Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #include <analysis/variables/ContinuumSuppressionVariables.h>
11 #include <analysis/variables/ROEVariables.h>
12 #include <analysis/VariableManager/Manager.h>
13 #include <framework/dataobjects/EventExtraInfo.h>
14 #include <analysis/dataobjects/Particle.h>
15 #include <analysis/dataobjects/ContinuumSuppression.h>
16 #include <analysis/utility/ReferenceFrame.h>
17 #include <analysis/ClusterUtility/ClusterUtils.h>
18 #include <analysis/ContinuumSuppression/FoxWolfram.h>
20 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
21 #include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
22 #include <framework/datastore/StoreObjPtr.h>
23 #include <framework/utilities/Conversion.h>
25 #include <mdst/dataobjects/PIDLikelihood.h>
26 #include <mdst/dataobjects/Track.h>
27 #include <mdst/dataobjects/ECLCluster.h>
29 #include <cmath>
32 namespace Belle2 {
37  namespace Variable {
39  Manager::FunctionPtr R2WithMask(const std::vector<std::string>& arguments)
40  {
41  if (arguments.size() != 1)
42  B2FATAL("An empty argument is not allowed for the variable R2."
43  "Either provide no argument or a valid mask name.");
44  std::string maskName = arguments[0];
45  auto func = [maskName](const Particle * particle) -> double {
46  const ContinuumSuppression* qq = particle->getRelatedTo<ContinuumSuppression>(maskName);
47  if (!qq)
48  return Const::doubleNaN;
50  return qq->getR2();
51  };
52  return func;
53  }
55  double R2(const Particle* particle)
56  {
57  RelationVector<ContinuumSuppression> continuumSuppressionRelations = particle->getRelationsTo<ContinuumSuppression>("ALL");
58  if (continuumSuppressionRelations.size() == 1) {
59  const ContinuumSuppression* qq = continuumSuppressionRelations[0];
60  return qq->getR2();
61  } else {
62  if (continuumSuppressionRelations.size() > 1) {
63  B2ERROR("The return value of R2 is ambiguous. Please provide the mask name as argument.");
64  }
65  return Const::doubleNaN;
66  }
67  }
69  Manager::FunctionPtr thrustBmWithMask(const std::vector<std::string>& arguments)
70  {
71  if (arguments.size() != 1)
72  B2FATAL("An empty argument is not allowed for the variable thrustBm."
73  "Either provide no argument or a valid mask name.");
74  std::string maskName = arguments[0];
75  auto func = [maskName](const Particle * particle) -> double {
76  const ContinuumSuppression* qq = particle->getRelatedTo<ContinuumSuppression>(maskName);
77  if (!qq)
78  return Const::doubleNaN;
80  return qq->getThrustBm();
81  };
82  return func;
83  }
85  double thrustBm(const Particle* particle)
86  {
87  RelationVector<ContinuumSuppression> continuumSuppressionRelations = particle->getRelationsTo<ContinuumSuppression>("ALL");
88  if (continuumSuppressionRelations.size() == 1) {
89  const ContinuumSuppression* qq = continuumSuppressionRelations[0];
90  return qq->getThrustBm();
91  } else {
92  if (continuumSuppressionRelations.size() > 1) {
93  B2ERROR("The return value of thrustBm is ambiguous. Please provide the mask name as argument.");
94  }
95  return Const::doubleNaN;
96  }
97  }
99  Manager::FunctionPtr thrustOmWithMask(const std::vector<std::string>& arguments)
100  {
101  if (arguments.size() != 1)
102  B2FATAL("An empty argument is not allowed for the variable thrustOm."
103  "Either provide no argument or a valid mask name.");
104  std::string maskName = arguments[0];
105  auto func = [maskName](const Particle * particle) -> double {
106  const ContinuumSuppression* qq = particle->getRelatedTo<ContinuumSuppression>(maskName);
107  if (!qq)
108  return Const::doubleNaN;
110  return qq->getThrustOm();
111  };
112  return func;
113  }
115  double thrustOm(const Particle* particle)
116  {
117  RelationVector<ContinuumSuppression> continuumSuppressionRelations = particle->getRelationsTo<ContinuumSuppression>("ALL");
118  if (continuumSuppressionRelations.size() == 1) {
119  const ContinuumSuppression* qq = continuumSuppressionRelations[0];
120  return qq->getThrustOm();
121  } else {
122  if (continuumSuppressionRelations.size() > 1) {
123  B2ERROR("The return value of thrustOm is ambiguous. Please provide the mask name as argument.");
124  }
125  return Const::doubleNaN;
126  }
127  }
129  Manager::FunctionPtr cosTBTOWithMask(const std::vector<std::string>& arguments)
130  {
131  if (arguments.size() != 1)
132  B2FATAL("An empty argument is not allowed for the variable cosTBTO."
133  "Either provide no argument or a valid mask name.");
134  std::string maskName = arguments[0];
135  auto func = [maskName](const Particle * particle) -> double {
136  const ContinuumSuppression* qq = particle->getRelatedTo<ContinuumSuppression>(maskName);
137  if (!qq)
138  return Const::doubleNaN;
140  return qq->getCosTBTO();
141  };
142  return func;
143  }
145  double cosTBTO(const Particle* particle)
146  {
147  RelationVector<ContinuumSuppression> continuumSuppressionRelations = particle->getRelationsTo<ContinuumSuppression>("ALL");
148  if (continuumSuppressionRelations.size() == 1) {
149  const ContinuumSuppression* qq = continuumSuppressionRelations[0];
150  return qq->getCosTBTO();
151  } else {
152  if (continuumSuppressionRelations.size() > 1) {
153  B2ERROR("The return value of cosTBTO is ambiguous. Please provide the mask name as argument.");
154  }
155  return Const::doubleNaN;
156  }
157  }
159  Manager::FunctionPtr cosTBzWithMask(const std::vector<std::string>& arguments)
160  {
161  if (arguments.size() != 1)
162  B2FATAL("An empty argument is not allowed for the variable cosTBz."
163  "Either provide no argument or a valid mask name.");
164  std::string maskName = arguments[0];
165  auto func = [maskName](const Particle * particle) -> double {
166  const ContinuumSuppression* qq = particle->getRelatedTo<ContinuumSuppression>(maskName);
167  if (!qq)
168  return Const::doubleNaN;
170  return qq->getCosTBz();
171  };
172  return func;
173  }
175  double cosTBz(const Particle* particle)
176  {
177  RelationVector<ContinuumSuppression> continuumSuppressionRelations = particle->getRelationsTo<ContinuumSuppression>("ALL");
178  if (continuumSuppressionRelations.size() == 1) {
179  const ContinuumSuppression* qq = continuumSuppressionRelations[0];
180  return qq->getCosTBz();
181  } else {
182  if (continuumSuppressionRelations.size() > 1) {
183  B2ERROR("The return value of cosTBz is ambiguous. Please provide the mask name as argument.");
184  }
185  return Const::doubleNaN;
186  }
187  }
189  Manager::FunctionPtr KSFWVariables(const std::vector<std::string>& arguments)
190  {
191  if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments.size() < 4) {
192  bool useFS1 = false;
193  auto variableName = arguments[0];
194  std::string maskName = "";
195  if (arguments.size() >= 2) {
196  if (arguments[1] == "FS1") {
197  useFS1 = true;
198  } else {
199  maskName = arguments[1];
200  }
201  if (arguments.size() == 3) {
202  maskName = arguments[2];
203  if (maskName == "FS1") {
204  B2ERROR("It looks like you provided the arguments for KSFWVariables in the wrong order."
205  "If you want to use the KSFW moments calculated from the B final state particles, the second argument has to be 'FS1'."
206  "The third argument would then have to be the ROE mask name.");
207  }
208  }
209  }
210  int index = -1;
212  // all possible names
213  std::vector<std::string> names = {"mm2", "et",
214  "hso00", "hso01", "hso02", "hso03", "hso04",
215  "hso10", "hso12", "hso14",
216  "hso20", "hso22", "hso24",
217  "hoo0", "hoo1", "hoo2", "hoo3", "hoo4"
218  };
220  // find the index of the name
221  for (unsigned i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i) {
222  if (variableName == names[i])
223  index = i;
224  }
226  // throw helpful error if name provided was not in allowed list
227  if (index == -1) {
228  std::string allowed = "";
229  for (auto n : names)
230  allowed += n + ", ";
231  B2FATAL("Variable name provided: " << variableName << " is not one of the allowed options. Please choose from one of:" << allowed);
232  }
234  auto func = [index, useFS1, maskName](const Particle * particle) -> double {
235  RelationVector<ContinuumSuppression> continuumSuppressionRelations = particle->getRelationsTo<ContinuumSuppression>("ALL");
236  ContinuumSuppression* qq = nullptr;
237  if (maskName.empty())
238  {
239  if (continuumSuppressionRelations.size() == 1) {
240  qq = continuumSuppressionRelations[0];
241  } else if (continuumSuppressionRelations.size() > 1) {
242  B2ERROR("The return value of KSFWVariables is ambiguous. Please provide the mask name as argument.");
243  }
244  } else
245  {
246  qq = particle->getRelatedTo<ContinuumSuppression>(maskName);
247  }
248  if (!qq) return Const::doubleNaN;
250  // get the KSFW moments
251  std::vector<float> ksfw = qq->getKsfwFS0();
252  if (useFS1)
253  ksfw = qq->getKsfwFS1();
255  if (ksfw.size() == 0) B2FATAL("Could not find any KSFW moments");
256  return;
257  };
258  return func;
259  } else {
260  B2FATAL("Wrong number of arguments for meta function KSFWVariables. It only takes between one and three arguments."
261  " The first argument must be the variable. If you want to use the KSFW moments calculated from the B final state particles, set 'FS1' as second argument."
262  " You can also provide the ROE mask name as second or third argument.");
263  }
264  }
266  Manager::FunctionPtr CleoConesCS(const std::vector<std::string>& arguments)
267  {
268  if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments.size() < 4) {
270  int coneNumber = 0;
271  try {
272  coneNumber = Belle2::convertString<int>(arguments[0]);
273  } catch (std::invalid_argument&) {
274  B2FATAL("The first argument of the CleoConeCS meta function must be an integer!");
275  }
277  bool useROE = false;
278  std::string maskName = "";
279  if (arguments.size() >= 2) {
280  if (arguments[1] == "ROE") {
281  useROE = true;
282  } else {
283  maskName = arguments[1];
284  }
285  if (arguments.size() == 3) {
286  maskName = arguments[2];
287  if (maskName == "ROE") {
288  B2ERROR("It looks like you provided the arguments for CleoConeCS in the wrong order."
289  "If you want to use the CleoCones calculated from all final state particles, the second argument has to be 'ROE'."
290  "The third argument would then have to be the ROE mask name.");
291  }
292  }
293  }
295  auto func = [coneNumber, useROE, maskName](const Particle * particle) -> double {
296  RelationVector<ContinuumSuppression> continuumSuppressionRelations = particle->getRelationsTo<ContinuumSuppression>("ALL");
297  ContinuumSuppression* qq = nullptr;
298  if (maskName.empty())
299  {
300  if (continuumSuppressionRelations.size() == 1) {
301  qq = continuumSuppressionRelations[0];
302  } else if (continuumSuppressionRelations.size() > 1) {
303  B2ERROR("The return value of CleoConeCS is ambiguous. Please provide the mask name as argument.");
304  }
305  } else
306  {
307  qq = particle->getRelatedTo<ContinuumSuppression>(maskName);
308  }
309  if (!qq)
310  return Const::doubleNaN;
312  std::vector<float> cleoCones = qq->getCleoConesALL();
313  if (useROE)
314  cleoCones = qq->getCleoConesROE();
315  return - 1);
316  };
317  return func;
318  } else {
319  B2FATAL("Wrong number of arguments for CleoConeCS function. It only takes between one and three arguments."
320  "The first argument must be the cone number. If you want to use the CleoCones calculated from all final state particles, set 'ROE' as second argument."
