Belle II Software light-2406-ragdoll
Belle2 Namespace Reference

Abstract base class for different kinds of events. More...


namespace  _RelationsInterfaceImpl
 hide some implementation details.
namespace  _StoreArrayImpl
 hide some implementation details.
namespace  DistanceTools
 This namespace contains a collection of function that are useful to compute distances between tracks and vertices.
namespace  EvtPDLUtil
 Utilities for converting PDG codes into particle names.
namespace  geometry
 Common code concerning the geometry representation of the detector.
namespace  HTML
 return information on objects in a nice format.
namespace  IOIntercept
 Encapsulate all classes needed to intercept stdout and stderr.
namespace  ParticleCopy
 Functions that create copies of Particles.
namespace  ParticleListName
 Helper to deal with ParticleList names.
namespace  PyObjConvUtils
 Python object converter utilities namespace.
namespace  RootIOUtilities
 Some constants and helpers common to the RootInput and RootOutput modules.
namespace  Stream
 Define (de)serialization methods for TObject.
namespace  TangoPalette
 Implements a colour palette, see
namespace  TestHelpers
 Some utilities to help with writing unit tests.
namespace  Utils
 General utility functions.


class  AbstractBooleanNode
 A parsed cut-string naturally has a tree shape which incorporates the infomation of operator precedence and evaluation order of the statements. More...
class  AbstractExpressionNode
 AbstractExpressionNode Superclass for all nodes which host expressions. More...
class  AllParticleCombinerModule
 This module combines all particles of the provided list to one mother particle. More...
class  AnalysisConfiguration
 Singleton class keeping configurables of analysis components. More...
class  AnalysisConfigurationModule
 Class to hold general basf2 configuration Used to initiate and configure CreateAnalysis object. More...
class  ArrayIterator
 Generic iterator class for arrays, allowing use of STL algorithms, range-based for etc. More...
class  AsyncWrapper
 Wraps a given Module to execute it asynchronously. More...
class  AWESOMESimHit
 A Geant4 simulated hit for the AWESOME detector. More...
class  B2BIIConvertBeamParamsModule
 Convert the IpProfile and Benergy to BeamParameters, BeamSpot, CollisionInvariantMass and CollisionBoostVector. More...
class  B2BIIConvertMdstModule
 Module converts Belle MDST objects (Panther records) to Belle II MDST objects. More...
class  B2BIIFixMdstModule
 Declaration of class B2BIIFixMdst. More...
class  B2BIIMCParticlesMonitorModule
 Declaration of class B2BIIMCParticlesMonitor. More...
class  B2BIIMdstInputModule
 Module reads Belle MDST files and converts Belle_event record to Belle II EventMetaData StoreObjectPointer. More...
class  B2Vector3
 A fast and root compatible alternative to TVector3. More...
class  BackgroundInfo
 This class stores the information about what background was mixed or overlayed. More...
class  BackgroundMetaData
 Metadata information about the beam background file. More...
class  BaseAngle
 Class to compare if two angles are compatible withing a given error range. More...
class  BeamlineFieldMapInterpolation
 The BeamlineFieldMapInterpolation class. More...
class  BeamParameters
 This class contains the nominal beam parameters and the parameters used for smearing of the primary vertex and the beam energy and momentum. More...
class  BeamParametersFitter
 Fitter calculating BeamParameters from CollisionBoostVector and CollisionInvariantMass. More...
class  BeamSpot
 This class contains the beam spot position and size modeled as a gaussian distribution in space. More...
class  BeamSpotTest
class  BelleBremRecoveryModule
 Brem recovery module (used in past belle analyses) This module add four vector of all the brem photon to the four vector associated to the charged particle. More...
class  BelleMCOutputModule
 KLM digitization module. More...
class  BelleNbarMVAModule
 Apply nbarMVA for Belle I. More...
class  BelleTrkExtra
 Class stores mdst_trk_fit information for each track. More...
class  BestCandidateSelectionModule
 Ranks particles by the values of a variable. More...
class  BFieldComponent3d
 The BFieldComponent3d class. More...
class  BFieldComponentAbs
 The BFieldComponentAbs class. More...
class  BFieldComponentBeamline
 The BFieldComponentBeamline class. More...
class  BFieldComponentConstant
 The BFieldComponentConstant class. More...
class  BFieldComponentKlm1
 The Bfieldcomponentklm1 class. More...
class  BFieldComponentQuad
 The BFieldComponentQuad class. More...
class  BFieldComponentRadial
 The BFieldComponentRadial class. More...
class  BFieldFrameworkInterface
 Simple BFieldComponent to just wrap the existing BFieldMap with the new BFieldManager. More...
class  BFieldManager
 Bfield manager to obtain the magnetic field at any point. More...
class  BFieldMap
 This class represents the magnetic field of the Belle II detector. More...
class  BinaryBooleanNode
 Nodeclass with two AbstractBooleanNode as children and a Boolean Operator (AND, OR) Check() method evaluates the child nodes and returns the result of the boolean operation. More...
class  BinaryExpressionNode
 BinaryExpressionNode Node which connects two expression nodes with an arithemtic operation. More...
class  BinaryRelationalNode
 BooleanNode which has two AbstractExpressionNodes nodes and a ComparisonOperator. More...
class  BinnedEventT0
 Database object for storing a binned EventT0 coming from the trigger. More...
class  BoostPythonModuleProxy
 Proxy class to register python modules (the things you can 'import'). More...
class  BremsFinderModule
 Bremsstrahlung finder correction module For each lepton in the input particle list, this module copies it to the output particle list and uses the results of the eclTrackBremFinder module to look for a possible bremsstrahlung photon; if this photon exists, adds its four momentum to the leptons in the output list. More...
class  Btube
 For each MCParticle with hits in the CDC, this class stores some summarising information on those hits. More...
class  BtubeCreatorModule
 Create a B particle from a Bbar particle. More...
class  BunchStructure
 Class to store the fill pattern of colliding bunches. More...
struct  cal_scale_error_func_set_t
 Structure type cal_scale_error_func_set_t. More...
class  CalcMeanCov
 Class to calculate mean and and covariance between a number of parameters on running data without storing the actual values, also for weighted entries. More...
class  CharBuffer
 dynamic character buffer that knows its size. More...
class  ChargedParticleIdentificatorTest
 Test the MVA-based charged PID. More...
class  ChargedPidMVAModule
 This module evaluates the response of an MVA trained for binary charged particle identification between two hypotheses, S and B. More...
class  ChargedPidMVAMulticlassModule
 This module evaluates the response of a multi-class MVA trained for global charged particle identification. More...
class  ChargedPidMVAWeights
 Class to contain the payload of MVA weightfiles needed for charged particle identification. More...
class  CleoCones
 Class to calculate the Cleo clone variables. More...
class  Cluster
 Class to collect log likelihoods from Clusters from ECL and KLM aimed for output to mdst includes functions to return combined likelihood probability. More...
class  ClusterUtils
 Class to provide momentum-related information from ECLClusters. More...
class  CMSFrame
 CMS frame. More...
class  CMSRotationFrame
 Stack frame for cms and Rotation frame. More...
class  CollisionAxisCMS
 This class contains the measured values of the orientation of the collision axis in the CM system obtained by pure Lorentz boost angleXZ = atan(pHERcms.X / pHERcms.Z) angleYZ = atan(pHERcms.Y / pHERcms.Z) where pHERcms is HER momentum in CM system obtained by boost. More...
class  CollisionBoostVector
 This class contains the measured average boost vector vec(beta) = (beta_x, beta_y, beta_z) = vec(p_e+e-)/E_e+e- of the center-of-mass system in the lab frame and its uncertainty. More...
class  CollisionInvariantMass
 This class contains the measured average center-of-mass energy, which is equal to the invariant mass of the colliding beams, and its uncertainty. More...
class  ConditionalGaussGenerator
 Class implementing n-dimensional random number generator from Gaussian distribution where the first component of the vector is generated first (using some external source) and the remaining components are generated based on the value of the first component. More...
class  Const
 This class provides a set of constants for the framework. More...
class  ContinuumSuppression
 This is a class for collecting variables used in continuum suppression. More...
class  ContinuumSuppressionBuilderModule
 Creates for each Particle in given ParticleList an ContinuumSuppression dataobject and makes basf2 relation between them. More...
class  CreateConsistencyInfoModule
 If you want to merge two events with the 'MergeDataStoreModule', it might be necessary to make sure that this combination of events make sense. More...
class  CreateFieldMapModule
 Create Field maps of the Belle II magnetic field used in the simulation. More...
class  CurlTaggerModule
 This module is designed to tag curl tracks. More...
class  Database
 Singleton base class for the low-level interface to the database. More...
class  DatabaseRepresentationOfWeightfile
 Database representation of a Weightfile object. More...
class  DataFlowVisualization
 class to visualize data flow between modules. More...
class  DataNode
 Template class for storing the Constants (int, double, bool) of the Cutstring. More...
class  DataStore
 In the store you can park objects that have to be accessed by various modules. More...
class  DataStoreStreamer
 Stream/restore DataStore objects to/from EvtMessage. More...
class  DBAccessorBase
 Base class for DBObjPtr and DBArray for easier common treatment. More...
class  DBArray
 Class for accessing arrays of objects in the database. More...
class  DBImportArray
 Class for importing array of objects to the database. More...
class  DBImportBase
 Base class for importing objects to the database. More...
class  DBImportObjPtr
 Class for importing a single object to the database. More...
class  DBObjPtr
 Class for accessing objects in the database. More...
class  DBObjPtr< PayloadFile >
 Specialization of DBObjPtr in case of PayloadFiles. More...
class  DBPointer
 Class for pointing to an element in an array stored in the database. More...
class  DBRepresentationOfSoftwareTriggerCut
 Class to handle storing SoftwareTriggerCuts in the database. More...
class  DBStore
 Singleton class to cache database objects. More...
class  DBStoreEntry
 Class to hold one entry from the ConditionsDB in the DBStore. More...
class  DecayDescriptor
 The DecayDescriptor stores information about a decay tree or parts of a decay tree. More...
class  DecayDescriptorParticle
 Represents a particle in the DecayDescriptor. More...
class  DecayForest
 Contains several DecayTree objects, which belong all to the same candidate. More...
class  DecayNode
 DecayNode describes the decay of a particle identified by its pdg code, into list of daughters. More...
struct  DecayStringDecay
 Holds the information of a decay. More...
struct  DecayStringGrammar
 This class describes the grammar and the syntax elements of decay strings. More...
struct  DecayStringParticle
 Holds the information of a particle in the decay string. More...
class  DecayTree
 This is a helper class for the MCDecayFinderModule. More...
class  dEdxPDFs
 Base class for holding the dE/dx PDFs. More...
class  DensityScalerModule
 Scale density of simulation/reconstruction geometry. More...
class  DependencyMap
 Collect information about the dependencies between modules. More...
struct  DetectorSurface
 Detector surfaces information. More...
class  DetSurfCylBoundaries
 Simple class to encapsulate a detector surface's boundaries in cylindrical coordinates. More...
class  DigitBase
 A common base for subdetector Digits. More...
class  DisplayData
 Add custom information to the display. More...
class  DistanceCalculatorModule
 Calculates distance between two vertices, distance of closest approach between a vertex and a track, distance of closest approach between a vertex and Btube. More...
class  DuplicateVertexMarkerModule
 Identify duplicate vertices (distinct particles, but built from the same daughters) and mark the one with best chi2. More...
class  ECLCluster
 ECL cluster data. More...
class  ECLClusterTest
 Test class for the Track object. More...
class  ECLEnergyCloseToTrack
 Class to store energy information for ECL hits closest to a track. More...
class  ECLPhotonEnergyResolution
 Class to hold the information ECL energy resolution derived from PERC. More...
class  ECLTRGInformation
 Class to store information about ECL trigger cells (TCs) More...
class  ECLTriggerCell
 ECL Trigger cells. More...
class  EnergyBiasCorrectionModule
 Energy bias correction. More...
class  Environment
 This class stores all environment information required to run the framework, such as module or data filepaths, number of processes to be used in parallel processing etc. More...
class  EnvironmentVariables
 Utility functions related to environment variables. More...
struct  EqualVisitor
 Seperate Visitor struct for equal_to comparison of variant<double, int bool>. More...
class  EventDependency
 Class for handling changing conditions as a function of event number. More...
class  EventErrorFlagModule
 Module to check or add error flags of the EventMetaData. More...
class  EventExtraInfo
 Class to stores ExtraInfo of the whole event. More...
class  EventInfoPrinterModule
 The event meta data info module. More...
class  EventInfoSetterModule
 Module to set event, run, experiment numbers. More...
class  EventKinematics
 Class for collecting variables related to the global kinematics of the event. More...
class  EventKinematicsModule
 Module to compute global quantities related to the event kinematics, like total missing energy and mass2, visible energy, etc. More...
class  EventLevelClusteringInfo
 ECL/KLM clustering event level information: More...
class  EventLevelTrackingInfo
 Tracking-related info on event-level, for example number of unassigned measurements. More...
class  EventLevelTrackingInfoTest
 Unit tests for the event level tracking information. More...
class  EventLevelTriggerTimeInfo
 Storage element for information from the Trigger Timing Distribution (TTD) More...
class  EventLimiterModule
 The EventLimiter module. More...
class  EventMetaData
 Store event, run, and experiment numbers. More...
class  EventMetaDataSerialization
 Helper class for (de)serializing the event meta data used for the event backup transferral. More...
class  EventProcessor
 provides the core event processing loop. More...
class  EventShapeCalculatorModule
 Module to compute event shape variables starting from three lists of particle objects (tracks, gammas, Klongs). More...
class  EventShapeContainer
 Class for collecting the basic objects related to the event shape. More...
class  eventShapeCoreAlgorithmTest
class  EventT0
 Storage element for the eventwise T0 estimation. More...
class  EvtGenDatabasePDG
 Replacement for TDatabasePDG that is filled from EvtGen's evt.pdl. More...
class  EvtGenParticlePDG
 Helper class for setting additional TParticlePDG members and storing the ones it doesn't have yet. More...
struct  EvtHeader
 Header structure of streamed object list. More...
class  EvtMessage
 Class to manage streamed object. More...
class  ExportGeometryModule
 The ExportGeometry module. More...
class  ExtraInfoPrinterModule
 Prints the names of the ExtraInfos for a ParticleList or for the Event. More...
class  ExtraInfoRemoverModule
 This module deletes the extrainfo of each particle in the given ParticleLists. More...
class  FBXWriterModule
 The FBX-writer module. More...
class  FileCatalog
 This class provides an interface to the file (metadata) catalog. More...
class  FileMetaData
 Metadata information about a file. More...
class  FileSystem
 Utility functions related to filename validation and filesystem access. More...
class  FixMergedObjectsModule
 If the content of two DataStores are merged using the 'MergeDataStoreModule', then Relations of the objects are corrected. More...
class  FlavorTaggerInfo
 This class stores the relevant information for the TagV vertex fit, extracted mainly from the Flavor Tagging Module. More...
class  FlavorTaggerInfoBuilderModule
 Creates for each Particle and RestOfEvent object in the DataStore a FlavorTaggerInfo dataobject and makes basf2 relation between them. More...
class  FlavorTaggerInfoFillerModule
