Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #include <alignment/reconstruction/AlignableSVDRecoHit2D.h>
11 #include <alignment/dbobjects/VXDAlignment.h>
12 #include <alignment/GlobalDerivatives.h>
13 #include <alignment/Hierarchy.h>
14 #include <alignment/Manager.h>
15 #include <framework/geometry/BFieldManager.h>
16 #include <svd/geometry/SensorInfo.h>
17 #include <vxd/geometry/GeoCache.h>
19 using namespace std;
20 using namespace Belle2;
21 using namespace alignment;
23 bool AlignableSVDRecoHit2D::s_enableLorentzGlobalDerivatives = false;
25 std::pair<std::vector<int>, TMatrixD> AlignableSVDRecoHit2D::globalDerivatives(const genfit::StateOnPlane* sop)
26 {
27  auto alignment = GlobalCalibrationManager::getInstance().getAlignmentHierarchy().getGlobalDerivatives<VXDAlignment>(getPlaneId(),
28  sop);
30  auto globals = GlobalDerivatives(alignment);
32  if (s_enableLorentzGlobalDerivatives) {
33  auto lorentz = GlobalCalibrationManager::getInstance().getLorentzShiftHierarchy().getGlobalDerivatives<VXDAlignment>(getPlaneId(),
34  sop, BFieldManager::getInstance().getField(ROOT::Math::XYZVector(sop->getPos())));
35  globals.add(lorentz);
36  }
38  const SVD::SensorInfo& geometry = dynamic_cast<const SVD::SensorInfo&>(VXD::GeoCache::get(getSensorID()));
40  // Legendre parametrization of deformation
41  auto L1 = [](double x) {return x;};
42  auto L2 = [](double x) {return (3 * x * x - 1) / 2;};
43  auto L3 = [](double x) {return (5 * x * x * x - 3 * x) / 2;};
44  auto L4 = [](double x) {return (35 * x * x * x * x - 30 * x * x + 3) / 8;};
46  double du_dw = sop->getState()[1]; // slope in U direction
47  double dv_dw = sop->getState()[2]; // slope in V direction
48  double u = getU(); // U coordinate of hit
49  double v = getV(); // V coordinate of hit
50  double width = geometry.getWidth(v); // Width of sensor (U side)
51  double length = geometry.getLength(); // Length of sensor (V side)
52  u = u * 2 / width; // Legendre parametrization required U in (-1, 1)
53  v = v * 2 / length; // Legendre parametrization required V in (-1, 1)
55  // Add parameters of surface deformation to alignment
56  // Numbering of VXD alignment parameters:
57  // -> 0-6: Rigid body alignment
58  // -> 31-33: First level of surface deformation
59  // -> 41-44: Second level of surface deformation
60  // -> 51-55: Third level of surface deformation
61  globals.add(GlobalLabel::construct<VXDAlignment>(getSensorID(), 31), std::vector<double> {L2(u)*du_dw, L2(u)*dv_dw});
62  globals.add(GlobalLabel::construct<VXDAlignment>(getSensorID(), 32), std::vector<double> {L1(u)*L1(v)*du_dw, L1(u)*L1(v)*dv_dw});
63  globals.add(GlobalLabel::construct<VXDAlignment>(getSensorID(), 33), std::vector<double> {L2(v)*du_dw, L2(v)*dv_dw});
65  globals.add(GlobalLabel::construct<VXDAlignment>(getSensorID(), 41), std::vector<double> {L3(u)*du_dw, L3(u)*dv_dw});
66  globals.add(GlobalLabel::construct<VXDAlignment>(getSensorID(), 42), std::vector<double> {L2(u)*L1(v)*du_dw, L2(u)*L1(v)*dv_dw});
67  globals.add(GlobalLabel::construct<VXDAlignment>(getSensorID(), 43), std::vector<double> {L1(u)*L2(v)*du_dw, L1(u)*L2(v)*dv_dw});
68  globals.add(GlobalLabel::construct<VXDAlignment>(getSensorID(), 44), std::vector<double> {L3(v)*du_dw, L3(v)*dv_dw});
70  globals.add(GlobalLabel::construct<VXDAlignment>(getSensorID(), 51), std::vector<double> {L4(u)*du_dw, L4(u)*dv_dw});
71  globals.add(GlobalLabel::construct<VXDAlignment>(getSensorID(), 52), std::vector<double> {L3(u)*L1(v)*du_dw, L3(u)*L1(v)*dv_dw});
72  globals.add(GlobalLabel::construct<VXDAlignment>(getSensorID(), 53), std::vector<double> {L2(u)*L2(v)*du_dw, L2(u)*L2(v)*dv_dw});
73  globals.add(GlobalLabel::construct<VXDAlignment>(getSensorID(), 54), std::vector<double> {L1(u)*L3(v)*du_dw, L1(u)*L3(v)*dv_dw});
74  globals.add(GlobalLabel::construct<VXDAlignment>(getSensorID(), 55), std::vector<double> {L4(v)*du_dw, L4(v)*dv_dw});
76  return globals;
77 }
virtual double add(baseType id, baseType param, double value, bool subtractInsteadOfAdd=false)
Add correction to already stored (or to 0. if not set yet) constant value (optionaly with minus sign)
Specific implementation of SensorInfo for SVD Sensors which provides additional sensor specific infor...
Definition: SensorInfo.h:25
VXD alignment (and maybe some calibration) parameters.
Definition: VXDAlignment.h:19
A state with arbitrary dimension defined in a DetPlane.
Definition: StateOnPlane.h:47
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.