Belle II Software light-2406-ragdoll
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
8#include <framework/io/RootIOUtilities.h>
10#include <framework/datastore/DataStore.h>
11#include <framework/dataobjects/FileMetaData.h>
12#include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
14#include <RVersion.h>
15#include <TTree.h>
16#include <TList.h>
17#include <TClass.h>
18#include <TBaseClass.h>
19#include <TSystem.h>
21#include <wordexp.h>
23#include <queue>
25using namespace Belle2;
27const std::string RootIOUtilities::c_treeNames[] = { "tree", "persistent" };
28const std::string RootIOUtilities::c_SteerBranchNames[] = { "branchNames", "branchNamesPersistent" };
29const std::string RootIOUtilities::c_SteerExcludeBranchNames[] = { "excludeBranchNames", "excludeBranchNamesPersistent" };
30const std::string RootIOUtilities::c_SteerAdditionalBranchNames[] = { "additionalBranchNames", "additionalBranchNamesPersistent" };
32std::set<std::string> RootIOUtilities::filterBranches(const std::set<std::string>& branchesToFilter,
33 const std::vector<std::string>& branches,
34 const std::vector<std::string>& excludeBranches, int durability, bool quiet)
36 std::set<std::string> branchSet, excludeBranchSet;
37 for (const std::string& b : branches) {
38 if (branchesToFilter.count(b) == 0 and not quiet)
39 B2WARNING("The branch " << b << " given in " << c_SteerBranchNames[durability] << " does not exist.");
40 if (!branchSet.insert(b).second and not quiet)
41 B2WARNING(c_SteerBranchNames[durability] << " has duplicate entry " << b);
42 }
43 for (const std::string& b : excludeBranches) {
44 // FIXME: ProcessStatistics is excluded by default but not always present. We should switch that to not write it out
45 // in the first place but the info message is meaningless for almost everyone
46 if (branchesToFilter.count(b) == 0 and not quiet and b != "ProcessStatistics")
47 B2INFO("The branch " << b << " given in " << c_SteerExcludeBranchNames[durability] << " does not exist.");
48 if (!excludeBranchSet.insert(b).second and not quiet)
49 B2WARNING(c_SteerExcludeBranchNames[durability] << " has duplicate entry " << b);
50 }
52 std::set<std::string> out, relations, excluderelations;
53 for (const std::string& branch : branchesToFilter) {
54 if (excludeBranchSet.count(branch))
55 continue;
56 if (branchSet.empty() or branchSet.count(branch))
57 out.insert(branch);
58 }
59 if (!excludeBranchSet.empty()) {
60 //remove relations for excluded things
61 for (const std::string& from : branchesToFilter) {
62 for (const std::string& to : branchesToFilter) {
63 std::string branch = DataStore::relationName(from, to);
64 if (out.count(branch) == 0)
65 continue; //not selected
66 if (excludeBranchSet.count(from) == 0 and excludeBranchSet.count(to) == 0)
67 continue; //at least one side should be excluded
68 if (branchSet.count(branch) != 0)
69 continue; //specifically included
70 excluderelations.insert(branch);
71 }
72 }
73 for (const std::string& rel : excluderelations) {
74 out.erase(rel);
75 }
76 }
77 //add relations between accepted branches
78 for (const std::string& from : out) {
79 for (const std::string& to : out) {
80 std::string branch = DataStore::relationName(from, to);
81 if (branchesToFilter.count(branch) == 0)
82 continue; //not in input
83 if (excludeBranchSet.count(branch))
84 continue;
85 relations.insert(branch);
86 }
87 }
88 out.insert(relations.begin(), relations.end());
89 return out;
92size_t RootIOUtilities::setBranchStatus(TBranch* branch, bool process)
94 size_t found{0};
95 std::queue<TBranch*> branches;
96 branches.emplace(branch);
97 while (!branches.empty()) {
98 ++found;
99 auto* current = branches.front();
100 branches.pop();
101 // set the flag we need
102 if (process) current->ResetBit(kDoNotProcess);
103 else current->SetBit(kDoNotProcess);
104 // add all children to the queue
105 auto* children = current->GetListOfBranches();
106 const auto nchildren = children->GetEntriesFast();
107 for (int i = 0; i < nchildren; ++i) {
108 branches.emplace(dynamic_cast<TBranch*>(children->UncheckedAt(i)));
109 }
110 }
111 return found;
114std::vector<std::string> RootIOUtilities::expandWordExpansions(const std::vector<std::string>& filenames)
116 std::vector<std::string> out;
117 wordexp_t expansions;
118 wordexp("", &expansions, 0);
119 for (const std::string& pattern : filenames) {
120 if (wordexp(pattern.c_str(), &expansions, WRDE_APPEND | WRDE_NOCMD | WRDE_UNDEF) != 0) {
121 B2ERROR("Failed to expand pattern '" << pattern << "'!");
122 }
123 }
124 out.resize(expansions.we_wordc);
125 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < expansions.we_wordc; i++) {
126 out[i] = expansions.we_wordv[i];
127 }
128 wordfree(&expansions);
129 return out;
133long RootIOUtilities::getEntryNumberWithEvtRunExp(TTree* tree, long event, long run, long experiment)
135 const long major = 1000000 * experiment + run;
136 const long minor = event;
138 if (!tree->GetTreeIndex()) {
139 B2DEBUG(100, "No TTreeIndex found, rebuild it...");
140 buildIndex(tree);
141 }
142 long entry = tree->GetEntryNumberWithIndex(major, minor);
144 if (entry == -1) {
145 //should be handled by caller
146 B2DEBUG(100, "Couldn't find entry (" << event << ", " << run << ", " << experiment << ") in file! (major index: " << major <<
147 ", minor index: " << minor << ")");
148 }
149 return entry;
154 tree->BuildIndex("1000000*EventMetaData.m_experiment+EventMetaData.m_run", "EventMetaData.m_event");
157bool RootIOUtilities::hasStreamer(const TClass* cl)
159 if (cl == TObject::Class())
160 return false;
162 if (cl->GetClassVersion() <= 0) {
163 // version number == 0 means no streamers for this class, check base classes
164 TList* baseClasses = const_cast<TClass*>(cl)->GetListOfBases(); //method might update an internal cache, but is const otherwise
165 TIter it(baseClasses);
166 while (auto* base = static_cast<TBaseClass*>(it())) {
167 if (hasStreamer(base->GetClassPointer()))
168 return true;
169 }
170 //nothing found
171 return false;
172 } else {
173 return true;
174 }
180 //does this class have a custom streamer? (magic from from TTree.cxx)
181 return cl->TestBit(TClass::kHasCustomStreamerMember);
186 std::string site;
187 char date[100];
188 auto now = time(nullptr);
189 strftime(date, 100, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime(&now));
190 const char* belle2_site = getenv("BELLE2_SITE");
191 if (belle2_site) {
192 site = belle2_site;
193 } else {
194 char hostname[1024];
195 gethostname(hostname, 1023); //will not work well for ipv6
196 hostname[1023] = '\0'; //if result is truncated, terminating null byte may be missing
197 site = hostname;
198 }
199 const char* user = getenv("BELLE2_USER");
200 if (!user) user = getenv("USER");
201 if (!user) user = getlogin();
202 if (!user) user = "unknown";
203 auto commitid = RootIOUtilities::getCommitID();
204 metadata.setCreationData(date, site, user, commitid);
209 return GIT_COMMITID;
static std::string relationName(const std::string &fromName, const std::string &toName, std::string const &namedRelation="")
Return storage name for a relation between two arrays of the given names.
Definition: DataStore.h:180
Metadata information about a file.
Definition: FileMetaData.h:29
bool hasCustomStreamer(const TClass *cl)
Returns true if and only if 'cl' has a user-defined streamer.
const std::string c_treeNames[]
Names of trees.
const std::string c_SteerExcludeBranchNames[]
Steering parameter names for m_excludeBranchNames.
std::string getCommitID()
Return git SHA1 hashes taking into account local & central release.
std::vector< std::string > expandWordExpansions(const std::vector< std::string > &filenames)
Performs wildcard expansion using wordexp(), returns matches.
const std::string c_SteerBranchNames[]
Steering parameter names for m_branchNames.
void setCreationData(FileMetaData &metadata)
Fill the creation info of a file meta data: site, user, data.
std::set< std::string > filterBranches(const std::set< std::string > &branchesToFilter, const std::vector< std::string > &branches, const std::vector< std::string > &excludeBranches, int durability, bool quiet=false)
Given a list of input branches and lists of branches to include/exclude, returns a list of branches t...
const std::string c_SteerAdditionalBranchNames[]
Steering parameter names for m_additionalBranchNames.
long getEntryNumberWithEvtRunExp(TTree *tree, long event, long run, long experiment)
return entry number with given (event, run, experiment) from tree.
void buildIndex(TTree *tree)
Build TTreeIndex on tree (assumes EventMetaData branch exists there).
bool hasStreamer(const TClass *cl)
Returns true if and only if 'cl' or one of its bases has I/O streamers.
size_t setBranchStatus(TBranch *branch, bool process)
Set Branch to be read or not.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
Definition: ClusterUtils.h:24