23 #ifndef genfit_EventDisplay_h
24 #define genfit_EventDisplay_h
27 #include "AbsKalmanFitter.h"
35 #include <TGNumberEntry.h>
36 #include <TGButtonGroup.h>
77 void addEvent(std::vector<genfit::Track*>& tracks);
78 void addEvent(std::vector<const genfit::Track*>& tracks);
88 void next(
unsigned int stp = 1);
91 void prev(
unsigned int stp = 1);
148 void guiSetDrawParams();
149 void guiSelectFitterId(
int val);
150 void guiSelectMmHandling(
int val);
157 void drawEvent(
unsigned int id,
bool resetCam =
162 TEveBox*
boxCreator(TVector3 o, TVector3 u, TVector3 v,
float ud,
float vd,
float depth);
165 const Color_t& color,
const Style_t& style,
bool drawMarkers,
bool drawErrors,
double lineWidth = 2,
int markerPos = 1);
169 unsigned int eventId_;
171 std::vector< std::vector<genfit::Track*>* > events_;
174 TGNumberEntry* guiEvent;
175 TGNumberEntry* guiEvent2;
177 TGCheckButton* guiDrawGeometry_;
179 TGCheckButton* guiDrawDetectors_;
181 TGCheckButton* guiDrawHits_;
183 TGCheckButton* guiDrawErrors_;
186 TGCheckButton* guiDrawPlanes_;
188 TGCheckButton* guiDrawTrackMarkers_;
189 bool drawTrackMarkers_;
191 TGCheckButton* guiDrawTrack_;
193 TGCheckButton* guiDrawRefTrack_;
195 TGCheckButton* guiDrawForward_;
197 TGCheckButton* guiDrawBackward_;
200 TGCheckButton* guiDrawAutoScale_;
202 TGCheckButton* guiDrawScaleMan_;
204 TGNumberEntry* guiErrorScale_;
208 TGCheckButton* guiDrawCardinalRep_;
209 bool drawCardinalRep_;
210 TGNumberEntry* guiRepId_;
213 TGCheckButton* guiDrawAllTracks_;
215 TGNumberEntry* guiTrackId_;
216 unsigned int trackId_;
218 TGCheckButton* guiRefit_;
220 TGNumberEntry* guiDebugLvl_;
221 unsigned int debugLvl_;
222 TGButtonGroup* guiFitterId_;
223 eFitterType fitterId_;
224 TGButtonGroup* guiMmHandling_;
227 TGCheckButton* guiSquareRootFormalism_;
228 bool squareRootFormalism_;
229 TGNumberEntry* guiDPVal_;
231 TGNumberEntry* guiRelChi2_;
233 TGNumberEntry* guiDChi2Ref_;
235 TGNumberEntry* guiNMinIter_;
236 unsigned int nMinIter_;
237 TGNumberEntry* guiNMaxIter_;
238 unsigned int nMaxIter_;
239 TGNumberEntry* guiNMaxFailed_;
241 TGCheckButton* guiResort_;
Abstract base class for a track representation.
Event display designed to run with Genfit.
void gotoEvent(unsigned int id)
Go to event with index id.
void drawEvent(unsigned int id, bool resetCam=true)
Draw an event.
int getNEvents()
Get the total number of events stored.
void makeGui()
Build the buttons for event navigation.
void setErrScale(double errScale=1.)
Set the scaling factor for the visualization of the errors.
TEveBox * boxCreator(TVector3 o, TVector3 u, TVector3 v, float ud, float vd, float depth)
Create a box around o, oriented along u and v with widths ud, vd and depth and return a pointer to th...
double getErrScale()
Get the error scaling factor.
void setOptions(std::string opts)
Set the display options.
void prev(unsigned int stp=1)
Go to the previous event or step a certain number of events back.
void open()
Open the event display.
void addEvent(std::vector< genfit::Track * > &tracks)
Add new event.
void next(unsigned int stp=1)
Go to the next event or step a certain number of events ahead.
void reset()
Drop all events.
A state with arbitrary dimension defined in a DetPlane.
Collection of TrackPoint objects, AbsTrackRep objects and FitStatus objects.
Defines for I/O streams used for error and debug printing.