Belle II Software development
AxialTrackUtil Struct Reference

Utility structure gathering heuristic functions used during the axial track finding. More...

#include <AxialTrackUtil.h>

Static Public Member Functions

static void addCandidateFromHits (const std::vector< const CDCWireHit * > &foundAxialWireHits, const std::vector< const CDCWireHit * > &allAxialWireHits, std::vector< CDCTrack > &axialTracks, bool withPostprocessing=true)
 Create CDCTrack using CDCWireHit hits and store it in the list. Then call the postprocessing on it.
static bool postprocessTrack (CDCTrack &track, const std::vector< const CDCWireHit * > &allAxialWireHits)
 Perform all track postprocessing - return whether the track is considered good after the postprocessing.
static void normalizeTrack (CDCTrack &track)
 Refit and resort the track. Unmask all hits.
static void updateRecoHit3D (const CDCTrajectory2D &trajectory2D, CDCRecoHit3D &hit)
 update given CDCRecoHit3D with given trajectory
static void deleteHitsFarAwayFromTrajectory (CDCTrack &track, double maximumDistance=0.2)
 Postprocessing: Delete axial hits that do not "match" to the given track.
static void assignNewHitsToTrack (CDCTrack &track, const std::vector< const CDCWireHit * > &allAxialWireHits, double minimalDistance=0.2)
 Assign new hits to the track basing on the distance from the hit to the track.
static std::vector< CDCRecoHit3DsplitBack2BackTrack (CDCTrack &track)
 Tries to split back-to-back tracks into two different tracks.
static bool isBack2BackTrack (CDCTrack &track)
 Checks whether the track has hits on both arms as seen from the origin.
static ESign getMajorArmSign (const CDCTrack &track, const Vector2D &center)
 Calculate whether the majority of hits is to the right or to the left relative to the line from origin to given center.
static int getArmSignVote (const CDCTrack &track, const Vector2D &center)
 Calculate the sum of right and left votes for the hits relative to the center.
static void removeHitsAfterSuperLayerBreak (CDCTrack &track)
 Searches for a break in the super layer chain and remove all hits that come after that.
static ESign getArmSign (const CDCRecoHit3D &hit, const Vector2D &center)
 Calculate whether the hits is to the right or to the left relative to the line from origin to the given center.
static void deleteTracksWithLowFitProbability (std::vector< CDCTrack > &axialTracks, double minimal_probability_for_good_fit=0.4)
 Check an (improper) p-values of the tracks. If they are below the given value, delete the track from the list.
static void deleteShortTracks (std::vector< CDCTrack > &axialTracks, double minimal_size=5)
 Remove tracks that are shorter than the given number of hits.

Static Private Member Functions

static bool checkTrackQuality (const CDCTrack &track)
 Check track quality – currently based on number of hits only.
static std::vector< ISuperLayer > getSLayerHoles (const std::array< int, ISuperLayerUtil::c_N > &nHitsBySLayer)
 Helper function getting the empty axial! super layers that appear in the chain of super layers that is supposed to be occupied.
static ISuperLayer getFirstOccupiedISuperLayer (const std::array< int, ISuperLayerUtil::c_N > &nHitsBySLayer)
 Helper function to extract the first filled entry in the array of super layers ( = the start superlayer of the track).
static ISuperLayer getLastOccupiedISuperLayer (const std::array< int, ISuperLayerUtil::c_N > &nHitsBySLayer)
 Helper function to extract the last filled entry in the array of super layers ( = the final superlayer of the track).

Detailed Description

Utility structure gathering heuristic functions used during the axial track finding.

Definition at line 32 of file AxialTrackUtil.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addCandidateFromHits()

void addCandidateFromHits ( const std::vector< const CDCWireHit * > &  foundAxialWireHits,
const std::vector< const CDCWireHit * > &  allAxialWireHits,
std::vector< CDCTrack > &  axialTracks,
bool  withPostprocessing = true 

Create CDCTrack using CDCWireHit hits and store it in the list. Then call the postprocessing on it.

Mark hits as taken and add the new track to the track list

Masked bad hits

Definition at line 24 of file

29 if (foundAxialWireHits.empty()) return;
31 // New track
32 CDCTrack track;
34 // Fit trajectory
36 CDCTrajectory2D trajectory2D =;
37 track.setStartTrajectory3D(CDCTrajectory3D(trajectory2D, CDCTrajectorySZ::basicAssumption()));
39 // Reconstruct and add hits
40 for (const CDCWireHit* wireHit : foundAxialWireHits) {
41 AutomatonCell& automatonCell = wireHit->getAutomatonCell();
42 if (automatonCell.hasTakenFlag()) continue;
43 CDCRecoHit3D recoHit3D = CDCRecoHit3D::reconstructNearest(wireHit, trajectory2D);
44 track.push_back(std::move(recoHit3D));
46 automatonCell.setTakenFlag(true);
47 }
48 track.sortByArcLength2D();
50 // Change everything again in the postprocessing, if desired
51 bool success = withPostprocessing ? postprocessTrack(track, allAxialWireHits) : true;
52 if (success) {
54 for (const CDCRecoHit3D& recoHit3D : track) {
55 recoHit3D.getWireHit().getAutomatonCell().setTakenFlag(true);
56 }
57 axialTracks.emplace_back(std::move(track));
58 } else {
60 for (const CDCRecoHit3D& recoHit3D : track) {
61 recoHit3D.getWireHit().getAutomatonCell().setMaskedFlag(true);
62 recoHit3D.getWireHit().getAutomatonCell().setTakenFlag(false);
63 }
64 }
Cell used by the cellular automata.
Definition: AutomatonCell.h:29
void setTakenFlag(bool setTo=true)
Sets the taken flag to the given value. Default value true.
void setMaskedFlag(bool setTo=true)
Sets the masked flag to the given value. Default value true.
bool hasTakenFlag() const
Gets the current state of the taken marker flag.
Class representing a three dimensional reconstructed hit.
Definition: CDCRecoHit3D.h:52
const CDCWireHit & getWireHit() const
Getter for the wire hit.
Definition: CDCRecoHit3D.h:238
static CDCRecoHit3D reconstructNearest(const CDCWireHit *axialWireHit, const CDCTrajectory2D &trajectory2D)
Reconstruct a three dimensional hit from a wire hit (as in reconstruct(rlWireHit, trajectory2D)),...
Class implementing the Riemann fit for two dimensional trajectory circle.
static const CDCRiemannFitter & getFitter()
Static getter for a general Riemann fitter.
Class representing a sequence of three dimensional reconstructed hits.
Definition: CDCTrack.h:41
Particle trajectory as it is seen in xy projection represented as a circle.
Particle full three dimensional trajectory.
static CDCTrajectorySZ basicAssumption()
Constucts a basic assumption, what the z0 start position and the sz slope are, including some broad v...
Class representing a hit wire in the central drift chamber.
Definition: CDCWireHit.h:55
AutomatonCell & getAutomatonCell() const
Mutable getter for the automaton cell.
Definition: CDCWireHit.h:286
static bool postprocessTrack(CDCTrack &track, const std::vector< const CDCWireHit * > &allAxialWireHits)
Perform all track postprocessing - return whether the track is considered good after the postprocessi...

◆ assignNewHitsToTrack()

void assignNewHitsToTrack ( CDCTrack track,
const std::vector< const CDCWireHit * > &  allAxialWireHits,
double  minimalDistance = 0.2 

Assign new hits to the track basing on the distance from the hit to the track.

Definition at line 175 of file

179 if (track.size() < 10) return;
181 const CDCTrajectory2D& trackTrajectory2D = track.getStartTrajectory3D().getTrajectory2D();
183 for (const CDCWireHit* wireHit : allAxialWireHits) {
184 if (wireHit->getAutomatonCell().hasTakenFlag()) continue;
186 CDCRecoHit3D recoHit3D = CDCRecoHit3D::reconstructNearest(wireHit, trackTrajectory2D);
187 const Vector2D& recoPos2D = recoHit3D.getRecoPos2D();
189 if (fabs(trackTrajectory2D.getDist2D(recoPos2D)) < minimalDistance) {
190 track.push_back(std::move(recoHit3D));
192 }
193 }
const Vector2D & getRecoPos2D() const
Getter for the 2d position of the hit.
Definition: CDCRecoHit3D.h:297
double getDist2D(const Vector2D &point) const
Calculates the distance from the point to the trajectory as seen from the xy projection.
A two dimensional vector which is equipped with functions for correct handeling of orientation relat...
Definition: Vector2D.h:32

◆ checkTrackQuality()

bool checkTrackQuality ( const CDCTrack track)

Check track quality – currently based on number of hits only.

Definition at line 88 of file

90 return not(track.size() < 5);

◆ deleteHitsFarAwayFromTrajectory()

void deleteHitsFarAwayFromTrajectory ( CDCTrack track,
double  maximumDistance = 0.2 

Postprocessing: Delete axial hits that do not "match" to the given track.

This is done by checking the distance between the hits and the trajectory, which should not exceed the maximum_distance parameter.

As this function used the masked flag, all hits should have their masked flag set to false before calling this function.

Definition at line 140 of file

142 const CDCTrajectory2D& trajectory2D = track.getStartTrajectory3D().getTrajectory2D();
143 auto farFromTrajectory = [&trajectory2D, &maximumDistance](CDCRecoHit3D & recoHit3D) {
144 Vector2D refPos2D = recoHit3D.getRefPos2D();
145 double distance = trajectory2D.getDist2D(refPos2D) - recoHit3D.getSignedRecoDriftLength();
146 if (std::fabs(distance) > maximumDistance) {
147 recoHit3D.getWireHit().getAutomatonCell().setTakenFlag(false);
148 // This must be here as the deleted hits must not participate in the hough search again.
149 recoHit3D.getWireHit().getAutomatonCell().setMaskedFlag(true);
150 return true;
151 }
152 return false;
153 };
154 erase_remove_if(track, farFromTrajectory);

◆ deleteShortTracks()

void deleteShortTracks ( std::vector< CDCTrack > &  axialTracks,
double  minimal_size = 5 

Remove tracks that are shorter than the given number of hits.

Definition at line 196 of file

198 const auto isShort = [&](const CDCTrack & track) {
199 if (track.size() < minimal_size) {
200 // Release hits
201 track.forwardTakenFlag(false);
202 return true;
203 }
204 return false;
205 };
206 erase_remove_if(axialTracks, isShort);

◆ deleteTracksWithLowFitProbability()

void deleteTracksWithLowFitProbability ( std::vector< CDCTrack > &  axialTracks,
double  minimal_probability_for_good_fit = 0.4 

Check an (improper) p-values of the tracks. If they are below the given value, delete the track from the list.

Definition at line 157 of file

161 const auto lowPValue = [&](const CDCTrack & track) {
162 CDCTrajectory2D fittedTrajectory =;
163 // Keep good fits - p-value is not really a probability,
164 // but what can you do if the original author did not mind...
165 if (not(fittedTrajectory.getPValue() >= minimal_probability_for_good_fit)) {
166 // Release hits
167 track.forwardTakenFlag(false);
168 return true;
169 }
170 return false;
171 };
172 erase_remove_if(axialTracks, lowPValue);
CDCTrajectory2D fit(const CDCObservations2D &observations2D) const
Fits a collection of observation drift circles.
Class implementing the fitter using Karimakis method.
static const CDCKarimakiFitter & getNoDriftVarianceFitter()
Static getter for a general fitter that does not use the drift length variances.
double getPValue() const
Getter for p-value.

◆ getArmSign()

ESign getArmSign ( const CDCRecoHit3D hit,
const Vector2D center 

Calculate whether the hits is to the right or to the left relative to the line from origin to the given center.

Return values
ESign::c_Righthit is on the right
ESign::c_Lefthit is on the left
ESign::c_Zerorare boarderline case
ESign::c_Invalidgiven hit has a nan value

Definition at line 281 of file

283 return sign(center.isRightOrLeftOf(hit.getRecoPos2D()));
ERightLeft isRightOrLeftOf(const Vector2D &rhs) const
Indicates if the given vector is more left or more right if you looked in the direction of this vecto...
Definition: Vector2D.h:453

◆ getArmSignVote()

int getArmSignVote ( const CDCTrack track,
const Vector2D center 

Calculate the sum of right and left votes for the hits relative to the center.

Positive indicates a majority of right by that amout. Negative indicates a left majority.

Definition at line 256 of file

258 int votePos = 0;
259 int voteNeg = 0;
261 if (center.hasNAN()) {
262 B2WARNING("Trajectory is not setted or wrong!");
263 return 0;
264 }
266 for (const CDCRecoHit3D& hit : track) {
267 ESign armSign = getArmSign(hit, center);
269 if (armSign == ESign::c_Plus) {
270 ++votePos;
271 } else if (armSign == ESign::c_Minus) {
272 ++voteNeg;
273 } else {
274 B2ERROR("Strange behaviour of getArmSignVote");
275 }
276 }
277 int armSignVote = votePos - voteNeg;
278 return armSignVote;
bool hasNAN() const
Checks if one of the coordinates is NAN.
Definition: Vector2D.h:149
Enumeration for the distinct sign values of floating point variables.
Definition: ESign.h:27
static ESign getArmSign(const CDCRecoHit3D &hit, const Vector2D &center)
Calculate whether the hits is to the right or to the left relative to the line from origin to the giv...

◆ getFirstOccupiedISuperLayer()

ISuperLayer getFirstOccupiedISuperLayer ( const std::array< int, ISuperLayerUtil::c_N > &  nHitsBySLayer)

Helper function to extract the first filled entry in the array of super layers ( = the start superlayer of the track).

Definition at line 357 of file

359 for (ISuperLayer iSLayer = 0; iSLayer < ISuperLayerUtil::c_N; ++iSLayer) {
360 if (nHitsBySLayer[iSLayer] > 0) return iSLayer;
361 }
static const ISuperLayer c_Invalid
Constant making an invalid superlayer id.
Definition: ISuperLayer.h:65
static const ISuperLayer c_N
Constant representing the total number of cdc superlayers.
Definition: ISuperLayer.h:56

◆ getLastOccupiedISuperLayer()

ISuperLayer getLastOccupiedISuperLayer ( const std::array< int, ISuperLayerUtil::c_N > &  nHitsBySLayer)

Helper function to extract the last filled entry in the array of super layers ( = the final superlayer of the track).

Definition at line 365 of file

367 for (ISuperLayer iSLayer = ISuperLayerUtil::c_N - 1; iSLayer >= 0; --iSLayer) {
368 if (nHitsBySLayer[iSLayer] > 0) return iSLayer;
369 }

◆ getMajorArmSign()

ESign getMajorArmSign ( const CDCTrack track,
const Vector2D center 

Calculate whether the majority of hits is to the right or to the left relative to the line from origin to given center.

Return values
ESign::c_Rightmost hits are on the right
ESign::c_Leftmost hits are on the left
ESign::c_Zerono majority
ESign::c_Invalidgiven center has a nan value

Definition at line 246 of file

248 int armSignVote = getArmSignVote(track, center);
249 if (armSignVote > 0) {
250 return ESign::c_Plus;
251 } else {
252 return ESign::c_Minus;
253 }
static int getArmSignVote(const CDCTrack &track, const Vector2D &center)
Calculate the sum of right and left votes for the hits relative to the center.

◆ getSLayerHoles()

std::vector< ISuperLayer > getSLayerHoles ( const std::array< int, ISuperLayerUtil::c_N > &  nHitsBySLayer)

Helper function getting the empty axial! super layers that appear in the chain of super layers that is supposed to be occupied.

Definition at line 337 of file

339 std::vector<ISuperLayer> sLayerHoles;
341 // Find the start end end point.
342 ISuperLayer firstSlayer = getFirstOccupiedISuperLayer(nHitsBySLayer);
343 ISuperLayer lastSlayer = getLastOccupiedISuperLayer(nHitsBySLayer);
345 if (ISuperLayerUtil::isInvalid(firstSlayer) or ISuperLayerUtil::isInvalid(lastSlayer)) {
346 return sLayerHoles;
347 }
349 for (ISuperLayer iSLayer = firstSlayer; iSLayer <= lastSlayer; iSLayer += 2) {
350 if (nHitsBySLayer[iSLayer] == 0) {
351 sLayerHoles.push_back(iSLayer);
352 }
353 }
354 return sLayerHoles;
static ISuperLayer getFirstOccupiedISuperLayer(const std::array< int, ISuperLayerUtil::c_N > &nHitsBySLayer)
Helper function to extract the first filled entry in the array of super layers ( = the start superlay...
static ISuperLayer getLastOccupiedISuperLayer(const std::array< int, ISuperLayerUtil::c_N > &nHitsBySLayer)
Helper function to extract the last filled entry in the array of super layers ( = the final superlaye...
static bool isInvalid(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer)
Indicates if the given number corresponds to a true cdc superlayer - excludes the logic ids for inner...

◆ isBack2BackTrack()

bool isBack2BackTrack ( CDCTrack track)

Checks whether the track has hits on both arms as seen from the origin.

Definition at line 236 of file

238 Vector2D center = track.getStartTrajectory3D().getGlobalCenter();
239 int armSignVote = getArmSignVote(track, center);
240 if (std::abs(armSignVote) < int(track.size()) and std::fabs(center.cylindricalR()) > 60.) {
241 return true;
242 }
243 return false;
double cylindricalR() const
Gives the cylindrical radius of the vector. Same as norm()
Definition: Vector2D.h:557

◆ normalizeTrack()

void normalizeTrack ( CDCTrack track)

Refit and resort the track. Unmask all hits.

Definition at line 93 of file

95 // Set the start point of the trajectory to the first hit
96 if (track.size() < 5) return;
98 CDCObservations2D observations2D(EFitPos::c_RecoPos);
99 for (const CDCRecoHit3D& item : track) {
100 observations2D.append(item);
101 }
104 CDCTrajectory2D trackTrajectory2D =;
105 Vector2D center = trackTrajectory2D.getGlobalCenter();
107 // Arm used as a proxy for the charge of the track
108 // Correct if the track originates close to the origin
109 ESign expectedCharge = AxialTrackUtil::getMajorArmSign(track, center);
111 if (trackTrajectory2D.getChargeSign() != expectedCharge) trackTrajectory2D.reverse();
113 trackTrajectory2D.setLocalOrigin(trackTrajectory2D.getGlobalPerigee());
114 for (CDCRecoHit3D& recoHit : track) {
115 AxialTrackUtil::updateRecoHit3D(trackTrajectory2D, recoHit);
116 }
118 track.sortByArcLength2D();
120 CDCTrajectory3D trajectory3D(trackTrajectory2D, CDCTrajectorySZ::basicAssumption());
121 track.setStartTrajectory3D(trajectory3D);
123 Vector3D backPosition = track.back().getRecoPos3D();
124 trajectory3D.setLocalOrigin(backPosition);
125 track.setEndTrajectory3D(trajectory3D);
Class serving as a storage of observed drift circles to present to the Riemann fitter.
void reverse()
Reverses the trajectory in place.
double setLocalOrigin(const Vector2D &localOrigin)
Setter for the origin of the local coordinate system.
ESign getChargeSign() const
Gets the charge sign of the trajectory.
Vector2D getGlobalCenter() const
Getter for the center of the trajectory in global coordinates.
Vector2D getGlobalPerigee() const
Getter for the closest approach on the trajectory to the global origin.
A three dimensional vector.
Definition: Vector3D.h:33
static void updateRecoHit3D(const CDCTrajectory2D &trajectory2D, CDCRecoHit3D &hit)
update given CDCRecoHit3D with given trajectory
static ESign getMajorArmSign(const CDCTrack &track, const Vector2D &center)
Calculate whether the majority of hits is to the right or to the left relative to the line from origi...

◆ postprocessTrack()

bool postprocessTrack ( CDCTrack track,
const std::vector< const CDCWireHit * > &  allAxialWireHits 

Perform all track postprocessing - return whether the track is considered good after the postprocessing.

Definition at line 67 of file

73 if (not checkTrackQuality(track)) {
74 return false;
75 }
77 AxialTrackUtil::assignNewHitsToTrack(track, allAxialWireHits);
82 if (not checkTrackQuality(track)) {
83 return false;
84 }
85 return true;
static void assignNewHitsToTrack(CDCTrack &track, const std::vector< const CDCWireHit * > &allAxialWireHits, double minimalDistance=0.2)
Assign new hits to the track basing on the distance from the hit to the track.
static void normalizeTrack(CDCTrack &track)
Refit and resort the track. Unmask all hits.
static bool checkTrackQuality(const CDCTrack &track)
Check track quality – currently based on number of hits only.
static void deleteHitsFarAwayFromTrajectory(CDCTrack &track, double maximumDistance=0.2)
Postprocessing: Delete axial hits that do not "match" to the given track.
static std::vector< CDCRecoHit3D > splitBack2BackTrack(CDCTrack &track)
Tries to split back-to-back tracks into two different tracks.

◆ removeHitsAfterSuperLayerBreak()

void removeHitsAfterSuperLayerBreak ( CDCTrack track)

Searches for a break in the super layer chain and remove all hits that come after that.