321  "You can also provide the ROE mask name as second or third argument.");
322  }
323  }
325  Manager::FunctionPtr transformedNetworkOutput(const std::vector<std::string>& arguments)
326  {
327  if (arguments.size() == 3) {
328  double low = 0;
329  double high = 0;
330  try {
331  low = Belle2::convertString<double>(arguments[1]);
332  high = Belle2::convertString<double>(arguments[2]);
333  } catch (std::invalid_argument&) {
334  B2FATAL("Second and third argument of transformedNetworkOutput meta function must be doubles!");
335  }
337  auto extraInfoName = arguments[0];
338  auto func = [extraInfoName, low, high](const Particle * particle) -> double {
339  if (particle == nullptr)
340  {
341  StoreObjPtr<EventExtraInfo> eventExtraInfo;
342  if (eventExtraInfo->hasExtraInfo(extraInfoName)) {
343  return eventExtraInfo->getExtraInfo(extraInfoName);
344  } else {
345  return Const::doubleNaN;
346  }
347  }
348  if (particle->hasExtraInfo(extraInfoName))
349  {
350  return std::log(((particle->getExtraInfo(extraInfoName)) - low) / (high - (particle->getExtraInfo(extraInfoName))));
351  } else
352  {
353  return Const::doubleNaN;
354  }
355  };
356  return func;
357  } else {
358  B2FATAL("Wrong number of arguments for meta function transformedNetworkOutput");
359  }
360  }
362  Manager::FunctionPtr useBThrustFrame(const std::vector<std::string>& arguments)
363  {
364  if (arguments.size() == 2 || arguments.size() == 3) {
365  auto variableName = arguments[0];
366  std::string mode = arguments[1];
368  const bool modeisSignal = mode == "Signal";
369  const bool modeisAuto = mode == "Auto";
371  if (not modeisSignal and (mode != "ROE") and not modeisAuto)
372  B2FATAL("Second argument in useBThrustFrame can only be 'Signal', 'ROE' or 'Auto'. Your argument was " + mode);
374  const Variable::Manager::Var* var = Manager::Instance().getVariable(variableName);
376  std::string maskName = arguments.size() == 3 ? arguments[2] : "";
378  auto func = [var, modeisSignal, modeisAuto, maskName](const Particle * particle) -> double {
379  StoreObjPtr<RestOfEvent> roe("RestOfEvent");
380  const Particle* Bparticle = roe->getRelatedFrom<Particle>();
381  RelationVector<ContinuumSuppression> continuumSuppressionRelations = Bparticle->getRelationsTo<ContinuumSuppression>("ALL");
382  ContinuumSuppression* qq = nullptr;
383  if (maskName.empty())
384  {
385  if (continuumSuppressionRelations.size() == 1) {
386  qq = continuumSuppressionRelations[0];
387  } else if (continuumSuppressionRelations.size() > 1) {
388  B2ERROR("The return value of useBThrustFrame is ambiguous. Please provide the mask name as argument.");
389  }
390  } else
391  {
392  qq = Bparticle->getRelatedTo<ContinuumSuppression>(maskName);
393  }
394  if (!qq)
395  return Const::doubleNaN;
397  bool isinROE = isInRestOfEvent(particle);
398  ROOT::Math::XYZVector newZ;
399  if (modeisSignal or (modeisAuto and isinROE))
400  newZ = qq->getThrustB();
401  else
402  newZ = qq->getThrustO();
404  ROOT::Math::XYZVector newY(0, 0, 0);
405  if (newZ.Z() == 0 and newZ.Y() == 0)
406  newY.SetX(1);
407  else
408  {
409  newY.SetY(newZ.Z());
410  newY.SetZ(-newZ.Y());
411  }
412  ROOT::Math::XYZVector newX = newY.Cross(newZ);
414  UseReferenceFrame<CMSRotationFrame> signalframe(newX, newY, newZ);
416  return std::get<double>(var->function(particle));
417  };
418  return func;
419  } else {
420  B2FATAL("Wrong number of arguments for meta function useBThrustFrame. It only takes two or three arguments. The first argument must be the variable."
