Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
CDCDedxSigmaPred Class Reference

Class to hold the prediction of resolution depending dE/dx, nhit, and cos(theta) More...

#include <CDCDedxSigmaPred.h>

Collaboration diagram for CDCDedxSigmaPred:

Public Member Functions

std::vector< double > getSigmaVector () const
 Return the resolution vector from payload.
double sigmaCurve (double *x, const double *par, int version) const
 resolution functions depending on dE/dx, nhit, and cos(theta)
double getSigma (double dedx, double nhit, double cos, double timereso)
 Return the predicted resolution depending on dE/dx, nhit, and cos(theta)
double nhitPrediction (double nhit)
 Return sigma from the nhit parameterization.
double ionzPrediction (double dedx)
 Return sigma from the ionization parameterization.
double cosPrediction (double cos)
 Return sigma from the cos parameterization.

Private Attributes

std::vector< double > m_sigmapars
 dE/dx resolution parameters
const DBObjPtr< CDCDedxSigmaParsm_DBSigmaPars
 db object for dE/dx resolution parameters

Detailed Description

Class to hold the prediction of resolution depending dE/dx, nhit, and cos(theta)

Definition at line 31 of file CDCDedxSigmaPred.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: