Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
8 #include "daq/slc/database/RunNumberTable.h"
10 #include <daq/slc/database/DBHandlerException.h>
11 #include <daq/slc/database/DBInterface.h>
13 #include <daq/slc/system/LogFile.h>
15 using namespace Belle2;
17 RunNumber RunNumberTable::add(const std::string& node,
18  const std::string& runtype,
19  int expno, int runno)
20 {
21  if (runtype.size() == 0 || node.size() == 0) {
22  LogFile::fatal("Empty node name : node='%s' runtype='%s'", node.c_str(), runtype.c_str());
23  return RunNumber();
24  }
25  if (runtype.size() == 0 || node.size() == 0) {
26  LogFile::fatal("Empty runtype : node='%s' runtype='%s'", node.c_str(), runtype.c_str());
27  return RunNumber();
28  }
29  if (node == "pxd" || node == "svd" || node == "cdc" || node == "top" ||
30  node == "arich" || node == "ecl" || node == "klm" || node == "trg" || node == "b4test") {
31  if (node != runtype) {
32  LogFile::fatal("wrong node name or runtype : node='%s' != runtype='%s'", node.c_str(), runtype.c_str());
33  return RunNumber();
34  }
35  } else if (node == "global") {
36  if (runtype != "physics" && runtype != "cosmic" && runtype != "beam" &&
37  runtype != "null" && runtype != "debug" && runtype != "hlttest") {
38  LogFile::fatal("wrong node name or runtype : node='%s' runtype='%s'!=physics/cosmic/beam/debug/hlttest/null", node.c_str(),
39  runtype.c_str());
40  return RunNumber();
41  }
42  } else {
43  LogFile::fatal("wrong node name : node='%s'!=global/pxd/svd/cdc/top/arich/ecl/klm/trg/b4test runtype='%s'", node.c_str(),
44  runtype.c_str());
45  }
46  try {
47  int expno_tmp = getExpNumber("");
48  if (node != "global" || expno < expno_tmp) expno = expno_tmp;
49  int runno_tmp = getRunNumber(node, expno);
50  if (runno < runno_tmp) runno = runno_tmp;
51  m_db.execute("insert into runnumber_new (node, runtype, expno, runno) "
52  "values ('%s', '%s', %d, %d) "
53  "returning id, extract(epoch from record_time) as tstart;",
54  node.c_str(), runtype.c_str(), expno, runno);
55  DBRecordList record_v(m_db.loadRecords());
56  if (record_v.size() > 0) {
57  int id = record_v[0].getInt("id");
58  int record_time = record_v[0].getInt("tstart");
59  return RunNumber(node, runtype, expno, runno, id, record_time);
60  }
61  } catch (const DBHandlerException& e) {
62  LogFile::error("DB access error : %s", e.what());
63  }
64  return RunNumber();
65 }
67 RunNumber RunNumberTable::add(const RunNumber& rn)
68 {
69  return add(rn.getNode(), rn.getRunType(), rn.getExpNumber(), rn.getRunNumber());
70 }
72 int RunNumberTable::getRunNumber(const std::string& /*node*/, int expno)
73 {
74  if (expno <= 0) return -1;
75  int runno = 1;
76  try {
77  //if (node.size() == 0) {
78  if (expno == 0) {
79  m_db.execute("select max(runno)+1 as runno from runnumber_new "
80  "limit 1;");
81  } else {
82  m_db.execute("select max(runno)+1 as runno from runnumber_new "
83  "where expno = %d limit 1;", expno);
84  }
85  /*
86  } else {
87  if (expno == 0) {
88  m_db.execute("select max(runno)+1 as runno from runnumber_new "
89  "where node = '%s' limit 1;", node.c_str());
90  } else {
91  m_db.execute("select max(runno)+1 as runno from runnumber_new "
92  "where node = '%s' and expno = %d limit 1;",
93  node.c_str(), expno);
94  }
95  }
96  */
97  DBRecordList record_v(m_db.loadRecords());
98  if (record_v.size() > 0) {
99  runno = record_v[0].getInt("runno");
100  if (runno <= 0) runno = 1;
101  }
102  } catch (const DBHandlerException& e) {
103  LogFile::error("DB access error : %s", e.what());
104  return -1;
105  }
106  return runno;
107 }
109 int RunNumberTable::getExpNumber(const std::string& node)
110 {
111  int expno = 1;
112  try {
113  if (node.size() == 0) {
114  m_db.execute("select max(expno) as expno from runnumber_new limit 1;");
115  } else {
116  m_db.execute("select max(expno) as expno from runnumber_new "
117  "where node = '%s' limit 1;", node.c_str());
118  }
119  DBRecordList record_v(m_db.loadRecords());
120  if (record_v.size() > 0) {
121  expno = record_v[0].getInt("expno");
122  if (expno <= 0) expno = 1;
123  }
124  } catch (const DBHandlerException& e) {
125  LogFile::error("DB access error : %s", e.what());
126  return -1;
127  }
128  return expno;
129 }
131 RunNumberList RunNumberTable::get(const std::string& node, int expno, int runno_min, int runno_max)
132 {
133  RunNumberList list;
134  try {
135  const char* cmd = "select node, runtype, expno, runno, id, "
136  "extract(epoch from record_time) as record_time from runnumber_new";
137  if (node.size() == 0) {
138  if (expno == 0) {
139  if (runno_max > 0) {
140  m_db.execute("%s where runno >= %d and runno <= %d order by id", cmd, runno_min, runno_max);
141  } else {
142  m_db.execute("%s where runno >= %d order by id", cmd, runno_min);
143  }
144  } else {
145  if (runno_max > 0) {
146  m_db.execute("%s where expno = %d and runno >= %d and runno <= %d order by id",
147  cmd, expno, runno_min, runno_max);
148  } else {
149  m_db.execute("%s where expno = %d and runno >= %d order by id", cmd, expno, runno_min);
150  }
151  }
152  } else {
153  if (expno == 0) {
154  if (runno_max > 0) {
155  m_db.execute("%s where node = '%s' and runno >= %d and runno <= %d order by id",
156  cmd, node.c_str(), runno_min, runno_max);
157  } else {
158  m_db.execute("%s where node = '%s' and runno >= %d order by id", cmd, node.c_str(), runno_min);
159  }
160  } else {
161  if (runno_max > 0) {
162  m_db.execute("%s where node = '%s' and expno = %d and runno >= %d and runno <= %d order by id",
163  cmd, node.c_str(), expno, runno_min, runno_max);
164  } else {
165  m_db.execute("%s where node = '%s' and expno = %d and runno >= %d order by id",
166  cmd, node.c_str(), expno, runno_min);
167  }
168  }
169  }
170  const DBRecordList record_v(m_db.loadRecords());
171  for (DBRecordList::const_iterator it = record_v.begin();
172  it != record_v.end(); ++it) {
173  const DBRecord& record(*it);
174  list.push_back(RunNumber(record.get("node"), record.get("runtype"),
175  record.getInt("expno"), record.getInt("runno"),
176  record.getInt("id"), record.getInt("record_time")));
177  }
178  } catch (const DBHandlerException& e) {
179  LogFile::error("DB access error : %s", e.what());
180  }
181  return list;
182 }
184 RunNumberList RunNumberTable::get(int expno, int runno_min, int runno_max)
185 {
186  return get("", expno, runno_min, runno_max);
187 }
189 void RunNumberTable::create()
190 {
191  if (!m_db.checkTable("runnumber_new")) {
192  m_db.execute("create table runnumber_new ("
193  "record_time timestamp with time zone "
194  "not null default current_timestamp, "
195  "id serial not null primary key, "
196  "node text not null, "
197  "runtype text not null, "
198  "expno int not null, "
199  "runno int not null, "
200  "unique (node, expno, runno));");
201  m_db.execute("create index runnumber_new_id_index on runnumber_new(id);");
202  }
203 }
TString rn()
Get random string.
Definition: tools.h:38
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.