421  "The second can either be 'Signal', 'ROE', or 'Auto'."
422  "The third argument is optional (as long as the ContinuumSuppression was built only once) and can define a specific ROE mask name.");
423  }
424  }
427  VARIABLE_GROUP("Continuum Suppression");
428  REGISTER_METAVARIABLE("R2(maskname)", R2WithMask, R"DOC(
429 Returns reduced Fox-Wolfram R2, defined as ratio of the i-th to the 0-th order Fox Wolfram moments.
431 .. warning:: You have to run the Continuum Suppression builder module for this variable to be meaningful.
432 .. seealso:: :ref:`analysis_continuumsuppression` and `buildContinuumSuppression`.
433 )DOC", Manager::VariableDataType::c_double);
435 Returns reduced Fox-Wolfram R2, defined as ratio of the i-th to the 0-th order Fox Wolfram moments.
437 .. warning:: You have to run the Continuum Suppression builder module for this variable to be meaningful.
438 .. seealso:: :ref:`analysis_continuumsuppression` and `buildContinuumSuppression`.
439 :noindex:
440 )DOC");
441  REGISTER_METAVARIABLE("thrustBm(maskname)", thrustBmWithMask, R"DOC(
442 Returns magnitude of the signal B thrust axis.
444 .. warning:: You have to run the Continuum Suppression builder module for this variable to be meaningful.
445 .. seealso:: :ref:`analysis_continuumsuppression` and `buildContinuumSuppression`.
446 )DOC", Manager::VariableDataType::c_double);
447  REGISTER_VARIABLE("thrustBm", thrustBm, R"DOC(
448 Returns magnitude of the signal B thrust axis.
450 .. warning:: You have to run the Continuum Suppression builder module for this variable to be meaningful.
451 .. seealso:: :ref:`analysis_continuumsuppression` and `buildContinuumSuppression`.
452 :noindex:
453 )DOC");
454  REGISTER_METAVARIABLE("thrustOm(maskname)", thrustOmWithMask, R"DOC(
455 Returns magnitude of the ROE thrust axis.
457 .. warning:: You have to run the Continuum Suppression builder module for this variable to be meaningful.
458 .. seealso:: :ref:`analysis_continuumsuppression` and `buildContinuumSuppression`.
459 )DOC", Manager::VariableDataType::c_double);
460  REGISTER_VARIABLE("thrustOm", thrustOm, R"DOC(
461 Returns magnitude of the ROE thrust axis.
463 .. warning:: You have to run the Continuum Suppression builder module for this variable to be meaningful.
464 .. seealso:: :ref:`analysis_continuumsuppression` and `buildContinuumSuppression`.
465 :noindex:
466 )DOC");
467  REGISTER_METAVARIABLE("cosTBTO(maskname)", cosTBTOWithMask, R"DOC(
468 Returns cosine of angle between thrust axis of the signal B and thrust axis of ROE.
470 .. warning:: You have to run the Continuum Suppression builder module for this variable to be meaningful.
471 .. seealso:: :ref:`analysis_continuumsuppression` and `buildContinuumSuppression`.
472 )DOC", Manager::VariableDataType::c_double);
474 Returns cosine of angle between thrust axis of the signal B and thrust axis of ROE.
476 .. warning:: You have to run the Continuum Suppression builder module for this variable to be meaningful.
477 .. seealso:: :ref:`analysis_continuumsuppression` and `buildContinuumSuppression`.
478 :noindex:
479 )DOC");
480  REGISTER_METAVARIABLE("cosTBz(maskname)", cosTBzWithMask, R"DOC(
481 Returns cosine of angle between thrust axis of the signal B and z-axis.
483 .. warning:: You have to run the Continuum Suppression builder module for this variable to be meaningful.
484 .. seealso:: :ref:`analysis_continuumsuppression` and `buildContinuumSuppression`.
485 )DOC", Manager::VariableDataType::c_double);
487 Returns cosine of angle between thrust axis of the signal B and z-axis.
489 .. warning:: You have to run the Continuum Suppression builder module for this variable to be meaningful.
490 .. seealso:: :ref:`analysis_continuumsuppression` and `buildContinuumSuppression`.
491 :noindex:
492 )DOC");
493  REGISTER_METAVARIABLE("KSFWVariables(variable[, string, string])", KSFWVariables, R"DOC(
494 Returns variable et in ``GeV/c``, mm2 in (GeV/c^2)^2, or one of the 16 KSFW moments.
495 The second and third arguments are optional unless you have created multiple instances of the ContinuumSuppression with different ROE masks.
496 In that case the desired ROE mask name must be provided as well.
497 If the second argument is set to 'FS1', the KSFW moment is calculated from the B final state daughters.
498 Otherwise, the KSFW moment is calculated from the B primary daughters.
499 The ROE mask name is then either the second or the third argument and must not be called 'FS1'.
500 Allowed input values for ``variable`` argument are the following:
502 * mm2, et
503 * hso00, hso01, hso02, hso03, hso04
504 * hso10, hso12, hso14
505 * hso20, hso22, hso24
506 * hoo0, hoo1, hoo2, hoo3, hoo4.
508 .. warning:: You have to run the Continuum Suppression builder module for this variable to be meaningful.
509 .. seealso:: :ref:`analysis_continuumsuppression` and `buildContinuumSuppression`.
510 )DOC", Manager::VariableDataType::c_double);
512  REGISTER_METAVARIABLE("CleoConeCS(integer[, string, string])", CleoConesCS, R"DOC(
513 Returns i-th cleo cones from the continuum suppression. The allowed inputs for the ``integer`` argument are integers from *1* to *9*.
514 The second and third arguments are optional unless you have created multiple instances of the ContinuumSuppression with different ROE masks.
515 In that case the desired ROE mask name must be provided as well.
516 If the second argument is set to 'ROE', the CleoCones are calculated only from ROE particles.
517 Otherwise, the CleoCones are calculated from all final state particles.
518 The ROE mask name is then either the second or the third argument and must not be called 'ROE'. The unit of the CleoConeCS is ``GeV/c``.
520 .. warning:: You have to run the Continuum Suppression builder module for this variable to be meaningful.
521 .. seealso:: :ref:`analysis_continuumsuppression` and `buildContinuumSuppression`.
522 )DOC", Manager::VariableDataType::c_double);
524  REGISTER_METAVARIABLE("transformedNetworkOutput(name, low, high)", transformedNetworkOutput, R"DOC(
525 Transforms the network output :math:`C \to C'` via: :math:`C'=\operatorname{log}((C-\mathrm{low})/(\mathrm{high}-C))`.
526 The arguments of the metavariable are the following:
528 * ``name`` is the `extraInfo` name, where the network output :math:`C` has been stored. If particle is not specified, event `extraInfo` is used instead;
529 * ``low``, ``high`` are floating point numbers.
531 Returns NaN, if the `extraInfo` has not been found.
532 )DOC", Manager::VariableDataType::c_double);
534  REGISTER_METAVARIABLE("useBThrustFrame(variable, mode)", useBThrustFrame, R"DOC(
535 Returns the variable with respect to rotated coordinates, in which z lies on the specified thrust axis.
536 If mode is set to ``Signal`` it will use the thrust axis of the reconstructed B candidate, if mode is set to ROE it will use the ROE thrust axis.
537 If mode is set to ``Auto`` the function use the thrust axis based on Rest Of Event (ROE) particles.
538 Like :b2:var:`isInRestOfEvent`, one has to use this metavariable in ROE loop.
540 .. warning:: You have to run the Continuum Suppression builder module for this variable to be meaningful.
541 .. seealso:: :ref:`analysis_continuumsuppression` and `buildContinuumSuppression`.
542 )DOC", Manager::VariableDataType::c_double);
544  }
546 }
static const double doubleNaN
Definition: Const.h:694
std::function< VarVariant(const Particle *)> FunctionPtr
functions stored take a const Particle* and return VarVariant.
Definition: Manager.h:113
const Var * getVariable(std::string name)
Get the variable belonging to the given key.
static Manager & Instance()
get singleton instance.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.