| B2Vector3 (void) |
| empty Constructor sets everything to 0
| B2Vector3 (const DataType xVal, const DataType yVal, const DataType zVal) |
| Constructor expecting 3 coordinates.
| B2Vector3 (const DataType(&coords)[3]) |
| Constructor using a reference.
| B2Vector3 (const DataType(*coords)[3]) |
| Constructor using a pointer.
| B2Vector3 (const TVector3 &tVec3) |
| Constructor expecting a TVector3.
| B2Vector3 (const TVector3 *tVec3) |
| Constructor expecting a pointer to a TVector3.
| B2Vector3 (const B2Vector3< DataType > &b2Vec3) |
| Constructor expecting a B2Vector3 of same type.
| B2Vector3 (const B2Vector3< DataType > *b2Vec3) |
| Constructor expecting a pointer to a B2Vector3.
template<typename OtherType > |
| B2Vector3 (const B2Vector3< OtherType > &b2Vec3) |
| Constructor expecting a B2Vector3 of different type.
template<typename OtherType > |
| B2Vector3 (const B2Vector3< OtherType > *b2Vec3) |
| Constructor expecting a pointer to a B2Vector3 of different type.
| B2Vector3 (const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &xyzVec) |
| Constructor expecting a XYZVector.
| B2Vector3 (const ROOT::Math::XYZVector *xyzVec) |
| Constructor expecting a pointer to a XYZVector.
DataType | operator() (unsigned i) const |
| member access without boundary check
DataType | operator[] (unsigned i) const |
| member access without boundary check
DataType & | operator() (unsigned i) |
| member access without boundary check
DataType & | operator[] (unsigned i) |
| member access without boundary check
B2Vector3< DataType > & | operator= (const B2Vector3< DataType > &b) |
| Assignment via B2Vector3.
B2Vector3< DataType > & | operator= (const TVector3 &b) |
| Assignment via TVector3.
B2Vector3< DataType > & | operator= (const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &b) |
| Assignment via XYZVector.
| operator TVector3 () const |
| type conversion in TVector3
| operator ROOT::Math::XYZVector () const |
| type conversion in ROOT::Math::XYZVector
bool | operator== (const B2Vector3< DataType > &b) const |
| Comparison for equality with a B2Vector3.
bool | operator== (const TVector3 &b) const |
| Comparison for equality with a TVector3.
bool | operator== (const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &b) const |
| Comparison for equality with a XYZVector.
bool | operator!= (const B2Vector3< DataType > &b) const |
| Comparison != with a B2Vector3.
bool | operator!= (const TVector3 &b) const |
| Comparison != with a TVector3.
bool | operator!= (const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &b) const |
| Comparison != with a XYZVector.
B2Vector3< DataType > & | operator+= (const B2Vector3< DataType > &b) |
| addition
B2Vector3< DataType > & | operator-= (const B2Vector3< DataType > &b) |
| subtraction
B2Vector3< DataType > & | operator*= (DataType a) |
| scaling with real numbers More...
B2Vector3< DataType > | operator- () const |
| unary minus
B2Vector3< DataType > | operator+ (const B2Vector3< DataType > &b) const |
| Addition of 3-vectors.
B2Vector3< DataType > | operator- (const B2Vector3< DataType > &b) const |
| Subtraction of 3-vectors.
B2Vector3< DataType > | operator* (DataType a) const |
| Scaling of 3-vectors with a real number.
B2Vector3< DataType > | operator/ (DataType a) const |
| Scaling of 3-vectors with a real number.
DataType | operator* (const B2Vector3< DataType > &b) const |
| Scalar product of 3-vectors.
DataType | Phi () const |
| The azimuth angle. More...
DataType | Theta () const |
| The polar angle.
DataType | CosTheta () const |
| Cosine of the polar angle.
DataType | Mag2 () const |
| The magnitude squared (rho^2 in spherical coordinate system).
DataType | Mag () const |
| The magnitude (rho in spherical coordinate system).
void | SetPhi (DataType phi) |
| Set phi keeping mag and theta constant.
void | SetTheta (DataType theta) |
| Set theta keeping mag and phi constant.
void | SetMag (DataType mag) |
| Set magnitude keeping theta and phi constant.
DataType | Perp2 () const |
| The transverse component squared (R^2 in cylindrical coordinate system).
DataType | Pt () const |
| The transverse component (R in cylindrical coordinate system).
DataType | Perp () const |
| The transverse component (R in cylindrical coordinate system).
void | SetPerp (DataType r) |
| Set the transverse component keeping phi and z constant.
DataType | Perp2 (const B2Vector3< DataType > &axis) const |
| The transverse component w.r.t. More...
DataType | Pt (const B2Vector3< DataType > &axis) const |
| The transverse component w.r.t. More...
DataType | Perp (const B2Vector3< DataType > &axis) const |
| The transverse component w.r.t. More...
DataType | DeltaPhi (const B2Vector3< DataType > &v) const |
| returns phi in the interval [-PI,PI)
DataType | DeltaR (const B2Vector3< DataType > &v) const |
| return deltaR with respect to input-vector
DataType | DrEtaPhi (const B2Vector3< DataType > &v) const |
| return DrEtaPhi with respect to input-vector
void | SetMagThetaPhi (DataType mag, DataType theta, DataType phi) |
| setter with mag, theta, phi
B2Vector3< DataType > | Unit () const |
| Unit vector parallel to this.
B2Vector3< DataType > | Orthogonal () const |
| Vector orthogonal to this one.
DataType | Dot (const B2Vector3< DataType > &p) const |
| Scalar product.
B2Vector3< DataType > | Cross (const B2Vector3< DataType > &p) const |
| Cross product.
DataType | Angle (const B2Vector3< DataType > &q) const |
| The angle w.r.t. More...
DataType | PseudoRapidity () const |
| Returns the pseudo-rapidity, i.e. More...
DataType | Eta () const |
| Returns the pseudo-rapidity.
void | RotateX (DataType angle) |
| Rotates the B2Vector3 around the x-axis.
void | RotateY (DataType angle) |
| Rotates the B2Vector3 around the y-axis.
void | RotateZ (DataType angle) |
| Rotates the B2Vector3 around the z-axis.
void | RotateUz (const B2Vector3< DataType > &NewUzVector) |
| Rotates reference frame from Uz to newUz (unit vector).
void | Rotate (DataType alpha, const B2Vector3< DataType > &v) |
| Rotation around an arbitrary axis v with angle alpha. More...
void | Abs () |
| calculates the absolute value of the coordinates element-wise
void | Sqrt () |
| calculates the square root of the absolute values of the coordinates element-wise
DataType | at (unsigned i) const |
| safe member access (with boundary check!) More...
DataType | x () const |
| access variable X (= .at(0) without boundary check)
DataType | y () const |
| access variable Y (= .at(1) without boundary check)
DataType | z () const |
| access variable Z (= .at(2) without boundary check)
DataType | X () const |
| access variable X (= .at(0) without boundary check)
DataType | Y () const |
| access variable Y (= .at(1) without boundary check)
DataType | Z () const |
| access variable Z (= .at(2) without boundary check)
DataType | Px () const |
| access variable X (= .at(0) without boundary check)
DataType | Py () const |
| access variable Y (= .at(1) without boundary check)
DataType | Pz () const |
| access variable Z (= .at(2) without boundary check)
void | GetXYZ (Double_t *carray) const |
| directly copies coordinates to an array of double
void | GetXYZ (Float_t *carray) const |
| directly copies coordinates to an array of float
void | GetXYZ (TVector3 *tVec) const |
| directly copies coordinates to a TVector3
void | GetXYZ (ROOT::Math::XYZVector *xyzVec) const |
| directly copies coordinates to a XYZVector
TVector3 | GetTVector3 () const |
| returns a TVector3 containing the same coordinates
ROOT::Math::XYZVector | GetXYZVector () const |
| returns a XYZVector containing the same coordinates More...
void | SetX (DataType x) |
| set X/1st-coordinate
void | SetY (DataType y) |
| set Y/2nd-coordinate
void | SetZ (DataType z) |
| set Z/3rd-coordinate
void | SetXYZ (DataType x, DataType y, DataType z) |
| set all coordinates using data type
void | SetXYZ (const TVector3 &tVec) |
| set all coordinates using a reference to TVector3
void | SetXYZ (const TVector3 *tVec) |
| set all coordinates using a pointer to TVector3
void | SetXYZ (const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &xyzVec) |
| set all coordinates using a reference to XYZVector
void | SetXYZ (const ROOT::Math::XYZVector *xyzVec) |
| set all coordinates using a pointer to XYZVector
std::string | PrintString (unsigned precision=4) const |
| create a string containing vector in cartesian and spherical coordinates
std::string | PrintStringXYZ (unsigned precision=4) const |
| create a string containing vector in cartesian coordinates
std::string | PrintStringCyl (unsigned precision=4) const |
| create a string containing vector in spherical coordinates
void | Print () |
| just for backward compatibility, should not be used with new code
template<typename DataType>
class Belle2::B2Vector3< DataType >
A fast and root compatible alternative to TVector3.
- vectorizable
- root compatible
- fixed size
- featureset comparable to TVector3 (long term goal)
- interface/member functions compatible to TVector3
DataType: shall be the data type one wants to store in the B2Vector (e.g. double)
Definition at line 42 of file B2Vector3.h.