 Creates a new flavorTaggerInfoMap DataObject for the specific methods. More...
class  FlavorTaggerInfoMap
 This class stores the Flavor Tagger information for a specific method and particle filled in the Flavor Tagger Module. More...
class  FormulaParser
 FormulaParser to parse a text formula like "a + b * c ^ d" where the separate parts can be either variables (with and without arguments) or numbers. More...
class  FormulaParserBase
 Base class with the non-templated part of the formula parser. More...
class  FoxWolfram
 Class to calculate the Fox-Wolfram moments up to order 8. More...
class  Framework
 This class combines all subsystems of the framework, and exports the main interface to Python. More...
class  FunctionNode
 FunctionNode Node class for handling MetaVariables in cuts. More...
class  Gearbox
 Singleton class responsible for loading detector parameters from an XML file. More...
class  GearboxModule
 The Gearbox module. More...
class  GearDir
 GearDir is the basic class used for accessing the parameter store. More...
class  GenB0Tag
 Class to determine generated decay mode of B0 and B0bar. More...
class  GenBplusTag
 Class to determine generated decay modes of B+ and B-. More...
class  GenBsTag
 Class to determine generated decay mode of Bs0 and Bs0bar. More...
class  GenDTag
 Class to determine generated decay mode of D*, Ds, D0, D+, and their anti-particles. More...
class  GeneralCut
 This class implements a common way to implement cut/selection functionality for arbitrary objects. More...
class  GenTauTag
 Class to determine generated decay mode of tau+ and tau-. More...
class  GeoComponent
 Describe one component of the Geometry. More...
class  GeoConfiguration
 configuration of the geometry More...
class  GeoMagneticField
 The GeoMagneticField class. More...
class  GeoMaterial
 Class to represent a material informaion in the Database. More...
class  GeoMaterialComponent
 Component of a material. More...
class  GeoMaterialProperty
 Property of a material. More...
class  GeometryModule
 Module to facilitate Geometry creation. More...
class  GeoOpticalSurface
 Represent an optical finish of a surface. More...
class  GlobalProcHandler
 A class to manage processes for parallel processing. More...
class  HardwareClockSettings
 Database object containing the nominal accelerator RF value and the prescales to derive the clock frequencies of the sub-detectors. More...
class  HarmonicMoments
 Class to calculate the Harmonic moments up to order 8 with respect to a given axis. More...
class  Helix
 This class represents an ideal helix in perigee parameterization. More...
class  HelixErrorScalerModule
 scale the error of helix parameters More...
class  HistoManagerModule
 Class definition of HistoManager module. More...
class  HistoModule
 HistoModule.h is supposed to be used instead of Module.h for the modules with histogram definitions to be managed by HistoManager. More...
class  HitPatternCDC
 Hit pattern of CDC hits within a track. More...
class  HitPatternCDCTest
 Unit tests for the CDC hit Patterns. More...
class  HitPatternVXD
 Hit pattern of the VXD within a track. More...
class  HitPatternVXDTest
class  IdentifierNode
 Class which stores the name of a variable. More...
class  InclusiveBtagReconstructionModule
 Inclusively reconstructs anti-B:tag from input ParticleLists for given B:sig. More...
class  InclusiveDstarReconstructionModule
 Inclusive D* reconstruction module. More...
class  InMessage
 Reusable Message class derived from TMessage (for reading only) More...
class  InputController
 A static class to control supported input modules. More...
struct  InputHandlerFactory
 Helper class to easily register new input handlers. More...
class  InteractiveModule
 Start an interactive python shell in each call of event(). More...
class  IntervalOfValidity
 A class that describes the interval of experiments/runs for which an object in the database is valid. More...
class  IntraRunDependency
 Base class for handling changing conditions during a run. More...
class  IoVDependentConditionModule
 Module which sets its return value based on the fact, if the event is in the given run/exp interval or not. More...
class  KeyValuePrinter
 create human-readable or JSON output for key value pairs. More...
class  Kink
 Object holding information for Kinks. More...
class  KlId
 Klong identifcation (KlId) datastore object to store results from KlId calculations. More...
class  KlIdTest
 Test class for the KlId object. More...
class  KLMCluster
 KLM cluster data. More...
struct  KlongCalculatorUtils
 Utility class to calculate the Klong kinematics. More...
class  KlongDecayReconstructorExpertModule
 reco missing module More...
class  KlongMomentumCalculatorExpertModule
 reco missing module More...
class  KlongMomentumUpdaterExpertModule
 Calculate and update the two body B decay kinematics. More...
class  KsfwMoments
 Moment-calculation of the k_sfw improved Super-Fox-Wolfram moments. More...
class  LabFrame
 Lab frame. More...
class  LabToCms
 Class implementing general Lorentz Transformation between LAB and CMS system. More...
class  ListIndexGenerator
 ListIndexGenerator is a generator for all the combinations of the sublists (FlavorSpecificParticle = 0, SelfConjugatedParticle = 1) of a set of particle lists. More...
class  LogConfig
 The LogConfig class. More...
class  LogConnectionBase
 Abstract base class for the different types of log connections. More...
class  LogConnectionConsole
 Implements a log connection to an IO Stream. More...
class  LogConnectionFilter
 Implements a log connection that filters repeated messages. More...
class  LogConnectionJSON
 Implements a log connection to stdout but with messages formatted as json objects to allow easy parsing by other tools, say jupyter notebooks. More...
class  LogConnectionTxtFile
 Implements a log connection to a text file. More...
class  LogConnectionUDP
 Log Connection to send the log message as JSON to a UDP server. More...
class  LogMessage
 The LogMessage class. More...
class  LogMethod
 The LogMethod class. More...
class  LogPythonInterface
 Thin wrapper to expose a usable interface to the logging framework in python. More...
class  LogSystem
 Class for logging debug, info and error messages. More...
class  LowEnergyPi0IdentificationExpertModule
 Calculation of low-energy pi0 identification value. More...
class  LowEnergyPi0VetoExpertModule
 Calculation of low-energy pi0 veto value. More...
class  MagneticField
 Magnetic field map. More...
class  MagneticFieldComponent
 Abstract base class for BField components. More...
class  MagneticFieldComponent3D
 Describe one component of the Geometry. More...
class  MagneticFieldComponentConstant
 Describe one component of the Geometry. More...
class  MakeROOTCompatible
 Helper class for converting strings into a ROOT-friendly format (e.g.: removing special characters in branch names, etc.) More...
class  Map2Vector
 Helper class to make a vector of all possible combinations of int numbers contained in the input vectors (passed as values in a map). More...
class  MapMergeable
 Wrap an STL map to make it mergeable. More...
class  MCDecayFinderModule
 Find decays in MCParticle list matching a given DecayString. More...
class  MCInitialParticles
 This class contains the initial state for the given event. More...
class  MCMatcherParticlesModule
 MC matching module: module performs MC matching (sets the relation Particle -> MCParticle) for all particles and its (grand)^N-daughter particles in the user-specified ParticleList. More...
struct  MCMatching
 Functions to perform Monte Carlo matching for reconstructed Particles. More...
class  MCParticle
 A Class to store the Monte Carlo particle information. More...
class  MCParticleGraph
 Class to build, validate and sort a particle decay chain. More...
class  MemoryPool
 Class to provide a constant access time memory pool for one kind of objects. More...
class  Mergeable
 Abstract base class for objects that can be merged. More...
class  MergeDataStoreModule
 Internal module used by Path.add_independent_merge_path(). More...
class  MergedEventConsistency
 Mark if we want to merge the DataStore of a combination of events or not. More...
class  MetadataService
 This class provides a service for writing metadata about the basf2 execution and about output files to a json file. More...
class  Module
 Base class for Modules. More...
class  ModuleCondition
 Wraps a condition set on a Module instance. More...
class  ModuleManager
 The ModuleManager Class. More...
class  ModuleParam
 A single parameter of the module. More...
class  ModuleParamBase
 Base class for module parameter. More...
class  ModuleParamInfoPython
 Class to store basic information about a parameter. More...
class  ModuleParamList
 The Module parameter list class. More...
class  ModuleProxyBase
 The base module proxy class is used to create new instances of a module. More...
class  ModuleStatistics
 Keep track of time and memory consumption during processing. More...
class  MRUCache
 Class implementing a generic Most Recently Used cache. More...
class  MsgHandler
 A class to encode/decode an EvtMessage. More...
class  MuidProb
 Class computes probability density for Muid calculation. More...
class  MultivariateNormalGenerator
 Class to generate normal distributed, correlated random numbers given the mean values and the covariance matrix of all dimensions. More...
class  MVAExpertModule
 This module adds an ExtraInfo to the Particle objects in a given ParticleList. More...
class  MVAMultipleExpertsModule
 This module adds an ExtraInfo to the Particle objects in a given ParticleList. More...
class  MVAPrototypeModule
 This module can be used as a prototype for your own module which uses MVA weightfiles. More...
class  MyDBCreator
 Very simple Creator class which actually does not do anything but shows how creators should implement loading the geometry from database. More...
class  MyDBPayloadClass
 Class containing all the parameters needed to create the geometry and suitable to save into a ROOT file to be used from the Database. More...
class  NeutralHadron4MomentumCalculatorModule
 Calculates 4-momentum of a neutral hadron in a given decay chain e.g. More...
class  NeutralHadronMatcherModule
 Module to geometrically match neutral hadrons (KL, neutrons) to ECL clusters. More...
class  NodeFactory
 Wrapper class for static node compile functions. More...
class  ObjArrayIterator
 Optimizes class to iterate over TObjArray and classes inheriting from it. More...
class  OnlyWriteOutParticleListsModule
 Marks all objects in DataStore except those of type ParticleList as WrtieOut=False. More...
class  OptionalDBArray
 Optional DBArray: This class behaves the same as the DBArray except that it will not raise errors when an object could not be found in the database. More...
class  OptionalDBObjPtr
 Optional DBObjPtr: This class behaves the same as the DBObjPtr except that it will not raise errors when an object could not be found in the database. More...
class  OverlapCheckerModule
 The geometry overlap check module. More...
class  PartialSelectModule
 The PartialSelect module. More...
class  Particle
 Class to store reconstructed particles. More...
struct  ParticleAndWeight
 this struct is used to store and sort the tag tracks More...
class  ParticleCombinerFromMCModule
 particle combiner module More...
class  ParticleCombinerModule
 particle combiner module More...
class  ParticleCopierModule
 Module for creating copies of Particles. More...
class  ParticleExtractorFromROEModule
 Extract particles from ROE and fill them in ParticleList. More...
class  ParticleExtraInfoMap
 Internal class to store string -> index maps for extra info stored in Particle. More...
class  ParticleGenerator
 ParticleGenerator is a generator for all the particles combined from the given ParticleLists. More...
class  ParticleIndexGenerator
 ParticleIndexGenerator is a generator for all the combinations of the particle indices stored in the particle lists. More...
class  ParticleList
 ParticleList is a container class that stores a collection of Particle objects. More...
class  ParticleListHelper
 Class to help managing creation and adding to ParticleLists. More...
class  ParticleListManipulatorModule
 Module for copying Particles (actually their indices) from two or more ParticleLists(s) to another ParticleList. More...
class  ParticleLoaderModule
 Loads MDST dataobjects as Particle objects to the StoreArray<Particle> and collects them in specified ParticleList. More...
class  ParticleMassHypothesesUpdaterModule
 This module creates a new particle list with the desired pdg code using tracks from an input particle list (basically updates the mass hypotheses of the input list). More...
class  ParticleMassUpdaterModule
 This module replaces the mass of the particles inside the given particleLists with the invariant mass of the particle corresponding to the given pdgCode. More...
class  ParticleMCDecayStringModule
 Adds the Monte Carlo decay string to a Particle. More...
class  ParticleMomentumUpdaterModule
 This module replaces the momentum of the Particle in the target particle list by p(beam) - p(selected daughters). More...
class  ParticlePrinterModule
 prints particle list to screen More...
class  ParticleSelectorModule
 Loops over all Particles in the ParticleList and removes those Particles from the ParticleList that do not pass given selection criteria. More...
class  ParticleStatsModule
 This module summarises the ParticleLists in the event. More...
class  ParticleSubset
 Specialised SelectSubset<Particle> that also fixes daughter indices and all ParticleLists. More...
class  ParticleVertexFitterModule
 Vertex fitter module. More...
class  ParticleWeightingAxis
 Class for handling LookUp tables. More...
class  ParticleWeightingBinLimits
 Just pair of numbers - min and max values of bin border. More...
class  ParticleWeightingKeyMap
 Class for handling KeyMap. More...
class  ParticleWeightingLookUpCreatorModule
 Module that creates LookUpTable and upload it to the DB. More...
class  ParticleWeightingLookUpTable
 Class for handling LookUp tables. More...
class  ParticleWeightingModule
 Module to append weights from the database into the extraInfo of Particles. More...
class  Path
 Implements a path consisting of Module and/or Path objects. More...
class  PathElement
 Base for classes that can be elements of a Path. More...
class  PathIterator
 Iterator over a Path (returning Module pointers). More...
class  PathUtils
 Helper utils for path arithmetics needed in the pEventProcessor. More...
class  PayloadFile
 A wrapper class for payload files used by the Database and DBStore classes. More...
class  PCmsLabTransform
 Class to hold Lorentz transformations from/to CMS and boost vector. More...
class  pEventProcessor
 This class provides the core event processing loop for parallel processing. More...
class  PhiAngle
class  PhotonEfficiencySystematicsModule
 Adds Photon Detection Efficiency Data/MC ratios To Particle List. More...
class  Pi0VetoEfficiencySystematicsModule
 Adds Pi0Veto Efficiency Data/MC ratios To Particle List. More...
class  PIDCalibrationWeight
 Class for handling the PID calibration weight matrix. More...
class  PIDCalibrationWeightCreatorModule
 Module that creates WeightMatrix and uploads it to the DB. More...
class  PIDCalibrationWeightUtil
 Class to call calibration weight matrix. More...
class  PIDDetectorWeights
 Class for handling the PID weights per detector, used to calculate the track helix isolation score per particle. More...
class  PIDLikelihood
 Class to collect log likelihoods from TOP, ARICH, dEdx, ECL and KLM aimed for output to mdst includes functions to return combined likelihood probability. More...
class  PIDNeuralNetwork
 Class to call PID neural network. More...
class  PIDNeuralNetworkParameters
 Class for handling the parameters for the neural-network PID. More...
class  PIDNeuralNetworkParametersCreatorModule
 Module that creates PID neural network parameters and uploads them to the DB. More...
class  PIDPriors
 A database class to hold the prior probability for the particle identification. More...
class  PIDPriorsTable
 This class holds the prior distribution for a single particle species. More...
class  PIDPriorsTest
class  PostMergeUpdaterModule
 If the content of two DataStores are merged using the 'MergeDataStoreModule', several kinematic properties might need fix. More...
class  PostProcessingParticleWeighting
 Post-processing particle weighting. More...
class  PrescaleModule
 The Prescale module. More...
class  PrintBeamParametersModule
 Print the BeamParameters everytime they change. More...
class  PrintCollectionsModule
 Prints the contents of DataStore in each event, listing all objects and arrays (including size). More...
class  PrintMCParticlesModule
 The PrintMCParticles module. More...
class  ProcessedEventBackup
 Storage item for the event backup storing the event message, the time stamp and the event meta data. More...
class  ProcessedEventsBackupList
 List-like structure for storing and retaining event backups. More...
class  ProcessMonitor
 Class to monitor all started framework processes (input, workers, output), kill them if requested and handle the signals from the OS. More...
class  ProcessStatistics
 Class to collect call statistics for all modules. More...
class  ProcessStatisticsPython
 Python interface for ProcessStatistics. More...
class  ProcHandler
 A class to manage processes for parallel processing. More...
class  ProfileInfo
 Store execution time and memory usage. More...
class  ProfileModule
 A module that measures the execution time and memory usage per event. More...
class  ProgressBarModule
 Display a progress bar and an estimate of remaining time when number of events is known (e.g. More...
class  ProgressModule
 Periodically writes the number of processed events/runs to the logging system to give a progress indication. More...
class  PruneDataStoreModule
 Clears the content of the DataStore while it keeps entries matching the regex expression in the matchEntries option. More...
class  PseudoVertexFitterModule
 Pseudo Vertex fitter module. More...
class  PyDBArray
 Class to access a DB Array from Python. More...
class  PyDBObj
 Class to access a DBObjPtr from Python. More...
class  PyModule
 Python wrapper for Belle2::Module. More...
class  PyStoreArray
 A (simplified) python wrapper for StoreArray. More...
class  PyStoreObj
 a (simplified) python wrapper for StoreObjPtr. More...
class  RandomBarrierModule
 Sets gRandom to an independent generator for the following modules. More...
class  RandomGenerator
 Fast Random number Generator using on xorshift1024* [arXiv:1402.6246]. More...
class  RandomNumbers
 The class for handling the random number generation. More...
class  RbTupleManager
 Class to manage histograms defined in registered modules. More...
class  ReferenceFrame
 Abstract base class of all reference frames. More...
class  RelationArray
 Low-level class to create/modify relations between StoreArrays. More...
class  RelationContainer
 Class to store relations between StoreArrays in the DataStore. More...
class  RelationElement
 Class to store a single element of a relation. More...
struct  RelationEntry
 Struct for relations. More...
class  RelationIndex
 Provides access to fast ( O(log n) ) bi-directional lookups on a specified relation. More...
class  RelationIndexBase
 Baseclass for all RelationIndexContainers. More...
class  RelationIndexContainer
 Class to store a bidirectional index between two StoreArrays. More...
class  RelationIndexManager
 Manager to keep a cache of existing RelationIndexContainers. More...
class  RelationsInterface
 Defines interface for accessing relations of objects in StoreArray. More...
class  RelationVector
 Class for type safe access to objects that are referred to in relations. More...
class  RelationVectorBase
 base class for RelationVector<T> More...
class  RemoveParticlesNotInListsModule
 Removes all Particles that are not in a given list of ParticleLists (or daughters of those). More...
class  RestFrame
 Rest frame of a particle. More...
class  RestOfEvent
 This is a general purpose class for collecting reconstructed MDST data objects that are not used in reconstruction of given Particle – referred also as Rest Of the Event. More...
class  RestOfEventBuilderModule
 Creates for each Particle in given ParticleList an RestOfEvent (ROE) dataobject and makes basf2 relation between them. More...
class  RestOfEventInterpreterModule
 Creates a mask (vector of boolean values) for tracks and clusters in RestOfEvent regarding their usage. More...
class  RestOfEventPrinterModule
 prints ROE information and masks to screen More...
class  RestOfEventUpdaterModule
 Updates an existing mask (map of boolean values) for tracks or eclClusters in RestOfEvent with an available property (e.g. More...
class  RingBuffer
 Class to manage a Ring Buffer placed in an IPC shared memory. More...
struct  RingBufInfo
 Internal metadata structure for RingBuffer. More...
class  RootFileCreationManager
 This single instance class takes track of all open ROOT files open in "create" mode, usually meant for all the ntuple output modules. More...
class  RootInputModule
 Module to read TTree data from file into the data store. More...
class  RootMergeable
 Wrap a root histogram or TNtuple to make it mergeable. More...
class  RootOutputModule
 Write objects from DataStore into a ROOT file. More...
class  RotationFrame
 Rotation frame around vector. More...
class  RunInfo
 Database object for Run Information. More...
class  RxModule
 Module to decode data store contents from RingBuffer. More...
class  ScopeGuard
 Simple ScopeGuard to execute a function at the end of the object lifetime. More...
class  SelectDaughtersModule
 Redefine (select) the daughters of a particle. More...
class  SelectSubset
 Class to create a subset of a given StoreArray together with the relations with other StoreArrays. More...
class  SelectSubsetBase
 Type-independent implementation details of SelectSubset. More...
class  SemaphoreLocker
 Handles creation, locking and unlocking of System V semaphores. More...
class  SeqFile
 A class to manage I/O for a chain of blocked files. More...
class  SeqRootInputModule
 Module to read files produced by SeqRootOutputModule. More...
class  SeqRootOutputModule
 Output module for sequential ROOT I/O. More...
class  SetMergeable
 Wrap an STL set to make it mergeable. More...
class  SignalSideParticleFilterModule
 The module returns true if the current RestOfEvent object is related to any of the Particles in the input ParticleLists. More...
class  SignalSideParticleListCreatorModule
 The module creates a ParticleList and fills it with one of the daughter Particles. More...
class  SignalSideVariablesToDaughterExtraInfoModule
 The module writes properties (values of specified variables) of the particle related to the current ROE as an ExtraInfo to the single particle in the input ParticleList. More...
class  SignalSideVariablesToExtraInfoModule
 The module writes property of single particle found in the input ParticleList as an ExtraInfo to the Particle related to the current ROE. More...
class  SkimFilterModule
 This module filters events based on presence of candidates in a list of ParticleLists. More...
class  SoftwareTriggerCutBase
 Base class for the SoftwareTriggerCut and its DBRepresentation. More...
class  SoftwareTriggerMenu
 Class to handle storing the trigger menu in the database. More...
class  SoftwareTriggerResult
 Dataobject to store the results of the cut calculations performed by the SoftwareTriggerModule. More...
class  SphericityEigenvalues
 Class to calculate the Sphericity tensor eigenvalues and eigenvectors starting from an array of 3-momenta The tensor itself is not stored, only its eigenvalues and eigenvectors are. More...
class  StatisticsSummaryModule
 A module that displays the sum of multiple modules in the module statistics. More...
class  SteerRootInputModule
 Internal module used by Path.add_independent_merge_path(). More...
class  StoreAccessorBase
 Base class for StoreObjPtr and StoreArray for easier common treatment. More...
class  StoreArray
 Accessor to arrays stored in the data store. More...
struct  StoreEntry
 Wraps a stored array/object, stored under unique (name, durability) key. More...
class  StoreObjPtr
 Type-safe access to single objects in the data store. More...
class  StreamHelper
 Helper class for data store serialization. More...
struct  StringFormulaConstructor
 Example struct to be used with the FormulaParser to create a string representation of the formula, mainly for testing and debugging. More...
class  StringWrapper
 This class is a wrapper for strings, such as MCDecayStrings, to allow them to be associated with particles via a relation. More...
class  SubEventModule
 Framework-internal module that implements the functionality of Path::forEach() as well as Path::doWhile(). More...
class  SwitchDataStoreModule
 Internal module used by Path.add_independent_path(). More...
class  TagUniqueSignalModule
 Loops through the particle list finds a unique signal candidate for each event. More...
class  TagVertex
 TagVertex data object: contains Btag Vertex and DeltaT. More...
class  TagVertexModule
 Tag side Vertex Fitter module for modular analysis. More...
class  TauDecayMarkerModule
 Module to identify generated tau pair decays, using MCParticle information. More...
class  TauDecayModeModule
 Module to classify tau decay events according to a mapping given by the user or with a default mapping based on the TauolaBelle2 decay list. More...
class  TauPairDecay
 Class for collecting variables related to tau-taubar MC decay process. More...
class  TernaryRelationalNode
 BooleanNode which has three AbstractExpressionNodes nodes and two ComparisonOperator. More...
class  TestChunkData
 Storable object which can be filled with random chunk data of a certain size. More...
class  TheKillerModule
 This Modules kills basf2 as horribly as possible (or selected) More...
class  ThetaAngle
class  Thrust
 Class to calculate the thrust axis. More...
class  Track
 Class that bundles various TrackFitResults. More...
class  TrackFitResult
 Values of the result of a track fit with a given particle hypothesis. More...
class  TrackFitResultEstimatorModule
 Create a TrackFitResult from the momentum of a Particle and make a relation between them. More...
class  TrackFitResultTest
 Set up a few arrays and objects in the datastore. More...
class  TrackingEfficiencyModule
 Tracking efficiency systematics module: removes tracks from the lists at random for efficiency studies. More...
class  TrackingEnergyLossCorrectionModule
 Tracking energy systematics module: allows for the application of an additive energy correction which is read from a ParticleWeightingLookUpTable payload. More...
class  TrackingMomentumScaleFactorsModule
 Tracking momentum systematics module: allows for the application of a corrective momentum scale factor which is read from a ParticleWeightingLookUpTable payload. More...
class  TrackIsoCalculatorModule
 Calculate track isolation variables on the input ParticleList. More...
class  TrackIsoScoreCalculatorTest
 Test the calculation of the track helix-based isolation score per particle. More...
class  TrackTest
 Test class for the Track object. More...
struct  TRandomWrapper
 Wrap TRandom to be useable as a uniform random number generator with STL algorithms like std::shuffle. More...
class  TreeFitterModule
 Module to fit an entire decay tree. More...
class  TRGGDLDBBadrun
 The payload class for GDL badrun. More...
 The payload class for FTDL output bit. More...
class  TRGGDLDBInputBits
 The payload class for GDL input bit. More...
class  TRGGDLDBPrescales
 The payload class for GDL psnm. More...
class  TRGSummary
 Trigger Summary Information input bits input bits from subdetectors ftdl (Final Trigger Decision Logic) bits output bits of trigger logic psnm (Prescale and Mask) bits prescaled ftdl bits timType types of trigger timing source defined in b2tt firmware. More...
struct  triangle_t
 Triangle structure. More...
class  TriangularInterpolation
 The TriangularInterpolation class. More...
class  TTDOffsets
 This class contains information to correct the information obtained from the TTD (simple offsets) More...
class  TwoBodyISRPhotonCorrectorModule
 This module corrects the energy and momentum of high-energy ISR photons in single ISR events based on the beam energy, photon direction, and the mass of the recoil particle. More...
class  TxModule
 Module for encoding data store contents into a RingBuffer. More...
class  UdstListFilterModule
 Module to filter udst content based on a particle list. More...
class  UnaryBooleanNode
 Nodeclass with a single AbstractBooleanNode as child. More...
class  UnaryExpressionNode
 UnaryExpressionNode Node class with a single expression node as child. More...
class  UnaryRelationalNode
 Nodeclass with a single AbstractExpressioNode as child. More...
class  UncertainHelix
 This class represents an ideal helix in perigee parameterization including the covariance matrix of the 5 perigee parameters. More...
class  Unit
 The Unit class. More...
class  UseReferenceFrame
 A template class to apply the reference frame. More...
class  V0
 Object holding information for V0s. More...
class  V0DaughterMassUpdaterModule
 This module replaces the mass of two daughters of the selected V0 particles inside the given particleLists with masses of given pdgCode. More...
class  V0Test
 Set up a few arrays and objects in the datastore. More...
struct  VariableFormulaConstructor
 Struct to construct new variable function objects from a name or a double value or to apply operations on these variable function objects. More...
class  VariablesToEventBasedTreeModule
 Module to calculate variables specified by the user for a given ParticleList and save them into a TTree. More...
class  VariablesToEventExtraInfoModule
 For each particle in the input list the selected variables are saved in an event-extra-info field with the given name, Can be used to save MC truth information, for example, in a ntuple of reconstructed particles. More...
class  VariablesToExtraInfoModule
 For each particle in the input list the selected variables are saved in an extra-info field with the given name, Can be used when wanting to save variables before modifying them, e.g. More...
class  VariablesToHistogramModule
 Module to calculate variables specified by the user for a given ParticleList and save them into an Histogram. More...
class  VariablesToNtupleModule
 Module to calculate variables specified by the user for a given ParticleList and save them into a ROOT TTree. More...
class  VariableToReturnValueModule
 Module to calculate variable specified by the user and set return value accordingly. More...
struct  Visitor
 This is a class template which takes a template class operation as template argument. More...
class  VRMLWriterModule
 The VRML-writer module. More...
struct  xy_t
 A simple 2d vector stucture. More...
class  ZMQAddressUtils
 Summary of some address helpers. More...
class  ZMQClient
 A helper class for communicating over ZMQ. Includes a multicast and (if needed) also a data socket. More...
class  ZMQConfirmedInput
 Input part of a confirmed connection. More...
class  ZMQConfirmedOutput
 Output part of a confirmed connection. More...
class  ZMQConnection
 Base class for every connection with virtual functions to be implemented: More...
class  ZMQConnectionOverSocket
 Specialized connection over a ZMQ socket. More...
class  ZMQEventProcessor
 This class provides the core event processing loop for parallel processing with ZMQ. More...
class  ZMQIdMessage
 A message with the socket ID. Needed in input<->worker communication. More...
class  ZMQLoadBalancedInput
 Input part of a load-balanced connection. More...
class  ZMQLoadBalancedOutput
 Output part of a load-balanced connection. More...
class  ZMQLogger
 Base class for the ZMQ connection to help monitor and log certain values. More...
class  ZMQMessageFactory
 Helper class for creating new ID/No-ID messages. More...
class  ZMQMessageHelper
 Internal helper for creating ZMQ messages (should not be used otherwise). More...
class  ZMQModuleMessage
 A general message with as many parts as given as template argument. More...
class  ZMQNoIdMessage
 A message without an associated socket ID. Is used in most cases. More...
class  ZMQNullConnection
 Connection doing just nothing: without the capability to pull, send or receive. Useful for template interfaces. More...
class  ZMQParent
 A helper class for creating ZMQ sockets keeping track of the ZMQ context and terminating it if needed. More...
class  ZMQRawInput
 Input connection allowing to speak with non-zmq sockets via a ZMQ_STREAM socket. More...
class  ZMQRawOutput
 Output connection to speak to non-zmq sockets via a ZMQ_STREAM socket. More...
class  ZMQRxOutputModule
 Module connecting the worker path with the output path on the output side. More...
class  ZMQRxWorkerModule
 Module connecting the input path with the worker path on the worker side. More...
class  ZMQSimpleConnection
 Connection type to be used for answering simple requests, e.g. More...
class  ZMQTxInputModule
 Module connecting the input path with the worker path on the input side. More...
class  ZMQTxWorkerModule
 Module connecting the worker path with the output path on the worker side. More...


typedef std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > Binning
 Bin holder as vector for bin limit pairs: [energy limits, theta limits, phi limits].
typedef std::map< int, ParticleWeightingBinLimits * > BinMap
 Map of keys with bin limits.
typedef std::pair< std::vector< int >, int > MultiDimBin
 Multidimensional bin: first element contains combination of bin IDs from 1D axis, second elements contain ID ("key") associated with this combination.
typedef std::map< std::string, ParticleWeightingBinLimits * > NDBin
 N-dim bin: pairs of bin limits with name of the axis variable.
typedef std::map< std::string, double > WeightInfo
 Weight information: a line from the weight lookup table.
typedef std::map< int, WeightInfoWeightMap
 Weight map: the whole lookup table

typedef std::vector< std::vector< double > > WeightMatrix
 PID calibration weight matrix, 6 (particle type) x 6 (detectors).
typedef std::vector< std::tuple< size_t, float > > PIDNNMissingInputs
 Stores information on how to handle missing inputs, i.e.
typedef std::vector< std::tuple< size_t, size_t, double, double, double > > PIDNNInputsToCut
 Stores information on whether and how to overwrite certain inputs.
typedef boost::variant< boost::recursive_wrapper< DecayStringDecay >, DecayStringParticleDecayString
 The DecayStringElement can be either a DecayStringDecay or a vector of mother particles.
typedef std::tuple< double, double > BinLimitsTuple
 Currently, std::pair can not be retrieved from python list We will get ParticleWeightingLookUpTable entries with tuples and transform tuples to pairs here.
typedef std::map< std::string, BinLimitsTupleNDBinTuple
 the NDimensional tuple of bin limits
typedef std::tuple< WeightInfo, NDBinTuplenoIdEntry
 the ID
typedef std::tuple< noIdEntry, double > specificIDEntry
 the specific ID
typedef std::vector< noIdEntrylistOfNoIdEntries
 List of entries for table to be created from without specified ID.
typedef std::vector< specificIDEntrylistOfSpecificIDEntries
 List of entries for table to be created from with specified ID.
typedef void(* cal_scale_error_func_t) (double scale[5], const double pt, const double tanl)
 Function pointer type.
typedef std::shared_ptr< ModuleModulePtr
 Defines a pointer to a module object as a boost shared pointer.
typedef std::list< ModulePtrModulePtrList
 Defines a std::list of shared module pointers.
using ModuleParamPtr = std::shared_ptr< ModuleParamBase >
 Defines a pointer to a module parameter as a boost shared pointer. *‍/.
typedef std::shared_ptr< PathPathPtr
 Defines a pointer to a path object as a boost shared pointer.
typedef RelationsInterface< TObject > RelationsObject
 Provides interface for getting/adding relations to objects in StoreArrays.
typedef std::pair< std::string, DataStore::EDurabilityAccessorParams
 Pair of parameters needed to find an object in the DataStore.
typedef B2Vector3< double > B2Vector3D
 typedef for common usage with double
typedef B2Vector3< float > B2Vector3F
 typedef for common usage with float


