Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
KalmanStepper< Dimension > Class Template Reference

Class to bundle all algorithms needed for the kalman update procedure. More...

#include <KalmanStepper.h>

Public Member Functions

double kalmanStep (genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane &measuredStateOnPlane, const genfit::MeasurementOnPlane &measurementOnPlane) const
 Kalman update of the mSoP using the measurement. Is just a wrapper around the other kalmanStepper working with bare matrices.
double calculateResidual (const genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane &measuredStateOnPlane, const genfit::MeasurementOnPlane &measurementOnPlane) const
 Helper function to calculate a residual between the mSoP and the measurement.

Private Types

using MeasurementState = Eigen::Matrix< double, Dimension, 1 >
 Matrix class Dimension x 1.
using MeasurementCovariance = Eigen::Matrix< double, Dimension, Dimension >
 Matrix class Dimension x Dimension.
using HMatrix = Eigen::Matrix< double, Dimension, 5 >
 Matrix class Dimension x 5.
using TrackState = Eigen::Matrix< double, 5, 1 >
 Matrix class 5 x 1.
using TrackCovariance = Eigen::Matrix< double, 5, 5 >
 Matrix class 5 x 5.

Private Member Functions

double kalmanStep (TrackState &x_k, TrackCovariance &C_k, const MeasurementState &m_k, const MeasurementCovariance &V_k, const HMatrix &H_k) const
 This now is the real "update" step, where we update the X_k and the C_k.

Detailed Description

template<unsigned int Dimension>
class Belle2::KalmanStepper< Dimension >

Class to bundle all algorithms needed for the kalman update procedure.

Its main functionality is to update a measured state on plane with a measurement on plane from a hit using the Kalman procedure described in

Template Parameters
DimensionThe dimension of the hit - e.g. how many Kalman state parameters are defined by the hits. This defines the size of the matrices.

Definition at line 34 of file KalmanStepper.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: