Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
ECLTRGInformation Class Reference

Class to store information about ECL trigger cells (TCs) More...

#include <ECLTRGInformation.h>

Inheritance diagram for ECLTRGInformation:
Collaboration diagram for ECLTRGInformation:

Public Member Functions

 ECLTRGInformation ()
 Default constructor.
void setThetaIdTC (const int &tcid, const int &tcthetaid)
 Set m_thetaIdTC.
void setPhiIdTC (const int &tcid, const int &tcphiid)
 Set m_phiIdTC.
void setEnergyTC (const int &tcid, const float &tcenergy)
 Set m_energyTC.
void setTimingTC (const int &tcid, const float &tctiming)
 Set m_timingTC.
void setEvtTiming (float evttiming)
 Set m_evtTiming.
void setRevoGDLTC (const int &tcid, const float &tcrevotrg)
 Set m_revoGDLTC.
void setRevoFAMTC (const int &tcid, const float &tcrevofam)
 Set m_revoFAMTC.
void setHitWinTC (const int &tcid, const int &hitwin)
 Set m_hitWinTC.
int getPhiIdTC (const int &tcid) const
 Get m_phiIdTC.
int getThetaIdTC (const int &tcid) const
 Get m_thetaIdTC.
float getEnergyTC (const int &tcid) const
 Get m_energyTC.
float getTimingTC (const int &tcid) const
 Get m_timingTC.
float getRevoGDLTC (const int &tcid) const
 Get m_revoGDLTC.
float getRevoFAMTC (const int &tcid) const
 Get m_revoFAMTC.
float getHitWinTC (const int &tcid) const
 Get m_hitWinTC.
void setEnergyTCECLCalDigit (const int &tcid, const float &tcenergy)
 Set m_energyTCECLCalDigit.
float getEnergyTCECLCalDigit (const int &tcid) const
 Get m_energyTCECLCalDigit.
void setTimingTCECLCalDigit (const int &tcid, const float &tctiming)
 Set m_timingTCECLCalDigit.
float getTimingTCECLCalDigit (const int &tcid) const
 Get m_timingTCECLCalDigit.
void setClusterEnergyThreshold (float thresh)
 Set m_clusterEnergyThreshold.
float getClusterEnergyThreshold () const
 Get m_clusterEnergyThreshold.
void setSumEnergyTCECLCalDigitInECLCluster (float sumenergy)
 Set m_sumEnergyTCECLCalDigitInECLCluster.
float getSumEnergyTCECLCalDigitInECLCluster () const
 Get m_clusterEnergyThreshold.
void setSumEnergyECLCalDigitInECLCluster (float sumenergy)
 Set m_sumEnergyECLCalDigitInECLCluster.
float getSumEnergyECLCalDigitInECLCluster () const
 Get m_clusterEnergyThreshold.
float getEvtTiming () const
 Get m_evtTiming.
void setMaximumTCId (int maxtcid)
 Set m_maximumTCId.
int getMaximumTCId () const
 Get m_maximumTCId.

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr int c_nTCs = 576
 Number of TCs.

Private Member Functions

 ClassDef (ECLTRGInformation, 3)
 class definition

Private Attributes

std::vector< int > m_thetaIdTC
 thetaid, one entry per ECL TC - this is a constant quantity, no actual need to store it for every event
std::vector< int > m_phiIdTC
 phiid, one entry per ECL TC - this is a constant quantity, no actual need to store if for every event
std::vector< float > m_energyTC
 energy, one entry per ECL TC
std::vector< float > m_timingTC
 timing, one entry per ECL TC
std::vector< float > m_revoGDLTC
 revogdl, one entry per ECL TC
std::vector< float > m_revoFAMTC
 revofam, one entry per ECL TC
std::vector< int > m_hitWinTC
 hitwindow, one entry per ECL TC
std::vector< float > m_energyTCECLCalDigit
 energy, one entry per ECL TC based on ECLCalDigits
std::vector< float > m_timingTCECLCalDigit
 timing (of highest energy eclcaldigit), one entry per ECL TC based on ECLCalDigits
float m_clusterEnergyThreshold
 energy threshold for clusters to be included in m_sumEnergyTCECLCalDigitInECLCluster
float m_sumEnergyTCECLCalDigitInECLCluster
 sum of energy in ECL TCs based on ECLCalDigits that are part of an ECLCluster above threshold
float m_sumEnergyECLCalDigitInECLCluster
 sum of energy based on ECLCalDigits that are part of an ECLCluster above threshold
float m_evtTiming
 TC evttime, one entry per event.
int m_maximumTCId
 TC Id of TC with maximum FADC count.

Detailed Description

Class to store information about ECL trigger cells (TCs)

Definition at line 20 of file ECLTRGInformation.h.

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