Belle II Software light-2406-ragdoll
GeoMagneticField Class Reference

The GeoMagneticField class. More...

#include <GeoMagneticField.h>

Inheritance diagram for GeoMagneticField:
Collaboration diagram for GeoMagneticField:

Public Member Functions

 GeoMagneticField ()
 Constructor of the GeoMagneticField class.
virtual ~GeoMagneticField ()
 The destructor of the GeoMagneticField class.
virtual void create (const GearDir &content, G4LogicalVolume &topVolume, geometry::GeometryTypes type) override
 Creates the global ROOT objects and prepares everything for other creators.
virtual void createFromDB (const std::string &, G4LogicalVolume &, geometry::GeometryTypes) override
 Nothing to be done when creating from DB, the payload should be found automatically.
virtual void createPayloads (const GearDir &content, const IntervalOfValidity &iov) override
 Function to create the geometry database.
MagneticField createConfiguration (const GearDir &content)
 Create a Database configuration from Gearbox parameters.
 BELLE2_DEFINE_EXCEPTION (DBNotImplemented, "Cannot create geometry from Database.")
 Exception that will be thrown in createFromDB if member is not yet implemented by creator.

Protected Types

typedef std::map< std::string, boost::function< void(const GearDir &) > > CompTypeMap
 Typedef for the map connecting the name of the component to the method reading the parameters.

Protected Member Functions

void readConstantBField (const GearDir &component)
 Reads the parameters for a homogeneous magnetic field and adds the component to the global magnetic field.
void readRadialBField (const GearDir &component)
 Reads the parameters for a radial magnetic field and adds the component to the global magnetic field.
void readQuadBField (const GearDir &component)
 Reads the parameters for a quadrupole magnetic field inside beam pipes and adds the component to the global magnetic field.
void readBeamlineBField (const GearDir &component)
 Reads the 3D Bfield map and parameters near beam pipes and adds the component to the global magnetic field.
void readKlm1BField (const GearDir &component)
 Reads the 2D Bfield map and parameters outside of solenoid and adds the component to the global magnetic field.
void read3dBField (const GearDir &component)
 Reads the parameters for 3d magnetic field (r,phi,z).
void addConstantBField (const GearDir &component, MagneticField &fieldmap)
 Add a constant field component to a magnetic field configuration for the DB.
void add3dBField (const GearDir &component, MagneticField &fielmap)
 Add a 3D field component to a magnetic field configuration for the DB.

Protected Attributes

CompTypeMap m_componentTypeMap
 Maps the name of the component to the function reading the parameters.

Detailed Description

The GeoMagneticField class.

The global creator for the magnetic field of the Belle II detector. It supports homogeneous and radial fields. Special field implementations for subdetectors should be added to the Belle II magnetic field inside the subdetectors' creators.

Definition at line 35 of file GeoMagneticField.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ CompTypeMap

typedef std::map< std::string, boost::function < void (const GearDir&) > > CompTypeMap

Typedef for the map connecting the name of the component to the method reading the parameters.

Definition at line 69 of file GeoMagneticField.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ GeoMagneticField()

Constructor of the GeoMagneticField class.

Definition at line 47 of file

47 : CreatorBase()
49 //Add the function pointers called for reading the components to the map
50 m_componentTypeMap.insert(make_pair("Constant", boost::bind(&GeoMagneticField::readConstantBField, this, boost::placeholders::_1)));
51 m_componentTypeMap.insert(make_pair("Radial", boost::bind(&GeoMagneticField::readRadialBField, this, boost::placeholders::_1)));
52 m_componentTypeMap.insert(make_pair("Quad", boost::bind(&GeoMagneticField::readQuadBField, this, boost::placeholders::_1)));
53 m_componentTypeMap.insert(make_pair("Beamline", boost::bind(&GeoMagneticField::readBeamlineBField, this, boost::placeholders::_1)));
54 m_componentTypeMap.insert(make_pair("Klm1", boost::bind(&GeoMagneticField::readKlm1BField, this, boost::placeholders::_1)));
55 m_componentTypeMap.insert(make_pair("3d", boost::bind(&GeoMagneticField::read3dBField, this, boost::placeholders::_1)));
void readConstantBField(const GearDir &component)
Reads the parameters for a homogeneous magnetic field and adds the component to the global magnetic f...
void readBeamlineBField(const GearDir &component)
Reads the 3D Bfield map and parameters near beam pipes and adds the component to the global magnetic ...
void readKlm1BField(const GearDir &component)
Reads the 2D Bfield map and parameters outside of solenoid and adds the component to the global magne...
CompTypeMap m_componentTypeMap
Maps the name of the component to the function reading the parameters.
void readRadialBField(const GearDir &component)
Reads the parameters for a radial magnetic field and adds the component to the global magnetic field.
void read3dBField(const GearDir &component)
Reads the parameters for 3d magnetic field (r,phi,z).
void readQuadBField(const GearDir &component)
Reads the parameters for a quadrupole magnetic field inside beam pipes and adds the component to the ...
Default Constructor.
Definition: CreatorBase.h:33

Member Function Documentation

◆ add3dBField()

void add3dBField ( const GearDir component,
MagneticField fielmap 

Add a 3D field component to a magnetic field configuration for the DB.

Definition at line 90 of file

92 string mapFilename = component.getString("MapFilename");
93 int mapSizeR = component.getInt("NumberGridPointsR");
94 int mapSizeZ = component.getInt("NumberGridPointsZ");
95 int mapSizePhi = component.getInt("NumberGridPointsPhi");
97 double minZ = component.getLength("ZMin");
98 double maxZ = component.getLength("ZMax");
99 double minR = component.getLength("RadiusMin");
100 double maxR = component.getLength("RadiusMax");
102 const string fullPath = FileSystem::findFile("/data/" + mapFilename);
103 if (!FileSystem::fileExists(fullPath)) {
104 B2ERROR("The 3d magnetic field map file '" << mapFilename << "' could not be found !");
105 return;
106 }
108 std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZVector> bmap;
109 bmap.reserve(mapSizeR * mapSizeZ * mapSizePhi);
110 // Load B-field map file
111 iostreams::filtering_istream fieldMapFile;
112 fieldMapFile.push(iostreams::gzip_decompressor());
113 fieldMapFile.push(iostreams::file_source(fullPath));
115 char tmp[256];
116 for (int k = 0; k < mapSizeZ; k++) { // z
117 for (int i = 0; i < mapSizeR; i++) { // r
118 for (int j = 0; j < mapSizePhi; j++) { // phi
119 double Br, Bz, Bphi;
120 //r[m] phi[deg] z[m] Br[T] Bphi[T] Bz[T]
121 fieldMapFile.getline(tmp, 256);
122 // sscanf(tmp+33,"%lf %lf %lf",&Br,&Bphi,&Bz);
123 char* next;
124 Br = strtod(tmp + 33, &next);
125 Bphi = strtod(next, &next);
126 Bz = strtod(next, nullptr);
127 bmap.emplace_back(-Br * Unit::T, -Bphi * Unit::T, -Bz * Unit::T);
128 }
129 }
130 }
131 auto* field = new MagneticFieldComponent3D(
132 minR, maxR, minZ, maxZ,
133 mapSizeR, mapSizePhi, mapSizeZ,
134 std::move(bmap)
135 );
136 fieldmap.addComponent(field);
static std::string findFile(const std::string &path, bool silent=false)
Search for given file or directory in local or central release directory, and return absolute path if...
static bool fileExists(const std::string &filename)
Check if the file with given filename exists.
virtual std::string getString(const std::string &path="") const noexcept(false) override
Get the parameter path as a string.
Definition: GearDir.h:69
Describe one component of the Geometry.
static const double T
Definition: Unit.h:120
double getLength(const std::string &path="") const noexcept(false)
Get the parameter path as a double converted to the standard length unit.
Definition: Interface.h:259
int getInt(const std::string &path="") const noexcept(false)
Get the parameter path as a int.

◆ addConstantBField()

void addConstantBField ( const GearDir component,
MagneticField fieldmap 

Add a constant field component to a magnetic field configuration for the DB.

Definition at line 76 of file

78 double xValue = component.getWithUnit("X");
79 double yValue = component.getWithUnit("Y");
80 double zValue = component.getWithUnit("Z");
81 double RminValue = component.getLength("MinR", 0); // stored in cm
82 double RmaxValue = component.getLength("MaxR"); // stored in cm
83 double ZminValue = component.getLength("MinZ"); // stored in cm
84 double ZmaxValue = component.getLength("MaxZ"); // stored in cm
85 auto field = new MagneticFieldComponentConstant(ROOT::Math::XYZVector(xValue, yValue, zValue),
86 RminValue, RmaxValue, ZminValue, ZmaxValue);
87 fieldmap.addComponent(field);
Describe one component of the Geometry.
void addComponent(MagneticFieldComponent *component)
Add a new component to the magnetic field.
Definition: MagneticField.h:59
double getWithUnit(const std::string &path) const noexcept(false)
Get the parameter path as a double converted to the standard unit.

◆ create()

void create ( const GearDir content,
G4LogicalVolume &  topVolume,
geometry::GeometryTypes  type 

Creates the global ROOT objects and prepares everything for other creators.

contentA reference to the content part of the parameter description, which should to be used to create the ROOT objects.
topVolumeGeant4 logical top volume.
typeGeometry type.

Implements CreatorBase.

Definition at line 146 of file

148 // clear any existing BField
151 //Loop over all components of the magnetic field
152 CompTypeMap::iterator findIter;
153 for (const GearDir& component : content.getNodes("Components/Component")) {
154 //Get the type of the magnetic field and call the appropriate function
155 string compType = component.getString("attribute::type");
156 B2DEBUG(10, "GeoMagneticField creator: Loading the parameters for the component type'" << compType << "'");
158 findIter = m_componentTypeMap.find(compType);
159 if (findIter != m_componentTypeMap.end()) {
160 findIter->second(component);
161 } else {
162 B2ERROR("The magnetic field component type '" << compType << "' is unknown !");
163 }
164 }
void initialize()
Initialize the magnetic field after adding all components.
void clear()
Clear the existing components.
static BFieldMap & Instance()
Static method to get a reference to the BFieldMap instance.
GearDir is the basic class used for accessing the parameter store.
Definition: GearDir.h:31

◆ createConfiguration()

MagneticField createConfiguration ( const GearDir content)

Create a Database configuration from Gearbox parameters.

Definition at line 61 of file

63 MagneticField fieldmap;
64 //Read the magnetic field components
65 for (const GearDir& component : content.getNodes("Components/Component")) {
66 //Get the type of the magnetic field and call the appropriate function
67 string compType = component.getString("attribute::type");
68 B2DEBUG(10, "GeoMagneticField creator: Loading the parameters for the component type'" << compType << "'");
69 if (compType == "3d") add3dBField(component, fieldmap);
70 else if (compType == "Constant") addConstantBField(component, fieldmap);
71 else B2ERROR("The magnetic field type " << compType << " can not yet be stored in the database");
72 }
73 return fieldmap;
void add3dBField(const GearDir &component, MagneticField &fielmap)
Add a 3D field component to a magnetic field configuration for the DB.
void addConstantBField(const GearDir &component, MagneticField &fieldmap)
Add a constant field component to a magnetic field configuration for the DB.
Magnetic field map.
Definition: MagneticField.h:32

◆ createFromDB()

virtual void createFromDB ( const std::string &  ,
G4LogicalVolume &  ,

Nothing to be done when creating from DB, the payload should be found automatically.

Reimplemented from CreatorBase.

Definition at line 59 of file GeoMagneticField.h.


◆ createPayloads()

void createPayloads ( const GearDir content,
const IntervalOfValidity iov 

Function to create the geometry database.

This function should be implemented to convert Gearbox parameters to one ore more database payloads

contentGearDir pointing to the parameters which should be used for construction
iovinterval of validity to use when generating payloads

Reimplemented from CreatorBase.

Definition at line 139 of file

142 importObj.construct(createConfiguration(content));
143 importObj.import(iov);
bool import(const IntervalOfValidity &iov)
Import the object to database.
Class for importing a single object to the database.
void construct(Args &&... params)
Construct an object of type T in this DBImportObjPtr using the provided constructor arguments.
MagneticField createConfiguration(const GearDir &content)
Create a Database configuration from Gearbox parameters.

◆ read3dBField()

void read3dBField ( const GearDir component)

Reads the parameters for 3d magnetic field (r,phi,z).

componentThe GearDir pointing to the component parameter block from which the parameters should be read.

