Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
SelectorMVA Class Reference

MVA based selector for tagging curl tracks in Belle and Belle II. More...

#include <SelectorMVA.h>

Inheritance diagram for SelectorMVA:
Collaboration diagram for SelectorMVA:

Public Member Functions

 SelectorMVA (bool belleFlag, bool trainFlag, std::string tFileName)
 ~SelectorMVA ()
virtual float getResponse (Particle *iPart, Particle *jPart) override
 Selector response that this pair of particles come from the same mc/actual particle.
virtual float getOptimalResponseCut () override
 returns optimal cut to use with selector
virtual std::vector< float > getVariables (Particle *iPart, Particle *jPart) override
 returns vector of variables used by this selector.
virtual void initialize () override
 initialize whatever needs to be initialized (root file etc)

virtual void collectTrainingInfo (Particle *iPart, Particle *jPart) override
 collect training data and save to a root file
virtual void finalize () override
 finalize whatever needs to be finalized (train the MVA)
void initializeMVA ()
 initialize the MVA Expert

Private Member Functions

void updateVariables (Particle *iPart, Particle *jPart)
 updates the value of the MVA variable

Private Attributes

bool m_TrainFlag
 applying mva or training it
std::string m_TFileName
 name of output file for training data
TFile * m_TFile
 output file for training data
TTree * m_TTree
 training data tree
std::unique_ptr< DBObjPtr< DatabaseRepresentationOfWeightfile > > m_weightfile_representation
 Database pointer to the Database representation of the weightfile.
MVA::Weightfile m_weightfile
 mva weightfile
MVA::GeneralOptions m_generalOptions
 mva general options (for the expert)
MVA::FastBDTExpert m_expert
 mva expert
std::string m_identifier
 mva identifier
std::vector< std::string > m_datafiles
 name of datafile
std::vector< std::string > m_variables
 names of variables used by mva
std::string m_target_variable
 name of target variable (isCurl)
Float_t m_PPhi
 angle between particle momentum vectors
Float_t m_ChargeProduct
 charge(p1) * charge(p2)
Float_t m_PtDiffEW
 error weighted particle Pt difference
Float_t m_PzDiffEW
 error weighted particle Pz difference
Float_t m_TrackD0DiffEW
 error weighted track D0 difference
Float_t m_TrackZ0DiffEW
 error weighted track Z0 difference
Float_t m_TrackTanLambdaDiffEW
 error weighted track tan lambda diff difference
Float_t m_TrackPhi0DiffEW
 error weighted track Phi0 difference
Float_t m_TrackOmegaDiffEW
 error weighted track Omega difference
Bool_t m_IsCurl
 isCurl Truth

Detailed Description

MVA based selector for tagging curl tracks in Belle and Belle II.

Definition at line 34 of file SelectorMVA.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: