include <framework/gearbox/GearDir.h>
12#include <framework/gearbox/Unit.h>
13#include <geometry/dbobjects/GeoMaterial.h>
14#include <geometry/dbobjects/GeoOpticalSurface.h>
16#include <memory>
17#include <limits>
18#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
20#include <G4Material.hh>
21#include <G4Element.hh>
22#include <G4NistManager.hh>
23#include <G4OpticalSurface.hh>
24#include <G4MaterialPropertiesTable.hh>
26#include "CLHEP/Units/PhysicalConstants.h"
28using namespace std;
30namespace Belle2 {
35 namespace geometry {
36 namespace {
41 template<class T> void addProperties(T& object, const gearbox::Interface& parameters)
42 {
43 // check if we have properties defined for this material
44 if (parameters.getNumberNodes("Property") > 0) {
45 //Apparantly we have properties, so lets add them to the Material
46 for (const GearDir& property : parameters.getNodes("Property")) {
47 string name;
48 try {
49 name = property.getString("@name");
50 } catch (gearbox::PathEmptyError&) {
51 B2ERROR("Property at " << property.getPath() << " does not have a name attribute, ignoring");
52 continue;
53 }
54 const double conversionFactor = Unit::convertValue(1, property.getString("@unit", "GeV"));
55 unsigned int nValues = property.getNumberNodes("value");
56 std::vector<double> energies(nValues, 0);
57 std::vector<double> values(nValues, 0);
58 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nValues; ++i) {
59 GearDir value(property, "value", i + 1);
60 energies[i] = value.getDouble("@energy") * conversionFactor;
61 values[i] = value.getDouble();
62 }
63 object.addProperty({name, energies, values});
64 }
65 }
66 }
67 }
69 G4MaterialPropertiesTable* Materials::createProperties(const std::vector<GeoMaterialProperty>& props)
70 {
71 if (!props.size()) return nullptr;
72 auto* table = new G4MaterialPropertiesTable();
73 m_PropTables.push_back(table);
74 for (const GeoMaterialProperty& prop : props) {
75 std::vector<double> energies = prop.getEnergies();
76 std::vector<double> values = prop.getValues();
77 const size_t n = values.size();
78 // convert energies to Geant4 Units
79 for (double& energy : energies) energy *= CLHEP::GeV / Unit::GeV;
80 table->AddProperty(prop.getName().c_str(),,, n);
81 }
82 return table;
83 }
86 {
87 static unique_ptr<Materials> instance(new Materials());
88 return *instance;
89 }
92 {
93 clear();
94 }
97 {
99 B2DEBUG(50, "Creating new Nist Builder instances");
100 m_nistElementBuilder = new G4NistElementBuilder(0);
101 m_nistMaterialBuilder = new G4NistMaterialBuilder(m_nistElementBuilder, 0);
102 }
103 }
105 G4Material* Materials::findMaterial(const string& name)
106 {
107 G4Material* mat{nullptr};
108 if (m_materialCache.retrieve(name, mat)) {
109 return mat;
110 }
111 initBuilders();
112 mat = m_nistMaterialBuilder->FindOrBuildMaterial(name);
114 //Try different combinations of the Material name to fallback to predefined G4 Elements
115 if (!mat && name.substr(0, 3) != "G4_") {
116 //Mainly for materials from single elements, e.g. G4_Al, G4_Si
117 mat = m_nistMaterialBuilder->FindOrBuildMaterial("G4_" + name);
118 //For predefined materials, e.g. G4_AIR, G4_TEFLON
119 if (!mat) mat = m_nistMaterialBuilder->FindOrBuildMaterial("G4_" + boost::to_upper_copy(name));
120 }
122 //Insert into cache
123 m_materialCache.insert(name, mat);
124 return mat;
125 }
127 G4Material* Materials::getMaterial(const string& name, bool showErrors)
128 {
129 G4Material* mat = findMaterial(name);
130 if (!mat && showErrors) B2ERROR("Material '" << name << "' could not be found");
131 // There is a chance that we want to scale densities of all materials for studies.
132 // Now we have the original so we can look to the scaled one or create it if it's missing
133 if (m_densityScale) {
134 if (m_ignoreScaling.count(name) > 0) return mat;
135 if (name.substr(0, 7) == "scaled:")
136 B2WARNING("Requested an already scaled material ... scaling once more" << LogVar("material", name));
137 std::string scaled = "scaled:" + std::to_string(*m_densityScale) + ":" + name;
138 G4Material* scaledMat = findMaterial(scaled);
139 if (!scaledMat) {
140 assert(mat);
141 scaledMat = new G4Material(scaled, mat->GetDensity() * *m_densityScale, mat,
142 mat->GetState(), mat->GetTemperature(), mat->GetPressure());
143 m_materialCache.insert(scaled, scaledMat);
144 }
145 return scaledMat;
146 }
147 return mat;
148 }
150 G4Element* Materials::getElement(const string& name)
151 {
152 initBuilders();
153 G4Element* elm = m_nistElementBuilder->FindOrBuildElement(name);
154 if (!elm) B2ERROR("Element '" << name << "' could not be found");
155 return elm;
156 }
158 G4Material* Materials::createMaterial(const gearbox::Interface& parameters)
159 {
160 GeoMaterial material = createMaterialConfig(parameters);
161 return createMaterial(material);
162 }
164 G4Material* Materials::createMaterial(const GeoMaterial& parameters)
165 {
166 G4Material* oldmat = getMaterial(parameters.getName(), false);
167 if (oldmat) {
168 //We cannot modify or delete materials, so we just use existing ones
169 B2ERROR("Material with name " << parameters.getName() << " already existing");
170 return oldmat;
171 }
172 B2DEBUG(10, "Creating Material " << parameters.getName());
173 //If density is negative or smaller than epsilon we should calculate the
174 //density from the used materials
175 double density = parameters.getDensity() * CLHEP::g / CLHEP::cm3;
176 if (density < 1e-25) {
177 density = 0;
178 for (const GeoMaterialComponent& component : parameters.getComponents()) {
179 //Check if we can calculate density, only works if we just add materials,
180 //elements do not have density
181 if (component.getIselement()) {
182 B2ERROR("createMaterial " << parameters.getName()
183 << ": Cannot calculate density when adding elements, please provde a density");
184 return nullptr;
185 }
186 G4Material* mat = getMaterial(component.getName());
187 if (!mat) {
188 B2ERROR("createMaterial " << parameters.getName() << ": Material '" << component.getName() << "' not found");
189 return nullptr;
190 }
191 density += mat->GetDensity() * component.getFraction();
192 }
193 }
195 //Finally, create Material and add all components
196 G4Material* mat = new G4Material(parameters.getName(), density, parameters.getComponents().size(),
197 (G4State)parameters.getState(), parameters.getTemperature(), parameters.getPressure() * CLHEP::pascal);
199 for (const GeoMaterialComponent& component : parameters.getComponents()) {
200 if (component.getIselement()) {
201 G4Element* cmp = getElement(component.getName());
202 if (!cmp) {
203 B2ERROR("Cannot create material " << parameters.getName() << ": element " << component.getName() << " not found");
204#ifdef __clang_analyzer__
205 continue;
207 return nullptr;
209 }
210 mat->AddElement(cmp, component.getFraction());
211 } else {
212 G4Material* cmp = getMaterial(component.getName());
213 if (!cmp) {
214 B2ERROR("Cannot create material " << parameters.getName() << ": material " << component.getName() << " not found");
215#ifdef __clang_analyzer__
216 continue;
218 return nullptr;
220 }
221 mat->AddMaterial(cmp, component.getFraction());
222 }
223 }
225 //add properties
226 mat->SetMaterialPropertiesTable(createProperties(parameters.getProperties()));
228 //Insert into cache and return
229 m_materialCache.insert(parameters.getName(), mat);
230 return mat;
231 }
234 {
235 //Get straightforward parameters from gearbox
236 string name = parameters.getString("@name");
237 B2DEBUG(10, "Creating Material Config " << name);
238 string stateStr = parameters.getString("state", "undefined");
239 double density = parameters.getDensity("density", 0); // * CLHEP::g / CLHEP::cm3;
240 double temperature = parameters.getDouble("temperature", CLHEP::STP_Temperature);
241 double pressure = parameters.getDouble("pressure", CLHEP::STP_Pressure / CLHEP::pascal);
243 // set the simple ones like they are
244 GeoMaterial material;
245 material.setName(name);
246 material.setPressure(pressure);
247 material.setTemperature(temperature);
248 material.setDensity(density);
250 //Sum up fractions to see if they are normalized
251 double sumFractions(0);
253 // Add all component materials
254 for (const GearDir& component : parameters.getNodes("Components/Material")) {
255 const string componentName = component.getString();
256 double fraction = component.getDouble("@fraction", 1.0);
257 material.addComponent({componentName, false, fraction});
258 sumFractions += fraction;
259 }
260 // Add all component elements
261 for (const GearDir& element : parameters.getNodes("Components/Element")) {
262 const std::string elementName = element.getString();
263 double fraction = element.getDouble("@fraction", 1.0);
264 material.addComponent({elementName, true, fraction});
265 sumFractions += fraction;
266 }
268 //Warn if the fractions are not normalized
269 if (abs(sumFractions - 1) > numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
270 B2WARNING("createMaterial " << name << ": Fractions not normalized, scaling by 1/" << sumFractions);
271 for (GeoMaterialComponent& cmp : material.getComponents()) {
272 cmp.setFraction(cmp.getFraction() / sumFractions);
273 }
274 }
276 //Determine material state
277 boost::to_lower(stateStr);
278 G4State state = kStateUndefined;
279 if (stateStr == "solid") {
280 state = kStateSolid;
281 } else if (stateStr == "liquid") {
282 state = kStateLiquid;
283 } else if (stateStr == "gas") {
284 state = kStateGas;
285 } else if (stateStr != "undefined") {
286 B2WARNING("createMaterial " << name << ": Unknown state '" << stateStr << "', using undefined");
287 }
288 material.setState(state);
290 addProperties(material, parameters);
291 // all done, return material description
292 return material;
293 }
295 G4OpticalSurface* Materials::createOpticalSurface(const gearbox::Interface& parameters)
296 {
297 GeoOpticalSurface surface = createOpticalSurfaceConfig(parameters);
298 return createOpticalSurface(surface);
299 }
301 G4OpticalSurface* Materials::createOpticalSurface(const GeoOpticalSurface& surface)
302 {
303 G4OpticalSurface* optSurf = new G4OpticalSurface(surface.getName(),
304 (G4OpticalSurfaceModel) surface.getModel(),
305 (G4OpticalSurfaceFinish) surface.getFinish(),
306 (G4SurfaceType) surface.getType(),
307 surface.getValue());
308 optSurf->SetMaterialPropertiesTable(createProperties(surface.getProperties()));
309 //m_OptSurfaces.push_back(optSurf);
310 return optSurf;
311 }
314 {
315 string name = parameters.getString("@name", "OpticalSurface");
316 string modelString = parameters.getString("Model", "glisur");
317 string finishString = parameters.getString("Finish", "polished");
318 string typeString = parameters.getString("Type", "dielectric_dielectric");
319 double value = parameters.getDouble("Value", 1.0);
321#define CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(name,value) if (name##String == #value) { name = value; }
322 G4OpticalSurfaceModel model;
323 boost::to_lower(modelString);
324 CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(model, glisur)
325 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(model, unified)
326 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(model, LUT)
327 else {
328 B2FATAL("Unknown Optical Surface Model: " << modelString);
329 }
331 G4OpticalSurfaceFinish finish;
332 boost::to_lower(finishString);
333 CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(finish, polished)
334 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(finish, polishedfrontpainted)
335 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(finish, polishedbackpainted)
336 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(finish, ground)
337 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(finish, groundfrontpainted)
338 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(finish, groundbackpainted)
339 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(finish, polishedlumirrorair)
340 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(finish, polishedlumirrorglue)
341 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(finish, polishedair)
342 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(finish, polishedteflonair)
343 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(finish, polishedtioair)
344 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(finish, polishedtyvekair)
345 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(finish, polishedvm2000air)
346 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(finish, polishedvm2000glue)
347 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(finish, etchedlumirrorair)
348 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(finish, etchedlumirrorglue)
349 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(finish, etchedair)
350 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(finish, etchedteflonair)
351 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(finish, etchedtioair)
352 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(finish, etchedtyvekair)
353 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(finish, etchedvm2000air)
354 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(finish, etchedvm2000glue)
355 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(finish, groundlumirrorair)
356 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(finish, groundlumirrorglue)
357 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(finish, groundair)
358 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(finish, groundteflonair)
359 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(finish, groundtioair)
360 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(finish, groundtyvekair)
361 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(finish, groundvm2000air)
362 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(finish, groundvm2000glue)
363 else {
364 B2FATAL("Unknown Optical Surface Finish: " << finishString);
365 }
367 G4SurfaceType type;
368 boost::to_lower(typeString);
369 CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(type, dielectric_metal)
370 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(type, dielectric_dielectric)
371 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(type, dielectric_LUT)
372 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(type, firsov)
373 else CHECK_ENUM_VALUE(type, x_ray)
374 else {
375 B2FATAL("Unknown Optical Surface Type: " << typeString);
376 }
379 GeoOpticalSurface surface(name, model, finish, type, value);
380 addProperties(surface, GearDir(parameters, "Properties"));
381 return surface;
382 }
385 {
386 // delete all property tables we have
387 B2DEBUG(50, "Cleaning G4MaterialPropertiesTable");
388 for (G4MaterialPropertiesTable* prop : m_PropTables) delete prop;
389 m_PropTables.clear();
390 // and last but not least: get rid of all materials
391 B2DEBUG(50, "Cleaning G4Materials");
392 G4MaterialTable& materials = *G4Material::GetMaterialTable();
393 for (G4Material* mat : materials) delete mat;
394 materials.clear();
395 B2DEBUG(50, "Cleaning G4Elements");
396 G4ElementTable& elements = *G4Element::GetElementTable();
397 for (G4Element* elm : elements) delete elm;
398 elements.clear();
399 B2DEBUG(50, "Cleaning G4Isotopes");
400 auto& isotopes = const_cast<G4IsotopeTable&>(*G4Isotope::GetIsotopeTable());
401 for (G4Isotope* iso : isotopes) delete iso;
402 isotopes.clear();
403 // delete material and element builder as they keep indices to materials they created :/
406 m_nistMaterialBuilder = nullptr;
407 m_nistElementBuilder = nullptr;
408 // finally, get rid of the cache, it's invalid now anyway
409 B2DEBUG(50, "Clean up material cache");
411 }
413 } //geometry namespace
415} //Belle2 namespace
GearDir is the basic class used for accessing the parameter store.
