Belle II Software
Abstract base class for different kinds of events. More...
Namespaces | |
_RelationsInterfaceImpl | |
hide some implementation details. | |
_StoreArrayImpl | |
hide some implementation details. | |
AnalyzingAlgorithmHelper | |
INFO This file contains all the algorithms retrieving infos from Clusters. | |
beamabort | |
Namespace to encapsulate code needed for the BEAMABORT detector. | |
bgo | |
Namespace to encapsulate code needed for the BGO detector. | |
cave | |
Namespace to encapsulate code needed for the CAVE detector. | |
CDC | |
claw | |
Namespace to encapsulate code needed for the CLAW detector. | |
claws | |
Namespace to encapsulate code needed for the CLAWS detector. | |
csi | |
Namespace to encapsulate code needed for the CSI detector. | |
DistanceTools | |
This namespace contains a collection of function that are useful to compute distances between tracks and vertices. | |
DNN | |
namespace for DirectedNodeNetwork-related stuff | |
dosi | |
Namespace to encapsulate code needed for the DOSI detector. | |
ECLElementNumbers | |
ECL element numbers. | |
EveGeometry | |
Handles manipulation of detector geometry for the display. | |
EvtPDLUtil | |
Utilities for converting PDG codes into particle names. | |
fangs | |
Namespace to encapsulate code needed for the FANGS detector. | |
geometry | |
Common code concerning the geometry representation of the detector. | |
he3tube | |
Namespace to encapsulate code needed for the HE3TUBE detector. | |
HTML | |
return information on objects in a nice format. | |
IOIntercept | |
Encapsulate all classes needed to intercept stdout and stderr. | |
KlongId | |
Helper functions for all klid modules to improve readability of the code. | |
microtpc | |
Namespace to encapsulate code needed for the MICROTPC detector. | |
ObjectInfo | |
Return information on objects, for use by InfoWidget, Eve titles (popups) etc. | |
ParticleCopy | |
Functions that create copies of Particles. | |
ParticleListName | |
Helper to deal with ParticleList names. | |
ph1bpipe | |
Namespace to encapsulate code needed for the PH1BPIPE detector. | |
ph1sustr | |
Namespace to encapsulate code needed for the PH1SUSTR detector. | |
pindiode | |
Namespace to encapsulate code needed for the PINDIODE detector. | |
plume | |
Namespace to encapsulate code needed for the PLUME detector. | |
PXD | |
Namespace to encapsulate code needed for simulation and reconstrucion of the PXD. | |
PyObjConvUtils | |
Python object converter utilities namespace. | |
qcsmonitor | |
Namespace to encapsulate code needed for the QCSMONITOR detector. | |
RootIOUtilities | |
Some constants and helpers common to the RootInput and RootOutput modules. | |
SecMapHelper | |
namespace for SectorMapHelper-related stuff | |
srsensor | |
Namespace to encapsulate code needed for the DIAMOND detector. | |
Stream | |
Define (de)serialization methods for TObject. | |
structure | |
Namespace to encapsulate code needed for simulation and reconstrucion of the structure. | |
SVD | |
Namespace to encapsulate code needed for simulation and reconstrucion of the SVD. | |
SVDDAQModeType | |
2+3 bit: 00 1-sample, 01 3-sample, 10 6-sample | |
SVDEventType | |
Event Type, 3 bits, separated into 1+2 bits: | |
SVDRunType | |
Run type, 2-bits: 00 raw, 01 transparent, 10 zero-suppressed, 11 zero-suppressed + hit time finding. | |
TangoPalette | |
Implements a colour palette, see | |
TestHelpers | |
Some utilities to help with writing unit tests. | |
Utils | |
General utility functions. | |
VXD | |
Namespace to provide code needed by both Vertex Detectors, PXD and SVD, and also testbeam telescopes. | |
Classes | |
class | MillepedeAlgorithm |
Class implementing Millepede calibration algorithm. More... | |
class | MillepedeTreeConversionAlgorithm |
Creation of a plain TTree with residual and global derivative values from GBL data saved to a ROOT file. More... | |
class | MilleData |
Mergeable class holding list of so far opened mille binaries and providing the binaries. More... | |
class | PedeSteering |
Class representing Millepede steering. More... | |
class | CDCCalibration |
CDC alignment and calibration constants. More... | |
class | VXDAlignment |
VXD alignment (and maybe some calibration) parameters. More... | |
class | GblMultipleScatteringController |
TrackSegmentController for use with GblFitter in Belle2. More... | |
class | GlobalLabel |
Class to convert to/from global labels for Millepede II to/from detector & parameter identificators. More... | |
class | AlignDQMEventProcessor |
The purpose of this class is to process one event() in AlignDQMModule. More... | |
class | AlignDQMModule |
DQM of Alignment for off line residuals per sensor, layer, keep also On-Line DQM from tracking: their momentum, Number of hits in tracks, Number of tracks. More... | |
class | AlignmentGeneratorModule |
Generate VXD misalignment and store in database. More... | |
class | CopyRecoTracksWithOverlapModule |
Copy RecoTracks with overlap hits in VXD to a new StoreArray (Will need a refit). More... | |
class | CosmicsAlignmentValidationModule |
Module to find Track correlation in cosmic events. More... | |
class | MergerCosmicTracksModule |
Module use to select two cosmic tracks event and merger these two tracks become one. More... | |
class | MillepedeCollectorModule |
Calibration data collector for Millepede Algorithm. More... | |
class | SetRecoTrackMomentumModule |
Set momentum magnitude for RecoTracks to given value (for runs without magnetic field) More... | |
class | UpdateParticleTrackCandModule |
Updates the seed in TrackCand based on fitted state (at vertex) More... | |
class | AlignableBKLMRecoHit |
Alignable BKLM hit. More... | |
class | AlignableCDCRecoHit |
This class is used to transfer CDC information to the track fit and Millepede. More... | |
class | AlignableEKLMRecoHit |
Alignable EKLM hit. More... | |
class | AlignablePXDRecoHit |
This class is used to transfer PXD information to the track fit. More... | |
class | AlignableSVDRecoHit |
This class is used to transfer SVD information to the track fit. More... | |
class | AlignableSVDRecoHit2D |
This class is used to transfer SVD information to the track fit. More... | |
class | GlobalLabelTest |
Test fixture. More... | |
class | ClusterUtils |
Class to provide momentum-related information from ECLClusters. More... | |
class | CleoCones |
Class to calculate the Cleo clone variables. More... | |
class | FoxWolfram |
Class to calculate the Fox-Wolfram moments up to order 8. More... | |
class | HarmonicMoments |
Class to calculate the Harmonic moments up to order 8 with respect to a given axis. More... | |
class | KsfwMoments |
Moment-calculation of the k_sfw improved Super-Fox-Wolfram moments. More... | |
class | SphericityEigenvalues |
Class to calculate the Sphericity tensor eigenvalues and eigenvectors starting from an array of 3-momenta The tensor itself is not stored, only its eigenvalues and eigenvectors are. More... | |
class | Thrust |
Class to calculate the thrust axis. More... | |
class | Btube |
For each MCParticle with hits in the CDC, this class stores some summarising information on those hits. More... | |
class | ContinuumSuppression |
This is a class for collecting variables used in continuum suppression. More... | |
class | ECLEnergyCloseToTrack |
Class to store energy information for ECL hits closest to a track. More... | |
class | ECLTRGInformation |
Class to store information about ECL trigger cells (TCs) More... | |
class | ECLTriggerCell |
ECL Trigger cells. More... | |
class | EventKinematics |
Class for collecting variables related to the global kinematics of the event. More... | |
class | EventShapeContainer |
Class for collecting the basic objects related to the event shape. More... | |
class | FlavorTaggerInfo |
This class stores the relevant information for the TagV vertex fit, extracted mainly from the Flavor Tagging Module. More... | |
class | FlavorTaggerInfoMap |
This class stores the Flavor Tagger information for a specific method and particle filled in the Flavor Tagger Module. More... | |
class | Particle |
Class to store reconstructed particles. More... | |
class | ParticleExtraInfoMap |
Internal class to store string -> index maps for extra info stored in Particle. More... | |
class | StoreObjPtr |
Type-safe access to single objects in the data store. More... | |
class | ParticleList |
ParticleList is a container class that stores a collection of Particle objects. More... | |
class | RestOfEvent |
This is a general purpose class for collecting reconstructed MDST data objects that are not used in reconstruction of given Particle – referred also as Rest Of the Event. More... | |
class | StringWrapper |
This class is a wrapper for strings, such as MCDecayStrings, to allow them to be associated with particles via a relation. More... | |
class | TagVertex |
TagVertex data object: contains Btag Vertex and DeltaT. More... | |
class | TauPairDecay |
Class for collecting variables related to tau-taubar MC decay process. More... | |
class | ChargedPidMVAWeights |
Class to contain the payload of MVA weightfiles needed for charged particle identification. More... | |
class | ParticleWeightingAxis |
Class for handling LookUp tables. More... | |
class | ParticleWeightingBinLimits |
Just pair of numbers - min and max values of bin border. More... | |
class | ParticleWeightingKeyMap |
Class for handling KeyMap. More... | |
class | ParticleWeightingLookUpTable |
Class for handling LookUp tables. More... | |
class | PIDCalibrationWeight |
Class for handling the PID calibration weight matrix. More... | |
class | PIDDetectorWeights |
Class for handling the PID weights per detector, used to calculate the track helix isolation score per particle. More... | |
class | PIDNeuralNetworkParameters |
Class for handling the parameters for the neural-network PID. More... | |
class | PIDPriors |
A database class to hold the prior probability for the particle identification. More... | |
class | PIDPriorsTable |
This class holds the prior distribution for a single particle species. More... | |
class | DecayDescriptor |
The DecayDescriptor stores information about a decay tree or parts of a decay tree. More... | |
class | DecayDescriptorParticle |
Represents a particle in the DecayDescriptor. More... | |
struct | DecayStringDecay |
Holds the information of a decay. More... | |
struct | DecayStringGrammar |
This class describes the grammar and the syntax elements of decay strings. More... | |
struct | DecayStringParticle |
Holds the information of a particle in the decay string. More... | |
class | ParticleListHelper |
Class to help managing creation and adding to ParticleLists. More... | |
class | AllParticleCombinerModule |
This module combines all particles of the provided list to one mother particle. More... | |
class | AnalysisConfigurationModule |
Class to hold general basf2 configuration Used to intiate and configure CreateAnalysis object. More... | |
class | BelleNbarMVAModule |
Apply nbarMVA for Belle I. More... | |
class | BestCandidateSelectionModule |
Ranks particles by the values of a variable. More... | |
class | EnergyBiasCorrectionModule |
Energy bias correction. More... | |
class | BelleBremRecoveryModule |
Brem recovery module (used in past belle analyses) This module add four vector of all the brem photon to the four vector associated to the charged particle. More... | |
class | BremsFinderModule |
Bremsstrahlung finder correction module For each lepton in the input particle list, this module copies it to the output particle list and uses the results of the eclTrackBremFinder module to look for a possible bremsstrahlung photon; if this photon exists, adds its four momentum to the leptons in the output list. More... | |
class | BtubeCreatorModule |
Create a B particle from a Bbar particle. More... | |
class | ChargedPidMVAModule |
This module evaluates the response of an MVA trained for binary charged particle identification between two hypotheses, S and B. More... | |
class | ChargedPidMVAMulticlassModule |
This module evaluates the response of a multi-class MVA trained for global charged particle identification. More... | |
class | ContinuumSuppressionBuilderModule |
Creates for each Particle in given ParticleList an ContinuumSuppression dataobject and makes basf2 relation between them. More... | |
class | CurlTaggerModule |
This module is designed to tag curl tracks. More... | |
class | DistanceCalculatorModule |
Calculates distance between two vertices, distance of closest approach between a vertex and a track, distance of closest approach between a vertex and Btube. More... | |
class | DuplicateVertexMarkerModule |
Identify duplicate vertices (distinct particles, but built from the same daughters) and mark the one with best chi2. More... | |
class | EventKinematicsModule |
Module to compute global quantities related to the event kinematics, like total missing energy and mass2, visible energy, etc. More... | |
class | EventShapeCalculatorModule |
Module to compute event shape variables starting from three lists of particle objects (tracks, gammas, Klongs). More... | |
class | ExtraInfoPrinterModule |
Prints the names of the ExtraInfos for a ParticleList or for the Event. More... | |
class | ExtraInfoRemoverModule |
This module deletes the extrainfo of each particle in the given ParticleLists. More... | |
class | FlavorTaggerInfoBuilderModule |
Creates for each Particle and RestOfEvent object in the DataStore a FlavorTaggerInfo dataobject and makes basf2 relation between them. More... | |
class | FlavorTaggerInfoFillerModule |
Creates a new flavorTaggerInfoMap DataObject for the specific methods. More... | |
class | HelixErrorScalerModule |
scale the error of helix parameters More... | |
class | InclusiveBtagReconstructionModule |
Inclusively reconstructs anti-B:tag from input ParticleLists for given B:sig . More... | |
class | Map2Vector |
Helper class to make a vector of all possible combinations of int numbers contained in the input vectors (passed as values in a map). More... | |
class | InclusiveDstarReconstructionModule |
Inclusive D* reconstruction module. More... | |
class | KlongDecayReconstructorExpertModule |
reco missing module More... | |
class | KlongMomentumCalculatorExpertModule |
reco missing module More... | |
class | KlongMomentumUpdaterExpertModule |
Calculate and update the two body B decay kinematics. More... | |
class | LowEnergyPi0IdentificationExpertModule |
Calculation of low-energy pi0 identification value. More... | |
class | LowEnergyPi0VetoExpertModule |
Calculation of low-energy pi0 veto value. More... | |
class | DecayTree |
This is a helper class for the MCDecayFinderModule. More... | |
class | MCDecayFinderModule |
Find decays in MCParticle list matching a given DecayString. More... | |
class | MCMatcherParticlesModule |
MC matching module: module performs MC matching (sets the relation Particle -> MCParticle) for all particles and its (grand)^N-daughter particles in the user-specified ParticleList. More... | |
class | NeutralHadron4MomentumCalculatorModule |
Calculates 4-momentum of a neutral hadron in a given decay chain e.g. More... | |
class | NeutralHadronMatcherModule |
Module to geometrically match neutral hadrons (KL, neutrons) to ECL clusters. More... | |
class | OnlyWriteOutParticleListsModule |
Marks all objects in DataStore except those of type ParticleList as WrtieOut=False. More... | |
class | ParticleCombinerModule |
particle combiner module More... | |
class | ParticleCombinerFromMCModule |
particle combiner module More... | |
class | ParticleCopierModule |
Module for creating copies of Particles. More... | |
class | ParticleExtractorFromROEModule |
Extract particles from ROE and fill them in ParticleList. More... | |
class | ParticleListManipulatorModule |
Module for copying Particles (actually their indices) from two or more ParticleLists(s) to another ParticleList. More... | |
class | ParticleLoaderModule |
Loads MDST dataobjects as Particle objects to the StoreArray<Particle> and collects them in specified ParticleList. More... | |
class | ParticleMassUpdaterModule |
This module replaces the mass of the particles inside the given particleLists with the invariant mass of the particle corresponding to the given pdgCode. More... | |
class | ParticleMCDecayStringModule |
Adds the Monte Carlo decay string to a Particle. More... | |
class | ParticleMomentumUpdaterModule |
This module replaces the momentum of the Particle in the target particle list by p(beam) - p(selected daughters). More... | |
class | ParticlePrinterModule |
prints particle list to screen More... | |
class | ParticleSelectorModule |
Loops over all Particles in the ParticleList and removes those Particles from the ParticleList that do not pass given selection criteria. More... | |
class | ParticleStatsModule |
This module summarises the ParticleLists in the event. More... | |
class | ParticleVertexFitterModule |
Vertex fitter module. More... | |
class | ParticleWeightingModule |
Module to append weights from the database into the extraInfo of Particles. More... | |
class | ParticleWeightingLookUpCreatorModule |
Module that creates LookUpTable and upload it to the DB. More... | |
class | PhotonEfficiencySystematicsModule |
Adds Photon Detection Efficiency Data/MC ratios To Particle List. More... | |
class | Pi0VetoEfficiencySystematicsModule |
Adds Pi0Veto Efficiency Data/MC ratios To Particle List. More... | |
class | PIDCalibrationWeightCreatorModule |
Module that creates WeightMatrix and uploads it to the DB. More... | |
class | PIDNeuralNetworkParametersCreatorModule |
Module that creates PID neural network parameters and uploads them to the DB. More... | |
class | PostMergeUpdaterModule |
If the content of two DataStores are merged using the 'MergeDataStoreModule', several kinematic properties might need fix. More... | |
class | PrintMCParticlesModule |
The PrintMCParticles module. More... | |
class | PseudoVertexFitterModule |
Pseudo Vertex fitter module. More... | |
class | RemoveParticlesNotInListsModule |
Removes all Particles that are not in a given list of ParticleLists (or daughters of those). More... | |
class | RestOfEventBuilderModule |
Creates for each Particle in given ParticleList an RestOfEvent (ROE) dataobject and makes basf2 relation between them. More... | |
class | RestOfEventInterpreterModule |
Creates a mask (vector of boolean values) for tracks and clusters in RestOfEvent regarding their usage. More... | |
class | RestOfEventPrinterModule |
prints ROE information and masks to screen More... | |
class | RestOfEventUpdaterModule |
Updates an existing mask (map of boolean values) for tracks or eclClusters in RestOfEvent with an available property (e.g. More... | |
class | SelectDaughtersModule |
Redefine (select) the daughters of a particle. More... | |
class | SignalSideParticleFilterModule |
The module returns true if the current RestOfEvent object is related to any of the Particles in the input ParticleLists. More... | |
class | SignalSideParticleListCreatorModule |
The module creates a ParticleList and fills it with one of the daughter Particles. More... | |
class | SignalSideVariablesToDaughterExtraInfoModule |
The module writes properties (values of specified variables) of the particle related to the current ROE as an ExtraInfo to the single particle in the input ParticleList. More... | |
class | SignalSideVariablesToExtraInfoModule |
The module writes property of single particle found in the input ParticleList as an ExtraInfo to the Particle related to the current ROE. More... | |
class | SkimFilterModule |
This module filters events based on presence of candidates in a list of ParticleLists. More... | |
class | TagUniqueSignalModule |
Loops through the particle list finds a unique signal candidate for each event. More... | |
class | TagVertexModule |
Tag side Vertex Fitter module for modular analysis. More... | |
struct | ParticleAndWeight |
this struct is used to store and sort the tag tracks More... | |
class | TauDecayMarkerModule |
Module to identify generated tau pair decays, using MCParticle information. More... | |
class | TauDecayModeModule |
Module to classify tau decay events according to a mapping given by the user or with a default mapping based on the TauolaBelle2 decay list. More... | |
class | TrackFitResultEstimatorModule |
Create a TrackFitResult from the momentum of a Particle and make a relation between them. More... | |
class | TrackingEfficiencyModule |
This set of module is designed for tracking systematics studies. More... | |
class | TrackingMomentumModule |
Tracking momentum systematics. More... | |
class | TrackIsoCalculatorModule |
Calculate track isolation variables on the input ParticleList. More... | |
class | TreeFitterModule |
Module to fit an entire decay tree. More... | |
class | UdstListFilterModule |
Module to filter udst content based on a particle list. More... | |
class | V0DaughterMassUpdaterModule |
This module replaces the mass of two daughters of the selected V0 particles inside the given particleLists with masses of given pdgCode. More... | |
class | VariablesToEventBasedTreeModule |
Module to calculate variables specified by the user for a given ParticleList and save them into a TTree. More... | |
class | VariablesToEventExtraInfoModule |
For each particle in the input list the selected variables are saved in an event-extra-info field with the given name, Can be used to save MC truth information, for example, in a ntuple of reconstructed particles. More... | |
class | VariablesToExtraInfoModule |
For each particle in the input list the selected variables are saved in an extra-info field with the given name, Can be used when wanting to save variables before modifying them, e.g. More... | |
class | VariablesToHistogramModule |
Module to calculate variables specified by the user for a given ParticleList and save them into an Histogram. More... | |
class | VariablesToNtupleModule |
Module to calculate variables specified by the user for a given ParticleList and save them into a ROOT TTree. More... | |
class | VariableToReturnValueModule |
Module to calculate variable specified by the user and set return value accordingly. More... | |
class | ParticleIndexGenerator |
ParticleIndexGenerator is a generator for all the combinations of the particle indices stored in the particle lists. More... | |
class | ListIndexGenerator |
ListIndexGenerator is a generator for all the combinations of the sublists (FlavorSpecificParticle = 0, SelfConjugatedParticle = 1) of a set of particle lists. More... | |
class | ParticleGenerator |
ParticleGenerator is a generator for all the particles combined from the given ParticleLists. More... | |
class | ChargedParticleIdentificatorTest |
Test the MVA-based charged PID. More... | |
class | eventShapeCoreAlgorithmTest |
class | PIDPriorsTest |
class | TrackIsoScoreCalculatorTest |
Test the calculation of the track helix-based isolation score per particle. More... | |
class | AnalysisConfiguration |
Singleton class keeping configurables of analysis components. More... | |
class | DecayForest |
Contains several DecayTree objects, which belong all to the same candidate. More... | |
class | DecayNode |
DecayNode describes the decay of a particle identified by its pdg code, into list of daughters. More... | |
class | DetSurfCylBoundaries |
Simple class to encapsulate a detector surface's boundaries in cylindrical coordinates. More... | |
struct | DetectorSurface |
Detector surfaces information. More... | |
class | GenB0Tag |
Class to determine generated decay mode of B0 and B0bar. More... | |
class | GenBplusTag |
Class to determine generated decay modes of B+ and B-. More... | |
class | GenBsTag |
Class to determine generated decay mode of Bs0 and Bs0bar. More... | |
class | GenDTag |
Class to determine generated decay mode of D*, Ds, D0, D+, and their anti-particles. More... | |
class | GenTauTag |
Class to determine generated decay mode of tau+ and tau-. More... | |
struct | KlongCalculatorUtils |
Utility class to calculate the Klong kinematics. More... | |
struct | MCMatching |
Functions to perform Monte Carlo matching for reconstructed Particles. More... | |
class | ParticleSubset |
Specialised SelectSubset<Particle> that also fixes daughter indices and all ParticleLists. More... | |
class | PCmsLabTransform |
Class to hold Lorentz transformations from/to CMS and boost vector. More... | |
class | PIDCalibrationWeightUtil |
Class to call calibration weight matrix. More... | |
class | PIDNeuralNetwork |
Class to call PID neural network. More... | |
class | ReferenceFrame |
Abstract base class of all reference frames. More... | |
class | RestFrame |
Rest frame of a particle. More... | |
class | LabFrame |
Lab frame. More... | |
class | CMSFrame |
CMS frame. More... | |
class | RotationFrame |
Rotation frame around vector. More... | |
class | CMSRotationFrame |
Stack frame for cms and Rotation frame. More... | |
class | UseReferenceFrame |
A template class to apply the reference frame. More... | |
struct | VariableFormulaConstructor |
Struct to construct new variable function objects from a name or a double value or to apply operations on these variable function objects. More... | |
class | ARICHCalibrationChecker |
ARICH calibration checker. More... | |
class | ARICHChannelMaskMaker |
ARICH channel mask calibration algorithm. More... | |
class | ARICHDatabaseImporter |
ARICH database importer. More... | |
class | ARICHAeroHit |
Datastore class that holds information on track parameters at the entrance in aerogel. More... | |
class | ARICHDigit |
ARICHDigit class for storing photon hit information. More... | |
class | ARICHHit |
Datastore class that holds photon hits. Input to the reconstruction. More... | |
class | ARICHInfo |
Datastore class to keep ARICH event infomation e.g. trigger type. More... | |
class | ARICHLikelihood |
This is a class to store ARICH likelihoods in the datastore. More... | |
class | ARICHPhoton |
Struct for ARICH reconstructed photon (hit related to track) information. More... | |
class | ARICHRawDigit |
class | ARICHSimHit |
Class ARICHSimHit - Geant4 simulated hit for ARICH. More... | |
class | ARICHThParam |
ARICHThParam class for storing photon hit information. More... | |
class | ARICHTrack |
Datastore class that holds position and momentum information of tracks that hit ARICH. More... | |
class | ARICHAerogelInfo |
The Class for ARICH Aerogel Parameters. More... | |
class | ARICHAerogelMap |
Map of the Aerogel placement. More... | |
class | ARICHAerogelRayleighScatteringFit |
The Class for ARICH aerogel Rayleigh scattering fit parameters. More... | |
class | ARICHAeroTilesAlignment |
Alignment parameters for aerogel tiles. More... | |
class | ARICHAeroTilesInfo |
The Class for ARICH aerogel tiles properties for even reconstruction. More... | |
class | ARICHAsicChannelMask |
ARICH Channel Mask. More... | |
class | ARICHAsicInfo |
Tested ASIC chips. More... | |
class | ARICHB2LinkInfo |
List of Belle2Link Boards. More... | |
class | ARICHBadChannels |
Contains manufacturer data of one of the 4 photo sensors chips. More... | |
class | ARICHBiasCablesMapping |
The Class for ARICH mapping of bias cables to modules. More... | |
class | ARICHBiasChannelsMapping |
The Class for ARICH mapping of bias power supply channels to modules. More... | |
class | ARICHBiasCrateCableMapping |
The Class for ARICH bias voltages at gain 40. More... | |
class | ARICHBiasVoltages |
The Class for ARICH bias voltages at gain 40. More... | |
class | ARICHCableInfo |
List of Cables. More... | |
class | ARICHChannelMapping |
The Class for ARICH HAPD channel mapping. More... | |
class | ARICHChannelMask |
The Class for ARICH HAPD channel mask. More... | |
class | ARICHComponentTest |
Test of the ARICH component. More... | |
class | ARICHCopperMapping |
The Class for ARICH mapping of merger to copper boards. More... | |
class | ARICHFEBoardInfo |
Front End Electronics Boards. More... | |
class | ARICHFebTest |
The Class for ARICH Aerogel Parameters. More... | |
class | ARICHFirmware |
ARICH firmware. More... | |
class | ARICHGeoAerogelPlane |
Geometry parameters of HAPD. More... | |
class | ARICHGeoBase |
Base class for geometry parameters. More... | |
class | ARICHGeoCablesEnvelope |
Geometry parameters of cable envelope. More... | |
class | ARICHGeoCooling |
Geometry parameters of Cooling System. More... | |
class | ARICHGeoDetectorPlane |
Geometry parameters of ARICH photon detector plane. More... | |
class | ARICHGeoFEBCooling |
Geometry parameters of Cooling System - version2 (v2). More... | |
class | ARICHGeoGlobalDisplacement |
Global displacement parameters for ARICH. More... | |
class | ARICHGeoHAPD |
Geometry parameters of HAPD. More... | |
class | ARICHGeoMasterVolume |
Geometry parameters of ARICH Master volume (envelope) More... | |
class | ARICHGeoMerger |
Geometry parameters of Merger PCB. More... | |
class | ARICHGeoMergerCooling |
Geometry parameters of Merger Cooling System - version2 (v2). More... | |
class | ARICHGeometryConfig |
The Class for ARICH Geometry Parameters. More... | |
class | ARICHGeoMirrorDisplacement |
Mirror displacement parameters for ARICH. More... | |
class | ARICHGeoMirrors |
Geometry parameters of HAPD. More... | |
class | ARICHGeoSupport |
Geometry parameters of ARICH support structures and neutron shield. More... | |
class | ARICHGlobalAlignment |
Geometry parameters of ARICH Master volume (envelope) More... | |
class | ARICHHapdChipInfo |
Contains manufacturer data of one of the 4 photo sensors chips. More... | |
class | ARICHHapdInfo |
Contains manufacturer data of the photo sensor - HAPD. More... | |
class | ARICHHapdMask |
ARICH HAPD Sensor Mask: map of operational/nonoperational HAPDs : one bit per sensor. More... | |
class | ARICHHapdQA |
Contains manufacturer data of the photo sensor - HAPD. More... | |
class | ARICHHapdQE |
Contains manufacturer data of the photo sensor - HAPD. More... | |
class | ARICHHighVoltageConfig |
Configuration parameters of the High Voltage Channel. More... | |
class | ARICHHvCablesMapping |
The Class for ARICH mapping of bias cables to modules. More... | |
class | ARICHHvChannelsMapping |
The Class for ARICH mapping of bias power supply channels to modules. More... | |
class | ARICHHvCrateCableMapping |
The Class for ARICH bias voltages at gain 40. More... | |
class | ARICHMagnetTest |
Contains fractions of dead times measured in a magnet. More... | |
class | ARICHMergerInfo |
List of MergerBoards. More... | |
class | ARICHMergerMap |
Mapping of the merger board to the detector. More... | |
class | ARICHMergerMapping |
The Class for ARICH mapping of modules to merger boards. More... | |
class | ARICHMirrorAlignment |
Mirror alignment parameters for ARICH. More... | |
class | ARICHMirrorInfo |
List of MergerBoards. More... | |
class | ARICHMirrorMap |
Mapping of the mirrors on the detector. More... | |
class | ARICHModulesInfo |
The Class for information on HAPD modules installed in ARICH. More... | |
class | ARICHModuleTest |
The Class for ARICH Aerogel Parameters. More... | |
class | ARICHPositionElement |
Position element for ARICH. More... | |
class | ARICHReconstructionPar |
The Class for ARICH reconstruction parameters. More... | |
class | ARICHSensorModuleInfo |
Sensor Module Information. More... | |
class | ARICHSensorModuleMap |
Mapping of the Sensor Board Connections to the detector. More... | |
class | ARICHSimulationPar |
The Class for ARICH simulation parameters. More... | |
struct | tessellatedSolidStr |
Structure which holds apexes of the tessellation volumes. More... | |
class | ARICHTracking |
Beamtest ARICH Geometry Tracking Class. More... | |
class | ARICHBtestGeometryPar |
The Class for ARICH Beamtest Geometry Parameters. More... | |
class | ARICHGeometryPar |
The Class for ARICH Geometry Parameters. More... | |
class | arichBtestModule |
The UserTutorial module. More... | |
class | ARICHChannelMaskModule |
Testing module for collection of calibration data. More... | |
class | ARICHDigitizerModule |
ARICH digitizer module. More... | |
class | ARICHDQMModule |
Make summary of data quality from reconstruction. More... | |
class | ARICHFillHitsModule |
Fill ARICHHit collection from ARICHDigits. More... | |
class | ARICHMCParticlesModule |
Module to match ARICH hits to MCParticles. More... | |
class | ARICHNtupleModule |
ARICH reconstruction efficiency test module. More... | |
class | ARICHPackerModule |
Raw data packer for ARICH. More... | |
class | ARICHRateCalModule |
Fill ARICHHit collection from ARICHDigits. More... | |
class | ARICHRawUnpackerModule |
Fill ARICHHit collection from ARICHDigits. More... | |
class | ARICHReconstruction |
Internal ARICH track reconstruction. More... | |
class | ARICHReconstructorModule |
ARICH subdetector main module. More... | |
class | ARICHRelateModule |
Creates relations between ARICHAeroHits and ExtHits. More... | |
class | arichToNtupleModule |
This module extends existing variablesToNtuple to append detailed arich information to candidates in the analysis output ntuple. More... | |
struct | ARICHRawHeader |
class | ARICHUnpackerModule |
Raw data unpacker for ARICH. More... | |
class | ARICHAerogelHist |
Base class for geometry parameters. More... | |
class | ARICHChannelHist |
ARICH histogram with HAPD plane 3 options for bin segmentation are available type 0 - one bin per HAPD, type 1 - one bin per channel, type 2 - one bin per APD chip HAPD numbering is 1-420 (software numbering), channel is ASIC channel, APD is ASIC channel / 36. More... | |
class | BelleTrkExtra |
Class stores mdst_trk_fit information for each track. More... | |
class | B2BIIMCParticlesMonitorModule |
Declaration of class B2BIIMCParticlesMonitor. More... | |
class | B2BIIConvertBeamParamsModule |
Convert the IpProfile and Benergy to BeamParameters, BeamSpot, CollisionInvariantMass and CollisionBoostVector. More... | |
class | B2BIIConvertMdstModule |
Module converts Belle MDST objects (Panther records) to Belle II MDST objects. More... | |
class | B2BIIFixMdstModule |
Declaration of class B2BIIFixMdst. More... | |
class | MuidProb |
Class computes probability density for Muid calculation. More... | |
class | B2BIIMdstInputModule |
Module reads Belle MDST files and converts Belle_event record to Belle II EventMetaData StoreObjectPointer. More... | |
struct | cal_scale_error_func_set_t |
Structure type cal_scale_error_func_set_t. More... | |
class | BelleMCOutputModule |
KLM digitization module. More... | |
class | BeamBkgGeneratorModule |
Beam background generator based on SAD files. More... | |
class | BeamBkgHitRateMonitorModule |
A module to monitor detector hit rates of beam background Output is to a flat ntuple. More... | |
class | BeamBkgMixerModule |
New beam background mixer; this one doesn't need ROF files. More... | |
class | BeamBkgTagSetterModule |
A module that sets m_backgroundTag variable in SimHits (see BackgroundMetaData.h). More... | |
class | BGOverlayExecutorModule |
Overlay of measured background with simulated data (Digits or Clusters) More... | |
class | BGOverlayInputModule |
Beam BG data input, either in form of Digits or raw data. More... | |
class | AnalysisPhase1StudyModule |
Study module for BEAST. More... | |
class | NtuplePhase1_v6Module |
Read SKB PVs, simulated measurements of BEAST sensors, and write scaled simulated Ntuple in BEAST phase 1 data format. More... | |
class | ReprocessorModule |
Reprocessor Module. More... | |
class | BeamabortHit |
ClassBeamabortHit - digitization simulated hit for the Beamabort detector. More... | |
class | BeamabortSimHit |
ClassBeamabortSimHit - Geant4 simulated hit for the Beamabort crystal in beast. More... | |
class | BeamabortGeo |
Geometry parameters of Beamabort. More... | |
class | BgoHit |
ClassBgoHit - Geant4 ulated hit for the Bgo crystal in beast. More... | |
class | BgoSimHit |
ClassBgoSimHit - Geant4 simulated hit for the Bgo crystal in beast. More... | |
class | CaveSimHit |
ClassCaveSimHit - Geant4 simulated hit for the Cave detector. More... | |
class | ClawHit |
ClassClawHit - digitization simulated hit for the Claw detector. More... | |
class | ClawSimHit |
ClassClawSimHit - Geant4 simulated hit for the Claw crystal in beast. More... | |
class | ClawsHit |
ClassClawsHit - digitization simulated hit for the Claws detector. More... | |
class | CLAWSSimHit |
Class CLAWSSimHit - Geant4 simulated hit for the CLAWS detector. More... | |
class | CsiDigiHit |
Class to store Csi digitized hits (output of CsIDigitizer) relation to CsiHit filled in beast/csi/modules/src/ More... | |
class | CsiHit |
Class to store simulated hits which equate to average of CsiSimHit on crystals Input for digitization module (CsiDigitizer). More... | |
class | CsiHit_v2 |
ClassCsiHit_v2 - Geant4 simulated hits in CsI crystals in BEAST. More... | |
class | CsiSimHit |
ClassCsiSimHit - Geant4 simulated hits in CsI crystals in BEAST. More... | |
class | CsIStudyModule |
Analyze simulations of CsI readings in BEAST. More... | |
class | DosiHit |
ClassDosiHit - Geant4 ulated hit for the Dosi crystal in beast. More... | |
class | DosiSimHit |
ClassDosiSimHit - Geant4 simulated hit for the Dosi crystal in beast. More... | |
class | FANGSHit |
ClassFANGSHit - digitization simulated hit for the FANGS detector. More... | |
class | FANGSSimHit |
Class FANGSSimHit - Geant4 simulated hit for the FANGS detector. More... | |
class | HE3G4TrackInfo |
Class HE3G4TrackInfo - Geant4 simulated hit for the Microtpc detector. More... | |
class | He3MCParticle |
Class He3MCParticle - Geant4 simulated hit for the Microtpc detector. More... | |
class | He3tubeHit |
ClassHe3Hit - digitization simulated hit for the He3tube detector. More... | |
class | He3tubeSimHit |
ClassHe3tubeSimHit - Geant4 simulated hit for the He3tube detector. More... | |
class | MicrotpcDataHit |
ClassMicrotpcDataHit - digitization simulated datahit for the Microtpc detector. More... | |
class | MicrotpcHit |
ClassMicrotpcHit - digitization simulated hit for the Microtpc detector. More... | |
class | MicrotpcMetaEDataHit |
ClassMicrotpcDataHit - digitization simulated datahit for the Microtpc detector. More... | |
class | MicrotpcMetaHit |
ClassMicrotpcMetaHit - digitization simulated metahit for the Microtpc detector. More... | |
class | MicrotpcRecoTrack |
ClassMicrotpcRecoTrack - fit tracks after the digitization. More... | |
class | MicrotpcSimHit |
ClassMicrotpcSimHit - Geant4 simulated hit for the Microtpc detector. More... | |
class | TPCG4TrackInfo |
Class TPCG4TrackInfo - Geant4 simulated hit for the Microtpc detector. More... | |
class | TpcMCParticle |
Class TpcMCParticle - Geant4 simulated hit for the Microtpc detector. More... | |
class | TPCSimHit |
ClassTPCSimHit - Geant4 simulated hit for the TPC crystal in beast. More... | |
class | Ph1bpipeSimHit |
ClassPh1bpipeSimHit - Geant4 simulated hit for the Ph1bpipe detector. More... | |
class | Ph1sustrSimHit |
ClassPh1sustrSimHit - Geant4 simulated hit for the Ph1sustr detector. More... | |
class | PindiodeHit |
ClassPindiodeHit - digitization simulated hit for the Pindiode detector. More... | |
class | PindiodeSimHit |
ClassPindiodeSimHit - Geant4 simulated hit for the Pindiode crystal in beast. More... | |
class | PlumeHit |
ClassPlumeHit - digitization simulated hit for the Microtpc detector. More... | |
class | PlumeSimHit |
Class PlumeSimHit - Geant4 simulated hit for the PLUME detector. More... | |
class | QcsmonitorHit |
ClassQcsmonitorHit - digitization simulated hit for the Qcsmonitor detector. More... | |
class | QcsmonitorSimHit |
ClassQcsmonitorSimHit - Geant4 simulated hit for the Qcsmonitor crystal in beast. More... | |
class | SrsensorSimHit |
ClassSrsensorSimHit - Geant4 simulated hit for the Srsensor detector. More... | |
class | MergeableNamed |
Abstract base class for objects that can be merged but also named. More... | |
class | RunRange |
Mergeable object holding (unique) set of (exp,run) pairs. More... | |
class | XmlFile |
DB object which stores whole xml. More... | |
class | TestCalibMean |
Test DBObject. More... | |
class | TestCalibObject |
Test DBObject. More... | |
class | TestBoundarySettingAlgorithm |
Test class implementing calibration algorithm. More... | |
class | TestCalibrationAlgorithm |
Test class implementing calibration algorithm. More... | |
class | TestDBAccessAlgorithm |
Test class implementing calibration algorithm. More... | |
class | CaTestModule |
Testing module for collection of calibration data. More... | |
class | TestCalibDBAccessModule |
Returns the calibration result from SoftwareTriigerResult for skimming out calibration flagged events. More... | |
class | CalibObjManager |
Manager class for collector registered data. Handles much of the TDirectory/TObject manipulation. More... | |
class | CalibrationAlgorithm |
Base class for calibration algorithms. More... | |
class | CalibrationCollectorModule |
Calibration collector module base class. More... | |
class | DBObjCalibrationConstMapBase |
Base for calibration or alignment parameters identified by two unsigned shorts Typically first is some identifier of a sub-detector element (sensor, layer, wire, board...) and the second is number of parameter. More... | |
class | DummyCollectorModule |
Basically empty Collector, makes only a tiny amount of output data. More... | |
class | TriggerSkimModule |
Returns the calibration result from SoftwareTriigerResult for skimming out calibration flagged events. More... | |
class | CDCDatabaseImporter |
CDC database importer. More... | |
class | SliceFit |
Class to do the slice fit. More... | |
class | CDCHit |
Class containing the result of the unpacker in raw data and the result of the digitizer in simulation. More... | |
class | CDCRawHit |
The CDCRawHit (suppressed mode) class. More... | |
class | CDCRawHitWaveForm |
The CDCRawHitWaveForm (Full output mode) class. More... | |
class | CDCRecoHit |
This class is used to transfer CDC information to the track fit. More... | |
class | CDCSimHit |
Example Detector. More... | |
class | WireID |
Class to identify a wire inside the CDC. More... | |
class | CDCADCDeltaPedestals |
Database object for ADC pedestals. More... | |
class | CDCAlignment |
CDC alignment constants. More... | |
class | CDCBadWires |
Database object for bad wires. More... | |
class | CDCChannelMap |
Database object of CDC channel map. More... | |
class | CDCCorrToThresholds |
Database object for correcting a simple threshold model in MC. More... | |
struct | asicChannel |
record to be used to store ASIC info More... | |
struct | adcChannelPair |
pair ADC, channel More... | |
struct | adcAsicTuple |
tuple to store ADC,Channel -> 8 asicChannels More... | |
struct | adc_search |
functions to search in the sorted list of tuples More... | |
class | CDCCrossTalkLibrary |
Database object for ASIC crosstalk library. More... | |
class | CDCDisplacement |
Database object for displacement of sense wire position. More... | |
class | CDCEDepToADCConversions |
Database object for energy-deposit to ADC-count conversion. More... | |
class | CDCFEElectronics |
Database object for Fron-endt electronics params. More... | |
class | CDCFEEParams |
Database object for FEE params. More... | |
class | CDCFudgeFactorsForSigma |
Database object for fudge factors for CDC space resol. More... | |
class | CDCGeometry |
The Class for CDC geometry. More... | |
class | CDCLayerAlignment |
CDC layers alignment constants. More... | |
class | CDClayerTimeCut |
Database object for timing offset (t0). More... | |
class | CDCMisalignment |
CDC misalignment constants. More... | |
class | CDCPropSpeeds |
Database object for signal propagation speed along the wire. More... | |
class | CDCSpaceResols |
Database object for space resolutions. More... | |
class | CDCTimeWalks |
Database object for time-walk. More... | |
class | CDCTimeZeros |
Database object for timing offset (t0). More... | |
class | CDCTriggerPlane |
Database object for timing offset (t0). More... | |
class | CDCWireHitRequirements |
Database object containing cut values to filter CDCWireHits. More... | |
class | CDCXtRelations |
Database object for xt-relations. More... | |
class | CDCCosmicSelectorModule |
The Class for. More... | |
class | CDCCosmicSelectorAfterFullSimModule |
The Class for. More... | |
class | CDCCrossTalkAdderModule |
The Class for overlaying signal-induced asic cross-talk. More... | |
class | CDCDigitizerModule |
The Class for Detailed Digitization of CDC. More... | |
class | cdcDQM7Module |
The module for Data Quality Monitor. More... | |
class | CDCDQMModule |
Make summary of data quality from reconstruction. More... | |
class | ScanCDCGeoModule |
Test module to save CDC geometry information to ntuple file. More... | |
class | CDCInitialT0DeterminationModule |
determine crude t0. More... | |
class | CDCJobCntlParModifierModule |
The Class for Detailed Digitization of CDC. More... | |
class | CDCCosmicTrackMergerModule |
Module use to select two cosmic tracks event and merger these two tracks become one. More... | |
class | EvtSocketSend |
class | EvtSocketRecv |
class | EvtSocketManager |
class | REvtSocketRecv |
class | REvtSocketSend |
class | RSocketSend |
class | RSocketRecv |
class | SocketIO |
class | SocketRecv |
class | SocketSend |
class | SocketManager |
class | DAQPerfModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | RxSocketModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | TxSocketModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | SendHeader |
class | SendTrailer |
class | SndHdrTemp |
class | DqmMasterCallback |
class | DqmMemFile |
class | DqmSharedMem |
class | HistoManager |
class | HistoRelay |
class | HistoServer |
class | DqmHistoManagerModule |
Class definition of DqmHistoManager module. More... | |
class | MonitorDataModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | TrackAnaModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | ERecoDistributor |
class | ERecoEventProcessor |
class | ERecoEventSampler |
class | ERecoMaster |
class | ERecoMasterCallback |
class | ERecoRunControlCallback |
class | EventSampler |
class | EventServer |
class | EventServerCallback |
class | Ds2SampleModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | GetEventFromSocketModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | ReceiveEventModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | ZMQStandardApp |
Generic base class for all standalone ZMQ applications. More... | |
class | ZMQReadySender |
App to only send a ready on every incoming message - behaves the same as the input of a worker (but without an output). More... | |
class | ZMQAcceptor |
App to only send a confirmation on every incoming message - behaves the same as the input of a (final)collector (but without an output). More... | |
class | ZMQWorker |
App to mimick a basf2-worker by accepting an incoming message with a ready message and sending it out via the output - requiring a confirmation message from the next step. More... | |
class | ZMQCollector |
Normal collector app: receive messages on the input reacting with a confirmation message and sends them out via a load-balanced connection to ready workers. More... | |
class | ZMQOutputAdapter |
Special collector app for translating between ZMQ and raw connections: send ready messages (like a typical worker) on the input and send all received events to the raw connection at output. More... | |
class | ZMQProxyCollector |
Special collector app: receive messages on the input reacting with a confirmation message and sends them out via a confirmed connection to ready workers. More... | |
class | ZMQFinalCollector |
Final collector app: receive messages on the input reacting with a confirmation message and sends them out via a raw connection (e.g. More... | |
class | ZMQFinalCollectorWithROI |
Special form of the ZMQFinalCollector for sending out the additional data message to a ROI receiver. More... | |
class | ZMQDistributor |
Standard distributor app: receive data via a raw connection (e.g. More... | |
class | ZMQInputAdapter |
class | ZMQHistogramToFileServer |
Final histogram app: receive histogram messages from all clients and react with a confirmation message. More... | |
class | ZMQHistogramToZMQServer |
Non-Final histogram app: receive histogram messages from all clients and react with a confirmation message. More... | |
class | ZMQHistogramToRawServer |
Non-Final histogram app: receive histogram messages from all clients and react with a confirmation message. More... | |
class | ZMQHistoServerToFileOutput |
Output histograms into a ROOT file and shared memory after merging. More... | |
class | ZMQHistoServerToZMQOutput |
Send the histograms as compressed byte stream via a ZMQConfirmedOutput connection after merging with all the properties of a normal confirmed output. More... | |
class | ZMQHistoServerToRawOutput |
Same as ZMQHistoServerToZMQOutput just send uncompressed to a raw output. More... | |
class | ZMQHistogramOutput |
Add the common functionality to the histogram output classes. More... | |
class | ZMQROIOutput |
Dedicated output to send ROI messages to the PXD ONSEN system. More... | |
class | ZMQDataAndROIOutput |
Helper connection hosting both a normal raw and a ROI output and sending to both at the same time. More... | |
class | HLTDQM2ZMQModule |
Module to collect DQM histograms (written out by HistoModules) and send them every time period to a running ZMQ DQM server (either a finalhistoserver or a proxyhistorver). More... | |
class | HLTDs2ZMQModule |
On every event, serialize the data store and send the binary data out to the connected ZMQ application (most likely a collector or final collector). More... | |
class | HLTZMQ2DsModule |
Input module in the ZMQ reconstruction path receiving events via ZMQ and deserializing the to the data store. More... | |
class | HLTZMQ2DsDirectModule |
Special ZMQ2Ds module without the HLT-specific handling of initialization and begin/end run. More... | |
class | StorageZMQ2DsModule |
Input module in the ZMQ reconstruction path receiving events via ZMQ and deserializing the to the data store. More... | |
class | HistogramMapping |
Utility to store received histograms (hierarchical tree structures) from clients (as an event message), with a function to add multiple histogram trees together. More... | |
class | HLTEventProcessor |
EventProcessor to be used on the HLT with all specialities of the HLT processing: More... | |
class | HLTStreamHelper |
Helper class for data store serialization. More... | |
class | StorageStreamHelper |
Helper class for data store serialization. More... | |
class | ElapsedTimeModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | CprErrorMessage |
class | DesSer |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | DesSerCOPPER |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | DesSerPrePC |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | DeSerializerModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | DeSerializerCOPPERModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | DeSerializerFILEModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | DeSerializerHLTModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | DeSerializerPCModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | DeSerializerPrePCModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | DeSerializerPXDModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | DesSerPrePCMainModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | DummyDataSourceModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | DummyDataSourceFileModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | GenRawSendModule |
class | MonitorDataCOPPERModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | Root2RawModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | SerializerModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | HLTFile |
class | HLTMainLoop |
class | HLTSocket |
class | RawRevRb2Sock |
class | Rb2Sock |
class | RevRb2Sock |
class | RevSock2Rb |
class | Sock2Rb |
class | CertifyParallelModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | Ds2RawModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | Ds2RbufModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | EvReductionModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | FastRbuf2DsModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | Raw2DsModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | RawInputModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | Rbuf2DsModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | Rbuf2RbufModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | RFCommand |
struct | RFConf_t |
class | RFConf |
class | RFDqmServer |
class | RFEventProcessor |
class | RFEventServer |
class | RFFlowStat |
class | RFLogManager |
class | RFMaster |
class | RFMasterCallback |
struct | RfNodeInfo |
class | RFNodeManager |
class | RFNSM_Status |
class | RFNSM |
class | RFOutputServer |
class | RFProcessManager |
class | RFRoiSender |
class | RFRunControlCallback |
class | RFServerBase |
struct | RfShm_Cell |
struct | RfShm_Data |
class | RFSharedMem |
struct | RfUnitInfo |
class | SharedMem |
class | RoiSenderCallback |
class | AbstractDBObject |
class | ConfigFile |
class | Connection |
class | Date |
class | Enum |
class | ERRORNo |
class | Exception |
class | IOException |
class | Reader |
class | Serializable |
struct | StringUtil |
class | TimeoutException |
class | Writer |
class | DAQLogDB |
class | DAQLogMessage |
class | DBHandlerException |
class | DBInterface |
class | DBObject |
class | DBObjectLoader |
class | DBRecord |
class | MonitorDB |
class | RunNumber |
class | RunNumberTable |
class | AbstractNSMCallback |
class | Callback |
class | NSMCallback |
class | NSMCommand |
class | NSMCommunicator |
class | NSMData |
struct | NSMDataPaket |
class | NSMDataStore |
class | NSMHandlerException |
class | NSMMessage |
class | NSMNode |
class | NSMNodeDaemon |
class | NSMNotConnectedException |
class | NSMState |
class | NSMVar |
class | NSMVHandler |
class | NSMVHandlerInt |
class | NSMVHandlerFloat |
class | NSMVHandlerText |
class | NSMVHandlerIntArray |
class | NSMVHandlerFloatArray |
class | NSMVHandlerRef |
class | PostgreSQLInterface |
class | FlowMonitor |
class | IOInfo |
class | LogListener |
class | ProcessController |
class | ProcessSubmitter |
class | ProcessListener |
struct | ro_summary |
struct | event_header |
struct | ronode_info |
struct | ronode_status |
class | RunInfoBuffer |
class | RCCallback |
class | RCCommand |
class | RCConfig |
class | RCHandlerException |
class | RCHandlerFatalException |
class | RCNode |
class | RCNodeDaemon |
class | RCState |
class | RCConfigHandler |
class | Buffer |
class | BufferedReader |
class | BufferedWriter |
class | CommandLine |
class | Cond |
class | Daemon |
class | DynamicLoader |
class | DynamicLoadException |
class | Executor |
class | Fifo |
class | File |
class | FileDescriptor |
class | FileReader |
class | FileWriter |
class | Fork |
class | InotifyEvent |
class | Inotify |
class | GenericLockGuard |
Lock Guard for a Mutex instance. More... | |
struct | LogFile |
class | MCond |
class | MMutex |
class | Mutex |
class | Process |
class | PThread |
class | RWLock |
class | SharedMemory |
class | StreamSizeCounter |
class | TCPServerSocket |
class | TCPSocket |
class | Time |
class | UDPSocket |
struct | BinTrailer |
struct | BinHeader |
class | BinData |
class | EventBuffer |
class | ONSENBinData |
class | SharedEventBuffer |
class | DataStorePackage |
class | Ds2RawFileModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | PartialSeqRootReaderModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | SeqRootMergerModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | StorageDeserializerModule |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | StorageRootOutputModule |
Write objects from DataStore into a ROOT file. More... | |
class | StorageSerializerModule |
Class definition for the output module of Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | EvtBuffer |
class | Sender |
class | BrowsableWrapper |
A wrapper for browsable objects to enable automatic redrawing. More... | |
class | ModuleParam |
A single parameter of the module. More... | |
class | DisplayUI |
Control TEve browser user interface. More... | |
class | EveTower |
handles selection of individual ECLClusters (getting them out of TEve is hard). More... | |
class | EveVisBField |
Provide magnetic field values for TEveTrackPropagator. More... | |
class | EVEVisualization |
Produces visualisation for MCParticles, simhits, genfit::Tracks, geometry and other things. More... | |
class | HtmlClassInspector |
Pass to TObject::ShowMembers() to get tabular view of object data. More... | |
class | InfoWidget |
text-based info viewer showing DataStore contents. More... | |
class | SplitGLView |
Responsible for arranging the GL viewers and providing related functionality. More... | |
class | VisualRepMap |
defines a bidirectional (many to many) mapping between TObjects in DataStore and their visual representation. More... | |
class | AsyncDisplayModule |
Wraps DisplayModule and starts it in a forked process. More... | |
class | DisplayModule |
The event display module. More... | |
class | HistDelta |
Class to keep track of delta histograms. More... | |
class | HistObject |
Class to keep track of delta histograms. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisARICHModule |
Make summary of data quality from reconstruction. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisARICHMonObjModule |
Example module of how to use MonitoringObject in DQMHistAnalysis module. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisCDCDedxModule |
DQM analysis module grab canvases from DQM module and perform higher level operation like histogram fitting and add many useful cosmetic. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisCDCMonObjModule |
Make summary of data quality from reconstruction. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisDAQMonObjModule |
Make summary of data quality from reconstruction. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisDeltaEpicsMonObjExampleModule |
DQM Delta Histogram Test code and example. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisDeltaTestModule |
DQM Delta Histogram Test code and example. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisECLModule |
This module is for analysis of ECL DQM histograms. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisECLConnectedRegionsModule |
This module is for analysis of ECL DQM histograms. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisECLOutOfTimeDigitsModule |
This module exports the average value of out-of-time ECLCalDigits into EPICS and MiraBelle. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisECLShapersModule |
This module is for analysis of ECL DQM histograms. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisECLSummaryModule |
This module provides a high-level display to show which ECLCollectors have channels with various type of issues See More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisEpicsEnableModule |
Example module of how to use MonitoringObject in DQMHistAnalysis module. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisEpicsExampleModule |
Class definition for the output module of Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisEpicsOutputModule |
Example module of how to use MonitoringObject in DQMHistAnalysis module. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisEventT0EfficiencyModule |
Class definition. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisEventT0TriggerJitterModule |
Class definition. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisExampleModule |
Class definition for the output module of Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisExampleFlagsModule |
Class definition for the output module of Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisHLTModule |
Class for HLT-related histogram analysis. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisHLTMonObjModule |
Creates monitoring object for HLT. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisInputPVSrvModule |
Class definition for the output module of Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisInputRootFileModule |
Class to read histograms from a root file for offline testing of analysis modules. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisInputTestModule |
Class to dynamically fill histograms from a config file for offline testing of analysis modules. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisIPModule |
Class definition for the output module of Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisKLMModule |
Analysis of KLM DQM histograms. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisKLM2Module |
Analysis of KLM DQM histograms. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisMiraBelleModule |
Make summary of data quality from reconstruction. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisMonObjModule |
Example module of how to use MonitoringObject in DQMHistAnalysis module. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisOutputFileModule |
Class definition for the output module of Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisOutputImagesModule |
Class definition for the output to image module. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisOutputMonObjModule |
Class definition for the module to store MonitoringObject to output root file. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisOutputRelayMsgModule |
Class definition for the output module of Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisPXDChargeModule |
DQM Histogram Analysis for PXD Cluster Charge. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisPXDCMModule |
DQM Histogram Analysis for PXD Common Modes. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisPXDDAQModule |
DQM Histogram Analysis for PXD DAQ. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisPXDEffModule |
DQM Histogram Analysis for PXD Efficiency. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisPXDERModule |
PXD DQM AnalysisModule. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisPXDFitsModule |
Class definition for the output module of Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisPXDInjectionModule |
DQM Histogram Analysis for PXD occupancy after Injection. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisPXDReductionModule |
DQM Histogram Analysis for PXD Reduction. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisPXDTrackChargeModule |
DQM Histogram Analysis for PXD Cluster Charge. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisRooFitExampleModule |
Class definition for the output module of Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisRunNrModule |
DQM Histogram Analysis for PXD Common Modes. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisSVDDoseModule |
The SVD dose-monitoring DQM analysis module. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisSVDEfficiencyModule |
Class definition for the output module of Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisSVDGeneralModule |
Class definition for the output module of Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisSVDOnMiraBelleModule |
Class derived from HistoModule, for SVD monitoring variables at MiraBelle. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisTOPModule |
Class for TOP histogram analysis. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisTrackingERModule |
Analysis of ER Tracking DQM plots. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisTrackingHLTModule |
Analysis of HLT Tracking DQM plots. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisTRGModule |
DQM Trigger Histogram code and example. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisTRGECLModule |
Module for DQM histogram of ECL trigger event timing. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisTRGGDLModule |
Make summary of data quality from reconstruction. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisV0Module |
Class definition for the output module of Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | DQMHistAutoCanvasModule |
Class definition for the reference histogram display. More... | |
class | DQMHistComparitorModule |
Class definition for the reference histogram display. More... | |
class | DQMHistDeltaHistoModule |
Class for generating snapshots for histograms. More... | |
class | DQMHistInjectionModule |
DQM Histogram Analysis for PXD Efficiency. More... | |
class | DQMHistOutputToEPICSModule |
Write DQM Histogram Content to EPICS Arrays. More... | |
class | DQMHistSnapshotsModule |
Class for generating snapshots for histograms. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisInputModule |
Class definition for the output module of Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | DQMHistAnalysisModule |
The base class for the histogram analysis module. More... | |
class | MonitoringObject |
MonitoringObject is a basic object to hold data for the run-dependency monitoring Run summary TCanvases and monitoring variables. More... | |
class | DQMFileMetaData |
Metadata information about a DQM file. More... | |
class | DAQMonitorModule |
A module for producing general DAQ DQM histograms. More... | |
class | DelayDQMModule |
Processing Delay DQM Module. More... | |
class | IPDQMModule |
This Module, made for monitors the position and the size of the interaction point using mu+mu- events. More... | |
class | PhysicsObjectsDQMModule |
Physics objects DQM module. More... | |
class | PhysicsObjectsMiraBelleBhabhaModule |
A module template. More... | |
class | PhysicsObjectsMiraBelleDst2Module |
DQM modules to monitor D* related variables. More... | |
class | PhysicsObjectsMiraBelleDstModule |
DQM modules to monitor D* related variables. More... | |
class | PhysicsObjectsMiraBelleHadronModule |
DQM modules to monitor hadron related variables. More... | |
class | PhysicsObjectsMiraBelleModule |
A module template. More... | |
class | V0ObjectsDQMModule |
DQM modules to monitor V0 objects. More... | |
class | DQMCommonUtils |
The class collects utility functions for creating DQM histograms: prepared for PXD, SVD, VXD and Track DQM histograms. More... | |
class | ECLCalDigit |
Class to store calibrated ECLDigits: ECLCalDigits. More... | |
class | ECLCellIdMapping |
Class to store mapping between cell id and store array positions. More... | |
class | ECLCNNPid |
Class to store ECL CNN PID value. More... | |
class | ECLConnectedRegion |
Class to store connected regions (CRs) More... | |
class | ECLDebugHit |
Class to store the average of ECLSimHit on crystals for debug only input for digitization module (ECLDigitizer). More... | |
class | ECLDigit |
Class to store ECL digitized hits (output of ECLDigi) relation to ECLHit filled in ecl/modules/eclDigitizer/src/ More... | |
class | ECLDsp |
Class to store ECL ShaperDSP waveform ADC data. More... | |
class | ECLDspWithExtraMCInfo |
Class to store ECL ShaperDSP waveform ADC data and additional information for ML studies. More... | |
class | ECLHit |
Class to store simulated hits which equate to average of ECLSImHit on crystals input for digitization module (ECLDigitizer). More... | |
class | ECLHitAssignment |
Example Detector. More... | |
class | ECLLocalMaximum |
Class to store local maxima (LM) More... | |
class | ECLPidLikelihood |
Container for likelihoods with ECL PID (ECLChargedPIDModule) More... | |
class | ECLPureCsIInfo |
Class to store ECL crystal type relation to ECLDigit for the simulation pure CsI upgrade option filled in ecl/modules/eclDigitizer/src/ More... | |
class | ECLShower |
Class to store ECL Showers. More... | |
class | ECLSimHit |
ClassECLSimHit - Geant4 simulated hit for the ECL. More... | |
class | ECLTrig |
Class to store ECLTrig, still need to be study relation to ECLHit filled in ecl/modules/eclDigitizer/src/ and ecl/modules/eclUnpacker/ More... | |
class | ECLWaveforms |
Class to store ECL waveforms for entire calorimeter. More... | |
struct | PackedAutoCovariance |
packed covariance matrix More... | |
class | ECLAutoCovariance |
Covariance matrices for offline ECL waveform fit. More... | |
class | ECLBeamBackgroundStudy |
Flag for beam background study. More... | |
class | ECLChannelMap |
DB object to store correspondence table of type (Crate id, ShaperDSP id, Channel id) <-> (ECL CellID) More... | |
class | ECLChargedPIDPhasespaceBinning |
Class to store the N dimensional phasespace binning of the MVA categorical training. More... | |
class | ECLChargedPIDPhasespaceCategory |
Stores all required information for the ECLChargedPIDMVA for a phasespace category. More... | |
class | ECLChargedPIDMVAWeights |
Class to contain payload of everything needed for MVA based charged particle identification. More... | |
class | ECLChargedPidPDFs |
Class representing the DB payload w/ information about ECL PDF parameters for a set of particle hypotheses 'signed pdgId' values, i.e. More... | |
class | ECLCrystalCalib |
General DB object to store one calibration number per ECL crystal. More... | |
class | ECLCrystalLocalRunCalib |
ECLCrystalLocalRunCalib is designed to store results of the ECL local run calibration to database. More... | |
class | ECLCrystalsShapeAndPosition |
Crystal shapes and positions. More... | |
class | ECLDatabaseImporter |
ECL database importer. More... | |
class | ECLDigitEnergyConstants |
Energy calibration constants per digit. More... | |
class | ECLDigitTimeConstants |
Time and time resolution calibration constants per digit. More... | |
class | ECLDigitWaveformParameters |
DB object to store photon, hadron and diode shape parameters. More... | |
class | ECLDigitWaveformParametersForMC |
DB object to store photon, hadron and diode shape parameters used in simulations. More... | |
class | ECLDspData |
This object contains ECL DSP coefs – electromagnetic calorimeter digital signal processing coefficients. More... | |
class | ECLHadronComponentEmissionFunction |
Hadron Component Emission Function for hadron pulse shape simulations. More... | |
class | ECLLeakageCorrections |
DB object to store leakage corrections, including nCrys dependence More... | |
class | ECLLocalRunCalibRef |
ECLLocalRunCalibRef is designed to store reference marks to database for ECL local run calibration. More... | |
class | ECLnOptimal |
DB object to store the optimal number of crystals to be used in a cluster energy sum, and the corresponding corrections for bias and contained (raw) energy. More... | |
class | ECLReferenceCrystalPerCrateCalib |
General DB object to store one reference crystal per per ECL crate for calibration purposes. More... | |
class | ECLShowerCorrectorLeakageCorrection |
Class to hold the information for the ECL shower leakage corrections. More... | |
class | ECLShowerEnergyCorrectionTemporary |
Class to hold the information for the ECL shower energy corrections This is a temperary class as there is no information about phi dependence. More... | |
class | ECLShowerShapeSecondMomentCorrection |
Corrections to the second moment shower shape. More... | |
class | ECLTrackClusterMatchingParameterizations |
Class to hold the parameterizations of the RMS for the difference in polar and azimuthal angle between tracks and ECL clusters. More... | |
class | ECLTrackClusterMatchingThresholds |
Class to hold the matching thresholds for the track-ECLCluster matching. More... | |
class | ECLWaveformData |
ECLWaveformData - container for inverse covariant matrix and shape parameters for time and amplitude fit of ecl crystal waveform. More... | |
class | ECLWFAlgoParams |
Container for constant parameters used in waveform fits. More... | |
class | ECLNoiseData |
Container for constant matrix used to generate electronic noise. More... | |
class | ECLLookupTable |
Class for a lookup table. More... | |
class | eclAutocovarianceCalibrationC1CollectorModule |
Calibration collector module to estimate noise level of delayed Bhabha waveforms. More... | |
class | eclAutocovarianceCalibrationC3CollectorModule |
Calibration collector module that uses delayed Bhabha to compute coveriance matrix. More... | |
class | eclAutocovarianceCalibrationC4CollectorModule |
Calibration collector module that uses delayed Bhabha to compute coveriance matrix. More... | |
class | ECLBackgroundModule |
A module to study background campaigns and produce histograms. More... | |
class | ECLCrystalData |
Class for obtaining crystal details for a given crystal cell An evolved look-up table. More... | |
class | ECLBhabhaTCollectorModule |
This module generates time vs crystal 2D histograms to later (in eclBhabhaTAlgorithm) find time crystal/crate offsets from bhabha events. More... | |
class | eclBhabhaTimeCalibrationValidationCollectorModule |
This module generates 'TimevsCrys' histogram to later (in eclBhabhaTAlgorithm) find time offset from bhabha events. More... | |
class | ECLChargedPIDModule |
The module implements charged particle identification using ECL-related observables. More... | |
class | ECLChargedPIDDataAnalysisModule |
The ECL Charged PID Data Analysis Module. More... | |
class | ECLChargedPIDDataAnalysisValidationModule |
This module dumps a tree and a set of histograms of ECL PID-related info used for validation, starting from an input file w/ particle-gun-generated charged stable particles (and antiparticles). More... | |
class | ECLChargedPIDMVAModule |
This module implements charged particle identification using ECL-related observables via a multiclass MVA. More... | |
class | ECLClusterPropertiesModule |
This module calculates some properties of ECL clusters. More... | |
class | ECLClusterPSDModule |
This module computes shower variables using pulse shape information from offline two component fits. More... | |
class | ECLClusterPSDPureCsIModule |
Class derived from ECL, only difference are the names. More... | |
class | ECLCompressBGOverlayModule |
The ECLCompressBGOverlay module compresses recorded waveforms triggered by the random trigger and to use them in simulation to follow background conditions. More... | |
class | eclCosmicECollectorModule |
class eclCosmicECollectorModule. More... | |
class | ECLCovarianceMatrixModule |
Class to perform the shower correction. More... | |
class | ECLCovarianceMatrixPureCsIModule |
The very same module but for PureCsI. More... | |
class | ECLCRFinderModule |
Class to find connected regions. More... | |
class | ECLCRFinderPureCsIModule |
Class to find connected regions, pureCsI version. More... | |
class | EclCovMatrixNtupleModule |
a module to write ECL waveform and fitted time and amplitude information in a root ntuple More... | |
class | ECLDataAnalysisModule |
The ECL Data Analysis Module. More... | |
class | ECLDigiStudyModule |
A module to analyse digit level information. More... | |
class | ECLDigitCalibratorModule |
Class to find calibrate digits and convert waveform fit information to physics quantities. More... | |
class | ECLDigitCalibratorPureCsIModule |
Class derived from ECLDigitCalibratorModule, only difference are the names. More... | |
class | ECLDigitizerModule |
The ECLDigitizer module. More... | |
class | ECLDigitizerPureCsIModule |
The ECLDigitizerPureCsI module. More... | |
class | EclData |
This class contains data for ECLSimHit's and provides several relevant conversion functions for better event display. More... | |
class | EclDisplayAsyncModule |
Displays energy distribution in ECL. More... | |
class | EclDisplayModule |
Displays energy distribution in ECL. More... | |
class | EclFrame |
Root TGMainFrame that contains multiple widgets that display the ECLSimHit's w.r.t. More... | |
class | EclPainter |
Painter for EclData, parent class, created with EclPainterFactory. More... | |
class | EclPainter1D |
Painter for EclData, 1D histograms. More... | |
class | EclPainter2D |
Painter for EclData, 2D histograms. More... | |
class | EclPainterCommon |
Painter for EclData that shows common event characteristics on 1D histograms. More... | |
class | EclPainterFactory |
Class that implements Factory pattern to create objects inherited from EclPainter. More... | |
class | EclPainterPolar |
Painter for EclData, polar energy/event_count distribution. More... | |
class | MultilineWidget |
Widget which contains the dynamic amount of TGLabel objects. More... | |
class | ECLDQMModule |
This module is created to monitor ECL Data Quality. More... | |
class | ECLDQMConnectedRegionsModule |
This module is created to monitor ECL Data Quality. More... | |
class | ECLDQMEXTENDEDModule |
This module is created to monitor ECL electronics logic in frame of DQM system. More... | |
class | ECLDQMOutOfTimeDigitsModule |
This module produces DQM histograms to monitor the distribution of out-of-time ECLCalDigits. More... | |
class | ECLDumpGeometryModule |
Dump location and direction of all ECL crystals. More... | |
class | eclEdgeCollectorModule |
Collector to store ECL crystal locations. More... | |
class | eclee5x5CollectorModule |
Calibration collector module that uses e+e- --> e+e- to do ECL single crystal energy calibration. More... | |
class | ECLEventT0Module |
EventT0 from ECL. More... | |
class | ECLFillCellIdMappingModule |
Fills a dataobject that provides maping between cell id and ECLCalDigit store array. More... | |
class | ECLFinalizerModule |
Class to perform the shower correction. More... | |
class | ECLFinalizerPureCsIModule |
The very same module but for PureCsI. More... | |
class | eclGammaGammaECollectorModule |
Calibration collector module that uses e+e- --> gamma gamma to do ECL single crystal energy calibration. More... | |
class | eclHadronTimeCalibrationValidationCollectorModule |
This module generates 'TimevsCrys' histogram to later (in eclBhabhaTAlgorithm) find time offset from bhabha events. More... | |
class | ECLHitDebugModule |
Class to represent the hit of one cell. More... | |
class | eclLeakageCollectorModule |
Store information needed to calculate ECL energy leakage corrections. More... | |
class | ECLLocalMaximumFinderModule |
Class to find connected regions. More... | |
class | ECLLocalMaximumFinderPureCsIModule |
Class to find connected regions, pureCsI version. More... | |
class | ECLLocalRunCalibAcc |
ECLLocalRunCalibAcc is the class designed to accumulate mean values, standard deviation and number of accepted events. More... | |
class | ECLLocalRunCalibratorModule |
ECLLocalRunCalibratorModule is the module developed to perform ECL local run calibration. More... | |
class | ECLLocalRunCalibUnit |
ECLLocalRunCalibUnit is the class designed for the control of mean value and the standard deviation accumulators. More... | |
class | StoreArray |
Accessor to arrays stored in the data store. More... | |
class | ECLMatchingPerformanceExpertModule |
This module takes the Track collection as input and checks if one of the related ExtHits matches with an ECLCalDigit of at least 2 MeV. More... | |
class | eclMuMuECollectorModule |
Calibration collector module that uses muon pairs to do ECL single crystal energy calibration. More... | |
class | eclNOptimalCollectorModule |
Collector that runs on single photon MC samples to find the number of crystals to be summed to get the best energy resolution for each test energy and for each group of crystals (8 groups per thetaID in the barrel). More... | |
class | ECLPackerModule |
Module that pack's MC info into a dataformat that comes from the detector. More... | |
class | ECLShowerCalibratorModule |
Class to perform the shower correction. More... | |
class | ECLShowerCalibratorPureCsIModule |
The very same module but for PureCsI. More... | |
class | ECLShowerCorrectorModule |
Class to perform the shower correction. More... | |
class | ECLShowerCorrectorPureCsIModule |
The very same module but for PureCsI. More... | |
class | ECLShowerShapeModule |
Class to perform the shower correction. More... | |
class | ECLShowerShapePureCsIModule |
The very same module but for PureCsI. More... | |
class | ECLSplitterN1Module |
Class to perform the shower correction. More... | |
class | ECLSplitterN1PureCsIModule |
The very same module but for PureCsI. More... | |
class | ECLSplitterN2Module |
Class to perform the shower correction. More... | |
class | ECLSplitterN2PureCsIModule |
The very same module but for PureCsI. More... | |
class | eclTimeShiftsPlottingCollectorModule |
This modules looks up crystal and crate time offset constants from the database and saves them to a tree for the algorithm to plot as a function of run number. More... | |
class | BestMatchContainer |
Multiple entries can be added, but only the one will be kept, which has the best quality estimator. More... | |
class | BremFindingMatchCompute |
Module to compute if an extrapolation to the ECL matches the position of an secondary ECLCLuster to find bremsstrahlung clusters. More... | |
class | ECLTrackBremFinderModule |
Module to assign ECL Clusters resulting from Bremsstrahlung to the primary electron track. More... | |
class | ECLTrackCalDigitMatchModule |
Module to find the closest ECLCalDigits to an extrapolated track. More... | |
class | ECLTrackClusterMatchingModule |
The module creates and saves a Relation between Tracks and ECLCluster in the DataStore. More... | |
class | ECLTrackClusterMatchingParametrizationExpertModule |
The module saves information on ExtHits and related cluster into a file. More... | |
class | ECLTrackClusterMatchingPerformanceModule |
This module takes the MCParticle collection as input and checks if the related reconstructed track is matched to an ECLCluster. More... | |
class | ECLTRGInformationModule |
Module to get ECL TRG energy information. More... | |
class | ECLTriggerClusterMatcherModule |
Match ECLTRGClusters to ECLClusters. More... | |
class | ECLTrimShowersAndDigitsModule |
Create new dataobjects containing only the ECLShower and ECLCalDigits associated with the selected ECLCluster, which is the one with maximum related MC energy. More... | |
class | ECLUnpackerModule |
the ECL unpacker module More... | |
class | eclWaveformCalibCollectorModule |
Store information needed to calculate ECL waveform template shapes. More... | |
struct | CovariancePacked |
Struct to keep upper triangle of the covariance matrix. More... | |
struct | SignalInterpolation2 |
Interpolation of signal shape using function values and the first derivative. More... | |
class | ECLWaveformFitModule |
Module performs offline fit for saved ECL waveforms. More... | |
class | eclWaveformTemplateCalibrationC1CollectorModule |
Calibration collector module that uses delayed Bhabha to compute coveriance matrix. More... | |
class | eclWaveformTemplateCalibrationC2CollectorModule |
Calibration collector module that uses delayed Bhabha to compute coveriance matrix. More... | |
class | MCMatcherECLClustersModule |
Class to represent the hit of one cell. More... | |
class | MCMatcherECLClustersPureCsIModule |
Same module but for pure CsI. More... | |
class | ECLCalDigitTest |
Set up a few arrays and objects in the datastore. More... | |
class | ECLChargedPIDTest |
Test the ECL charged PID. More... | |
class | ECLDigitTest |
Set up a few arrays and objects in the datastore. More... | |
class | ECLHitTest |
Set up a few arrays and objects in the datastore. More... | |
class | ECLHitAssignmentTest |
Set up a few arrays and objects in the datastore. More... | |
class | ECLShowerTest |
Set up a few arrays and objects in the datastore. More... | |
class | ECLSimHitTest |
Set up a few arrays and objects in the datastore. More... | |
class | ECLDBTool |
The ECLDBTool class is designed to read / write object from / to database. More... | |
class | CreateConsistencyInfoModule |
If you want to merge two events with the 'MergeDataStoreModule', it might be necessary to make sure that this combination of events make sense. More... | |
class | DataFlowVisualization |
class to visualize data flow between modules. More... | |
class | Environment |
This class stores all environment information required to run the framework, such as module or data filepaths, number of processes to be used in parallel processing etc. More... | |
class | EventProcessor |
provides the core event processing loop. More... | |
class | FileCatalog |
This class provides an interface to the file (metadata) catalog. More... | |
class | HistoModule |
HistoModule.h is supposed to be used instead of Module.h for the modules with histogram definitions to be managed by HistoManager. More... | |
class | InputController |
A static class to control supported input modules. More... | |
class | MemoryPool |
Class to provide a constant access time memory pool for one kind of objects. More... | |
class | MergeDataStoreModule |
Internal module used by Path.add_independent_merge_path(). More... | |
class | MetadataService |
This class provides a service for writing metadata about the basf2 execution and about output files to a json file. More... | |
class | Module |
Base class for Modules. More... | |
class | ModuleProxyBase |
The base module proxy class is used to create new instances of a module. More... | |
class | ModuleCondition |
Wraps a condition set on a Module instance. More... | |
class | ModuleManager |
The ModuleManager Class. More... | |
class | ModuleParamBase |
Base class for module parameter. More... | |
class | ModuleParamInfoPython |
Class to store basic information about a parameter. More... | |
class | ModuleParamList |
The Module parameter list class. More... | |
class | ModuleStatistics |
Keep track of time and memory consumption during processing. More... | |
class | MRUCache |
Class implementing a generic Most Recently Used cache. More... | |
class | Path |
Implements a path consisting of Module and/or Path objects. More... | |
class | PathElement |
Base for classes that can be elements of a Path. More... | |
class | PathIterator |
Iterator over a Path (returning Module pointers). More... | |
class | ProcessStatistics |
Class to collect call statistics for all modules. More... | |
class | PyModule |
Python wrapper for Belle2::Module. More... | |
class | RandomGenerator |
Fast Random number Generator using on xorshift1024* [arXiv:1402.6246]. More... | |
class | RandomNumbers |
The class for handling the random number generation. More... | |
class | SteerRootInputModule |
Internal module used by Path.add_independent_merge_path(). More... | |
class | SubEventModule |
Framework-internal module that implements the functionality of Path::forEach() as well as Path::doWhile(). More... | |
class | SwitchDataStoreModule |
Internal module used by Path.add_independent_path(). More... | |
class | Database |
Singleton base class for the low-level interface to the database. More... | |
class | DBAccessorBase |
Base class for DBObjPtr and DBArray for easier common treatment. More... | |
class | DBArray |
Class for accessing arrays of objects in the database. More... | |
class | OptionalDBArray |
Optional DBArray: This class behaves the same as the DBArray except that it will not raise errors when an object could not be found in the database. More... | |
class | DBImportArray |
Class for importing array of objects to the database. More... | |
class | DBImportBase |
Base class for importing objects to the database. More... | |
class | DBImportObjPtr |
Class for importing a single object to the database. More... | |
class | DBObjPtr |
Class for accessing objects in the database. More... | |
class | OptionalDBObjPtr |
Optional DBObjPtr: This class behaves the same as the DBObjPtr except that it will not raise errors when an object could not be found in the database. More... | |
class | DBPointer |
Class for pointing to an element in an array stored in the database. More... | |
class | DBStore |
Singleton class to cache database objects. More... | |
class | DBStoreEntry |
Class to hold one entry from the ConditionsDB in the DBStore. More... | |
class | EventDependency |
Class for handling changing conditions as a function of event number. More... | |
class | IntervalOfValidity |
A class that describes the interval of experiments/runs for which an object in the database is valid. More... | |
class | IntraRunDependency |
Base class for handling changing conditions during a run. More... | |
class | PayloadFile |
A wrapper class for payload files used by the Database and DBStore classes. More... | |
class | DBObjPtr< PayloadFile > |
Specialization of DBObjPtr in case of PayloadFiles. More... | |
class | BackgroundInfo |
This class stores the information about what background was mixed or overlayed. More... | |
class | BackgroundMetaData |
Metadata information about the beam background file. More... | |
class | BinnedEventT0 |
Database object for storing a binned EventT0 coming from the trigger. More... | |
class | DigitBase |
A common base for subdetector Digits. More... | |
class | DisplayData |
Add custom information to the display. More... | |
class | EventExtraInfo |
Class to stores ExtraInfo of the whole event. More... | |
class | EventMetaData |
Store event, run, and experiment numbers. More... | |
class | EventT0 |
Storage element for the eventwise T0 estimation. More... | |
class | FileMetaData |
Metadata information about a file. More... | |
class | Helix |
This class represents an ideal helix in perigee parameterization. More... | |
class | MCInitialParticles |
This class contains the initial state for the given event. More... | |
class | MergedEventConsistency |
Mark if we want to merge the DataStore of a combination of events or not. More... | |
class | ProfileInfo |
Store execution time and memory usage. More... | |
class | RelationContainer |
Class to store relations between StoreArrays in the DataStore. More... | |
class | RelationElement |
Class to store a single element of a relation. More... | |
class | TestChunkData |
Storable object which can be filled with random chunk data of a certain size. More... | |
class | UncertainHelix |
This class represents an ideal helix in perigee parameterization including the covariance matrix of the 5 perigee parameters. More... | |
class | RelationVector |
Class for type safe access to objects that are referred to in relations. More... | |
class | DataStore |
In the store you can park objects that have to be accessed by various modules. More... | |
class | DependencyMap |
Collect information about the dependencies between modules. More... | |
class | RelationArray |
Low-level class to create/modify relations between StoreArrays. More... | |
struct | RelationEntry |
Struct for relations. More... | |
class | RelationIndex |
Provides access to fast ( O(log n) ) bi-directional lookups on a specified relation. More... | |
class | RelationIndexBase |
Baseclass for all RelationIndexContainers. More... | |
class | RelationIndexContainer |
Class to store a bidirectional index between two StoreArrays. More... | |
class | RelationIndexManager |
Manager to keep a cache of existing RelationIndexContainers. More... | |
class | RelationsInterface |
Defines interface for accessing relations of objects in StoreArray. More... | |
class | RelationVectorBase |
base class for RelationVector<T> More... | |
class | SelectSubsetBase |
Type-independent implementation details of SelectSubset. More... | |
class | SelectSubset |
Class to create a subset of a given StoreArray together with the relations with other StoreArrays. More... | |
class | StoreAccessorBase |
Base class for StoreObjPtr and StoreArray for easier common treatment. More... | |
struct | StoreEntry |
Wraps a stored array/object, stored under unique (name, durability) key. More... | |
class | BeamParameters |
This class contains the nominal beam parameters and the parameters used for smearing of the primary vertex and the beam energy and momentum. More... | |
class | BunchStructure |
Class to store the fill pattern of colliding bunches. More... | |
class | HardwareClockSettings |
Database object containing the nominal accelerator RF value and the prescales to derive the clock frequencies of the sub-detectors. More... | |
class | MagneticField |
Magnetic field map. More... | |
class | MagneticFieldComponent |
Abstract base class for BField components. More... | |
class | MagneticFieldComponentConstant |
Describe one component of the Geometry. More... | |
class | RunInfo |
Database object for Run Information. More... | |
class | Const |
This class provides a set of constants for the framework. More... | |
class | Gearbox |
Singleton class responsible for loading detector parameters from an XML file. More... | |
struct | InputHandlerFactory |
Helper class to easily register new input handlers. More... | |
class | GearDir |
GearDir is the basic class used for accessing the parameter store. More... | |
class | Unit |
The Unit class. More... | |
class | B2Vector3 |
A fast and root compatible alternative to TVector3. More... | |
class | BFieldManager |
Bfield manager to obtain the magnetic field at any point. More... | |
class | LogConfig |
The LogConfig class. More... | |
class | LogConnectionBase |
Abstract base class for the different types of log connections. More... | |
class | LogConnectionConsole |
Implements a log connection to an IO Stream. More... | |
class | LogConnectionFilter |
Implements a log connection that filters repeated messages. More... | |
class | LogConnectionJSON |
Implements a log connection to stdout but with messages formatted as json objects to allow easy parsing by other tools, say jupyter notebooks. More... | |
class | LogConnectionTxtFile |
Implements a log connection to a text file. More... | |
class | LogConnectionUDP |
Log Connection to send the log message as JSON to a UDP server. More... | |
class | LogMessage |
The LogMessage class. More... | |
class | LogMethod |
The LogMethod class. More... | |
class | LogSystem |
Class for logging debug, info and error messages. More... | |
class | EventErrorFlagModule |
Module to check or add error flags of the EventMetaData. More... | |
class | EventInfoPrinterModule |
The event meta data info module. More... | |
class | EventInfoSetterModule |
Module to set event, run, experiment numbers. More... | |
class | EventLimiterModule |
The EventLimiter module. More... | |
class | InteractiveModule |
Start an interactive python shell in each call of event(). More... | |
class | IoVDependentConditionModule |
Module which sets its return value based on the fact, if the event is in the given run/exp interval or not. More... | |
class | PrescaleModule |
The Prescale module. More... | |
class | PrintBeamParametersModule |
Print the BeamParameters everytime they change. More... | |
class | PrintCollectionsModule |
Prints the contents of DataStore in each event, listing all objects and arrays (including size). More... | |
class | ProgressBarModule |
Display a progress bar and an estimate of remaining time when number of events is known (e.g. More... | |
class | ProgressModule |
Periodically writes the number of processed events/runs to the logging system to give a progress indication. More... | |
class | PruneDataStoreModule |
Clears the content of the DataStore while it keeps entries matching the regex expression in the matchEntries option. More... | |
class | RandomBarrierModule |
Sets gRandom to an independent generator for the following modules. More... | |
class | TheKillerModule |
This Modules kills basf2 as horribly as possible (or selected) More... | |
class | GearboxModule |
The Gearbox module. More... | |
class | HistoManagerModule |
Class definition of HistoManager module. More... | |
class | ProfileModule |
A module that measures the execution time and memory usage per event. More... | |
class | StatisticsSummaryModule |
A module that displays the sum of multiple modules in the module statistics. More... | |
class | RootInputModule |
Module to read TTree data from file into the data store. More... | |
class | RootOutputModule |
Write objects from DataStore into a ROOT file. More... | |
class | SeqRootInputModule |
Module to read files produced by SeqRootOutputModule. More... | |
class | SeqRootOutputModule |
Output module for sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | EvtGenDatabasePDG |
Replacement for TDatabasePDG that is filled from EvtGen's evt.pdl. More... | |
class | EvtGenParticlePDG |
Helper class for setting additional TParticlePDG members and storing the ones it doesn't have yet. More... | |
class | AsyncWrapper |
Wraps a given Module to execute it asynchronously. More... | |
class | DataStoreStreamer |
Stream/restore DataStore objects to/from EvtMessage. More... | |
struct | EvtHeader |
Header structure of streamed object list. More... | |
class | EvtMessage |
Class to manage streamed object. More... | |
class | GlobalProcHandler |
A class to manage processes for parallel processing. More... | |
class | MapMergeable |
Wrap an STL map to make it mergeable. More... | |
class | Mergeable |
Abstract base class for objects that can be merged. More... | |
class | CharBuffer |
dynamic character buffer that knows its size. More... | |
class | InMessage |
Reusable Message class derived from TMessage (for reading only) More... | |
class | MsgHandler |
A class to encode/decode an EvtMessage. More... | |
class | PathUtils |
Helper utils for path arithmetics needed in the pEventProcessor. More... | |
class | pEventProcessor |
This class provides the core event processing loop for parallel processing. More... | |
class | ProcessMonitor |
Class to monitor all started framework processes (input, workers, output), kill them if requested and handle the signals from the OS. More... | |
class | ProcHandler |
A class to manage processes for parallel processing. More... | |
class | RbTupleManager |
Class to manage histograms defined in registered modules. More... | |
struct | RingBufInfo |
Internal metadata structure for RingBuffer. More... | |
class | RingBuffer |
Class to manage a Ring Buffer placed in an IPC shared memory. More... | |
class | RootMergeable |
Wrap a root histogram or TNtuple to make it mergeable. More... | |
class | RxModule |
Module to decode data store contents from RingBuffer. More... | |
class | SemaphoreLocker |
Handles creation, locking and unlocking of System V semaphores. More... | |
class | SeqFile |
A class to manage I/O for a chain of blocked files. More... | |
class | SetMergeable |
Wrap an STL set to make it mergeable. More... | |
class | TxModule |
Module for encoding data store contents into a RingBuffer. More... | |
class | ZMQEventProcessor |
This class provides the core event processing loop for parallel processing with ZMQ. More... | |
class | ZMQConfirmedInput |
Input part of a confirmed connection. More... | |
class | ZMQConfirmedOutput |
Output part of a confirmed connection. More... | |
class | ZMQConnection |
Base class for every connection with virtual functions to be implemented: More... | |
class | ZMQConnectionOverSocket |
Specialized connection over a ZMQ socket. More... | |
class | ZMQLoadBalancedInput |
Input part of a load-balanced connection. More... | |
class | ZMQLoadBalancedOutput |
Output part of a load-balanced connection. More... | |
class | ZMQNullConnection |
Connection doing just nothing: without the capability to pull, send or receive. Useful for template interfaces. More... | |
class | ZMQRawInput |
Input connection allowing to speak with non-zmq sockets via a ZMQ_STREAM socket. More... | |
class | ZMQRawOutput |
Output connection to speak to non-zmq sockets via a ZMQ_STREAM socket. More... | |
class | ZMQSimpleConnection |
Connection type to be used for answering simple requests, e.g. More... | |
class | ZMQIdMessage |
A message with the socket ID. Needed in input<->worker communication. More... | |
class | ZMQMessageFactory |
Helper class for creating new ID/No-ID messages. More... | |
class | ZMQMessageHelper |
Internal helper for creating ZMQ messages (should not be used otherwise). More... | |
class | ZMQModuleMessage |
A general message with as many parts as given as template argument. More... | |
class | ZMQNoIdMessage |
A message without an associated socket ID. Is used in most cases. More... | |
class | ProcessedEventBackup |
Storage item for the event backup storing the event message, the time stamp and the event meta data. More... | |
class | ProcessedEventsBackupList |
List-like structure for storing and retaining event backups. More... | |
class | ZMQRxOutputModule |
Module connecting the worker path with the output path on the output side. More... | |
class | ZMQRxWorkerModule |
Module connecting the input path with the worker path on the worker side. More... | |
class | ZMQTxInputModule |
Module connecting the input path with the worker path on the input side. More... | |
class | ZMQTxWorkerModule |
Module connecting the worker path with the output path on the worker side. More... | |
class | ZMQClient |
A helper class for communicating over ZMQ. Includes a multicast and (if needed) also a data socket. More... | |
class | EventMetaDataSerialization |
Helper class for (de)serializing the event meta data used for the event backup transferral. More... | |
class | StreamHelper |
Helper class for data store serialization. More... | |
class | ZMQAddressUtils |
Summary of some address helpers. More... | |
class | ZMQLogger |
Base class for the ZMQ connection to help monitor and log certain values. More... | |
class | ZMQParent |
A helper class for creating ZMQ sockets keeping track of the ZMQ context and terminating it if needed. More... | |
class | Framework |
This class combines all subsystems of the framework, and exports the main interface to Python. More... | |
class | LogPythonInterface |
Thin wrapper to expose a usable interface to the logging framework in python. More... | |
class | ProcessStatisticsPython |
Python interface for ProcessStatistics. More... | |
class | PyDBArray |
Class to access a DB Array from Python. More... | |
class | PyDBObj |
Class to access a DBObjPtr from Python. More... | |
class | PyStoreArray |
A (simplified) python wrapper for StoreArray. More... | |
class | PyStoreObj |
a (simplified) python wrapper for StoreObjPtr. More... | |
class | AbstractBooleanNode |
A parsed cut-string naturally has a tree shape which incorporates the infomation of operator precedence and evaluation order of the statements. More... | |
class | AbstractExpressionNode |
AbstractExpressionNode Superclass for all nodes which host expressions. More... | |
class | BaseAngle |
Class to compare if two angles are compatible withing a given error range. More... | |
class | ThetaAngle |
class | PhiAngle |
class | ObjArrayIterator |
Optimizes class to iterate over TObjArray and classes inheriting from it. More... | |
class | ArrayIterator |
Generic iterator class for arrays, allowing use of STL algorithms, range-based for etc. More... | |
class | CalcMeanCov |
Class to calculate mean and and covariance between a number of parameters on running data without storing the actual values, also for weighted entries. More... | |
class | ConditionalGaussGenerator |
Class implementing n-dimensional random number generator from Gaussian distribution where the first component of the vector is generated first (using some external source) and the remaining components are generated based on the value of the first component. More... | |
struct | Visitor |
This is a class template which takes a template class operation as template argument. More... | |
struct | EqualVisitor |
Seperate Visitor struct for equal_to comparison of variant<double, int bool>. More... | |
class | UnaryBooleanNode |
Nodeclass with a single AbstractBooleanNode as child. More... | |
class | BinaryBooleanNode |
Nodeclass with two AbstractBooleanNode as children and a Boolean Operator (AND, OR) Check() method evaluates the child nodes and returns the result of the boolean operation. More... | |
class | UnaryRelationalNode |
Nodeclass with a single AbstractExpressioNode as child. More... | |
class | BinaryRelationalNode |
BooleanNode which has two AbstractExpressionNodes nodes and a ComparisonOperator. More... | |
class | TernaryRelationalNode |
BooleanNode which has three AbstractExpressionNodes nodes and two ComparisonOperator. More... | |
class | UnaryExpressionNode |
UnaryExpressionNode Node class with a single expression node as child. More... | |
class | BinaryExpressionNode |
BinaryExpressionNode Node which connects two expression nodes with an arithemtic operation. More... | |
class | DataNode |
Template class for storing the Constants (int, double, bool) of the Cutstring. More... | |
class | IdentifierNode |
Class which stores the name of a variable. More... | |
class | FunctionNode |
FunctionNode Node class for handling MetaVariables in cuts. More... | |
class | EnvironmentVariables |
Utility functions related to environment variables. More... | |
class | FileSystem |
Utility functions related to filename validation and filesystem access. More... | |
class | FormulaParserBase |
Base class with the non-templated part of the formula parser. More... | |
class | FormulaParser |
FormulaParser to parse a text formula like "a + b * c ^ d" where the separate parts can be either variables (with and without arguments) or numbers. More... | |
struct | StringFormulaConstructor |
Example struct to be used with the FormulaParser to create a string representation of the formula, mainly for testing and debugging. More... | |
class | GeneralCut |
This class implements a common way to implement cut/selection functionality for arbitrary objects. More... | |
class | KeyValuePrinter |
create human-readable or JSON output for key value pairs. More... | |
class | MakeROOTCompatible |
Helper class for converting strings into a ROOT-friendly format (e.g. More... | |
class | MultivariateNormalGenerator |
Class to generate normal distributed, correlated random numbers given the mean values and the covariance matrix of all dimensions. More... | |
class | NodeFactory |
Wrapper class for static node compile functions. More... | |
class | BoostPythonModuleProxy |
Proxy class to register python modules (the things you can 'import'). More... | |
class | RootFileCreationManager |
This single instance class takes track of all open ROOT files open in "create" mode, usually meant for all the ntuple output modules. More... | |
class | ScopeGuard |
Simple ScopeGuard to execute a function at the end of the object lifetime. More... | |
struct | TRandomWrapper |
Wrap TRandom to be useable as a uniform random number generator with STL algorithms like std::shuffle. More... | |
class | SHA3Hash |
Simple interface to calculate SHA3 hash sum (FIPS 202 draft) with fixed size from given data inputs. More... | |
class | ShakeHash |
Simple interface to calculate SHAKE256 hash sum (FIPS 202 draft) with variable size from given data inputs. More... | |
class | AAFHInterface |
Class to inferface AAFH/DIAG36 Generator written in Fortran. More... | |
class | BabayagaNLO |
C++ Interface for the Fortran Bhabha and exclusive two photon generator BABAYAGA.NLO. More... | |
class | BBBrem |
Generator for low scattering angle radiative Bhabha events (Beam-Beam Bremsstrahlung). More... | |
class | BHWide |
C++ Interface for the Fortran Bhabha scattering generator BHWide. More... | |
class | SGCosmic |
Class to generate tracks in the cosmics generator and store them in a MCParticle graph. More... | |
class | CRY |
C++ Interface for the generator CRY. More... | |
class | EvtBSemiTauonicDecayRateCalculator |
Class to calculate the differential decay rate, R(D), R(D*), polarizations of tau and D* using BSTD model based on [M. More... | |
class | EvtGenInterface |
Class to interface EvtGen. More... | |
class | EvtGenModelRegister |
Class to keep a register of all Belle2 EvtDecayBases. More... | |
class | EvtB0toKsKK |
Register Decay model EvtB0toKsKK. More... | |
class | EvtBCL |
The class provides the form factors for orbitally excited semileptonic decays. More... | |
class | EvtBCLFF |
BCL Form Factors. More... | |
class | EvtBSemiTauonic |
The EvtGen model of semi-tauonic B decays including new physics effects based on [M. More... | |
class | EvtBSemiTauonic2HDMType2 |
The EvtGen model of semi-tauonic B decays including the charged higgs effect of 2HDM Type2 based on [M. More... | |
class | EvtBSemiTauonicAmplitude |
The base class for the calculation of the spin dependent amplitudes for the BSemiTauonic model based on [M. More... | |
class | EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator |
The class calculates the helicity amplitude of semi-tauonic B decays including new physics effects based on [M. More... | |
class | EvtBSemiTauonicScalarMesonAmplitude |
The class calculates the spin dependent amplitudes of B->Dtaunu decays for the BSemiTauonic model based on [M. More... | |
class | EvtBSemiTauonicVectorMesonAmplitude |
The class calculates the spin dependent amplitudes of B->D*taunu decays for the BSemiTauonic model based on [M. More... | |
class | EvtBtoXsnunu_FERMI |
The evtgen model to produce non-resonant B-> Xs nu nubar decay sample. More... | |
class | EvtEtaFullDalitz |
Class for the simulation of the eta -> pi+pi-pi0 decay with an improved dalitz description. More... | |
class | EvtEtaPi0Dalitz |
Class for the simulation of the eta -> 3pi0 and eta'->3pi0 decays. More... | |
class | EvtEtaPrimeDalitz |
Class for the simulation of the eta' -> pi+ pi- eta and pi0 pi0 eta decays. More... | |
class | EvtKnunu |
The evtgen model to produce B-> K nu nubar decay sample. More... | |
class | EvtKstarnunu_REV |
The evtgen model to produce B-> Kstar nu nubar decay sample. More... | |
class | EvtPhspCP |
Register Decay model EvtPhspCP. More... | |
class | HepevtReader |
Class to read Hepevt files and store the content in a MCParticle graph. More... | |
class | HepMCReader |
Class to read HepMC files and store the content in a MCParticle graph. More... | |
class | KKGenInterface |
Interface class for using the KKMC generator. More... | |
class | KoralW |
C++ interface for the FORTRAN 4-fermion final state generator KoralW. More... | |
class | LHEReader |
Class to read LHE files and store the content in a MCParticle graph. More... | |
class | AafhInputModule |
AAFH Generator to generate 2-fermion events like e+e- -> e+e-e+e-. More... | |
class | BabayagaNLOInputModule |
The Babayaga.NLO Generator module. More... | |
class | BBBremInputModule |
The BBBrem Generator module. More... | |
class | BHWideInputModule |
The BHWide Generator module.vectorToPair. More... | |
class | CRYInputModule |
The CRY Generator module. More... | |
class | EvtGenDecayModule |
This module decays unstable particles using EvtGen. More... | |
class | EvtGenInputModule |
The EvtGenInput module. More... | |
class | FragmentationRndm |
Minimal class for external random generator to be used in PYTHIA. More... | |
class | FragmentationModule |
The Fragmentation module. More... | |
class | HepMCInputModule |
The HepMCInput module. More... | |
class | HepMCOutputModule |
The HepMCOutput module. More... | |
class | BeamParametersModule |
Setting of beam parameters. More... | |
class | BoostMCParticlesModule |
Module for boosting the MCParticles from CM to LAB frame. More... | |
class | CosmicsModule |
The Cosmics module Generates tracks with the cosmics generator and store them into the MCParticle class. More... | |
class | EventT0GeneratorModule |
Module generates discrete event t0 in ~4ns steps (bunch spacing) according to (double) gaussian distribution and adds it to the production and decay times of MCParticles. More... | |
class | EventT0ShifterModule |
Module that shifts the time of all MCParticles so that the collision is at t=0. More... | |
class | GeneratedVertexDisplacerModule |
"Takes a list of PDG values and lifetime paramters to displaces the vertex of MCParticles with matching PDG value and their subsequent daughters corresponding to the given lifetime parameter(s). Can be used between the generator and the detector simulation. Lifetime options are "flat", "fixed" and "exponential" where the lifetime(s) should be passed as c*tau in units of [cm]. Furthermore, a "fixedLength" option can be used where the lifetime parameter takes the desired fixed decaylength in units of [cm]. More... | |
class | GeneratorBaseModule |
The base module for generator modules, which sets the generator information as EventExtraInfo. More... | |
class | GeneratorPreselectionLeptonicModule |
generator filtering More... | |
class | GeneratorPreselectionModule |
generator preselection More... | |
class | HepevtInputModule |
The HepevtInput module. More... | |
class | HepevtOutputModule |
The HepevtOutput module. More... | |
class | InclusiveParticleCheckerModule |
Check for the existence of an inclusive particle in the list of generated particles. More... | |
class | LHEInputModule |
The LHEInput module. More... | |
class | OverrideGenerationFlagsModule |
Ovverride generation flags. More... | |
class | ParticleGunModule |
The ParticleGun module. More... | |
class | PrintTauTauMCParticlesModule |
The PrintTauTauMCParticles module. More... | |
class | RemoveMCParticlesModule |
The RemoveMCParticles module. More... | |
class | SADInputModule |
The SAD Input module. More... | |
class | SmearPrimaryVertexModule |
This module smears the primary vertex (the interaction point) according to the values stored in BeamParameters. More... | |
class | TouschekTURTLEInputModule |
The TouschekTURTLE Input module. More... | |
class | KKGenInputModule |
The KKGenInput module. More... | |
class | KoralWInputModule |
The KoralW Generator module. More... | |
class | PairGenModule |
The PairGen module. More... | |
class | PhokharaInputModule |
The Phokhara Generator module.vectorToPair. More... | |
class | TeeggInputModule |
The TEEGG Generator module.vectorToPair. More... | |
class | TrepsInputModule |
Input from TREPS generator for ee->eeff. More... | |
class | ParticleGun |
Class to generate tracks in the particle gun and store them in a MCParticle graph. More... | |
class | Phokhara |
C++ Interface for the Fortran generator PHOKHARA. More... | |
class | SADMetaHit |
ClassSADMetaHit - digitization simulated metahit for the SAD detector. More... | |
class | ReaderSAD |
Class to read files that have been created by SAD and store their content in a MCParticle graph. More... | |
class | Teegg |
C++ Interface for the Fortran generator TEEGG. More... | |
class | EvtBCLFFTest |
The fixture for testing the EvtBCLFF. More... | |
class | ParticleGunTest |
The fixture for testing the Particlegun. More... | |
class | TouschekReaderTURTLE |
Class to read Touschek files and store their content in a MCParticle graph. More... | |
struct | DualNumber |
Simple structure implementing dual numbers which are used for exact evaluation of the derivatives, see More... | |
struct | GeneralVector |
3-vector with members of arbitrary type, especially members can be dual numbers More... | |
class | InitialParticleGeneration |
Generate Collision. More... | |
class | BFieldComponent3d |
The BFieldComponent3d class. More... | |
class | BFieldComponentAbs |
The BFieldComponentAbs class. More... | |
class | BFieldComponentBeamline |
The BFieldComponentBeamline class. More... | |
class | BFieldComponentConstant |
The BFieldComponentConstant class. More... | |
class | BFieldComponentKlm1 |
The Bfieldcomponentklm1 class. More... | |
class | BFieldComponentQuad |
The BFieldComponentQuad class. More... | |
class | BFieldComponentRadial |
The BFieldComponentRadial class. More... | |
class | BFieldFrameworkInterface |
Simple BFieldComponent to just wrap the existing BFieldMap with the new BFieldManager. More... | |
class | BFieldMap |
This class represents the magnetic field of the Belle II detector. More... | |
class | GeoMagneticField |
The GeoMagneticField class. More... | |
struct | triangle_t |
Triangle structure. More... | |
struct | xy_t |
A simple 2d vector stucture. More... | |
class | TriangularInterpolation |
The TriangularInterpolation class. More... | |
class | BeamlineFieldMapInterpolation |
The BeamlineFieldMapInterpolation class. More... | |
class | GeoComponent |
Describe one component of the Geometry. More... | |
class | GeoConfiguration |
configuration of the geometry More... | |
class | GeoMaterial |
Class to represent a material informaion in the Database. More... | |
class | GeoMaterialComponent |
Component of a material. More... | |
class | GeoMaterialProperty |
Property of a material. More... | |
class | GeoOpticalSurface |
Represent an optical finish of a surface. More... | |
class | MagneticFieldComponent3D |
Describe one component of the Geometry. More... | |
class | MyDBPayloadClass |
Class containing all the parameters needed to create the geometry and suitable to save into a ROOT file to be used from the Database. More... | |
class | MyDBCreator |
Very simple Creator class which actually does not do anything but shows how creators should implement loading the geometry from database. More... | |
class | FBXWriterModule |
The FBX-writer module. More... | |
class | CreateFieldMapModule |
Create Field maps of the Belle II magnetic field used in the simulation. More... | |
class | DensityScalerModule |
Scale density of simulation/reconstruction geometry. More... | |
class | ExportGeometryModule |
The ExportGeometry module. More... | |
class | GeometryModule |
Module to facilitate Geometry creation. More... | |
class | OverlapCheckerModule |
The geometry overlap check module. More... | |
class | VRMLWriterModule |
The VRML-writer module. More... | |
class | OnlineEventT0 |
Storage element for the eventwise T0 estimation computed on HLT. More... | |
class | OnlineEventT0CreatorModule |
Module to write the EventT0s computed on the online systems (HLT). More... | |
class | IRSimHit |
Class for saving raw hit data of the IR. More... | |
class | BeamPipeGeo |
Geometry parameters of BeamPipe. More... | |
class | CryostatGeo |
Geometry parameters of Cryostat. More... | |
class | FarBeamLineGeo |
Geometry parameters of far beam line. More... | |
class | IRGeoBase |
Base class for IR geometry parameters. More... | |
class | BKLMDatabaseImporter |
This module writes BKLM data to database. More... | |
class | BKLMAnaModule |
A class defining a module that perform efficiencies studies on bklm. More... | |
class | BKLMDigitAnalyzerModule |
Module useful to quickly analyze BKLM unpacked data. More... | |
class | BKLMSimHistogrammerModule |
Convert BKLM raw simulation hits to digitizations. More... | |
class | BKLMTrackFinder |
track finding procedure More... | |
class | BKLMTrackFitter |
track fitting procedure More... | |
class | BKLMTrackingModule |
This module perform straight line track finding and fitting for BKLM. More... | |
class | KLMCalibrationChecker |
KLM calibration checker. More... | |
class | KLMChannelStatusAlgorithm |
KLM channel status calibration algorithm. More... | |
class | KLMDatabaseImporter |
KLM database importer. More... | |
class | KLMDisplacementGenerator |
Module for generation of KLM displacement or alignment data. More... | |
class | KLMElectronicsMapImporter |
KLM database importer. More... | |
class | KLMLikelihoodParametersImporter |
This class imports KLMLikelihoodParameters into the database. More... | |
class | KLMStripEfficiencyAlgorithm |
KLM channel status calibration algorithm. More... | |
class | KLMTimeAlgorithm |
KLM time calibration algorithm. More... | |
class | BKLMElementNumbers |
BKLM element numbers. More... | |
class | BKLMHit1d |
Store one reconstructed BKLM 1D hit as a ROOT object. More... | |
class | BKLMStatus |
BKLM hit status. More... | |
class | BKLMTrack |
Store one BKLM Track as a ROOT object. More... | |
class | EKLMAlignmentHit |
This dataobject is used only for EKLM alignment. More... | |
class | EKLMElementNumbers |
EKLM element numbers. More... | |
class | KLMChannelArrayIndex |
KLM channel array index. More... | |
class | KLMChannelIndex |
KLM channel index. More... | |
class | KLMChannelMapValue |
KLM channel map. More... | |
class | KLMClusterShape |
Variable for KLM cluster shape analysis. More... | |
class | KLMDigit |
KLM digit (class representing a digitized hit in RPCs or scintillators). More... | |
class | KLMDigitEventInfo |
Class to store debugging informations from the unpacker (event based). More... | |
class | KLMDigitRaw |
Class to store the raw words from the unpacker, digit-by-digit. More... | |
class | KLMElementArrayIndex |
KLM element array index. More... | |
class | KLMElementNumbers |
KLM element numbers. More... | |
class | KLMHit2d |
KLM 2d hit. More... | |
class | KLMModuleArrayIndex |
KLM module array index. More... | |
class | KLMMuidHit |
Store one muon-identification hit in the KLM as a ROOT object. More... | |
class | KLMMuidLikelihood |
Class to store the likelihoods from KLM with additional informations related to the extrapolation. More... | |
class | KLMPlaneArrayIndex |
KLM plane array index. More... | |
class | KLMScintillatorFirmwareFitResult |
FPGA fit simulation data. More... | |
class | KLMSectorArrayIndex |
KLM sector array index. More... | |
class | KLMSimHit |
KLM simulation hit. More... | |
class | BKLMAlignment |
Class to store BKLM alignment data in the database. More... | |
class | BKLMGeometryPar |
The Class for BKLM geometry. More... | |
class | BKLMSimulationPar |
Provides BKLM simulation parameters. More... | |
class | EKLMAlignment |
Class to store EKLM alignment data in the database. More... | |
class | EKLMGeometry |
Class to store EKLM geometry data in the database. More... | |
class | EKLMSegmentAlignment |
Class to store EKLM alignment data in the database. More... | |
class | KLMAlignmentData |
KLM Alignment data. More... | |
class | KLMChannelStatus |
KLM channel status. More... | |
class | KLMElectronicsChannel |
BKLM electronics channel. More... | |
class | KLMElectronicsMap |
BKLM electronics map. More... | |
class | KLMLikelihoodParameters |
Database object used to store the parameters for KLM likelihood computation. More... | |
class | KLMReconstructionParameters |
Class to store KLM reconstruction parameters in the database. More... | |
class | KLMScintillatorDigitizationParameters |
Class to store KLM scintillator simulation parameters in the database. More... | |
class | KLMScintillatorFEEData |
EKLM channel data. More... | |
class | KLMScintillatorFEEParameters |
Class to store EKLM alignment data in the database. More... | |
class | KLMScintillatorFirmware |
KLM scintillator firmware. More... | |
class | KLMStripEfficiency |
DBObject used to store the efficiencies of KLM strips. More... | |
class | KLMTimeCableDelay |
Class to store BKLM delay time coused by cable in the database. More... | |
class | KLMTimeConstants |
Class to store KLM constants related to time. More... | |
class | KLMTimeConversion |
KLM time conversion. More... | |
class | KLMTimeResolution |
Class to store KLM time resolution in the database. More... | |
class | KLMTimeWindow |
DBObject containing KLM time window parameters used in KLMReconstructor module. More... | |
class | EKLMAlignmentAlongStripsAlgorithm |
EKLM time calibration algorithm. More... | |
class | G4TriangularPrism |
Triangular prism. More... | |
class | EKLMAlignmentAlongStripsCollectorModule |
EKLM time calibration (data collection). More... | |
class | EKLMDataCheckerModule |
Module for checking of collected data. More... | |
class | KLMChannelStatusCollectorModule |
KLM channel status calibration (data collection). More... | |
class | KLMClusterAnaModule |
Module for KLM cluster reconstruction efficiency studies. More... | |
class | KLMClusterEfficiencyModule |
Module for KLM cluster reconstruction efficiency studies. More... | |
class | KLMClustersReconstructorModule |
Module KLMClustersReconstructorModule. More... | |
class | KLMDigitizerModule |
KLM digitization module. More... | |
class | KLMDigitTimeShifterModule |
KLM digit time shifter module. More... | |
class | KLMDQMModule |
KLM data quality monitor module. More... | |
class | KLMDQM2Module |
Additional Module for KLMDQM plots after HLT filters. More... | |
class | KLMPackerModule |
KLM raw packer. More... | |
class | KLMReconstructorModule |
Create BKLMHit1ds from BKLMDigits and then create KLMHit2ds from BKLMHit1ds; create KLMHit2ds from EKLMDigits. More... | |
class | KLMScintillatorSimulatorModule |
Module KLMScintillatorSimulatorModule. More... | |
class | KLMStripEfficiencyCollectorModule |
Module KLMStripEfficiencyCollectorModule. More... | |
class | KLMTimeCollectorModule |
Collect hit information for KLM time calibration with CAF. More... | |
class | KLMUnpackerModule |
KLM unpacker. More... | |
class | MCMatcherKLMClustersModule |
Module for MC matching for KLM clusters. More... | |
class | MuidBuilder |
Build the Muid likelihoods starting from the hit pattern and the transverse scattering in the KLM. More... | |
class | MuidElementNumbers |
Muid element numbers. More... | |
class | KLMMuidLikelihoodTest |
Test class for the KLMMuidLikelihood object. More... | |
class | MuidBuilderTest |
Test for the MuidBuilder class, using the payloads in the default Global Tag. More... | |
class | KLMTime |
KLM time conversion. More... | |
class | MasterClassModule |
Module to write out data in a format for Belle II masterclasses. More... | |
class | BeamParametersFitter |
Fitter calculating BeamParameters from CollisionBoostVector and CollisionInvariantMass. More... | |
class | Cluster |
Class to collect log likelihoods from Clusters from ECL and KLM aimed for output to mdst includes functions to return combined likelihood probability. More... | |
class | ECLCluster |
ECL cluster data. More... | |
class | EventLevelClusteringInfo |
ECL/KLM clustering event level information: More... | |
class | EventLevelTrackingInfo |
Tracking-related info on event-level, for example number of unassigned measurements. More... | |
class | EventLevelTriggerTimeInfo |
Storage element for information from the Trigger Timing Distribution (TTD) More... | |
class | HitPatternCDC |
Hit pattern of CDC hits within a track. More... | |
class | HitPatternVXD |
Hit pattern of the VXD within a track. More... | |
class | KlId |
Klong identifcation (KlId) datastore object to store results from KlId calculations. More... | |
class | KLMCluster |
KLM cluster data. More... | |
class | MCParticle |
A Class to store the Monte Carlo particle information. More... | |
class | MCParticleGraph |
Class to build, validate and sort a particle decay chain. More... | |
class | PIDLikelihood |
Class to collect log likelihoods from TOP, ARICH, dEdx, ECL and KLM aimed for output to mdst includes functions to return combined likelihood probability. More... | |
class | SoftwareTriggerResult |
Dataobject to store the results of the cut calculations performed by the SoftwareTriggerModule. More... | |
class | Track |
Class that bundles various TrackFitResults. More... | |
class | TrackFitResult |
Values of the result of a track fit with a given particle hypothesis. More... | |
class | TRGSummary |
Trigger Summary Information input bits input bits from subdetectors ftdl (Final Trigger Decision Logic) bits output bits of trigger logic psnm (Prescale and Mask) bits prescaled ftdl bits timType types of trigger timing source defined in b2tt firmware. More... | |
class | V0 |
Object holding information for V0s. More... | |
class | BeamSpot |
This class contains the beam spot position and size modeled as a gaussian distribution in space. More... | |
class | CollisionAxisCMS |
This class contains the measured values of the orientation of the collision axis in the CM system obtained by pure Lorentz boost angleXZ = atan(pHERcms.X / pHERcms.Z) angleYZ = atan(pHERcms.Y / pHERcms.Z) where pHERcms is HER momentum in CM system obtained by boost. More... | |
class | CollisionBoostVector |
This class contains the measured average boost vector vec(beta) = (beta_x, beta_y, beta_z) = vec(p_e+e-)/E_e+e- of the center-of-mass system in the lab frame and its uncertainty. More... | |
class | CollisionInvariantMass |
This class contains the measured average center-of-mass energy, which is equal to the invariant mass of the colliding beams, and its uncertainty. More... | |
class | DBRepresentationOfSoftwareTriggerCut |
Class to handle storing SoftwareTriggerCuts in the database. More... | |
class | SoftwareTriggerCutBase |
Base class for the SoftwareTriggerCut and its DBRepresentation. More... | |
class | SoftwareTriggerMenu |
Class to handle storing the trigger menu in the database. More... | |
class | TRGGDLDBBadrun |
The payload class for GDL badrun. More... | |
class | TRGGDLDBFTDLBits |
The payload class for FTDL output bit. More... | |
class | TRGGDLDBInputBits |
The payload class for GDL input bit. More... | |
class | TRGGDLDBPrescales |
The payload class for GDL psnm. More... | |
class | TTDOffsets |
This class contains information to correct the information obtained from the TTD (simple offsets) More... | |
class | BeamSpotTest |
class | FixMergedObjectsModule |
If the content of two DataStores are merged using the 'MergeDataStoreModule', then Relations of the objects are corrected. More... | |
class | ECLClusterTest |
Test class for the Track object. More... | |
class | EventLevelTrackingInfoTest |
Unit tests for the event level tracking information. More... | |
class | HitPatternCDCTest |
Unit tests for the CDC hit Patterns. More... | |
class | HitPatternVXDTest |
class | KlIdTest |
Test class for the KlId object. More... | |
class | TrackTest |
Test class for the Track object. More... | |
class | TrackFitResultTest |
Set up a few arrays and objects in the datastore. More... | |
class | V0Test |
Set up a few arrays and objects in the datastore. More... | |
class | DatabaseRepresentationOfWeightfile |
Database representation of a Weightfile object. More... | |
class | MVAExpertModule |
This module adds an ExtraInfo to the Particle objects in a given ParticleList. More... | |
class | MVAMultipleExpertsModule |
This module adds an ExtraInfo to the Particle objects in a given ParticleList. More... | |
class | MVAPrototypeModule |
This module can be used as a prototype for your own module which uses MVA weightfiles. More... | |
class | AWESOMESimHit |
A Geant4 simulated hit for the AWESOME detector. More... | |
class | PXDAnalyticGainCalibrationAlgorithm |
Class implementing the PXD gain calibration algorithm. More... | |
class | PXDChargeCalibrationAlgorithm |
Class implementing the PXD median cluster charge calibration algorithm. More... | |
class | PXDClusterPositionCalibrationAlgorithm |
Class implementing the PXD cluster position calibration algorithm. More... | |
class | PXDDataMCGainCalibrationAlgorithm |
Class implementing the PXD median cluster charge calibration algorithm. More... | |
class | PXDGainCalibrationAlgorithm |
Class implementing the PXD gain calibration algorithm. More... | |
class | PXDHotPixelMaskCalibrationAlgorithm |
Class implementing PXD hot pixel masking calibration algorithm. More... | |
class | PXDValidationAlgorithm |
Class implementing the PXD calibration validation algorithm. More... | |
class | PXDCluster |
The PXD Cluster class This class stores all information about reconstructed PXD clusters The position error matrix has the form ((m_uSigma^2, m_uvRho * m_uSigma * m_vSigma), (m_uvRho * m_uSigma * m_vSigma, m_vSigma^2)) The correlation coefficient is derived from the shape of the cluster. More... | |
class | PXDDAQDHCStatus |
The PXD DAQ DHC Status class. More... | |
class | PXDDAQDHEStatus |
The PXD DAQ DHE Status class. More... | |
class | PXDDAQDHPStatus |
The PXD DAQ DHP Status class. More... | |
class | PXDDAQPacketStatus |
The PXD DAQ Packet Status class. More... | |
class | PXDDAQStatus |
The PXD DAQ Status class. More... | |
class | PXDDigit |
The PXD digit class. More... | |
class | PXDEnergyDepositionEvent |
Class PXDEnergyDepositionEvent: PXDSimHit data container for background studies. More... | |
class | PXDGatedModeInfo |
The PXD Gated Info Class. More... | |
class | PXDInjectionBGTiming |
The PXDInjectionBGTiming class. More... | |
class | PXDNeutronFluxEvent |
Class PXDNeutronFluxEvent: PXDTrueHit data container for background studies. More... | |
class | PXDOccupancyEvent |
Class PXDOccupancyEvent: PXDCluster data container for background studies. More... | |
class | PXDRawAdc |
The PXD Raw Adc class This class stores information about Raw Adc for Pedestals. More... | |
class | PXDRawHit |
The PXD Raw Hit class This class stores information about PXD Pixel hits and makes them available in a root tree. More... | |
class | PXDRawROIs |
The PXD Raw ROIs class This class stores information about the ROIs processed by ONSEN and makes them available in a root tree. More... | |
class | PXDSimHit |
Class PXDSimHit - Geant4 simulated hit for the PXD. More... | |
class | PXDTrueHit |
Class PXDTrueHit - Records of tracks that either enter or leave the sensitive volume. More... | |
class | PXDClusterChargeMapPar |
The payload class for PXD cluster charge calibrations. More... | |
class | PXDClusterOffsetPar |
The class for PXD cluster position offset payload. More... | |
class | PXDClusterPositionErrorPar |
The payload class for PXD cluster position error. More... | |
class | PXDClusterPositionEstimatorPar |
The class for PXD cluster position lookup table payload. More... | |
class | PXDClusterShapeClassifierPar |
The class for PXD cluster shape classifier payload. More... | |
class | PXDClusterShapeIndexPar |
The class for PXD cluster shape index payload. More... | |
class | PXDDeadPixelPar |
The payload telling which PXD pixel is dead (=Readout system does not receive signals) More... | |
class | PXDDHHFirmwareVersionPar |
The payload stores the firmware version from the DHH, which has influence on the structure and content of the RawPXD package. More... | |
class | PXDGainMapPar |
The payload class for PXD gain corrections. More... | |
class | PXDGeometryPar |
The Class for VXD geometry. More... | |
class | PXDMaskedPixelPar |
The payload telling which PXD pixel to mask (ignore) More... | |
class | PXDOccupancyInfoPar |
The payload collecting some meta information from running the masking algorithm. More... | |
class | PXDSensorInfoPar |
The Class for VXD geometry. More... | |
class | PXDClusterChargeCollectorModule |
Collector module for PXD gain calibration. More... | |
class | PXDClusterPositionCollectorModule |
Calibration collector module for PXD cluster position estimation. More... | |
class | PXDDQMClustersModule |
PXD DQM Module. More... | |
class | PXDDQMCorrModule |
PXD DQM Corr Module. More... | |
class | PXDDQMEfficiencyModule |
Creates the basic histograms for PXD Efficiency DQM Simplified and adopted version of the testbeam pxd efficiency module. More... | |
class | PXDDQMEfficiencyNtupleModule |
Creates Ntuples for PXD Efficiency analysis. More... | |
class | PXDDQMEfficiencyNtupleSelftrackModule |
Creates Ntuples for PXD Efficiency analysis. More... | |
class | PXDDQMEfficiencySelftrackModule |
Creates the basic histograms for PXD Efficiency DQM Simplified and adopted version of the testbeam pxd efficiency module. More... | |
class | PXDDQMExpressRecoModule |
PXD DQM Module. More... | |
class | PXDDQMTrackRawNtupleModule |
Creates Ntuples for PXD Trigger analysis. More... | |
class | PXDRawDQMCorrModule |
PXD DQM Corr Module. More... | |
class | PXDTrackClusterDQMModule |
DQM of cluster in matched tracks. More... | |
class | PXDHotPixelMaskCollectorModule |
Calibration Collector Module for PXD hot pixel masking from PXDDigits. More... | |
class | PXDRawHotPixelMaskCollectorModule |
Calibration Collector Module for PXD hot pixel masking from PXDRawHits. More... | |
class | PXDTrackingEventLevelMdstInfoFillerModule |
This module adds additional global event level information about PXD track finding to the MDST object 'EventLevelTrackingInfo'. More... | |
class | PXDClustersFromTracksModule |
The PXDClustersFromTracks module. More... | |
class | PXDPerformanceModule |
PXD Performance module. More... | |
class | PXDPerformanceCollectorModule |
Collector module for PXD gain calibration and PXD calibration validation. More... | |
class | PXDPerformanceVariablesCollectorModule |
Collector module for PXD gain calibration and PXD calibration validation. More... | |
class | PXDClusterPropFilterModule |
The module produce a StoreArray of PXDCluster with specific properties. More... | |
class | PXDInjectionVetoEmulatorModule |
The module produces a StoreObjPtr of PXDInjectionBGTiming containing PXD timing for gated mode operation. More... | |
class | PXDSpacePointCreatorModule |
Imports Clusters of the pxd detector and converts them to spacePoints. More... | |
class | PXDIgnoredPixelsMap |
This class provides a check for ignored (=cold, hot or otherwise deffective) pixels for the use in PXD data reconstruction. More... | |
class | PXDRecoHit |
PXDRecoHit - an extended form of PXDCluster containing geometry information. More... | |
class | PXDLocalDAQFile |
A class to manage I/O for a chain of blocked files. More... | |
class | PXD2TrackBase |
Class PXD2TrackBase: Event data container for performance and calibration studies. More... | |
class | PXD2TrackEvent |
Class PXD2TrackEvent: Event data container for performance and calibration studies. More... | |
class | PostRawCOPPERFormat_latest |
The Raw COPPER class ver. More... | |
class | PostRawCOPPERFormat_v1 |
The Raw COPPER class ver.1 ( the latest version since May, 2014 ) This class stores data received by COPPER via belle2linkt Data from all detectors except PXD are stored in this class. More... | |
class | PostRawCOPPERFormat_v2 |
The Raw COPPER class ver.2 This class stores data received by COPPER via belle2link Data from all detectors except PXD are stored in this class. More... | |
class | PreRawCOPPERFormat_latest |
The Raw COPPER class ver.1 ( the latest version since May, 2014 ) This class stores data received by COPPER via belle2linkt Data from all detectors except PXD are stored in this class. More... | |
class | PreRawCOPPERFormat_v1 |
The Raw COPPER class ver.1 ( the latest version since May, 2014 ) This class stores data received by COPPER via belle2linkt Data from all detectors except PXD are stored in this class. More... | |
class | PreRawCOPPERFormat_v2 |
The Raw COPPER class ver.1 ( the latest version since May, 2014 ) This class stores data received by COPPER via belle2linkt Data from all detectors except PXD are stored in this class. More... | |
class | RawARICH |
The Raw ARICH class Class for RawCOPPER class data taken by ARICH Currently, this class is almost same as RawCOPPER class. More... | |
class | RawCDC |
The Raw CDC class Class for RawCOPPER class data taken by CDC Currently, this class is almost same as RawCOPPER class. More... | |
class | RawCOPPER |
The Raw COPPER class This class stores data received by COPPER via belle2linkt Data from all detectors except PXD are stored in this class. More... | |
class | RawCOPPERFormat |
The Raw COPPER class This class stores data received by COPPER via belle2linkt Data from all detectors except PXD are stored in this class. More... | |
class | RawCOPPERFormat_latest |
The Raw COPPER class ver.1 ( the latest version since May, 2014 ) This class stores data received by COPPER via belle2linkt Data from all detectors except PXD are stored in this class. More... | |
class | RawCOPPERFormat_v0 |
The Raw COPPER class ver.0 ( from August, 2013 to April, 2014 ) This class stores data received by COPPER via belle2linkt Data from all detectors except PXD are stored in this class. More... | |
class | RawCOPPERFormat_v1 |
The Raw COPPER class ver.1 ( the latest version since May, 2014 ) This class stores data received by COPPER via belle2linkt Data from all detectors except PXD are stored in this class. More... | |
class | RawCOPPERFormat_v2 |
The Raw COPPER class ver.1 ( the latest version since May, 2014 ) This class stores data received by COPPER via belle2linkt Data from all detectors except PXD are stored in this class. More... | |
class | RawDataBlock |
The RawDataBlock class Base class for rawdata handling. More... | |
class | RawDataBlockFormat |
The RawDataBlockFormat class Format information for rawdata handling. More... | |
class | RawECL |
The Raw ECL class Class for RawCOPPER class data taken by ECL Currently, this class is almost same as RawCOPPER class. More... | |
class | RawFTSW |
The Raw FTSW class. More... | |
class | RawFTSWFormat |
The Raw FTSW class. More... | |
class | RawFTSWFormat_latest |
The Raw FTSW class 3 ( 2019.8.20 ) More... | |
class | RawFTSWFormat_v1 |
The Raw FTSW class ver.1 . More... | |
class | RawFTSWFormat_v2 |
The Raw FTSW class ver.2 . More... | |
class | RawHeader_latest |
The Raw Header class ver.1 ( the latest version since May, 2014 ) This class defines the format of the header of RawCOPPER class data and used for extracting header info from RawCOPPER object. More... | |
class | RawHeader_v0 |
The Raw Header class ver.0 ( from August, 2013 to April, 2014 ) This class defines the format of the header of RawCOPPER class data and used for extracting header info from RawCOPPER object. More... | |
class | RawHeader_v1 |
The Raw Header class ver.1 ( the latest version since May, 2014 ) This class defines the format of the header of RawCOPPER class data and used for extracting header info from RawCOPPER object. More... | |
class | RawHeader_v2 |
The Raw Header class ver.1 ( the latest version since May, 2014 ) This class defines the format of the header of RawCOPPER class data and used for extracting header info from RawCOPPER object. More... | |
class | RawKLM |
The Raw KLM class Class for RawCOPPER class data taken by KLM. More... | |
class | RawPXD |
The Raw PXD class. More... | |
class | RawSVD |
The Raw SVD class Class for RawCOPPER class data taken by SVD Currently, this class is almost same as RawCOPPER class. More... | |
class | RawTLU |
The Raw TLU class Class for data from DAQ PC for TLU(Trigger Logic Unit) It is supposed to be used only in the DESY beam test. More... | |
class | RawTLUFormat |
The Raw TLU class Class for data from DAQ PC for TLU(Trigger Logic Unit) It is supposed to be used only in the DESY beam test. More... | |
class | RawTOP |
The Raw TOP class Class for RawCOPPER class data taken by TOP Currently, this class is almost same as RawCOPPER class. More... | |
class | RawTrailer_latest |
The Raw Trailer class ver.1 ( the latest version since May, 2014 ) This class defines the format of the trailer of RawCOPPER class data and used for extracting trailer info from RawCOPPER object. More... | |
class | RawTrailer_v0 |
The Raw Trailer class ver.0 ( from August, 2013 to April, 2014 ) This class defines the format of the trailer of RawCOPPER class data and used for extracting trailer info from RawCOPPER object. More... | |
class | RawTrailer_v1 |
The Raw Trailer class ver.1 ( the latest version since May, 2014 ) This class defines the format of the trailer of RawCOPPER class data and used for extracting trailer info from RawCOPPER object. More... | |
class | RawTrailer_v2 |
The Raw Trailer class ver.1 ( the latest version since May, 2014 ) This class defines the format of the trailer of RawCOPPER class data and used for extracting trailer info from RawCOPPER object. More... | |
class | RawTRG |
The Raw TOP class Class for RawCOPPER class data taken by TOP Currently, this class is almost same as RawCOPPER class. More... | |
class | RawCOPPERPackerInfo |
struct to contain header information used by RawCOPPERFormat::Packer() More... | |
class | CheckErrorEventModule |
Count the number of CRC error events by checking RawCOPPER's header/trailer and EventMetaData. More... | |
class | Convert2RawDetModule |
A class definition of a module to convert from RawCOPPER or RawDataBlock to RawDetector objects. More... | |
class | DummyDataPackerModule |
Module to store dummy data in RawCOPPER object. More... | |
class | HexDataPackerModule |
Module to store dummy data in RawCOPPER object. More... | |
class | MakeDumHSLBDataModule |
Module to make a binary file from Raw*** events for input of wirte-dumhsbx. More... | |
class | PrintDataModule |
Read RawCOPPER objects and shows their hex dump. More... | |
class | PrintDataTemplateModule |
Module to get data from DataStore and send it to another network node. More... | |
class | PrintEventRateModule |
Print event rate of input data. More... | |
class | Root2BinaryModule |
Dump basf2 objects to a binary file. More... | |
class | TTDDQMModule |
TTD Injection DQM module. More... | |
class | TTDUnpackerModule |
TTD Unpacker module. More... | |
class | CDCDedx1DCellAlgorithm |
A calibration algorithm for CDC dE/dx electron: 1D enta cleanup correction. More... | |
class | CDCDedx2DCellAlgorithm |
A calibration algorithm for CDC dE/dx electron 2D enta vs doca correction. More... | |
class | CDCDedxBadWireAlgorithm |
A calibration algorithm for CDC dE/dx to find the bad wires. More... | |
class | CDCDedxCosEdgeAlgorithm |
A calibration algorithm for CDC dE/dx electron cos(theta) dependence. More... | |
class | CDCDedxCosineAlgorithm |
A calibration algorithm for CDC dE/dx electron cos(theta) dependence. More... | |
class | CDCDedxInjectTimeAlgorithm |
A calibration algorithm for CDC dE/dx injection time (HER/LER) More... | |
class | CDCDedxMomentumAlgorithm |
A calibration algorithm for CDC dE/dx electron cos(theta) dependence. More... | |
class | CDCDedxRunGainAlgorithm |
A calibration algorithm for CDC dE/dx run gains. More... | |
class | CDCDedxWireGainAlgorithm |
A calibration algorithm for CDC dE/dx wire gains. More... | |
class | CDCDedxLikelihood |
Container for likelihoods obtained by the CDC dE/dx PID (CDCDedxPIDModule). More... | |
class | CDCDedxTrack |
Debug output for CDCDedxPID module. More... | |
class | VXDDedxLikelihood |
Container for likelihoods obtained by the VXD dE/dx PID (VXDDedxPIDModule). More... | |
class | VXDDedxTrack |
Debug output for VXDDedxPID module. More... | |
class | CDCDedx1DCell |
dE/dx wire gain calibration constants More... | |
class | CDCDedx2DCell |
dE/dx wire gain calibration constants More... | |
class | CDCDedxADCNonLinearity |
dE/dx eletronic ADC non-linearity correction for highly ionising particles (used in offline hadron saturation calibration) paramters are for X vs Y relation and sep for inner and outer layer vector array 0,1 for inner and 2,3 for outer layers More... | |
class | CDCDedxBadWires |
dE/dx wire gain calibration constants More... | |
class | CDCDedxCosineCor |
dE/dx wire gain calibration constants More... | |
class | CDCDedxCosineEdge |
dE/dx special large cosine calibration to fix bending shoulder at large costh More... | |
class | CDCDedxDatabaseImporter |
dE/dx database importer. More... | |
class | CDCDedxHadronCor |
dE/dx hadron saturation parameterization constants More... | |
class | CDCDedxInjectionTime |
dE/dx injection time calibration constants More... | |
class | CDCDedxMeanPars |
dE/dx mean (curve versus beta-gamma) parameterization constants More... | |
class | CDCDedxMomentumCor |
dE/dx wire gain calibration constants More... | |
class | CDCDedxRunGain |
dE/dx run gain calibration constants More... | |
class | CDCDedxScaleFactor |
dE/dx run gain calibration constants More... | |
class | CDCDedxSigmaPars |
dE/dx sigma (versus beta-gamma) parameterization constants More... | |
class | CDCDedxWireGain |
dE/dx wire gain calibration constants More... | |
class | DedxPDFs |
dE/dx wire gain calibration constants More... | |
class | EventsOfDoomParameters |
DBObject containing parameters used in EventsOfDoomBuster module. More... | |
class | CDCDedxCorrectionModule |
This module may be used to apply the corrections to dE/dx per the calibration constants. More... | |
class | CDCDedxDQMModule |
This module to design collect CDC dEdx monitoring for DQM and only minimal information are stored. More... | |
class | CDCDedxElectronCollectorModule |
A collector module for CDC dE/dx electron calibrations. More... | |
class | CDCDedxPIDModule |
Extract CDC dE/dx information from fitted tracks. More... | |
class | CDCDedxScanModule |
This class performs the same function as CDCDedxPIDModule, but does so without using real objects from basf2. More... | |
class | DedxPoint |
A collection of classes that are useful for making a simple path length correction to the dE/dx measurement for each hit in a CDC cell. More... | |
class | DedxLine |
A class to hold the endpoints and slope of a line. More... | |
class | DedxDriftCell |
A class to hold the geometry of a cell. More... | |
class | CDCDedxSkimModule |
This module may be used to skim a data sample according to a specific set of cuts. More... | |
class | CDCDedxSkimCDSTModule |
Extracts dE/dx information for calibration testing. More... | |
class | CDCDedxValidationModule |
First version commited on Feb 21 2019 Extracts dE/dx information for validation and writes a ROOT file. More... | |
class | ClusterMatcherModule |
Match KLM Clusters to close ECL Clusters. More... | |
class | DetectorOccupanciesDQMModule |
DQM Module for basic detector quantities before the HLT filter. More... | |
class | EventsOfDoomBusterModule |
Module that flags an event destined for doom at reconstruction, based on the size of selected hits/digits containers after the unpacking. More... | |
class | EventT0CombinerModule |
Module to combine the EventT0 values from multiple sub-detectors. More... | |
class | EventT0DQMModule |
This module to design collect the event t0 values base on different detectors and physics processes. More... | |
class | HitLevelInfoWriterModule |
Extracts dE/dx information for calibration testing. More... | |
class | DataWriterModule |
Module to write Ntuples for KlId BKG classifier training. More... | |
class | ECLExpertModule |
Module to perform the ECL Klong ID classification. More... | |
class | KLMExpertModule |
Module to perform the KLM KlId classification. More... | |
class | KlongValidationModule |
Module used by the validation server to generate root files for the validation. More... | |
class | MdstPIDModule |
a module to fill PIDLikelihoods More... | |
class | PIDNtupleModule |
makes PID ntuple from mdst input More... | |
class | HelixHelper |
Helper class representing a helical track. More... | |
class | VXDDedxPIDModule |
Extract dE/dx from fitted tracks. More... | |
class | CDCDedxMeanPred |
Class to hold the prediction of mean as a function of beta-gamma (bg) More... | |
class | CDCDedxSigmaPred |
Class to hold the prediction of resolution depending dE/dx, nhit, and cos(theta) More... | |
class | BkgNeutronWeight |
The class to get the weighting factor for a 1-MeV-equivalent neutron flux on silicon. More... | |
class | BkgSensitiveDetector |
The Class for BeamBackground Sensitive Detector. More... | |
class | BeamBackHit |
Class BeamBackHit - Stores hits from beam backgound simulation. More... | |
class | MCParticleTrajectory |
Class to save the full simulated trajectory of a particle. More... | |
struct | MCTrajectoryPoint |
Small struct to encode a position/momentum without additional overhead. More... | |
class | SimClockState |
Simulated hardware clock state. More... | |
class | SimHitBase |
Class SimHitBase - A common base for subdetector SimHits. More... | |
class | ROISimulationParameters |
The payload containing all PXD ROI parameters. More... | |
class | DetectorConstruction |
Class responsible to connect to geometry to simulation. More... | |
class | RandomEngine |
Interface class to make Geant4 use the Belle2 RandomGenerator. More... | |
class | G4LongLivedNeutral |
A class to hold long-lived neutral particle description. More... | |
class | G4LongLivedNeutralDecay |
This class is a decay process. More... | |
class | G4LongLivedNeutralPhysics |
LongLivedNeutral physics Class – to be registered in the physics list. More... | |
class | G4LongLivedNeutralTransportation |
Concrete class that does the geometrical transport. More... | |
class | ROIfindingConditionFromDBModule |
Module which sets its return value based on the payload whether ROI-finding was enabled for the given run/exp interval or not. More... | |
class | FullSimModule |
The full Geant4 simulation module. More... | |
class | FullSimTimingModule |
Provide more detailled timing info for FullSim module. More... | |
class | MaterialScanBase |
Base class for Material Scans. More... | |
class | MaterialScan2D |
Base class to create a Material Scan of the detector geometry. More... | |
class | MaterialScanSpherical |
Specific implementation of MaterialScan to do Spherical scanning. More... | |
class | MaterialScanPlanar |
Specific implementaion of MaterialScan to scan parallel to a given plane. More... | |
class | MaterialScanRay |
MaterialScan implementation to shoot one ray along a defined direction and record the Material as a function of travel depth. More... | |
class | MaterialScanModule |
The MaterialScan module. More... | |
class | SimulateEventLevelTriggerTimeInfoModule |
Module to create the EventLevelTriggerTimeInfo that stores information from the Trigger Timing Distribution (TTD) Will not be registered if it already exists as we want to use the EventLevelTriggerTimeInfo from the BG Overlay For now this module creates just an empty object (flag is set to indicate that it is invalid) More... | |
class | COILGeometryPar |
The Class for COIL geometry parameters. More... | |
class | ServiceGapsMaterialsCdcArichTopPar |
The Class for Service Materials between CDC and ECL, ARICH and TOP, TOP and ECL. More... | |
class | ServiceGapsMaterialsEclPar |
The Class for Service Materials between barrel and endcap of ECL. More... | |
class | ServiceGapsMomVolPar |
The class for the mother volume of the Service Materials. More... | |
class | ThicknessDensityPar |
The class for the thicknesses and the density of gap element cell. More... | |
class | ServiceGapsMaterialsPar |
The Class for services materials geometry. More... | |
class | STRGeometryPar |
The Class for STR geometry. More... | |
class | SVD3SampleCoGTimeCalibrationAlgorithm |
Class implementing SVD3SampleCoGTimeCalibration calibration algorithm. More... | |
class | SVD3SampleCoGTimeCalibrations |
This class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the SVD calibrations from the local runs providing the constants needed to correct the cluster time computed with the 3-sample CoG. More... | |
class | SVD3SampleELSTimeCalibrationAlgorithm |
Class implementing SVD3SampleELSTimeCalibration calibration algorithm. More... | |
class | SVD3SampleELSTimeCalibrations |
This class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the SVD calibrations from the local runs providing the constants needed to correct the cluster time computed with the 3-sample ELS. More... | |
class | SVDChargeSimulationCalibrations |
This class defines the dbobject and the methods to access SVD simulation calibrations; coupling constants and Geant4 electron weight. More... | |
class | SVDClustering |
This class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the calibration of the cluster reconstruction. More... | |
class | SVDClusterTimeShifterAlgorithm |
Class implementing SVDClusterTimeShifter algorithm. More... | |
class | SVDCoGOnlyErrorScaleFactors |
This class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the scaling factors for the CoGOnly position algorithm. More... | |
class | SVDCoGOnlyPositionError |
This class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the SVD position error parameters and provide the position error for the CoGOnly algorithm. More... | |
class | SVDCoGTimeCalibrationAlgorithm |
Class implementing SVDCoGTimeCalibration calibration algorithm. More... | |
class | SVDCoGTimeCalibrations |
This class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the SVD calibrations from the local runs providing the constants needed to correct the strip time computed with the CoG. More... | |
class | SVDCrossTalkCalibrationsAlgorithm |
Class implementing SVDCrossTalkCalibrations calibration algorithm. More... | |
class | SVDCrossTalkStripsCalibrations |
This class defines the dbobject and the method to access strips which are masked at FADC level. More... | |
class | SVDDatabaseImporter |
This class import to the database the dbobjects SVDNoiseCalibrations and SVDPulseShapeCalibrations. More... | |
class | SVDDetectorConfigurationImporter |
This class import to the database the dbobjects SVDGlobalConfigParameters and SVDLocalConfigParameters. More... | |
class | SVDFADCMaskedStrips |
This class defines the dbobject and the method to access strips which are masked at FADC level. More... | |
class | SVDHitTimeSelection |
This class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the calibration of the cluster reconstruction. More... | |
class | SVDHotStripsCalibrations |
This class defines the wrapper to retrieve the the list of the hot strips flgged offline. More... | |
class | SVDHotStripsCalibrationsAlgorithm |
Class implementing SVDHotStripsCalibrations calibration algorithm. More... | |
class | SVDLocalCalibrationsImporter |
This class import to the database the dbobjects storing the SVD Local Calibrations. More... | |
class | SVDMCClusterPositionFudgeFactor |
This class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the SVD cluster position fudge factors for the SVDClusterizer module. More... | |
class | SVDMCClusterTimeFudgeFactor |
This class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the SVD time fudge factors for MC reconstruction. More... | |
class | SVDNoiseCalibrations |
This class defines the dbobject and the method to access SVD calibrations from the noise local runs. More... | |
class | SVDOccupancyCalibrations |
This class defines the dbobject and the method to access SVD calibrations from the noise local runs. More... | |
class | SVDOccupancyCalibrationsAlgorithm |
Class implementing SVDOccupancyCalibrations calibration algorithm. More... | |
class | SVDOldDefaultErrorScaleFactors |
This class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the scaling factors for the OldDefault position algorithm. More... | |
class | SVDPedestalCalibrations |
This class defines the dbobject and the method to access SVD calibrations from the noise local runs. More... | |
class | SVDPulseShapeCalibrations |
This class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the SVD calibrations from the local runs providing the constants needed to calibrate the SVDShaperDigit: the charge, the ADC counts, the peaking time and the width. More... | |
class | SVDTimeValidationAlgorithm |
Class implementing SVDTimeValidation algorithm. More... | |
class | SVDAPVHistograms |
template class for the APV Histograms More... | |
class | SVDCluster |
The SVD Cluster class This class stores all information about reconstructed SVD clusters. More... | |
class | SVDDAQDiagnostic |
Class to store SVD DAQ diagnostic information. More... | |
class | SVDEnergyDepositionEvent |
Class SVDEnergyDepositionEvent: SVDSimHit data container for background studies. More... | |
class | SVDEventInfo |
Stores SVDModeByte object with Trigger time, DAQ mode, Run type & Event type! Also - the information of any inconsistencies of these variables within one event are stored. More... | |
class | SVDHistograms |
template class for SVd histograms More... | |
class | SVDModeByte |
Class to store SVD mode information. More... | |
class | SVDNeutronFluxEvent |
Class SVDNeutronFluxEvent: SVDTrueHit data container for background studies. More... | |
class | SVDOccupancyEvent |
Class SVDOccupancyEvent: SVDCluster data container for background studies. More... | |
class | SVDRecoDigit |
The SVD RecoDigit class. More... | |
class | SVDRecoTimeBase |
The SVD RecoTimeBase class. More... | |
class | SVDShaperDigit |
The SVD ShaperDigit class. More... | |
class | SVDSimHit |
Class SVDSimHit - Geant4 simulated hit for the SVD. More... | |
class | SVDSummaryPlots |
class to summarize SVD quantities per sensor and side More... | |
class | SVDTransparentDigit |
The SVD digit class. More... | |
class | SVDTriggerType |
Class to store Trigger Type information. More... | |
class | SVDTrueHit |
Class SVDTrueHit - Records of tracks that either enter or leave the sensitive volume. More... | |
class | SVDCalibrationsBase |
base class for calibrations classes More... | |
class | SVDCalibrationsBitmap |
class for digital (0/1) calibration values per srtip More... | |
class | SVDCalibrationsScalar |
template class for scalar (one per side) calibrations More... | |
class | SVDCalibrationsVector |
template class for vector (one per strip) calibrations More... | |
struct | SVDChargeSimCal |
contains the simulation calibration parameters More... | |
struct | SVDClusterCuts |
contains the clustering parameters More... | |
class | SVDClusterTimeShifter |
This class store the shift in svd time w.r.t. More... | |
class | SVDCoGCalibrationFunction |
class to contain the CoG Time calibrations More... | |
class | SVDCoolingPipesPar |
The Class for SVD Cooling Pipes. More... | |
class | SVDEndringsTypePar |
The Class for SVD Endring Type. More... | |
class | SVDEndringsPar |
The Class for SVD Endring. More... | |
class | SVDGeometryPar |
The Class for VXD geometry. More... | |
class | SVDGlobalConfigParameters |
This class defines the payload which stores to the central DB the SVD global configuring parameters, and the methods to import and retrieve these parameters. More... | |
class | SVDHitTimeSelectionFunction |
class to contain the cut on svd hit time at SP creation step More... | |
class | SVDLocalConfigParameters |
This class defines the payload which stores to the central DB the SVD local configuring parameters, and the methods to import and retrieve these parameters. More... | |
class | SVDLocalRunBadStrips |
This class defines the dbobject and the method to access the information on bad strips flagged during local runs. More... | |
class | SVDMCFudgeFactorFunction |
class to contain the MC fudge factor formulae More... | |
struct | SVDPosErrScaleFactors |
contains the scaling factors for the cluster position error More... | |
class | SVDPositionErrorFunction |
class to contain the Cluster Position Error Formulae More... | |
class | SVDRecoConfiguration |
This class store the reconstruction configuration of SVD. More... | |
class | SVDSensorInfoPar |
The Class for VXD geometry. More... | |
class | SVDSpacePointSNRFractionSelector |
class to contain the cut on SVDSpacePoint More... | |
struct | SVDStripCalAmp |
contains the parameter of the APV pulse More... | |
class | SVDSupportBoxPar |
The Class for SVD Support Box. More... | |
class | SVDSupportTabPar |
The Class for SVD Support Rib Tab. More... | |
class | SVDEndmountPar |
The Class for SVD Support Rib Endmounts. More... | |
class | SVDSupportRibsPar |
The Class for SVD Support Ribs (one layer) More... | |
struct | SVDTimeGroupingParameters |
structure containing the relevant informations of SVDTimeGrouping module More... | |
class | SVDTimeGroupingConfiguration |
This class store the reconstruction configuration of SVDTimeGrouping module. More... | |
class | SVDChannelMappingModule |
The Channel Mapping Check Module. More... | |
class | SVDClusterCalibrationsMonitorModule |
Module to produce a list of histogram showing the uploaded calibration constants. More... | |
class | SVDHotStripFinderModule |
A module template. More... | |
class | SVDLatencyCalibrationModule |
this module perfoms an analysis to find the APV25 latency More... | |
class | SVDLocalCalibrationsCheckModule |
Module to produce a list of histogram showing the uploaded local calibration constants. More... | |
class | SVDLocalCalibrationsMonitorModule |
Module to produce a list of histogram showing the uploaded local calibration constants. More... | |
class | SVDPositionErrorScaleFactorImporterModule |
Module that produces a localdb with position error scale factors for different position algoritms. More... | |
class | SVDTimeCalibrationsMonitorModule |
Module to produce a list of histogram showing the uploaded calibration constants. More... | |
class | SVDChargeSharingAnalysisModule |
Module for monitoring DSSD cluster charge deposition in regard of capacitive charge sharing between adjacent strips in a cluster for data and the simulation. More... | |
class | SVDClusterQualityEstimatorCalibrationModule |
Generate PDFs for assigning probability that cluster generated from signal particle. More... | |
class | SVDClusterQualityEstimatorModule |
Calculates the probability of a cluster originating from signal hit. More... | |
class | SVDCrossTalkCalibrationsCollectorModule |
Collector module used to create the histograms needed for the cross talk calibration. More... | |
class | SVDCrossTalkFinderModule |
Flags potential cross talk strips on Origami sensors. More... | |
class | SVDDQMClustersOnTrackModule |
SVD DQM Module for Clusters related to Tracks. More... | |
class | SVDDQMEfficiencyModule |
Creates the basic histograms for SVD Efficiency DQM. More... | |
class | SVDDQMExpressRecoModule |
SVD DQM Module for Express Reco. More... | |
class | SVDDQMHitTimeModule |
This module to design collect the svd hit time for different detectors trigger timing and physics processes. More... | |
class | SVDUnpackerDQMModule |
SVD DQM Module for the Unpacker. More... | |
class | svdDumpModule |
Class definition of svdClsHistoManager module. More... | |
class | SVDTrackingEventLevelMdstInfoFillerModule |
This module adds additional global event level information about SVD track finding to the MDST object 'EventLevelTrackingInfo'. More... | |
class | SVDOccupancyCalibrationsCollectorModule |
This This module collects hits from shaper digits to compute per sensor SVD occupancy using mu+mu- events for calibration of the SVDOccupancyCalibration payload using CAF. More... | |
class | SVDB4CommissioningPlotsModule |
The SVD B4CommissioningPlots Module. More... | |
class | SVDClusterEvaluationModule |
The SVD ClusterEvaluation Module. More... | |
class | SVDClusterEvaluationTrueInfoModule |
Clustering Performance, using true informations. More... | |
class | SVDClusterFilterModule |
generates a new StoreArray from the input StoreArray which has all specified Clusters removed More... | |
class | SVDEventT0PerformanceTTreeModule |
The module is used to create a TTree to study SVD EventT0. More... | |
class | SVDMaxStripTTreeModule |
The module is used to create a TTree to study the number of strips fired per event per APV chip. More... | |
class | SVDOccupancyAnalysisModule |
The SVD OccupancyAnalysis Module. More... | |
class | SVDPerformanceModule |
The (TB) SVD Performance Module. More... | |
class | SVDPerformanceTTreeModule |
The module is used to create a TTree to study SVD clusters, genfit unbiased residuals and many other properties related to the track they belong to. More... | |
class | SVDShaperDigitsFromTracksModule |
generates two new StoreArray from the input StoreArray. More... | |
class | SVDCoGTimeEstimatorModule |
This module builds the SVDRecoDigits (calibrated and fitted strips) from the SVDShaperDigits. More... | |
class | SVDDataFormatCheckModule |
This module checks the format of the data that we are going to reconstruct checking the SVDModeByte and the SVDDAQDiagnostic. More... | |
class | SVDStripMaskingModule |
This module removes the strips to be masked read form the SVDHotStripsCalibration. More... | |
class | SVD3SamplesEmulatorModule |
This module takes the SVDShaperDigit as input and select three consecutive samples starting from the one choosen by the user. More... | |
class | SVDEventInfoSetterModule |
Module to set the SVDEventInfo in the simulation. More... | |
class | SVDTriggerQualityGeneratorModule |
This module generates a StoreObjPtr that contains random trigger quality chosen between FINE and CORSE. More... | |
class | SVDZeroSuppressionEmulatorModule |
This module filters out strips that do not pass a ZS cut from the SVDShaperDigit StoreArray. More... | |
class | SVD6SampleEventSkimModule |
SVD 6-sample event skim module. More... | |
struct | ClustersOnSensor |
small struct for storing all clusters of the same sensor in one container. More... | |
class | SVDSpacePointCreatorModule |
Imports Clusters of the SVD detector and converts them to spacePoints. More... | |
class | SVDSpacePointQICalibrationModule |
Imports Clusters of the SVD detector and converts them to spacePoints. More... | |
class | SVDClusterTimeShifterCollectorModule |
This module creates and fills histograms based on cluster-sizes so that the mean of SVD-cluster time distribution could be calculated. More... | |
class | SVDTimeCalibrationCollectorModule |
Collector module used to create the histograms needed for the SVD CoG-Time calibration. More... | |
class | SVDTimeGroupingModule |
Imports Clusters of the SVD detector and converts them to spacePoints. More... | |
class | SVDTimeValidationCollectorModule |
Collector module used to create the histograms needed for the SVD CoG-Time calibration. More... | |
class | SVDIgnoredStripsMap |
This class provides a list of ignored (=cold, hot or otherwise deffective) strips for the use in SVD data reconstruction. More... | |
class | SVDOnlineToOfflineMap |
This class implements the methods to map raw SVD hits to basf2 SVD hits. More... | |
class | SVDStripNoiseMap |
strip noise map More... | |
class | SVDRecoHit |
SVDRecoHit - an extended form of SVDHit containing geometry information. More... | |
class | SVDRecoHit2D |
SVDRecoHit - an extended form of SVDHit containing geometry information. More... | |
class | TOPDatabaseImporter |
TOP database importer. More... | |
class | TOPAsicMask |
Class to store bit fields of masked ASICs, as reported in raw data. More... | |
class | TOPAssociatedPDF |
Class to store analytic PDF associated with a photon. More... | |
class | TOPBarHit |
Class to store track parameters of incoming MC particles relation to MCParticle filled in top/simulation/src/ More... | |
class | TOPDigit |
Class to store TOP digitized hits (output of TOPDigitizer or raw data unpacker) relations to TOPSimHits, MCParticles. More... | |
class | TOPInterimFEInfo |
Class to store debug info of raw data in Interim FE format. More... | |
class | TOPLikelihood |
Class to store TOP log likelihoods (output of TOPReconstructor). More... | |
class | TOPLikelihoodScanResult |
Class to store the result of the TOP LL scan (output of TOPLLScanner). More... | |
class | TOPPDFCollection |
Class to store analytical PDF relation from Tracks filled top/modules/TOPPDFDebugger/src/ More... | |
class | TOPPixelLikelihood |
Class to store pixel-by-pixel likelihoods for a track relation from Tracks filled in top/modules/TOPPDFDebugger/src/ More... | |
class | TOPProductionEventDebug |
Class to store debugging information about the event headers in the by the TOP production debugging raw data format one of these should be available per boardstack per event. More... | |
class | TOPProductionHitDebug |
Class to store debugging information about the hit headers in the TOP production debugging raw data format. More... | |
class | TOPPull |
Class to store photon pull in respect to PDF used in reconstruction. More... | |
class | TOPRawDigit |
Class to store unpacked raw data (hits in feature-extraction format) It provides also calculation of 50% CFD leading and falling edge times and errors. More... | |
class | TOPRawWaveform |
Class to store raw data waveforms. More... | |
class | TOPRecBunch |
Class to store results of TOPBunchFinder. More... | |
class | TOPSimCalPulse |
Calibration pulse time and amplitude generated by TOPCalPulseGenerator. More... | |
class | TOPSimHit |
Class to store simulated hits of Cherenkov photons on PMT's input for digitization module (TOPDigitizer). More... | |
class | TOPSimPhoton |
Class to store Cherenkov photons at emission and at detection relation to TOPSimHit filled in top/simulation/src/ More... | |
class | TOPSlowData |
Class to store slow data unpacked from raw data. More... | |
class | TOPTemplateFitResult |
Class to store template fit result from feature extraction data. More... | |
class | TOPTimeZero |
Class to store T0 information. More... | |
class | TOPTriggerDigit |
Class to store trigger time stamps. More... | |
class | TOPTriggerMCInfo |
Class to store Monte Carlo information useful for trigger studies. More... | |
class | TOPASICChannel |
Calibration constants of a singe ASIC channel: pedestals, gains and time axis. More... | |
class | TOPASICGains |
Calibration constants of a single ASIC window: gains. More... | |
class | TOPASICPedestals |
Calibration constants of a single ASIC window: pedestals. More... | |
class | TOPCalAsicShift |
Calibration constants for ASIC shifts of all 16 modules. More... | |
class | TOPCalChannelMask |
Channel status for all 512 channels of 16 modules. More... | |
class | TOPCalChannelNoise |
r.m.s. More... | |
class | TOPCalChannelPulseHeight |
Pulse height parameterizations for all 512 channels of 16 modules. More... | |
class | TOPCalChannelRQE |
Class to store relative quantum efficiency of channels w.r.t initial one measured in PMT QA QE is expected to decrease during the experiment due to aging induced by acuumulated charge. More... | |
class | TOPCalChannelT0 |
Channel T0 calibration constants for all 512 channels of 16 modules. More... | |
class | TOPCalChannelThreshold |
Value of the threshold (in ADC counts) used for the pulse identification, for all 512 channels of 16 modules. More... | |
class | TOPCalChannelThresholdEff |
Class to store the threshold efficiency (i.e. More... | |
class | TOPCalCommonT0 |
Common T0 calibration constant. More... | |
class | TOPCalEventT0Offset |
Class to store the calibrated EventT0 offsets of other detector components The offsets are measured relative to TOP EventT0 (e.g CDC - TOP etc) More... | |
class | TOPCalFillPatternOffset |
Class to store the offset of reconstructed fill pattern. More... | |
class | TOPCalIntegratedCharge |
Class to store integrated charge per channel. More... | |
class | TOPCalModuleAlignment |
Alignment constants for all 16 modules. More... | |
class | TOPCalModuleT0 |
Module T0 calibration constants for all 16 modules. More... | |
class | TOPCalPhotonYields |
Class to store photon pixel yields for PMT ageing studies, and equalized alpha ratios for finding optically decoupled PMT's. More... | |
class | TOPCalTimebase |
Sample time calibration constants for all channels. More... | |
class | TOPCalTimeWalk |
Calibration constants for time-walk correction and for tuning of electronic time resolution in digitization. More... | |
class | TOPChannelMap |
Map of pixels and channels within the carrier board. More... | |
class | TOPFrontEndMap |
Mapping of a boardstack number within a module to SCROD and COPPER/Finesse. More... | |
class | TOPFrontEndSetting |
Front-end settings: storage depths, lookback, readout windows etc. More... | |
class | TOPGeoBarSegment |
Geometry parameters of a quartz bar segment. More... | |
class | TOPGeoBase |
Base class for geometry parameters. More... | |
class | TOPGeoColdPlate |
Geometry parameters of cold plate (simplified) More... | |
class | TOPGeoEndPlate |
Geometry parameters of forward end plate (simplified) More... | |
class | TOPGeoFrontEnd |
Geometry parameters of board stack (front-end electronic module) More... | |
class | TOPGeoHoneycombPanel |
Geometry parameters of honeycomb panel. More... | |
class | TOPGeometry |
Geometry parameters of TOP. More... | |
class | TOPGeoMirrorSegment |
Geometry parameters of a mirror segment. More... | |
class | TOPGeoModule |
Geometry parameters of a module (optical components + positioning) More... | |
class | TOPGeoModuleDisplacement |
Displacement parameters of a TOP module. More... | |
class | TOPGeoPMT |
Geometry parameters of MCP-PMT. More... | |
class | TOPGeoPMTArray |
Geometry parameters of MCP-PMT array. More... | |
class | TOPGeoPMTArrayDisplacement |
Displacement parameters of MCP-PMT array. More... | |
class | TOPGeoPrism |
Geometry parameters of prism. More... | |
class | TOPGeoPrismEnclosure |
Geometry parameters of prism enclosure (simplified) More... | |
class | TOPGeoQBB |
Geometry parameters of Quartz Bar Box (mother class) More... | |
class | TOPGeoSideRails |
Geometry parameters of side rails (simplified) More... | |
class | TOPNominalQE |
Nominal quantum efficiency of PMT. More... | |
class | TOPNominalTDC |
Nominal time-to-digit conversion parameters (simplified model) More... | |
class | TOPNominalTTS |
Nominal time transition spread of PMT. More... | |
class | TOPPmtGainPar |
Parameterized PMT gain (from laser testing at Nagoya) More... | |
class | TOPPmtInstallation |
PMT position within a module. More... | |
class | TOPPmtObsoleteData |
PMT specs from Hamamatsu. More... | |
class | TOPPmtQE |
Nagoya measurements of quantum efficiency. More... | |
class | TOPPmtTTSHisto |
Raw measurements of TTS (histograms) for each PMT pixel. More... | |
class | TOPPmtTTSPar |
Parameterized TTS for each PMT pixel. More... | |
struct | TOPPulseHeightPar |
Struct holding the pulse height parameterizations for the TOP counter. More... | |
class | TOPSampleTimes |
Calibration constants of a singe ASIC channel: time axis (sample times) More... | |
class | TOPSignalShape |
Normalized shape of single photon pulse (waveform) Pulse must be positive. More... | |
class | TOPWavelengthFilter |
Bulk transmittance of wavelength filter. More... | |
class | TOPAlignmentCollectorModule |
Collector for geometrical alignment of a TOP module with dimuons or Bhabhas. More... | |
class | TOPAsicShiftsBS13dCollectorModule |
Collector for carrier shifts of BS13d. More... | |
class | TOPChannelMaskCollectorModule |
Collector for preparing masks of hot and dead channels. More... | |
class | TOPCommonT0BFCollectorModule |
Collector for common T0 calibration with a fit of bunch finder residuals (method BF) More... | |
class | TOPCommonT0LLCollectorModule |
Collector for common T0 calibration with neg. More... | |
class | TOPModuleT0DeltaTCollectorModule |
Collector for module T0 calibration with chi2 minimization of time differences between slots (method DeltaT). More... | |
class | TOPModuleT0LLCollectorModule |
Collector for module T0 calibration with neg. More... | |
class | TOPOffsetCollectorModule |
Collector for eventT0 and fill pattern offset calibrations. More... | |
class | TOPPhotonYieldsCollectorModule |
Collector for photon pixel yields aimed for PMT ageing studies and for finding optically decoupled PMT's. More... | |
class | TOPPulseHeightCollectorModule |
Collector for channel pulse-height distributions. More... | |
class | TOPValidationCollectorModule |
Collector for automatic validation of calibration with dimuon events. More... | |
class | OpticalGunModule |
Source of optical photons for the simulation of the TOP laser system. More... | |
class | TOPAlignerModule |
Alignment of TOP. More... | |
class | TOPBackgroundModule |
TOP backgound module. More... | |
class | TOPBunchFinderModule |
Bunch finder: searches for the bunch crossing where the interaction happened using track-based TOP likelihood. More... | |
class | TOPChannelMaskerModule |
Masks dead PMs from the reconstruction. More... | |
class | TOPChannelT0CalibratorModule |
A module for alternative channel T0 calibration with collision data Note: after this kind of calibration one cannot do the geometrical alignment This module can also be used to check the calibration. More... | |
class | TOPChannelT0MCModule |
TOP Channel T0 MC Extraction module (under development) More... | |
class | TOPCommonT0CalibratorModule |
A module for common T0 calibration with collision data (dimuons or bhabhas) More... | |
class | TOPCosmicT0FinderModule |
Event T0 finder for global cosmic runs. More... | |
class | TOPDigitizerModule |
TOP digitizer. More... | |
class | TOPTriggerDigitizerModule |
Digitizer that provides time stamps for TOP trigger. More... | |
class | TOPCalPulseGeneratorModule |
Generator of calibration pulses Output to TOPSimCalPulses. More... | |
class | TOPDoublePulseGeneratorModule |
Generator of double calibration pulses Output to TOPDigits. More... | |
class | TOPDQMModule |
TOP DQM histogrammer. More... | |
class | TOPGainEfficiencyCalculatorModule |
Module for channel-by-channel gain/efficiency analysis. More... | |
class | TOPLaserHitSelectorModule |
Module for pixel-by-pixel gain/efficiency analysis. More... | |
class | TOPGeometryParInitializerModule |
Class for initializing TOPGeometryPar. More... | |
class | TOPInterimFENtupleModule |
Module to produce ntuple from TOPDigits and TOPRawDigits. More... | |
class | TOPLaserCalibratorModule |
T0 Laser calibration module (under development) More... | |
class | TOPLaserCalibratorCollectorModule |
Collector module for the TOP channelT0 calibration and, more in general, for the time resolution studies using the laser and pulser data. More... | |
class | TOPLLScannerModule |
A module to perform the TOP PID likelihood scan and find the actual minimum as function of the mass. More... | |
class | TOPMCTrackMakerModule |
Constructs Tracks and ExtHits from MCParticles and TOPBarHits Utility needed for testing and debugging of TOP reconstruction. More... | |
class | TOPModuleT0CalibratorModule |
A module for module T0 calibration with collision data (dimuons or bhabhas) Useful when the geometrical alignment need not to be repeated. More... | |
class | TOPNtupleModule |
Module to write out a ntuple summarizing TOP reconstruction output. More... | |
class | TOPPackerModule |
Raw data packer. More... | |
class | TOPPDFCheckerModule |
Module for checking analytic PDF used in likelihood calculation. More... | |
class | TOPPDFDebuggerModule |
TOP reconstruction module. More... | |
class | TOPRawDigitConverterModule |
TOPRawDigits to TOPDigits converter. More... | |
class | TOPReconstructorModule |
TOP reconstruction module. More... | |
class | TOPRingPlotterModule |
A module to plot the x-t images from TOP, and in general study the distribution of the digits associated to the particles in a particleList. More... | |
class | TOPTBCComparatorModule |
Module for the comparison of different sets of time base correction (TBC) constants and to produce monitoring plots out of a given set. More... | |
struct | Hit |
Structure to hold some of the calpulse data. More... | |
struct | TwoTimes |
Structure to hold calpulse raw times expressed in samples since sample 0 of window 0. More... | |
class | TOPTimeBaseCalibratorModule |
Time base calibrator. More... | |
class | TOPTimeRecalibratorModule |
Utility module for re-calibrating time of TOPDigits pulseWidth and timeError are not changed although they may depend no calibration! More... | |
class | TOPUnpackerModule |
Raw data unpacker. More... | |
class | TOPWaveformFeatureExtractorModule |
Waveform feature extractor: module adds rawDigits that are found in waveforms by feature extraction but are not already present in RawDigits. More... | |
class | TOPWaveformQualityPlotterModule |
Plots and histograms of waveforms and feature extracted parameters. More... | |
class | TOPXTalkChargeShareSetterModule |
Crosstalk & chargeshare flag setter. More... | |
class | BeamSpotAlgorithm |
Class implementing BeamSpot calibration algorithm. More... | |
class | BoostVectorAlgorithm |
Class implementing BoostVector calibration algorithm. More... | |
struct | CalibPars |
The parameters related to single calibration interval. More... | |
struct | CalibrationData |
Parameters and data relevant for single calibration interval. More... | |
class | ChebFitter |
Unbinned Maximum Likelihood fitter with a possibility to use Chebyshev interpolation. More... | |
class | InvariantMassAlgorithm |
Class implementing InvariantMass calibration algorithm. More... | |
struct | Atom |
Very small (few mins) calibration interval which cannot be further divided : Atom. More... | |
struct | ExpRun |
Struct containing exp number and run number. More... | |
struct | ExpRunEvt |
struct with expNum, runNum, evtNum More... | |
class | Splitter |
Class that allows to split runs into the intervals of intended properties given by the lossFunction. More... | |
struct | Spline |
Spline structure for zero-order & linear splines. More... | |
class | CDCCKFState |
Define states for CKF algorithm, which can be seed track or CDC wire hit. More... | |
class | ArcLengthBasedCDCfromEclPathPairFilter |
For the two paths with the same number of hits prefers one with shortest arcLength ("densest path") More... | |
class | ArcLengthBasedCDCPathPairFilter |
For the two paths with the same number of hits prefers one with shortest arcLength ("densest path") More... | |
class | CDCPathPairFilterFactory |
Factory that can create appropriate cluster filters from associated names. More... | |
class | Chi2BasedCDCPathPairFilter |
Prefers path with smallest sum dist^2 / length of path. More... | |
class | DistanceBasedCDCPathPairFilter |
For the two paths with the same number of hits prefers one with smallest sum dist^2. More... | |
class | DuplicateCDCPathPairFilter |
Simple filter to distinguish between photon conversion and Bremsstrahlung. More... | |
class | HitDistanceBasedCDCPathPairFilter |
Prefers path with smallest sum dist^2 / length of path. More... | |
class | MCTruthCDCPathPairFilter |
For the two paths select the one with the most of MC matched hits. More... | |
class | CDCfromEclPathTruthVarNames |
Vehicle class to transport the variable names. More... | |
class | CDCfromEclPathTruthVarSet |
Var set to store basic quantities related to CDC CKF (using truth information) More... | |
class | CDCPathBasicVarNames |
Vehicle class to transport the variable names. More... | |
class | CDCPathBasicVarSet |
Var set to store basic quantities related to CDC CKF. More... | |
class | CDCPathFilterFactory |
Factory that can create appropriate cluster filters from associated names. More... | |
class | CDCPathTruthVarNames |
Vehicle class to transport the variable names. More... | |
class | CDCPathTruthVarSet |
Var set to store basic quantities related to CDC CKF (using truth information) More... | |
class | SeedChargeCDCPathFilter |
Check if charge of fitted path corresponds to charge of seed. More... | |
class | SizeCDCPathFilter |
Return the size of the path. More... | |
class | CDCfromEclStateTruthVarNames |
Vehicle class to transport the variable names. More... | |
class | CDCfromEclStateTruthVarSet |
Var set to store basic quantities related to CDC CKF (using truth information) More... | |
class | CDCStateBasicVarNames |
Vehicle class to transport the variable names. More... | |
class | CDCStateBasicVarSet |
Var set to store basic quantities related to CDC CKF. More... | |
class | CDCStateFilterFactory |
Factory that can create appropriate cluster filters from associated names. More... | |
class | CDCStateTruthVarNames |
Vehicle class to transport the variable names. More... | |
class | CDCStateTruthVarSet |
Var set to store basic quantities related to CDC CKF (using truth information) More... | |
class | DistanceCDCStateFilter |
Give a weight based on the distance from the hit to the path. More... | |
class | ExtrapolateAndUpdateCDCStateFilter |
An extrapolateAndUpdate filter for all CDC states. More... | |
class | MCTruthCDCStateFilter |
Give a weight based on the mc truth information (1 or NAN) More... | |
class | MCTruthEclSeedFilter |
Give a weight based on the mc truth information (1 or NAN) More... | |
class | RoughCDCfromEclStateFilter |
A very rough filter for all CDC states. More... | |
class | RoughCDCStateFilter |
A very rough filter for all CDC states. More... | |
class | CDCCKFDuplicateRemover |
Remove duplicate paths created from ECLShowers These typically come from the seeding with two charge assumptions and Bremsstrahlung. More... | |
class | CDCCKFEclSeedCreator |
Findlet for. More... | |
class | CDCCKFPathMerger |
Merge similar paths. More... | |
class | CDCCKFPathSelector |
Select the m_maximalCandidatesInFlight paths for further processing. More... | |
class | CDCCKFResultFinalizer |
Findlet to finalize CKF Paths in terms of final result. More... | |
class | CDCCKFResultStorer |
Store resutling tracks and relations on the dataStore. More... | |
class | CDCCKFSeedCreator |
Create a CKF seed based on RecoTrack (presumably from VXDTF2) More... | |
class | CDCCKFStateCreator |
Create CKF states, based on the current path. Perform some basic selection at this stage (based on phi, max. jump of layers) More... | |
class | CDCCKFStateFilter |
A stack of pre-, helix-extrapolation- , Kalman-extrapolation- and Kalman-update-filters. More... | |
class | CKFToCDCFindlet |
Main findlet of the ToCDCCKF module. More... | |
class | CKFToCDCFromEclFindlet |
Main findlet of the ToCDCCKF module. More... | |
class | StackTreeSearcher |
CKF tree searcher which traces several best paths. More... | |
class | CKFResult |
Object for temporary storage of a CKF tree search result. More... | |
class | CKFState |
State object to store one step in the CKF algorithm together with its parent (the state before), the hit (e.g. More... | |
class | AdvanceFilter |
Filter which can be used on a pair of path (vector of states) and states, which will call the extrapolate function of the given advancer class, to extrapolate the last path state to the plane of the new state and store the mSoP in the new state. More... | |
class | KalmanFilter |
Filter which can be used on a pair of path (vector of states) and states, which will call the kalmanStep function of the given stepper class, to update the mSoP of the new state with a klaman update. More... | |
class | NonIPCrossingStateFilter |
Reusable filter for checking the direction of a new state if it is in the correct orientation (forwards or backwards) by their arc length. More... | |
class | CKFRelationCreator |
Findlet for applying filters for creating hit-hit and hit-seed relations. More... | |
class | LayerToggledApplier |
A special findlet, which is chooseable based on a given findlet for layers higher than N, N and for the rest. More... | |
class | LimitedOnStateApplier |
Specialisation of the OnStateApplier, which (a) uses a filter for the () operator, which is configurable (b) does only allow for the best N candidates in the child states. More... | |
class | OnStateApplier |
Helper findlet which applies its () operator to all pairs of path and state with all states in the given child state list. More... | |
class | OverlapResolver |
Simple findlet for searching the best candidate for a given seed aplying the given filter. More... | |
class | ResultStorer |
This findlet does also handle the storing of the results. More... | |
class | SpacePointTagger |
Findlet for tagging all space points in the results vector as used. More... | |
class | StateCreator |
Create new states and add them to a vector from a given object vector. More... | |
class | StateCreatorWithReversal |
An adaption of the normal state creator introducing another parameter to reverse the seed. More... | |
class | StateRejecter |
Reject some (or all) states from a given list of child states using 5 filters. More... | |
class | TrackFitterAndDeleter |
Findlet to fit tracks and remove all non fitted ones. More... | |
class | TrackLoader |
Findlet for loading the seeds from the data store. More... | |
class | TreeSearcher |
Findlet for constructing result paths out of a list of states, which are connected with weighted relations. More... | |
class | Advancer |
Helper findlet for performing an extrapolation of a mSoP of one plane to another plane using the representation stored in the mSoP. More... | |
struct | SeedGetter |
Helper Functor to get the Seed of a given result. More... | |
struct | NumberOfHitsGetter |
Helper Functor to get the Number of hits of a given result. More... | |
struct | GetArcLength |
Helper Functor to get the arc length of a given result. More... | |
class | KalmanStepper |
Class to bundle all algorithms needed for the kalman update procedure. More... | |
class | CKFToPXDResult |
Specialized CKF Result for extrapolating into the PXD. More... | |
class | CKFToPXDState |
Specialized CKF State for extrapolating into the PXD. More... | |
class | DistancePXDPairFilter |
Base filter for CKF PXD states. More... | |
class | LayerPXDRelationFilter |
Base filter for CKF PXD states. More... | |
class | LoosePXDPairFilter |
Base filter for CKF PXD states. More... | |
class | PXDPairFilterFactory |
Factory that can create appropriate cluster filters from associated names. More... | |
class | SensorPXDPairFilter |
Base filter for CKF PXD states. More... | |
class | PXDResultFilterFactory |
Factory that can create appropriate cluster filters from associated names. More... | |
class | PXDResultTruthVarNames |
Vehicle class to transport the variable names. More... | |
class | PXDResultTruthVarSet |
Var set used in the CKF for calculating the probability of a correct result, which knows the truth information if two tracks belong together or not. More... | |
class | PXDResultVarNames |
Vehicle class to transport the variable names. More... | |
class | PXDResultVarSet |
Var set used in the VXD-CDC-Merger for calculating the probability of a VXD-CDC-track match, which knows the truth information if two tracks belong together or not. More... | |
class | SizePXDResultFilter |
Base filter for CKF PXD results (on overlap check) More... | |
class | AllPXDStateFilter |
A very simple filter for all space points. More... | |
class | PXDStateBasicVarNames |
Vehicle class to transport the variable names. More... | |
class | PXDStateBasicVarSet |
Var set used in the VXD-CDC-Merger for calculating the probability of a VXD-CDC-track match. More... | |
class | PXDStateFilterFactory |
Factory that can create appropriate cluster filters from associated names. More... | |
class | PXDStateTruthVarNames |
Vehicle class to transport the variable names. More... | |
class | PXDStateTruthVarSet |
Var set used in the VXD-CDC-Merger for calculating the probability of a VXD-CDC-track match, which knows the truth information if two tracks belong together or not. More... | |
class | SimplePXDStateFilter |
A very simple filter for all space points. More... | |
class | CKFToPXDFindlet |
Combinatorial Kalman Filter to extrapolate CDC Reco Tracks into the VXD (PXD) and collect space points. More... | |
class | PXDKalmanStepper |
Kalman stepper implementation for the PXD CKF. More... | |
class | MCUtil |
Class bundling all helper functions for the MC information used in the PXD CKF. More... | |
class | CKFToSVDResult |
Specialized CKF Result for extrapolating into the SVD. More... | |
class | CKFToSVDState |
Specialized CKF State for extrapolating into the SVD. More... | |
class | DistanceSVDPairFilter |
Base filter for CKF SVD states. More... | |
class | LayerSVDRelationFilter |
Base filter for CKF SVD states. More... | |
class | LooseSVDPairFilter |
Base filter for CKF SVD states. More... | |
class | SectorMapBasedSVDPairFilter |
Filter for relations between CKF SVD states based on SectorMaps. More... | |
class | SensorSVDPairFilter |
Base filter for CKF SVD states. More... | |
class | SVDPairFilterFactory |
Factory that can create appropriate cluster filters from associated names. More... | |
class | RelationSVDResultVarNames |
Vehicle class to transport the variable names. More... | |
class | RelationSVDResultVarSet |
Var set used in the VXD-CDC-Merger for calculating the probability of a VXD-CDC-track match, which knows the truth information if two tracks belong together or not. More... | |
class | SizeSVDResultFilter |
Base filter for CKF SVD results (on overlap check) More... | |
class | SVDResultFilterFactory |
Factory that can create appropriate cluster filters from associated names. More... | |
class | SVDResultTruthVarNames |
Vehicle class to transport the variable names. More... | |
class | SVDResultTruthVarSet |
Var set used in the CKF for calculating the probability of a correct result, which knows the truth information if two tracks belong together or not. More... | |
class | SVDResultVarNames |
Vehicle class to transport the variable names. More... | |
class | SVDResultVarSet |
Var set used in the VXD-CDC-Merger for calculating the probability of a VXD-CDC-track match, which knows the truth information if two tracks belong together or not. More... | |
class | WeightSVDResultFilter |
Base filter for CKF SVD results (on overlap check) More... | |
class | AllSVDStateFilter |
A very simple filter for all space points. More... | |
class | ResidualSVDStateFilter |
A very simple filter for all space points. More... | |
class | SimpleSVDStateFilter |
A very simple filter for all space points. More... | |
class | SVDStateBasicVarNames |
Vehicle class to transport the variable names. More... | |
class | SVDStateBasicVarSet |
Var set used in the VXD-CDC-Merger for calculating the probability of a VXD-CDC-track match. More... | |
class | SVDStateFilterFactory |
Factory that can create appropriate cluster filters from associated names. More... | |
class | SVDStateTruthVarNames |
Vehicle class to transport the variable names. More... | |
class | SVDStateTruthVarSet |
Var set used in the VXD-CDC-Merger for calculating the probability of a VXD-CDC-track match, which knows the truth information if two tracks belong together or not. More... | |
class | SVDStateVarNames |
Vehicle class to transport the variable names. More... | |
class | SVDStateVarSet |
Var set used in the VXD-CDC-Merger for calculating the probability of a VXD-CDC-track match. More... | |
class | CKFToSVDFindlet |
Combinatorial Kalman Filter to extrapolate CDC Reco Tracks into the VXD (SVD) and collect space points. More... | |
class | CKFToSVDSeedFindlet |
Findlet for combining CDC tracks with SVD tracks. More... | |
class | RecoTrackRelator |
The results of the CKF ar in the form (seed -> vector of hits). More... | |
class | RelationApplier |
Relate the SVD and CDC tracks in the given relations also in the store array. More... | |
class | RelationFromSVDTracksCreator |
Simplified relation creator only creating relations between states of CDC Reco Track seeds and states with SpacePoints, that: (a) for the seed states: connect every seed with every lst hit of the SVD Reco Tracks (b) for the hit states: are in the same SVD Reco Track and follow each other directly. More... | |
class | SpacePointLoader |
Load the space points from the store array to the given vector. More... | |
class | SVDKalmanStepper |
Kalman stepper implementation for the SVD CKF. More... | |
class | BremHit |
A bremsstrahlung hit that correlates an ECLCluster with a RecoTrack. More... | |
class | ExtHit |
Store one Ext hit as a ROOT object. More... | |
class | FilterID |
Class to identify a filter type used by sectorFriends. More... | |
class | FilterInfo |
helper class to store the information for a Filter More... | |
class | FullSecID |
Class to identify a sector inside of the VXD. More... | |
class | hitXP |
This class collects some information of a TrueHit, using SVDCLuster and MCParticle information too. More... | |
class | hitXPDerivate |
This class is the derivate of HitXP, and complete it with a constructor that use all other complex types (classes) of basf2. More... | |
class | MCParticleInfo |
This struct is used by the TrackingPerformanceEvaluation Module to save information of reconstructed tracks. More... | |
class | ObserverInfo |
Helper class that stores the information an Observer stores: i.e. More... | |
class | PXDIntercept |
PXDIntercept stores the U,V coordinates and uncertainties of the intersection of a track with an PXD sensor. More... | |
class | RecoHitInformation |
This class stores additional information to every CDC/SVD/PXD hit stored in a RecoTrack. More... | |
class | RecoTrack |
This is the Reconstruction Event-Data Model Track. More... | |
class | RecoTrackGenfitAccess |
This class allows access to the genfit::Track of the RecoTrack. More... | |
class | ROIid |
ROIid stores the U and V ids and the sensor id of the Region Of Interest. More... | |
class | ROIpayload |
ROIpayload TODO: Better explanation, Is there a reason to inherit from TObject and not Relationsobject here? This Object contains a binary blob which is send as whole from the HLT Roi Sender output node to the ONSEN system, containing the trigger decision and the Region od Interest (ROI) for data selection on the PXD modules See Data format definitions [BELLE2-NOTE-TE-2016-009] on More... | |
class | ROIrawID |
ROIrawID. More... | |
struct | SectorMapConfig |
simple struct containing all the configuration data needed for the SecMapTrainer. More... | |
class | SpacePointInfo |
helper class to store the SpacePoint information as coding convention prohibits to use the SpacePoint class here More... | |
class | SVDIntercept |
SVDIntercept stores the U,V coordinates and uncertainties of the intersection of a track with an SVD sensor. More... | |
class | TrackClusterSeparation |
Store one Track-KLMCluster separation as a ROOT object. More... | |
class | V0ValidationVertex |
Class which stores some additional information on V0 vertices. More... | |
class | VXDIntercept |
VXDIntercept stores the U,V coordinates and uncertainties of the intersection of a track with a VXD sensor. More... | |
struct | DATCONSVDClusterCandidate |
struct containing a cluster candidate for easier handling More... | |
class | DATCONSVDDigit |
The DATCONSVDDigit class. More... | |
class | DATCONFPGAFindlet |
Findlet for performing the DATCON ROI calculation close to the implementation on FPGA. More... | |
class | DATCONSVDClusterizer |
Findlet for clustering DATCONSVDDigits and creating SVDClusters that are used for tracking in DATCON. More... | |
class | DATCONSVDClusterLoaderAndPreparer |
Findlet for loading SVDClusters that were created by the DATCONSVDClusterizer findlet and prepare them for usage in the FastInterceptFinder2D by calculating the conformal transformed x,y coordinates and the creating pairs of coordinates for finding track candidates in r-phi and r-z. More... | |
class | FastInterceptFinder2DFPGA |
Findlet for finging intersections of sinosoidal curves in the 2D Hough space by iteratively calling fastInterceptFinder2d. More... | |
class | ROICalculator |
Findlet to calculate ROI on the PXD sensors based on input hits. More... | |
class | SVDShaperDigitConverter |
Findlet for converting SVDShaperDigits into DATCONSVDDigits. More... | |
class | ToPXDExtrapolator |
Findlet to extrapolate found tracks to the PXD sensors and calculate intercepts. More... | |
class | CKFParameters |
The payload containing all parameters for the PXD and SVD CKF. More... | |
class | DAFparameters |
The payload containing the DAF parameters. More... | |
class | ROICalculationParameters |
The payload containing all PXD ROI parameters. More... | |
class | TrackFitMomentumRange |
The payload containing the momentum threshold to disable the particle hypothesis in the track fit. More... | |
class | TrackFlippingCuts |
The payload containing the cuts for 2 mva based filters to decide whether a RecoTrack should be flipped or not. More... | |
class | TrackingMVAFilterParameters |
Class for the MVA filter payloads. More... | |
class | DQMEventProcessorBase |
The purpose of this class is to process one event() in DQMHistoModuleBase, which is a base for TrackDQMModule and AlignDQMModule. More... | |
class | DQMHistoModuleBase |
This class serves as a base for the TrackDQMModule and AlignDQMModule (and possibly other DQM histogram modules). More... | |
class | BaseEventTimeExtractor |
Class to extract the event t0. More... | |
class | BaseEventTimeExtractorModuleFindlet |
Base class for most of the time extraction modules doing a track selection beforehand. More... | |
class | Chi2BasedEventTimeExtractor |
Event time extraction based on the principle of arXiv:0810.2241. More... | |
class | DriftLengthBasedEventTimeExtractor |
Event time extraction based on the principle of the CDC drift time calculation. More... | |
class | FullGridChi2TrackTimeExtractor |
Class to extract the event t0 using the chi-squared approach. More... | |
class | FullGridDriftLengthTrackTimeExtractor |
Class to extract the event t0 using the drift-length approach. More... | |
class | GridEventTimeExtractor |
Generic findlet applying a certain time extractor multiple times. More... | |
class | HitBasedT0Extractor |
Findlet to extract the T0 time of an event only using CDC Hits. More... | |
class | IterativeChi2BasedEventTimeExtractor |
Class to iteratively extract the event t0 using the chi-squared approach. More... | |
class | IterativeDriftLengthBasedEventTimeExtractor |
Class to iteratively extract the event t0 using the drift-length approach. More... | |
class | IterativeEventTimeExtractor |
Generic findlet applying a certain time extractor multiple times. More... | |
class | TrackSelector |
Select the tracks for the event time extraction. More... | |
class | TimeExtractionUtils |
Helper class to perform all kind of track extrapolations using the methods from arXiv:0810.2241. More... | |
class | TrackMatchLookUp |
Class to provide convenient methods to look up matching information between pattern recognition and Monte Carlo tracks. More... | |
class | BeamSpotCollectorModule |
This collects the track parameters of the mu+mu- events for calibration of the BeamSpot using CAF and AirFlow. More... | |
class | BoostVectorCollectorModule |
This collects the track parameters and momenta of the mu+mu- events for calibration of the BoostVector using CAF and AirFlow. More... | |
class | CDCToSVDSpacePointCKFModule |
Combinatorical Kalman Filter used for extrapolating CDC tracks into SVD and create merged tracks. More... | |
class | CDCToSVDSeedCKFModule |
Seed-finding combinatorical Kalman Filter that combines every RecoTrack with every SVD track, then filters the combinations. More... | |
class | ToPXDCKFModule |
Combinatorical Kalman Filter that extrapolates every RecoTrack into the PXD and collects space points. More... | |
class | ToCDCCKFModule |
Combinatorical Kalman Filter that extrapolates every RecoTrack into the CDC and collects wire hits. More... | |
class | ToCDCFromEclCKFModule |
Combinatorical Kalman Filter that extrapolates every ECLShower into the CDC and collects wire hits. More... | |
class | CosmicsTrackMergerFindlet |
Links tracks based on a filter criterion. It is based on the TrackLinker in the TF_CDC package. More... | |
class | CosmicsTrackMergerModule |
Module linking tracks based on their Phi parameter. More... | |
class | PhiRecoTrackRelationFilter |
Relation filter that lets only possibilities with small phi distance pass. More... | |
class | DATCONModule |
DATCON module which implementation is close to the one actually used on the FPGA. More... | |
class | EcmsCollectorModule |
Collector for the collision energy calibration based on the hadronic modes. More... | |
class | SVDEventT0EstimatorModule |
This module estimates the EventT0 as the average of cluster time of SVD clusters associated to tracks. More... | |
class | DriftLengthBasedT0ExtractorModule |
Module implementation using only the drift lengths. More... | |
class | Chi2BasedT0ExtractorModule |
Module implementation using only the chi2. More... | |
class | FullGridChi2TrackTimeExtractorModule |
Module implementation using only the chi2. More... | |
class | FullGridDriftLengthTrackTimeExtractorModule |
Module implementation using the drift length and the chi2. More... | |
class | CDCHitBasedT0ExtractionModule |
Module implementation using the CDCHitBasedT0Extractor. More... | |
class | ExtModule |
The geant4e-based track extrapolation module. More... | |
class | BaseRecoFitterModule |
A base class for all modules that implement a fitter for reco tracks. More... | |
class | DAFRecoFitterModule |
DAF fitter. More... | |
class | FittedTracksStorerModule |
A module to copy only the fitted reco tracks to the output store array. More... | |
class | KalmanRecoFitterModule |
Kalman fitter. More... | |
class | RecoTrackCreatorModule |
Module turning trackCands to reco tracks (will be unneeded once we create reco tracks from the beginning) More... | |
class | BaseTrackTimeEstimatorModule |
Base Module estimating the track time of RecoTracks - before or after the fit. More... | |
class | IPTrackTimeEstimatorModule |
Base Module estimating the track time of RecoTracks - before or after the fit. More... | |
class | PlaneTriggerTrackTimeEstimatorModule |
Module estimating the track time of RecoTracks - before or after the fit. More... | |
class | RadiusTrackTimeEstimatorModule |
Module estimating the track time of RecoTracks - before or after the fit. More... | |
class | FlippedRecoTracksMergerModule |
Module to merge the original and flipped RecoTracks. More... | |
class | FlipQualityModule |
This module can be used for applying the MVA filters and get the 2 flipping QIs. More... | |
class | RegisterEventLevelTrackingInfoModule |
Module to create the EventLevelTrackingInfo that is used to set general tracking-related flags. More... | |
class | Geant4MaterialInterface |
AbsMaterialInterface implementation for use with Geant4's navigator. More... | |
class | SetupGenfitExtrapolationModule |
Setup material handling and magnetic fields for use by genfit's extrapolation code (RKTrackRep). More... | |
class | Geant4MaterialInterfaceExceptioHandler |
This class implements a custom exception handler for Geant4 which is used to record whether a critical exception occurred when calling the G4Navigator. More... | |
class | G4SafeNavigator |
Guards against leaving the physical volume. More... | |
class | GenfitVisModule |
Visualize genfit::Tracks using the genfit::EventDisplay. More... | |
class | BeamSpotMonitorModule |
Module for the monitoring of the BeamSpot position and size. More... | |
class | Chi2MCTrackMatcherModule |
Monte Carlo matcher using the helix parameters for matching by chi2-method. More... | |
class | MCRecoTracksMatcherModule |
This module compares tracks generated by some pattern recognition algorithm for PXD, SVD and CDC to ideal Monte Carlo tracks and performs a matching from the former to the underlying MCParticles. More... | |
class | MCV0MatcherModule |
A module matching the V0s from the mcV0Matcher to MC particles. More... | |
class | TrackToMCParticleRelatorModule |
A module to set relations from Track to MCParticle via the RecoTrack the Track is related to. More... | |
class | MCTrackCandClassifierModule |
The MCTrackCandClassifier Definition Module. More... | |
class | MuidModule |
The geant4e-based muon identification module. More... | |
class | PruneGenfitTracksModule |
Module to prune genfit::Tracks. More... | |
class | PruneRecoHitsModule |
Module to prune RecoTracks. More... | |
class | PruneRecoTracksModule |
Module to prune RecoTracks. More... | |
class | MCSlowPionPXDROICreatorModule |
The MCSlowPionPXDROICreatorModule module Create artificial ROI just for PXDDigits from slow pions from D* decays on MC information. More... | |
class | PXDclusterFilterModule |
The module produce a StoreArray of PXDCluster inside the ROIs. More... | |
class | PXDdigiFilterModule |
The module produce a StoreArray of PXDDigit inside the ROIs, thus simulating "ONSEN" ROI selection. More... | |
class | PXDRawHitFilterModule |
The module produce a StoreArray of PXDRawHit inside the ROIs. More... | |
class | PXDROIFinderAnalysisModule |
The PXD Data Reduction Analysis Module. More... | |
class | PXDROIFinderModule |
The PXD ROI Finder Module. More... | |
class | ROIDQMModule |
The HLT ROI DQM module. More... | |
class | ROIGeneratorModule |
The ROI generator Module. More... | |
class | ROIPayloadAssemblerModule |
The ROI Payload Assembler Module. More... | |
class | ROIReadTestModule |
The ROI to ONSEN Module. More... | |
class | ROISenderModule |
The ROI to ONSEN Module. More... | |
class | PXDSVDCutModule |
The module to deactivate the SpacePointTrackCandidates with less than minSVDSPs SVD SpacePoints. More... | |
class | RecoTrackParticleLoaderModule |
Takes fitted RecoTracks and creates Particles from them directly, skipping the step of creating Tracks and TrackFitResults. More... | |
class | RecoTracksCopierModule |
Module to copy RecoTracks. More... | |
class | RecoTracksReverterModule |
Module to revert RecoTracks. More... | |
class | CDCCKFTracksCombinerModule |
Module to combine RecoTracks. More... | |
class | MCRelationCreatorModule |
Module to combine RecoTracks. More... | |
class | RecoTrackStoreArrayCombinerModule |
Module to combine RecoTracks. More... | |
class | RelatedTracksCombinerModule |
Module to combine RecoTracks. More... | |
class | CurlingTrackCandSplitterModule |
Module for checking SpacePointTrackCandidates for curling behaviour and splitting them into Track Candidate Stubs (each of them being a SpacePointTrackCand again) which do not show curling behaviour. More... | |
class | GFTC2SPTCConverterModule |
Module for converting genfit::TrackCands to SpacePointTrackCands. More... | |
class | PhaseSpaceAnalysisModule |
Module for analysing the phase space of genfit::TrackCand(s) and SpacePointTrackCand(s) NOTE: this is just a very simple module that takes the MCParticleID of any TC and collects some information from them. More... | |
class | RT2SPTCConverterModule |
Module for converting RecoTracks to SpacePointTrackCands. More... | |
struct | TrueHitInfo |
helper struct that holds information that is needed for the registration of the relation between SpacePoint and TrueHit More... | |
class | SpacePoint2TrueHitConnectorModule |
Module that tries to register a relation between SpacePoints and TrueHits, hence making some MC Information easily accesible for other modules working with SpacePoints (e.g. More... | |
class | simpleBitfield |
helper class for setting up a bitfield that can be used to store several flags in one variable TODO: move this from this header (possibly to some helperStuff header) and make some tests! More... | |
class | SpacePointCreatorTestModule |
Tester module for the validity of the SpacePointCreatorModule. More... | |
class | SPTC2GFTCConverterModule |
Module for converting SpacePointTrackCands to genfit::SpacePointTrackCands. More... | |
class | SPTCmomentumSeedRetrieverModule |
A module for creating momentum seeds for spacepoint track candidates. More... | |
class | SPTCRefereeModule |
Module that does some sanity checks on SpacePointTrackCands that have been created by conversion from genfit::TrackCands by the TrackFinderMCTruth (or any other for that matter) More... | |
class | SPTCvirtualIPRemoverModule |
A module for checking and removing the virtual IP if wanted. More... | |
class | TCConvertersTestModule |
Module for testing if the converting Modules do their job as intened. More... | |
struct | ParticleProperties |
This struct is used by the StandardTrackingPerformanceModule to save information of reconstructed tracks. More... | |
class | StandardTrackingPerformanceModule |
This module takes the MCParticle and the genfit::Track collection as input and writes out a root file with some information of the reconstructed tracks. More... | |
class | SVDROIDQMModule |
Creates basic DQM for ROI creation on ExpressReco More... | |
class | SVDROIFinderAnalysisDataModule |
The Module evaluates the efficiency on SVD based on the number of empty ROIs. More... | |
class | SVDROIFinderAnalysisModule |
This module performs the analysis of the SVD data reduction module performances More... | |
class | SVDROIFinderModule |
The SVD ROI Finder Module. More... | |
class | SVDShaperDigitFilterModule |
The module produce a StoreArray of SVDShaperDigit inside the ROIs. More... | |
class | TrackCreatorModule |
Takes RecoTracks coming from the event reconstructions and fits them with the configured list of particles hypothesis and stores the result in MDST-usable Belle2::Track and Belle2::TrackFitResult classes. More... | |
class | ParallelTrackFilterModule |
Generates a new StoreArray from the input StoreArray which contains only tracks that meet the specified criteria. More... | |
class | TrackFilterModule |
generates a new StoreArray from the input StoreArray which has all specified Tracks removed More... | |
class | TrackFinderMCTruthRecoTracksModule |
This module uses the simulated truth information (MCParticles and their relations) to determine which hits belong to which particles and writes track candidates filled with necessary information into the DataStore. More... | |
class | CollectorTestModule |
CollectorTestModules. More... | |
class | StudyMaterialEffectsModule |
StudyMaterialEffectsModule. More... | |
class | TrackDQMEventProcessor |
The purpose of this class is to process one event() in TrackDQMModule. More... | |
class | TrackDQMModule |
DQM of tracks their momentum, Number of hits in tracks, Number of tracks. More... | |
class | TrackingAbortDQMModule |
Tracking DQM Module to monitor aborts & background conditions before the HLT filter. More... | |
class | TrackingExpressRecoDQMModule |
Tracking ExpressReco DQM. More... | |
class | TrackingHLTDQMModule |
Tracking HLT DQM. More... | |
class | EffPlotsModule |
This module takes the MCParticles, the RecoTracks and Tracks/V0 in input and produce a root file containing various histograms showing the efficiencies (as a function of different variables) of the V0 finding module. More... | |
class | FillTrackFitNtupleModule |
This module takes the Tracks and the RecoTrack input and produce a root file containing an nutple showing the track fit members in parallel for different particle hypotheses. More... | |
class | HitXPModule |
This module from a data root file builds a tree of hitXP (see the class to know all the informations contained). More... | |
class | PerformanceEvaluationBaseClass |
This module takes the MCParticles, the genfit Tracks, the genfit TrackCand, and the MCTrackCands input and produce a root file containing various histograms showing the performance of the tracking package: fitter, pattern recongnition algorithms. More... | |
class | TrackingPerformanceEvaluationModule |
This module takes the MCParticles, the Tracks, the RecoTrack, and the MCRecoTracks input and produce a root file containing various histograms showing the performance of the tracking package: fitter, pattern recongnition algorithms. More... | |
class | V0findingPerformanceEvaluationModule |
This module takes the MCParticles, the V0 candidates input and produce a root file containing various histograms showing the performance of the V0 finding module. More... | |
class | TrackQETrainingDataCollectorModule |
Quality Estimator Data Collector Module to collect data for a MVA training using More... | |
class | TrackQualityEstimatorMVAModule |
Quality estimation module for SpacePointTrackCandidates using multivariate analysis (MVA). More... | |
class | AddVXDTrackCandidateSubSetsModule |
Module that creates additional candidates that each miss a different SpacePoint. More... | |
class | BestVXDFamilyCandidateSelectorModule |
Module that selects the best candidate for each SPTC family. More... | |
class | BestVXDTrackCandidatesSelectorModule |
Module that selects a subset with a fixed size x out of all SpacePointTrackCandidates. More... | |
class | SVDOverlapResolverModule |
SVD overlap resolver module. More... | |
class | TrackSetEvaluatorGreedyDEVModule |
The Greedy algoritm Track-set-evaluator. More... | |
class | TrackSetEvaluatorHopfieldNNDEVModule |
The Hopfield algoritm Trackset Evaluator. More... | |
class | VXDTrackCandidatesQualityIndicatorCutterModule |
Module that selects a subset with a fixed minimum qualityIndicator out of all SpacePointTrackCandidates. More... | |
class | TrackTimeEstimatorModule |
Computes the track time, defined as the difference between the average of SVD clusters time and the SVDEvent T0. More... | |
class | V0FinderModule |
V0 finder module. More... | |
class | MCVXDCDCTrackMergerFindlet |
Findlet for merging VXD and CDC tracks with MC information. More... | |
class | MCVXDCDCTrackMergerModule |
This module merges tracks which are reconstructed, separately, in the silicon (PXD+VXD) and in the CDC using MC. More... | |
class | StoreArrayMerger |
This findlet has helper function to. More... | |
class | VXDCDCTrackMergerModule |
VXDCDCTrackMergerModule a module to merge VXD and CDC tracks. More... | |
class | SVDHoughTrackingModule |
Full Hough Transformation based SVD track finding. More... | |
class | OverlapResidualsModule |
The module studies VXD hits from overlapping sensors of a same VXD layer. More... | |
class | RawSecMapMergerModule |
The RawSecMapMergerModule. More... | |
class | SecMapTrainerBaseModule |
The SecMapTrainerBaseModule this module analyzes a big number of events (pGun or evtGen) to create raw sectorMaps which are needed for the VXDTF 2.0. More... | |
class | SecMapTrainerVXDTFModule |
The SecMapTrainerVXDTFModule this module analyzes a big number of events (pGun or evtGen) to create raw sectorMaps which are needed for the VXDTF. More... | |
class | VXDSimpleClusterizerModule |
Module to convert TrueHits into Clusters using a simplified process. More... | |
class | QualityEstimatorVXDModule |
Quality estimation module for SpacePointTrackCandidates. More... | |
class | VXDQETrainingDataCollectorModule |
VXD Quality Estimator Data Collector Module to collect data for a MVA training using More... | |
class | VXDQualityEstimatorMVAModule |
Quality estimation module for SpacePointTrackCandidates using multivariate analysis (MVA). More... | |
class | FastBDTClassifierAnalyzerModule |
Module to evaluate a trained fastBDT. More... | |
class | FastBDTClassifierTrainingModule |
Module for collecting the data and training a FastBDT classifier. More... | |
class | MLSegmentNetworkProducerModule |
Segment network producer module with a Machine Learning classifier. More... | |
class | NoKickCutsEvalModule |
This module evaluate the cuts used to select the training sample of the SectorMap. More... | |
class | SectorMapBootstrapModule |
The SegmentFilterConverterModule is a module able to read the cutoff values for filtering the Segments written in the xml gear box and write it in the new redesigned format. More... | |
class | SegmentNetworkAnalyzerModule |
class for analyzing the contents of the SegmentNetwork More... | |
class | SegmentNetworkProducerModule |
The Segment Network Producer Module. More... | |
class | SPTC2RTConverterModule |
Module turning SpacePointsTrackCands to RecoTracks. More... | |
class | TrackFinderVXDBasicPathFinderModule |
The TrackFinderVXDBasicPathFinder is a low momentum Si-only trackfinder. More... | |
class | TrackFinderVXDCellOMatModule |
The TrackFinderVXDCellOMatModule is a low momentum Si-only trackfinder. More... | |
class | TrackFinderVXDCosmicsStandaloneModule |
The TrackFinderVXDCosmicsStandaloneModule Track finder for linear cosmic tracks measured by the VXD without magnetic field and without other subdetectors. More... | |
class | VXDTFTrainingDataCollectorModule |
The VXDTFTrainingDataCollectorModule. More... | |
class | PXDInterceptor |
The PXDInterceptor class fills a StoreArray of PXDIntercepts that will be used to define the PXD ROIs. More... | |
class | ROIDetPlane |
ROIDetPlane describes the plane containing a sensor. More... | |
class | ROIGeometry |
This class appends the PXDIntercept infos of a track to the list of intercepts. More... | |
class | ROIPixelTranslator |
Translator for ROI-geometry-information into a list of pixels. More... | |
class | MCVXDPurityInfo |
The MC VXD Purity info container class. More... | |
class | SpacePoint |
SpacePoint typically is build from 1 PXDCluster or 1-2 SVDClusters. More... | |
class | SpacePointTrackCand |
Storage for (VXD) SpacePoint-based track candidates. More... | |
class | MapHelperFunctionsTest |
function object that implements cosecans(x) == 1/cos(x) by tan(x) / sin(x). More... | |
class | SpacePointTest |
Set up a few arrays and objects in the datastore. More... | |
class | SpacePointTrackCandTest |
Test class for the SpacePointTrackCand class. More... | |
class | ROIStripTranslator |
Translator for ROI-geometry-information into a list of pixels. More... | |
class | SVDInterceptor |
This Class implements the interceptor of the SVD tracks on the PXD layers. More... | |
class | SVDROIGeometry |
This class appends the SVDIntercept infos of a track to the list of intercepts. More... | |
class | RecoTrackTest |
Test class for the RecoTrack object. More... | |
class | CollectorTFInfoTest |
Set up a few arrays and objects in the datastore. More... | |
class | FilterIDTest |
Set up a few arrays and objects in the datastore. More... | |
class | FullSecIDTest |
Testing everything from FullSecID. More... | |
class | VerbosityClass |
should behave differently for different verbosity-levels given - class More... | |
class | SandBox4TestingTest |
Testing autoAssignment of vectors for functions. More... | |
class | SectorTest |
Set up a few arrays and objects in the datastore. More... | |
class | ThreeHitFiltersTest |
Set up a few arrays and objects in the datastore. More... | |
class | TwoHitFiltersTest |
Set up a few arrays and objects in the datastore. More... | |
struct | ExtState |
Data structure to define extrapolation state. More... | |
struct | Intersection |
intersection of muid-extrapolated track with a KLM layer More... | |
class | TrackExtrapolateG4e |
geant4e-based track extrapolation. More... | |
struct | CALogger |
simple logger for CA algorithm More... | |
struct | CAValidator |
validation tool for CA algorithm More... | |
class | CellularAutomaton |
The CellularAutomaton class This class serves as a functor for the algorithm itself. More... | |
struct | NodeCompatibilityCheckerBase |
most trivial node compatibility checker, says always true More... | |
struct | NodeCompatibilityCheckerCA |
simple NodeCompatibilityChecker, which checks for compatible Neighboring states of passed nodes (does no extended validation check) More... | |
struct | NodeCompatibilityCheckerPathCollector |
simple NodeCompatibilityChecker, which checks for compatible Neighboring states of passed nodes (does no extended validation check) More... | |
class | NodeFamilyDefiner |
This class assigns a common family identifier to all CACells in the network that are connected. More... | |
class | PathCollectorRecursive |
Path finder for generic ContainerType. More... | |
class | SPTCSelectorXBestPerFamily |
Algorithm to collect the x best TrackCandidates per family based on a VXD Quality estimator method output. More... | |
class | StandaloneCosmicsCollector |
Track finding algorithm class for linear tracks produced by cosmics in the VXD without magnetic field. More... | |
class | TrackerAlgorithmBase |
base class for TrackerAlgorithms. shall allow a common base for algorithms like the cellular automaton More... | |
class | AnalyzingAlgorithmBase |
Base class for storing an algorithm determining the data one wants to have. More... | |
class | AnalyzingAlgorithmLostUClusters |
Class for storing an algorithm to find out how many u-type-clusters the testTC lost compared to the refTC. More... | |
class | AnalyzingAlgorithmLostVClusters |
Class for storing an algorithm to find out how many v-type-clusters the testTC lost compared to the refTC. More... | |
class | AnalyzingAlgorithmLostUEDep |
Class for storing an algorithm to find out the energy deposit of u-type-clusters the testTC lost compared to the refTC. More... | |
class | AnalyzingAlgorithmLostVEDep |
Class for storing an algorithm to find out the energy deposit of v-type-clusters the testTC lost compared to the refTC. More... | |
class | AnalyzingAlgorithmTotalUClusters |
Class for storing an algorithm to find out how many u-type-clusters the given TC had. More... | |
class | AnalyzingAlgorithmTotalVClusters |
Class for storing an algorithm to find out how many v-type-clusters the given TC had. More... | |
class | AnalyzingAlgorithmTotalUEDep |
Class for storing an algorithm to find out the energy deposit of u-type-clusters the given TC had. More... | |
class | AnalyzingAlgorithmTotalVEDep |
Class for storing an algorithm to find out the energy deposit of v-type-clusters the given TC had. More... | |
class | AnalyzingAlgorithmResidualPX |
INFO This file contains all the algorithms calculating residuals of something. More... | |
class | AnalyzingAlgorithmResidualPY |
Class for storing an algorithm determining the residual (ref-test) of momentum in Y. More... | |
class | AnalyzingAlgorithmResidualPZ |
Class for storing an algorithm determining the residual (ref-test) of momentum in Z. More... | |
class | AnalyzingAlgorithmResidualPT |
Class for storing an algorithm determining the residual (ref-test) of momentum in pT. More... | |
class | AnalyzingAlgorithmResidualP |
Class for storing an algorithm determining the residual (ref-test) of momentum in |p|. More... | |
class | AnalyzingAlgorithmResidualPTheta |
Class for storing an algorithm determining the residual (ref-test) of momentum in theta (in degrees) More... | |
class | AnalyzingAlgorithmResidualPPhi |
Class for storing an algorithm determining the residual (ref-test) of momentum in phi (in degrees) More... | |
class | AnalyzingAlgorithmResidualPAngle |
Class for storing an algorithm determining the residual (ref-test) of momentum in its angle (direction residual in degrees) More... | |
class | AnalyzingAlgorithmResidualPTAngle |
Class for storing an algorithm determining the residual (ref-test) of pT in angle (transverse direction residual in degrees) More... | |
class | AnalyzingAlgorithmResidualPosition |
Class for storing an algorithm determining the residual (ref-test) of the seed position in 3D. More... | |
class | AnalyzingAlgorithmResidualPositionXY |
Class for storing an algorithm determining the residual (ref-test) of the seed position in XY (=r) More... | |
class | AnalyzingAlgorithmValuePX |
INFO This file contains all the algorithms calculating a certain value of something. More... | |
class | AnalyzingAlgorithmValuePY |
Class for storing an algorithm determining the momentum in Y. More... | |
class | AnalyzingAlgorithmValuePZ |
Class for storing an algorithm determining the momentum in Z. More... | |
class | AnalyzingAlgorithmValuePT |
Class for storing an algorithm determining the momentum in pT. More... | |
class | AnalyzingAlgorithmValueP |
Class for storing an algorithm determining the momentum in |p|. More... | |
class | AnalyzingAlgorithmValuePTheta |
Class for storing an algorithm determining the momentum in theta (in degrees) More... | |
class | AnalyzingAlgorithmValuePPhi |
Class for storing an algorithm determining the momentum in phi (in degrees) More... | |
class | AnalyzingAlgorithmValueDistSeed2IP |
Class for storing an algorithm determining the the distance seedHit to IP in 3D. More... | |
class | AnalyzingAlgorithmValueDistSeed2IPXY |
Class for storing an algorithm determining the distance seedHit to IP in XY (=r) More... | |
class | AnalyzingAlgorithmValueDistSeed2IPZ |
Class for storing an algorithm determining the distance seedHit to IP in XY (=r) More... | |
class | AnalyzingAlgorithmValueQI |
Class for storing an algorithm determining the quality indicator of the TC. More... | |
class | AlgoritmType |
Small class for classifying types of analyzing algorithms. More... | |
class | AnalizerTCInfo |
simple class storing infos relevant for a TC for analizing it. More... | |
class | KeyValBox |
Minimal container storing a pair of < KeyType, ValueType> More... | |
class | RootParameterTracker |
Production notes for RootParameterTracker: More... | |
class | TCType |
Small class for classifying types of reconstructed track candidates. More... | |
class | VXDTFFilters |
Class that contains all the static sectors to which the filters are attached. More... | |
class | ClosedLowerBoundedSet |
Represents a closed lower bounded set of arithmetic types. More... | |
class | ClosedRange |
Represents a closed set of arithmetic types. More... | |
class | ClosedUpperBoundedSet |
Represents an upper bounded set of arithmetic types. More... | |
class | Filter |
This class is used to select pairs, triplets... More... | |
struct | all_same |
The all_same struct is meant to check that all the types in a template pack are of the same type. More... | |
struct | all_same< T > |
The all_same struct is meant to check that all the types in a template pack are of the same type. More... | |
struct | all_same< > |
The all_same struct is meant to check that all the types in a template pack are of the same type. More... | |
struct | all_same< T, T, types ... > |
The all_same struct is meant to check that all the types in a template pack are of the same type. More... | |
class | Filter< Variable, RangeType, Observer > |
Basic Filter ///. More... | |
class | Filter< Variable, RangeType, Belle2::BypassableFilter, Observer > |
Bypassable Filter ///. More... | |
class | Filter< Variable, RangeType, Belle2::ActivatableFilter, Observer > |
Activatable Filter /// TODO: Remove, as it is no longer used...? More... | |
class | Filter< Belle2::OperatorNot, someFilter, templateObserverType > |
Realization of a NOT operator for the Filter classes. More... | |
class | Filter< Belle2::OperatorAnd, FilterA, FilterB, templateObserverType > |
Realization of the AND operator between two objects of the Filter class. More... | |
class | Filter< Belle2::OperatorOr, FilterA, FilterB, templateObserverType > |
Realization of the OR operator between two objects of the Filter class. More... | |
class | LowerBoundedSet |
Represents a lower bounded set of arithmetic types. More... | |
class | Observer |
Observer base class which can be used to evaluate the VXDTF2's Filters. More... | |
class | Range |
Represents a range of arithmetic types. More... | |
class | SelectionVariable |
Base class of the selection variable objects used for pair filtering. More... | |
class | SingleElementSet |
Represents a set containing a single element;. More... | |
class | UpperBoundedSet |
Represents an upper bounded set of arithmetic types. More... | |
class | VoidObserver |
The most CPU efficient Observer for the VXDTF filter tools (even if useless). More... | |
calculates delta-circleRadius-value (difference in circle radii of 2 subsets of the hits), returning unit: cm. More... | |
calculates the distance between the estimated circle centers (using 2 subsets of given hits) in the xy-plane, returning unit: cm. More... | |
class | DELTAPT_NAME |
calculates dpt-value (dpt= difference in transverse momentum of 2 subsets of the hits), returning unit: GeV/c. More... | |
class | CompactSecIDs |
This class provides a computer convenient numbering scheme for the sectors in the sector map and for the N sectors combinations. More... | |
class | FiltersContainer |
This class contains everything needed by the VXDTF that is not going to change during a RUN, i.e. More... | |
class | SectorsOnSensor |
This class associates to an ordered pairs of normalized local coordinates a compact sector id. More... | |
calculates the angle between the hits/vectors (3D), returning unit: angle in degrees. More... | |
calculates the angle between the hits/vectors (3D), returning unit: none (calculation for degrees is incomplete, if you want readable numbers, use Angle3DFull instead). More... | |
calculates the angle between the hits/vectors (RZ), returning unit: angle in degrees. More... | |
calculates the angle between the hits/vectors (RZ), returning unit: none (calculation for degrees is incomplete, if you want readable numbers, use AngleRZFull instead). More... | |
calculates the angle between the hits/vectors (XY), returning unit: angle in degrees. More... | |
calculates the center of the circle for 3 hits in the XY plane and returns a B2Vector3 with the result (z=0). More... | |
calculates the distance of the point of closest approach of circle to the IP, returning unit: cm More... | |
calculates the estimation of the circle radius of the 3-hit-tracklet, returning unit: cm. More... | |
calculates the angle between the hits/vectors (XY), returning unit: none (calculation for degrees is incomplete, if you want readable numbers, use AngleXYFull instead): More... | |
calculates deviations in the slope of the inner segment and the outer segment, returning unit: none More... | |
compares the "slopes" z over arc length. More... | |
calculates the helixparameter describing the deviation in arc length per unit in z. More... | |
This variable returns the difference among the V and U side clusters of th ecenter space point. More... | |
calculates the helixparameter describing the deviation in z per unit angle, returning unit: none. More... | |
SelectionVariable that is used for the Machine Learning (ML) based filters. More... | |
class | PT_NAME |
calculates the estimation of the transverse momentum of the 3-hit-tracklet, returning unit: GeV/c. More... | |
calculates the sign of the curvature for three hits More... | |
calculates the sign of the curvature for three hits More... | |
checks whether chain of segments are zigg-zagging (changing sign of curvature of neighbouring segments) in the R-Z-plane, returns number of charge-signs found (if != 1, then the given hitContainer is ziggZagging). More... | |
checks whether chain of segments are zigg-zagging (changing sign of curvature of neighbouring segments) in the X-Y-plane, returns number of charge-signs found (if != 1, then the given hitContainer is ziggZagging). More... | |
checks whether chain of segments are zigg-zagging (changing sign of curvature of neighbouring segments) in the X-Y-plane, returns number of charge-signs found (if != 1, then the given hitContainer is ziggZagging). More... | |
class | VariablesTTree |
Dump on a TTree the values of all the variables in a filter. More... | |
class | VariablesTTree<> |
Defines the interface using an empty template pack. More... | |
class | VariablesTTree< Filter< Variable, other ... > > |
Specialization for a simple filter More... | |
class | VariablesTTree< Filter< unaryOperator, Filter< args ... >, other ... > > |
Specialization for unary operators acting on a filter More... | |
class | VariablesTTree< Filter< binaryOperator, Filter< argsA ... >, Filter< argsB ... >, other ... > > |
Specialization for binary operators acting on a filter More... | |
class | VariableTBranch |
This class contains. More... | |
class | VariablesOnTTree |
Test for VariablesTTree. More... | |
This is a specialization returning floats, where value calculates the cos of the angle of the segment of two hits in the XY plane. More... | |
This is the specialization for SpacePoints with returning floats, where value calculates the distance between two hits in 1D on the Z-axis. More... | |
This is the specialization for SpacePoints with returning floats, where value calculates the squared distance between two hits in 1D on the Z-axis. More... | |
This is the specialization for SpacePoints with returning floats, where value calculates the squared distance between two hits in 2D on the X-Y-plane. More... | |
This is the specialization for SpacePoints with returning floats, where value calculates the normed distance between two hits in 3D. More... | |
This is the specialization for SpacePoints with returning floats, where value calculates the squared distance between two hits in 3D. More... | |
This variable returns the time difference among the U side clusters of the two space points. More... | |
This variable returns the time difference among the V side clusters of the two space points. More... | |
class | SLOPERZ_NAME |
This is the specialization for SpacePoints with returning floats, where value calculates the slope in R-Z for a given pair of hits. More... | |
class | DecorrelationMatrix |
Class holding a Matrix that can be used to decorrelate input data to Machine Learning classifiers. More... | |
class | FBDTClassifier |
FastBDT as RelationsObject to make it storeable and accesible on/via the DataStore. More... | |
struct | FBDTTrainSample |
bundle together the classifier input and the target value into one struct for easier passing around. More... | |
class | MLRange |
Range used for the Machine Learning assisted TrackFinding approach. More... | |
class | Observer3HitPrintResults |
this observer does simply print the name of the SelectionVariable and the result of its value-function as a Warning(if failed) or as an Info (if succeeded) More... | |
class | ObserverCheckFilters |
this observer searches logs the response for each of SelectionVariables used in the filters If the pointer to the StoreArray is set the results will be put into the datastore More... | |
class | ObserverCheckMCPurity |
this observer searches for mcParticles attached to the hits given and stores the information found to be retrieved later. More... | |
class | ObserverPrintResults |
this observer does simply print the name of the SelectionVariable and the result of its value-function as a Warning(if failed) or as an Info (if succeeded) More... | |
class | SelectionVariableFactory |
The factory,as the name implies, does not implement at all the factory paradigm. More... | |
struct | SelVarHelper |
contains a collection of functions and related stuff needed for SelectionVariables implementing 2-, 3- and 4-hitfilters. More... | |
class | MVAExpert |
Class to interact with the MVA package, based on class with same name in CDC package. More... | |
class | ActivatedSector |
ActivatedSector is carrying the dynamic part of a Sector. More... | |
struct | BranchInterface |
simple struct for interfacing the Branch. More... | |
class | FilterMill |
Small class which stores the filters/selectionVariables to be used for a secMap and has an interface for applying them. More... | |
class | SecIDPair |
allows to set outer and inner secID. More... | |
class | SecIDTriplet |
allows to set outer, center and inner secID. More... | |
class | SecIDQuadruplet |
allows to set outer, outerCenter, innerCenter and inner secID. More... | |
class | FilterValueDataSet |
contains the relevant information needed for filling a TTree containing train-data for the secMap. More... | |
class | MinMax |
small class for storing min and max. More... | |
class | MinMaxCollector |
A container for collecting data, where min- and max-quantiles near q(0) and q(1) are to be found. More... | |
class | NoKickCuts |
This class is an auxiliary class that implement methods to access to a single cut, used in NoKickRTSel class. More... | |
class | NoKickRTSel |
This class implement some methods useful for the application of cuts evaluated in NoKickCutsEval module. More... | |
class | RawDataCollectedMinMax |
takes care of collecting raw data and staying below RAM-threshold. More... | |
class | RawSecMapRootInterface |
To be used as an interface to root-stuff. More... | |
class | SecMapTrainer |
This class contains all relevant tools for training a VXDTFFilters. More... | |
class | SecMapTrainerHit |
simple Hit class used for sectorMap-training. More... | |
class | SecMapTrainerTC |
simple Hit class used for sectorMap-training. More... | |
class | Sector |
Sector is a central part of storing information for VXD trackFinders. More... | |
class | SectorFriendship |
SectorFriendship is carrying the link between parent sector and a connected sector (socalled Friendsector). More... | |
class | SectorGraph |
contains all subgraphs. More... | |
class | SectorMapComparer |
A root tool that compares two Sectormaps (local root files) and produces some statistics output. More... | |
class | SubGraph |
contains all relevant stuff needed for dealing with a subGraph. More... | |
class | SubGraphID |
stores the ID of a subgraph, which is basically a chain of FullSecID coded as unsigned ints. More... | |
class | ActiveSector |
The ActiveSector Class. More... | |
class | CACell |
The CACell class This Class stores all relevant information one wants to have stored in a cell for a Cellular automaton. More... | |
class | DirectedNode |
The Node-Class. More... | |
class | DirectedNodeNetwork |
Network of directed nodes of the type EntryType. More... | |
class | DirectedNodeNetworkContainer |
The Container stores the output produced by the SegmentNetworkProducerModule. More... | |
class | Segment |
The Segment class This class represents segments of track candidates needed for TrackFinderVXD-Modules. More... | |
class | StaticSector |
class to describe a static sector of the sector map. More... | |
struct | TrackNode |
Minimal class to store combination of sector and spacePoint, since SpacePoint can not carry sectorConnection. More... | |
class | VoidMetaInfo |
The most CPU efficient MetaInfo for the DirectedNode-requirements (even if useless). More... | |
struct | SpacePointTrackCandCreator |
small class to take simple vectors of SpacePoints and convert them to real SpacePointTrackCands More... | |
struct | QualityEstimationResults |
Container for complete fit/estimation results. More... | |
class | QualityEstimatorBase |
BaseClass for QualityEstimators. More... | |
class | QualityEstimatorCircleFit |
Class containing the algorithm to perform the simple circle fit. More... | |
class | QualityEstimatorLineFit3D |
Testbeam: Coords: Sensors: ^ . More... | |
class | QualityEstimatorMC |
Class implementing the algorithm used for the MC based quality estimation. More... | |
class | QualityEstimatorRandom |
Class implementing a random quality estimation. More... | |
class | QualityEstimatorRiemannHelixFit |
Based on R. More... | |
class | QualityEstimatorTripletFit |
does a tripletFit of the given hits The filter is based on the paper 'A New Three-Dimensional Track Fit with Multiple Scattering' by Andre Schoening et al. More... | |
class | AlwaysYesFilter |
AlwaysYesFilter is a simple filter saying always yes, which is meant for testing purposes. More... | |
class | FilterBase |
FilterBase is the baseClass for filters applied on (chains of) spacepoints. More... | |
class | HopfieldNetwork |
Hopfield Algorithm with number based inputs. More... | |
class | OverlapMatrixCreator |
Creates a vector of vectors, that knows which track is conflicting with which other. More... | |
class | OverlapNetwork |
Hold information about overlap of SpacePointTrackCand. More... | |
struct | OverlapResolverNodeInfo |
Struct for holding information needed by overlap resolving algorithms for one node. More... | |
class | Scrooge |
Executes greedy algorithm for vector of QITrackOverlap structs. More... | |
class | Named |
A mixin class to attach a name to an object. Based on class with same name in CDC package. More... | |
class | ClusterInfoExtractor |
class to extract info from individual clusters and combine for SPTC More... | |
class | QEResultsExtractor |
class to extract results from qualityEstimation More... | |
class | SimpleVariableRecorder |
Class to write collected variables into a root file, Used by VXDQETrainingDataCollectorModule. More... | |
class | VariableExtractor |
class to extract individual variables More... | |
class | TrackFitter |
Algorithm class to handle the fitting of RecoTrack objects. More... | |
class | MeasurementAdder |
Algorithm class to translate the added detector hits (e.g. More... | |
class | BaseMeasurementCreator |
Base class for all measurement creators. More... | |
class | BaseMeasurementCreatorFromCoordinateMeasurement |
Baseclass to create measurement track points based on the coordinate measurements. More... | |
class | BaseMeasurementCreatorFromHit |
Base Class to create measurements based on a given hit related to the RecoTrack. More... | |
class | CoordinateMeasurementCreator |
A measurement creator for normal coordinate measurements out of cdc/svd/pxd hits. More... | |
class | VXDMomentumEstimationMeasurementCreator |
Creator for VXDMeasurements with momentum estimation based on the dEdX information. More... | |
class | AdditionalMeasurementCreatorFactory |
Add measurement creators that do not rely on a specific hit type, but rather add measurements without corresponding hit. More... | |
class | BKLMMeasurementCreatorFactory |
Add all measurement creators related to BKLM hits. More... | |
class | CDCMeasurementCreatorFactory |
Add all measurement creators related to CDC hits. More... | |
class | EKLMMeasurementCreatorFactory |
Add all measurement creators related to EKLM hits. More... | |
class | MeasurementCreatorFactory |
This is the base class for all MeasurementCreatorFactories used in the MeasurementCreatorModule. More... | |
class | PXDMeasurementCreatorFactory |
Add all measurement creators related to PXD hits. More... | |
class | SVDMeasurementCreatorFactory |
Add all measurement creators related to SVD hits. More... | |
class | HMatrixQP |
AbsHMatrix implementation for one-dimensional MeasurementOnPlane and RKTrackRep parameterization. More... | |
class | PlanarMomentumMeasurement |
Measurement class implementing a planar hit geometry (1 or 2D) with only a momentum measurement. More... | |
class | PlanarVXDMomentumMeasurement |
Measurement class implementing a planar hit geometry (1 or 2D) with a momentum measurement based on the VXD dEdX information with setable parameters (see VXDMomentumEstimationMeasurementCreator). More... | |
class | TrackBuilder |
TrackBuilder class to create the Track/TrackFitResult mdst output from the RecoTrack. More... | |
class | EventInfoExtractor |
class to extract results from qualityEstimation More... | |
class | FlipRecoTrackExtractor2nd |
class to extract results from qualityEstimation More... | |
class | FlipRecoTrackExtractor |
class to extract results from qualityEstimation More... | |
class | HitInfoExtractor |
class to extract info from individual clusters and combine for SPTC More... | |
class | RecoTrackExtractor |
class to extract results from qualityEstimation More... | |
class | SubRecoTrackExtractor |
class to extract results from qualityEstimation More... | |
class | VertexVector |
Need this container for exception-safe cleanup, GFRave's interface isn't exception-safe as is. More... | |
class | NewV0Fitter |
Improved V0 fitter class. More... | |
class | V0Fitter |
V0Fitter class to create V0 mdst's from reconstructed tracks. More... | |
class | V0FitterTest |
Set up a few arrays and objects in the datastore. More... | |
class | ExporterEventInfo |
Bundles information for a single event to be stored by NonRootDataExportModule. More... | |
class | ExporterHitInfo |
Bundles information for a single hit to be stored by EventInfo (needed for HitExporter, which is needed by NonRootDataExportModule) More... | |
class | ExporterTcInfo |
Bundles information for a single track candidate to be stored by EventInfo (needed for HitExporter, which is needed by NonRootDataExportModule) More... | |
class | FilterExceptions |
Exception which are thrown by members of the FilterClasses. More... | |
class | FourHitFilters |
The class 'FourHitFilters' bundles filter methods using 4 hits which are stored in B2Vector3Ds. More... | |
class | GlobalNames |
Bundles filter methods using 2 hits. More... | |
class | ThreeHitFilters |
The class 'ThreeHitFilters' bundles filter methods using 3 hits which are stored in B2Vector3Ds. More... | |
class | TwoHitFilters |
The class 'TwoHitFilters' bundles filter methods using 2 hits which are stored in B2Vector3Ds. More... | |
class | XHitFilterFactory |
The factory serves as an interface between all x-hit-filters and a user only knowing their name (in string), but not their type. More... | |
class | VXDMomentumEstimation |
Class doing the momentum estimation from dEdX for SVDClusters and PXDClusters. More... | |
class | VXDMomentumEstimationTools |
Tools needed for the VXD momentum estimation to, e.g. More... | |
class | Bitstream |
Class to hold one clock cycle of raw bit content. More... | |
class | CDCTriggerFinderClone |
Additional information from the 2D finder unpacker of the CDC trigger. More... | |
class | CDCTriggerHoughCluster |
Cluster created by the Hough finder of the CDC trigger. More... | |
class | CDCTriggerMLP |
Class to keep all parameters of an expert MLP for the neuro trigger. More... | |
class | CDCTriggerMLPData |
Struct for training data of a single MLP for the neuro trigger. More... | |
class | CDCTriggerMLPInput |
Class to hold some intermediate information for the monitoring of the neurotrigger. More... | |
class | CDCTriggerSegmentHit |
Combination of several CDCHits to a track segment hit for the trigger. More... | |
class | CDCTriggerTrack |
Track created by the CDC trigger. More... | |
class | TRGCDCETFUnpackerStore |
Example Detector. More... | |
class | TRGCDCT3DUnpackerStore |
Example Detector. More... | |
class | TRGCDCTSFUnpackerStore |
Example Detector. More... | |
class | CDCTrigger2DConfig |
The payload class for delay of GDL input bit. More... | |
class | CDCTriggerDeadch |
The payload class for delay of GDL input bit. More... | |
class | CDCTriggerNeuroConfig |
The payload class for all CDC Neurotrigger information. More... | |
class | TRGCDCCell |
A class to represent a wire in CDC. More... | |
class | TRGCDCCellHit |
A class to represent a wire hit in CDC. More... | |
class | TRGCDCCircle |
A class to represent a circle. More... | |
class | TRGCDCCircleFitter |
A class to fit a TTrackBase object to a circle. More... | |
struct | clusterer_params |
class | SimpleCluster |
Type for found clusters. More... | |
class | Clusterizend |
Clustering module. More... | |
class | TRGCDCEventTime |
A class of TRGCDC Event Time. More... | |
class | TRGCDCEventTimeFinder |
A class of TRGCDC Event Time Finder. More... | |
class | TRGCDCFitter |
A class to fit a TRGCDCTrackBase object. More... | |
class | TRGCDCFitter3D |
A class to fit tracks in 3D. More... | |
class | TRGCDCFrontEnd |
A class to represent a CDC front-end board. More... | |
class | TRGCDCHelix |
TRGCDCHelix parameter class. More... | |
class | TRGCDCHough3DFinder |
class of TRGCDCHough3DFinder More... | |
class | TRGCDCHoughFinder |
A class to find tracks using Hough algorithm. More... | |
class | TRGCDCHoughPlane |
A class to represent a Hough parameter plane. More... | |
class | TRGCDCHoughPlaneBase |
A class to represent a Hough parameter plane. More... | |
class | TRGCDCHoughPlaneBoolean |
A class to represent a Hough parameter plane. More... | |
class | TRGCDCHoughPlaneMulti |
A class to represent a Hough parameter plane. More... | |
class | TRGCDCHoughPlaneMulti2 |
A class to represent a Hough parameter plane. More... | |
class | TRGCDCHoughTransformation |
An abstract class to represent a Hough transformation. More... | |
class | TRGCDCHoughTransformationCircle |
A class to represent circle Hough transformation. More... | |
class | TRGCDCJLUT |
A class to use LUTs for TRGCDC. More... | |
class | TRGCDCJSignal |
A class to use Signals for TRGCDC 3D tracker. More... | |
class | TRGCDCJSignalData |
A class to hold common data for JSignals. More... | |
class | TRGCDCLayer |
A class to represent a cell layer. More... | |
class | TRGCDCLink |
A class to relate TRGCDCCellHit and TRGCDCTrack objects. More... | |
class | TRGCDCLpar |
TRGCDCLpar class. More... | |
class | TRGCDCLpav |
TRGCDCLpav class. More... | |
class | TRGCDCLUT |
A class to use LUTs for TRGCDC. More... | |
class | TRGCDCMerger |
A class to represent a CDC merger board. More... | |
struct | cellweight |
class | NDFinderTrack |
Store track parameters of found tracks. More... | |
class | NDFinder |
Class to represent the CDC NDFinder. More... | |
struct | ndbinning |
Default binning in a (7/32) phi-sector. More... | |
class | NeuroTrigger |
Class to represent the CDC Neurotrigger. More... | |
class | NNTParam |
Class to represent a complete set to describe a Neurotrigger. More... | |
class | NeuroTriggerParameters |
class | TRGOpticalLinkFrontEnd |
A class to represent a serial link between trigger modules. More... | |
class | TRGCDCPeakFinder |
A class to find peaks in Hough Plane. More... | |
class | TRGCDCPerfectFinder |
A class to find 2D tracks using MC information. More... | |
class | TRGCDCRelation |
A class to represent a wire in CDC. More... | |
class | TRGCDCSegment |
A class to represent a wire in CDC. More... | |
class | TRGCDCSegmentHit |
A class to represent a track segment hit in CDC. More... | |
class | TRGCDCSteppingAction |
A class to control a track in G4. More... | |
class | TRGCDCTrackBase |
A class to represent a track object in TRGCDC. More... | |
class | TRGCDCTracker2D |
A class to represent a CDC 2D tracker board. More... | |
class | TRGCDCTrackMC |
A class to represent a GEN_HEPEVT particle in tracking. More... | |
class | TRGCDCTrackSegmentFinder |
a class of TrackSegmentFinder in TRGCDC More... | |
class | TRGCDC |
The instance of TRGCDC is a singleton. More... | |
class | TRGCDCTrack |
A class to represent a reconstructed charged track in TRGCDC. More... | |
class | TRGCDCWire |
A class to represent a wire in CDC. More... | |
class | TRGCDCWireHit |
A class to represent a wire hit in CDC. More... | |
class | TRGCDCWireHitMC |
A class to represent a MC wire hit in CDC. More... | |
class | CDCTriggerNeuroDQMModule |
CDC Trigger DQM Module. More... | |
class | CDCTrigger2DFitterModule |
Module for the 2D Fitter of the CDC trigger. More... | |
class | CDCTrigger3DFitterModule |
Module for the 3D Fitter of the CDC trigger. More... | |
class | CDCTriggerHoughCand |
Hough Candidates class. More... | |
class | CDCTriggerHoughETFModule |
class | CDCTrigger2DFinderModule |
class | CDCTriggerMCMatcherModule |
A module to match CDCTriggerTracks to MCParticles. More... | |
class | CDCTriggerRecoHitMatcherModule |
A module to match CDCTriggerTracks to RecoTracks. More... | |
class | CDCTriggerRecoMatcherModule |
A module to match CDCTriggerTracks to RecoTracks. More... | |
class | CDCTriggerNDFinderModule |
CDC Trigger NDFinder Module. More... | |
class | CDCTriggerNeuroDataModule |
class | CDCTriggerNeuroIDHistModule |
Description. More... | |
class | CDCTriggerNeuroModule |
The neural network module of the CDC trigger. More... | |
class | CDCTriggerETFModule |
Module for the Event Time Finder of the CDC trigger. More... | |
class | CDCTriggerTrackCombinerModule |
Module to combine the information from the various track trigger stages. More... | |
class | CDCTriggerTSFFirmwareModule |
This class is the interface between TSim/basf2 TSF module and the firmware simulation core of XSim/ISim. More... | |
class | CDCTriggerTSFModule |
Module for the Track Segment Finder of the CDC trigger. More... | |
class | TRGCDCModule |
A module to simulate the CDC trigger. More... | |
class | TRGCDCT2DDQMModule |
DQM module of TRGCDCT2D. More... | |
class | TRGCDCT3DDQMModule |
DQM module for TRGCDCT3D. More... | |
class | TRGCDCTSFDQMModule |
DQM module of TRGCDCTSF. More... | |
class | TRGCDCTSStreamModule |
A module to process CDC trigger data. More... | |
struct | SubTrigger |
enum class SubTriggerType : unsigned char {Merger, TSF, T2D, T3D, Neuro, ETF}; More... | |
class | CDCTriggerUnpackerModule |
Unpack the trigger data recorded in B2L. More... | |
struct | Merger |
unpacker for the merger reader (TSF which reads the merger output) More... | |
struct | Tracker2D |
unpacker for the 2D tracker More... | |
struct | Neuro |
unpacker for the Neuro More... | |
class | TRGECLBGTCHit |
Example Detector. More... | |
class | TRGECLCluster |
Example Detector. More... | |
class | TRGECLDigi |
Digitize result. More... | |
class | TRGECLDigi0 |
Raw TC result nefor digitizing. More... | |
class | TRGECLDigi0MC |
Example Detector. More... | |
class | TRGECLFAMAna |
Digitize result. More... | |
class | TRGECLHit |
Example Detector. More... | |
class | TRGECLHitMC |
Example Detector. More... | |
class | TRGECLTiming |
Digitize result. More... | |
class | TRGECLTrg |
Example Detector. More... | |
class | TRGECLUnpackerEvtStore |
Example Detector. More... | |
class | TRGECLUnpackerStore |
Example Detector. More... | |
class | TRGECLUnpackerSumStore |
Example Detector. More... | |
class | TRGECLWaveform |
Digitize result. More... | |
class | TRGECLBadRun |
Raw TC result nefor digitizing. More... | |
class | TrgEclDatabaseImporter |
Database importer of TRGECL. More... | |
class | TRGECLETMPara |
Raw TC result nefor digitizing. More... | |
class | TRGECLFAMPara |
Raw TC result nefor digitizing. More... | |
class | TRGECLTMMPara |
Raw TC result nefor digitizing. More... | |
class | TrgEclBeamBKG |
A Class of ECL Trigger clustering More... | |
class | TrgEclBhabha |
A Class of ECL Trigger clustering More... | |
class | TrgEclCluster |
A Class of ECL Trigger clustering More... | |
class | TrgEclDataBase |
class TrgEclDataBase; More... | |
class | TrgEclDigitizer |
FAM module More... | |
class | TrgEclFAMFit |
FAM module More... | |
class | TrgEclMapping |
A class of TC Mapping. More... | |
class | TrgEclMaster |
ETM class. More... | |
class | TrgEclTiming |
A Class of ECL Trigger clustering More... | |
class | MCMatcherTRGECLModule |
Class to represent the hit of one cell. More... | |
class | TRGECLFAMModule |
A module of FAM. More... | |
class | TRGECLModule |
A module of ETM. More... | |
class | TRGECLBGTCHitModule |
class | TRGECLDQMModule |
class | TRGECLEventTimingDQMModule |
This module is for ecl trigger DQM related to L1 event timing. More... | |
class | TRGECLQAMModule |
class | TRGECLRawdataAnalysisModule |
A module of ETM. More... | |
class | TRGECLTimingCalModule |
Class ECL Trigger Timiing Calibration Module. More... | |
class | TRGECLUnpackerModule |
A module of TRG ECL Unpacker. More... | |
class | TRGGDLDST |
class | TRGGDLResults |
class | TRGGDLUnpackerStore |
Example Detector. More... | |
class | TRGGDLDBAlgs |
The payload class for GDL algorithm. More... | |
class | TRGGDLDBDelay |
The payload class for delay of GDL input bit. More... | |
class | TRGGDLDBUnpacker |
The payload class for PXD cluster charge calibrations. More... | |
class | TrgBit |
A general interface to get a trigger response. More... | |
class | TRGGDL |
The instance of TRGGDL is a singleton. More... | |
class | TRGGDLCosmicRunModule |
Module that returns true if the trigger condition for the 2017 cosmic runs is fulfilled. More... | |
class | TRGGDLModule |
A module to simulate the Global Decision Logic. More... | |
class | TRGGDLDQMModule |
class | TRGGDLDSTModule |
class | TRGGDLSummaryModule |
class | GRLMLP |
Class to keep all parameters of an expert MLP for the neuro trigger. More... | |
class | GRLMLPData |
Struct for training data of a single MLP for the neuro trigger. More... | |
class | TRGGRLInfo |
a class to store TRGGRL TSIM info More... | |
class | TRGGRLInnerTrack |
a class for neutral ECL cluster in TRGGRL More... | |
a class for CDC2D-ECL Matching in TRGGRL More... | |
a class for CDC2D-KLM Matching in TRGGRL More... | |
a class for neutral ECL cluster in TRGGRL More... | |
class | TRGGRLShortTrack |
a class for neutral ECL cluster in TRGGRL More... | |
class | TRGGRLUnpackerStore |
Example Detector. More... | |
class | GRLNeuro |
Class to represent the GRL Neuro. More... | |
class | TRGGRL |
a class for TRGGRL More... | |
class | TRGGRLMatch |
A class to represent a matching candidate in TRGGRL A matching candidate consists of a TRGCDCTrack and TRGECLCluster. More... | |
class | TRGGRLMatchModule |
Match between CDC trigger track and ECL trigger cluster. More... | |
class | TRGGRLModule |
A module to simulate the Global Decision Logic. More... | |
class | TRGGRLProjectsModule |
A module to simulate the Global Decision Logic. More... | |
class | TRGGRLDQMModule |
class | GRLNeuroModule |
The module for application of the neural networks of the GRL. More... | |
class | GRLNeuroTrainerModule |
The trainer module for the neural networks of the CDC trigger. More... | |
class | KLMTrgFittedTrack |
Store KLM TRG track information as a ROOT object. More... | |
class | KLMTrgSummary |
Store KLM TRG track information as a ROOT object. More... | |
class | KLMTriggerHit |
Store KLM TRG hit information as a ROOT object. More... | |
class | KLMTriggerTrack |
Store KLM TRG track information as a ROOT object. More... | |
class | KLMTriggerParameters |
DBObject containing parameters used in KLMTrigger module. More... | |
class | KLM_TRG_definitions |
class | KLMTriggerModule |
struct | Linear_fit_of_Hits_t |
class | TRGTOPCombinedT0Decision |
Example Detector. More... | |
class | TRGTOPSlotTiming |
Example Detector. More... | |
class | TRGTOPTimeStamp |
Example Detector. More... | |
class | TRGTOPTimeStampsSlot |
Example Detector. More... | |
class | TRGTOPTimingISim |
Example Detector. More... | |
class | TRGTOPTimingISimSlot |
Example Detector. More... | |
class | TRGTOPUnpackerStore |
Example Detector. More... | |
class | TRGTOPWaveFormTimeStamp |
Example Detector. More... | |
class | TRGTOPWaveFormTimeStampsSlot |
Example Detector. More... | |
class | TRGTOPDQMModule |
class | TRGTOPTRD2TTSConverterModule |
TRG TOP Raw Digits to TimeStamps Converter. More... | |
class | TRGTOPUnpackerModule |
TRG TOP Unpacker. More... | |
class | TRGTOPUnpackerWaveformModule |
TRG TOP Unpacker for Timestamps. More... | |
class | TRGTOPWaveformPlotterModule |
class | TRGTiming |
Trigger Timing Information for a fired bit. More... | |
class | TRGArea2D |
A class to represent an 2D area. More... | |
class | TRGBitStream |
A class to represent a bit stream. More... | |
class | TRGBoard |
A class to represent a trigger board. More... | |
class | TRGChannel |
A class to represent a serial link between trigger hardware modules. More... | |
class | TRGClock |
A class to represent a digitized signal. Unit is nano second. More... | |
class | TRGDebug |
A class for debugging of TSIM. More... | |
class | TRGOpticalLink |
A class to represent a serial link between trigger modules. More... | |
class | TRGPoint2D |
A class to represent a point in 2D. More... | |
class | TRGSignal |
A class to represent a digitized signal. Unit is nano second. More... | |
class | TRGSignalBundle |
A class to represent a bundle of SignalVectors. More... | |
class | TRGSignalVector |
A class to represent a bundle of digitized signals. More... | |
class | TRGState |
A class to represent a state of multi bits. More... | |
class | TRGTime |
A class to represent a signal timing in the trigger system. More... | |
class | TRGUtilities |
A class to provide TRG utility functions. More... | |
class | TRGRAWDATAModule |
class | VXDElectronDeposit |
Packed class to represent energy deposit along a path in electrons. More... | |
class | VxdID |
Class to uniquely identify a any structure of the PXD and SVD. More... | |
class | VXDSimHit |
Class VXDSimHit - Geant4 simulated hit for the VXD. More... | |
class | VXDTrueHit |
Class VXDTrueHit - Records of tracks that either enter or leave the sensitive volume. More... | |
class | HeavyMetalShieldGeometryPar |
The Class for VXD Heavy Metal Shield. More... | |
class | VXDAlignmentPar |
The Class for VXD Alignment payload. More... | |
class | VXDEnvelopePar |
The Class for VXD Envelope parameters. More... | |
class | VXDGeoComponentPar |
The Class for VXD geometry component. More... | |
class | VXDGeoLadderPar |
The Class for VXD Ladder payload. More... | |
class | VXDGeometryPar |
The Class for VXD geometry. More... | |
class | VXDGeoPlacementPar |
The Class for VXD placement payload. More... | |
class | VXDGeoRadiationSensorsPositionPar |
The Class for VXD Radiation Sensor Position parameters. More... | |
class | VXDGeoRadiationSensorsPar |
The Class for VXD Radiation Sensor parameters. More... | |
class | VXDGeoSensorPar |
The Class for VXD Sensor payload. More... | |
class | VXDGeoSensorPlacementPar |
The Class for VXD Sensor Placement payload. More... | |
class | VXDGlobalPar |
The Class for VXD global paramter payload. More... | |
class | VXDHalfShellPar |
The Class for VXD half shell payload. More... | |
class | VXDPolyConePlanePar |
The Class for VXD Polycone Plane. More... | |
class | VXDPolyConePar |
The Class for VXD PolyCone, possibly with coutouts. More... | |
class | VXDRotationSolidPar |
The Class for VXD Envelope parameters. More... | |
class | VXDSensorInfoBasePar |
Namespace to provide code needed by both Vertex Detectors, PXD and SVD. More... | |
class | VXDBoxTypesPar |
The Class for VXD doc box. More... | |
class | VXDSlotsPar |
The Class for Slot types. More... | |
class | VXDBoxPositionsPar |
The Class for VXD doc box envelope. More... | |
class | VXDServiceGeometryPar |
The Class for VXD service geometry. More... | |
class | VXDGeoPlacement |
Class holding all parameters to place a VXD geometry subcomponent. More... | |
class | VXDGeoComponent |
Class holding all parameters for an VXD geometry component. More... | |
class | VXDGeoSensor |
Struct holding all parameters for a completeVXD Sensor. More... | |
class | VXDGeoSensorPlacement |
Struct holding the information where a sensor should be placed inside the ladder. More... | |
class | VXDGeoLadder |
Struct containing all parameters of one ladder. More... | |
class | GeoVXDRadiationSensors |
class to create the diamond radiation sensor geometry if defined More... | |
class | VXDDQMExpressRecoModule |
VXD DQM Module. More... | |
class | vxdDigitMaskingModule |
PXD DQM Module. More... | |
struct | StepInformation |
Simple struct to keep information about steps in the sensitive detector. More... | |
class | SensorTraversal |
Class to keep track of the traversal of the sensitive volume for one track. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef std::map< int, ParticleWeightingBinLimits * > | BinMap |
Map of keys with bin limits. | |
typedef std::pair< std::vector< int >, int > | MultiDimBin |
Multidimensional bin: first element contains combination of bin IDs from 1D axis, second elements contain ID ("key") associated with this combination. | |
typedef std::map< std::string, ParticleWeightingBinLimits * > | NDBin |
N-dim bin: pairs of bin limits with name of the axis variable. | |
typedef std::map< std::string, double > | WeightInfo |
Weight information: a line from the weight lookup table. | |
typedef std::map< int, WeightInfo > | WeightMap |
Weight map: the whole lookup table | |
typedef std::vector< std::vector< double > > | WeightMatrix |
PID calibration weight matrix, 6 (particle type) x 6 (detectors). More... | |
typedef std::vector< std::tuple< size_t, float > > | PIDNNMissingInputs |
Stores information on how to handle missing inputs, i.e. More... | |
typedef std::vector< std::tuple< size_t, size_t, double, double, double > > | PIDNNInputsToCut |
Stores information on whether and how to overwrite certain inputs. More... | |
typedef boost::variant< boost::recursive_wrapper< DecayStringDecay >, DecayStringParticle > | DecayString |
The DecayStringElement can be either a DecayStringDecay or a vector of mother particles. More... | |
typedef std::tuple< double, double > | BinLimitsTuple |
Currently, std::pair can not be retrieved from python list We will get ParticleWeightingLookUpTable entries with tuples and transform tuples to pairs here. More... | |
typedef std::map< std::string, BinLimitsTuple > | NDBinTuple |
the NDimensional tuple of bin limits | |
typedef std::tuple< WeightInfo, NDBinTuple > | noIdEntry |
the ID | |
typedef std::tuple< noIdEntry, double > | specificIDEntry |
the specific ID | |
typedef std::vector< noIdEntry > | listOfNoIdEntries |
List of entries for table to be created from without specified ID. | |
typedef std::vector< specificIDEntry > | listOfSpecificIDEntries |
List of entries for table to be created from with specified ID. | |
typedef void(* | cal_scale_error_func_t) (double scale[5], const double pt, const double tanl) |
Function pointer type. | |
typedef array< asicChannel, 8 > | asicChannels |
fixed sized array of ASIC channels | |
typedef unsigned short | u_short |
using | ZMQHistoServerToFile = ZMQHistogramOutput< ZMQHistoServerToFileOutput > |
using | ZMQHistoServerToZMQ = ZMQHistogramOutput< ZMQHistoServerToZMQOutput > |
using | ZMQHistoServerToRaw = ZMQHistogramOutput< ZMQHistoServerToRawOutput > |
typedef std::vector< std::string > | StringList |
typedef std::vector< DAQLogMessage > | DAQLogMessageList |
typedef std::vector< DBRecord > | DBRecordList |
typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > | DBFieldTypeList |
typedef std::vector< DBObject > | DBObjectList |
typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > | DBFieldList |
typedef std::vector< RunNumber > | RunNumberList |
typedef std::map< std::string, NSMNode > | NSMNodeMap |
typedef std::map< std::string, NSMNodeMap > | NSMNodeMapMap |
typedef std::map< std::string, NSMData > | NSMDataMap |
typedef std::vector< NSMCommunicator * > | NSMCommunicatorList |
typedef std::vector< NSMData > | NSMDataList |
typedef std::map< std::string, NSMDataList > | NSMDataListMap |
typedef std::vector< NSMVar > | NSMVarList |
typedef std::map< std::string, NSMVHandler * > | NSMVHandlerList |
typedef FileReader< File > | PipeReader |
typedef FileReader< Fifo > | FifoReader |
typedef FileWriter< Fifo > | FifoWriter |
typedef std::vector< InotifyEvent > | InotifyEventList |
typedef GenericLockGuard< Mutex > | LockGuard |
typedef GenericLockGuard< MMutex > | MLockGuard |
typedef FileReader< TCPSocket > | TCPSocketReader |
typedef FileWriter< TCPSocket > | TCPSocketWriter |
typedef std::shared_ptr< Module > | ModulePtr |
Defines a pointer to a module object as a boost shared pointer. | |
typedef std::list< ModulePtr > | ModulePtrList |
Defines a std::list of shared module pointers. | |
using | ModuleParamPtr = std::shared_ptr< ModuleParamBase > |
Defines a pointer to a module parameter as a boost shared pointer. */. | |
typedef std::shared_ptr< Path > | PathPtr |
Defines a pointer to a path object as a boost shared pointer. | |
typedef RelationsInterface< TObject > | RelationsObject |
Provides interface for getting/adding relations to objects in StoreArrays. More... | |
typedef std::pair< std::string, DataStore::EDurability > | AccessorParams |
Pair of parameters needed to find an object in the DataStore. | |
typedef B2Vector3< double > | B2Vector3D |
typedef for common usage with double | |
typedef B2Vector3< float > | B2Vector3F |
typedef for common usage with float | |
typedef uint16_t | KLMSubdetectorNumber |
Subdetector number. | |
typedef uint16_t | KLMSectionNumber |
Section number. | |
typedef uint16_t | KLMSectorNumber |
Sector number. | |
typedef uint16_t | KLMModuleNumber |
Module number. | |
typedef uint16_t | KLMPlaneNumber |
Plane number. | |
typedef uint16_t | KLMChannelNumber |
Channel number. | |
typedef uint16_t | EKLMSegmentNumber |
EKLM segment number. | |
typedef std::tuple< uint8_t, uint16_t, uint8_t > | PXDDAQDHPComMode |
tuple of Chip ID (2 bit), Row (10 bit), Common Mode (6 bit) | |
typedef std::tuple< double, double, double > | GroupInfo |
typedef to be used to store Gauss parameters (integral, center, sigma) | |
typedef map< unsigned, size_t >::const_iterator | Iterator |
Iteratior for m_map. | |
typedef std::pair< double, double > | Pair |
Shorthand for std::pair<double, double> | |
typedef std::map< std::string, double > | Pars |
values of parameters in ML fit | |
typedef std::map< std::string, std::pair< double, double > > | Limits |
limits of parameters in ML fit | |
using | CDCCKFPath = std::vector< CDCCKFState > |
Shortcut for the collection of CDC CKF-algorithm states. | |
using | CDCCKFResult = CDCCKFPath |
Alias for the collection of CDC CKF-algorithm states. | |
using | BaseCDCPathPairFilter = TrackFindingCDC::Filter< std::pair< const CDCCKFPath *, const CDCCKFPath * > > |
Base filter for CKF CDC paths. | |
using | BaseCDCPathFilter = TrackFindingCDC::Filter< CDCCKFPath > |
Base filter for CKF CDC paths. | |
using | BaseCDCStateFilter = TrackFindingCDC::Filter< std::pair< const CDCCKFPath *, CDCCKFState * > > |
Base filter for CKF CDC states. | |
using | BasePXDPairFilter = TrackFindingCDC::Filter< std::pair< const CKFToPXDState *, const CKFToPXDState * > > |
Base filter for CKF PXD states. | |
using | ChooseablePXDRelationFilter = LayerPXDRelationFilter< TrackFindingCDC::ChooseableFilter< PXDPairFilterFactory > > |
A chooseable filter for picking out the relations between states. | |
using | BasePXDResultFilter = TrackFindingCDC::Filter< CKFToPXDResult > |
Base filter for CKF PXD results (on overlap check) | |
using | ChooseablePXDResultFilter = TrackFindingCDC::ChooseableFilter< PXDResultFilterFactory > |
Alias for filter to weight the PXD clusters. | |
using | BasePXDStateFilter = TrackFindingCDC::Filter< std::pair< const std::vector< TrackFindingCDC::WithWeight< const CKFToPXDState * > >, CKFToPXDState * > > |
Base filter for CKF PXD states. | |
using | ChooseableOnPXDStateApplier = LayerToggledApplier< CKFToPXDState, LimitedOnStateApplier< CKFToPXDState, TrackFindingCDC::ChooseableFilter< PXDStateFilterFactory > >> |
Alias to apply the () operator to all items filtered by CKF PXD layer states. | |
using | NonIPCrossingPXDStateFilter = NonIPCrossingStateFilter< AllPXDStateFilter > |
Alias for filter to check direction of a new CKF PXD state. | |
using | PXDStateRejecter = StateRejecter< CKFToPXDState, ChooseableOnPXDStateApplier > |
Rejecter findlet for CKF PXD states. | |
using | PXDAdvancer = Advancer |
The PXD advancer is just a synonym of the normal advancer (but may change in the future). | |
using | BaseSVDPairFilter = TrackFindingCDC::Filter< std::pair< const CKFToSVDState *, const CKFToSVDState * > > |
Base filter for CKF SVD states. | |
using | ChooseableSVDRelationFilter = LayerSVDRelationFilter< TrackFindingCDC::ChooseableFilter< SVDPairFilterFactory > > |
A chooseable filter for picking out the relations between states. | |
using | BaseSVDResultFilter = TrackFindingCDC::Filter< CKFToSVDResult > |
Base filter for CKF SVD results (on overlap check) | |
using | ChooseableSVDResultFilter = TrackFindingCDC::ChooseableFilter< SVDResultFilterFactory > |
Alias for filter to weight the SVD clusters. | |
using | BaseSVDStateFilter = TrackFindingCDC::Filter< std::pair< const std::vector< TrackFindingCDC::WithWeight< const CKFToSVDState * > >, CKFToSVDState * > > |
Base filter for CKF SVD states. | |
using | ChooseableOnSVDStateApplier = LayerToggledApplier< CKFToSVDState, LimitedOnStateApplier< CKFToSVDState, TrackFindingCDC::ChooseableFilter< SVDStateFilterFactory > >> |
Alias to apply the () operator to all items filtered by CKF SVD layer states. | |
using | NonIPCrossingSVDStateFilter = NonIPCrossingStateFilter< AllSVDStateFilter > |
Alias for filter to check direction of a new CKF SVD state. | |
using | SVDStateRejecter = StateRejecter< CKFToSVDState, ChooseableOnSVDStateApplier > |
Rejecter findlet for CKF SVD states. | |
using | SVDAdvancer = Advancer |
The PXD advancer is just a synonym of the normal advancer (but may change in the future). | |
template<class AFindlet > | |
using | EventTimeExtractorModule = TrackFindingCDC::FindletModule< TrackFindingCDC::FindletStoreArrayInput< BaseEventTimeExtractorModuleFindlet< AFindlet > > > |
Alias for the event time extraction module. | |
using | CellularRecoTrack = TrackFindingCDC::WithAutomatonCell< const RecoTrack * > |
Type of a reco track with automaton cell. | |
typedef std::unordered_multimap< int, double > | i2dMultiMap |
typedef for less writing effort | |
typedef std::unordered_map< int, double > | i2dMap |
typedef for less writing effort | |
using | CDCBaseMeasurementCreator = BaseMeasurementCreatorFromHit< RecoHitInformation::UsedCDCHit, Const::CDC > |
Needed for templating. More... | |
using | SVDBaseMeasurementCreator = BaseMeasurementCreatorFromHit< RecoHitInformation::UsedSVDHit, Const::SVD > |
Standard base class for SVD measurement creators. | |
using | PXDBaseMeasurementCreator = BaseMeasurementCreatorFromHit< RecoHitInformation::UsedPXDHit, Const::PXD > |
Standard base class for PXD measurement creators. | |
using | BKLMBaseMeasurementCreator = BaseMeasurementCreatorFromHit< RecoHitInformation::UsedBKLMHit, Const::BKLM > |
Standard base class for BKLM measurement creators. | |
using | EKLMBaseMeasurementCreator = BaseMeasurementCreatorFromHit< RecoHitInformation::UsedEKLMHit, Const::EKLM > |
Standard base class for EKLM measurement creators. | |
using | CDCCoordinateMeasurementCreator = CoordinateMeasurementCreator< RecoHitInformation::UsedCDCHit, Const::CDC > |
Needed for templating. More... | |
using | SVDCoordinateMeasurementCreator = CoordinateMeasurementCreator< RecoHitInformation::UsedSVDHit, Const::SVD > |
Hit to reco hit measurement creator for the SVD. | |
using | PXDCoordinateMeasurementCreator = CoordinateMeasurementCreator< RecoHitInformation::UsedPXDHit, Const::PXD > |
Hit to reco hit measurement creator for the PXD. | |
using | BKLMCoordinateMeasurementCreator = CoordinateMeasurementCreator< RecoHitInformation::UsedBKLMHit, Const::BKLM > |
Hit to reco hit measurement creator for the BKLM. | |
using | EKLMCoordinateMeasurementCreator = CoordinateMeasurementCreator< RecoHitInformation::UsedEKLMHit, Const::EKLM > |
Hit to reco hit measurement creator for the EKLM. | |
using | SVDMomentumMeasurementCreator = VXDMomentumEstimationMeasurementCreator< RecoHitInformation::UsedSVDHit, Const::SVD > |
Momentum measurement creator for the SVD. | |
using | PXDMomentumMeasurementCreator = VXDMomentumEstimationMeasurementCreator< RecoHitInformation::UsedPXDHit, Const::PXD > |
Momentum measurement creator for the PXD. | |
typedef HepGeom::Point3D< double > | Point3D |
3D point | |
typedef HepGeom::Vector3D< double > | Vector3D |
3D Vector | |
typedef unsigned short | c5elem |
Store hit patterns in a 5D array (hitid, prio, omega, phi, theta) | |
typedef boost::multi_array< c5elem, 5 > | c5array |
typedef c5array::index | c5index |
typedef unsigned short | c3elem |
The Hough space is a 3D array (omega, phi, theta) | |
typedef boost::multi_array< c3elem, 3 > | c3array |
typedef c3array::index | c3index |
typedef unsigned short | c2elem |
TS-Id to 1/32 phi-sector mapping is stored in a 2D array. | |
typedef boost::multi_array< c2elem, 2 > | c2array |
typedef c2array::index | c2index |
typedef std::vector< c3index > | cell_index |
typedef unsigned short | ushort |
typedef std::pair< unsigned short, TVector2 > | cdcPair |
Pair of <iSuperLayer, (x, y)>, for hits in conformal space. | |
typedef std::map< int, cdcPair > | cdcMap |
Map of <counter, cdcPair>, for hits with indices. | |
typedef std::pair< TVector2, TVector2 > | coord2dPair |
Hough Tuples. | |
using | NodeList = std::vector< std::vector< int > > |
Node list. | |
using | MergerBus = std::array< std::bitset< mergerWidth >, nAllMergers > |
Merger data bus. | |
using | MergerBits = Bitstream< MergerBus > |
Merger data bus Bitstream. | |
Enumerations | |
Enum for type of EclPainter to create. More... | |
What type of message is this? More... | |
enum class | ProcType { c_Input = 'i' , c_Worker = 'w' , c_Output = 'o' , c_Proxy = 'p' , c_Monitor = 'm' , c_Init = '0' , c_Stopped = 's' } |
Type of the process used for storing and mapping the child processes in the process handler. More... | |
enum class | EMessageTypes { c_confirmMessage = 'c' , c_helloMessage = 'h' , c_deleteWorkerMessage = 'd' , c_lastEventMessage = 'l' , c_readyMessage = 'r' , c_terminateMessage = 'x' , c_rawDataMessage = 'u' , c_compressedDataMessage = 'v' , c_eventMessage = 'w' , c_goodbyeMessage = 'g' , c_statisticMessage = 's' , c_killWorkerMessage = 'k' , c_monitoringMessage = 'm' , c_newRunMessage = 'n' } |
Type the messages can have. | |
enum | ZMQAddressType { c_input , c_output , c_pub , c_sub , c_control } |
The type of a ZMQ socket address (which socket to use) More... | |
enum class | NodeType : int { UnaryBooleanNode , BinaryBooleanNode , UnaryRelationalNode , BinaryRelationalNode , TernaryRelationalNode , UnaryExpressionNode , BinaryExpressionNode , FunctionNode , IdentifierNode , DoubleNode , IntegerNode , BooleanNode } |
Enum of possible Nodes in parsing tree. More... | |
enum class | BooleanOperator : int { AND , OR } |
Enum for decoding the boolean operator type. More... | |
enum class | ComparisonOperator : int { EQUALEQUAL , GREATEREQUAL , LESSEQUAL , GREATER , LESS , NOTEQUAL } |
Enum for decoding the comparison operator type. More... | |
enum class | ArithmeticOperation : int { PLUS , MINUS , PRODUCT , DIVISION , POWER } |
Enum for decoding the comparison operator type. More... | |
enum class | SoftwareTriggerCutResult { c_reject = -1 , c_accept = 1 , c_noResult = 0 } |
Enumeration with all possible results of the SoftwareTriggerCut. More... | |
enum | { c_NChannelPerAsic = 8 , c_NModule = 16 , c_NChannelPerPMT = 16 , c_NChannelPerPMTRow = 4 , c_NPMTPerRow = 16 , c_NPMTPerModule = 32 , c_NPixelPerRow = 64 , c_NPixelPerModule = 512 } |
enum for maximum number of array elements (# of hits per event) | |
Define state of extrapolation for each recorded hit. | |
Enumeration for G4VPhysicalVolume sensitive-volume categories. More... | |
Functions | |
TEST_F (GlobalLabelTest, LargeNumberOfTimeDependentParameters) | |
Test large number of time-dep params for registration and retrieval. | |
TEST_F (GlobalLabelTest, TimeSettingWorkflow) | |
Test that time dependence works. | |
TEST_F (GlobalLabelTest, GettersSettersOperators) | |
Test getters/setters, operators. | |
TEST_F (GlobalLabelTest, QickTestNormalOperation) | |
Test the default way of using this. | |
void | addContinuumSuppression (const Particle *particle, const std::string &maskName) |
Adds continuum suppression variables. | |
double | legendre (const double z, const int i) |
Legendre polynomials. | |
TEST_F (ChargedParticleIdentificatorTest, TestDBRep) | |
Test correct storage of weightfiles in the database representation inner structure. | |
TEST_F (eventShapeCoreAlgorithmTest, Thrust) | |
Test the calculation of a thrust axis. | |
TEST_F (eventShapeCoreAlgorithmTest, CleoCones) | |
Test the calculation of the CleoClones variables. | |
TEST_F (eventShapeCoreAlgorithmTest, FoxWolfram) | |
Test the calculation of the Fox-Wolfram moments. | |
TEST_F (eventShapeCoreAlgorithmTest, HarmonicMoments) | |
Test the calculation of the Harmonic moments. | |
TEST_F (eventShapeCoreAlgorithmTest, Sphericity) | |
Test the calculation of the Sphericity eigenvalues and eigenvectors. | |
TEST_F (PIDPriorsTest, PIDPriorsTableTest) | |
Test of the PIDPriorsTable class. | |
TEST_F (PIDPriorsTest, PIDPriorTest) | |
Test the PIDPriors dbobject. | |
TEST_F (TrackIsoScoreCalculatorTest, TestDBRep) | |
Test correct retrieval of information from the database representation inner structure. | |
bool | operator== (const DecayNode &node1, const DecayNode &node2) |
Compare two Decay Nodes: They are equal if All daughter decay nodes are equal or one of the daughter lists is empty (which means "inclusive") More... | |
bool | operator!= (const DecayNode &node1, const DecayNode &node2) |
Not equal: See operator==. | |
REG_MODULE (arichBtest) | |
Register the Module. | |
REG_MODULE (ARICHDigitizer) | |
Register the Module. | |
TH2 * | moduleHitMap (TH1 *hitMap, int moduleID) |
Make hit map in HAPD view (12*12 channels) More... | |
TH2 * | moduleDeadMap (TH1 *hitMap, int moduleID) |
Make chip dead/alive map in HAPD view (2*2 chips) More... | |
TH1 * | mergerClusterHitMap1D (TH1 *hitMap, int mergerID) |
Make 1D hit map of specified Merger Board. More... | |
TCanvas * | mergerClusterHitMap2D (TH1 *hitMap, int mergerID) |
Make display of 6 HAPDs' 2D hit map of the Merger Board. More... | |
TCanvas * | sectorHitMap (TH1 *hitMap, int sector) |
Make display of 70 HAPDs' 2D hit map of the sector. More... | |
TCanvas * | sectorDeadMap (TH1 *hitMap, int sector) |
Make display of 70 HAPDs' 2D dead/alive map of the sector. More... | |
void | deadPalette () |
Register module. | |
Register module. | |
Register module. | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (ARICHRawUnpacker) | |
REG_MODULE (ARICHReconstructor) | |
Register the Module. | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (ARICHUnpacker) | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (B2BIIConvertBeamParams) | |
Register the module. | |
static double | ecl_adhoc_corr (int Exp, int Run, int iflag05th, double Energy, double) |
The function giving correction factor. More... | |
static double | ecl_adhoc_corr_45 (int exp, int, int cid) |
The function giving correction factor in Exp.45. | |
static double | ecl_mcx3_corr (int, int, double energy, double) |
Correct energy scale (MC) to make pi0 peak nominal. | |
static double | mpi0pdg (double Energy) |
Make MC mass peak to PDG value. | |
static bool | operator== (const cal_scale_error_func_set_t &lhs, const cal_scale_error_func_set_t &rhs) |
Operator definition for cal_scale_error_func_set_t. | |
static void | null_scale (double[5], double, double) |
Dummy function. | |
static void | get_event_id (int *no_exp, int *no_run, int *no_evt, int *no_frm, int *expmc) |
Get event ID. | |
static bool | is_already_scaled (void) |
Check if event is already scaled. | |
double | vfunc (const double x, const double x1, const double yc, const double a1, const double a2) |
vfunc | |
double | cupfunc (const double x, const double x1, const double x2, const double yc, const double a1, const double a2) |
cupfunc | |
double | rootfunc (const double x, const double x1, const double x2, const double yc, const double a1, const double a2) |
rootfunc | |
double | lambdafunc (const double x, const double x1, const double x2, const double yc, const double a1, const double a2, const double a3) |
lambdafunc | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP0723_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], const double pt, const double) |
Scale error for Exp.7-23 Cosmic MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP2527_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], const double pt, const double) |
Scale error for Exp.25-27 Cosmic MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP31_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double) |
Scale error for Exp.31 Cosmic MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP33_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double) |
Scale error for Exp.33 Cosmic MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP35_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double tanl) |
Scale error for Exp.35 Cosmic MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP37_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double) |
Scale error for Exp.37 Cosmic MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP3941_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double) |
Scale error for Exp.39,41 Cosmic MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP43_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double) |
Scale error for Exp.43 Cosmic MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP45_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double) |
Scale error for Exp.45 Cosmic MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP47_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double) |
Scale error for Exp.47 Cosmic MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP49_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double) |
Scale error for Exp.49 Cosmic MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP51_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double) |
Scale error for Exp.51 Cosmic MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP53_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double) |
Scale error for Exp.53 Cosmic MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP55_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double) |
Scale error for Exp.55 Cosmic MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP6165_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double tanl) |
Scale error for Exp.61-65 Cosmic MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP67_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double tanl) |
Scale error for Exp.67 Cosmic MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP6971_cosmic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double tanl) |
Scale error for Exp.69-71 Cosmic MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP0723_cosmic_data (double scale[5], const double pt, const double) |
Scale error for Exp.7-23 Cosmic data. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP2527_cosmic_data (double scale[5], const double pt, const double) |
Scale error for Exp.25-27 Cosmic data. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP31_cosmic_data (double scale[5], double pt, double) |
Scale error for Exp.31 Cosmic data. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP33_cosmic_data (double scale[5], double pt, double) |
Scale error for Exp.33 Cosmic data. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP35_cosmic_data (double scale[5], double pt, double tanl) |
Scale error for Exp.35 Cosmic data. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP37_cosmic_data (double scale[5], double pt, double) |
Scale error for Exp.37 Cosmic data. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP3941_cosmic_data (double scale[5], double pt, double) |
Scale error for Exp.39-41 Cosmic data. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP43_cosmic_data (double scale[5], double pt, double) |
Scale error for Exp.43 Cosmic data. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP4547_cosmic_data (double scale[5], double pt, double) |
Scale error for Exp.45,47 Cosmic data. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP49_cosmic_data (double scale[5], double pt, double) |
Scale error for Exp.49 Cosmic data. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP51_cosmic_data (double scale[5], double pt, double tanl) |
Scale error for Exp.51 Cosmic data. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP53_cosmic_data (double scale[5], double pt, double) |
Scale error for Exp.53 Cosmic data. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP55_cosmic_data (double scale[5], double pt, double tanl) |
Scale error for Exp.55 Cosmic data. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP6165_cosmic_data (double scale[5], double pt, double tanl) |
Scale error for Exp.61-65 Cosmic data. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP67_cosmic_data (double scale[5], double pt, double tanl) |
Scale error for Exp.67 Cosmic data. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP6971_cosmic_data (double scale[5], double pt, double tanl) |
Scale error for Exp.69,71 Cosmic data. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP0723_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], const double pt, const double tanl) |
Scale error for Exp.7-23 Hadron MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP2527_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], const double pt, const double tanl) |
Scale error for Exp.25-27 Hadron MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP31_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double tanl) |
Scale error for Exp.31 Hadron MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP33_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double tanl) |
Scale error for Exp.33,35 Hadron MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP35_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double tanl) |
Scale error for Exp.33,35 Hadron MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP37_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double tanl) |
Scale error for Exp.37 Hadron MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP3941_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double) |
Scale error for Exp.39,41 Hadron MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP43_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double) |
Scale error for Exp.43 Hadron MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP45_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double tanl) |
Scale error for Exp.45 Hadron MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP47_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double) |
Scale error for Exp.47 Hadron MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP49_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double) |
Scale error for Exp.49 Hadron MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP51_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double tanl) |
Scale error for Exp.51 Hadron MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP53_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double) |
Scale error for Exp.53 Hadron MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP55_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double) |
Scale error for Exp.55 Hadron MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP6165_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double) |
Scale error for Exp.61-65 Hadron MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP67_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double) |
Scale error for Exp.67 Hadron MC. | |
static void | cal_scale_error_EXP6971_hadronic_mc (double scale[5], double pt, double) |
Scale error for Exp.69,71 Hadron MC. | |
static cal_scale_error_func_set_t | get_scale_error_func_for_exprun (const int no_exp, const int) |
Get scale error fucntion for different Exp. | |
static void | cal_scale_error (double scale[5], const double pt, const double tanl, const int expmc, const int no_exp, const int no_run) |
Calculate scale error. | |
static int | scale_error_impl (const int message_level, const int reprocess_version) |
The implementation of B2BIIFixMdstModule::scale_error() More... | |
void | recsim_mdst_propgt_ (float *, float[], float[], float[], float[], float[], int *) |
recsim_mdst_propgt from legacy C code | |
static void | scale_err_ms (Belle::Mdst_trk_fit &fit, const double scale[]) |
Scale error. | |
static void | smear_trk_ms (Belle::Mdst_trk_fit &fit, const double scale[]) |
Smear MC tracks. | |
static void | smear_charged () |
Smear tracks in Mdst_Charged. | |
int | nsm_read_argv (int argc, const char **argv, int(*help)(const char **argv), char **argv_in, ConfigFile &config, std::string &name, std::string &username, int nargv) |
TEST_F (ECLCalDigitTest, Constructors) | |
Test Constructors. | |
TEST_F (ECLCalDigitTest, SettersAndGetters) | |
Test Setters and Getter. | |
TEST_F (ECLChargedPIDTest, ECLPidLikelihoodSettersAndGetters) | |
Test ECLPidLikelihood setters and getters. | |
TEST_F (ECLChargedPIDTest, TestECLPdfs) | |
Test ECL PDFs. More... | |
TEST_F (ECLDigitTest, Constructors) | |
Test Constructors. | |
TEST_F (ECLDigitTest, SettersAndGetters) | |
Test Setters and Getter. | |
TEST_F (ECLHitTest, Constructors) | |
Test Constructors. | |
TEST_F (ECLHitTest, SettersAndGetters) | |
Test Setters and Getters. | |
TEST_F (ECLHitAssignmentTest, Constructors) | |
Test Constructors. | |
TEST_F (ECLHitAssignmentTest, SettersAndGetters) | |
Test Setters and Getter. | |
TEST_F (ECLShowerTest, Constructors) | |
Test Constructors. | |
TEST_F (ECLShowerTest, SettersAndGetters) | |
Test Setters and Getter. | |
TEST_F (ECLSimHitTest, Constructors) | |
Test Constructors. | |
TEST_F (ECLSimHitTest, SettersAndGetters) | |
Test Setters and Getters. | |
TEST (TestgetDetectorRegion, TestgetDetectorRegion) | |
Test Constructors. | |
template<class T > | |
boost::python::object | createROOTObjectPyCopy (const T &instance) |
Create a python wrapped copy from a class instance which has a ROOT dictionary. More... | |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &input, IntervalOfValidity &iov) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &output, const IntervalOfValidity &iov) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &output, const Helix &helix) |
Output operator for debugging and the generation of unittest error messages. | |
ADD_BITMASK_OPERATORS (DataStore::EStoreFlags) | |
Add bitmask operators to DataStore::EStoreFlags. | |
DEFINE_UNIT (cm, 1.) | |
Standard units with the value = 1. More... | |
DEFINE_UNIT (ns, 1.) | |
Standard of [time]. | |
DEFINE_UNIT (GHz, 1.) | |
Standard of [frequency]. | |
DEFINE_UNIT (rad, 1.) | |
Standard of [angle]. | |
DEFINE_UNIT (GeV, 1.) | |
Standard of [energy, momentum, mass]. | |
DEFINE_UNIT (K, 1.) | |
Standard of [temperature]. | |
DEFINE_UNIT (e, 1.) | |
Standard of [electric charge]. | |
DEFINE_UNIT_NAME (g_cm3, 1., "g/cm3") | |
Practical units with the value = 1. More... | |
DEFINE_UNIT (km, Unit::cm *1e5) | |
Derived units. More... | |
DEFINE_UNIT (m, Unit::cm *1e2) | |
[meters] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (mm, Unit::m *1e-3) | |
[millimeters] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (um, Unit::m *1e-6) | |
[micrometers] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (nm, Unit::m *1e-9) | |
[nanometers] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (pm, Unit::m *1e-12) | |
[picometers] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (fm, Unit::m *1e-15) | |
[femtometers] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (m2, Unit::m *Unit::m) | |
[square meters] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (cm2, Unit::cm *Unit::cm) | |
[square centimeters] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (mm2, Unit::mm *Unit::mm) | |
[square millimeters] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (b, Unit::m2 *1e-28) | |
[barn] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (mb, Unit::b *1e-3) | |
[millibarn] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (ub, Unit::b *1e-6) | |
[microbarn] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (nb, Unit::b *1e-9) | |
[nanobarn] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (pb, Unit::b *1e-12) | |
[picobarn] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (fb, Unit::b *1e-15) | |
[femtobarn] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (ab, Unit::b *1e-18) | |
[attobarn] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (m3, Unit::m *Unit::m *Unit::m) | |
[cubic meters] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (cm3, Unit::cm *Unit::cm *Unit::cm) | |
[cubic centimeters] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (mm3, Unit::mm *Unit::mm *Unit::mm) | |
[cubic millimeters] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (s, Unit::ns *1e9) | |
[second] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (ms, Unit::s *1e-3) | |
[millisecond] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (us, Unit::s *1e-6) | |
[microsecond] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (ps, Unit::s *1e-12) | |
[picosecond] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (fs, Unit::s *1e-15) | |
[femtosecond] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (Hz, Unit::GHz *1e-9) | |
[Hertz] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (kHz, Unit::GHz *1e-6) | |
[Kilohertz] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (MHz, Unit::GHz *1e-3) | |
[Megahertz] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (mHz, Unit::GHz *1e-12) | |
[Millihertz] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (mrad, Unit::rad *1e-3) | |
[millirad] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (deg, TMath::DegToRad()) | |
degree to radians | |
DEFINE_UNIT (eV, Unit::GeV *1e-9) | |
[electronvolt] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (keV, Unit::eV *1e3) | |
[kiloelectronvolt] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (MeV, Unit::eV *1e6) | |
[megaelectronvolt] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (TeV, Unit::eV *1e12) | |
[teraelectronvolt] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (J, 1.0/TMath::Qe() *Unit::eV) | |
[joule] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (V, Unit::eV/Unit::e) | |
Standard of [voltage]. | |
DEFINE_UNIT (C, 1.0/TMath::Qe() *Unit::e) | |
[Coulomb] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (fC, Unit::C/1.0e15) | |
[femtoCoulomb] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (T, Unit::V *Unit::s/Unit::m2) | |
[Tesla] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (mT, Unit::T *1e-3) | |
[millitesla] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (Gauss, Unit::T *1e-4) | |
[Gauss] | |
DEFINE_UNIT (kGauss, Unit::Gauss *1e3) | |
[kiloGauss] | |
DEFINE_UNIT_NAME (mg_cm3, Unit::g_cm3 *1e-3, "mg/cm3") | |
[mg/cm^3] | |
DEFINE_UNIT_NAME (kg_cm3, Unit::g_cm3 *1e3, "kg/cm3") | |
[kg/cm^3] | |
DEFINE_UNIT_NAME (g_mm3, Unit::g_cm3/Unit::mm3, "g/mm3") | |
[g/mm^3] | |
DEFINE_UNIT_NAME (mg_mm3, Unit::mg_cm3/Unit::mm3, "mg/mm3") | |
[mg/mm^3] | |
DEFINE_UNIT_NAME (kg_mm3, Unit::kg_cm3/Unit::mm3, "kg/mm3") | |
[kg/mm^3] | |
template<typename DataType > | |
Bool_t | operator== (const TVector3 &a, const B2Vector3< DataType > &b) |
non-memberfunction Comparison for equality with a TVector3 | |
template<typename DataType > | |
Bool_t | operator!= (const TVector3 &a, const B2Vector3< DataType > &b) |
non-memberfunction Comparison for equality with a TVector3 | |
template<typename DataType > | |
B2Vector3< DataType > | operator* (DataType a, const B2Vector3< DataType > &p) |
non-memberfunction Scaling of 3-vectors with a real number | |
template<typename DataType > | |
B2Vector3< DataType > | operator+ (const TVector3 &a, const B2Vector3< DataType > &b) |
non-memberfunction for adding a TVector3 to a B2Vector3 | |
template<typename DataType > | |
B2Vector3< DataType > | operator- (const TVector3 &a, const B2Vector3< DataType > &b) |
non-memberfunction for substracting a TVector3 from a B2Vector3 | |
template<typename DataType > | |
B2Vector3< DataType > | operator+ (const B2Vector3< DataType > &a, const TVector3 &b) |
non-memberfunction for adding a B2Vector3 to a TVector3 | |
template<typename DataType > | |
B2Vector3< DataType > | operator- (const B2Vector3< DataType > &a, const TVector3 &b) |
non-memberfunction for substracting a B2Vector3 from a TVector3 | |
template<typename DataType > | |
B2Vector3< DataType > | operator+ (const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &a, const B2Vector3< DataType > &b) |
non-memberfunction for adding a XYZVector to a B2Vector3 | |
template<typename DataType > | |
B2Vector3< DataType > | operator- (const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &a, const B2Vector3< DataType > &b) |
non-memberfunction for substracting a XYZVector from a B2Vector3 | |
template<typename DataType > | |
B2Vector3< DataType > | operator+ (const B2Vector3< DataType > &a, const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &b) |
non-memberfunction for adding a B2Vector3 to a XYZVector | |
template<typename DataType > | |
B2Vector3< DataType > | operator- (const B2Vector3< DataType > &a, const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &b) |
non-memberfunction for substracting a B2Vector3 from a XYZVector | |
void | injectBooleanOperatorToStream (std::ostream &stream, const BooleanOperator &boperator) |
Helper functions for AbstractBooleanNode and AbstractExpressionNode print() and decompile() members Shifts the correct characters into the ostream, depending on the BooleanOperator given. More... | |
void | injectComparisonOperatorToStream (std::ostream &stream, const ComparisonOperator &coperator) |
Helper functions for AbstractBooleanNode and AbstractExpressionNode print() and decompile() members Shifts the correct characters into the ostream, depending on the ComparisonOperator given. More... | |
void | injectArithmeticOperatorToStream (std::ostream &stream, const ArithmeticOperation &aoperation) |
Helper functions for AbstractBooleanNode and AbstractExpressionNode print() and decompile() members Shifts the correct characters into the ostream, depending on the ComparisonOperator given. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
T | convertString (const std::string &str) |
Converts a string to type T (one of float, double, long double, int, long int, unsigned long int). More... | |
unsigned long int | findMatchedParenthesis (std::string str, char open='[', char close=']') |
Returns position of the matched closing parenthesis if the first character in the given string contains an opening parenthesis. More... | |
std::vector< std::string > | splitOnDelimiterAndConserveParenthesis (std::string str, char delimiter, char open, char close) |
Split into std::vector on delimiter ignoring delimiters between parenthesis. | |
unsigned long int | findIgnoringParenthesis (std::string str, std::string pattern, unsigned int begin=0) |
Returns the position of a pattern in a string ignoring everything that is in parenthesis. | |
bool | almostEqualFloat (const float &a, const float &b) |
Helper function to test if two floats are almost equal. | |
bool | almostEqualDouble (const double &a, const double &b) |
Helper function to test if two doubles are almost equal. More... | |
std::set< int64_t > | generate_number_sequence (const std::string &str) |
Generate a sequence of numbers defined by a string. More... | |
template<> | |
float | convertString (const std::string &str) |
Converts a string to float. More... | |
register the model in EvtGen | |
double | s13_min (const double &s12, const double &M, const double &m1, const double &m2, const double &m3) |
minimum s13 | |
double | s13_max (const double &s12, const double &M, const double &m1, const double &m2, const double &m3) |
maximum s13 | |
register the model in EvtGen | |
register the model in EvtGen | |
register the model in EvtGen | |
register the model in EvtGen | |
register the model in EvtGen | |
register the model in EvtGen | |
B2_EVTGEN_REGISTER_MODEL (EvtEtaPrimeDalitz) | |
register the model in EvtGen | |
register the model in EvtGen | |
register the model in EvtGen | |
register the model in EvtGen | |
TEST_F (EvtBCLFFTest, Scalar) | |
Test calculation of scalar BCL FF. | |
TEST_F (EvtBCLFFTest, Vector) | |
Test calculation of vector BCL FF. | |
TEST_F (ParticleGunTest, MomentumDistributions) | |
Tests momentum generation parameters. | |
TEST_F (ParticleGunTest, VertexDistributions) | |
Tests vertex generation parameters. | |
TEST_F (ParticleGunTest, AngularDistributions) | |
Tests angular generation parameters. | |
double | sqrt (double a) |
sqrt for double | |
double | tan (double a) |
tan for double | |
double | atan (double a) |
atan for double | |
DualNumber | operator+ (DualNumber a, DualNumber b) |
addition of dual numbers | |
DualNumber | operator+ (DualNumber a, double b) |
addition of dual number and double | |
DualNumber | operator- (DualNumber a, double b) |
subtraction of dual number and double | |
DualNumber | operator- (double a, DualNumber b) |
subtraction of double and dual number | |
DualNumber | operator/ (double a, DualNumber b) |
division of double and dual number | |
DualNumber | operator/ (DualNumber a, DualNumber b) |
division of two dual numbers | |
DualNumber | operator- (DualNumber a, DualNumber b) |
subtraction of two dual numbers | |
DualNumber | operator* (DualNumber a, DualNumber b) |
multiplication of two dual numbers | |
DualNumber | operator* (double a, DualNumber b) |
multiplication of double and dual number | |
DualNumber | sqrt (DualNumber a) |
sqrt of dual number | |
DualNumber | atan (DualNumber a) |
atan of dual number | |
DualNumber | tan (DualNumber a) |
tan of dual number | |
template<typename T > | |
GeneralVector< T > | operator+ (GeneralVector< T > a, GeneralVector< T > b) |
addition of two general vectors | |
template<typename T > | |
T | dot (GeneralVector< T > a, GeneralVector< T > b) |
dot product of two general vectors | |
template<typename T > | |
GeneralVector< T > | operator* (T a, GeneralVector< T > b) |
product of scalar and general vector | |
template<typename T > | |
T | getEcms (GeneralVector< T > p1, GeneralVector< T > p2) |
get CMS energy from HER & LER momentum 3-vectors | |
template<typename T > | |
GeneralVector< T > | getBoost (GeneralVector< T > p1, GeneralVector< T > p2) |
get boost vector from HER & LER momentum 3-vectors | |
template<typename T > | |
std::pair< T, T > | getAnglesCMS (GeneralVector< T > p1, GeneralVector< T > p2) |
get collision axis angles in CM frame from HER & LER momentum 3-vectors | |
template<typename T > | |
GeneralVector< T > | getFourVector (T energy, T angleX, T angleY, bool isHER) |
get 4-momentum from energy and angles of beam | |
Eigen::MatrixXd | getGradientMatrix (double eH, double thXH, double thYH, double eL, double thXL, double thYL) |
get gradient matrix of (eH, thXH, thYH, eL, thXL, thYL) -> (eCMS, boostX, boostY, boostY, angleXZ, angleYZ) transformation | |
Eigen::VectorXd | getCentralValues (double eH, double thXH, double thYH, double eL, double thXL, double thYL) |
get vector including (Ecms, boostX, boostY, boostZ, angleXZ, angleYZ) from beam energies and angles | |
Eigen::MatrixXd | transformCov (const Eigen::MatrixXd &covHER, const Eigen::MatrixXd &covLER, const Eigen::MatrixXd &grad) |
transform covariance matrix to the variables (Ecms, boostX, boostY, boostZ, angleXZ, angleYZ) | |
double | getTotalEnergy (const std::vector< ROOT::Math::PxPyPzMVector > &ps) |
Main function scaleParticleEnergies in this header scales momenta in CMS of all particles in the final state by a constant factor such that the overall collision energy is slightly changed. More... | |
double | getScaleFactor (const std::vector< ROOT::Math::PxPyPzMVector > &ps, double EcmsTarget) |
Find approximative value of the momentum scaling factor which makes the total energy of the particles provided in the vector ps equal to EcmsTarget. | |
std::vector< ROOT::Math::PxPyPzMVector > | scaleMomenta (const std::vector< ROOT::Math::PxPyPzMVector > &ps, double C) |
Scale momenta of the particles in the vector ps with a factor C. More... | |
void | scaleParticleEnergies (MCParticleGraph &mpg, double EcmsTarget) |
Scale momenta of the particles by a constant factor such that total energy is changed to EcmsTarget. More... | |
static Eigen::MatrixXd | toEigen (TMatrixDSym m) |
transform matrix from ROOT to Eigen format | |
BFieldComponentBeamline ** | GetInstancePtr () |
Static function holding the instance. | |
BFieldComponentRadial::BFieldPoint | operator* (const BFieldComponentRadial::BFieldPoint &v, double a) |
multiply a radial bfield point by a real number | |
BFieldComponentRadial::BFieldPoint | operator+ (const BFieldComponentRadial::BFieldPoint &u, const BFieldComponentRadial::BFieldPoint &v) |
Add two radial bfield points together. | |
TEST_F (KLMMuidLikelihoodTest, KLMMuidLikelihood) | |
Test some setters and getters. | |
TEST_F (MuidBuilderTest, MuidBuilder01) | |
Test for a muon with 14 hits in the barrel. | |
TEST_F (MuidBuilderTest, MuidBuilder02) | |
Test for a muon with some discrepancies between hit and ext. More... | |
TEST_F (MuidBuilderTest, MuidBuilder03) | |
Test for a muon with large discrepancies between hit and ext. More... | |
TEST_F (MuidBuilderTest, MuidBuilder04) | |
Test for a muon with hits in both barrel and endcaps. | |
TEST_F (MuidBuilderTest, MuidBuilder05) | |
Test for a muon with hits in both barrel and endcaps. | |
TEST_F (BeamSpotTest, Basic) | |
Constructor, copy constructor, comparison, setters and getters. | |
TEST_F (ECLClusterTest, Constructors) | |
Test default constructor. | |
TEST_F (ECLClusterTest, SettersAndGetters) | |
Test setter and getter. | |
TEST_F (EventLevelTrackingInfoTest, settersNGettersCDC) | |
Test simple Setters, Getters, and Hassers for the CDC related part. | |
TEST_F (EventLevelTrackingInfoTest, settersNGettersVXD) | |
Test simple Setters and Getters for the VXD related part. | |
TEST_F (EventLevelTrackingInfoTest, settersNGettersFlagBlock) | |
Test simple Setters and Getters for the VXD related part. | |
TEST_F (HitPatternCDCTest, settersNGetters) | |
Test simple Setters, Getters, and Hassers. | |
TEST_F (HitPatternCDCTest, SetNGetTotalNumberOfHits) | |
This tests if the total number of hits is set and read correctly. | |
TEST_F (HitPatternCDCTest, getLongestContRunInSL) | |
Test if the longest run in a superlayer is returned correctly. | |
TEST_F (HitPatternCDCTest, getFirstLastLayer) | |
Test if getFirst/LastLayer returns the proper value. | |
TEST_F (HitPatternVXDTest, NumberingScheme) | |
Test the numbering scheme in the static variables. | |
TEST_F (HitPatternVXDTest, General) | |
Constructor and some general getters. | |
TEST_F (HitPatternVXDTest, SVDSetterAndGetter) | |
Test simple Setters and Getters for SVD. | |
TEST_F (HitPatternVXDTest, PXDSetterAndGetter) | |
Test simple Setters and Getters for the PXD. | |
TEST_F (HitPatternVXDTest, NGetters) | |
Test total number of hit getters. | |
TEST_F (HitPatternVXDTest, getNLayers) | |
Test the getNLayer functions. | |
TEST_F (HitPatternVXDTest, getFirstLastLayer) | |
Test the getters for First/Last Layer. | |
TEST_F (KlIdTest, SettersAndGetters) | |
Test setter and getter. | |
TrackFitResult const * | addDummyTrack (StoreArray< TrackFitResult > &trackFitResults, Const::ChargedStable particeType) |
Utility function to create dummy TrackFitResults. | |
TEST_F (TrackTest, settersNGetters) | |
Test simple Setters and Getters. | |
TEST_F (TrackTest, getTrackFitResultWithClosestMass) | |
Test simple Setters and Getters. | |
TEST_F (TrackFitResultTest, Getters) | |
Test simple Setters and Getters. | |
TEST_F (TrackFitResultTest, ErrorPropagation) | |
Test if the error propagation of the covariance matrix works properly. | |
TEST_F (TrackFitResultTest, Charge) | |
Test get charge. | |
TEST_F (V0Test, IndexGetters) | |
Test Index Getter. | |
TEST_F (V0Test, PointerGetters) | |
Test Pointer Getter. | |
CDCDedxTrack const * | getDedxFromParticle (Particle const *particle) |
CDC dEdx value from particle. | |
VXDDedxTrack const * | getSVDDedxFromParticle (Particle const *particle) |
SVD dEdx value from particle. | |
double | singleGaus (const double *x, const double *par) |
Single gaus function, where N is a normalization constant, a is the mean of the Gaus distribution, b is the standard deviation of the Gaus distribution, e is a constant. More... | |
double | doubleGaus (const double *x, const double *par) |
Double gaus function, where N is a normalization constant, f is the fractional contribution of the first gaus distribution, a is the mean of the first gaus distribution, b is the standard deviation of the first gaus distribution, c is the mean of the second gaus distribution, d is the standard deviation of the second gaus distribution, e is a constant. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const SVDModeByte &id) |
Print id to stream by converting it to string. | |
void | clusterPDFName (const VxdID &sensor, int size, int side, int maxClusterSize, std::string &PDFName, std::string &errorPDFName, bool useLegacyNaming) |
Function to set name of PDF for cluster quality estimation. More... | |
void | occupancyPDFName (const VxdID &sensor, int side, std::string &PDFName) |
Function to maintain common naming convention between calibration occupancy file generation and occupancy value extraction in main crossTalkFinder module. | |
template<class SpacePointType > | |
void | provideSVDClusterSingles (const StoreArray< SVDCluster > &svdClusters, StoreArray< SpacePointType > &spacePoints) |
simply store one spacePoint for each existing SVDCluster. More... | |
void | storeInputVectorFromSingleCluster (const SVDCluster *cls, std::vector< float > &inputVector, const SVDNoiseCalibrations &noiseCal) |
Store the input values for SVDSpacePoint selection from the given SVDCluster | |
void | findPossibleCombinations (const Belle2::ClustersOnSensor &aSensor, std::vector< std::vector< const SVDCluster * > > &foundCombinations, const SVDHitTimeSelection &hitTimeCut, const bool &useSVDGroupInfo, const int &numberOfSignalGroups, const bool &formSingleSignalGroup, const SVDNoiseCalibrations &noiseCal, const DBObjPtr< SVDSpacePointSNRFractionSelector > &svdSpacePointSelectionFunction, bool useSVDSpacePointSNRFractionSelector) |
stores all possible 2-Cluster-combinations. More... | |
void | spPDFName (const VxdID &sensor, int uSize, int vSize, int maxClusterSize, std::string &PDFName, std::string &errorPDFName, bool useLegacyNaming) |
Function to set name of PDF for spacePoint quality estimation. More... | |
void | calculatePairingProb (TFile *pdfFile, std::vector< const SVDCluster * > &clusters, double &prob, double &error, bool useLegacyNaming) |
Function to extract probability of correct (pair from signal hit) cluster pairing from preconfigured pdfs Probability defined as Pcharge * Ptime * Pucluster * Pvcluster. | |
template<class SpacePointType > | |
void | provideSVDClusterCombinations (const StoreArray< SVDCluster > &svdClusters, StoreArray< SpacePointType > &spacePoints, SVDHitTimeSelection &hitTimeCut, bool useQualityEstimator, TFile *pdfFile, bool useLegacyNaming, unsigned int numMaxSpacePoints, std::string m_eventLevelTrackingInfoName, const bool &useSVDGroupInfo, const int &numberOfSignalGroups, const bool &formSingleSignalGroup, const SVDNoiseCalibrations &noiseCal, const DBObjPtr< SVDSpacePointSNRFractionSelector > &svdSpacePointSelectionFunction, bool useSVDSpacePointSNRFractionSelector) |
finds all possible combinations of U and V Clusters for SVDClusters. More... | |
double | myGaus (const double *x, const double *par) |
Gaus function to be used in the fit. | |
void | addGausToHistogram (TH1D &hist, const double &integral, const double ¢er, const double &sigma, const double &sigmaN, const bool &isAddition=true) |
Add (or Subtract) a Gaussian to (or from) a histogram. More... | |
void | subtractGausFromHistogram (TH1D &hist, const double &integral, const double ¢er, const double &sigma, const double &sigmaN) |
Subtract a Gaussian from a histogram. More... | |
int | getSensorType (const VxdID &sensorID) |
Get Sensor Type of SVD sensors. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPAlignmentCollector) | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPAsicShiftsBS13dCollector) | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPChannelMaskCollector) | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPCommonT0BFCollector) | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPCommonT0LLCollector) | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPModuleT0DeltaTCollector) | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPModuleT0LLCollector) | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPOffsetCollector) | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPPhotonYieldsCollector) | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPPulseHeightCollector) | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPValidationCollector) | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (OpticalGun) | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPAligner) | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPBackground) | |
Register the Module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPBunchFinder) | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPChannelMasker) | |
Register the Module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPChannelT0Calibrator) | |
Register module. | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPCommonT0Calibrator) | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPCosmicT0Finder) | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPDigitizer) | |
Register the Module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPTriggerDigitizer) | |
Register the Module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPCalPulseGenerator) | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPDoublePulseGenerator) | |
Register module. | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPGainEfficiencyCalculator) | |
Register the Module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPLaserHitSelector) | |
Register the Module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPGeometryParInitializer) | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPInterimFENtuple) | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPLaserCalibrator) | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPMCTrackMaker) | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPModuleT0Calibrator) | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPNtuple) | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPPacker) | |
Register module. | |
Register module. | |
Register the Module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPRawDigitConverter) | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPReconstructor) | |
Register the Module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPTBCComparator) | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPTimeBaseCalibrator) | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPTimeRecalibrator) | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPUnpacker) | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPWaveformFeatureExtractor) | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (TOPWaveformQualityPlotter) | |
Register module. | |
TMatrixDSym | toTMatrixDSym (Eigen::MatrixXd mIn) |
Function that converts Eigen symmetric matrix to ROOT matrix. | |
B2Vector3D | toB2Vector3 (Eigen::VectorXd vIn) |
Function that converts Eigen vector to ROOT vector. | |
int | getID (const std::vector< double > &breaks, double t) |
get id of the time point t | |
void | extrapolateCalibration (std::vector< CalibrationData > &calVec) |
Extrapolate calibration to intervals where it failed. | |
void | addShortRun (std::vector< CalibrationData > &calVec, std::pair< ExpRun, std::pair< double, double >> shortRun) |
Extrapolate calibration to the very short runs which were filtered before. | |
double | encodeNumber (double val, unsigned num) |
Encode integer num into double val such that val is nearly not changed (maximally by a relative shift 1e-6). More... | |
unsigned | decodeNumber (double val) |
Decode the integer number encoded in val. | |
template<typename Evt > | |
void | storePayloads (const std::vector< Evt > &evts, const std::vector< CalibrationData > &calVecConst, std::string objName, std::function< TObject *(Eigen::VectorXd, Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::MatrixXd) > getCalibObj) |
Store payloads to files. | |
void | storePayloadsNoIntraRun (const std::vector< CalibrationData > &calVecConst, std::string objName, std::function< TObject *(Eigen::VectorXd, Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::MatrixXd) > getCalibObj) |
Store payloads to files, where calib data have no intra-run dependence. | |
template<typename Evt , typename Fun > | |
CalibrationData | runAlgorithm (const std::vector< Evt > &evts, std::vector< std::map< ExpRun, std::pair< double, double >>> range, Fun runCalibAnalysis) |
run calibration algorithm for single calibration interval | |
template<typename Fun1 , typename Fun2 > | |
CalibrationAlgorithm::EResult | runCalibration (TTree *tracks, const std::string &calibName, Fun1 GetEvents, Fun2 calibAnalysis, std::function< TObject *(Eigen::VectorXd, Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::MatrixXd)> calibObjCreator, TString m_lossFunctionOuter, TString m_lossFunctionInner) |
Run the the calibration over the whole event sample. More... | |
std::pair< double, double > | getMinima (std::vector< std::vector< double >> vals, int i0, int j0) |
Get minimum inside and outside of the smaller window defined by i0, j0. | |
std::vector< double > | getMinimum (std::function< double(double, double)> fun, double xMin, double xMax, double yMin, double yMax) |
Get minimum of 2D function in the rectangular domain defined by xMin,xMax & yMin,yMax. | |
Eigen::VectorXd | getWeights (int Size) |
Get the vector of weights to calculate the integral over the Chebyshev nodes The nodes are by definition between 0 and 1, there are Size nodes To get their positions, use getNodes. | |
Eigen::VectorXd | getNodes (int Size) |
Get the vector of positions of the Chebyshev nodes The nodes are by definition between 0 and 1, there are Size nodes For the corresponding weights use getWeights. | |
Eigen::VectorXd | getPols (int Size, double x) |
Evaluate Chebyshev polynomials up to Size at point x It returns a vector of the P_i(x) for i=0..Size-1 The polynomial is defined for x between 0 and 1. | |
Eigen::VectorXd | getPolsSum (int Size, Eigen::VectorXd x) |
Calculate the Chebyshev polynomials of order i=0..Size-1 at points given in vector x_j and sum it over point index j It returns sum_j P_i(x_j) for i=0..Size-1 The Chebyshev polynomials are defined for x between 0 and 1. | |
Eigen::MatrixXd | getCoefs (int Size, bool isInverse=false) |
Transformation matrix between Cheb nodes and coefficients of the Cheb polynomials Notice, that there are two alternative ways defining polynomial interpolation: More... | |
double | evalPol (const Eigen::VectorXd &polCoef, double x) |
Evaluate Cheb. More... | |
Eigen::MatrixXd | getCoefsCheb (int oldSize) |
Transformation matrix between Cheb nodes and Cheb coefficients with better normalization of the borders. | |
Eigen::VectorXd | interpol (const Eigen::VectorXd &xi, double x) |
Get Interpolation vector k_i for point x from the function values at points xi (polynomial interpolation) In the second step, the function value at x can be evaluated as sum_i vals_i k_i. | |
double | interpol (Eigen::VectorXd xi, Eigen::VectorXd vals, double x) |
Get interpolated function value at point x when function values vals at points xi are provided. More... | |
bool | operator!= (ExpRun a, ExpRun b) |
Not equal for ExpRun. | |
bool | operator< (ExpRun a, ExpRun b) |
less than for ExpRun | |
std::map< ExpRun, std::pair< double, double > > | filter (const std::map< ExpRun, std::pair< double, double >> &runs, double cut, std::map< ExpRun, std::pair< double, double >> &runsRemoved) |
filter events to remove runs shorter than cut, it stores removed runs in runsRemoved | |
std::pair< int, int > | getStartEndIndexes (int nIntervals, std::vector< int > breaks, int indx) |
get the range of interval with nIntervals and breaks stored in a vector | |
std::vector< Atom > | slice (std::vector< Atom > vec, int s, int e) |
Slice the vector to contain only elements with indexes s .. e (included) | |
std::vector< std::map< ExpRun, std::pair< double, double > > > | breaks2intervalsSep (const std::map< ExpRun, std::pair< double, double >> &runsMap, const std::vector< Atom > &currVec, const std::vector< int > &breaks) |
Get calibration intervals according to the indexes of the breaks. More... | |
template<typename Evt > | |
std::map< ExpRun, std::pair< double, double > > | getRunInfo (const std::vector< Evt > &evts) |
Get the map of runs, where each run contains pair with start/end time [hours]. More... | |
template<typename Evt > | |
ExpRunEvt | getPosition (const std::vector< Evt > &events, double tEdge) |
Get the exp-run-evt number from the event time [hours]. More... | |
template<typename Evt > | |
std::vector< ExpRunEvt > | convertSplitPoints (const std::vector< Evt > &events, std::vector< double > splitPoints) |
Convert splitPoints [hours] to breakPoints in ExpRunEvt. More... | |
TString | rn () |
Get random string. | |
std::vector< std::vector< double > > | merge (std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double >>> toMerge) |
merge { vector<double> a, vector<double> b} into {a, b} | |
Eigen::VectorXd | vec2vec (std::vector< double > vec) |
std vector -> ROOT vector | |
std::vector< double > | vec2vec (Eigen::VectorXd v) |
ROOT vector -> std vector. | |
Eigen::MatrixXd | vecs2mat (std::vector< std::vector< double >> vecs) |
merge columns (from std::vectors) into ROOT matrix | |
std::vector< double > | getRangeLin (int nVals, double xMin, double xMax) |
Equidistant range between xMin and xMax for spline of the first order. | |
std::vector< double > | getRangeZero (int nVals, double xMin, double xMax) |
Equidistant range between xMin and xMax for spline of the zero order. | |
std::vector< double > | slice (std::vector< double > v, unsigned ind, unsigned n) |
put slice of original vector v[ind:ind+n] into new one, n is number of elements | |
double | eval (const std::vector< double > &spl, const std::vector< double > &vals, double x) |
Evaluate spline (zero order or first order) in point x. | |
VectorXd | getPolsSum (int Size, VectorXd x) |
Calculate the Chebyshev polynomials of order i=0..Size-1 at points given in vector x_j and sum it over point index j It returns sum_j P_i(x_j) for i=0..Size-1 The Chebyshev polynomials are defined for x between 0 and 1. | |
double | evalPol (const VectorXd &polCoef, double x) |
Evaluate Cheb. More... | |
VectorXd | interpol (const VectorXd &xi, double x) |
Get Interpolation vector k_i for point x from the function values at points xi (polynomial interpolation) In the second step, the function value at x can be evaluated as sum_i vals_i k_i. | |
double | interpol (VectorXd xi, VectorXd vals, double x) |
Get interpolated function value at point x when function values vals at points xi are provided. More... | |
void | plotRuns (std::vector< std::pair< double, double >> runs) |
plot runs on time axis | |
void | plotSRuns (std::vector< std::pair< double, double >> runs, std::vector< int > breaks, int offset=2) |
plot clusters or runs on time axis | |
void | printBySize (std::vector< std::pair< double, double >> runs) |
print sorted lenghts of the runs | |
static ExpRun | getRun (std::map< ExpRun, std::pair< double, double >> runs, double t) |
Get exp number + run number from time. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &output, const CDCCKFPath &path) |
Output operator for the collection of CDC CKF-algorithm states. | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &output, const CDCCKFState &state) |
print state info | |
std::string | getClassMnemomicParameterName (const RecoTrack *dispatchTag) |
Returns a short name for class RecoTrack to be used in names of parameters. | |
std::string | getClassMnemomicParameterDescription (const RecoTrack *dispatchTag) |
Returns a short description for class RecoTrack to be used in descriptions of parameters. | |
std::string | getClassMnemomicParameterName (const SpacePoint *dispatchTag) |
Returns a short name for class SpacePoint to be used in names of parameters. | |
std::string | getClassMnemomicParameterDescription (const SpacePoint *dispatchTag) |
Returns a short description for class SpacePoint to be used in descriptions of parameters. | |
template<unsigned int NRows, unsigned int NCols, class AMatrix > | |
Eigen::Matrix< double, NRows, NCols, Eigen::RowMajor > | convertToEigen (const AMatrix &matrix) |
Convert a ROOT matrix to Eigen. Checks for the correct row and column number. | |
template<unsigned int NRows> | |
Eigen::Matrix< double, NRows, 1 > | convertToEigen (const TVectorD &matrix) |
Convert a ROOT matrix to Eigen - TVector specialisation. Checks for the correct row number. | |
template<class T > | |
void | checkResizeClear (std::vector< T > &vectorToCheck, uint limit) |
Check capacity of a vector and create a fresh one if capacity too large If the capacity of a std::vector is very large without being used, it just allocates RAM for no reason, increasing the RAM usage unnecessarily. More... | |
constexpr bool | arcLengthInRightDirection (double arcLength2D, TrackFindingCDC::EForwardBackward forwardBackward) |
Given the calculated arc length between a start point and an end point, checks if the travelled path is along the given direction or not. More... | |
TrackFindingCDC::EForwardBackward | fromString (const std::string &directionString) |
Helper function to turn a direction string into a valid forward backward information. | |
long | convertFloatToInt (double value, int power) |
Convert float or double to long int for more similarity to the FPGA implementation. More... | |
std::string | getClassMnemomicParameterName (const CellularRecoTrack *dispatchTag) |
Returns a short name for class CellularRecoTrack to be used in names of parameters. | |
std::string | getClassMnemomicParameterDescription (const CellularRecoTrack *dispatchTag) |
Returns a short description for class CellularRecoTrack to be used in descriptions of parameters. | |
REG_MODULE (FlipQuality) | |
Register the Module. | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const TrueHitInfo &thInfo) |
extraction operator of TrueHitInfo | |
template<typename MapType > | |
std::vector< typename MapType::key_type > | getUniqueKeys (const MapType &aMap) |
get the unique keys of a map (i.e. More... | |
template<typename MapType > | |
unsigned int | getUniqueSize (const MapType &aMap) |
get the number of unique keys inside the map NOTE: for non-multimap this is the same as .size() | |
template<typename MapType > | |
std::vector< std::pair< typename MapType::key_type, unsigned int > > | getNValuesPerKey (const MapType &aMap) |
get the unique keys of a map together with the number of values associated to each key. More... | |
template<typename MapType > | |
std::vector< typename MapType::mapped_type > | getValuesToKey (const MapType &aMap, typename MapType::key_type aKey) |
get all values stored in the map for a given key | |
template<typename MapType > | |
std::vector< std::tuple< typename MapType::key_type, typename MapType::mapped_type, unsigned int > > | getSortedKeyValueTuples (const MapType &aMap) |
get the (key, value, number of values) tuples stored in the map, sorted after the following scheme (descending order) 1) the number of associated values to one key 2) the sum of the associated values to that key NOTE: for a non-multimap this returns the content of the map ordered by valued CAUTION: if one of the values to a key is NaN this key will be the first (of the ones with the same number of associated values) More... | |
template<typename MapType > | |
std::vector< typename MapType::mapped_type > | getAllValues (const MapType &aMap) |
get all values in the map (i.e. More... | |
template<typename MapType > | |
std::string | printMap (const MapType &aMap) |
get the contents of the map as string. More... | |
static bool | findWeightInVector (std::vector< std::pair< int, double > > &vec, double weight) |
find the given weight in the given vector of pair<int,double> NOTE: the criteria for finding are rather loose (i.e. More... | |
template<typename TrueHitType > | |
static std::vector< std::pair< int, double > > | getMCParticles (const Belle2::SpacePoint *spacePoint) |
get the related MCParticles to the TrueHit. More... | |
static void | increaseClusterCounters (const Belle2::SpacePoint *spacePoint, std::array< unsigned, 3 > &clusterCtr) |
increase the appropriate Cluster counter by asking the SpacePoint which type he has and which Clusters are assigned | |
static std::vector< size_t > | getAccessorsFromWeight (double weight) |
convert the relation weight (SpacePoint <-> TrueHit) to a type that can be used to access arrays | |
static std::vector< Belle2::MCVXDPurityInfo > | createPurityInfosVec (const std::vector< const Belle2::SpacePoint * > &spacePoints) |
create a vector of MCVXDPurityInfos objects for a std::vector<Belle2::SpacePoints>. More... | |
template<typename SPContainer > | |
static std::vector< Belle2::MCVXDPurityInfo > | createPurityInfos (const SPContainer *container) |
create a vector of MCVXDPurityInfos objects for any given container holding SpacePoints and providing a getHits() method each MCParticle that is in the container gets its own object NOTE: negative MCParticleIds are possible und used as follows: More... | |
template<typename SPContainer > | |
static std::vector< Belle2::MCVXDPurityInfo > | createPurityInfos (const SPContainer &container) |
template<typename Functor > | |
i2dMultiMap | createMultiMap (int nEntries, Functor funct) |
create a multimap with More... | |
template<typename Functor > | |
i2dMap | createMap (int nEntries, Functor funct) |
create a multimap with More... | |
TEST_F (MapHelperFunctionsTest, testCreatorFunctions) | |
test the methods that are use to create the maps for the later tests | |
TEST_F (MapHelperFunctionsTest, testGetUniqueKeys) | |
test if the 'getUniqueKeys' method returns the right values | |
TEST_F (MapHelperFunctionsTest, testGetValuesToKey) | |
test if the 'getValuesToKey' method returns the right values to a given key | |
TEST_F (MapHelperFunctionsTest, testGetNValuesPerKey) | |
test the 'getNValuesPerKey' method | |
TEST_F (MapHelperFunctionsTest, testGetSortedKeyValueTuples) | |
test if the 'getSortedKeyValuePairs' method actually works as advertised | |
TEST_F (MapHelperFunctionsTest, testGetAllValues) | |
test the getAllValues() function actually returns all values that are stored in the map | |
TEST_F (SpacePointTest, testConstructorPXD) | |
Test constructor for PXDClsuters tests the constructor importing a PXDCluster and tests results by using the getters of the spacePoint... | |
TEST_F (SpacePointTest, testConstructorSVD) | |
Test constructor for SVDClsuters tests the constructor importing a SVDCluster and tests results by using the getters of the spacePoint... | |
TEST_F (SpacePointTest, testRootIOPXDCluster) | |
Test if cluster writing in and reading from root files work. More... | |
TEST_F (SpacePointTest, testRootIOB2Vector3) | |
Test if B2Vector3 writing in and reading from root files work. More... | |
TEST_F (SpacePointTest, testRootIOSP) | |
Test if spacePoints writing in and reading from root files work. More... | |
TEST_F (SpacePointTest, testConvertLocalToNormalizedCoordinates) | |
Testing member of spacePoint: convertToNormalizedCoordinates. More... | |
TEST_F (SpacePointTest, testConvertNormalizedToLocalCoordinates) | |
Testing member of spacePoint: convertToLocalCoordinates. More... | |
TEST_F (SpacePointTest, testGetNClustersAssigned) | |
Test if the number of assigned Clusters is obtained correctly NOTE: using the same constructors as in previous tests! | |
TEST_F (SpacePointTrackCandTest, testConstructorFromVector) | |
Test the Constructor, that takes a vector of SpacePoint* as argument. | |
TEST_F (SpacePointTrackCandTest, testEqualityOperator) | |
Test operator == of SpacePointTrackCand. | |
TEST_F (SpacePointTrackCandTest, testSetPdgCode) | |
Test setPdgCode method, by comparing its results with the expected values for the according particles. | |
TEST_F (SpacePointTrackCandTest, testGetHitsInRange) | |
Test the get hits in range method. | |
TEST_F (SpacePointTrackCandTest, testRefereeStatus) | |
Test the setRefereeStatus and getRefereeStatus methods. | |
TEST_F (SpacePointTrackCandTest, testRemoveSpacePoints) | |
Test the removeSpacePoint method. | |
TEST_F (SpacePointTrackCandTest, testGetSortedHits) | |
Test setPdgCode method, by comparing its results with the expected values for the according particles. | |
TEST_F (RecoTrackTest, cdcHit) | |
Test simple Setters and Getters. | |
TEST_F (RecoTrackTest, cdcHitMCFinderCategory) | |
Test simple Correct handling fo the MCFinder hit classification. | |
TEST_F (RecoTrackTest, testGenfitConversionOne) | |
Test conversion to genfit track cands. | |
TEST_F (RecoTrackTest, testGenfitConversionTwo) | |
Test conversion from genfit track cands. | |
TEST_F (RecoTrackTest, copyRecoTrack) | |
Test copying a RecoTrack. | |
TEST_F (RecoTrackTest, recoHitInformations) | |
Test the getRecoHitInformations() function. | |
TEST_F (RecoTrackTest, trackTime) | |
Test getOutgoingArmTime() and getIngoingArmTime() functions. | |
TEST_F (CollectorTFInfoTest, testAllInformationLoop) | |
dummy comment: testAllInformationLoop | |
TEST_F (FilterIDTest, simpleTest) | |
Test simple Setters and Getters. | |
TEST_F (FullSecIDTest, constructorAndGetterTests) | |
Test simple Setters and Getters. | |
TEST_F (FullSecIDTest, overloadedOperatorTests) | |
testing the overloaded operators of the FullSecID-class | |
TEST_F (FullSecIDTest, bufferOverflowTest) | |
Unfinished test - shall test bufferOverflows... | |
TEST_F (SandBox4TestingTest, testingVerbosityViaTemplates) | |
test function call with auto-assigned value | |
TEST_F (SandBox4TestingTest, JustSomePlayingAroundWithfunction) | |
test function call with auto-assigned value | |
TEST_F (SandBox4TestingTest, TestIsNanAndIsInfBehavior) | |
shall show when to get nan and when to get inf (and that inf != nan) | |
TEST_F (SectorTest, testConstructorSettersAndGetters) | |
Test Constructor, Setters and Getters. | |
TEST_F (ThreeHitFiltersTest, simpleTest) | |
Test simple Setters and Getters. | |
TEST_F (ThreeHitFiltersTest, TestMagneticField) | |
the correctness of the magneticField-values (important for pT-related calculations) | |
TEST_F (ThreeHitFiltersTest, TestAngles) | |
the correctness of the angle calculators | |
TEST_F (ThreeHitFiltersTest, TestSignAndOtherFilters) | |
test sign, helixFit and calcDeltaSlopeRZ filters | |
TEST_F (ThreeHitFiltersTest, TestDeltaSOverZ) | |
test DeltaSOverZ | |
TEST_F (ThreeHitFiltersTest, TestCalcPt) | |
test cramer method in calcPt | |
TEST_F (TwoHitFiltersTest, TestEmptyFilter) | |
Test simple Setters and Getters by filling zeroes. | |
TEST_F (TwoHitFiltersTest, TestFilledFilter) | |
Test simple Setters and Getters by filling non-zero-values. | |
TEST_F (TwoHitFiltersTest, testLargeFilter) | |
Test simple Setters and Getters by filling extreme values. | |
TEST_F (TwoHitFiltersTest, testOutOfRangeFilter) | |
testing out of range behavior | |
TEST_F (TwoHitFiltersTest, TestOutOfRangeNormedDistFilter) | |
And now possibly the only case where TwoHitFilters produces wrong results. More... | |
template<class NetworkPath > | |
SpacePointTrackCand | convertNetworkPath (NetworkPath networkPath) |
Create new SPTC from network path. | |
void | insertSpacePoint (std::vector< const SpacePoint * > &target, TrackNode source) |
Convert TrackNode to SpaePoint an add to a SpacePoint path. | |
void | insertSpacePoints (std::vector< const SpacePoint * > &target, const Segment< TrackNode > &source) |
Insert of inner and outer TrackNodes of a Segment as SpacePoints into path of SpacePoints. | |
template<class DataType , class TCInfoType , class VectorType > | |
bool | operator== (const AnalyzingAlgorithmBase< DataType, TCInfoType, VectorType > &a, const std::string &b) |
non-memberfunction Comparison for equality with a std::string | |
template<class DataType , class TCInfoType , class VectorType > | |
bool | operator== (const std::string &a, const AnalyzingAlgorithmBase< DataType, TCInfoType, VectorType > &b) |
non-memberfunction Comparison for equality with a std::string | |
template<class DataType , class TCInfoType , class VectorType > | |
bool | operator== (const AnalyzingAlgorithmBase< DataType, TCInfoType, VectorType > &a, const AlgoritmType::Type &b) |
non-memberfunction Comparison for equality with a AlgoritmType::Type | |
template<class DataType , class TCInfoType , class VectorType > | |
bool | operator== (const AlgoritmType::Type &a, const AnalyzingAlgorithmBase< DataType, TCInfoType, VectorType > &b) |
non-memberfunction Comparison for equality with a AlgoritmType::Type | |
template<class DataType , class TCInfoType , class VectorType > | |
AnalyzingAlgorithmBase< DataType, TCInfoType, VectorType > * | AnalyzingAlgorithmFactoryDouble (AlgoritmType::Type algorithmID) |
the analyzingAlgorithm factory for algorithms returning one double for each TC passed: More... | |
template<class DataType , class TCInfoType , class VectorType > | |
AnalyzingAlgorithmBase< DataType, TCInfoType, VectorType > * | AnalyzingAlgorithmFactoryInt (AlgoritmType::Type algorithmID) |
the analyzingAlgorithm factory for algorithms returning one int for each TC passed: More... | |
template<class DataType , class TCInfoType , class VectorType > | |
AnalyzingAlgorithmBase< DataType, TCInfoType, VectorType > * | AnalyzingAlgorithmFactoryVecDouble (AlgoritmType::Type algorithmID) |
the analyzingAlgorithm factory for algorithms returning one vector< double> for each TC passed: More... | |
template<typename ... types> | |
Filter< OperatorNot, Filter< types... >, VoidObserver > | operator! (const Filter< types... > &filter) |
Definition of the NOT operator ! for the Filter class. More... | |
template<typename ... types1, typename ... types2> | |
Filter< Belle2::OperatorAnd, Belle2::Filter< types1... >, Belle2::Filter< types2... >, Belle2::VoidObserver > | operator&& (const Filter< types1... > &filter1, const Filter< types2... > &filter2) |
Definition of the boolean AND operator && of the Filter class. More... | |
template<typename ... types1, typename ... types2> | |
Filter< Belle2::OperatorOr, Belle2::Filter< types1... >, Belle2::Filter< types2... >, Belle2::VoidObserver > | operator|| (const Filter< types1... > &filter1, const Filter< types2... > &filter2) |
Definition of the boolean OR operator || of the Filter class. More... | |
template<class booleanBinaryOperator , typename ... types1, typename ... types2, class observer , typename ... argsTypes> | |
bool | initializeObservers (const Filter< booleanBinaryOperator, Belle2::Filter< types1... >, Belle2::Filter< types2... >, observer > &, argsTypes ... args) |
Observer Stuff ///. More... | |
template<class booleanUnaryOperator , typename ... types1, class observer , typename ... argsTypes> | |
bool | initializeObservers (const Filter< booleanUnaryOperator, Belle2::Filter< types1... >, observer > &, argsTypes ... args) |
Recursive function to initialize all the observers in a unary boolean Filter. More... | |
template<class Variable , class RangeType , class observer , typename ... argsTypes> | |
bool | initializeObservers (const Belle2::Filter< Variable, RangeType, observer > &filter, argsTypes ... args) |
Initialize the observer of a RangeType Filter. More... | |
template<class Variable , class Range , class ... Options> | |
std::unordered_map< std::string, typename Variable::functionType > | SelectionVariableNamesToFunctions (Belle2::Filter< Variable, Range, Options... >) |
Return a map from the SelectionVariable name to the SelectionVariable function of the Variable used in the filter that is the template argument parameter. More... | |
template<class someFilter , class ... options> | |
std::unordered_map< std::string, typename someFilter::functionType > | SelectionVariableNamesToFunctions (Belle2::Filter< Belle2::OperatorNot, someFilter, options... >) |
Wrapper for filters with NOT Operator tag. More... | |
template<class FilterA , class FilterB , class ... options> | |
std::unordered_map< std::string, typename FilterA::functionType > | SelectionVariableNamesToFunctions (Belle2::Filter< Belle2::OperatorAnd, FilterA, FilterB, options... >) |
Wrapper for filters with AND Operator tag. More... | |
template<class FilterA , class FilterB , class ... options> | |
std::unordered_map< std::string, typename FilterA::functionType > | SelectionVariableNamesToFunctions (Belle2::Filter< Belle2::OperatorOr, FilterA, FilterB, options... >) |
Wrapper for filters with OR Operator tag. More... | |
template<class Var , class Arithmetic , typename ... types> | |
std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< SelectionVariable< typename Var::argumentType, Var::c_Nargs, typename Var::variableType >, Var >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< Arithmetic >::value, Filter< Var, UpperBoundedSet< Arithmetic >, VoidObserver > >::type | operator< (const Var &, Arithmetic upperBound) |
Creates a Filters with an upper bound < on the provided variable Var < lowerBound. More... | |
template<class Var , class Arithmetic , typename ... types> | |
std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< SelectionVariable< typename Var::argumentType, Var::c_Nargs, typename Var::variableType >, Var >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< Arithmetic >::value, Filter< Var, ClosedUpperBoundedSet< Arithmetic >, VoidObserver > >::type | operator<= (const Var &, Arithmetic upperBound) |
Creates a Filters with a closed upper bound <= on the provided variable Var <= lowerBound. More... | |
template<class Var , class Arithmetic > | |
std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< SelectionVariable< typename Var::argumentType, Var::c_Nargs, typename Var::variableType >, Var >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< Arithmetic >::value, Filter< Var, LowerBoundedSet< Arithmetic >, VoidObserver > >::type | operator> (const Var &, Arithmetic lowerBound) |
Creates a Filters with an lower bound > on the provided variable Var > lowerBound. More... | |
template<class Var , class Arithmetic > | |
std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< SelectionVariable< typename Var::argumentType, Var::c_Nargs, typename Var::variableType >, Var >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< Arithmetic >::value, Filter< Var, ClosedLowerBoundedSet< Arithmetic >, VoidObserver > >::type | operator>= (const Var &, Arithmetic lowerBound) |
Creates a Filters with a closed lower bound >= on the provided variable Var >= lowerBound. More... | |
template<class Var , class Arithmetic > | |
std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< SelectionVariable< typename Var::argumentType, Var::c_Nargs, typename Var::variableType >, Var >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< Arithmetic >::value, Filter< Var, UpperBoundedSet< Arithmetic >, VoidObserver > >::type | operator> (Arithmetic upperBound, const Var &) |
Creates a Filters with an upper bound < on the provided variable upperBound > Var. More... | |
template<class Var , class Arithmetic > | |
std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< SelectionVariable< typename Var::argumentType, Var::c_Nargs, typename Var::variableType >, Var >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< Arithmetic >::value, Filter< Var, ClosedUpperBoundedSet< Arithmetic >, VoidObserver > >::type | operator>= (Arithmetic upperBound, const Var &) |
Creates a Filters with a closed upper bound <= on the provided variable upperBound >= Var. More... | |
template<class Var , class Arithmetic > | |
std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< SelectionVariable< typename Var::argumentType, Var::c_Nargs, typename Var::variableType >, Var >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< Arithmetic >::value, Filter< Var, LowerBoundedSet< Arithmetic >, VoidObserver > >::type | operator< (Arithmetic lowerBound, const Var &) |
Creates a Filters with an lower bound > on the provided variable lowerBound < Var. More... | |
template<class Var , class Arithmetic > | |
std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< SelectionVariable< typename Var::argumentType, Var::c_Nargs, typename Var::variableType >, Var >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< Arithmetic >::value, Filter< Var, ClosedLowerBoundedSet< Arithmetic >, VoidObserver > >::type | operator<= (Arithmetic lowerBound, const Var &) |
Creates a Filters with a closed lower bound >= on the provided variable lowerBound <= Var. More... | |
template<class Var , class Val > | |
std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< SelectionVariable< typename Var::argumentType, Var::c_Nargs, typename Var::variableType >, Var >::value, Filter< Var, SingleElementSet< Val >, VoidObserver > >::type | operator== (const Var &, Val v) |
Creates a Filters to compare a variable against a given value Var == Val;. More... | |
template<class Var , class Val > | |
std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< SelectionVariable< typename Var::argumentType, Var::c_Nargs, typename Var::variableType >, Var >::value, Filter< Var, SingleElementSet< Val >, VoidObserver > >::type | operator== (Val val, const Var &var) |
Creates a Filters to compare a variable against a given value Val == Var;. More... | |
template<class Var , class ArithmeticLower , class ArithmeticUpper , class Observer > | |
std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< SelectionVariable< typename Var::argumentType, Var::c_Nargs, typename Var::variableType >, Var >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< ArithmeticLower >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< ArithmeticUpper >::value, Filter< Var, Range< ArithmeticLower, ArithmeticUpper >, Observer > >::type | operator< (const Filter< Var, LowerBoundedSet< ArithmeticLower >, Observer > &filter, ArithmeticUpper upperBound) |
Adding upper bound to filter with lower bound to create a filter with an allowed range between lower and upper bound. More... | |
template<class Var , class ArithmeticLower , class ArithmeticUpper , class Observer > | |
std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< SelectionVariable< typename Var::argumentType, Var::c_Nargs, typename Var::variableType >, Var >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< ArithmeticLower >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< ArithmeticUpper >::value, Filter< Var, Range< ArithmeticLower, ArithmeticUpper >, Observer > >::type | operator> (const Filter< Var, UpperBoundedSet< ArithmeticUpper >, Observer > &filter, ArithmeticLower lowerBound) |
Adding lower bound to filter with upper bound to create a filter with an allowed range between lower and upper bound. More... | |
template<class Var , class ArithmeticLower , class ArithmeticUpper , class Observer > | |
std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< SelectionVariable< typename Var::argumentType, Var::c_Nargs, typename Var::variableType >, Var >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< ArithmeticLower >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< ArithmeticUpper >::value, Filter< Var, ClosedRange< ArithmeticLower, ArithmeticUpper >, Observer > >::type | operator<= (const Filter< Var, ClosedLowerBoundedSet< ArithmeticLower >, Observer > &filter, ArithmeticUpper upperBound) |
Adding closed upper bound to filter with closed lower bound to create a filter with an allowed closed range between lower and upper bound. More... | |
template<class Var , class ArithmeticLower , class ArithmeticUpper , class Observer > | |
std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< SelectionVariable< typename Var::argumentType, Var::c_Nargs, typename Var::variableType >, Var >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< ArithmeticLower >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< ArithmeticUpper >::value, Filter< Var, ClosedRange< ArithmeticLower, ArithmeticUpper >, Observer > >::type | operator>= (const Filter< Var, ClosedUpperBoundedSet< ArithmeticUpper >, Observer > &filter, ArithmeticLower lowerBound) |
Adding closed lower bound to filter with closed upper bound to create a filter with an allowed closed range between lower and upper bound. More... | |
char | TBranchLeafType (const char *) |
Overloading TBranchLeafType to be able to get identifier 'C' for type char*. | |
char | TBranchLeafType (const Char_t &) |
Overloading TBranchLeafType to be able to get identifier 'B' for type Char_t. | |
char | TBranchLeafType (const unsigned char &) |
Overloading TBranchLeafType to be able to get identifier 'b' for type unsigned char. | |
char | TBranchLeafType (const short &) |
Overloading TBranchLeafType to be able to get identifier 'S' for type short. | |
char | TBranchLeafType (const unsigned short &) |
Overloading TBranchLeafType to be able to get identifier 's' for type unsigned short. | |
char | TBranchLeafType (const Int_t &) |
Overloading TBranchLeafType to be able to get identifier 'I' for type Int_t. | |
char | TBranchLeafType (const UInt_t &) |
Overloading TBranchLeafType to be able to get identifier 'i' for type UInt_t. | |
char | TBranchLeafType (const Float_t &) |
Overloading TBranchLeafType to be able to get identifier 'F' for type Float_t. | |
char | TBranchLeafType (const Double_t &) |
Overloading TBranchLeafType to be able to get identifier 'D' for type Double_t. | |
char | TBranchLeafType (const long int &) |
Overloading TBranchLeafType to be able to get identifier 'L' for type long int. | |
char | TBranchLeafType (const unsigned long int &) |
Overloading TBranchLeafType to be able to get identifier 'l' for type unsigned long int. | |
char | TBranchLeafType (const bool &) |
Overloading TBranchLeafType to be able to get identifier 'O' for type bool. | |
SELECTION_VARIABLE (Difference, 2, double, static double value(const double &t1, const double &t2) { return t1 - t2;};) | |
Quick definition of a selection variable implementing the difference of 2 doubles. | |
SELECTION_VARIABLE (Sum, 2, double, static double value(const double &t1, const double &t2) { return t1+t2;};) | |
Quick definition of a selection variable implementing the sum of 2 doubles. | |
TEST_F (VariablesOnTTree, basic_test) | |
Basic test of the class. | |
template<size_t Ndims> | |
const Eigen::Matrix< double, Ndims, Ndims, Eigen::RowMajor > | calculateCovMatrix (std::array< std::vector< double >, Ndims > inputData) |
calculates the empirical covariance matrix from the inputData. More... | |
template<size_t Ndims> | |
static void | readSamplesFromStream (std::istream &is, std::vector< FBDTTrainSample< Ndims > > &samples) |
read samples from stream and append them to samples | |
template<size_t Ndims> | |
static void | writeSamplesToStream (std::ostream &os, const std::vector< FBDTTrainSample< Ndims > > &samples) |
write all samples to stream | |
template<class EntryType , class MetaInfoType > | |
bool | operator== (const EntryType &a, const DirectedNode< EntryType, MetaInfoType > &b) |
************************* NON-MEMBER FUNCTIONS ************************* More... | |
short | calcCurvatureSignum (std::vector< SpacePoint const * > const &measurements) |
Calculate curvature based on triplets of measurements. More... | |
TEST_F (V0FitterTest, GetTrackHypotheses) | |
Test getter for track hypotheses. | |
TEST_F (V0FitterTest, InitializeCuts) | |
Test initialization of cuts. | |
bool | operator== (const CDCTriggerHoughCand &a, const CDCTriggerHoughCand &b) |
Two cells are identical if they have the same coordinates. | |
REG_MODULE (CDCTriggerNeuroData) | |
REG_MODULE (CDCTriggerNeuroIDHist) | |
register the basf2 module TRGCDC | |
register the basf2 TRGCDCTSStream module | |
int | intersect (const TRGCDCLpar &lp1, const TRGCDCLpar &lp2, CLHEP::HepVector &v1, CLHEP::HepVector &v2) |
intersection | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &o, const TRGCDCLpar &s) |
ostream operator | |
float | prob_ (float *, int *) |
prob function | |
static double | err_dis_inv (double x, double y, double w, double a, double b) |
distance error | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &o, const TRGCDCLpav &a) |
ostream operator | |
TRGCDCLpav | operator+ (const TRGCDCLpav &la1, const TRGCDCLpav &la2) |
bool | rlrel (vector< unsigned > a, vector< unsigned > b) |
...rlrel... | |
bool | udrel (vector< unsigned > a, vector< unsigned > b) |
...udrel... | |
bool | mirel (vector< unsigned > a, vector< unsigned > b) |
...mirel... | |
unsigned short | FindCP1 (vector< unsigned > a) |
...Find center Pattern1 from Pattern 2 | |
unsigned | FindP1C (vector< unsigned > a) |
...Pattern1 Center... | |
Register module name. | |
Register Module. | |
Register module name. | |
Register module name. | |
REG_MODULE (TRGECLRawdataAnalysis) | |
Register Module. | |
void | ftd_0_01 (bool *b, const bool *i) |
int | doprescale (int f) |
select one event in number of prescale factor events | |
Register module for TRGGRL. | |
Belle2::group_helper::KLM_trg_summery | make_trg (const std::vector< Belle2::group_helper::KLM_Digit_compact > &hits, int eventNR, int NLayerTrigger) |
std::vector< Belle2::group_helper::KLM_trig_linear_fit > | klm_trig_linear_fit (std::vector< Belle2::group_helper::KLM_Digit_compact > &hits, const std::vector< Belle2::group_helper::KLM_geo_fit_t > &geometry) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &, const TRGPoint2D &) |
ostrream operator | |
const HepGeom::Point3D< double > | ORIGIN (0, 0, 0) |
Origin 3D point. | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const VxdID &id) |
Print id to stream by converting it to string. | |
TEST (VxdID, Constructor) | |
Check that both constructors yield the same result. | |
TEST (VxdID, FromString) | |
Check the string conversion of the VxdID in both directions. | |
Variables | |
TNtuple * | m_tuple |
ntuple containing hapd hits | |
TH1F * | hapd [6] |
histogram of hits for each hapd | |
TH1F * | mwpc_tdc [4][5] |
tdc information from mwpcs | |
TH1F * | mwpc_diff [4][2] |
tdc difference from mwpcs | |
TH1F * | mwpc_sum [4][2] |
tdc sum from mwpcs | |
TH1F * | mwpc_sum_cut [4][2] |
tdc sum from mwpcs, with sum cut applied | |
TH1F * | mwpc_residuals [4][2] |
residuals from mwpcs | |
TH2F * | mwpc_xy [4] |
calculated x-y track positions | |
TH2F * | mwpc_residualsz [4][2] |
z-residuals from mwpcs | |
static int | SE_Message_Level |
Message level of scale_error(). More... | |
static int | SE_Reprocess_Version = 0 |
Reprocess verison used in scale_error() | |
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t | EXP0723_scale |
Scale error for Exp.7-23. More... | |
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t | EXP2527_scale |
Scale error for Exp.25-27. More... | |
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t | EXP31_scale |
Scale error for Exp.31. More... | |
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t | EXP33_scale |
Scale error for Exp.33. More... | |
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t | EXP35_scale |
Scale error for Exp.35. More... | |
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t | EXP37_scale |
Scale error for Exp.37. More... | |
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t | EXP3941_scale |
Scale error for Exp.39,41. More... | |
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t | EXP43_scale |
Scale error for Exp.43. More... | |
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t | EXP45_scale |
Scale error for Exp.45. More... | |
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t | EXP47_scale |
Scale error for Exp.47. More... | |
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t | EXP49_scale |
Scale error for Exp.49. More... | |
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t | EXP51_scale |
Scale error for Exp.51. More... | |
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t | EXP53_scale |
Scale error for Exp.53. More... | |
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t | EXP55_scale |
Scale error for Exp.55. More... | |
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t | EXP6165_scale |
Scale error for Exp.61-65. More... | |
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t | EXP67_scale |
Scale error for Exp.67. More... | |
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t | EXP6971_scale |
Scale error for Exp.69-71. More... | |
static const struct cal_scale_error_func_set_t | DUMMY_scale |
Dummy scale. More... | |
const int | ro_summary_revision = 1 |
const int | ronode_status_revision = 1 |
Mutex | g_mutex |
Cond | g_cond |
static const double | realNaN = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN() |
constant for double NaN | |
static const int | intNaN = std::numeric_limits<int>::quiet_NaN() |
constant for integer NaN | |
std::string | DBPointer_defaultName = "" |
Use default name for array in DBPointer. | |
static constexpr auto | XYZToTVector |
Helper function to convert XYZVector to TVector3. More... | |
static const double | me = Const::electron.getMass() |
electron mass | |
constexpr static char const *const | cdcfromEclPathTruthVarNames [] |
Names of the variables to be generated. More... | |
constexpr static char const *const | cdcPathBasicVarNames [] |
Names of the variables to be generated. | |
constexpr static char const *const | cdcPathTruthVarNames [] |
Names of the variables to be generated. More... | |
constexpr static char const *const | cdcfromEclStateTruthVarNames [] |
Names of the variables to be generated. More... | |
constexpr static char const *const | cdcStateBasicVarNames [] |
Names of the variables to be generated. | |
constexpr static char const *const | cdcStateTruthVarNames [] |
Names of the variables to be generated. More... | |
constexpr static char const *const | pxdResultTruthNames [] |
Names of the variables to be generated. More... | |
constexpr static char const *const | pxdResultVarNames [] |
Names of the variables to be generated. More... | |
constexpr static char const *const | pxdStateBasicVarNames [] |
Names of the variables to be generated. | |
constexpr static char const *const | pxdStateTruthVarNames [] |
Names of the variables to be generated. More... | |
constexpr static char const *const | relationSVDResultVarNames [] |
Names of the variables to be generated. More... | |
constexpr static char const *const | svdResultTruthNames [] |
Names of the variables to be generated. More... | |
constexpr static char const *const | svdResultVarNames [] |
Names of the variables to be generated. More... | |
constexpr static char const *const | svdStateBasicVarNames [] |
Names of the variables to be generated. | |
constexpr static char const *const | svdStateTruthVarNames [] |
Names of the variables to be generated. More... | |
constexpr static char const *const | svdStateVarNames [] |
Names of the variables to be generated. | |
static const double | realNaN = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN() |
This collects the B-meson properties in the hadronic B-decays It is used for the Ecms calibration in AirFlow. More... | |
static constexpr int | mergerWidth = 256 |
Merger data width. | |
static constexpr int | nAllMergers = 146 |
Number of Mergers. | |
static constexpr int | wordWidth = 32 |
width of a single word in the raw int buffer | |
static constexpr int | nFinesse = 48 |
Number of FINESSE in a PCIe40. | |
const double | M_PI2 = 2. * M_PI |
2*PI | |
const double | M_PI4 = 4. * M_PI |
4*PI | |
const double | M_PI8 = 8. * M_PI |
8*PI | |
const TRGCDCLayer * | TRGCDCUndefinedLayer |
TRGCDCUndefinedLayer declaration. More... | |
const int | ntrgline = 18 |
set the total number of trigger lines and prescalefactor | |
double | scalef_phase2 [ntrgline] = {1, 1, 20, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 10, 10, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1} |
prescale factor for phase2 | |
double | scalef_phase3 [ntrgline] = {1, 1, 20, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 20, 20, 1, 5, 1, 3, 5} |
prescale factor for phase3 | |
constexpr Linear_fit_of_Hits_t | Linear_fit_of_Hits |
const HepGeom::Point3D< double > | ORIGIN |
Origin 3D point. | |
static const int | intNaN = std::numeric_limits<int>::quiet_NaN() |
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
Basf2 headers.
Definitiions (.icc.h)
Declarations (pure .h)
Impl Declaration.
Combine related tracks from CDC and VXD into a single track by copying the hit information and combining the seed information.
Combine two collections of tracks without additional checks.
Create relations between MC-matched RecoTracks in CDC and SVD.
Combine related tracks from CDC (determined by SVD->CDC CKF) and generic tracks into a single track by copying the hit information and combining the seed information.
module to revert the recotracks.
Very simple module to copy an array of RecoTracks into another one.
This module calls RecoTrack::prune to remove hits before the track gets stored to disk to save storage space.
This module prunes all reco hits marked as being to be pruned but PruneRecoTracksmodule.
This module calls genfit::Track::prune to remove hits before the track gets stored to disk to save storage space.
Module doing the "merging" of the RecoTracks, Tracks and TrackFitResults of the original and flipped ones.
Requied for linkdef.h.
TClass is not used in this class, but the include is needed for the ClassDef.
Nota bene: the dataobjects must be declared under the Belle2 namespace only, and the specific subdetector namespace, if any, can not be added.
Python headers include some weird stuff which we don't want to be seen by CLING, otherwise there are a lot of warning during the compiling the dictionary.
Database storage for ECL autocovariance or noise spectral characteristics.
A kinematic fitter using the Newton-Raphson method to solve the equations.
Abstract base class for particle objects of kinematic fits.
This class defines the minimal functionality of a class describing an event hypothesis that is meant to be tested by a kinematic fit. It is an optional class - the event hypothesis can also be defined directly in the main program.
Author: Jenny Bme, Benno List
This class defines the minimal functionality any fit object must provide. The main task of a fit object is to keep parameters (and errors) that define the four-momentum of a particle and encapsulate the actually chosen parametrisation from the rest of the fitting machinery.
Since for the fit a parametrisation distributed like a gaussian is most favorable, different kinds of particles (implying different kinds of measurements!) might require different parametrisations. For each desired parametrisation a concrete class should be derived from this abstract base class. It needs to be able to convert its parameters to E, px, py, pz and to provide the derivatives of E, px, py, pz with respect to the internal parameters.
Depending on the type of particle, some or all parameters might be unmeasured (neutrinos!), meaning that they come with a very large and/or unknown error. They are treated differently by the fit algorithm and are thus flagged accordingly.
In order to insert its derivatives into the global covariance matrix of all FitObjects in the event, each FitObjects needs to know the position of its parameters in the overall parameter list.
THIS iS JUNK!!!! It is done like this in JetFitObject.C, but using measured[i] which is the bool giving the measured/unmeasured status and NOT a bool containing the START VALUES!!!!! From its stored initial parameters and the current fit parameters the FitObject calculates its contribution to the $\chi^2$ of the fit.
In its current state, a BaseFitObject has a set of parameters, some of them measured (i.e., they contribute to the ). These parameters have a local numbering, running from 0 to n-1. Global numbers can be assigned by the BaseFitter using setGlobalParNum.
The class WWFitter needs the following routines from BaseFitObject:
Author: Benno List, Jenny Böhme
This class defines the minimal functionality any fit object must provide. The main task of a fit object is to keep parameters (and errors) that define the four-momentum of a particle and encapsulate the actually chosen parametrisation from the rest of the fitting machinery.
Since for the fit a parametrisation distributed like a gaussian is most favorable, different kinds of particles (implying different kinds of measurements!) might require different parametrisations. For each desired parametrisation a concrete class should be derived from this abstract base class. It needs to be able to convert its parameters to E, px, py, pz and to provide the derivatives of E, px, py, pz with respect to the internal parameters.
Depending on the type of particle, some or all parameters might be unmeasured (neutrinos!), meaning that they come with a very large and/or unknown error. They are treated differently by the fit algorithm and are thus flagged accordingly.
In order to insert its derivatives into the global covariance matrix of all FitObjects in the event, each FitObjects needs to know the position of its parameters in the overall parameter list.
THIS iS JUNK!!!! It is done like this in JetFitObject.C, but using measured[i] which is the bool giving the measured/unmeasured status and NOT a bool containing the START VALUES!!!!! From its stored initial parameters and the current fit parameters the FitObject calculates its contribution to the $\chi^2$ of the fit.
In its current state, a ParticleFitObject has a set of parameters, some of them measured (i.e., they contribute to the ). These parameters have a local numbering, running from 0 to n-1. Global numbers can be assigned by the BaseFitter using setGlobalParNum.
Author: Benno List, Jenny List
Important Remark: Up to now the format for Raw frames as well as size etc is not well defined. It will most likely change! E.g. not the whole mem is dumped, but only a part of it.
By default, this module will remove all but the first and last hits of the track.
Copies all hits but not the fitted information.
The sign of the weight defines, if the hits go before (-1) or after (+1) the SVD track.
The sign of the weight defines, if the hits go before (-1) or after (+1) the CDC track.