Definition at line 290 of file

292 string mapFilename = component.getString("MapFilename");
293 int mapSizeR = component.getInt("NumberGridPointsR");
294 int mapSizeZ = component.getInt("NumberGridPointsZ");
295 int mapSizePhi = component.getInt("NumberGridPointsPhi");
297 double mapRegionMinZ = component.getLength("ZMin");
298 double mapRegionMaxZ = component.getLength("ZMax");
299 double mapOffset = component.getLength("ZOffset");
301 double mapRegionMinR = component.getLength("RadiusMin");
302 double mapRegionMaxR = component.getLength("RadiusMax");
304 double gridPitchR = component.getLength("GridPitchR");
305 double gridPitchZ = component.getLength("GridPitchZ");
306 double gridPitchPhi = component.getLength("GridPitchPhi");
307 bool mirrorPhi = bool(component.getInt("MirrorPhi"));
309 double excludeRegionMinZ = component.getLength("ExcludeZMin");
310 double excludeRegionMaxZ = component.getLength("ExcludeZMax");
311 double excludeRegionMinR = component.getLength("ExcludeRadiusMin");
312 double excludeRegionMaxR = component.getLength("ExcludeRadiusMax");
314 double errorRegionMinR = component.getLength("BiasRadiusMin");
315 double errorRegionMaxR = component.getLength("BiasRadiusMax");
316 double errorBr = component.getDouble("BiasBr");
317 double errorBphi = component.getDouble("BiasBphi");
318 double errorBz = component.getDouble("BiasBz");
320 bool doInterpolation = bool(component.getInt("enableInterpolation"));
321 string enableCoordinate = component.getString("EnableCoordinate");
324 bComp.setMapFilename(mapFilename);
325 bComp.setMapSize(mapSizeR, mapSizePhi, mapSizeZ);
326 bComp.setMapRegionZ(mapRegionMinZ, mapRegionMaxZ, mapOffset);
327 bComp.setMapRegionR(mapRegionMinR, mapRegionMaxR);
328 bComp.setGridPitch(gridPitchR, gridPitchPhi, gridPitchZ);
329 bComp.setExcludeRegionZ(excludeRegionMinZ, excludeRegionMaxZ);
330 bComp.setExcludeRegionR(excludeRegionMinR, excludeRegionMaxR);
331 bComp.setErrorRegionR(errorRegionMinR, errorRegionMaxR, errorBr, errorBphi, errorBz);
332 bComp.mirrorPhi(mirrorPhi);
333 bComp.doInterpolation(doInterpolation);
334 bComp.enableCoordinate(enableCoordinate);
The BFieldComponent3d class.
void setMapFilename(const std::string &filename)
Sets the filename of the magnetic field map.
double getDouble(const std::string &path="") const noexcept(false)
Get the parameter path as a double.
BFIELDCOMP & addBFieldComponent()
Adds a new BField component to the Belle II magnetic field.
Definition: BFieldMap.h:98

◆ readBeamlineBField()

void readBeamlineBField ( const GearDir component)

Reads the 3D Bfield map and parameters near beam pipes and adds the component to the global magnetic field.

Definition at line 239 of file

241 string mapFilenameHER = component.getString("MapFilenameHER");
242 string mapFilenameLER = component.getString("MapFilenameLER");
243 string interFilenameHER = component.getString("InterFilenameHER");
244 string interFilenameLER = component.getString("InterFilenameLER");
246 double mapRegionMinZ = component.getLength("ZMin");
247 double mapRegionMaxZ = component.getLength("ZMax");
249 double mapRegionMinR = component.getLength("RadiusMin");
250 double mapRegionMaxR = component.getLength("RadiusMax");
252 double beamAngle = component.getLength("BeamAngle");
255 bComp.setMapFilename(mapFilenameHER, mapFilenameLER);
256 bComp.setInterpolateFilename(interFilenameHER, interFilenameLER);
257 bComp.setMapRegionZ(mapRegionMinZ, mapRegionMaxZ);
258 bComp.setMapRegionR(mapRegionMinR, mapRegionMaxR);
259 bComp.setBeamAngle(beamAngle);
The BFieldComponentBeamline class.
void setMapFilename(const std::string &filename_her, const std::string &filename_ler)
Sets the filename of the magnetic field map.

◆ readConstantBField()

void readConstantBField ( const GearDir component)

Reads the parameters for a homogeneous magnetic field and adds the component to the global magnetic field.

componentThe GearDir pointing to the component parameter block from which the parameters should be read.

Definition at line 174 of file

176 double xValue = component.getDouble("X");
177 double yValue = component.getDouble("Y");
178 double zValue = component.getDouble("Z");
179 double RmaxValue = component.getLength("MaxR"); // stored in cm
180 double ZminValue = component.getLength("MinZ"); // stored in cm
181 double ZmaxValue = component.getLength("MaxZ"); // stored in cm
184 bComp.setMagneticFieldValues(xValue, yValue, zValue, RmaxValue, ZminValue, ZmaxValue);
The BFieldComponentConstant class.
void setMagneticFieldValues(double x, double y, double z, double rmax, double zmin, double zmax)
Sets the values for the homogeneous magnetic field vector.

◆ readKlm1BField()

void readKlm1BField ( const GearDir component)

Reads the 2D Bfield map and parameters outside of solenoid and adds the component to the global magnetic field.

Magnetic field map in Belle I are used.

Definition at line 262 of file

264 string mapFilename = component.getString("MapFilename");
266 int nBarrelLayers = component.getInt("NumberBarrelLayers");
267 int nEndcapLayers = component.getInt("NumberEndcapLayers");
269 double barrelRMin = component.getLength("BarrelRadiusMin");
270 double barrelZMax = component.getLength("BarrelZMax");
271 double mapOffset = component.getLength("ZOffset");
273 double endcapRMin = component.getLength("EdncapRadiusMin");
274 double endcapZMin = component.getLength("EndcapZMin");
276 double barrelGapHeightLayer0 = component.getLength("BarrelGapHeightLayer0");
277 double barrelIronThickness = component.getLength("BarrelIronThickness");
278 double endcapGapHeight = component.getLength("EndcapGapHeight");
279 double dLayer = component.getLength("DLayer");
283 bComp.setMapFilename(mapFilename);
284 bComp.setNLayers(nBarrelLayers, nEndcapLayers);
285 bComp.setBarrelRegion(barrelRMin, barrelZMax, mapOffset);
286 bComp.setEndcapRegion(endcapRMin, endcapZMin);
287 bComp.setLayerParam(barrelGapHeightLayer0, barrelIronThickness, endcapGapHeight, dLayer);
The Bfieldcomponentklm1 class.
void setMapFilename(const std::string &filename)
Sets the filename of the magnetic field map.

◆ readQuadBField()

void readQuadBField ( const GearDir component)

Reads the parameters for a quadrupole magnetic field inside beam pipes and adds the component to the global magnetic field.

componentThe GearDir pointing to the component parameter block from which the parameters should be read.

Definition at line 218 of file

220 string mapFilenameHER = component.getString("MapFilenameHER");
221 string mapFilenameLER = component.getString("MapFilenameLER");
222 string mapFilenameHERleak = component.getString("MapFilenameHERleak");
223 string apertFilenameHER = component.getString("ApertFilenameHER");
224 string apertFilenameLER = component.getString("ApertFilenameLER");
226 int mapSizeHER = component.getInt("MapSizeHER");
227 int mapSizeLER = component.getInt("MapSizeLER");
228 int mapSizeHERleak = component.getInt("MapSizeHERleak");
229 int apertSizeHER = component.getInt("ApertSizeHER");
230 int apertSizeLER = component.getInt("ApertSizeLER");
233 bComp.setMapFilename(mapFilenameHER, mapFilenameLER, mapFilenameHERleak);
234 bComp.setApertFilename(apertFilenameHER, apertFilenameLER);
235 bComp.setMapSize(mapSizeHER, mapSizeLER, mapSizeHERleak);
236 bComp.setApertSize(apertSizeHER, apertSizeLER);
The BFieldComponentQuad class.
void setMapFilename(const std::string &filenameHER, const std::string &filenameLER, const std::string &filenameHERleak)
Sets the filename of the magnetic field map.

◆ readRadialBField()

void readRadialBField ( const GearDir component)

Reads the parameters for a radial magnetic field and adds the component to the global magnetic field.

componentThe GearDir pointing to the component parameter block from which the parameters should be read.

Definition at line 188 of file

190 string mapFilename = component.getString("MapFilename");
191 int mapSizeR = component.getInt("NumberGridPointsR");
192 int mapSizeZ = component.getInt("NumberGridPointsZ");
194 double mapRegionMinZ = component.getLength("ZMin");
195 double mapRegionMaxZ = component.getLength("ZMax");
196 double mapOffset = component.getLength("ZOffset");
198 double mapRegionMinR = component.getLength("RadiusMin");
199 double mapRegionMaxR = component.getLength("RadiusMax");
201 double gridPitchR = component.getLength("GridPitchR");
202 double gridPitchZ = component.getLength("GridPitchZ");
204 double slotRMin = component.getLength("SlotRMin");
205 double endyokeZMin = component.getLength("EndyokeZMin");
206 double gapHeight = component.getLength("GapHeight");
207 double ironThickness = component.getLength("IronPlateThickness");
210 bComp.setMapFilename(mapFilename);
211 bComp.setMapSize(mapSizeR, mapSizeZ);
212 bComp.setMapRegionZ(mapRegionMinZ, mapRegionMaxZ, mapOffset);
213 bComp.setMapRegionR(mapRegionMinR, mapRegionMaxR);
214 bComp.setGridPitch(gridPitchR, gridPitchZ);
215 bComp.setKlmParameters(slotRMin, endyokeZMin, gapHeight, ironThickness);
The BFieldComponentRadial class.
void setMapFilename(const std::string &filename)
Sets the filename of the magnetic field map.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_componentTypeMap

CompTypeMap m_componentTypeMap

Maps the name of the component to the function reading the parameters.

Definition at line 70 of file GeoMagneticField.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: