20.6. SVD DQM¶
The SVD DQM modules produce plots to assess the quality of the data.
Only SVDUnpackerDQM
is executed on HLT, the rest of the modules are executed on ExpressReco on a fraction of events.
20.6.1. DQM Modules¶
This is a list of the svd
dqm modules.
- SVDDQMClustersOnTrack¶
SVD DQM module for clusters related to tracks.
- Package
- Library
- Parameters
- Clusters (str, default=’’)
SVDCluster StoreArray name.
- EventInfo (str, default=’’)
SVDEventInfo StoreArray name.
- RecoDigits (str, default=’’)
SVDRecoDigits StoreArray name.
- ShaperDigits (str, default=’’)
SVDShaperDigits StoreArray name.
- TriggerBin (int, default=-1)
select events for a specific trigger bin, if -1 then no selection is applied (default)
- desynchronizeSVDTime (bool, default=False)
if True, svd time back in SVD time reference
- histogramDirectoryName (str, default=’SVDClsTrk’)
Name of the directory where histograms will be placed.
- skipHLTRejectedEvents (bool, default=True)
If True, skip events rejected by HLT.
The SVD dose-monitoring DQM module. Fills histograms of the SVD’s instantaneous occupancy and of SVD occupancy vs time since last injection and time in beam revolution cycle.
- Package
- Library
- Parameters
- eventTypeFilter (unsigned int, default=7)
Types of events to include in the plots (1 = less than noInjectionTimeout after HER injection, 2 = less than noInjectionTimeout after LER injection, 4 = more than noInjectionTimeout after any injection; bitwise or combinations are possible; see SVDDQMDoseModule::EEventType).
- histogramDirectoryName (str, default=’SVDDose’)
Name of the directory where histograms will be placed in the ROOT file.
- noInjectionTimeout (float, default=30000.0)
Time (microseconds) since last injection after which an event is considered “No Injection”. Also the limit for the x axis of the 2D histograms.
- offlineZSShaperDigits (str, default=’SVDShaperDigitsZS5’)
Name of the SVDShaperDigits to use for computing occupancy (default is SVDShaperDigitsZS5).
- trgTypes (list(int), default=[13])
Trigger types for event selection. Empty to select everything. Default is only Poisson w/o inj. veto.
- SVDDQMEfficiency¶
Create basic histograms to compute the average sensor efficiency.
- Package
- Library
- Parameters
- Clusters (str, default=’’)
name of StoreArray with SVD cluster.
- Intercepts (str, default=’’)
name of StoreArray with SVDIntercepts.
- binsU (int, default=4)
histogram bins in u direction.
- binsV (int, default=6)
histogram bins in v direction.
- fiducialU (float, default=0.5)
Fiducial Area, U direction.
- fiducialV (float, default=0.5)
Fiducial Area, V direction.
- histogramDirectoryName (str, default=’SVDEfficiency’)
Name of the directory where histograms will be placed.
- maxHalfResidU (float, default=0.05000000074505806)
half window for cluster search around intercept, U direction.
- maxHalfResidV (float, default=0.05000000074505806)
half window for cluster search around intercept, V direction.
- minCDCHits (unsigned int, default=20)
Number of CDC hits required in a track to be considered.
- minSVDHits (unsigned int, default=1)
Number of SVD hits required in a track to be considered.
- momCut (float, default=0.0)
Set a cut on the track momentum.
- pValCut (float, default=0.0)
Set a cut on the track p-value.
- ptCut (float, default=1.0)
Set a cut on the track transverse momentum.
- saveExpertHistos (bool, default=False)
if True, save additional histograms.
- SVDDQMExpressReco¶
Original SVD DQM module for ExpressReco.
- Package
- Library
- Parameters
- Clusters (str, default=’SVDClusters’)
Cluster StoreArray name.
- CutSVDCharge (float, default=0.0)
minimum charge (ADC) to fill the strip-hitmap histogram.
- CutSVDClusterCharge (float, default=0.0)
minimum charge (in e-) to fill the cluster-hitmap histogram.
- ShaperDigits (str, default=’SVDShaperDigits’)
not zero-suppressed ShaperDigits StoreArray name.
- ShowAllHistos (int, default=0)
Flag to show all histos in DQM, default = 0.
- desynchronizeSVDTime (bool, default=False)
if True, svd time back in SVD time reference.
- histogramDirectoryName (str, default=’SVDExpReco’)
Name of the directory where histograms will be placed.
- offlineZSShaperDigits (str, default=’SVDShaperDigitsZS5’)
ShaperDigits StoreArray name - usually ZS5 strips.
- skipHLTRejectedEvents (bool, default=True)
If True, skip events rejected by HLT.
- SVDDQMHitTime¶
Make data quality monitoring plots for SVD Hit Time for bhabha, mu mu, and hadron samples seeded by different trigger times (ECL, CDC).
- Package
- Library
- Parameters
- Clusters (str, default=’’)
SVDCluster StoreArray name.
- EventInfo (str, default=’’)
SVDEventInfo StoreObjPtr name.
- desynchronizeSVDTime (bool, default=False)
if True, svd time back in SVD time reference
- histogramDirectoryName (str, default=’SVDHitTime’)
Name of the directory where histograms will be placed.
- SVDDQMInjection¶
Monitor SVD Occupancy after Injection.
- Package
- Library
- Parameters
- ShaperDigits (str, default=’’)
Name of SVD ShaperDigits to count occupancy - usually ZS5 strips.
- histogramDirectoryName (str, default=’SVDInjection’)
Name of the directory where histograms will be placed.
- SVDUnpackerDQM¶
DQM Histogram of the SVD Raw Data format.
- Package
- Library
- Parameters
- DAQDiagnostics (str, default=’’)
Name of DAQDiagnostics Store Array.
- EventInfo (str, default=’’)
Name of SVDEventInfo object.
- histogramDirectoryName (str, default=’SVDUnpacker’)
Name of the directory where histograms will be placed.
20.6.2. DQM Analysis Modules¶
- DQMHistAnalysisSVDDose¶
Monitoring of SVD Dose with events from Poisson trigger w/o inj. veto. See also SVDDQMDoseModule.
- Package
- Library
- Parameters
- deltaTPVSuffix (str, default=’Occ:Pois:UpdateInterval’)
Suffix for the PV that monitors the update interval of the PVs.
- epicsUpdateSeconds (float, default=1000.0)
Minimum interval between two successive PV updates (in seconds).
- pvPrefix (str, default=’DQM:SVD:’)
Prefix for EPICS PVs.
- pvSuffix (str, default=’:Occ:Pois:Avg’)
Suffix for EPICS PVs.
- statePVSuffix (str, default=’Occ:Pois:State’)
Suffix for the PV with the state of the monitoring.
- useEpics (bool, default=True)
Whether to update EPICS PVs.
- DQMHistAnalysisSVDEfficiency¶
DQM Analysis Module that computes the average SVD sensor efficiency.
- Package
- Library
- Parameters
- RefHistoFile (str, default=’SVDrefHisto.root’)
Reference histogram file name
- effLevel_Error (float, default=0.8999999761581421)
Efficiency error (%) level (red)
- effLevel_Warning (float, default=0.9399999976158142)
Efficiency WARNING (%) level (orange)
- statThreshold (float, default=100.0)
minimal number of tracks per sensor to set green/red alert
- DQMHistAnalysisSVDGeneral¶
DQM Analysis Module that produces colored canvas for a straightforward interpretation of the SVD Data Quality.
- Package
- Library
- Parameters
- RefHistoFile (str, default=’SVDrefHisto.root’)
Reference histrogram file name
- occLevel_Empty (float, default=0.0)
Maximum Occupancy (%) for which the sensor is considered empty
- occLevel_Error (float, default=5.0)
Maximum Occupancy (%) allowed for safe operations (red)
- occLevel_Warning (float, default=3.0)
Occupancy (%) at WARNING level (orange)
- onlineOccLevel_Empty (float, default=0.0)
Maximum OnlineOccupancy (%) for which the sensor is considered empty
- onlineOccLevel_Error (float, default=10.0)
Maximum OnlineOccupancy (%) allowed for safe operations (red)
- onlineOccLevel_Warning (float, default=5.0)
OnlineOccupancy (%) at WARNING level (orange)
- printCanvas (bool, default=False)
if True prints pdf of the analysis canvas
- refMCTC (float, default=0.0)
Mean of the signal time peak from Cosmic reference run
- refMCTP (float, default=0.0)
Mean of the signal time peak from Physics reference run
- statThreshold (int, default=10000)
Minimal number of events to compare histograms
- timeThreshold (float, default=6.0)
Acceptable difference between mean of central peak for present and reference run
- unpackerErrorLevel (float, default=1e-05)
Maximum bin_content/ # events allowed before throwing ERROR
- DQMHistAnalysisSVDOnMiraBelle¶
DQM Analysis Module that extracts monitoring variables from SVD DQM histograms and provides input to MiraBelle.
- Package
- Library