enum  ERecordType {
 What type of message is this? More...
enum class  ProcType {
  c_Input = 'i' ,
  c_Worker = 'w' ,
  c_Output = 'o' ,
  c_Proxy = 'p' ,
  c_Monitor = 'm' ,
  c_Init = '0' ,
  c_Stopped = 's'
 Type of the process used for storing and mapping the child processes in the process handler. More...
enum class  EMessageTypes {
  c_confirmMessage = 'c' ,
  c_helloMessage = 'h' ,
  c_deleteWorkerMessage = 'd' ,
  c_lastEventMessage = 'l' ,
  c_readyMessage = 'r' ,
  c_terminateMessage = 'x' ,
  c_rawDataMessage = 'u' ,
  c_compressedDataMessage = 'v' ,
  c_eventMessage = 'w' ,
  c_goodbyeMessage = 'g' ,
  c_statisticMessage = 's' ,
  c_killWorkerMessage = 'k' ,
  c_monitoringMessage = 'm' ,
  c_newRunMessage = 'n'
 Type the messages can have. More...
enum  ZMQAddressType {
  c_input ,
  c_output ,
  c_pub ,
  c_sub ,
 The type of a ZMQ socket address (which socket to use) More...
enum class  NodeType : int {
  UnaryBooleanNode ,
  BinaryBooleanNode ,
  UnaryRelationalNode ,
  BinaryRelationalNode ,
  TernaryRelationalNode ,
  UnaryExpressionNode ,
  BinaryExpressionNode ,
  FunctionNode ,
  IdentifierNode ,
  DoubleNode ,
  IntegerNode ,
 Enum of possible Nodes in parsing tree. More...
enum class  BooleanOperator : int {
  AND ,
 Enum for decoding the boolean operator type. More...
enum class  ComparisonOperator : int {
  LESS ,
 Enum for decoding the comparison operator type. More...
enum class  ArithmeticOperation : int {
  PLUS ,
 Enum for decoding the comparison operator type. More...
enum class  SoftwareTriggerCutResult {
  c_reject = -1 ,
  c_accept = 1 ,
  c_noResult = 0
 Enumeration with all possible results of the SoftwareTriggerCut. More...


void addContinuumSuppression (const Particle *particle, const std::string &maskName)
 Adds continuum suppression variables.
double legendre (const double z, const int i)
 Legendre polynomials.
 TEST_F (ChargedParticleIdentificatorTest, TestDBRep)
 Test correct storage of weightfiles in the database representation inner structure.
 TEST_F (eventShapeCoreAlgorithmTest, Thrust)
 Test the calculation of a thrust axis.
 TEST_F (eventShapeCoreAlgorithmTest, CleoCones)
 Test the calculation of the CleoClones variables.
 TEST_F (eventShapeCoreAlgorithmTest, FoxWolfram)
 Test the calculation of the Fox-Wolfram moments.
 TEST_F (eventShapeCoreAlgorithmTest, HarmonicMoments)
 Test the calculation of the Harmonic moments.
 TEST_F (eventShapeCoreAlgorithmTest, Sphericity)
 Test the calculation of the Sphericity eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
 TEST_F (PIDPriorsTest, PIDPriorsTableTest)
 Test of the PIDPriorsTable class.
 TEST_F (PIDPriorsTest, PIDPriorTest)
 Test the PIDPriors dbobject.
 TEST_F (TrackIsoScoreCalculatorTest, TestDBRep)
 Test correct retrieval of information from the database representation inner structure.
bool operator== (const DecayNode &node1, const DecayNode &node2)
 Compare two Decay Nodes: They are equal if All daughter decay nodes are equal or one of the daughter lists is empty (which means "inclusive")
bool operator!= (const DecayNode &node1, const DecayNode &node2)
 Not equal: See operator==.
 REG_MODULE (B2BIIConvertBeamParams)
 Register the module.
static double ecl_adhoc_corr (int Exp, int Run, int iflag05th, double Energy, double)
 The function giving correction factor.
static double ecl_adhoc_corr_45 (int exp, int, int cid)
 The function giving correction factor in Exp.45.
static double ecl_mcx3_corr (int, int, double energy, double)
 Correct energy scale (MC) to make pi0 peak nominal.
static double mpi0pdg (double Energy)
 Make MC mass peak to PDG value.
static bool operator== (const cal_scale_error_func_set_t &lhs, const cal_scale_error_func_set_t &rhs)
 Operator definition for cal_scale_error_func_set_t.
static void null_scale (double[5], double, double)
 Dummy function.
static void get_event_id (int *no_exp, int *no_run, int *no_evt, int *no_frm, int *expmc)
 Get event ID.
static bool is_already_scaled (void)
 Check if event is already scaled.
double vfunc (const double x, const double x1, const double yc, const double a1, const double a2)
double cupfunc (const double x, const double x1, const double x2, const double yc, const double a1, const double a2)
double rootfunc (const double x, const double x1, const double x2, const double yc, const double a1, const double a2)
double lambdafunc (const double x, const double x1, const double x2, const double yc, const double a1, const double a2, const double a3)
static void cal_scale_error_EXP0723_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], const double pt, const double)
 Scale error for Exp.7-23 Cosmic MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP2527_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], const double pt, const double)
 Scale error for Exp.25-27 Cosmic MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP31_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double)
 Scale error for Exp.31 Cosmic MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP33_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double)
 Scale error for Exp.33 Cosmic MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP35_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double tanl)
 Scale error for Exp.35 Cosmic MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP37_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double)
 Scale error for Exp.37 Cosmic MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP3941_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double)
 Scale error for Exp.39,41 Cosmic MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP43_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double)
 Scale error for Exp.43 Cosmic MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP45_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double)
 Scale error for Exp.45 Cosmic MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP47_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double)
 Scale error for Exp.47 Cosmic MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP49_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double)
 Scale error for Exp.49 Cosmic MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP51_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double)
 Scale error for Exp.51 Cosmic MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP53_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double)
 Scale error for Exp.53 Cosmic MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP55_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double)
 Scale error for Exp.55 Cosmic MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP6165_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double tanl)
 Scale error for Exp.61-65 Cosmic MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP67_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double tanl)
 Scale error for Exp.67 Cosmic MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP6971_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double tanl)
 Scale error for Exp.69-71 Cosmic MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP0723_cosmic_data (double scale[5], const double pt, const double)
 Scale error for Exp.7-23 Cosmic data.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP2527_cosmic_data (double scale[5], const double pt, const double)
 Scale error for Exp.25-27 Cosmic data.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP31_cosmic_data (double scale[5], double pt, double)
 Scale error for Exp.31 Cosmic data.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP33_cosmic_data (double scale[5], double pt, double)
 Scale error for Exp.33 Cosmic data.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP35_cosmic_data (double scale[5], double pt, double tanl)
 Scale error for Exp.35 Cosmic data.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP37_cosmic_data (double scale[5], double pt, double)
 Scale error for Exp.37 Cosmic data.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP3941_cosmic_data (double scale[5], double pt, double)
 Scale error for Exp.39-41 Cosmic data.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP43_cosmic_data (double scale[5], double pt, double)
 Scale error for Exp.43 Cosmic data.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP4547_cosmic_data (double scale[5], double pt, double)
 Scale error for Exp.45,47 Cosmic data.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP49_cosmic_data (double scale[5], double pt, double)
 Scale error for Exp.49 Cosmic data.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP51_cosmic_data (double scale[5], double pt, double tanl)
 Scale error for Exp.51 Cosmic data.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP53_cosmic_data (double scale[5], double pt, double)
 Scale error for Exp.53 Cosmic data.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP55_cosmic_data (double scale[5], double pt, double tanl)
 Scale error for Exp.55 Cosmic data.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP6165_cosmic_data (double scale[5], double pt, double tanl)
 Scale error for Exp.61-65 Cosmic data.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP67_cosmic_data (double scale[5], double pt, double tanl)
 Scale error for Exp.67 Cosmic data.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP6971_cosmic_data (double scale[5], double pt, double tanl)
 Scale error for Exp.69,71 Cosmic data.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP0723_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], const double pt, const double tanl)
 Scale error for Exp.7-23 Hadron MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP2527_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], const double pt, const double tanl)
 Scale error for Exp.25-27 Hadron MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP31_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double tanl)
 Scale error for Exp.31 Hadron MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP33_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double tanl)
 Scale error for Exp.33,35 Hadron MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP35_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double tanl)
 Scale error for Exp.33,35 Hadron MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP37_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double tanl)
 Scale error for Exp.37 Hadron MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP3941_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double)
 Scale error for Exp.39,41 Hadron MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP43_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double)
 Scale error for Exp.43 Hadron MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP45_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double tanl)
 Scale error for Exp.45 Hadron MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP47_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double)
 Scale error for Exp.47 Hadron MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP49_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double)
 Scale error for Exp.49 Hadron MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP51_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double tanl)
 Scale error for Exp.51 Hadron MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP53_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double)
 Scale error for Exp.53 Hadron MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP55_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double)
 Scale error for Exp.55 Hadron MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP6165_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double)
 Scale error for Exp.61-65 Hadron MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP67_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double)
 Scale error for Exp.67 Hadron MC.
static void cal_scale_error_EXP6971_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double)
 Scale error for Exp.69,71 Hadron MC.
static cal_scale_error_func_set_t get_scale_error_func_for_exprun (const int no_exp, const int)
 Get scale error fucntion for different Exp.
static void cal_scale_error (double scale[5], const double pt, const double tanl, const int expmc, const int no_exp, const int no_run)
 Calculate scale error.
static int scale_error_impl (const int message_level, const int reprocess_version)
 The implementation of B2BIIFixMdstModule::scale_error()
void recsim_mdst_propgt_ (float *, float[], float[], float[], float[], float[], int *)
 recsim_mdst_propgt from legacy C code
static void scale_err_ms (Belle::Mdst_trk_fit &fit, const double scale[])
 Scale error.
static void smear_trk_ms (Belle::Mdst_trk_fit &fit, const double scale[])
 Smear MC tracks.
static void smear_charged ()
 Smear tracks in Mdst_Charged.
template<class T >
boost::python::object createROOTObjectPyCopy (const T &instance)
 Create a python wrapped copy from a class instance which has a ROOT dictionary.
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &input, IntervalOfValidity &iov)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &output, const IntervalOfValidity &iov)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &output, const Helix &helix)
 Output operator for debugging and the generation of unittest error messages.
 Add bitmask operators to DataStore::EStoreFlags.
 DEFINE_UNIT (cm, 1.)
 Standard units with the value = 1.
 DEFINE_UNIT (ns, 1.)
 Standard of [time].
 Standard of [frequency].
 DEFINE_UNIT (rad, 1.)
 Standard of [angle].
 Standard of [energy, momentum, mass].
 Standard of [temperature].
 DEFINE_UNIT (e, 1.)
 Standard of [electric charge].
 DEFINE_UNIT_NAME (g_cm3, 1., "g/cm3")
 Practical units with the value = 1.
 DEFINE_UNIT (km, Unit::cm *1e5)
 Derived units.
 DEFINE_UNIT (m, Unit::cm *1e2)
 DEFINE_UNIT (mm, Unit::m *1e-3)
 DEFINE_UNIT (um, Unit::m *1e-6)
 DEFINE_UNIT (nm, Unit::m *1e-9)
 DEFINE_UNIT (pm, Unit::m *1e-12)
 DEFINE_UNIT (fm, Unit::m *1e-15)
 DEFINE_UNIT (m2, Unit::m *Unit::m)
 [square meters]
 DEFINE_UNIT (cm2, Unit::cm *Unit::cm)
 [square centimeters]
 DEFINE_UNIT (mm2, Unit::mm *Unit::mm)
 [square millimeters]
 DEFINE_UNIT (b, Unit::m2 *1e-28)
 DEFINE_UNIT (mb, Unit::b *1e-3)
 DEFINE_UNIT (ub, Unit::b *1e-6)
 DEFINE_UNIT (nb, Unit::b *1e-9)
 DEFINE_UNIT (pb, Unit::b *1e-12)
 DEFINE_UNIT (fb, Unit::b *1e-15)
 DEFINE_UNIT (ab, Unit::b *1e-18)
 DEFINE_UNIT (m3, Unit::m *Unit::m *Unit::m)
 [cubic meters]
 DEFINE_UNIT (cm3, Unit::cm *Unit::cm *Unit::cm)
 [cubic centimeters]
 DEFINE_UNIT (mm3, Unit::mm *Unit::mm *Unit::mm)
 [cubic millimeters]
 DEFINE_UNIT (s, Unit::ns *1e9)
 DEFINE_UNIT (ms, Unit::s *1e-3)
 DEFINE_UNIT (us, Unit::s *1e-6)
 DEFINE_UNIT (ps, Unit::s *1e-12)
 DEFINE_UNIT (fs, Unit::s *1e-15)
 DEFINE_UNIT (Hz, Unit::GHz *1e-9)
 DEFINE_UNIT (kHz, Unit::GHz *1e-6)
 DEFINE_UNIT (MHz, Unit::GHz *1e-3)
 DEFINE_UNIT (mHz, Unit::GHz *1e-12)
 DEFINE_UNIT (mrad, Unit::rad *1e-3)
 DEFINE_UNIT (deg, TMath::DegToRad())
 degree to radians
 DEFINE_UNIT (eV, Unit::GeV *1e-9)
 DEFINE_UNIT (keV, Unit::eV *1e3)
 DEFINE_UNIT (MeV, Unit::eV *1e6)
 DEFINE_UNIT (TeV, Unit::eV *1e12)
 DEFINE_UNIT (J, 1.0/TMath::Qe() *Unit::eV)
 DEFINE_UNIT (V, Unit::eV/Unit::e)
 Standard of [voltage].
 DEFINE_UNIT (C, 1.0/TMath::Qe() *Unit::e)
 DEFINE_UNIT (fC, Unit::C/1.0e15)
 DEFINE_UNIT (T, Unit::V *Unit::s/Unit::m2)
 DEFINE_UNIT (mT, Unit::T *1e-3)
 DEFINE_UNIT (Gauss, Unit::T *1e-4)
 DEFINE_UNIT (kGauss, Unit::Gauss *1e3)
 DEFINE_UNIT_NAME (mg_cm3, Unit::g_cm3 *1e-3, "mg/cm3")
 DEFINE_UNIT_NAME (kg_cm3, Unit::g_cm3 *1e3, "kg/cm3")
 DEFINE_UNIT_NAME (g_mm3, Unit::g_cm3/Unit::mm3, "g/mm3")
 DEFINE_UNIT_NAME (mg_mm3, Unit::mg_cm3/Unit::mm3, "mg/mm3")
 DEFINE_UNIT_NAME (kg_mm3, Unit::kg_cm3/Unit::mm3, "kg/mm3")
template<typename DataType >
Bool_t operator== (const TVector3 &a, const B2Vector3< DataType > &b)
 non-memberfunction Comparison for equality with a TVector3
template<typename DataType >
Bool_t operator!= (const TVector3 &a, const B2Vector3< DataType > &b)
 non-memberfunction Comparison for equality with a TVector3
template<typename DataType >
B2Vector3< DataType > operator* (DataType a, const B2Vector3< DataType > &p)
 non-memberfunction Scaling of 3-vectors with a real number
template<typename DataType >
B2Vector3< DataType > operator+ (const TVector3 &a, const B2Vector3< DataType > &b)
 non-memberfunction for adding a TVector3 to a B2Vector3
template<typename DataType >
B2Vector3< DataType > operator- (const TVector3 &a, const B2Vector3< DataType > &b)
 non-memberfunction for substracting a TVector3 from a B2Vector3
template<typename DataType >
B2Vector3< DataType > operator+ (const B2Vector3< DataType > &a, const TVector3 &b)
 non-memberfunction for adding a B2Vector3 to a TVector3
template<typename DataType >
B2Vector3< DataType > operator- (const B2Vector3< DataType > &a, const TVector3 &b)
 non-memberfunction for substracting a B2Vector3 from a TVector3
template<typename DataType >
B2Vector3< DataType > operator+ (const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &a, const B2Vector3< DataType > &b)
 non-memberfunction for adding a XYZVector to a B2Vector3
template<typename DataType >
B2Vector3< DataType > operator- (const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &a, const B2Vector3< DataType > &b)
 non-memberfunction for substracting a XYZVector from a B2Vector3
template<typename DataType >
B2Vector3< DataType > operator+ (const B2Vector3< DataType > &a, const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &b)
 non-memberfunction for adding a B2Vector3 to a XYZVector
template<typename DataType >
B2Vector3< DataType > operator- (const B2Vector3< DataType > &a, const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &b)
 non-memberfunction for substracting a B2Vector3 from a XYZVector
void injectBooleanOperatorToStream (std::ostream &stream, const BooleanOperator &boperator)
 Helper functions for AbstractBooleanNode and AbstractExpressionNode print() and decompile() members Shifts the correct characters into the ostream, depending on the BooleanOperator given.
void injectComparisonOperatorToStream (std::ostream &stream, const ComparisonOperator &coperator)
 Helper functions for AbstractBooleanNode and AbstractExpressionNode print() and decompile() members Shifts the correct characters into the ostream, depending on the ComparisonOperator given.
void injectArithmeticOperatorToStream (std::ostream &stream, const ArithmeticOperation &aoperation)
 Helper functions for AbstractBooleanNode and AbstractExpressionNode print() and decompile() members Shifts the correct characters into the ostream, depending on the ComparisonOperator given.
template<typename T >
convertString (const std::string &str)
 Converts a string to type T (one of float, double, long double, int, long int, unsigned long int).
unsigned long int findMatchedParenthesis (std::string str, char open='[', char close=']')
 Returns position of the matched closing parenthesis if the first character in the given string contains an opening parenthesis.
std::vector< std::string > splitOnDelimiterAndConserveParenthesis (std::string str, char delimiter, char open, char close)
 Split into std::vector on delimiter ignoring delimiters between parenthesis.
unsigned long int findIgnoringParenthesis (std::string str, std::string pattern, unsigned int begin=0)
 Returns the position of a pattern in a string ignoring everything that is in parenthesis.
bool almostEqualFloat (const float &a, const float &b)
 Helper function to test if two floats are almost equal.
bool almostEqualDouble (const double &a, const double &b)
 Helper function to test if two doubles are almost equal.
std::set< int64_t > generate_number_sequence (const std::string &str)
 Generate a sequence of numbers defined by a string.
float convertString (const std::string &str)
 Converts a string to float.
double convertString (const std::string &str)
 Converts a string to double.
long double convertString (const std::string &str)
 Converts a string to long double.
int convertString (const std::string &str)
 Converts a string to int.
long int convertString (const std::string &str)
 Converts a string to long int.
unsigned long int convertString (const std::string &str)
 Converts a string to unsigned long int.
BFieldComponentBeamline ** GetInstancePtr ()
 Static function holding the instance.
BFieldComponentRadial::BFieldPoint operator* (const BFieldComponentRadial::BFieldPoint &v, double a)
 multiply a radial bfield point by a real number
BFieldComponentRadial::BFieldPoint operator+ (const BFieldComponentRadial::BFieldPoint &u, const BFieldComponentRadial::BFieldPoint &v)
 Add two radial bfield points together.
 TEST_F (BeamSpotTest, Basic)
 Constructor, copy constructor, comparison, setters and getters.
 TEST_F (ECLClusterTest, Constructors)
 Test default constructor.
 TEST_F (ECLClusterTest, SettersAndGetters)
 Test setter and getter.
 TEST_F (EventLevelTrackingInfoTest, settersNGettersCDC)
 Test simple Setters, Getters, and Hassers for the CDC related part.
 TEST_F (EventLevelTrackingInfoTest, settersNGettersVXD)
 Test simple Setters and Getters for the VXD related part.
 TEST_F (EventLevelTrackingInfoTest, settersNGettersFlagBlock)
 Test simple Setters and Getters for the VXD related part.
 TEST_F (HitPatternCDCTest, settersNGetters)
 Test simple Setters, Getters, and Hassers.
 TEST_F (HitPatternCDCTest, SetNGetTotalNumberOfHits)
 This tests if the total number of hits is set and read correctly.
 TEST_F (HitPatternCDCTest, getLongestContRunInSL)
 Test if the longest run in a superlayer is returned correctly.
 TEST_F (HitPatternCDCTest, getFirstLastLayer)
 Test if getFirst/LastLayer returns the proper value.
 TEST_F (HitPatternVXDTest, NumberingScheme)
 Test the numbering scheme in the static variables.
 TEST_F (HitPatternVXDTest, General)
 Constructor and some general getters.
 TEST_F (HitPatternVXDTest, SVDSetterAndGetter)
 Test simple Setters and Getters for SVD.
 TEST_F (HitPatternVXDTest, PXDSetterAndGetter)
 Test simple Setters and Getters for the PXD.
 TEST_F (HitPatternVXDTest, NGetters)
 Test total number of hit getters.
 TEST_F (HitPatternVXDTest, getNLayers)
 Test the getNLayer functions.
 TEST_F (HitPatternVXDTest, getFirstLastLayer)
 Test the getters for First/Last Layer.
 TEST_F (KlIdTest, SettersAndGetters)
 Test setter and getter.
TrackFitResult const * addDummyTrack (StoreArray< TrackFitResult > &trackFitResults, Const::ChargedStable particeType)
 Utility function to create dummy TrackFitResults.
 TEST_F (TrackTest, settersNGetters)
 Test simple Setters and Getters.
 TEST_F (TrackTest, getTrackFitResultWithClosestMass)
 Test simple Setters and Getters.
 TEST_F (TrackFitResultTest, Getters)
 Test simple Setters and Getters.
 TEST_F (TrackFitResultTest, ErrorPropagation)
 Test if the error propagation of the covariance matrix works properly.
 TEST_F (TrackFitResultTest, Charge)
 Test get charge.
 TEST_F (V0Test, IndexGetters)
 Test Index Getter.
 TEST_F (V0Test, PointerGetters)
 Test Pointer Getter.


static int SE_Message_Level
 Message level of scale_error().
static int SE_Reprocess_Version = 0
 Reprocess verison used in scale_error()
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t EXP0723_scale
 Scale error for Exp.7-23.
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t EXP2527_scale
 Scale error for Exp.25-27.
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t EXP31_scale
 Scale error for Exp.31.
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t EXP33_scale
 Scale error for Exp.33.
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t EXP35_scale
 Scale error for Exp.35.
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t EXP37_scale
 Scale error for Exp.37.
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t EXP3941_scale
 Scale error for Exp.39,41.
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t EXP43_scale
 Scale error for Exp.43.
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t EXP45_scale
 Scale error for Exp.45.
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t EXP47_scale
 Scale error for Exp.47.
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t EXP49_scale
 Scale error for Exp.49.
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t EXP51_scale
 Scale error for Exp.51.
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t EXP53_scale
 Scale error for Exp.53.
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t EXP55_scale
 Scale error for Exp.55.
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t EXP6165_scale
 Scale error for Exp.61-65.
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t EXP67_scale
 Scale error for Exp.67.
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t EXP6971_scale
 Scale error for Exp.69-71.
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t DUMMY_scale
 Dummy scale.
std::string DBPointer_defaultName = ""
 Use default name for array in DBPointer.
static constexpr auto XYZToTVector
 Helper function to convert XYZVector to TVector3.

Detailed Description

Abstract base class for different kinds of events.

Nota bene: the dataobjects must be declared under the Belle2 namespace only, and the specific subdetector namespace, if any, can not be added.

Python headers include some weird stuff which we don't want to be seen by CLING, otherwise there are a lot of warning during the compiling the dictionary.

A kinematic fitter using the Newton-Raphson method to solve the equations.

Abstract base class for particle objects of kinematic fits.

This class defines the minimal functionality of a class describing an event hypothesis that is meant to be tested by a kinematic fit. It is an optional class - the event hypothesis can also be defined directly in the main program.

Author: Jenny Bme, Benno List

2008/02/12 10:19:05

This class defines the minimal functionality any fit object must provide. The main task of a fit object is to keep parameters (and errors) that define the four-momentum of a particle and encapsulate the actually chosen parametrisation from the rest of the fitting machinery.

Since for the fit a parametrisation distributed like a gaussian is most favorable, different kinds of particles (implying different kinds of measurements!) might require different parametrisations. For each desired parametrisation a concrete class should be derived from this abstract base class. It needs to be able to convert its parameters to E, px, py, pz and to provide the derivatives of E, px, py, pz with respect to the internal parameters.

Depending on the type of particle, some or all parameters might be unmeasured (neutrinos!), meaning that they come with a very large and/or unknown error. They are treated differently by the fit algorithm and are thus flagged accordingly.

In order to insert its derivatives into the global covariance matrix of all FitObjects in the event, each FitObjects needs to know the position of its parameters in the overall parameter list.

THIS iS JUNK!!!! It is done like this in JetFitObject.C, but using measured[i] which is the bool giving the measured/unmeasured status and NOT a bool containing the START VALUES!!!!! From its stored initial parameters and the current fit parameters the FitObject calculates its contribution to the $\chi^2$ of the fit.

In its current state, a BaseFitObject has a set of parameters, some of them measured (i.e., they contribute to the $\chi^2$). These parameters have a local numbering, running from 0 to n-1. Global numbers can be assigned by the BaseFitter using setGlobalParNum.

The class WWFitter needs the following routines from BaseFitObject:

  • BaseFitObject::getNPar
  • BaseFitObject::getMeasured
  • BaseFitObject::getGlobalParNum
  • BaseFitObject::getParam
  • BaseFitObject::setParam
  • BaseFitObject::addToGlobCov
  • BaseFitObject::operator<<
  • BaseFitObject::setError

Author: Benno List, Jenny Böhme

2011/03/03 15:03:02


  • 30.12.04 BL: Added getCov, setCov
  • 11.1.05 BL: return type of setParam changed to bool

This class defines the minimal functionality any fit object must provide. The main task of a fit object is to keep parameters (and errors) that define the four-momentum of a particle and encapsulate the actually chosen parametrisation from the rest of the fitting machinery.

Since for the fit a parametrisation distributed like a gaussian is most favorable, different kinds of particles (implying different kinds of measurements!) might require different parametrisations. For each desired parametrisation a concrete class should be derived from this abstract base class. It needs to be able to convert its parameters to E, px, py, pz and to provide the derivatives of E, px, py, pz with respect to the internal parameters.

Depending on the type of particle, some or all parameters might be unmeasured (neutrinos!), meaning that they come with a very large and/or unknown error. They are treated differently by the fit algorithm and are thus flagged accordingly.

In order to insert its derivatives into the global covariance matrix of all FitObjects in the event, each FitObjects needs to know the position of its parameters in the overall parameter list.

THIS iS JUNK!!!! It is done like this in JetFitObject.C, but using measured[i] which is the bool giving the measured/unmeasured status and NOT a bool containing the START VALUES!!!!! From its stored initial parameters and the current fit parameters the FitObject calculates its contribution to the $\chi^2$ of the fit.

In its current state, a ParticleFitObject has a set of parameters, some of them measured (i.e., they contribute to the $\chi^2$). These parameters have a local numbering, running from 0 to n-1. Global numbers can be assigned by the BaseFitter using setGlobalParNum.

Author: Benno List, Jenny List

2009/09/02 13:10:57


  • 30.12.04 BL: Added getCov, setCov addToGlobCov, getDChi2DParam, getDChi2DParam2, addToGlobalDerMatrix implemented

Function Documentation

◆ convertString() [1/5]

double convertString ( const std::string &  str)

Converts a string to double.

strstring which is converted to double
converted double

Definition at line 40 of file

41 {
42 std::string::size_type n;
43 double number = std::stod(str, &n);
44 if (n != str.size()) {
45 throw std::invalid_argument("Could only parse a part of the given string " + str);
46 }
47 return number;
48 }

◆ convertString() [2/5]

long double convertString ( const std::string &  str)

Converts a string to long double.

strstring which is converted to long double
converted long double

Definition at line 56 of file

57 {
58 std::string::size_type n;
59 long double number = std::stold(str, &n);
60 if (n != str.size()) {
61 throw std::invalid_argument("Could only parse a part of the given string " + str);
62 }
63 return number;
64 }

◆ convertString() [3/5]

int convertString ( const std::string &  str)

Converts a string to int.

strstring which is converted to int
converted int

Definition at line 72 of file

73 {
74 std::string::size_type n;
75 int number = std::stoi(str, &n);
76 if (n != str.size()) {
77 throw std::invalid_argument("Could only parse a part of the given string " + str);
78 }
79 return number;
80 }

◆ convertString() [4/5]

long int convertString ( const std::string &  str)

Converts a string to long int.

strstring which is converted to long int
converted long int

Definition at line 88 of file

89 {
90 std::string::size_type n;
91 long int number = std::stol(str, &n);
92 if (n != str.size()) {
93 throw std::invalid_argument("Could only parse a part of the given string " + str);
94 }
95 return number;
96 }

◆ convertString() [5/5]

unsigned long int convertString ( const std::string &  str)

Converts a string to unsigned long int.

strstring which is converted to unsigned long int
converted unsigned long int

Definition at line 104 of file

105 {
106 std::string::size_type n;
107 unsigned long int number = std::stoul(str, &n);
108 if (n != str.size()) {
109 throw std::invalid_argument("Could only parse a part of the given string " + str);
110 }
111 return number;
112 }