Definition: GearDir.h:31
Component of a material.
Property of a material.
Class to represent a material informaion in the Database.
Definition: GeoMaterial.h:22
void setPressure(double pressure)
set the pressure of the material (in default framework units
Definition: GeoMaterial.h:35
void setState(int state)
set the state of the material
Definition: GeoMaterial.h:29
void addComponent(const GeoMaterialComponent &component)
add a component to the material.
Definition: GeoMaterial.h:37
void setName(const std::string &name)
set the name of the material
Definition: GeoMaterial.h:27
void setTemperature(double temperature)
set the temperature of the material (in default framework units
Definition: GeoMaterial.h:33
void setDensity(double density)
set the density of the material (in default framework units
Definition: GeoMaterial.h:31
std::vector< GeoMaterialComponent > & getComponents()
get all components
Definition: GeoMaterial.h:51
Represent an optical finish of a surface.
const std::string & getName() const
get name of the optical surface
int getFinish() const
get finish of the surface
const std::vector< GeoMaterialProperty > & getProperties() const
get all properties
double getValue() const
get value for the surface condition
int getType() const
get type of the surface
int getModel() const
get model for the surface
void insert(const KEY &key, const VALUE &value)
Insert a key value pair into the cache.
Definition: MRUCache.h:79
void clear()
Clear cache.
Definition: MRUCache.h:125
bool retrieve(const KEY &key, VALUE &value)
Retrieve a value from the cache if it exists.
Definition: MRUCache.h:104
static const double GeV
Standard of [energy, momentum, mass].
Definition: Unit.h:51
Exception to be thrown in case of an empty result.
Definition: Interface.h:35
Thin wrapper around the Geant4 Material system.
Definition: Materials.h:48
GeoOpticalSurface createOpticalSurfaceConfig(const gearbox::Interface &parameters)
Create Optical Surface Configuration from XML description.
G4Material * getMaterial(const std::string &name, bool showErrors=true)
Get a pointer to the G4Material with the given name.
GeoMaterial createMaterialConfig(const gearbox::Interface &parameters)
Create Material from XML description.
Destructor for objects that I have created.
G4NistElementBuilder * m_nistElementBuilder
G4NistElementBuilder instance to create chemical elements with correct natural abundances from NIST d...
Definition: Materials.h:168
G4NistMaterialBuilder * m_nistMaterialBuilder
G4NistMaterialBuilder to create predefined materials from NIST database.
Definition: Materials.h:170
static Materials & getInstance()
Get a reference to the singleton instance.
Singleton: hide constructor.
Definition: Materials.h:152
G4MaterialPropertiesTable * createProperties(const std::vector< GeoMaterialProperty > &props)
Create a properties table from a vector of properties.
void initBuilders()
Initialize Nist Builder instances.
G4Material * createMaterial(const gearbox::Interface &parameters)
Create a material from the parameters specified by parameters.
MRUCache< std::string, G4Material * > m_materialCache
Cache for already searched Materials.
Definition: Materials.h:161
std::optional< double > m_densityScale
If set we scale all densities by a given factor.
Definition: Materials.h:179
G4Material * findMaterial(const std::string &name)
find an existing material by name
std::set< std::string > m_ignoreScaling
Names of materials we don't want to scale.
Definition: Materials.h:181
void clear()
Clear all existing materials.
std::vector< G4MaterialPropertiesTable * > m_PropTables
Vector of created G4MaterialProperties objects.
Definition: Materials.h:164
G4OpticalSurface * createOpticalSurface(const gearbox::Interface &parameters)
Create an optical surface from parameters, will abort on error.
G4Element * getElement(const std::string &name)
Find given chemical element.
Class to store variables with their name which were sent to the logging service.
static double convertValue(double value, const std::string &unitString)
Converts a floating point value to the standard framework unit.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
STL namespace.