Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #include <geometry/bfieldmap/BFieldComponentQuad.h>
11 #include <framework/utilities/FileSystem.h>
12 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
13 #include <framework/gearbox/Unit.h>
14 #include <framework/gearbox/Const.h>
16 #include <boost/iostreams/filtering_stream.hpp>
17 #include <boost/iostreams/device/file.hpp>
19 #include <cmath>
21 using namespace std;
22 using namespace Belle2;
23 namespace io = boost::iostreams;
33 template <class ForwardIterator, class T, class Compare>
34 ForwardIterator linear_sentinel(ForwardIterator it, const T& val, Compare comp)
35 {
36  do {
37  if (comp(val, *it)) break;
38  ++it;
39  } while (true);
40  return it;
41 }
43 void BFieldComponentQuad::initialize()
44 {
45  // check if input name is not empty
46  if (m_mapFilenameHER.empty()) {
47  B2FATAL("The filename for the HER quadrupole magnetic field component is empty !");
48  return;
49  }
50  if (m_mapFilenameLER.empty()) {
51  B2FATAL("The filename for the LER quadrupole magnetic field component is empty !");
52  return;
53  }
54  if (m_apertFilenameHER.empty()) {
55  B2FATAL("The filename for the HER beam pipe aperture is empty !");
56  return;
57  }
58  if (m_apertFilenameLER.empty()) {
59  B2FATAL("The filename for the LER beam pipe aperture is empty !");
60  return;
61  }
63  // check if input files exsits
64  string fullPathMapHER = FileSystem::findFile("/data/" + m_mapFilenameHER);
65  if (!FileSystem::fileExists(fullPathMapHER)) {
66  B2FATAL("The HER quadrupole magnetic field map file '" << m_mapFilenameHER << "' could not be found !");
67  return;
68  }
69  string fullPathMapLER = FileSystem::findFile("/data/" + m_mapFilenameLER);
70  if (!FileSystem::fileExists(fullPathMapLER)) {
71  B2FATAL("The LER quadrupole magnetic field map file '" << m_mapFilenameLER << "' could not be found !");
72  return;
73  }
74  string fullPathMapHERleak = FileSystem::findFile("/data/" + m_mapFilenameHERleak);
75  if (!FileSystem::fileExists(fullPathMapHERleak)) {
76  B2FATAL("The HERleak quadrupole magnetic field map file '" << m_mapFilenameHERleak << "' could not be found !");
77  return;
78  }
79  string fullPathApertHER = FileSystem::findFile("/data/" + m_apertFilenameHER);
80  if (!FileSystem::fileExists(fullPathApertHER)) {
81  B2FATAL("The HER aperture file '" << m_apertFilenameHER << "' could not be found !");
82  return;
83  }
84  string fullPathApertLER = FileSystem::findFile("/data/" + m_apertFilenameLER);
85  if (!FileSystem::fileExists(fullPathApertLER)) {
86  B2FATAL("The LER aperture file '" << m_apertFilenameLER << "' could not be found !");
87  return;
88  }
90  //--------------------------------------------------------------
91  // Load the field map files
92  //--------------------------------------------------------------
95  struct ParamPoint {
96  double s{0};
97  double L{0};
98  double K0{0};
99  double K1{0};
100  double SK0{0};
101  double SK1{0};
102  double ROTATE{0};
103  double DX{0};
104  double DY{0};
105  /* Note that K parameters used in SAD is multiplied by the element length.
106  * Popular definitions are: K0,SK0[1/m] and K1,SK1[1/m^2]
107  */
108  };
110  io::filtering_istream fieldMapFileHER, fieldMapFileLER, fieldMapFileHERleak;
111  fieldMapFileHER.push(io::file_source(fullPathMapHER));
112  fieldMapFileLER.push(io::file_source(fullPathMapLER));
113  fieldMapFileHERleak.push(io::file_source(fullPathMapHERleak));
115  //Create the parameter map and read the data from the file
116  auto readLenseParameters = [](istream & IN) -> vector<ParamPoint> {
117  vector<ParamPoint> r;
118  string name;
119  ParamPoint t;
120  while (IN >> name >> t.s >> t.L >> t.K0 >> t.K1 >> t.SK0 >> t.SK1 >> t.ROTATE >> t.DX >> t.DY)
121  {
122  /* Convert parameters in basf2 default unit [cm].*/
123  t.s *= 100;
124  t.L *= 100;
125  t.DX *= 100;
126  t.DY *= 100;
127  t.K1 /= 100;
128  t.SK1 /= 100;
129  r.push_back(t);
130  }
131  return r;
132  };
134  std::vector<ParamPoint> params_her, params_ler, params_herl;
135  params_her = readLenseParameters(fieldMapFileHER);
136  params_ler = readLenseParameters(fieldMapFileLER);
137  params_herl = readLenseParameters(fieldMapFileHERleak);
139  //--------------------------------------------------------------
140  // Load the aperture map files
141  //--------------------------------------------------------------
142  auto readAperturePoints = [this](istream & IN) -> vector<ApertPoint> {
143  vector<ApertPoint> r;
144  ApertPoint t;
145  while (IN >> t.s >> t.r)
146  {
147  /* s and r are in [mm] in Apert?ER.dat. */
148  /* Transform parameters in basf2 default unit [cm].*/
149  t.s /= 10; t.r /= 10;
150  r.push_back(t);
151  m_maxr2 = max(m_maxr2, t.r);
152  }
153  r.push_back({numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), m_maxr2});
154  return r;
155  };
157  io::filtering_istream apertFileHER, apertFileLER;
158  apertFileHER.push(io::file_source(fullPathApertHER));
159  apertFileLER.push(io::file_source(fullPathApertLER));
161  m_ah = readAperturePoints(apertFileHER);
162  m_al = readAperturePoints(apertFileLER);
164  m_maxr2 *= m_maxr2;
172  auto proc3 = [](const vector<ParamPoint>& in, double p0) -> vector<ParamPoint3> {
173  vector<ParamPoint3> out;
174  out.resize(in.size());
175  auto it = out.begin();
176  for (auto b = in.begin(); b != in.end(); ++b, ++it)
177  {
178  ParamPoint3& t = *it;
179  t.s = b->s;
180  t.L = b->L;
182  double K0 = b->K0;
183  double K1 = b->K1;
184  double SK0 = b->SK0;
185  double SK1 = b->SK1;
186  double DX = b->DX;
187  double DY = b->DY;
188  double k = p0 / t.L;
189  K0 *= k;
190  K1 *= k;
191  SK0 *= k;
192  SK1 *= k;
194 #define ROTATE_DIRECTION 1 // 1: default, 0: rotate-off, -1: inversely rotate
196  double sphi = 0, cphi = 1;
197 #else
198  double sphi, cphi;
199  sincos(-b->ROTATE * (M_PI / 180), &sphi, &cphi);
201  sphi = -sphi;
202 #endif
203 #endif
204  double s2phi = 2 * cphi * sphi;
205  double c2phi = cphi * cphi - sphi * sphi;
206  double tp = DX * SK1 + DY * K1;
207  double tm = DY * SK1 - DX * K1;
209  t.mxx = K1 * s2phi + SK1 * c2phi;
210  t.mxy = -SK1 * s2phi + K1 * c2phi;
211  t.mx0 = tm * s2phi - tp * c2phi + SK0 * cphi + K0 * sphi;
213  t.myx = -SK1 * s2phi + K1 * c2phi;
214  t.myy = -K1 * s2phi - SK1 * c2phi;
215  t.my0 = tp * s2phi + tm * c2phi + K0 * cphi - SK0 * sphi;
216  }
217  return out;
218  };
220  const double c = Const::speedOfLight / (Unit::m / Unit::s) / 100;
221  const double p0_HER = 7.0e+9 / c, p0_LER = 4.0e+9 / c;
223  m_h3 = proc3(params_her, p0_HER);
224  vector<ParamPoint3> hleak3 = proc3(params_herl, p0_HER);
225  m_l3 = proc3(params_ler, p0_LER);
236  auto merge = [](vector<ParamPoint3>& v, const vector<ParamPoint3>& a) {
237  for (const auto& t : a) {
238  auto i = upper_bound(v.begin(), v.end(), t.s, [](double s, const ParamPoint3 & b) {return s < b.s;});
239  if (i == v.end()) continue;
240  ParamPoint3& p = *(i - 1);
241  if (p.s == t.s && p.L == t.L)
242  p += t;
243  else
244  v.insert(i, t);
245  }
246  };
247  merge(m_h3, hleak3);
255  auto getranges = [](const vector<ParamPoint3>& v) {
256  ranges_t r;
257  double s0 = v[0].s, smax = v.back().s + v.back().L;
258  for (int i = 0, N = v.size(); i < N - 1; i++) {
259  const ParamPoint3& t0 = v[i], t1 = v[i + 1];
260  double sn = t0.s + t0.L;
261  if (abs(sn - t1.s) > 1e-10) {
262  r.push_back({s0, sn});
263  s0 = t1.s;
264  }
265  }
266  r.push_back({s0, smax});
267  return r;
268  };
270  m_ranges_her = getranges(m_h3);
271  m_ranges_ler = getranges(m_l3);
273  const double inf = numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
274  // add sentinels
275  m_ranges_her.insert(m_ranges_her.begin(), { -inf, -inf});
276  m_ranges_her.insert(m_ranges_her.end(), {inf, inf});
277  m_ranges_ler.insert(m_ranges_ler.begin(), { -inf, -inf});
278  m_ranges_ler.insert(m_ranges_ler.end(), {inf, inf});
286  auto associate_aperture = [](const vector<ApertPoint>& ap, const ranges_t& v) {
287  auto less = [](double s, const ApertPoint & b) {return s < b.s;};
288  vector<std::vector<ApertPoint>::const_iterator> res;
289  for (auto r : v) {
290  auto i0 = upper_bound(ap.begin(), ap.end(), r.r0, less);
291  if (i0 == ap.begin() || i0 == ap.end()) continue;
292  res.push_back(i0 - 1);
293  }
294  return res;
295  };
296  m_offset_ap_her = associate_aperture(m_ah, m_ranges_her);
297  m_offset_ap_ler = associate_aperture(m_al, m_ranges_ler);
305  auto associate_lenses = [](const vector<ParamPoint3>& ap, const ranges_t& v) {
306  vector<std::vector<ParamPoint3>::const_iterator> res;
307  for (auto r : v) {
308  auto i0 = find_if(ap.begin(), ap.end(), [r](const ParamPoint3 & b) {return abs(b.s - r.r0) < 1e-10;});
309  if (i0 == ap.end()) continue;
310  res.push_back(i0);
311  }
312  return res;
313  };
314  m_offset_pp_her = associate_lenses(m_h3, m_ranges_her);
315  m_offset_pp_ler = associate_lenses(m_l3, m_ranges_ler);
316 }
318 double BFieldComponentQuad::getApertureHER(double s) const
319 {
320  int i = getRange(s, m_ranges_her);
321  if (i < 0) return 0;
322  return getAperture(s, m_offset_ap_her[i]);
323 }
325 double BFieldComponentQuad::getApertureLER(double s) const
326 {
327  int i = getRange(s, m_ranges_ler);
328  if (i < 0) return 0;
329  return getAperture(s, m_offset_ap_ler[i]);
330 }
332 int BFieldComponentQuad::getRange(double s, const ranges_t& r) const
333 {
334  auto it0 = r.begin() + 1;
335  auto it = linear_sentinel(it0, s, [](double s_, const range_t& r_) {return s_ <= r_.r0;});
336  if (s > (--it)->r1) return -1;
337  return it - it0;
338 }
340 double BFieldComponentQuad::getAperture(double s, std::vector<ApertPoint>::const_iterator jt0) const
341 {
342  auto jt = linear_sentinel(jt0, s, [](double s_, const ApertPoint & r) {return s_ <= r.s;});
343  const ApertPoint& p1 = *(jt - 1), &p2 = *jt;
344  return p1.r + (p2.r - p1.r) / (p2.s - p1.s) * (s - p1.s);
345 }
347 ROOT::Math::XYZVector BFieldComponentQuad::calculate(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector& point) const
348 {
349  const double sa = sin(0.0415), ca = cos(0.0415);
350  //assume point is given in [cm]
351  ROOT::Math::XYZVector B(0, 0, 0);
353  const ROOT::Math::XYZVector& v{point};
354  double xc = v.X() * ca, zs = v.Z() * sa, zc = v.Z() * ca, xs = v.X() * sa;
355  ROOT::Math::XYZVector vh{(xc - zs), -v.Y(), -(zc + xs)}; // to the HER beamline frame
356  ROOT::Math::XYZVector vl{(xc + zs), -v.Y(), -(zc - xs)}; // to the LER beamline frame
358  double r2h = vh.Perp2(), r2l = vl.Perp2();
360  if (r2h < r2l) { /* the point is closer to HER*/
361  if (r2h < m_maxr2) { /* within max radius */
362  double s = vh.Z();
363  int i = getRange(s, m_ranges_her);
364  if (i < 0) return B;
365  double r = getAperture(s, m_offset_ap_her[i]);
366  if (r2h < r * r) {
367  auto kt = m_offset_pp_her[i] + static_cast<unsigned int>(s - m_ranges_her[i + 1].r0);
368  double Bx = kt->getBx(vh.X(), vh.Y());
369  double By = kt->getBy(vh.X(), vh.Y());
370  B.SetXYZ(Bx * ca, -By, -Bx * sa); // to the detector frame
371  }
372  }
373  } else { /* the point is closer to LER*/
374  if (r2l < m_maxr2) { /* within max radius */
375  double s = vl.Z();
376  int i = getRange(s, m_ranges_ler);
377  if (i < 0) return B;
378  double r = getAperture(s, m_offset_ap_ler[i]);
379  if (r2l < r * r) {
380  auto kt = m_offset_pp_ler[i] + static_cast<unsigned int>(s - m_ranges_ler[i + 1].r0);
381  double Bx = kt->getBx(vl.X(), vl.Y());
382  double By = kt->getBy(vl.X(), vl.Y());
383  B.SetXYZ(Bx * ca, -By, Bx * sa); // to the detector frame
384  }
385  }
386  }
387  return B;
388 }
std::vector< range_t > ranges_t
vector of Range data structure.
std::vector< std::vector< double > > merge(std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double >>> toMerge)
merge { vector<double> a, vector<double> b} into {a, b}
Definition: tools.h:41
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
Quadrupole lense data structure.