Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
FilterMill< PointType > Class Template Reference

Small class which stores the filters/selectionVariables to be used for a secMap and has an interface for applying them. More...

#include <FilterMill.h>

Collaboration diagram for FilterMill< PointType >:


struct  HitPair
 small struct containing pointers to two hits. More...
struct  HitQuadruplet
 small struct containing pointers to four hits. More...
struct  HitTriplet
 small struct containing pointers to three hits. More...

Public Types

using TwoHitFunction = typename std::function< double(const PointType &, const PointType &)>
 typedef for more readable function-type - to be used for 2-hit-selectionVariables.
using ThreeHitFunction = typename std::function< double(const PointType &, const PointType &, const PointType &)>
 typedef for more readable function-type - to be used for 3-hit-selectionVariables.
using FourHitFunction = typename std::function< double(const PointType &, const PointType &, const PointType &, const PointType &)>
 typedef for more readable function-type - to be used for 4-hit-selectionVariables.

Public Member Functions

 FilterMill ()
void lockMill ()
 to block adding new filters, execute this member.
void add2HitFilter (std::pair< const std::string, TwoHitFunction > newFilter)
 add new Filter for 2 Hits .
void add3HitFilter (std::pair< std::string, ThreeHitFunction > newFilter)
 add new Filter for 3 Hits .
void add4HitFilter (std::pair< std::string, FourHitFunction > newFilter)
 add new Filter for 4 Hits .
void grindData2Hit (const HitPair &dataSet, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, double > > &collectedData) const
 on given dataSet, apply all filters stored in the mill and store the results in collectedData.
void grindData3Hit (const HitTriplet &dataSet, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, double > > &collectedData) const
 on given dataSet, apply all filters stored in the mill and store the results in collectedData.
void grindData4Hit (const HitQuadruplet &dataSet, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, double > > &collectedData) const
 on given dataSet, apply all filters stored in the mill and store the results in collectedData.

Protected Member Functions

void checkLocked (const std::string &name) const
 to be executed by functions which shall work with unchangeable set of filters.

Protected Attributes

std::vector< std::pair< std::string, TwoHitFunction > > m_2Hitfilters
 Contains all 2-hit-Filters and their names to be applied.
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, ThreeHitFunction > > m_3Hitfilters
 Contains all 3-hit-Filters and their names to be applied.
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, FourHitFunction > > m_4Hitfilters
 Contains all 4-hit-Filters and their names to be applied.
bool m_locked = false
 Simple saveguard for not changin any filters after preparing phase.

Detailed Description

template<class PointType>
class Belle2::FilterMill< PointType >

Small class which stores the filters/selectionVariables to be used for a secMap and has an interface for applying them.

Definition at line 25 of file FilterMill.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: