Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
HopfieldNetwork Class Reference

Hopfield Algorithm with number based inputs. More...

#include <HopfieldNetwork.h>

Public Member Functions

 HopfieldNetwork (float omega=0.5, float T=3.1, float Tmin=0.1, float cmax=0.01)
 Constructor taking parameters for the algorithm. More...
unsigned short doHopfield (std::vector< OverlapResolverNodeInfo > &overlapResolverNodeInfos, unsigned short nIterations=20)
 Performance of the actual algorithm. More...

Private Attributes

float m_omega
 tuning parameter of the hopfield network
float m_T
 start temperature of annealing
float m_Tmin
 minimal temperature allowed
float m_cmax
 maximal change of weights between iterations

Detailed Description

Hopfield Algorithm with number based inputs.

This class encapsulates the actual algorithm with pure number inputs (instead of objects of TrackCandidates or whatever). The reason for this is mainly better testability and potentially as well reusability. The development of this class started as a copy from Jakob's implementation for the VXDTF2.

Relevant resources: [1] R. Frühwirth, "Selection of optimal subsets of tracks with a feedback neural network", Comput. Phys. Commun., vol. 78, pp. 23–28, 1993.

Definition at line 33 of file HopfieldNetwork.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HopfieldNetwork()

HopfieldNetwork ( float  omega = 0.5,
float  T = 3.1,
float  Tmin = 0.1,
float  cmax = 0.01 

Constructor taking parameters for the algorithm.

omegaShould be between 0 and 1; small values lead to large number of nodes, large ones to large sums of quality indicators.
TTemperature for annealing.
TminMinimal reached temperature in the annealing scheme.
cmaxMaximum change of weights between iterations, so we accept the network as converged.

Definition at line 42 of file HopfieldNetwork.h.

42  :
43  m_omega(omega), m_T(T), m_Tmin(Tmin), m_cmax(cmax)
44  {}
float m_omega
tuning parameter of the hopfield network
float m_T
start temperature of annealing
float m_cmax
maximal change of weights between iterations
float m_Tmin
minimal temperature allowed

Member Function Documentation

◆ doHopfield()

unsigned short doHopfield ( std::vector< OverlapResolverNodeInfo > &  overlapResolverNodeInfos,
unsigned short  nIterations = 20 

Performance of the actual algorithm.

HINT FOR SPEED OPTIMIZATION: A lot of time is spend for checking the Logger, if you don't have LOG_NO_B2DEBUG defined. If you have done that, a lot of time is taken by the tanh function and drawing random numbers.

Currently this algorithm can only be used once for each instance, as the algorithm parameter variables are changed during the performance.

See also

Definition at line 20 of file

22 {
23  //Start value for neurons if they are compatible.
24  //Each compatible connection activates a node with this value.
25  //As the sum of all the activations shall be less than one, we divide the
26  //activiation by the total number of Nodes.
27  //Incompatible Nodes get later minus one, which counteracts all activation,
28  //if the incompatible Node is active.
29  if (overlapResolverNodeInfos.size() < 2) {
30  B2DEBUG(20, "No reason to doHopfield with less than 2 nodes!");
31  return 0;
32  }
34  const float compatibilityValue = (1.0 - m_omega) / static_cast<float>(overlapResolverNodeInfos.size() - 1);
36  const size_t overlapSize = overlapResolverNodeInfos.size();
38  //Weight matrix; knows compatibility between each possible pair of Nodes
39  Eigen::MatrixXd W(overlapSize, overlapSize);
40  //A): Set all elements to compatible:
41  W.fill(compatibilityValue);
43  //B): Inform weight matrix elements of incompatible neurons:
44  for (const auto& aTC : overlapResolverNodeInfos) {
45  for (unsigned int overlapIndex : aTC.overlaps) {
46  W(aTC.trackIndex, overlapIndex) = -1.0;
47  }
48  }
51  // Neuron values
52  Eigen::VectorXd x(overlapSize);
53  // randomize neuron values for first iteration:
54  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < overlapSize; i++) {
55  x(i) = gRandom->Uniform(1.0); // WARNING: original does Un(0;0.1) not Un(0;1)!
56  }
58  //Store for results from last round:
59  Eigen::VectorXd xOld(overlapSize);
61  //Order of execution for neuron values:
62  std::vector<unsigned short> sequenceVector(overlapSize);
63  //iota fills the vector with 0, 1, 2, ... , (size-1)
64  std::iota(sequenceVector.begin(), sequenceVector.end(), 0);
66  //The following block will be evaluated to empty, if LOG_NO_B2DEBUG is defined:
67  B2DEBUG(29, "sequenceVector with length " << sequenceVector.size());
68  B2DEBUG(29, "Entries are from begin to end:");
69  for (auto&& entry : sequenceVector) {
70  B2DEBUG(29, std::to_string(entry) + ", ");
71  }
73  //Store all values of c for protocolling:
74  std::vector<float> cValues(nIterations);
75  //Store for maximum change of weights between iterations.
76  float c = 1.0;
78  //Iterate until change in weights is small:
79  unsigned iIterations = 0;
81  float T = m_T;
84  while (c > m_cmax) {
85  std::shuffle(sequenceVector.begin(), sequenceVector.end(), TRandomWrapper());
87  xOld = x;
89  for (unsigned int i : sequenceVector) {
90  float aTempVal = W.row(i).dot(x);
91  float act = aTempVal + m_omega * overlapResolverNodeInfos[i].qualityIndicator;
92  x(i) = 0.5 * (1. + tanh(act / T));
93  }
95  T = 0.5 * (T + m_Tmin);
97  //Determine maximum change in weights:
98  c = (x - xOld).cwiseAbs().maxCoeff();
99  B2DEBUG(21, "c value is " << c << " at iteration " << iIterations);
100 = c;
102  if (iIterations + 1 == nIterations) {
103  B2INFO("Hopfield reached maximum number of iterations without convergence. cValues are:");
104  for (auto&& entry : cValues) {
105  B2INFO(std::to_string(entry));
106  }
107  break;
108  }
109  iIterations++;
110  }
112  //Copy Node values into the activity state of the OverlapResolverNodeInfo objects:
113  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < overlapSize; i++) {
114  overlapResolverNodeInfos[i].activityState = x(i);
115  }
117  return iIterations;
118 }
Wrap TRandom to be useable as a uniform random number generator with STL algorithms like std::shuffle...

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