Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #include <pxd/reconstruction/PXDClusterShape.h>
11 #include <pxd/geometry/SensorInfo.h>
12 #include <pxd/reconstruction/ClusterProjection.h>
14 #include <vxd/geometry/GeoCache.h>
16 using namespace std;
18 namespace Belle2 {
24  namespace PXD {
26  pxdClusterShapeDescr PXDClusterShape::pxdClusterShapeDescription = {
27  {pxdClusterShapeType::no_shape_set, "pxd cluster shape: no shape setting"},
29  {pxdClusterShapeType::shape_1, "pxd cluster shape: cluster 1x1 (single) pixel"},
30  {pxdClusterShapeType::shape_2_u, "pxd cluster shape: cluster 2x1 (u,v) pixels"},
31  {pxdClusterShapeType::shape_2_v, "pxd cluster shape: cluster 1x2 (u,v) pixels"},
32  {pxdClusterShapeType::shape_2_uv_diag, "pxd cluster shape: cluster 2x2 diagonal (u,v) pixels"},
33  {pxdClusterShapeType::shape_2_uv_antidiag, "pxd cluster shape: cluster 2x2 anti-diagonal (u,v) pixels"},
34  {pxdClusterShapeType::shape_N1, "pxd cluster shape: cluster Nx1 (u,v) pixels, N > 2"},
35  {pxdClusterShapeType::shape_1M, "pxd cluster shape: cluster 1xM (u,v) pixels, M > 2"},
36  {pxdClusterShapeType::shape_N2, "pxd cluster shape: cluster Nx2 (u,v) pixels, N > 2"},
37  {pxdClusterShapeType::shape_2M, "pxd cluster shape: cluster 2xM (u,v) pixels, M > 2"},
38  {pxdClusterShapeType::shape_4, "pxd cluster shape: cluster 2x2 (u,v) four pixels"},
39  {pxdClusterShapeType::shape_3_L, "pxd cluster shape: cluster 2x2 (u,v) three pixels: (L)"},
40  {pxdClusterShapeType::shape_3_L_mirr_u, "pxd cluster shape: cluster 2x2 (u,v) three pixels: (mirror_u_L)"},
41  {pxdClusterShapeType::shape_3_L_mirr_v, "pxd cluster shape: cluster 2x2 (u,v) three pixels: (mirror_v_L)"},
42  {pxdClusterShapeType::shape_3_L_mirr_uv, "pxd cluster shape: cluster 2x2 (u,v) three pixels: (mirror_u+v_L)"},
43  {pxdClusterShapeType::shape_large, "pxd cluster shape: larger cluster over 2 pixels in u and v"}
45  };
47  PXDClusterShape::~PXDClusterShape() {}
51  pxdClusterShapeType PXDClusterShape::setClsShape(const ClusterCandidate& cls, VxdID sensorID)
52  {
53  const SensorInfo& info = dynamic_cast<const SensorInfo&>(VXD::GeoCache::get(
54  sensorID));
55  pxdClusterShapeType clsShape;
56  clsShape = pxdClusterShapeType::no_shape_set;
57  ClusterProjection projU, projV;
58  float fCategU = 0.0;
59  float fCategV = 0.0;
60  float fDiagU = 0.0;
61  float fDiagV = 0.0;
62  int CSFull = 0;
63  for (const PXD::Pixel& px : cls.pixels()) {
64  if (CSFull == 0) {
65  fDiagU = px.getU();
66  fDiagV = px.getV();
67  }
68  if (CSFull < 3) {
69  fCategU += px.getU();
70  fCategV += px.getV();
71  }
72  CSFull++;
73  projU.add(px.getU(), info.getUCellPosition(px.getU()), px.getCharge());
74  projV.add(px.getV(), info.getVCellPosition(px.getV()), px.getCharge());
77  }
78  projU.finalize();
79  projV.finalize();
81  if (CSFull == 1) {
82  clsShape = pxdClusterShapeType::shape_1; // 1x1 pixels
83  } else if (CSFull == 2) {
84  if ((projU.getSize() == 2) && (projV.getSize() == 1)) {
85  clsShape = pxdClusterShapeType::shape_2_u; // 2x1 (u,v) pixels
86  } else if ((projU.getSize() == 1) && (projV.getSize() == 2)) {
87  clsShape = pxdClusterShapeType::shape_2_v; // 1x2 (u,v) pixels
88  } else if ((fDiagU < (fCategU / 2.0)) && (fDiagV < (fCategV / 2.0))) {
89  clsShape = pxdClusterShapeType::shape_2_uv_diag; // 2x2 diagonal (u,v) pixels
90  } else {
91  clsShape = pxdClusterShapeType::shape_2_uv_antidiag; // 2x2 anti-diagonal (u,v) pixels
92  }
93  } else if (CSFull == 3) {
94  if ((projU.getSize() == 2) && (projV.getSize() == 2)) {
95  int MisU = 0; // missing pixel in "L" cluster - u marker
96  int MisV = 0; // missing pixel in "L" cluster - v marker
97  fCategU /= 3.0;
98  fCategV /= 3.0;
99  if ((fCategU - (int)fCategU) < 0.5) {
100  MisU = 1;
101  }
102  if ((fCategV - (int)fCategV) < 0.5) {
103  MisV = 1;
104  }
105  if ((MisU == 1) && (MisV == 1)) {
106  clsShape = pxdClusterShapeType::shape_3_L; // 2x2 (u,v) three pixels: o* (L)
107  // oo
108  } else if ((MisU == 0) && (MisV == 1)) {
109  clsShape = pxdClusterShapeType::shape_3_L_mirr_u; // 2x2 (u,v) three pixels: *o (mirror_u_L)
110  // oo
111  } else if ((MisU == 1) && (MisV == 0)) {
112  clsShape = pxdClusterShapeType::shape_3_L_mirr_v; // 2x2 (u,v) three pixels: oo (mirror_v_L)
113  // o*
114  } else if ((MisU == 0) && (MisV == 0)) {
115  clsShape = pxdClusterShapeType::shape_3_L_mirr_uv; // 2x2 (u,v) three pixels: oo (mirror_u+v_L)
116  // *o
117  }
118  } else if (projV.getSize() == 1) {
119  clsShape = pxdClusterShapeType::shape_N1; // Nx1 (u,v) pixels, N > 2
120  } else if (projU.getSize() == 1) {
121  clsShape = pxdClusterShapeType::shape_1M; // 1xM (u,v) pixels, M > 2
122  } else if (projV.getSize() == 2) {
123  clsShape = pxdClusterShapeType::shape_N2; // Nx2 (u,v) pixels, N > 2
124  } else if (projU.getSize() == 2) {
125  clsShape = pxdClusterShapeType::shape_2M; // 2xM (u,v) pixels, M > 2
126  } else {
127  clsShape = pxdClusterShapeType::shape_large; // big cluster over 2x2 pixels
128  }
129  } else if (CSFull == 4) {
130  if ((projU.getSize() == 2) && (projV.getSize() == 2)) {
131  clsShape = pxdClusterShapeType::shape_4; // 2x2 (u,v) four pixels
132  } else if (projV.getSize() == 1) {
133  clsShape = pxdClusterShapeType::shape_N1; // Nx1 (u,v) pixels, N > 2
134  } else if (projU.getSize() == 1) {
135  clsShape = pxdClusterShapeType::shape_1M; // 1xM (u,v) pixels, M > 2
136  } else if (projV.getSize() == 2) {
137  clsShape = pxdClusterShapeType::shape_N2; // Nx2 (u,v) pixels, N > 2
138  } else if (projU.getSize() == 2) {
139  clsShape = pxdClusterShapeType::shape_2M; // 2xM (u,v) pixels, M > 2
140  } else {
141  clsShape = pxdClusterShapeType::shape_large; // big cluster over 2x2 pixels
142  }
143  } else if (CSFull >= 5) {
144  if (projV.getSize() == 1) {
145  clsShape = pxdClusterShapeType::shape_N1; // Nx1 (u,v) pixels, N > 2
146  } else if (projU.getSize() == 1) {
147  clsShape = pxdClusterShapeType::shape_1M; // 1xM (u,v) pixels, M > 2
148  } else if (projV.getSize() == 2) {
149  clsShape = pxdClusterShapeType::shape_N2; // Nx2 (u,v) pixels, N > 2
150  } else if (projU.getSize() == 2) {
151  clsShape = pxdClusterShapeType::shape_2M; // 2xM (u,v) pixels, M > 2
152  } else {
153  clsShape = pxdClusterShapeType::shape_large; // big cluster over 2x2 pixels
154  }
155  }
157  return clsShape;
158  } //setClsShape
160  } //PXD namespace
162 } //Belle2 namespace
Class representing a possible cluster during clustering of the PXD It supports merging of different c...
const std::vector< Pixel > & pixels() const
get a reference to all pixels in the cluster
Helper struct to collect information about the 1D projection of a Pixel cluster.
void add(unsigned int cell, float position, float charge)
Add Pixel information to the projection.
void finalize()
Finish calculation of center of gravity and set correct cluster size.
unsigned int getSize() const
Return the projected size of the cluster.
Class to represent one pixel, used in clustering for fast access.
Definition: Pixel.h:36
Specific implementation of SensorInfo for PXD Sensors which provides additional pixel specific inform...
Definition: SensorInfo.h:23
Class to uniquely identify a any structure of the PXD and SVD.
Definition: VxdID.h:33
std::map< pxdClusterShapeType, std::string > pxdClusterShapeDescr
Type specifies cluster shape type description.
Type specifies cluster shape type.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.