11 #include <alignment/dataobjects/PedeSteering.h>
12 #include <alignment/GlobalTimeLine.h>
13 #include <alignment/PedeResult.h>
14 #include <alignment/PedeApplication.h>
15 #include <calibration/CalibrationAlgorithm.h>
98 void setTimedepConfig(std::vector< std::tuple< std::vector<int>, std::vector< std::tuple<int, int, int> > > >& config)
100 setEvents(alignment::timeline::setupTimedepGlobalLabels(config));
Base class for calibration algorithms.
The result of calibration.
Class implementing Millepede calibration algorithm.
void prepareMilleBinary()
Write out binary files from data in tree with GBL data to be used by Millepede and add them to steeri...
int m_minEntries
Minimum entries collected - report NotEnoughData for less.
void setEvents(const std::vector< EventMetaData > &events)
Set the events at which payloads can change for time-dep calibration (translation from time IDs (aka ...
void setMinEntries(int minEntries)
Set minimum entries - for less algo will not run, but report NotEnoughData.
std::vector< std::string > m_components
Components (BeamSpot...) to calibrate or empty for all available in data.
std::vector< EventMetaData > m_events
The events at which payloads can change for time-dep calibration (translation from time IDs (aka cont...
bool m_invertSign
Add (true) or subtract (false) corrections?
Constructor set the prefix to MillepedeCalibration.
PedeSteering & steering()
Get the steering to set commands etc.
alignment::PedeResult & result()
Get the result (invalid until executed) to get parameters etc.
void invertSign(bool use_subtraction=true)
Add (false) or subtract (true) corrections to previous values?
void ignoreUndeterminedParams(bool ignore=true)
Report failure(false) or success (true) even if some parameters could not be determined.
void setTimedepConfig(std::vector< std::tuple< std::vector< int >, std::vector< std::tuple< int, int, int > > > > &config)
Setup the complete time dependence of parameters at once (ensures consistency) (C++ version)
alignment::PedeApplication m_pede
The Pede application (unsuccesfull until execution)
void setTimedepConfig(PyObject *config)
Setup the complete time dependence of parameters at once (ensures consistency) (Python version)
virtual ~MillepedeAlgorithm()
void setComponents(const std::vector< std::string > &components)
Set components (BeamSpot...) to calibrate or empty for all available in data.
virtual EResult calibrate() override
Run algo on data.
alignment::PedeResult m_result
The result (invalid until execution)
bool m_ignoreUndeterminedParams
Report failure(false) or success (true) even if some parameters could not be determined.
PedeSteering m_steering
The steering with commands.
alignment::PedeApplication & pede()
Get the Pede application (for status etc.)
Class representing Millepede steering.
Class interfacing Millepede solver (Pede)
Class to process Pede result file(s)
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.