Definition at line 286 of file

288 double apogeeArcLength = fabs(track.getStartTrajectory3D().getGlobalCircle().perimeter()) / 2.;
290 std::array<int, ISuperLayerUtil::c_N> nForwardArmHitsBySLayer = {0};
291 std::array<int, ISuperLayerUtil::c_N> nBackwardArmHitsBySLayer = {0};
293 // Count the number of hits in the outgoing and ingoing arm per superlayer.
294 for (const CDCRecoHit3D& hit : track) {
295 if ((hit.getArcLength2D() <= apogeeArcLength) and (hit.getArcLength2D() > 0)) {
296 nForwardArmHitsBySLayer[hit.getISuperLayer()]++;
297 } else {
298 nBackwardArmHitsBySLayer[hit.getISuperLayer()]++;
299 }
300 }
302 std::vector<ISuperLayer> forwardSLayerHoles = getSLayerHoles(nForwardArmHitsBySLayer);
303 std::vector<ISuperLayer> backwardSLayerHoles = getSLayerHoles(nBackwardArmHitsBySLayer);
305 // No missing layers
306 if (forwardSLayerHoles.empty() and backwardSLayerHoles.empty()) return;
308 // We only check for holes in the forward arm for now
309 // We do not use emptyEndingSLayers here, as it would leave to a severy efficiency drop.
310 assert(std::is_sorted(forwardSLayerHoles.begin(), forwardSLayerHoles.end()));
311 if (forwardSLayerHoles.empty()) return;
313 const ISuperLayer breakSLayer = forwardSLayerHoles.front();
315 auto isInBackwardArm = [apogeeArcLength](const CDCRecoHit3D & recoHit3D) {
316 if ((recoHit3D.getArcLength2D() >= apogeeArcLength) or (recoHit3D.getArcLength2D() < 0)) {
317 recoHit3D.getWireHit().getAutomatonCell().unsetTakenFlag();
318 return true;
319 }
320 return false;
321 };
323 erase_remove_if(track, isInBackwardArm);
325 auto isAfterSLayerBreak = [breakSLayer](const CDCRecoHit3D & recoHit3D) {
326 recoHit3D.getWireHit().getAutomatonCell().unsetTakenFlag();
327 if (recoHit3D.getISuperLayer() >= breakSLayer) {
328 recoHit3D.getWireHit().getAutomatonCell().unsetTakenFlag();
329 return true;
330 }
331 return false;
332 };
334 erase_remove_if(track, isAfterSLayerBreak);
static std::vector< ISuperLayer > getSLayerHoles(const std::array< int, ISuperLayerUtil::c_N > &nHitsBySLayer)
Helper function getting the empty axial! super layers that appear in the chain of super layers that i...

◆ splitBack2BackTrack()

std::vector< CDCRecoHit3D > splitBack2BackTrack ( CDCTrack track)

Tries to split back-to-back tracks into two different tracks.

Definition at line 209 of file

211 std::vector<CDCRecoHit3D> removedHits;
213 if (track.size() < 5) return removedHits;
214 if (not isBack2BackTrack(track)) return removedHits;
216 Vector2D center = track.getStartTrajectory3D().getGlobalCenter();
217 ESign majorArmSign = getMajorArmSign(track, center);
219 auto isOnMajorArm = [&center, &majorArmSign](const CDCRecoHit3D & hit) {
220 return getArmSign(hit, center) == majorArmSign;
221 };
223 auto itFirstMinorArmHit = std::stable_partition(track.begin(),
224 track.end(),
225 isOnMajorArm);
227 for (const CDCRecoHit3D& recoHit3D : asRange(itFirstMinorArmHit, track.end())) {
228 recoHit3D.getWireHit().getAutomatonCell().setTakenFlag(false);
229 removedHits.push_back(recoHit3D);
230 }
231 track.erase(itFirstMinorArmHit, track.end());
233 return removedHits;
static bool isBack2BackTrack(CDCTrack &track)
Checks whether the track has hits on both arms as seen from the origin.

◆ updateRecoHit3D()

void updateRecoHit3D ( const CDCTrajectory2D trajectory2D,
CDCRecoHit3D hit 

update given CDCRecoHit3D with given trajectory

Definition at line 128 of file

130 hit = CDCRecoHit3D::reconstructNearest(&hit.getWireHit(), trajectory2D);
132 // Recalculate the perpS of the hits
133 double arcLength2D = hit.getArcLength2D();
134 if (arcLength2D < -trajectory2D.getArcLength2DPeriod() / 4.0) {
135 arcLength2D += trajectory2D.getArcLength2DPeriod();
136 }
137 hit.setArcLength2D(arcLength2D);
double getArcLength2DPeriod() const
Getter for the arc length for one round trip around the trajectory.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: